New Feature:
Added a datasource for NDB network available ips. #570
New Data Source :
- nutanix_ndb_network_available_ips
Implemented enhancements:
- Handling the case if ndb cluster id is given wrong. #571
- Support for imports on ndb day-2 actions. #561
- Changing the provider version in ndb examples from beta to ga. #580
Fixed bugs:
- Tf ntnx provider crash for wrong ndb cluster id. #567
- lcm_config should be Set without plugin crash in clone resource. #583
Closed issues:
- NDB datasource for network available ips. #569
- Support for adding import on ndb day2 actions. #582
- How to configure IP address for Nutanix Packer images. #576
New Features:
Feat/1.8.0-ga Release with Nutanix Database Service based resource and datasources #553
New Resources:
- nutanix_ndb_maintenance_window
- nutanix_ndb_maintenance_task
- nutanix_ndb_tms_cluster
- nutanix_ndb_tag
- nutanix_ndb_network
- nutanix_ndb_dbserver_vm
- nutanix_ndb_register_dbserver
- nutanix_ndb_stretched_vlan
- nutanix_ndb_clone_refresh
- nutanix_ndb_cluster
New Data Sources:
- nutanix_ndb_maintenance_window
- nutanix_ndb_maintenance_windows
- nutanix_ndb_tag
- nutanix_ndb_tags
- nutanix_ndb_network
- nutanix_ndb_networks
- nutanix_ndb_dbserver
- nutanix_ndb_dbservers
New Feature:
Feat/1.8.0-beta.2 Release with Nutanix Database Service based resource and datasources [#533] (nutanix#533)
New Resources:
- nutanix_ndb_profile
- nutanix_ndb_sla
- nutanix_ndb_database_scale
- nutanix_ndb_database_restore
- nutanix_ndb_database_snapshot
- nutanix_ndb_register_database
- nutanix_ndb_clone
- nutanix_ndb_log_catchups
- nutanix_ndb_authorize_dbservers
- nutanix_ndb_software_version_profile
- nutanix_ndb_linked_databases
New Data Sources:
- nutanix_ndb_snapshot
- nutanix_ndb_snapshots
- nutanix_ndb_time_machine
- nutanix_ndb_time_machines
- nutanix_ndb_tms_capability
- nutanix_ndb_clone
- nutanix_ndb_clones
Implemented enhancements:
- Support for HA instance in nutanix_ndb_database resource. #518
- Improving the error when server is unreachable. #530
- Fetching of database based on database_type filter #513
- Support of Tags and Maintainence Window in provisioning #528
New Feature:
Feat/1.8.0-beta.1 Release with Nutanix Database Service based resources and datasources [#501] (nutanix#501)
New Data Sources :
- nutanix_ndb_cluster
- nutanix_ndb_clusters
- nutanix_ndb_database
- nutanix_ndb_databases
- nutanix_ndb_profile
- nutanix_ndb_profiles
- nutanix_ndb_sla
- nutanix_ndb_slas
New Resources :
- nutanix_ndb_database
Implemented enhancements:
- Support for /projects_internal API in nutanix projects #487
Closed Issues:
- project internal changes [#488] (nutanix#488)
New Feature:
Added a resource for user groups. [#477] (nutanix#477)
New Resource :
- nutanix_user_groups
Merged pull request:
- Feature user groups [#477] (nutanix#477) (abhimutant)
- Fix checksum issue in image resource [#481] (nutanix#481) (bhatipradeep)
- Fix image resource issues [#480] (nutanix#480) (bhatipradeep)
- Add field to set time zone for cluster created using foundation [#484] (nutanix#484) (bhatipradeep)
- fixed the issue and added testcase for sysprep custom key values guest customisation [#478] (nutanix#478) (abhimutant)
- Changes in karbon cluster documentation for storage config [#479] (nutanix#479) (abhimutant)
- Enable tests for protection rules based datasources and resources [#366] (nutanix#366) (bhatipradeep)
- Add uuid to address_groups data source [#472] (nutanix#472) (mcguppy)
Fixed bugs:
- Terraform provider crashes when using guest_customization_sysprep_custom_key_values [#441] (nutanix#441)
- Nutanix terraform- Karbon clusters, the storage_class_config is not been displayed. [#417] (nutanix#417)
- Checksum is not considered while uploading image from local using nutanix_image resource. [#469] (nutanix#469)
- Not able to update image_type of PC image [#454] (nutanix#454)
- Image gets deleted from PC if nutanix_image update errors out [#453] (nutanix#453)
Closed issues:
- Support for User Groups [#475] (nutanix#475)
- Resizing disk identified in plan, but not actually done during apply [#463] (nutanix#463)
- uuid of address_groups are not available [#461] (nutanix#461)
- ntx provider have ENTITY_READ_ERROR when try to recreate a VM deleted manually [#451] (nutanix#451)
- Allow project definiation by name and not just ID [#406] (nutanix#406)
- Upload images to Foundation VM from a remote server using nutanix_foundation_image resource [#455] (nutanix#455)
- Change catagories from list to dictionary for more straightforward use [#407] (nutanix#407)
- VM creation fails when boot_type = LEGACY [#304] (nutanix#304)
- Add attributes to set timezone during cluster creation using image_nodes [#449] (nutanix#449)
- Enable multi-pc tests [#448] (nutanix#448)
New Feature:
Add Datasource and Resource for Flow Networking [#473] (nutanix#473)
New Data Sources :
- nutanix_floating_ip
- nutanix_floating_ips
- nutanix_pbr
- nutanix_pbrs
- nutanix_static_routes
- nutanix_vpc
- nutanix_vpcs
New Resources :
- nutanix_floating_ip
- nutanix_pbr
- nutanix_static_routes
- nutanix_vpc
Merged pull requests:
- VPC Feature #457 (abhimutant)
- Policy Based Routing Feature #464 (abhimutant)
- Floating IP Feature #466 (abhimutant)
- Static Routes Feature [#468] (nutanix#468) abhimutant)
- Examples and testcases related to Networking Features [#470] (nutanix#470) (abhimutant)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support of External and Overlay Subnets #460
Merged pull requests:
- Update Acceptance tests workflow to run specific provider tests #437 (bhatipradeep)
- Foundation unit tests and existing test fixes #433 (bhatipradeep)
- Foundation Acceptance tests and minor fixes #436 (bhatipradeep)
- Foundation Central unit tests and acceptance tests #439 (abhimutant)
- Optimize Image upload to avoid buffering. Add cluster related fields in image upload resource & data source for PC #432 (bhatipradeep)
- fixing karbon docs at registry #434(abhimutant)
- Example for using config downloaded from to image nodes#444 (bhatipradeep)
- Add example to pull secrets from hashicorp vault to use them in node imaging #431 (bhatipradeep)
Fixed Bugs:
- Image upload failures #430
- Not able to upload image to a specific cluster #428
- Doc for Nutanix karbon_cluster_kubeConfig pointing to deadlink in registry #429
Closed Issues:
- Add Example for using config json file downloaded from to image nodes using terraform nutanix foundation #435
- Image upload failures #430
- Not able to upload image to a specific cluster #428
- Add IPMI validations for verifying successfull IPMI configuration #425
- Add examples of vault integration with node imaging using foundation #424
New Feature:
Add resources and data sources for Nutanix Foundation Central #422
New Data Sources :
- nutanix_foundation_central_api_keys
- nutanix_foundation_central_list_api_keys
- nutanix_foundation_central_imaged_nodes_list
- nutanix_foundation_central_imaged_clusters_list
- nutanix_foundation_central_cluster_details
- nutanix_foundation_central_imaged_node_details
New Resources :
- nutanix_foundation_central_image_cluster
- nutanix_foundation_central_api_keys
New Modules :
- aos-based-node-imaging/node-serials-filter
- manual-mode-imaging
New Feature:
Add resources and data sources for Nutanix Foundation #413
New Data Sources :
- nutanix_foundation_nos_packages
- nutanix_foundation_hypervisor_isos
- nutanix_foundation_discover_nodes
- nutanix_foundation_node_network_details
New Resources :
- nutanix_foundation_image_nodes
- nutanix_foundation_ipmi_config
- nutanix_foundation_image
New Modules :
- aos-based-node-imaging/node-serials-filter
- discover-nodes-network-details/node-serials-filter
- manual-mode-imaging
Merged pull requests:
- Feature: Foundation datasources, resources, modules & documentation #410 (bhatipradeep) (abhimutant)
For the 1.5.0-beta release of the provider it will have N-1 compatibility with the Nutanix Foundation. This release was tested against Foundation versions v5.2 and v5.1.1
Fixed Bugs
- Network Security Rules: ip subnet is passed as an empty object in the API to create network security which causes API to get failed #399
Merged pull requests:
- Network Security Rules: ip subnet is passed as an empty object in the API to create network security which causes API to get failed #348(siddharth-kulshrestha)
Implemented enhancements:
- Datasources for service groups along with test cases #353
- Set default value of disk_list.device_properties.device_type to DISK #157
- Add num_queues parameter for virtual machine NICs #324
- Add support for linking service and address groups to network security rules #345
Fixed Bugs
- Karbon 2.4 Cluster creation failing #373
- Use correct API endpoint for category queries #348
- Terraform crashed while creating VM in Nutanix #205
- nutanix_recovery_plan "Duplicate network mapping" #386
Closed issues:
- fixed unchecked gets in getMetadataAttributes #206
- Support defining categories_mapping for a VM #321
- Add a complete example of parameter nutanix_guest_tools #299
Merged pull requests:
- Use correct API endpoint for category queries #348(embik)
- Set default value of disk_list.device_properties.device_type to DISK #157 (maxaudron)
- Added singular and plural datasources for service groups with test cases #363 (siddharth-kulshrestha)
- Add acceptance tests #355 (bhatipradeep)
- Change default node pool names for karbon cluster creation #381 bhatipradeep)
- bug fix for issue-205 #380 (abhimutant)
- Task/m 324 check #385 (abhimutant)
- Security rules with service group and address groups #384 (siddharth-kulshrestha)
- Fix bug where networkmappings are incorrectly referenced in recovery plan #392 (yannickstruyf3)
Implemented enhancements:
- Implement Timeout blocks on resource level #254
- SDK V2 Upgrade: Upgrade Terraform provider to the latest SDK #287
- Allow Subnet Datasources to filter based on PE ID #308
- Implement CI/CD pipeline for this project #314
- Clean up existing tests with dynamic config #315
- Develop integration tests with code coverage. #316
Fixed Bugs
- Provider plugin crashes when nutanix_subnet datasource queried with overlay subnet #327
throws error when there is external network associated to a project #337
Closed issues:
- Implement Timeout blocks on resource level #254
- Upgrade Terraform provider to the latest SDK #287
- Allow Subnet Datasources to filter based on PE ID #308
- Implement CI/CD pipeline for this project #314
- Clean up existing tests with dynamic config #315
- Develop integration tests with code coverage. #316
- Provider plugin crashes when nutanix_subnet datasource queried with overlay subnet #327
throws error when there is external network associated to a project #337
Merged pull requests:
- Workflow for automated acceptance test cases #325 (siddharth-kulshrestha)
- update go release to 1.17 #317 (tuxtof)
- Workflow for automated acceptance test cases #325 (siddharth-kulshrestha)
- Fix nutanix_project and nutanix_projects datasource to not use "kind" attribute in "external_network_list" #335 (bhati-pradeep)
- Add check for cluster_reference before set to avoid it in case of overlay subnets in datasource nutanix_subnet #328 (bhati-pradeep)
- fixed a typo in subnet.html.markdown #273 (gowatana)
- Update subnets.html.markdown #293 (jastrom85)
- Add filter by cluster uuid in subnet datasource #323 (shreevari)
- Modify tests and example to use is_vcpu_hard_pinned for nutanix_virtual_machine #338 (bhati-pradeep)
- Add resources for address groups and service groups #322 (svalabs)
- Service group fix #340 (abhimutant)
- V2 SDK upgrade #332 (siddharth-kulshrestha)
- Add vCPU hard pinning #307 (basraayman)
- bugfix 254 - timeout on resource level #333 (venkatavivek-ntnx)
- Fix existing examples. Add new examples #346 (bhati-pradeep)
- Automation for manual testcases #334 (abhimutant)
Closed issues:
- Cloud_init and sysprep CDROMs being detected and destroyed forcing VM reboot. #285
- Provider crash when using NGT credentials attribute in nutanix_virtual_machine resource type. #297
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- Terraform crashed while creating VM in Nutanix #205
- nutanix provider doesn't appear in terraform registry #166
- Option not available to change the BIOS type #163
- Need a user/group data source to get uuid #142
- Missing user role association with nutanix_project ressource #141
- Support for Secure VDI Groups (VDI Policy) in nutanix_network_security_rule #132
- Provider does not recover from error #131
- During a resource adjustment the VM is not shut down using ACPI #96
- DR Runbook support #22
- Nutanix Karbon interaction #6
Merged pull requests:
- Add note about Prism version api we tested for v1.2.0 release #246 (marinsalinas)
- Update README and Website for v1.2.0 release. #245 (marinsalinas)
- persist uuid after creation #244 (yannickstruyf3)
- V1.2.0 beta #243 (marinsalinas)
- test: changed data for variables of azurl for protection rules #242 (coderGo93)
- V1.2.0 fix testacc #241 (marinsalinas)
- fixed bug where datasource project search by name was empty #240 (yannickstruyf3)
- Bugfix/remove ide3 dependency tests #239 (marinsalinas)
- Added missing information for resource and datasource of project #238 (coderGo93)
- Added filter by name in datasource of project #237 (coderGo93)
- Added filter by name in datasource of access control policy #236 (coderGo93)
- Task completion project #234 (coderGo93)
- adding a VM to a project does not require a reboot #232 (yannickstruyf3)
- removed project_ref #231 (yannickstruyf3)
- Bugfix/v1.2.0 beta doc review yst #229 (yannickstruyf3)
- Karbon Base #228 (marinsalinas)
- Bugfix/remove ide3 dependency #227 (yannickstruyf3)
- added machine_type to data source #226 (yannickstruyf3)
- Add testacc for karbon resources and data sources #222 (marinsalinas)
- Karbon docs #221 (coderGo93)
- VDI Support #220 (marinsalinas)
- added permissions for roles #219 (yannickstruyf3)
- Feat: add bios_type support to VM resource and datasource #217 (marinsalinas)
- Protection rule and Recovery plan(DR Runbook) resources and datasources #216 (coderGo93)
- fixed bug that occured when updating the permissions of a role #215 (yannickstruyf3)
- Bugfix/role update #214 (yannickstruyf3)
- renamed ds attributes and prints #213 (yannickstruyf3)
- changed print messages and added filter based on DN #212 (yannickstruyf3)
- changed if statement in ds role and modified the conflictswith #195 (yannickstruyf3)
- Roles #181 (coderGo93)
- User Resource and Data Sources. #179 (marinsalinas)
- Access control policies #175 (coderGo93)
1.1.1 (2020-11-30)
Fixed bugs:
- local resource nutanix_image #182
- Terraform crashes when trying to specify boot_device_order_list for a vm resource #28
Closed issues:
- Problem on json unmarshalling to go struct (MessageResource.message_list.details of type map[string]interface {}) #204
- Fix resource Read inconsistencies #201
- local resource nutanix_image #182
- vss_snapshot_capable attribute doesn't work #171
- 'invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference' while getting a VM. #168
- FYI: Nutanix API Authentication fails when making many requests at once #93
- 1122 API requests only to list VMs #87
- Failed to perform NGT ISO mount operation with error code: kNoFreeCdRomSlot #83
- ip_address not available as nutanix_virtual_machine attribute. #19
- Unable to obtain Private_IP as a Output #17
Merged pull requests:
- chore: fix goreleaser for v1.1.1 #207 (marinsalinas)
- added return nil in read function #203 (yannickstruyf3)
- fixed source_path image_type issue #202 (yannickstruyf3)
- fixed wrong status_code check in client (404 should be 401) #200 (yannickstruyf3)
- GitHub actions #198 (marinsalinas)
- chore: add note to network_security_rule #196 (marinsalinas)
- chore: fix linting issues #194 (marinsalinas)
- Fix Testacc #193 (marinsalinas)
- fix: missing variable initialization #192 (marinsalinas)
- Migrate to Terraform Plugin SDK v1 #176 (marinsalinas)
- Fix issue #168, unchecked nil assignment #169 (yannickstruyf3)
- Added name argument for datasource of cluster #165 (coderGo93)
- Removed volume_group documentations #160 (PacoDw)
- Updated Readme file and changelog #154 (PacoDw)
- provide better error reporting when invalid nutanix credentials are used #148 (scott-grimes)
- Initialize BootConfig struct before the child attributes #53 (marinsalinas)
Implemented enhancements:
- Boot device order list was limitated to set 1 item until fix issue #28, documentation was updated about it #152 (PacoDw)
- Added Host datasources #116 (PacoDw)
- Added datasource of subnets #115 (coderGo93)
- Validated the terraform configuration adding new test case to validate it #114 (PacoDw)
- Implemented new linter version and fixed new version linter issues #101 (marinsalinas)
- Updated docs by adding should_force_translated for metadata for every datasource/resource available #140 (coderGo93)
- Documentations for host data sources were added #139 (coderGo93)
- The storage_conntainer was added as a new attribute into the disk_list to reference a container in a VM #138 (PacoDw)
- Added more information about Sysprep for install type in the documentation #133 (coderGo93)
- Added preCheck function to verify that env variables were set #103 (PacoDw)
- Feature/cluster datasource name #100 (yannickstruyf3)
Fixed bugs:
- Unable to create vm using guest_customization_cloud_init_custom_key_values #58
- Fixed the behavior of the use_hot_add attribute to reboot the VM correctly #149 (PacoDw)
- Fixed storage container attribute changing it to computed #147 (PacoDw)
- Manually deleting VM and running apply results in entity not found. vm exists code removed #144 (yannickstruyf3)
- Removed check to make sure data_source_reference and disk_size_bytes are mutually exclusive #137 (yannickstruyf3)
- Added new parameter for VM use_hot_add #136 (coderGo93)
- Improve error handling on incorrect API calls #134 (PacoDw)
- The filter for subnets was incorrect. Filtering on name is not via subnet_name but name #129 (yannickstruyf3)
- Fixed Security rules idempotency error: Error was thrown when security rule was delete via Prism and running a new Terraform run afterwards #127 (yannickstruyf3)
- Added validation to avoid nil pointer error #122 (PacoDw)
- Fixed timeout issue and categories reboot #120 (yannickstruyf3)
- Bugfix/cloudinit final #111 (yannickstruyf3)
- Fixed guest_customization_cloud_init_custom_key_values to create the VM correctly #102 (yannickstruyf3)
Closed issues:
- ENTITY_NOT_FOUND Error on apply after manual VM deletion #143
- Provider prevents disk resizing at VM creation time #130
- Datasource subnets subnet_name throwing error #128
- data source nutanix_network_security_rule expected type issue #126
- Categories assignation issue #119
- The nutanix_subnet SIGSEGV on network rename #118
- Improve error handling on incorrect API calls #112
- The nutanix_virtual_machine resource won't allow setting power_state #98
- Unable to modify a VM with learned IP address (DHCP) fails with "IP address with type 'LEARNED' not allowed" #97
- How do I use an unattend.xml file? #95
- power_state trigger a syntax error. #94
- Undefined property is_connected of class vm_nic detected #90
- Update Documentation for guest_customization_sysprep Attribute #89
- CPU and RAM change does not restart VM automatically #86
- The user_data for Windows VM #84
- Cloning from the Image Server leads to a change after a second terraform apply #82
- Hotplugging CPU and RAM #79
- Cannot specify target container when adding disks to a virtual machine resource #78
- Cannot use nutanix_subnets data source #73
- Add datasource type "hosts" for api/nutanix/v3/hosts endpoint #70
- Using user_data on resource.nutanix_virtual_machine yields immediate diff after initial apply #69
- Cannot list ip addresses of when creating multiple virtual machine resources #63
- Provider needs to support data_source_reference attribute for nutanix_image resource #52
- Terraform Unable to use Provisioners in VM Resource when DHCP is used for IP Address #49
- Cloning from a VM on AHV #35
Merged pull requests:
- V1.1.0 rc1 #150 (PacoDw)
- Disabled project resource, tests fixed and issue fixed #146 (PacoDw)
- Improved travis #117 (PacoDw)
- Bugfix device_properties in a disk_list #106 (yannickstruyf3)
- Reduce the amount of API requests and improvements #92 (maxaudron)
- Implement session based authentification #88 (maxaudron)
- imrpoved wesite removing # #85 (mritzmann)
- Add support for mapstructure decode tag for reusability #81 (JRemitz)
- Add missing API fields for structs #80 (JRemitz)
Fixed bugs:
- user_data typos cause panic, ForceNew for guest_customization fields #67
- Example config is not valid for power_state #9
Closed issues:
- Do not shutdown machine on certain changes #74
- Update compatibility matrix for TF provider #71
- Terraform 0.12 compatibility #66
- Unable to specify category key names dynamically in resource:nutanix_virtual_machine #61
- data source nutanix_virtual_machine fails with "Invalid address to set: []string{"nic_list", "0", "is_connected"}" #57
- cannot unmarshal string into GO struct field MessageResource.details of the type map [string]interface{} #44
- Error when re-applying a plan #41
- unable to spin vm with error "'api_version' is a required property" #36
- Change VM caused disk being deleted #34
- Unable to change VM resources when it has a network connected #33
- Consider replacing satori/go.uuid #31
Merged pull requests:
- chore: update changelog for 1.0.2 version #77 (marinsalinas)
- Dynamic category name support #76 (marinsalinas)
- Patch to allow some changes to be hotplug #75 (Jorge-Holgado)
- Terraform 0.12 Provider Support. #72 (marinsalinas)
- Fix typos causing panic on userdata change, ForceNew on change #68 (rxacevedo)
- Refactor: change update workflow to use spec instead status in virtual machine resource. #62 (marinsalinas)
- Added fix for Issue #57 #60 (chandru-tkc)
- added VMNic.IsConnected to preFillResUpdateRequest #59 (switchboardOp)
Implemented enhancements:
- Ability to resize a vdisk when deploying from image resource #23
- nutanix_image: long running image create completes successfully at 10 minutes, without getting success call from API #20
- Datasources for categories #8
Fixed bugs:
- nutanix_image: long running image create completes successfully at 10 minutes, without getting success call from API #20
- nutanix_virtual_machine, ip_endpoint_list not correctly working #12
- nutanix_clusters data source makes Terraform crash #10
Closed issues:
- Terraform error trying to use nutanix_virtual_machine data source #30
- [PROPOSAL] Switch to Go Modules #29
- hard code (kind) to be appropriate kind for each resource #27
- Implement HTTP proxy capability at provider level #26
- Ability to add a serial port to a VM #25
- Add additional acceptance test configurations for nutanix resources and data sources #24
- Example - guest_customization_cloud_init does not work #21
- Can't apply just a single resource "nutanix_image" #18
Merged pull requests:
- update changelog for v1.0.1 #56 (marinsalinas)
- fix category key data source basic test #55 (marinsalinas)
- Vdisk update #23 #54 (marinsalinas)
- Data Source for categories #51 (marinsalinas)
- chore: update cibuild make formula to build for any OS (windows, linu… #50 (marinsalinas)
- chore: fix bad urls in file #48 (marinsalinas)
- chore: fix bad urls in file #47 (marinsalinas)
- Add HTTP Proxy capability #46 (marinsalinas)
- Add Serial Port support in VM resource and data source #45 (marinsalinas)
- Fix: nutanix_guest_tools attributes #43 (marinsalinas)
- Image wait timeout #20 #42 (marinsalinas)
- refactor: add nic_list_status to separate the computed values #40 (marinsalinas)
- Remove kind as a argument in cluster_reference and metadata. #39 (marinsalinas)
- Fix clusters Data Source makes tf crash #10 #38 (marinsalinas)
- [MODULES] Switch to Go Modules #37 (appilon)
- website: change guest_customization_cloud_init argument reference #32 (marinsalinas)
- [AUTOMATED] Upgrade to Go 1.11 #16 (appilon)
- Update docs to reflect removal of network security rule resource #14 (alias-dev)
- correcting example #7 (olljanat)
- Fix Spell and style #3 (ryujisnote)
- fix cluster datasource(s) if no http/smtp credentials are configured #1 (simonfuhrer)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- client/v3/v3_service.go - clean up bunch of TODO's #127
- Incorporate gofmt simplify (gofmt -s) #91
- Fix Go Report Card issues with latest merge #90
Closed issues:
- Get test coverage up (at least over 50%) #141
- Crash during VM change #132
- Terraform crash during vm create #119
- Feature requests: max length for metadata / userdata in guest customization #115
- Terraform crash during vm re-create #114
- Terraform client fails to read cloud init values #111
- Volume Groups DS #100
- Volume Group DS #99
- Volume Group RS #98
- Add Subnets DS #97
- Add Images DS #96
- Configuration for the Terraform Nutanix Documentation #88
- Fix "GoLint/Naming/PackageNames" issue in nutanix/config.go #87
- Fix "SC2046" issue in scripts/ #86
- Fix "SC2046" issue in scripts/ #85
- Fix "SC2006" issue in scripts/ #84
- Fix "SC2006" issue in scripts/ #83
- Fix "GoLint/Naming/PackageNames" issue in nutanix/config.go #82
- Test ticket from Code Climate #81
- Add Network Security Rules DS #80
- Add Network Security Rule DS #75
- Terraform crash with VM and cloud init #72
- Make all test passing #71
- Add Cluster RS #69
- Get Image resource test passing #67
- implement issue template #61
- Add code coverage reporting #57
- Add VMS Data Source #51
- Terraform crash when updating image #49
- Unclear protocol / error message for image upload #48
- Cleanup all go report card issues #47
Merged pull requests:
- merge develop june 20 #149 (JonKohler)
- Add test cases for client and V3 #141 #148 (marinsalinas)
- develop to master nightly #147 (JonKohler)
- WIP: Test cov #141 #146 (Crizstian)
- Change LICENSE to MPL2 per hashi #143 (JonKohler)
- lint changes #142 (JonKohler)
- squash lint issues and add unit tests via gotest #140 (JonKohler)
- pulling in all develop work on travis/gnu #138 (JonKohler)
- Master #137 (JonKohler)
- Develop #136 (JonKohler)
- Codecov #112 Add Travis CI Code Coverage configuration #135 (marinsalinas)
- Image upload fail #134 (thetonymaster)
- remove more dead code #131 (JonKohler)
- remove old code #130 (JonKohler)
- one last line split fix #129 (JonKohler)
- Pulling in test updates having challenges in GCP, but pass locally #128 (JonKohler)
- squashing develop and master #126 (JonKohler)
- fix quotes again #125 (JonKohler)
- fix quotes #124 (JonKohler)
- fix backticks #123 (JonKohler)
- removing wait for ip and ip_address from the vm ds and rs since not e… #121 (Crizstian)
- updating example file and binaries to latest #120 (Crizstian)
- Develop #118 (Crizstian)
- Code refactor #117 (marinsalinas)
- Network sec rules refactor #116 (marinsalinas)
- Cloud init custom keys #111 #113 (marinsalinas)
- Upload Image #110 (thetonymaster)
- Volume group rs 98 #109 (marinsalinas)
- Develop #108 (Crizstian)
- refactorizing vm ds and rs #107 (Crizstian)
- refactoring nsr ds and rs #106 (Crizstian)
- Develop #105 (Crizstian)
- Refactor #104 (Crizstian)
- Develop #103 (Crizstian)
- 97 subnets #102 (Crizstian)
- 96 image ds #101 (Crizstian)
- Documentation #95 (marinsalinas)
- Documentation #94 (marinsalinas)
- Refactor: client check errors #93 (marinsalinas)
- Network security rules #80 #89 (marinsalinas)
- Develop #79 (Crizstian)
- 68 cluster ds #78 (Crizstian)
- Network Security Rule Data Source #75 #77 (marinsalinas)
- Assign categories #40 #76 (marinsalinas)
- Test passing #71 #74 (marinsalinas)
- fix issue with vm.GuestCustomization not being initialized #73 (htj)
- Image test #67 #70 (marinsalinas)
- fixes image rs #66 (Crizstian)
- Categories resource #36 #65 (marinsalinas)
- add completion callback for http request #64 (marinsalinas)
- Network Security Rule Resource #30 #63 (marinsalinas)
- Add configuration for CI #58 (marinsalinas)
- Develop #55 (JonKohler)
- Go fmt code #54 (gliptak)
- Develop #53 (Crizstian)
- adding clusters data source to the provider, modified usin… #52 (Crizstian)
- Go report issues #47 #50 (marinsalinas)
- Develop #46 (Crizstian)
- 25 cluster ds #45 (Crizstian)
- Cleanup golint redundant nil check #44 (gliptak)
- Add GoReportCard badge #43 (gliptak)
- Add instructions for building project #42 (marinsalinas)