In-game HUD elements (excluding mobile control HUDs):
- Player current stamina value (bar)
- Open menu (button)
- Current players (number)
- Inventory slots
The overall menu structure is like the following:
The title menu will be the entry point of the game.
Title menu:
- Create session
- Join session
- Settings
- Exit game
Create session:
- Set room name
- Set room options
- Can chat -> boolean
- Session duration -> time in minutes (min: 10 max: 30)
- Has password -> room password
- Choose map
- Create session button -> go to session lobby
Join existing session:
- Currently online room list
- Room name
- Room members
- Room options
- Map name
- Search room
- Search with keywords
- Search with tags
- Join selected room button -> go to session lobby
- Visual settings
- Adjust effect brightness
- HUD opacity
- Change screen resolution (only for PC)
- Sound settings
- Adjust sound effect volume
- Adjust background music volume
- Language (optional implementation)
Session lobby:
- Player list
- Chatbox
- Create/edit character