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ProfHoekstra edited this page Jun 5, 2018 · 14 revisions

The Traffic object

In BlueSky, the traffic object contains all of the data related to the actual simulation of the traffic. Thess data can be aircraft-related (e.g., aircraft positions, velocities, etc.), but also other simulated aspects affecting the aircraft such as weather (a wind model, turbulence). In BlueSky, the traffic as whole is an object, but the properties are represented by numpy vectors to allow vectorizing. To find out more about this, look here.

There are traf.ntraf aircraft. For given aircraft id, the index can be found with the function: traf.id2idx(txt).

Part of this traffic object are also system simulations like the airborne separation assurance system (ASAS, in traf.asas), the autopilot (in traf.ap) and the flight management system (FMS, in traf.ap.route and traf.actwp for the active waypoint data).

The traffic object is accessible as a top-level import from bluesky:

from bluesky import traf

# Do stuff with traf
i = traf.id2idx("KL204")

Traffic members

The following data are available in the traffic object:

Basic aircraft information

Name Unit Description
id string Aircraft callsign
type string Aircaft type

Aircraft location and orientation

Name Unit Description
lat deg Aircraft latitude
lon deg Aircraft longitude
alt m Aircraft altitude
hdg deg Aircraft heading
trk deg Aircraft track angle

Aircraft velocities

Name Unit Description
tas m/s Aircraft true airspeed
gs m/s Aircraft ground speed
gsnorth m/s Aircraft ground speed
gseast m/s Aircraft ground speed
cas m/s Aircraft calibrated airspeed
M - Aircraft mach number
vs m/s Aircraft vertical speed

Atmospheric properties per aircraft

Name Unit Description
p N/m2 Air pressure
rho kg/m3 Air density
Temp K Air temperature
dtemp K Delta-t for non-ISA conditions

Aircraft autopilot settings

Name Unit Description
aspd m/s Aircraft selected speed (CAS)
ama - Aircraft selected speed above crossover altitude (Mach)
apalt m Aircraft selected altitude
avs m/s Aircraft selected vertical speed
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