The dataset was comprised of 12 separate csv files, spanning across all months of the 2019 year. The separate csv files were merged during analysis using Google Colab.
- What was the best and worst month for sales? How much was earned that month?
- Which Top 5 US Cities had the highest number Of Sales?
- What time should we display advertisements to maximize likelihood of customers buying products?
- Which Pair Of Products are most often sold together?
- Which 5 products sold the most? Why do you think it sold the most?
- December was the best months for sales with a total of $4,613,443.34 earned. January was the worst month for sales with a total of $1,822,256.73 earned.
- The Top 5 Cities with the most products sold are:
1. San Franciso, CA 2. Los Angeles, CA 3. New York City, NY 4. Boston, MA 5. Atlanta, GA
- The peak Order Times are between 11am, 12pm and 7pm. Therefore these are the best times to advertize to maximize Purchase likelihood
- The iPhone and Lightning Charging Cable the most sold pair of products with 1005 sales
The TOp 5 most selling products are; 1. AAA Batteries (4-pack) with 31017 sales 2. AA Batteries (4-pack) with 27635 sales 3. USB-C Charging Cable with 23975 sales 4. Lightning Charging Cable with 23217 sales 5. Wired Headphones with 20557 sales - this trend is evidenced by the overlaid graph showing that, these products had the most sales because of the affordable price