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SlintVox edited this page Apr 5, 2019 · 10 revisions


Hunger & Thirst


Part 1: Thirst bar goes down over time, and user is able to drink water to fill bar.

  1. Check thirst bar using getThirstLevel. Keep track of the number given.
  2. Wait a few seconds for the blue bar to go down.
  3. Check thirst bar again using getThirstLevel. Verify: The number given is lower than the number previously given.
  4. Spawn cup using give WoodenCup.
  5. Find body of water or spawn water using give Core:water and place water into a hole.
  6. Right click on body of water with the cup to fill it. Right click again to drink water. Expected: Drinking water fills blue bar.

Part 2: Character looses health over time when thirst bar is 0

Part 3: Character can eventually die when thirst bar is 0.


Part 1: hunger bar goes down over time, and user is able to eat food to fill bar.

Part 2: Character looses health over time when hunger bar is 0.

Part 3: Character can eventually die when hunger bar is 0.

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