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File metadata and controls

68 lines (39 loc) · 2.74 KB


- Bootstrapped with Dropwizard + satellizer (A token-based authentication module for AngularJS) sample project.

How to start the Pdsservice application

  1. Run mvn clean install to build your application
  2. Run cp example-config.yml config.yml - Modify the configuration for your environment.
  3. Start application with java -jar target/pdsservice-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml
  4. To check that your application is running enter url http://localhost:3002

Health Check

To see your applications health enter url http://localhost:3002/healthcheck


The drop wizard example application was developed to, as its name implies, provide examples of some of the features present in drop wizard.


Included with this application is an example of the optional db API module. The examples provided illustrate a few of the features available in JDBI, along with demonstrating how these are used from within dropwizard.

This database example is comprised of the following classes.

  • The PersonDAO illustrates using the SQL Object Queries and string template features in JDBI.

  • All the SQL statements for use in the PersonDAO are located in the Person class.

  • migrations.xml illustrates the usage of dropwizard-migrations which can create your database prior to running your application for the first time.

  • The PersonResource and PeopleResource are the REST resource which use the PersonDAO to retrieve data from the database, note the injection of the PersonDAO in their constructors.

As with all the modules the db example is wired up in the initialize function of the PdsserviceMainApplication.

Running The Application

  • To package the example run.

      mvn package
  • To setup the h2 database run.

      java -jar target/pdsservice-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar db migrate example.yml
  • To run the server run.

      java -jar target/pdsservice-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server example.yml
  • To hit this url to access the service example.


  • To post data into the application you have use your login credentials in example (first line should be done once).

    curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"email":"[email protected]","password":"testtest"}' http://localhost:3002/auth/login | grep -ioE '"[^"]"' | tail -1 | grep -ioE '[^"][^"]' | awk '{print "Authorization : OAuth " $1}' > a.txt

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$(cat a.txt)" -X PUT -d '{"displayName":"Other Person","email":"[email protected]"}' http://localhost:3002/api/me

    curl -H "$(cat a.txt)" http://localhost:3002/api/me