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Sunbird RC Services Helm Chart

This Helm chart provides a convenient way to deploy the Sunbird RC services, which includes various microservices and components.


Before deploying this Helm chart, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Git
  2. PostgreSQL (installed on your local machine or remote server with access to local machine)
  3. Helm (installed on your local machine)
  4. Kubectl (installed on your local machine)
  5. Access to a Kubernetes cluster

Deploying Sunbird RC – REGISTRY

Sunbird RC - REGISTRY deploys only registry microservices.

1. Initialized Sunbird RC Helm Repository

helm repo add sunbird-rc2

2. Check the Helm Repo Status:

helm repo list

3. Search for Sunbrird RC Chart in Helm Repo:

helm search repo sunbird-rc2
NAME                                CHART VERSION   APP VERSION  DESCRIPTION
sunbird-rc2/sunbird-c-charts         0.0.1           0.0.13       A Helm chart for Sunbird RC
sunbird-rc2/sunbird-r-charts         0.0.1           0.0.13       A Helm chart for Sunbird RC
sunbird-rc2/sunbird_rc_charts        0.0.1           0.0.13       A Helm chart for Sunbird RC
sunbird-rc2/vault-init               0.1.0           1.16.0       A Helm chart for Kubernetes

4. Helm Chart Sunbird RC Framework Deployment requires following User Inputs:

Helm global deployment properties:

Secret Key Value Description XXXXYY RDS/Data Host Address
global.database.user XXXXYY RDS/Data Username
global.registry.database XXXXYY RDS/Data Database
global.registry.signature_provider XXXXYY dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV1ServiceImpl
global.secrets.DB_PASSWORD XXXXYY Database Password in Base64 encoded format
global.secrets.DB_URL XXXXYY postgres://${rdsuser}:${RDS_PASSWORD}@${rdsHost}:5432/${credentialDBName} in Base64 encoded format

5. Install or Upgrade the Sunbird RC Framework via Helm Chart:

helm upgrade --install <release_name> sunbird-r-charts/ -n <namespace> --create-namespace  \
--set"XXXXYY" \
 --set global.database.user="XXXXYY" \
 --set global.registry.database="XXXXYY" \
 --set global.registry.signature_provider="dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV1ServiceImpl" \
 --set global.secrets.DB_PASSWORD="XXXXYY" \
 --set global.secrets.DB_URL="XXXXYY"

Replace <release_name> with a name for your release.

6. Monitor the deployment status using the following command:

watch -n .5 kubectl get pods -n <namespace>


7. After deployment, access the services and components as required.

kubectl get pods
kubectl get deploy
kubectl get svc 
helm list

Deploying Sunbird RC - CREDENTIALING

Sunbird RC - CREDENTIALING deploys only credentialing microservices.

1. Install vault from HashiCorp

Create a file named helm-vault-raft-values.yml and copy below content.

  enabled: true
  namespace: "sbrc2-c"
  affinity: ""
    enabled: true
      enabled: true
      setNodeId: true
      config: |
        cluster_name = "vault-integrated-storage"
        storage "raft" {
            path    = "/vault/data/"
        listener "tcp" {
           address = "[::]:8200"
           cluster_address = "[::]:8201"
           tls_disable = "true"
        service_registration "kubernetes" {}
helm install <vault_release_name> HashiCorp/vault \
--version 0.24.0 \
--values helm-vault-raft-values.yml \
-n <namespace> --create-namespace
helm status <vault_release_name>  -n <namespace>

Wait until all vault pods are in Running state. Vault pods will not be in ready state until it is initialized and unsealed. VaultNotReady

2. Initialize vault using vault-init chart

helm pull sunbird-rc2/vault-init --untar --destination .
helm upgrade --install <vault_init_release_name> vault-init/ -n <namespace> \
--set envVars.NAMESPACE="<namespace>" \
--set envVars.VAULT_NAME="<vault_release_name>"

Ensure all vault pods are in Ready state. Init will takes 1-2 minutes to make vault pods are in ready state VaultReady

3. Helm global deployment properites:

Secret Key Value Description XXXXYY RDS/Data Host Address
global.database.user XXXXYY RDS/Data Username
global.registry.database XXXXYY RDS/Data Database
global.registry.signature_provider XXXXYY when the module choice is R the value is dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV1ServiceImpl and when the module choice is C or RC, then the value is dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV2ServiceImpl
global.secrets.DB_PASSWORD XXXXYY Database Password in Base64 encoded format
global.secrets.DB_URL XXXXYY postgres://${rdsuser}:${RDS_PASSWORD}@${rdsHost}:5432/${credentialDBName} in Base64 encoded format
global.vault.address XXXXYY http://<vault_release_name>:8200
global.vault.base_url XXXXYY http://<vault_release_name>:8200/v1
global.vault.root_path XXXXYY http://<vault_release_name>:8200/v1/kv

4. Deploy Credential app

helm upgrade --install <release_name> sunbird-c-charts/ -n <namespace> --create-namespace  \
 --set global.database.user="postgres" \
 --set global.registry.database="registry" \
 --set global.registry.signature_provider="dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV2ServiceImpl" \
 --set global.secrets.DB_PASSWORD="TkxoTCpJLWU1NGU=" \
 --set global.secrets.DB_URL="cG9zdGdyZXM6Ly9wb3N0Z3JlczpOTGhMKkktZTU0ZUByZHNzdGFja3NicmMyLWRhdGFiYXNlYjI2OWQ4YmItYjkyanl5bXdhdzZoLmNsdXN0ZXItY3Zla2xpdDJyajRtLmFwLXNvdXRoLTEucmRzLmFtYXpwewqdsavbmF3cy5jb206NTQzMi9zdW5iaXJ" \
 --set global.vault.address="http://<VAULT_RELEASE_NAME>:8200" \
 --set global.vault.base_url="http://<VAULT_RELEASE_NAME>:8200/v1" \
 --set global.vault.root_path="http://<VAULT_RELEASE_NAME>:8200/v1/kv" \

watch -n .5 kubectl get pods -n <namespace>



Sunbird RC - REGISTRY_AND_CREDENTIALLING deploys both registry and credentialling microservices.

Execute Install vault from HashiCorp using new namespace

Execute Initialize the vault using vault-init

helm pull sunbird-rc2/sunbird_rc_charts --untar --destination . 
helm upgrade --install <release_name> sunbird_rc_charts/ -n <namespace> --create-namespace  \
--set"XXXXYY" \
 --set global.database.user="XXXXYY" \
 --set global.registry.database="XXXXYY" \
 --set global.registry.signature_provider="dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV2ServiceImpl" \
 --set global.secrets.DB_PASSWORD="XXXXYY" \
 --set global.secrets.DB_URL="XXXXYY" \
 --set global.vault.address="XXXXYY" \
 --set global.vault.base_url="XXXXYY" \
 --set global.vault.root_path="XXXXYY" \
watch -n .5 kubectl get pods -n <namespace>


Follow the post installation steps to start using Sunbird RC2.0 services

  • Post Installation Procedure

  • NOTE: If Vault becomes sealed, you have the option to unseal it using the unseal token stored in Kubernetes secrets.

kubectl get secrets vault-unseal-key -n <namespace>

Unseal the vault pods using below command.

kubectl exec <vault_pod_name> -n <namespace> -- vault operator unseal <vault_unseal_key>

Lastly, if you wish to clean up, run below two commands to remove all resources that were created by you.

helm uninstall <release_name> -n <namespace>

kubectl delete ns <namespace>