This Helm chart provides a convenient way to deploy the Sunbird RC services, which includes various microservices and components.
Before deploying this Helm chart, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:
- Git
- PostgreSQL (installed on your local machine or remote server with access to local machine)
- Helm (installed on your local machine)
- Kubectl (installed on your local machine)
- Access to a Kubernetes cluster
Sunbird RC - REGISTRY deploys only registry microservices.
helm repo add sunbird-rc2
helm repo list
helm search repo sunbird-rc2
sunbird-rc2/sunbird-c-charts 0.0.1 0.0.13 A Helm chart for Sunbird RC
sunbird-rc2/sunbird-r-charts 0.0.1 0.0.13 A Helm chart for Sunbird RC
sunbird-rc2/sunbird_rc_charts 0.0.1 0.0.13 A Helm chart for Sunbird RC
sunbird-rc2/vault-init 0.1.0 1.16.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes
Secret Key | Value | Description |
---|---|---| | XXXXYY | RDS/Data Host Address |
global.database.user | XXXXYY | RDS/Data Username |
global.registry.database | XXXXYY | RDS/Data Database |
global.registry.signature_provider | XXXXYY | dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV1ServiceImpl |
global.secrets.DB_PASSWORD | XXXXYY | Database Password in Base64 encoded format |
global.secrets.DB_URL | XXXXYY | postgres://${rdsuser}:${RDS_PASSWORD}@${rdsHost}:5432/${credentialDBName} in Base64 encoded format |
helm upgrade --install <release_name> sunbird-r-charts/ -n <namespace> --create-namespace \
--set"XXXXYY" \
--set global.database.user="XXXXYY" \
--set global.registry.database="XXXXYY" \
--set global.registry.signature_provider="dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV1ServiceImpl" \
--set global.secrets.DB_PASSWORD="XXXXYY" \
--set global.secrets.DB_URL="XXXXYY"
Replace <release_name>
with a name for your release.
watch -n .5 kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
kubectl get pods
kubectl get deploy
kubectl get svc
helm list
Sunbird RC - CREDENTIALING deploys only credentialing microservices.
Create a file named helm-vault-raft-values.yml and copy below content.
enabled: true
namespace: "sbrc2-c"
affinity: ""
enabled: true
enabled: true
setNodeId: true
config: |
cluster_name = "vault-integrated-storage"
storage "raft" {
path = "/vault/data/"
listener "tcp" {
address = "[::]:8200"
cluster_address = "[::]:8201"
tls_disable = "true"
service_registration "kubernetes" {}
helm install <vault_release_name> HashiCorp/vault \
--version 0.24.0 \
--values helm-vault-raft-values.yml \
-n <namespace> --create-namespace
helm status <vault_release_name> -n <namespace>
Wait until all vault pods are in Running state. Vault pods will not be in ready state until it is initialized and unsealed.
helm pull sunbird-rc2/vault-init --untar --destination .
helm upgrade --install <vault_init_release_name> vault-init/ -n <namespace> \
--set envVars.NAMESPACE="<namespace>" \
--set envVars.VAULT_NAME="<vault_release_name>"
Ensure all vault pods are in Ready state. Init will takes 1-2 minutes to make vault pods are in ready state
Secret Key | Value | Description |
---|---|---| | XXXXYY | RDS/Data Host Address |
global.database.user | XXXXYY | RDS/Data Username |
global.registry.database | XXXXYY | RDS/Data Database |
global.registry.signature_provider | XXXXYY | when the module choice is R the value is dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV1ServiceImpl and when the module choice is C or RC, then the value is dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV2ServiceImpl |
global.secrets.DB_PASSWORD | XXXXYY | Database Password in Base64 encoded format |
global.secrets.DB_URL | XXXXYY | postgres://${rdsuser}:${RDS_PASSWORD}@${rdsHost}:5432/${credentialDBName} in Base64 encoded format |
global.vault.address | XXXXYY | http://<vault_release_name>:8200 |
global.vault.base_url | XXXXYY | http://<vault_release_name>:8200/v1 |
global.vault.root_path | XXXXYY | http://<vault_release_name>:8200/v1/kv |
helm upgrade --install <release_name> sunbird-c-charts/ -n <namespace> --create-namespace \
--set global.database.user="postgres" \
--set global.registry.database="registry" \
--set global.registry.signature_provider="dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV2ServiceImpl" \
--set global.secrets.DB_PASSWORD="TkxoTCpJLWU1NGU=" \
--set global.secrets.DB_URL="cG9zdGdyZXM6Ly9wb3N0Z3JlczpOTGhMKkktZTU0ZUByZHNzdGFja3NicmMyLWRhdGFiYXNlYjI2OWQ4YmItYjkyanl5bXdhdzZoLmNsdXN0ZXItY3Zla2xpdDJyajRtLmFwLXNvdXRoLTEucmRzLmFtYXpwewqdsavbmF3cy5jb206NTQzMi9zdW5iaXJ" \
--set global.vault.address="http://<VAULT_RELEASE_NAME>:8200" \
--set global.vault.base_url="http://<VAULT_RELEASE_NAME>:8200/v1" \
--set global.vault.root_path="http://<VAULT_RELEASE_NAME>:8200/v1/kv" \
watch -n .5 kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
Sunbird RC - REGISTRY_AND_CREDENTIALLING deploys both registry and credentialling microservices.
Execute Install vault from HashiCorp using new namespace
Execute Initialize the vault using vault-init
helm pull sunbird-rc2/sunbird_rc_charts --untar --destination .
helm upgrade --install <release_name> sunbird_rc_charts/ -n <namespace> --create-namespace \
--set"XXXXYY" \
--set global.database.user="XXXXYY" \
--set global.registry.database="XXXXYY" \
--set global.registry.signature_provider="dev.sunbirdrc.registry.service.impl.SignatureV2ServiceImpl" \
--set global.secrets.DB_PASSWORD="XXXXYY" \
--set global.secrets.DB_URL="XXXXYY" \
--set global.vault.address="XXXXYY" \
--set global.vault.base_url="XXXXYY" \
--set global.vault.root_path="XXXXYY" \
watch -n .5 kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
Follow the post installation steps to start using Sunbird RC2.0 services
NOTE: If Vault becomes sealed, you have the option to unseal it using the unseal token stored in Kubernetes secrets.
kubectl get secrets vault-unseal-key -n <namespace>
Unseal the vault pods using below command.
kubectl exec <vault_pod_name> -n <namespace> -- vault operator unseal <vault_unseal_key>
Lastly, if you wish to clean up, run below two commands to remove all resources that were created by you.
helm uninstall <release_name> -n <namespace>
kubectl delete ns <namespace>