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- slug: Open BIM
- title: Hello IFC.js!
- author: Ansoni
- author_title: Open BIM has come to the browser to stay.
- author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
- author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
- tags: [
- industry, community, project
- ]
-_Who we are and why we do this._
-import { IfcImage } from "../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
-} ifcLink="https://www.pexels.com/@goumbik">
-You may have heard about **IFC.js** in recent months. If you are not familiar with the world of software development and BIM, you may be wondering what it is all about.
-**BIM** (Building Information Modelling) is the new way of working in the construction industry. Instead of drawing plans, three-dimensional models containing the geometry of the building and its information are used. It is very similar to the buildings in [The SIMS](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims); it saves a lot of money and allows teams to work more efficiently.
-However, there is a problem: developing BIM applications is not accesible to everyone, mainly because the necessary technology (**IFC**) is very expensive to implement. This means that until now only a small group of large commercial software houses have had access to the BIM ecosystem.
-We believe it's **not fair**. And not only is this not fair to developers who are left out of the market, but it is not fair to customers, who are victims of the predatory pricing of an oligopolistic market. That is why this project exists.
- ð€ Our goal is to enable anyone to create BIM applications.
-Who are we? A group of developers who want to improve the construction industry in their spare time. The project started in 2021 with [Tom](https://github.com/tomvandig), [Harry](https://github.com/harrycollin) and me and has been growing ever since, with more and more people and companies willing to change the situation in the sector and commit to a **real open BIM**.
-It doesn't matter if you are a developer, architect, engineer or something else. If you too want to improve the industry, [join us](https://discord.gg/FXfyR4XrKT) and help us make a difference.
diff --git a/blog/2021-07-27-prometheus.mdx b/blog/2021-07-27-prometheus.mdx
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- slug: prometheus
- title: The BIM that we need
- author: Ansoni
- author_title: The price of an oligopoly.
- author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
- author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
- tags: [
-industry, software
- ]
-_Sometimes the only way to get what you need is to do it yourself._
-import { IfcImage } from "../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
-} ifcLink="https://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/collezioni/musei/museo-gregoriano-etrusco/sale-xvii-e-xviii--collezione-dei-vasi--ceramica-corinzia--lacon/kylix-laconica-con-prometeo-e-atlante.html">
-Software is becoming more and more necessary in our work; if you are involved in BIM, you know this well.
-In addition to BIM architect, I am also a programmer. I decided to try out a new programming tool: [WebStorm by JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/). My surprise was to discover its price: around **100 euros/license year**.
-In contrast, some of the most popular BIM tools cost around **2500 euros/license year**. On top of that, they use proprietary formats, which means that the day you decide to stop using them, you lose access to all your work.
-This is what happens when only a few have access to a resource that we all need; in this case, that resource is the **ability to create BIM software**. We can write all the [letters of complaint](https://gfxspeak.com/2020/08/04/architects-demand-autodesk/) we want, but the fact is that these software houses will keep doing what they do as long as we keep paying them.
- ðž Some BIM tools are around 25 times more expensive than software development tools.
-But that can change. Now, for the first time, we have the opportunity to bring BIM back to the industry. A BIM that is affordable, effective and that suits our needs: **a BIM made by us and for us**.
-Maybe you think it's a bit utopian to think that we can stand up to the big commercial BIM houses with open source. However, don't forget that we are the source of money that keeps those big companies alive, and initiatives like [IFC.js](https://ifcjs.github.io/info/), [Speckle](https://speckle.systems/), [BlenderBIM](https://blenderbim.org/) and [OSArch](https://osarch.org/) keep growing every day.
-At the end of the day, you can keep wishing for a better industry while letting big companies take your money, or you can [contribute](https://discord.gg/FXfyR4XrKT) to create it. Sometimes, the only way to get what you need is to do it yourself.
diff --git a/blog/2021-09-27-cde-in-30-minutes.mdx b/blog/2021-09-27-cde-in-30-minutes.mdx
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-slug: Build a CDE in 30 minutes
-title: Build a CDE in 30 minutes
-author: Ansoni
-author_title: Make you own CDE from scratch!
-author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
-author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
-tags: [
-tutorial, CDE, Google
-_All the big companies are selling their CDE. Why don't YOU make your own CDE?_
-import { IfcImage } from "../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
-} ifcLink="https://www.pexels.com/photo/set-of-multicolored-plastic-construction-toys-scattered-on-floor-7444982/">
-## But wait, what is a CDE?
-Informally speaking, **CDE** is nothing more than a place where the information of a construction project is centralised and accesible through internet.
-ð§ðš CDEs can have all the functionalities of traditional BIM applications: 3D viewers, reading and editing data, energy simulations, automatic measurements and budgets, etc.ïž
-However, they have a fundamental advantage: they are **on the web**, and that means they are accessible from anywhere and from any device without having to install anything.
-## Ok, but why would I want a CDE?
-Well, the truth is that right now, CDEs are the new black. **Almost every major company in the industry is building a CDE** and selling them to their customers at exorbitant prices.
-With internet getting faster and better, there will come a day when desktop applications as we know them will lose relevance, and a large part of our tasks will be performed in web applications or server applications. In other words, **CDEs are the future**, and right now there is a big race to build the best one.
-## I get it, CDEs rock. But I will never be able to develop one myself
-Wrong! The biggest beneficiary of you thinking you can't do BIM solutions is the current BIM vendors. At IFC.js we wanted to bust that myth and make a simple CDE from scratch to show that **starting to develop BIM applications is not that difficult**.
-Obviously, this tutorial is a minimal example. But from the simple CDE of this tutorial to the CDEs of large companies, there is not as much distance as it might seem. **Enough chit-chat, let's get on with it!**
-## CDE design
-### Strategy
-We only have **half an hour** to do this CDE, so we have to choose carefully how to do it in order not to waste any time. First things first: we need **a place to store project documentation**. Do you know of an existing tool that allows us to do that? We have thought of **Google Drive**!
-ðª Google Drive has a lot of power: we can control read and write access to files, version control, an open API... In short, it has many of the things that BIM software companies charge you for, but totally free.ïž
-However, Google Drive has a fundamental limitation: it does not have a 3D viewer and does not allow easy access to data in BIM models (e.g. IFC models).
-**This is where IFC.js comes in**, allowing us to build BIM applications directly on the web. Combining the storage and permissions power of google drive with the 3d and data reading and editing capabilities of IFC.js, we could build our basic CDE in 30 minutes. Here's how:
-### Architecture
-**How to connect** IFC.js and google drive to be able to use both as a CDE? Our design proposal is as follows. It may look complicated, but it's actually very very simple.
-First we are going to create an **3D BIM web application that is able to download files from google drive**. Specifically, it will download the file from google drive whose ID it finds in its URL parameter. For example, if your URL is `https://.../?id=123&name=TEST.ifc`, it will download the file whose `ID` is `123` from the google account of the user who is logged into the app.
-Then we are going to create a [google chrome extension](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/) that is going to do three things:
-- **Read the name of the HTML element** that the user clicks on via web scraping.
-- **Find out the ID of that element** using the google drive API.
-- **Create a menu that allows the user to open the URL with the IFC.js web application**. In addition, you are going to add two url parameters: the name and the id of the file.
-In short: a google chrome extension gets the name of a file when the user clicks on it and opens a web app that knows how to download files by their ID. That's all.ïž
-### IFC.js app
-#### BIM app
-Thanks to IFC.js, **this is the easiest part**. Specifically, we are going to create it with [web-ifc-viewer](https://github.com/IFCjs/web-ifc-viewer), which allows to make BIM applications in 50 lines of code. You can find all the code [here](https://github.com/IFCjs/hello-world/tree/main/examples/web-ifc-viewer/google-drive-viewer).
-Yes, you read that right: **a full 3D BIM app in 50 lines**. And it includes functionalities such as section drawings and 3D dimensions.
- import {IfcViewerAPI} from 'web-ifc-viewer';
- import {Color} from 'three'
- // Get div container where 3d scene is rendered
- const container = document.getElementById('viewer-container');
- // Initialize IFC.js API and add it as global variable
- const viewer = new IfcViewerAPI({
- container,
- backgroundColor: new Color(0xffffff)
- });
- viewer.IFC.applyWebIfcConfig({
- });
- window.webIfcAPI = viewer;
- // Set up scene
- viewer.addAxes();
- viewer.addGrid(50, 50);
- viewer.IFC.setWasmPath('wasm/');
- viewer.clipper.active = true;
- let dimensionsActive = false;
- // Add basic input logic
- const handleKeyDown = (event) => {
- if (event.code === 'KeyE') {
- dimensionsActive = !dimensionsActive;
- viewer.dimensions.active = dimensionsActive;
- viewer.dimensions.previewActive = dimensionsActive;
- viewer.IFC.unPrepickIfcItems();
- window.onmousemove = dimensionsActive ?
- null :
- .IFC.prePickIfcItem;
- }
- if (event.code === 'KeyD') {
- viewer.dimensions.create();
- }
- if (event.code === 'KeyG') {
- viewer.clipper.createPlane();
- }
- if (event.code === 'Delete') {
- viewer.dimensions.deleteAll();
- viewer.clipper.deletePlane();
- viewer.IFC.unpickIfcItems();
- }
- };
- window.onkeydown = handleKeyDown;
- // Highlight items when hovering over them
- window.onmousemove = viewer.IFC.prePickIfcItem;
- // Select items and log properties
- window.ondblclick = async () => {
- const item = await viewer.IFC.pickIfcItem(true);
- if(item.modelID === undefined || item.id === undefined ) return;
- console.log(
- await viewer.IFC.getProperties(item.modelID, item.id, true));
- }
-Make sure you create the necessary HTML and CSS to give the viewer the look and feel you want.
-#### Google Drive API
-Well, we have a BIM viewer, but for now it can't download anything from the **Google Drive API**. However, that's easy: just follow these steps from the [official documentation](https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/quickstart/js) and copy and paste the JavaScript code to be able to access the API.
-ððð Following the google guide, you'll need to create a new Google Cloud project to get your own CLIENT_ID and API_KEY; they are just two texts that you must have for google to know who you are. In other words, you can't use the keys we have to access to your drive!ïž
-If you take a look at the code we have posted, you will see that **we have copied and pasted almost all of the code** from the [google example](https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/quickstart/js). The only thing we have added is the following, which simply gets the ID of the file from the URL of the web application and downloads it from google drive:
- * Called when the signed in status changes, to update the UI
- * appropriately. After a sign-in, the API is called.
- */
-function updateSigninStatus(isSignedIn) {
- if (isSignedIn) {
- const { id, name } = getIdAndName();
- fileName.innerText = `Name: ${name}`;
- if (id) downloadFile(id);
- else console.log("No ID was providen as URL parameter!");
- }
- * Sign in the user upon button click.
- */
-function handleAuthClick(event) {
- authorizeButton.onclick = handleSignoutClick;
- buttonText.innerText = "Sign out";
- gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn();
-function downloadFile(fileId) {
- gapi.client.drive.files
- .get({
- fileId: fileId,
- alt: "media",
- })
- .then(
- function (response) {
- loadIfcModel(response.body);
- },
- function (error) {
- console.error(error);
- }
- );
-function getIdAndName() {
- const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
- const id = urlParams.get("id");
- const name = urlParams.get("name");
- return { id, name };
-function loadIfcModel(text) {
- const blob = new Blob([text], { type: "text/plain" });
- const file = new File([blob], "ifcModel");
- window.webIfcAPI.IFC.loadIfc(file);
-ðð Congratulations! You have just built a BIM application capable of downloading files from Google Drive. Now all that remains is the last part: creating the Google Chrome extension.
-### Chrome extension
-Now we are going to make a Google Chrome extension so that the **user can select the files they want to open**. If you've never done this before, it may sound intimidating, but it's actually very simple. You can find the finished result [here](https://github.com/IFCjs/hello-world/tree/main/examples/extensions/Drive-CDE).
- ððð Following the google guide, you'll need to create a new Google Cloud project to get your own CLIENT_ID and API_KEY; they are just two texts that you must have for google to know who you are. In other words, you can't use the keys we have to access to your drive! Have a look here for more details.
-There are many [step-by-step guides](https://dev.to/anobjectisa/how-to-build-a-chrome-extension-new-manifest-v3-5edk) on the internet, but we recommend that you take the code from our repository, study it and play with it to see how it works.
-There are really only 2 important files:
-- [background.js](https://github.com/IFCjs/hello-world/tree/main/examples/extensions/Drive-CDE/background.js): controls the events of the page, like when the user clicks on something, but doesn't have access to the page content.
-- [foreground.js](https://github.com/IFCjs/hello-world/tree/main/examples/extensions/Drive-CDE/foreground.js): has access to the page content, but not to the events.
-So, as you can imagine, both files have to communicate with each other in order to do what we want. As you can see in the code, they do it with a simple message system.
-In the repository you will find step-by-step comments on what does what. In total, there are less than 100 lines of relevant code: everything else is copied and pasted.
-### All toguether!
-This is how our 30 minutes CDE looks:
-## Conclusion
-Congratulations! You have just created **your first CDE**. It may not seem much, but think of all its functionalities: file storage, permissions and version control, 3d view, access to properties, 3d measurements, section planes...
-If we have done this in such a short time and using Google Drive, can you imagine what is possible to build with IFC.js and other technologies such as **databases** or **servers?** Don't worry, we'll be making tutorials on all that and more!
diff --git a/blog/2021-12-01-why-ifc-doesnt-work.mdx b/blog/2021-12-01-why-ifc-doesnt-work.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c9ec1..0000000
--- a/blog/2021-12-01-why-ifc-doesnt-work.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- slug: Why IFC doesnt work
- title: Why IFC doesn't work
- author: Ansoni
- author_title: Why IFC doesn't work
- author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
- author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
- tags: [
-industry, ifc
- ]
-_How is it so difficult to collaborate between software from different vendors?_
-import { IfcImage } from "../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
-} ifcLink="https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/tiza-azul-roja-y-amarilla-1107495/">
-In the BIM market there are multiple tools from different vendors. This means that we often have to use IFC to get the data from one application to another, and **this is where the problems of interoperability arise**.
-Data is being lost in the transfer of these documents from software to software, some geometry may not be displaying as it should or federated models are becoming out of place are just some of the **pitfalls that many of us have experienced on projects of all sizes**.
-ð€·ââïž We start to see and ask questions like: Why does IFC work so badly? Is open BIM technology unviable?
-Many argue that IFC is unworkable because it is a textual (meaning non-binary) and open format. However, the **JSON** format (a standard in the software industry) is also textual and works perfectly well.
-Others say the problem is the schema itself. It is true that IFC is complex and the documentation is dry, but IFC.js started between **3 people in their spare time**, implementing something that has extraordinary potential in less than a year.
-The problem seems to be that **no large software company has a commercial interest in IFC**. In reality, the ultimate goal of all of them is to convince the user to use their entire ecosystem. The IFC is, in many cases, a partially flawed solution for attempting to fill gaps in other tools that may not have had time to implement certain features or will not, since their business is not in line with those feature interests.
-ðšâðŒ ðŒ In other words, how many customers would any of these large companies lose if they never improved their communication with IFC? Probably very little.
-ðµðµðµ **This creates the illusion that the IFC "just doesn't work well"** while they continue to grow their ecosystem through tremendous developments or the acquisition of other companies.
-ðââïžThis is unfortunate because some of the industry players do have commercial interests in IFC. This includes engineering companies, architectural firms, construction companies, real estate companies, asset managers, etc.
-ðž **We are the big losers in this situation.** We all have to choose whether to subjugate ourselves to a closed, private ecosystem and depend on these companies, or waste time and money with all the problems that come with the current implementation of the IFC in their tools.
-ð€ Last week there was a round table discussion at the [Typsa](https://www.typsa.com/en/) offices where there was an [open conversation](https://teys.es/01-hackaton-typsa-ue4-actividades/) with representatives from [Ferrovial](https://www.ferrovial.com/) and [FCC](https://www.fcc.es/), and we all agreed that maybe **it is time for us to step up to the plate and develop in the world of BIM software to defend our own interests**.
-ðª You may think that we will never be able to catch up with the giants. But not only us. We are [many companies](https://ifcjs.github.io/info/docs/Contribute) joining our efforts in this project; **companies of all kinds, of all sizes and from all areas are creating our own BIM tools without paying anything**. Some of them are even getting into the market as new players.
-ð©âð» Although developing BIM applications sounds daunting, it is actually much simpler than a video game, and nowadays it is already possible to create video games in a very short time with tools like Godot, Unreal or Unity. With tools like IFC.js creating BIM tools can be just as easy.
-ð We are working hard to make this possible. We are convinced that this is the only way to improve the sector.
diff --git a/docs/Contribute.mdx b/docs/Contribute.mdx
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- title: Contribute
- sidebar_position: 1
-import { IfcCard } from "../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
-import { Sponsoring } from "../src/components/Sponsoring/Sponsoring";
-import { IfcAlert } from "../src/components/Alert/Alert";
-import { IfcImage } from "../src/components/Image/Image";
-## Work with us
-ð©âð» IFC.js is developed by many companies and individuals around the globe. Do you want to help us with the code and join our consortium? This is the page you were looking for.
- If you are looking for a way to join our community and learn BIM and coding with us, check out our patreon's page!
-We all want the same thing: to create our own BIM applications and do business. However, if we all develop applications from scratch, **we will never be able to compete with the industry giants**.
-So we want to propose you to **join forces**.
-It's easy: anyone can use IFC.js commercially without any limitations. However, each BIM application is different, and it is likely that as you build your application, **you will create new cool BIM functionalities**.
-Of course, you could implement those features in your closed source application... or you could **implement them directly in IFC.js**.
-### But wait, why on earth would I do that!?
-It is pointless to compete with each other for the scraps of the big BIM software companies. However, **if we join forces, we can make this a fair fight**.
-Also, by doing so you would become a **code sponsor**. This grants you the following advantages:
- We will implement everything you need from the library very quickly. Your needs will have top priority over the rest.
- Do you think the library should go in a particular direction? You can decide! You will have a say in the direction of the project.
- You will be able to access new project functionalities before anyone else; a competitive advantage in your BIM app.
- You will have a direct line to us and you will be able to see how the project is cooked behind closed doors.
-### What does it cost me?
-**Absolutely nothing**, not even time. Simply put, instead of reserving all of your BIM code for yourself, you can leave some of it open in IFC.js.
-It's simply a question of which repository you save your code to.
-### Are there really any companies participating?
-Yes, and **some of them are worth millions**. If the programme is good enough for them, maybe it's good enough for your company.
-These companies are creating their own BIM software from scratch, tailor-made and **without paying anything at all**.
-### Do you seriously think you can compete with the big BIM software companies?
-In 2020 nobody thought you could create BIM applications in 50 lines of code; now, thanks to IFC.js, it's trivial. In one year, 3 people from different countries and companies have achieved that in our spare time.
-Can you imagine how much we could achieve **with your contribution?**
-The thought that we cannot compete with them is a thought that only benefits them. Are we going to admit that we have already lost before we try?
-### But I know nothing about the project!
-Don't worry: if you want to participate, we will give **top priority to your onboarding** so that you can start using the library right away and help us with whatever you want.
-### Do I have to share all my code?
-No! **You can share only those parts that you want** and that can be interesting for the whole community. There is no minimum size to be a sponsor, so don't worry.
-### What if I am an educational institution?
-Great! If you decide to include IFC.js in your teaching programme, you can also be a sponsor. Contact us, and we will be at your disposal to train you, solve your and your students' doubts and help them to enter the world of Open BIM.
-### How do I get started?
-[Talk to us!](https://discord.gg/FXfyR4XrKT) Tell us about your situation and your ideas and we will help you get started as soon as possible.
diff --git a/docs/Courses/Crash-course.mdx b/docs/Courses/Crash-course.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 057f1ba..0000000
--- a/docs/Courses/Crash-course.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- title: IFC.js crash course
- sidebar_position: 1
-import { IfcCard } from "../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
-import { IfcImage } from "../../src/components/Image/Image";
-## What's this about?
-ð©âð» In the process of digitalization of our industry, **programming is becoming increasingly important**. Although it may seem an intimidating area, it is a lot of fun and offers a world of business possibilities.
-ð©âð« However, the world of programming is so vast that it is difficult to decide where to start. That is why we have created this course. Here **you will learn how to program from scratch and the basics to create BIM applications with IFC.js**.
-BIM programming will allow you to create your own tools, automate processes, create new businesses and qualify for better jobs.
-## Course content
-ð» IT fundamentals: internet and programming.
-ð³ HTML from zero to hero.
CSS: what you need to know.
-ð± Git + npm crash course.
-ð¥ Three.js foundation.
-ð Create a basic BIM viewer with web-ifc-three.
-ð¥ð Create an advanced BIM app with web-ifc-viewer.
-ð§ Advanced IFC internals with web-ifc.
-## Requirements
-ð Nothing! We will teach you to code your own BIM applications from scratch.
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@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- title: Getting started
- sidebar_position: 0
-import { IfcImage } from "../../src/components/Image/Image";
-## Learn BIM development with us
-ð± Whether you **know nothing about programming** but you'd like to get started or you're an **experienced developer** but would like to take your BIM applications to the next level, we've got you covered!
-ð We offer **BIM programming courses for all levels**. These courses include:
-ðº In-depth video lessons in english.
-ð©âð» Scripts of all the theory.
-ð All the code with comments.
-ð©âð« Answers from the teachers.
-ð Access to exclusive hackathons.
-ð Exclusive IFC.js merchandising.
-## Why aren't these courses free?
-ð€ **IFC.js is, and always will be, free for everyone.** However, in order to keep growing the project, we need funds to organize events, pay project expenses, reward the active community and much more. These courses are a way to get those funds.
-ð **The money from the courses is reinvested entirely in the project.** You can see how we manage the funds in a totally transparent way at [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/ifcjs).
-ðšâð» **Would you like us to spend this money somewhere else?** You can join the project as [sponsor](https://ifcjs.github.io/info/docs/Contribute) or [patreon](https://ifcjs.github.io/info/docs/Contribute) and have a say in where we spend these funds.
-## How much do they cost?
-### For non-patreons
-ð§ Each course costs **$100** for non-patreons. But that money doesn't go to us, it goes to the project. Therefore, to purchase a course you just need to [make a donation of $100 in open collective](https://opencollective.com/ifcjs) and send us the voucher, as well as the course (or courses) you want to get access to.
-### For patreons
-ð§ð¥ Patreons can purchase courses at a great discount based on their patreon membership. Each uninterrupted month's stay in the patreon discounts all the courses by $15, up to a maximum of $25.
-ð In other words, a community member who commits to stay in the patreon for 6 months can purchase **any course for $25**.
-ð In addition, they will have **exclusive content** to which general users do not have access and the power to decide on the subject matter of the next courses.
-ð Of course, patreons also have [all other advantages included in the patreon tier](https://ifcjs.github.io/info/docs/Patreon).
-### For corporate patreons
-ðšâðŒðŒ Corporate patreons have **free access to all courses for up to 50 employees**, as well as live webinars from the creators of the library to their development teams, prime support and all other benefits granted by the [corporate patreon](https://ifcjs.github.io/info/docs/Patreon).
-### Adaptative discount
-ð€ We are aware that the world is diverse and not all countries have the same purchasing power. However, **we do not want to leave out people due to global economic reasons**. If the average salary in your country is less than $1000, you can apply the **adaptative discount**.
-ð This discount gives access to the courses and patreon tiers for a price equal to the **proportional difference between the average salary in your country and $1000**. For example, if the average salary is $800, you get a 20% discount. If the average salary is $400, the discount would be 60%.
-## How do I know they're good?
-ð No worries! The first lessons and notes are **free and open to anyone**, so you can try the quality of the rest of the material before paying anything.
-## How do I enroll?
-ð§ The courses are not ready yet! We are working really hard to make them happen as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can [become a patreon](https://opencollective.com/ifcjs) and get a great discount when they get out (as described above). We estimate that they will be released in **March/April**.
-ð Once they are released, make a donation to our [open-collective account](https://opencollective.com/ifcjs) and we will give you access to everything.
diff --git a/docs/Courses/Ifc-course.mdx b/docs/Courses/Ifc-course.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 563c1ee..0000000
--- a/docs/Courses/Ifc-course.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-title: IFC for developers
-sidebar_position: 1
-import { IfcCard } from "../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
-import { IfcImage } from "../../src/components/Image/Image";
-## What's this about?
-ð Our projects are becoming more and more complex, and that means that it is often not possible to carry them out with the tools of a single brand. Open BIM is the solution to this problem; it is increasingly present in our workflows, and **IFC is its foundation**.
-IFC allows the exchange of information between applications of different vendors, as well as accessing the information without depending on a single application / licensing policy.
-ð However, documentation is not easy and it is often difficult to discern what is really important to know from this scheme. **In this course we are going to teach you all the knowledge we have needed to develop IFC.js.**
-ð **This is not a programming course**, although at some point we might write some code to illustrate some of the concepts. Instead, this course aims to understand how the IFC schema works, what information does it contains and how is it structured.
-## Course content
-ð± IFC schema basics.
-ð IFC generic entities.
-ð³ IFC spatial structure and coordinate systems.
-ð IFC building elements: semantic objects.
-𧵠IFC geometry: placements and representations.
-ð IFC properties: native, psets, qsets and others.
-ð Common errors: IFC files in the wild.
-## Requirements
-ð Nothing! You will learn the IFC schema in practice from the ground up.
diff --git a/docs/Courses/_category_.json b/docs/Courses/_category_.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 009d55f..0000000
--- a/docs/Courses/_category_.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "label": "Courses",
- "position": 4,
- "collapsed": true
diff --git a/docs/Guide/web-ifc/Tutorials/Editing Properties.mdx b/docs/Guide/web-ifc/Tutorials/Editing Properties.mdx
index 5d86705..16eb87e 100644
--- a/docs/Guide/web-ifc/Tutorials/Editing Properties.mdx
+++ b/docs/Guide/web-ifc/Tutorials/Editing Properties.mdx
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ The returned object lvl is an array of objects coresponding to the selected type
An example of the returned object for IFCBUILDINGSTOREY is shown below.
ð the properties have their values nested. i.e. Name property will not return the value corresponding to it, an object will be return having
-{type: 1, value: "Nivel 2"}
+`type: 1, value: "Nivel 2"`.
So in order to return the name value we will have to refer to it as lvl.Name.value
diff --git a/docs/Patreon.mdx b/docs/Patreon.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index f6fb0a6..0000000
--- a/docs/Patreon.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- title: Patreon
- sidebar_position: 2
-import { Scene } from "../src/components/Scene/Scene";
-import { IfcCard } from "../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
-import { IfcImage } from "../src/components/Image/Image";
-## Join our community
-ð± Do you want to **join us in our journey** and be an active part of our BIM & Development learning community? Then this is what you were looking for.
- If you want to join our development team instead, go to the contribution page.
-### As an individual
-ð§ Our patreon system is super simple: you give **$5/month** to the project to help IFC.js keep growing. However, **we don't believe that open source should depend on altruistic donations**. For this reason, all patreons gain access to the following:
- We have BIM programming courses for all levels. Each course cost $100, but patreons can access them at just $25.
- Patreons have access to an exclusive channel where they can ask us questions and make suggestions directly, as well as meet other active members and companies.
- Every week we do exclusive streams for patreons where we do tutorials, live coding sessions, interviews and showcase patreon community projects.
- Patreons can ask us for help and advice on their projects. We develop BIM software every day and will share our experience so patreons can take their bim software to the next level.
- We will organise hackathons with great prizes (in the form of cash and merchandising) to which only patrons will have access. We will broadcast these hackathons on our networks, do interviews and much more.
- Patreons and the BIM products they develop can use our networks to show their products and expand their network.
- Patreons will receive exclusive merchandising gifts exclusive IFC.js merchandising and gifts.
-### As a company
-ðšâðŒ We do have a corporate patreon which is **$50/month**. It offers all the benefits mentioned above, plus:
- We will share our experience in creating professional BIM tools with your company and help you find the best solution.
- All official IFC.js courses free of charge for all your employees, as well as exclusive webinars / consulting sessions.
- Your brand and BIM applications will be promoted in all our networks, including hackathons and stream interviews.
- You will have some decision-making power over the bookshop's next steps to align them with your business.
-## Where does my money go?
-ð We manage all money through [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/ifcjs). That means that anyone can see who has put how much money into the project.
-ðµ Every time we want to use that money we will have to upload an invoice that will be published on the same page. That way, **the money is as open as the code**.
-## Who's in?
diff --git a/docusaurus.config.js b/docusaurus.config.js
index 3045564..b1a6804 100644
--- a/docusaurus.config.js
+++ b/docusaurus.config.js
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ module.exports = {
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- { to: "/blog", label: "Blog", position: "left" },
href: "https://discord.gg/FXfyR4XrKT",
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@@ -97,10 +96,6 @@ module.exports = {
title: "More",
items: [
- {
- label: "Blog",
- to: "/blog",
- },
label: "GitHub",
href: "https://github.com/IFCjs",
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diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-07-17-hola.mdx b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-07-17-hola.mdx
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--- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-07-17-hola.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- slug: Open BIM
- title: ããã«ã¡ã¯ãIFC.jsã§ãã
- author: Ansoni
- author_title: ãªãŒãã³BIMã¯ãã©ãŠã¶ã«å®çããŸããã
- author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
- author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
- tags: [
- ]
ãïŒ" "ãªããããããã®ãïŒ
-import { IfcImage } from "../../../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
- alt="PC image"
- ifcLink="https://www.pexels.com/@goumbik"
-ããæ°ã¶æã§**IFC.js**ã«ã€ããŠèããããšããããããããŸããããœãããŠã§ã¢éçºã BIM ã®äžçã«éŠŽæã¿ã®ãªãæ¹ã¯ããã£ããã©ããªãã®ãªã®ãæ°ã«ãªããšããã ãšæããŸãã
-**BIM**ïŒBuilding Information ModellingïŒã¯ã建ç¯æ¥çã®æ°ããä»äºã®ããæ¹ã§ããå³é¢ãæã代ããã«ã建ç©ã®åœ¢ç¶ãšãã®æ
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diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-07-27-prometheus.mdx b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-07-27-prometheus.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-07-27-prometheus.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- slug: prometheus
- title: æ±ããããBIMãšã¯
- author: Ansoni
- author_title: 寡å ç¶æ
ã®äŸ¡æ Œã
- author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
- author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
- tags: [
- ã€ã³ãã¹ããªãŒ, ãœãããŠã§ã¢
- ]
-import { IfcImage } from "../../../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
- alt="PC image"
- ifcLink="https://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/collezioni/musei/museo-gregoriano-etrusco/sale-xvii-e-xviii--collezione-dei-vasi--ceramica-corinzia--lacon/kylix-laconica-con-prometeo-e-atlante.html"
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diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-09-27-cde-in-30-minutes.mdx b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-09-27-cde-in-30-minutes.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 46e7ddb..0000000
--- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-09-27-cde-in-30-minutes.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-slug: Build a CDE in 30 minutes
-title: 30åã§CDEãæ§ç¯
-author: Ansoni
-author_title: èªåã ãã®CDEãäžããäœã£ãŠã¿ãã
-author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
-author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
-tags: [
-ãã¥ãŒããªã¢ã«, CDE, Google
-_倧æäŒæ¥ãããã£ãŠ CDE ã販売ããŠããŸããããªããèªåã® CDE ãäœã£ãŠã¿ãŸãããïŒ_
-import { IfcImage } from "../../../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
- ifcLink="https://www.pexels.com/photo/set-of-multicolored-plastic-construction-toys-scattered-on-floor-7444982/"
-## ããããCDE ãšã¯äœã§ããããïŒ
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-### 建ç¯
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-- google drive API ã䜿çšããŠããã®èŠçŽ ã® ID ã調ã¹ãŸãã
-- **IFC.js ã® Web ã¢ããªã±ãŒã·ã§ã³ã§ URL ãéãããšãã§ããã¡ãã¥ãŒãäœæããŸã**ãããã«ããã¡ã€ã«ã®ååãš ID ãšãã 2 ã€ã® URL ãã©ã¡ãŒã¿ãè¿œå ããããšã«ãªããŸãã
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-### IFC.js ã¢ããª
-#### BIM ã¢ããª
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- import {IfcViewerAPI} from 'web-ifc-viewer';
- import {Color} from 'three'
- // 3Dã·ãŒã³ãã¬ã³ããªã³ã°ãããdivã³ã³ããã®ååŸ
- const container = document.getElementById('viewer-container');
- // IFC.jsã®APIãåæåããã°ããŒãã«å€æ°ãšããŠè¿œå ããã
- const viewer = new IfcViewerAPI({
- container,
- backgroundColor: new Color(0xffffff)
- });
- viewer.IFC.applyWebIfcConfig({
- });
- window.webIfcAPI = viewer;
- // ã·ãŒã³ã®èšå®
- viewer.addAxes();
- viewer.addGrid(50, 50);
- viewer.IFC.setWasmPath('wasm/');
- viewer.clipper.active = true;
- let dimensionsActive = false;
- // åºæ¬çãªå
- const handleKeyDown = (event) => {
- if (event.code === 'KeyE') {
- dimensionsActive = !dimensionsActive;
- viewer.dimensions.active = dimensionsActive;
- viewer.dimensions.previewActive = dimensionsActive;
- viewer.IFC.unPrepickIfcItems();
- window.onmousemove = dimensionsActive ?
- null :
- .IFC.prePickIfcItem;
- }
- if (event.code === 'KeyD') {
- viewer.dimensions.create();
- }
- if (event.code === 'KeyG') {
- viewer.clipper.createPlane();
- }
- if (event.code === 'Delete') {
- viewer.dimensions.deleteAll();
- viewer.clipper.deletePlane();
- viewer.IFC.unpickIfcItems();
- }
- };
- window.onkeydown = handleKeyDown;
- // ã¢ã€ãã ã«ã«ãŒãœã«ãåããããšãã€ã©ã€ãããã
- window.onmousemove = viewer.IFC.prePickIfcItem;
- // ã¢ã€ãã ã®éžæãšãã°ã®ããããã£
- window.ondblclick = async () => {
- const item = await viewer.IFC.pickIfcItem(true);
- if(item.modelID === undefined || item.id === undefined ) return;
- console.log(
- await viewer.IFC.getProperties(item.modelID, item.id, true));
- }
èŠãª HTML ã CSS ãäœæããŠãã ããã
-#### Google Drive API
-ããŠãBIM ãã¥ãŒã¢ã§ãããä»ã®ãšãã**Google Drive API**ããã¯äœãããŠã³ããŒãã§ããŸãããå
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- * ãµã€ã³ã€ã³ããç¶æ
- */
-function updateSigninStatus(isSignedIn) {
- if (isSignedIn) {
- const { id, name } = getIdAndName();
- fileName.innerText = `Name: ${name}`;
- if (id) downloadFile(id);
- else console.log("No ID was providen as URL parameter!");
- }
- * ãã¿ã³ãã¯ãªãã¯ãããšããŠãŒã¶ãŒããµã€ã³ã€ã³ããŸãã
- */
-function handleAuthClick(event) {
- authorizeButton.onclick = handleSignoutClick;
- buttonText.innerText = "Sign out";
- gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn();
-function downloadFile(fileId) {
- gapi.client.drive.files
- .get({
- fileId: fileId,
- alt: "media",
- })
- .then(
- function (response) {
- loadIfcModel(response.body);
- },
- function (error) {
- console.error(error);
- }
- );
-function getIdAndName() {
- const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
- const id = urlParams.get("id");
- const name = urlParams.get("name");
- return { id, name };
-function loadIfcModel(text) {
- const blob = new Blob([text], { type: "text/plain" });
- const file = new File([blob], "ifcModel");
- window.webIfcAPI.IFC.loadIfc(file);
-ðð ããã§ãšãããããŸããããã§ãGoogle Drive ãããã¡ã€ã«ãããŠã³ããŒãã§ãã BIM ã¢ããªã±ãŒã·ã§ã³ãå®æããŸãããããšã¯ãæåŸã®ä»äžããšããŠãGoogle Chrome ã®æ¡åŒµæ©èœãäœæããã ãã§ãã
-### Chrome æ¡åŒµæ©èœ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 96efd60..0000000
--- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-12-01-why-ifc-doesnt-work.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- slug: Why IFC doesnt work
- title: IFCãããŸããããªãçç±
- author: Ansoni
- author_title: IFCãããŸããããªãçç±
- author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
- author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
- tags: [
- ã€ã³ãã¹ããªãŒ, ifc
- ]
-import { IfcImage } from "../../../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
- alt="PC image"
- ifcLink="https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/tiza-azul-roja-y-amarilla-1107495/"
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- title: è²¢ç®ãã
- sidebar_position: 1
-import { IfcCard } from "../../../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
-import { Sponsoring } from "../../../../src/components/Sponsoring/Sponsoring";
-import { IfcImage } from "../../../../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcAlert } from "../../../../src/components/Alert/Alert";
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- slug: Open BIM
- title: äœ å¥œïŒIFC.js!
- author: Ansoni
- author_title: åŒæŸåŒBIMå·²ç»æ¥å°äºæµè§åšäžïŒå¹¶åšæ€åçã
- author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
- author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
- tags: [
- è¡äž, 瀟åº, 项ç®
- ]
-_æ们æ¯è°ïŒæ们䞺ä»ä¹è¿æ ·åã_
-import { IfcImage } from "../../../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
- alt="PC image"
- ifcLink="https://www.pexels.com/@goumbik"
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diff --git a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-07-27-prometheus.mdx b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-07-27-prometheus.mdx
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index b016a25..0000000
--- a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-07-27-prometheus.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- slug: prometheus
- title: æ们éèŠçBIM
- author: Ansoni
- author_title: 寡倎åæçä»·æ Œã
- author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
- author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
- tags: [
- è¡äž, 蜯件
- ]
-_ææ¶ïŒè·åŸäœ æéèŠçäžè¥¿çå¯äžéåŸæ¯èªå·±åšæã_
-import { IfcImage } from "../../../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
- alt="PC image"
- ifcLink="https://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/collezioni/musei/museo-gregoriano-etrusco/sale-xvii-e-xviii--collezione-dei-vasi--ceramica-corinzia--lacon/kylix-laconica-con-prometeo-e-atlante.html"
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diff --git a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-09-27-cde-in-30-minutes.mdx b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-09-27-cde-in-30-minutes.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index ed4a25d..0000000
--- a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-09-27-cde-in-30-minutes.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-slug: Build a CDE in 30 minutes
-title: åš30åéå
-author: Ansoni
-author_title: ä»å€ŽåŒå§å¶äœäœ èªå·±çCDE!
-author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
-author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
-tags: [
-æçš, CDE, Google
¬åžéœåšéå®ä»ä»¬ç CDEãäœ äžºä»ä¹äžåäœ èªå·±ç CDE å¢ïŒ_
-import { IfcImage } from "../../../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
- ifcLink="https://www.pexels.com/photo/set-of-multicolored-plastic-construction-toys-scattered-on-floor-7444982/"
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- import {Color} from 'three'
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- const container = document.getElementById('viewer-container');
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- const viewer = new IfcViewerAPI({
- container,
- backgroundColor: new Color(0xffffff)
- });
- viewer.IFC.applyWebIfcConfig({
- });
- window.webIfcAPI = viewer;
- // 讟眮åºæ¯
- viewer.addAxes();
- viewer.addGrid(50, 50);
- viewer.IFC.setWasmPath('wasm/');
- viewer.clipper.active = true;
- let dimensionsActive = false;
- // å¢å åºæ¬çèŸå
- const handleKeyDown = (event) => {
- if (event.code === 'KeyE') {
- dimensionsActive = !dimensionsActive;
- viewer.dimensions.active = dimensionsActive;
- viewer.dimensions.previewActive = dimensionsActive;
- viewer.IFC.unPrepickIfcItems();
- window.onmousemove = dimensionsActive ?
- null :
- .IFC.prePickIfcItem;
- }
- if (event.code === 'KeyD') {
- viewer.dimensions.create();
- }
- if (event.code === 'KeyG') {
- viewer.clipper.createPlane();
- }
- if (event.code === 'Delete') {
- viewer.dimensions.deleteAll();
- viewer.clipper.deletePlane();
- viewer.IFC.unpickIfcItems();
- }
- };
- window.onkeydown = handleKeyDown;
- // æ¬ååšé¡¹ç®äžæ¶çªåºæŸç€ºé¡¹ç®
- window.onmousemove = viewer.IFC.prePickIfcItem;
- // éæ©é¡¹ç®åæ¥å¿å±æ§
- window.ondblclick = async () => {
- const item = await viewer.IFC.pickIfcItem(true);
- if(item.modelID === undefined || item.id === undefined ) return;
- console.log(
- await viewer.IFC.getProperties(item.modelID, item.id, true));
- }
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-function updateSigninStatus(isSignedIn) {
- if (isSignedIn) {
- const { id, name } = getIdAndName();
- fileName.innerText = `Name: ${name}`;
- if (id) downloadFile(id);
- else console.log("No ID was providen as URL parameter!");
- }
- * åšç¹å»æé®æ¶çŸå
- */
-function handleAuthClick(event) {
- authorizeButton.onclick = handleSignoutClick;
- buttonText.innerText = "Sign out";
- gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn();
-function downloadFile(fileId) {
- gapi.client.drive.files
- .get({
- fileId: fileId,
- alt: "media",
- })
- .then(
- function (response) {
- loadIfcModel(response.body);
- },
- function (error) {
- console.error(error);
- }
- );
-function getIdAndName() {
- const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
- const id = urlParams.get("id");
- const name = urlParams.get("name");
- return { id, name };
-function loadIfcModel(text) {
- const blob = new Blob([text], { type: "text/plain" });
- const file = new File([blob], "ifcModel");
- window.webIfcAPI.IFC.loadIfc(file);
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diff --git a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-12-01-why-ifc-doesnt-work.mdx b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-12-01-why-ifc-doesnt-work.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index f430cab..0000000
--- a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021-12-01-why-ifc-doesnt-work.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- slug: Why IFC doesnt work
- title: 䞺ä»ä¹IFCäžèµ·äœçš
- author: Ansoni
- author_title: 䞺ä»ä¹IFCäžèµ·äœçš
- author_url: https://github.com/agviegas
- author_image_url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9263b9f81d351788e46bc64000c03cb6
- tags: [
-industry, ifc
- ]
-import { IfcImage } from "../../../src/components/Image/Image";
-import { IfcCard } from "../../../src/components/Card/InfoCard";
- alt="PC image"
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