Struct AnimInfo
+ Class AnimationEventBlendTreeBehaviourEditor
+ Custom editor for the AnimationEventBlendTreeBehaviour.
+This editor provides preview capabilities for animation clips and allows the user to preview blend tree animation states in the inspector.
- Namespace: CatchIo.Editor.Windows.CharacterAnimationWindow
+ Inheritance
+ System.Object
+ AnimationEventBlendTreeBehaviourEditor
+ Namespace: CatchIo.Editor.AnimationEvents
Assembly: cs.temp.dll.dll
- Syntax
+ Syntax
- [Serializable]
-public struct AnimInfo
+ public class AnimationEventBlendTreeBehaviourEditor : UnityEditor.Editor
- Fields
+ Methods
- Clip
- Declaration
- public AnimationClip Clip
- Field Value
Custom editor for the AnimationEventBlendTreeBehaviour. +This editor provides preview capabilities for animation clips and allows the user to preview blend tree animation states in the inspector.
-public struct AnimInfo
+ public class AnimationEventBlendTreeBehaviourEditor : UnityEditor.Editor
- - -Declaration
-public AnimationClip Clip
- Field Value
-Type | -Description | -
AnimationClip | -- |
- + +OnInspectorGUI()
+Draws the inspector GUI for the AnimationEventBlendTreeBehaviour. +Includes controls for starting and stopping an animation preview.
public DirType Direction
+ public override void OnInspectorGUI()
Field Value
-Type | -Description | -
DirType | -- |