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17a46fa · May 2, 2023


179 lines (133 loc) · 7.63 KB

File metadata and controls

179 lines (133 loc) · 7.63 KB

Contributing guidelines

Git Notes

1. Cloning - Use --recursive argument when cloning the repository to add all the submodules to the project. For example: git clone --recursive

2. Branch Switching - When switching from one branch to another run following git command to update all the submodules following git checkout <branch name> command: git submodule update --init --recursive

3. Commiting & Pushing - Before pushing your changes to Flojoy Studio repo, make sure to CD into all the submodule directories and make PR's to these repo by creating branch and pushing new changes.

How to contribute code

Pull Request Workflow

1. New PR - As a contributor, you submit a New PR on GitHub. Before submitting your PR make sure to test your changes and the system is working. PR body should include description of changes introduced, and the testing steps you have undertaken to test those.

2. Review - We inspect every incoming PR. At this stage we check if the PR is valid and meets certain quality requirements. - For example: we check if PR has sufficient description, if applicable unit tests are added, passed CI, no merge-conflics, etc. If the PR passes all the quality checks then reviewer (person familiar with the code/functionality) reviews the changes. If all looks good, reviewer would approve the PR. Otherwise changes will be requested. - You make the change and submit for review again. - This cycle repeats itself till the PR gets approved.

3. Approved - Once the PR is approved, We will merge it into develop branch, which will eventually end-up in main branch.

How to create a custom node

  1. Node Function - A python function for the node. Create a new script file and place it in right category folder in /PYTHON/nodes/ directory. The script file name should be the node name in uppercase. import @flojoy decorator and DataContainer class from flojoy package :

        from flojoy import flojoy, DataContainer

    Decorate your function with @flojoy like below:

        def NODE_NAME(v, params): // use Node name as function name in uppercase
    • v: This will receive the output of all the incoming nodes and this will be in list format.
    • params: A node can have some parameters that can change its behavior. These parameters can be modified in CTRL panel. You have to declare them in manifest file (see below). This will be in dict format.

    Your node function should return an object of DataContainer class.

    DataContainer: A python class that can represent these different types of data objects:

    Here is an example of how to return DataContainer object:

        x = 10
        y = 15
        return DataContainer(type='ordered_pair', x=x, y=y)
        # {'type': 'ordered_pair', 'x': [10], 'y':[15] } // DataContainer output
  2. Manifest File - Write a manifest file for the node in yaml format in /PYTHON/nodes/MANIFEST folder. The name of the file should contain .manifest.yaml suffix following the node name. Here is an example of manifest file of SINE WAVE node sine.manifest.yaml.

      - {
          name: Sine Wave,
          key: SINE,
          type: SIMULATION,
              frequency: { type: float, default: 1 },
              offset: { type: float, default: 0 },
              amplitude: { type: float, default: 1 },
                  type: select,
                  options: [sine, square, triangle, sawtooth],
                  default: sine,

    COMMAND: COMMAND is a list of object. Where each object contains:

    name: Name of the node.

    key: A string to identify the node uniquely among all nodes.

    type: A key of sub-category from COMMAND_MANIFEST.ts in src/feature/flow_chart_panel/manifest/COMMAND_MANIFEST.ts

    parameters: Parameters which the node expects in it's function's parameter params. Ctrl panel uses this manifest to populate UI where users can modify these parameter values. It's an Object, where each key is a parameter name and value is an object of:

    • type: Type of parameter value should be set to one of integer, string, float or select. If you want to add a new type discuss it with the team.
    • default: Default value of the parameter.
    • options: Array of options, each option should be of the same type as declared.
  3. New Category - If your node belongs to a category which doesn't have a corresponding folder in PYTHON/nodes directory.

    • Create a folder with category name in uppercase inside PYTHON/nodes/ directory.
    • Import all files containing that folder in file in PYTHON/WATCH/ directory like below:
        from nodes.CONDITIONALS import *
    • Register that category under proper parent category in src/feature/flow_chart_panel/manifest/COMMANT_MANIFEST.ts file in section array variable with category name and key.
    • In file located in root directory, add category folder name in dirs list variable.
  4. Add function to within category folder. For example, here is in the Simulations folder:

        __all__ = ["SINE", "RAND", "CONSTANT", "LINSPACE", "TIMESERIES"]

    Each category function must be listed in their respective file.

  5. Run python3 in the root folder.

  6. Run python3 in the root folder.

  7. Node Styling - To be added.

How to run automated test in local

Run cypress e2e tests:

    npm run test

You can also create an example app with your custom node and generate e2e test for it. To do so:

  1. Save your example app in public/example-apps folder.
  2. Add your app to cypress e2e config file in cypress/e2e/config_example_app_test.json with file location from public/example-apps and a test key as follows:
      { "title": "butterworth/butterworth.txt", "test_id": "withdefaultParam" },
      { "title": "FIR/FIR.txt", "test_id": "withdefaultParam" }
      // add your example app here
    note: There can be multiple tests for one example app, in that case their test id must be different from one another.
  3. You can also test your app with your desired parameter values for each node. To do so, you have to add another field called nodes which will be an array of object. Here is an example for butterworth.txt:
        "title": "butterworth/butterworth.txt",
        "test_id": "with_default_param"
      { "title": "FIR/FIR.txt", "test_id": "with_default_param" },
        "title": "butterworth/butterworth.txt",
        "test_id": "with_custom_param",
        "nodes": [
            "id": "LINSPACE-bdd46aa2-4485-4c36-be42-a1746599a92d", // id of the node to use custom parameter value
            "params": {
              "start": 300