- update packages
- add support for Limanet and Mumbainet
- deprecate Ithacanet and Jakartanet
- retry pairing for 3 times
- android sdk updated to 3.2.4
- iOS sdk updated to 3.2.4
- android sdk updated to 3.2.3
- iOS sdk updated to 3.2.3
- pairing issue fixed in Android
- default wallet name can be added
- add types of signing type (Micheline, Operation, Raw)
- disconnect beacon before connection for android
- dependent packages upgrade
- add screenshots
- add logo of altme and tezos
- android getPeers response update
- update readme
- broadcast support
- update readme
- add descriptions
- response update for getPeer and addPeer
- added connectedPair model
- android setup
- examples added
- operation response and model update
- license update
- add models
- permission response
- signing response
- operation response
- update readme
- update readme
- basic demo app
- startBeacon
- add Peer
- remove Peer
- communication between dApp and wallet