diff --git a/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets b/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4deb15bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+ $(MSBuildAllProjects);$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)
+ $(MSBuildVersion)
+ 15.0.0
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)
+ $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\
+ $(PaketRootPath)paket-files\paket.restore.cached
+ $(PaketRootPath)paket.lock
+ classic
+ proj
+ assembly
+ native
+ /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/mono
+ mono
+ $(PaketRootPath)paket.bootstrapper.exe
+ $(PaketToolsPath)paket.bootstrapper.exe
+ $([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$(PaketBootStrapperExePath)"))\
+ "$(PaketBootStrapperExePath)"
+ $(MonoPath) --runtime=v4.0.30319 "$(PaketBootStrapperExePath)"
+ true
+ true
+ True
+ False
+ $(BaseIntermediateOutputPath.TrimEnd('\').TrimEnd('\/'))
+ $(PaketRootPath)paket
+ $(PaketToolsPath)paket
+ $(PaketRootPath)paket.exe
+ $(PaketToolsPath)paket.exe
+ <_DotnetToolsJson Condition="Exists('$(PaketRootPath)/.config/dotnet-tools.json')">$([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$(PaketRootPath)/.config/dotnet-tools.json"))
+ <_ConfigContainsPaket Condition=" '$(_DotnetToolsJson)' != ''">$(_DotnetToolsJson.Contains('"paket"'))
+ <_ConfigContainsPaket Condition=" '$(_ConfigContainsPaket)' == ''">false
+ <_PaketCommand>dotnet paket
+ $(PaketToolsPath)paket
+ $(PaketBootStrapperExeDir)paket
+ paket
+ <_PaketExeExtension>$([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension("$(PaketExePath)"))
+ <_PaketCommand Condition=" '$(_PaketCommand)' == '' AND '$(_PaketExeExtension)' == '.dll' ">dotnet "$(PaketExePath)"
+ <_PaketCommand Condition=" '$(_PaketCommand)' == '' AND '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' AND '$(_PaketExeExtension)' == '.exe' ">$(MonoPath) --runtime=v4.0.30319 "$(PaketExePath)"
+ <_PaketCommand Condition=" '$(_PaketCommand)' == '' ">"$(PaketExePath)"
+ true
+ $(NoWarn);NU1603;NU1604;NU1605;NU1608
+ false
+ true
+ $([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('$(PaketRestoreCacheFile)'))
+ $([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Split(`%(Identity)`, `": "`)[0].Replace(`"`, ``).Replace(` `, ``))
+ $([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Split(`%(Identity)`, `": "`)[1].Replace(`"`, ``).Replace(` `, ``))
+ %(PaketRestoreCachedKeyValue.Value)
+ %(PaketRestoreCachedKeyValue.Value)
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ $(PaketIntermediateOutputPath)\$(MSBuildProjectFile).paket.references.cached
+ $(MSBuildProjectFullPath).paket.references
+ $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\$(MSBuildProjectName).paket.references
+ $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\paket.references
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ references-file-or-cache-not-found
+ $([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('$(PaketReferencesCachedFilePath)'))
+ $([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('$(PaketOriginalReferencesFilePath)'))
+ references-file
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ target-framework '$(TargetFramework)' or '$(TargetFrameworks)' files @(PaketResolvedFilePaths)
+ false
+ true
+ $([System.String]::Copy('%(PaketReferencesFileLines.Identity)').Split(',').Length)
+ $([System.String]::Copy('%(PaketReferencesFileLines.Identity)').Split(',')[0])
+ $([System.String]::Copy('%(PaketReferencesFileLines.Identity)').Split(',')[1])
+ $([System.String]::Copy('%(PaketReferencesFileLines.Identity)').Split(',')[4])
+ $([System.String]::Copy('%(PaketReferencesFileLines.Identity)').Split(',')[5])
+ $([System.String]::Copy('%(PaketReferencesFileLines.Identity)').Split(',')[6])
+ $([System.String]::Copy('%(PaketReferencesFileLines.Identity)').Split(',')[7])
+ %(PaketReferencesFileLinesInfo.PackageVersion)
+ All
+ runtime
+ $(ExcludeAssets);contentFiles
+ $(ExcludeAssets);build;buildMultitargeting;buildTransitive
+ true
+ true
+ $(PaketIntermediateOutputPath)/$(MSBuildProjectFile).paket.clitools
+ $([System.String]::Copy('%(PaketCliToolFileLines.Identity)').Split(',')[0])
+ $([System.String]::Copy('%(PaketCliToolFileLines.Identity)').Split(',')[1])
+ %(PaketCliToolFileLinesInfo.PackageVersion)
+ false
+ <_NuspecFilesNewLocation Include="$(PaketIntermediateOutputPath)\$(Configuration)\*.nuspec"/>
+ $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)/$(MSBuildProjectFile)
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ $(PaketIntermediateOutputPath)\$(Configuration)
+ $(PaketIntermediateOutputPath)
+ <_NuspecFiles Include="$(AdjustedNuspecOutputPath)\*.$(PackageVersion.Split(`+`)[0]).nuspec"/>
diff --git a/examples/CORS/Program.fs b/examples/CORS/Program.fs
index 8de0ec3f..04cb4a94 100644
--- a/examples/CORS/Program.fs
+++ b/examples/CORS/Program.fs
@@ -1,27 +1,19 @@
-module Program
+module Program
-open System
-open System.Net
open Suave
-open Suave.Logging
open Suave.Filters
-open Suave.Writers
-open Suave.Files
open Suave.Successful
open Suave.CORS
-open Suave.State.CookieStateStore
-open Suave.Utils
open Suave.Operators
-let logger = Targets.create Verbose [||]
let corsConfig = { defaultCORSConfig with allowedUris = InclusiveOption.Some [ "http://localhost:8085" ] }
let app =
choose [
GET >=> path "/hello" >=> cors corsConfig >=> OK "CORS request accepted."
- ] >=> logStructured logger logFormatStructured
+ ]
let main argv =
diff --git a/examples/Example/CounterDemo.fs b/examples/Example/CounterDemo.fs
index 710ba783..f7bfc8da 100644
--- a/examples/Example/CounterDemo.fs
+++ b/examples/Example/CounterDemo.fs
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ module private Helpers =
open Suave
open Suave.Sockets
-open Suave.Sockets.Control
-open Suave.Http
open Suave.EventSource
open Suave.Utils
@@ -29,13 +27,13 @@ open Helpers
let counterDemo (req : HttpRequest) (out : Connection) =
let write i =
- socket {
+ task {
let msg = { id = i; data = string i; ``type`` = None }
- do! msg |> send out
- return! SocketOp.ofAsync (Async.Sleep 100)
+ let! _ = send out msg
+ return! Async.Sleep 100
- socket {
+ task {
let lastEvtId =
(req.header "last-event-id" |> Choice.bind muint32)
((req.queryParam "lastEventId") |> Choice.bind muint32) <.>
diff --git a/examples/Example/Program.fs b/examples/Example/Program.fs
index 5364462b..7af49160 100644
--- a/examples/Example/Program.fs
+++ b/examples/Example/Program.fs
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
module Program
open System
-open System.Net
open Suave
-open Suave.Sockets.Control
-open Suave.Logging
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.EventSource
open Suave.Filters
@@ -17,31 +14,6 @@ open Suave.State.CookieStateStore
let basicAuth =
Authentication.authenticateBasic ((=) ("foo", "bar"))
-// This demonstrates how to customise the console logger output.
-// In most cases you wont need this. Instead you can use the more succinct:
-// `let logger = Targets.create Verbose [||]`
-let loggingOptions =
- { Literate.LiterateOptions.create() with
- getLogLevelText = function Verbose->"V" | Debug->"D" | Info->"I" | Warn->"W" | Error->"E" | Fatal->"F" }
-let logger = LiterateConsoleTarget(
- name = [|"Suave";"Examples";"Example"|],
- minLevel = Verbose,
- options = loggingOptions,
- outputTemplate = "[{level}] {timestampUtc:o} {message} [{source}]{exceptions}"
- ) :> Logger
-/// With this workflow you can write WebParts like this
-let task : WebPart =
- fun ctx -> WebPart.asyncOption {
- let! ctx = GET ctx
- let! ctx = Writers.setHeader "foo" "bar" ctx
- return ctx
- }
-/// we can still use the old symbol but now has a new meaning
-let foo : WebPart = fun ctx -> GET ctx >>= OK "hello"
let myApp =
choose [
GET >=> choose
@@ -57,7 +29,6 @@ let myApp =
// typed routes
let testApp =
choose [
- logStructured logger logFormatStructured >=> never
pathScan "/add/%d/%d" (fun (a,b) -> OK((a + b).ToString()))
pathScan "/minus/%d/%d" (fun (a,b) -> OK((a - b).ToString()))
pathScan "/divide/%d/%d" (fun (a,b) -> OK((a / b).ToString()))
@@ -86,9 +57,20 @@ let unzipBody : WebPart =
return ctx }
-open System.IO
open Suave.Sockets
-open Suave.Sockets.Control
+open System.IO
+let write (conn:Connection, _) =
+ task {
+ use ms = new MemoryStream()
+ ms.Write([| 1uy; 2uy; 3uy |], 0, 3)
+ ms.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
+ // do things here
+ do! conn.asyncWriteLn (sprintf "Content-Length: %d\r\n" ms.Length)
+ do! conn.flush()
+ do! transferStream conn ms
+ return ()
let app =
choose [
@@ -99,15 +81,7 @@ let app =
path "/hello" >=> OK "Hello World"
path "/byte-stream" >=> (fun ctx ->
- let write (conn:Connection, _) = socket {
- use ms = new MemoryStream()
- ms.Write([| 1uy; 2uy; 3uy |], 0, 3)
- ms.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
- // do things here
- do! conn.asyncWriteLn (sprintf "Content-Length: %d\r\n" ms.Length)
- do! conn.flush()
- do! transferStream conn ms
- }
{ ctx with
response =
@@ -145,11 +119,12 @@ let app =
basicAuth <| choose [ // from here on it will require authentication
// surf to: http://localhost:8082/es.html to view the ES
GET >=> path "/events2" >=> request (fun _ -> EventSource.handShake (fun out ->
- socket {
+ task {
let msg = { id = "1"; data = "First Message"; ``type`` = None }
- do! msg |> send out
+ let! _ = send out msg
let msg = { id = "2"; data = "Second Message"; ``type`` = None }
- do! msg |> send out
+ let! _ = send out msg
+ ()
GET >=> path "/events" >=> request (fun r -> EventSource.handShake (CounterDemo.counterDemo r))
GET >=> browseHome //serves file if exists
@@ -177,7 +152,7 @@ let app =
>=> OK "Doooooge"
RequestErrors.NOT_FOUND "Found no handlers"
- ] >=> logStructured logger logFormatStructured
+ ] //>=> logStructured logger logFormatStructured
open System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
@@ -195,7 +170,7 @@ let main argv =
mimeTypesMap = mimeTypes
homeFolder = None
compressedFilesFolder = None
- logger = logger
+ //logger = logger
cookieSerialiser = new BinaryFormatterSerialiser()
hideHeader = false
maxContentLength = 1000000 }
diff --git a/examples/Fibonacci/Program.fs b/examples/Fibonacci/Program.fs
index 17216908..ae3cd66e 100644
--- a/examples/Fibonacci/Program.fs
+++ b/examples/Fibonacci/Program.fs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-open Suave
-open Suave.Http
+open Suave
open Suave.Filters
open Suave.Successful
diff --git a/examples/Load/Program.fs b/examples/Load/Program.fs
index 16bc8fe5..fa0cdc1b 100644
--- a/examples/Load/Program.fs
+++ b/examples/Load/Program.fs
@@ -3,20 +3,17 @@ open System.Net
open Suave
open Suave.Operators
-open Suave.Http
open Suave.Filters
open Suave.Files
-open Suave.Logging
open System.Threading.Tasks
-let logger = Targets.create Verbose [||]
let config =
{ defaultConfig with
bindings = [ HttpBinding.createSimple HTTP "" 8082 ]
bufferSize = 2048
maxOps = 10000
- logger = logger }
+ }
let listening, server = startWebServerAsync config (choose [ GET >=> browseHome ])
Task.WaitAll server
diff --git a/examples/Stream/Program.fs b/examples/Stream/Program.fs
index b9f74a9a..b2a47196 100644
--- a/examples/Stream/Program.fs
+++ b/examples/Stream/Program.fs
@@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
-module Program
+module Program
open System.IO
open Suave
-open Suave.Logging
open Suave.Filters
open Suave.Stream
open Suave.Operators
-let logger = Targets.create Verbose [||]
let makeStream =
async {
let fileStream = File.Open("./kandinsky-composition-8.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)
@@ -20,7 +17,7 @@ let makeStream =
let app =
choose [
GET >=> path "/art" >=> Writers.setMimeType "image/jpeg" >=> okStream makeStream
- ] >=> logStructured logger logFormatStructured
+ ]
let main argv =
diff --git a/examples/WebSocket/Program.fs b/examples/WebSocket/Program.fs
index 9459c1e7..22e93e76 100644
--- a/examples/WebSocket/Program.fs
+++ b/examples/WebSocket/Program.fs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
open Suave
open Suave.Http
open Suave.Operators
@@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ let app : WebPart =
let main _ =
- startWebServer { defaultConfig with logger = Targets.create Verbose [||] } app
+ startWebServer defaultConfig app
diff --git a/paket.dependencies b/paket.dependencies
index 2b5d5fac..97d9edc4 100644
--- a/paket.dependencies
+++ b/paket.dependencies
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ group Examples
nuget FSharp.Core
nuget Topshelf.FSharp
nuget Topshelf
+ nuget Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ nuget Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console
group Docs
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
@@ -28,6 +30,8 @@ group Docs
nuget Argu
nuget FSharp.Core
nuget FsLibTool
+ nuget Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+ nuget Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console
group SourceLink
source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
diff --git a/paket.lock b/paket.lock
index 13fa57f3..faf20c65 100644
--- a/paket.lock
+++ b/paket.lock
@@ -2,132 +2,212 @@ STORAGE: NONE
RESTRICTION: == net7.0
remote: https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
- BenchmarkDotNet (0.13.5)
- BenchmarkDotNet.Annotations (>= 0.13.5)
- CommandLineParser (>= 2.4.3)
+ BenchmarkDotNet (0.13.12)
+ BenchmarkDotNet.Annotations (>= 0.13.12)
+ CommandLineParser (>= 2.9.1)
Gee.External.Capstone (>= 2.3)
Iced (>= 1.17)
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (>= 3.0)
+ Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (>= 4.1)
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime (>= 2.2.332302)
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent (>= 3.0.2)
Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions (>= 3.1.6)
- Perfolizer (>= 0.2.1)
- System.Management (>= 6.0)
- BenchmarkDotNet.Annotations (0.13.5)
+ Perfolizer (0.2.1)
+ System.Management (>= 5.0)
+ BenchmarkDotNet.Annotations (0.14)
CommandLineParser (2.9.1)
- DotLiquid (2.2.685)
- Expecto (9.0.4)
- FSharp.Core (>= 4.6)
- Mono.Cecil (>= 0.11.3)
- Expecto.BenchmarkDotNet (9.0.4)
- BenchmarkDotNet (>= 0.12.1)
- FSharp.Core (>= 4.6)
- Expecto.FsCheck (9.0.4)
- Expecto (>= 9.0.4)
- FsCheck (>= 2.14.3)
- FsCheck (2.16.5)
+ DotLiquid (2.2.692)
+ Expecto (10.2.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 7.0.200)
+ Mono.Cecil (>= 0.11.4 < 1.0)
+ Expecto.BenchmarkDotNet (10.2.1)
+ BenchmarkDotNet (>= 0.13.5 < 0.14)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 7.0.200)
+ Expecto.FsCheck (10.2.1)
+ Expecto (>= 10.2.1)
+ FsCheck (>= 2.16.5 < 3.0)
+ FsCheck (2.16.6)
FSharp.Core (>= 4.2.3)
- FSharp.Core (7.0.200)
+ FSharp.Core (8.0.400)
Gee.External.Capstone (2.3)
- Iced (1.18)
- Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces (7.0)
+ Iced (1.21)
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers (3.3.4)
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common (4.5)
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers (>= 3.3.3)
- System.Collections.Immutable (>= 6.0)
- System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 6.0.1)
+ Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common (4.11)
+ Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers (>= 3.3.4)
+ System.Collections.Immutable (>= 8.0)
+ System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (4.11)
+ Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers (>= 3.3.4)
+ Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common (4.11)
+ System.Collections.Immutable (>= 8.0)
+ System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client (0.2.532401)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 6.0.4)
+ Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime (3.1.512801)
+ Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client (>= 0.2.410101)
+ Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent (3.1.15)
+ Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client (>= 0.2.510501)
+ Microsoft.Win32.Registry (>= 5.0)
+ System.Collections.Immutable (>= 8.0)
+ System.Reflection.Metadata (>= 8.0)
+ System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.7)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (>= 6.0)
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (>= 6.0)
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (4.5)
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common (4.5)
- Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client (0.2.410101)
- Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces (>= 1.1)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 2.1.1)
- Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime (2.3.405304)
- Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client (>= 0.2.251802)
- System.Collections.Immutable (>= 5.0)
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (>= 5.0)
- Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent (3.0.8)
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (>= 5.0)
Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions (3.1.6)
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Embedded (7.0.10)
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (>= 7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (>= 7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options (7.0.1)
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 7.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (7.0)
- Mono.Cecil (0.11.4)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (8.0.1)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Embedded (8.0.8)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (8.0.1)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0.1)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (8.0)
+ Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream (3.0.1)
+ Microsoft.Win32.Registry (5.0)
+ System.Security.AccessControl (>= 5.0)
+ System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 5.0)
+ Mono.Cecil (0.11.5)
Perfolizer (0.2.1)
System.Memory (>= 4.5.3)
- System.CodeDom (7.0)
- System.Collections.Immutable (7.0)
- System.IO.Pipelines (7.0)
- System.Management (7.0)
- System.CodeDom (>= 7.0)
+ System.CodeDom (8.0)
+ System.Collections.Immutable (8.0)
+ System.IO.Pipelines (8.0)
+ System.Management (8.0)
+ System.CodeDom (>= 8.0)
System.Memory (4.5.5)
- System.Reactive (5.0)
- System.Reflection.Metadata (7.0)
- System.Collections.Immutable (>= 7.0)
+ System.Reactive (6.0.1)
+ System.Reflection.Metadata (8.0)
+ System.Collections.Immutable (>= 8.0)
+ System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (4.7)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (6.0)
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (7.0)
- System.Threading.Channels (7.0)
- Websocket.Client (4.6.1)
- System.Reactive (>= 5.0)
- System.Threading.Channels (>= 5.0)
+ System.Security.AccessControl (6.0.1)
+ System.Security.Principal.Windows (5.0)
+ System.Threading.Channels (8.0)
+ Websocket.Client (5.1.2)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream (>= 3.0)
+ System.Reactive (>= 6.0)
+ System.Threading.Channels (>= 8.0)
RESTRICTION: == net7.0
remote: https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
- Argu (6.1.1)
- FSharp.Core (>= 4.3.2)
+ Argu (6.2.4)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.7)
System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager (>= 4.4)
- FSharp.Core (7.0.200)
+ FSharp.Core (8.0.400)
FsLibTool (0.1.1)
FSharp.Core (>=
PPrint (>= 1.4.3)
- Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents (7.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder (8.0.2)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (8.0.1)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (8.0.1)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0.1)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 8.0)
+ System.Text.Json (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options (8.0.2)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (8.0)
PPrint (2.0)
FSharp.Core (>=
- System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager (7.0)
- System.Diagnostics.EventLog (>= 7.0)
- System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData (>= 7.0)
- System.Security.Permissions (>= 7.0)
- System.Diagnostics.EventLog (7.0)
- System.Drawing.Common (7.0)
- Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents (>= 7.0)
- System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData (7.0.1)
- System.Security.Permissions (7.0)
- System.Windows.Extensions (>= 7.0)
- System.Windows.Extensions (7.0)
- System.Drawing.Common (>= 7.0)
+ System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager (8.0)
+ System.Diagnostics.EventLog (>= 8.0)
+ System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData (>= 8.0)
+ System.Diagnostics.EventLog (8.0)
+ System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData (8.0)
+ System.Text.Encodings.Web (8.0)
+ System.Text.Json (8.0.4)
+ System.Text.Encodings.Web (>= 8.0)
GROUP Examples
RESTRICTION: == net7.0
remote: https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
- FSharp.Core (7.0.200)
- Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (7.0)
+ FSharp.Core (8.0.400)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder (8.0.2)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (8.0.1)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (8.0.1)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0.1)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 8.0)
+ System.Text.Json (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options (8.0.2)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions (8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Options (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (>= 8.0)
+ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives (8.0)
+ Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (7.0.4)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (5.0)
Microsoft.Win32.Registry (5.0)
System.Security.AccessControl (>= 5.0)
System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 5.0)
- Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents (7.0)
+ Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents (8.0)
runtime.native.System (4.3.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1.3)
- System.Diagnostics.EventLog (7.0)
+ System.Diagnostics.EventLog (8.0)
System.Globalization (4.3)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
@@ -181,14 +261,17 @@ NUGET
System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3)
System.Threading (>= 4.3)
- System.Security.AccessControl (6.0)
+ System.Security.AccessControl (6.0.1)
System.Security.Principal.Windows (5.0)
- System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController (7.0)
- System.Diagnostics.EventLog (>= 7.0)
+ System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController (8.0)
+ System.Diagnostics.EventLog (>= 8.0)
System.Text.Encoding (4.3)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
+ System.Text.Encodings.Web (8.0)
+ System.Text.Json (8.0.4)
+ System.Text.Encodings.Web (>= 8.0)
System.Threading (4.3)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3)
@@ -214,209 +297,202 @@ NUGET
BlackFox.VsWhere (1.1)
FSharp.Core (>= 4.2.3)
Microsoft.Win32.Registry (>= 4.7)
- Fake.Api.GitHub (6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Octokit (>= 0.50)
- Fake.BuildServer.TeamFoundation (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Vault (>= 6.0)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.CommandLineParsing (6.0)
+ Fake.Api.GitHub (6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Octokit (>= 13.0.1)
+ Fake.BuildServer.TeamFoundation (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Vault (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.CommandLineParsing (6.1.1)
FParsec (>= 1.1.1)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.Context (6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.Environment (6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.FakeVar (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Context (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.Process (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.FakeVar (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- System.Collections.Immutable (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.ReleaseNotes (6.0)
- Fake.Core.SemVer (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.SemVer (6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.String (6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.Target (6.0)
- Fake.Core.CommandLineParsing (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Context (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.FakeVar (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.Context (6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.Environment (6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.FakeVar (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Context (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.Process (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.FakeVar (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ System.Collections.Immutable (>= 8.0)
+ Fake.Core.ReleaseNotes (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.SemVer (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.SemVer (6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.String (6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.Target (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.CommandLineParsing (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Context (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.FakeVar (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
FSharp.Control.Reactive (>= 5.0.2)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.Tasks (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.Trace (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.FakeVar (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Core.Vault (6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Newtonsoft.Json (>= 13.0.1)
- Fake.Core.Xml (6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.DotNet.AssemblyInfoFile (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.DotNet.Cli (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- Fake.DotNet.MSBuild (>= 6.0)
- Fake.DotNet.NuGet (>= 6.0)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.Tasks (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.FakeVar (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Core.Vault (6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Newtonsoft.Json (>= 13.0.3)
+ Fake.Core.Xml (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.DotNet.AssemblyInfoFile (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.DotNet.Cli (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.DotNet.MSBuild (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Dotnet.NuGet (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
Mono.Posix.NETStandard (>= 1.0)
- Newtonsoft.Json (>= 13.0.1)
- Fake.DotNet.MSBuild (6.0)
+ Newtonsoft.Json (>= 13.0.3)
+ Fake.DotNet.MSBuild (6.1.1)
BlackFox.VsWhere (>= 1.1)
- Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- MSBuild.StructuredLogger (>= 2.1.545)
- Fake.DotNet.NuGet (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.SemVer (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Tasks (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Xml (>= 6.0)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Net.Http (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Newtonsoft.Json (>= 13.0.1)
- NuGet.Protocol (>= 6.0)
- Fake.DotNet.Paket (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- Fake.DotNet.Cli (>= 6.0)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.DotNet.Testing.XUnit2 (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Testing.Common (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.IO.Zip (6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Net.Http (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Testing.Common (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
- Fake.Tools.Git (6.0)
- Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.SemVer (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.String (>= 6.0)
- Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.0)
- Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (>= 6.0.3)
+ Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ MSBuild.StructuredLogger (>= 2.1.815)
+ Fake.Dotnet.NuGet (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.SemVer (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Tasks (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Xml (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Net.Http (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Newtonsoft.Json (>= 13.0.3)
+ NuGet.Protocol (>= 6.10.1)
+ Fake.DotNet.Paket (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.DotNet.Cli (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.DotNet.Testing.XUnit2 (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Testing.Common (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.IO.Zip (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Net.Http (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Testing.Common (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
+ Fake.Tools.Git (6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Environment (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Process (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.SemVer (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.String (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.Core.Trace (>= 6.1.1)
+ Fake.IO.FileSystem (>= 6.1.1)
+ FSharp.Core (>= 8.0.301)
FParsec (1.1.1)
FSharp.Core (>= 4.3.4)
FSharp.Control.Reactive (5.0.5)
FSharp.Core (>= 4.7.2)
System.Reactive (>= 5.0 < 6.0)
- FSharp.Core (7.0.200)
- Microsoft.Build.Framework (17.5)
+ FSharp.Core (8.0.400)
+ Microsoft.Build.Framework (17.11.4)
Microsoft.Win32.Registry (>= 5.0)
- System.Security.Permissions (>= 6.0)
- Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core (17.5)
- Microsoft.Build.Framework (>= 17.5)
- Microsoft.NET.StringTools (>= 17.5)
+ System.Memory (>= 4.5.5)
+ System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (>= 6.0)
+ System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 5.0)
+ Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core (17.11.4)
+ Microsoft.Build.Framework (>= 17.11.4)
+ Microsoft.NET.StringTools (>= 17.11.4)
Microsoft.Win32.Registry (>= 5.0)
- System.Collections.Immutable (>= 6.0)
- System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager (>= 6.0)
- System.Security.Permissions (>= 6.0)
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (>= 6.0)
- Microsoft.NET.StringTools (17.5)
+ System.Collections.Immutable (>= 8.0)
+ System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager (>= 8.0)
+ System.Memory (>= 4.5.5)
+ System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (>= 6.0)
+ System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 5.0)
+ System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (>= 7.0)
+ Microsoft.NET.StringTools (17.11.4)
System.Memory (>= 4.5.5)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (>= 6.0)
Microsoft.Win32.Registry (5.0)
System.Security.AccessControl (>= 5.0)
System.Security.Principal.Windows (>= 5.0)
- Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents (7.0)
Mono.Posix.NETStandard (1.0)
- MSBuild.StructuredLogger (2.1.787)
- Microsoft.Build.Framework (>= 16.10)
- Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core (>= 16.10)
- Newtonsoft.Json (13.0.2)
- NuGet.Common (6.5)
- NuGet.Frameworks (>= 6.5)
- NuGet.Configuration (6.5)
- NuGet.Common (>= 6.5)
+ MSBuild.StructuredLogger (2.2.337)
+ Microsoft.Build.Framework (>= 17.5)
+ Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core (>= 17.5)
+ Newtonsoft.Json (13.0.3)
+ NuGet.Common (6.11)
+ NuGet.Frameworks (>= 6.11)
+ NuGet.Configuration (6.11)
+ NuGet.Common (>= 6.11)
System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData (>= 4.4)
- NuGet.Frameworks (6.5)
- NuGet.Packaging (6.5)
- Newtonsoft.Json (>= 13.0.1)
- NuGet.Configuration (>= 6.5)
- NuGet.Versioning (>= 6.5)
- System.Security.Cryptography.Cng (>= 5.0)
- System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs (>= 5.0)
- NuGet.Protocol (6.5)
- NuGet.Packaging (>= 6.5)
- NuGet.Versioning (6.5)
- Octokit (5.0)
- System.Collections.Immutable (7.0)
+ NuGet.Frameworks (6.11)
+ NuGet.Packaging (6.11)
+ Newtonsoft.Json (>= 13.0.3)
+ NuGet.Configuration (>= 6.11)
+ NuGet.Versioning (>= 6.11)
+ System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs (>= 6.0.4)
+ NuGet.Protocol (6.11)
+ NuGet.Packaging (>= 6.11)
+ NuGet.Versioning (6.11)
+ Octokit (13.0.1)
+ System.Collections.Immutable (8.0)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (>= 6.0)
- System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager (7.0)
- System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData (>= 7.0)
- System.Security.Permissions (>= 7.0)
- System.Drawing.Common (7.0)
- Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents (>= 7.0)
- System.Formats.Asn1 (7.0)
+ System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager (8.0)
+ System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData (>= 8.0)
+ System.Formats.Asn1 (8.0.1)
System.Memory (4.5.5)
System.Reactive (5.0)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (6.0)
- System.Security.AccessControl (6.0)
- System.Security.Cryptography.Cng (5.0)
- System.Formats.Asn1 (>= 5.0)
- System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs (7.0.1)
- System.Formats.Asn1 (>= 7.0)
- System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData (7.0.1)
- System.Security.Permissions (7.0)
- System.Windows.Extensions (>= 7.0)
+ System.Security.AccessControl (6.0.1)
+ System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs (8.0)
+ System.Formats.Asn1 (>= 8.0)
+ System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData (8.0)
System.Security.Principal.Windows (5.0)
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (7.0)
+ System.Text.Encoding.CodePages (8.0)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe (>= 6.0)
- System.Windows.Extensions (7.0)
- System.Drawing.Common (>= 7.0)
GROUP SourceLink
diff --git a/src/Suave.IO/Program.fs b/src/Suave.IO/Program.fs
index 0b6b540f..c8da1134 100644
--- a/src/Suave.IO/Program.fs
+++ b/src/Suave.IO/Program.fs
@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
-module Suave.IO.Program
+module Suave.IO.Program
open Argu
open Suave
open Suave.ServerErrors
-open Suave.Logging
-open Suave.Logging.Message
+open Suave.Operators
open System.IO
-open System.Net
+open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+open Suave.Filters
+let factory = LoggerFactory.Create(fun builder -> builder.AddConsole() |> ignore)
+let logger = factory.CreateLogger("Suave.IO")
-let logger = Log.create "Suave.IO"
+let log format : WebPart =
+ fun ctx -> async{
+ logger.LogInformation(format ctx);
+ return Some ctx
+ }
type Arguments =
| [] Binding of string * int
@@ -26,7 +34,7 @@ let addExnLogging (fwp: 'a -> WebPart) =
return! fwp input ctx
with e ->
- do logger.fatal (eventX "Unhandled {exception}" >> setField "exception" e)
+ do logger.LogCritical ("Unhandled exception", e)
return! INTERNAL_ERROR "Unhandled internal exception" ctx
@@ -35,7 +43,7 @@ let app: WebPart =
Files.browseFileHome "index.html"
request (fun r -> INTERNAL_ERROR (sprintf "No file found at path %s" r.url.AbsolutePath))
- ]
+ ] >=> log logFormat;
let main argv =
diff --git a/src/Suave.IO/paket.references b/src/Suave.IO/paket.references
index d1fc3721..c8497965 100644
--- a/src/Suave.IO/paket.references
+++ b/src/Suave.IO/paket.references
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
group Docs
diff --git a/src/Suave.Tests/Auth.fs b/src/Suave.Tests/Auth.fs
index 8adfbb4f..8dca6d85 100644
--- a/src/Suave.Tests/Auth.fs
+++ b/src/Suave.Tests/Auth.fs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module Suave.Tests.Auth
+module Suave.Tests.Auth
open System
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ open System.Net
open System.Net.Http
open Expecto
open Suave
-open Suave.Logging
-open Suave.Logging.Message
open Suave.Cookie
open Suave.State.CookieStateStore
open Suave.Operators
@@ -38,29 +36,12 @@ let reqResp
(ctx : SuaveTestCtx) =
- let event message =
- eventX message >> setSingleName "Suave.Tests"
- let logger =
- ctx.suaveConfig.logger
- logger.debug (
- event "{method} {resource}"
- >> setFieldValue "method" methd
- >> setFieldValue "resource" resource)
let defaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds 5.
use handler = createHandler DecompressionMethods.None cookies
use client = createClient handler
use request = createRequest methd resource "" None (endpointUri ctx.suaveConfig) |> fRequest
- for h in request.Headers do
- logger.debug (event "{headerName}: {headerValue}"
- >> setFieldValue "headerName" h.Key
- >> setFieldValue "headerValue" (String.Join(", ", h.Value)))
- // use -> let!!!
let result = request |> send client defaultTimeout ctx
fResult result
@@ -95,7 +76,7 @@ let sessionState f =
let authTests cfg =
- let runWithConfig = runWith { cfg with logger = Targets.create Warn [||] }
+ let runWithConfig = runWith cfg //{ cfg with logger = Targets.create Warn [||] }
testList "auth tests" [
testCase "baseline, no auth cookie" <| fun _ ->
let ctx = runWithConfig (OK "ACK")
diff --git a/src/Suave.Tests/CORS.fs b/src/Suave.Tests/CORS.fs
index 165fa1db..f2b6dc96 100644
--- a/src/Suave.Tests/CORS.fs
+++ b/src/Suave.Tests/CORS.fs
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
-module Suave.Tests.CORS
+module Suave.Tests.CORS
-open System
open System.Net
open System.Net.Http
open Expecto
-open Suave.Tests.TestUtilities
open Suave
open Suave.Successful
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.Filters
-open Suave.Logging
-open Suave.Cookie
-open Suave.State.CookieStateStore
open Suave.CORS
open Suave.Testing
@@ -39,7 +34,7 @@ let corsWithDefaultConfig = cors defaultCORSConfig
let tests cfg =
- let runWithConfig = runWith { cfg with logger = Targets.create LogLevel.Warn [| "Suave"; "Tests"; "CORS" |] }
+ let runWithConfig = runWith cfg //{ cfg with logger = Targets.create LogLevel.Warn [| "Suave"; "Tests"; "CORS" |] }
let origin = "http://someorigin.com"
diff --git a/src/Suave.Tests/Cookie.fs b/src/Suave.Tests/Cookie.fs
index d0438821..0e0cfc5c 100644
--- a/src/Suave.Tests/Cookie.fs
+++ b/src/Suave.Tests/Cookie.fs
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
-module Suave.Tests.Cookie
+module Suave.Tests.Cookie
open Suave
open Suave.Cookie
-open Suave.Logging
-open Suave.Testing
open Expecto
-open FsCheck
open Tests.TestUtilities
@@ -69,11 +65,6 @@ let parseResultCookie (_:SuaveConfig) =
let parsed = Cookie.parseResultCookie (HttpCookie.toHeader cookie)
Expect.equal parsed cookie "eq"
-// FsCheck character gen from RFC slightly painful; let's do that when merging Freya
-// testPropertyWithConfig fscheck_config "anything generated" <| fun (cookie : HttpCookie) ->
-// let parsed = Cookie.parse_cookie (HttpCookie.to_header cookie)
-// Expect.equal parsed cookie "eq"
testCase "set cookie (same name) twice keeps last" <| fun _ ->
let force = Async.RunSynchronously >> Option.get
let c1 = HttpCookie.createKV "a" "aa"
@@ -105,50 +96,4 @@ let parseRequestCookies (_ : SuaveConfig) =
Expect.equal result [] "cookies should be ignored"
-let setCookie (_ : SuaveConfig) =
- testList "set cookie" [
- testCase "set cookie - no warning when < 4k" <| fun _ ->
- let log = InspectableLog()
- let cookie =
- { name = "test cookie"
- value = String.replicate 4095 "x"
- expires = None
- path = Some "/"
- domain = None
- secure = true
- httpOnly = false
- sameSite = None }
- let ctx = Cookie.setCookie cookie { HttpContext.empty with runtime = { HttpRuntime.empty with logger = log }}
- Expect.isTrue (List.isEmpty log.logs) "Should be no logs generated"
- testCase "set cookie - no warning when = 4k" <| fun _ ->
- let log = InspectableLog()
- let cookie =
- { name = "test cookie"
- value = String.replicate 4096 "x"
- expires = None
- path = Some "/"
- domain = None
- secure = true
- httpOnly = false
- sameSite = None }
- let ctx = Cookie.setCookie cookie { HttpContext.empty with runtime = { HttpRuntime.empty with logger = log }}
- Expect.isTrue (List.isEmpty log.logs) "Should be no logs generated"
- testCase "set cookie - warning when > 4k" <| fun _ ->
- let log = InspectableLog()
- let cookie =
- { name = "test cookie"
- value = String.replicate 4097 "x"
- expires = None
- path = Some "/"
- domain = None
- secure = true
- httpOnly = false
- sameSite = None }
- let ctx =
- let input = { HttpContext.empty with runtime = { HttpRuntime.empty with logger = log }}
- Cookie.setCookie cookie input |> Async.RunSynchronously
- Expect.equal (List.length log.logs) 1 "Should be 1 log generated"
- Expect.equal (List.head log.logs).level LogLevel.Warn "should be a warning"
- ]
diff --git a/src/Suave.Tests/ExpectoExtensions.fs b/src/Suave.Tests/ExpectoExtensions.fs
index ffe1146b..f2a525cc 100644
--- a/src/Suave.Tests/ExpectoExtensions.fs
+++ b/src/Suave.Tests/ExpectoExtensions.fs
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-module Suave.Tests.ExpectoExtensions
+module Suave.Tests.ExpectoExtensions
open Expecto
-open Expecto.Tests
+open Expecto.Logging
open Expecto.Impl
open System
-open System.Linq
open System.Reflection
type MemberInfo with
@@ -68,5 +67,5 @@ let defaultMainThisAssemblyWithParam param args =
| None -> failwith "Found no tests."
match ExpectoConfig.fillFromArgs defaultConfig args with
- | ArgsRun cfg -> runTests cfg tests
+ | ArgsRun cfg -> runTestsWithCLIArgs [ Verbosity Verbose; Sequenced ] [| |] tests
| _ -> 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Suave.Tests/Program.fs b/src/Suave.Tests/Program.fs
index 5097c602..a3a5cd1b 100644
--- a/src/Suave.Tests/Program.fs
+++ b/src/Suave.Tests/Program.fs
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ module Suave.Tests.Program
open System
open Suave
-open Suave.Web
-open Suave.Logging
open ExpectoExtensions
@@ -19,14 +17,6 @@ let main args =
let testConfig =
{ defaultConfig with
bindings = [ HttpBinding.createSimple HTTP "" 9001 ]
- logger = Targets.create Warn [| "Suave"; "Tests" |] }
- let mutable firstRun = 0
- let runDefaultEngine() =
- Console.WriteLine "Running tests with default TCP engine."
- firstRun <- defaultMainThisAssemblyWithParam testConfig args
- Console.WriteLine "Done."
- runDefaultEngine()
- firstRun
+ }
+ defaultMainThisAssemblyWithParam testConfig args
diff --git a/src/Suave.Tests/Suave.Tests.fsproj b/src/Suave.Tests/Suave.Tests.fsproj
index aed24f34..6c5d3107 100644
--- a/src/Suave.Tests/Suave.Tests.fsproj
+++ b/src/Suave.Tests/Suave.Tests.fsproj
@@ -41,9 +41,7 @@
diff --git a/src/Suave.Tests/TestUtilities.fs b/src/Suave.Tests/TestUtilities.fs
index dc514707..d2c26076 100644
--- a/src/Suave.Tests/TestUtilities.fs
+++ b/src/Suave.Tests/TestUtilities.fs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module Suave.Tests.TestUtilities
+module Suave.Tests.TestUtilities
#nowarn "25"
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ module Expect =
module Assert =
let Equal(msg, exp, act) = Expect.equal act exp msg
+ (*
type LogMethod =
| Factory of (LogLevel -> Message)
| Plain of Message
@@ -190,3 +190,4 @@ type InspectableLog() =
member x.logWithAck level msgFactory : Async =
x.logs <- { level = level; value = Factory msgFactory } :: x.logs
async.Return ()
+ *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Suave.Tests/Testing.fs b/src/Suave.Tests/Testing.fs
index eef72a1e..565e9ecf 100644
--- a/src/Suave.Tests/Testing.fs
+++ b/src/Suave.Tests/Testing.fs
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ open System.Net.Http
open System.Net.Http.Headers
open Expecto
open Suave
-open Suave.Logging
-open Suave.Logging.Message
+//open Suave.Logging
+//open Suave.Logging.Message
open Suave.Http
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ let runWithFactory factory config webParts : SuaveTestCtx =
let config2 = { config with cancellationToken = cts.Token; bufferSize = 128; maxOps = 10 }
- let listening, (server) = factory { config with cancellationToken = cts .Token; logger = Targets.create Warn [||] } webParts
+ let listening, (server) = factory { config with cancellationToken = cts .Token(*; logger = Targets.create Warn [||]*) } webParts
listening |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore // wait for the server to start listening
{ cts = cts
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ let createClient handler =
/// Send the request with the client - returning the result of the request
let send (client : HttpClient) (timeout : TimeSpan) (ctx : SuaveTestCtx) (request : HttpRequestMessage) =
- ctx.suaveConfig.logger.verbose (
- eventX "Send"
- >> setFieldValue "method" request.Method.Method
- >> setFieldValue "uri" request.RequestUri)
+ //ctx.suaveConfig.logger.verbose (
+ // eventX "Send"
+ //>> setFieldValue "method" request.Method.Method
+ // >> setFieldValue "uri" request.RequestUri)
let send = client.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead, ctx.cts.Token)
diff --git a/src/Suave.Tests/Web.fs b/src/Suave.Tests/Web.fs
index 78c7aa05..6e34065c 100644
--- a/src/Suave.Tests/Web.fs
+++ b/src/Suave.Tests/Web.fs
@@ -6,13 +6,8 @@ open Suave
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.Logging
open Suave.Testing
-open Suave.Sockets.Control
-open Suave.Sockets.AsyncSocket
open System
open System.Net
-open System.Net.Http
-open System.Threading
-open Suave.Http
let private (=>) a b = a, b
@@ -42,12 +37,11 @@ let parsing_tests (_: SuaveConfig) =
Expect.equal (TraceHeader.parseTraceHeaders headers).traceId expected.traceId "should parse trace id"
Expect.equal (TraceHeader.parseTraceHeaders headers).reqParentId expected.reqParentId "should parse span id to parent span id"
-open Suave
open Suave.Sockets
let transferEncodingChunkedTests (cfg : SuaveConfig) =
- let writeChunks (conn:Connection) = socket {
+ let writeChunks (conn:Connection) = task {
do! conn.writeChunk "h"B
do! conn.writeChunk "e"B
diff --git a/src/Suave/Authentication.fs b/src/Suave/Authentication.fs
index a2500d91..9e925b68 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Authentication.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Authentication.fs
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
module Suave.Authentication
-open System
open System.Text
open Suave.RequestErrors
open Suave.Utils
-open Suave.Logging
-open Suave.Logging.Message
open Suave.Cookie
open Suave.State.CookieStateStore
open Suave.Operators
@@ -89,9 +86,6 @@ let authenticate relativeExpiry secure
: WebPart =
context (fun ctx ->
- ctx.runtime.logger.debug (
- eventX "Authenticating"
- >> setSingleName "Suave.Auth.authenticate")
let state =
{ serverKey = ctx.runtime.serverKey
diff --git a/src/Suave/Combinators.fs b/src/Suave/Combinators.fs
index 89ac149a..d002a792 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Combinators.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Combinators.fs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ namespace Suave
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.Sockets
+open System.Threading.Tasks
module Response =
@@ -128,7 +129,6 @@ module Intermediate =
// 2xx
module Successful =
open System.Text
- open Suave.Utils
open Response
let ok bytes : WebPart =
@@ -288,7 +288,6 @@ module ServerErrors =
module Filters =
open Suave.Utils.AsyncExtensions
- open Suave.Logging
open System
open System.Text
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
@@ -380,33 +379,6 @@ module Filters =
"{clientIp} {processId} {userName} [{utcNow:dd/MMM/yyyy:hh:mm:ss %K}] \"{requestMethod} {requestUrlPath} {httpVersion}\" {httpStatusCode} {responseContentLength}", fieldList |> Map
- let logWithLevel (level : LogLevel) (logger : Logger) (messageFun : HttpContext -> string) (ctx : HttpContext) =
- async{
- logger.log level (fun _ ->
- { value = Event (messageFun ctx)
- level = level
- name = [| "Suave"; "Http"; "requests" |]
- fields = Map.empty
- timestamp = Suave.Logging.Global.timestamp() })
- return Some ctx }
- let logWithLevelStructured (level : LogLevel) (logger : Logger) (messageFun : HttpContext -> (string * Map)) (ctx : HttpContext) =
- async{
- logger.log level (fun _ ->
- let template, fields = messageFun ctx
- { value = Event template
- level = level
- name = [| "Suave"; "Http"; "requests" |]
- fields = fields
- timestamp = Suave.Logging.Global.timestamp() })
- return Some ctx }
- let logStructured (logger : Logger) (messageFun : HttpContext -> (string * Map)) =
- logWithLevelStructured LogLevel.Info logger messageFun
- let log (logger : Logger) (messageFun : HttpContext -> string) =
- logWithLevel LogLevel.Info logger messageFun
open Suave.Sscanf
let pathScan (pf : PrintfFormat<_,_,_,_,'t>) (h : 't -> WebPart) : WebPart =
@@ -463,8 +435,6 @@ module ServeResource =
open Redirection
open RequestErrors
open Suave.Utils
- open Suave.Logging
- open Suave.Logging.Message
// If a response includes both an Expires header and a max-age directive,
// the max-age directive overrides the Expires header, even if the Expires header is more restrictive
@@ -472,10 +442,6 @@ module ServeResource =
let resource key exists getLast getExtension
(send : string -> bool -> WebPart)
ctx =
- let log =
- event Verbose
- >> setSingleName "Suave.Http.ServeResource.resource"
- >> ctx.runtime.logger.logSimple
let sendIt name compression =
setHeader "Last-Modified" ((getLast key : DateTimeOffset).ToString("R"))
@@ -500,11 +466,8 @@ module ServeResource =
| Choice2Of2 _ ->
sendIt value.name value.compression ctx
| None ->
- let ext = getExtension key
- log ("failed to find matching mime for ext '" + ext + "'")
- log ("failed to find resource by key '" + key + "'")
module ContentRange =
@@ -538,45 +501,40 @@ module Files =
open System.IO
open System.Text
- open Suave.Utils
- open Suave.Logging
- open Suave.Logging.Message
- open Suave.Sockets.Control
- open Response
- open Writers
open Successful
- open Redirection
open ServeResource
open ContentRange
let sendFile fileName (compression : bool) (ctx : HttpContext) =
let writeFile file =
let fs, start, total, status = getFileStream ctx file
- fun (conn:Connection, _) -> socket {
+ fun (conn:Connection, _) -> task {
let getLm = fun path -> FileInfo(path).LastWriteTime
- let! (encoding,fs) = Compression.transformStream file fs getLm compression ctx.runtime.compressionFolder ctx
- let finish = start + fs.Length - 1L
- try
+ match! Compression.transformStream file fs getLm compression ctx.runtime.compressionFolder ctx with
+ | Ok(encoding,fs) ->
+ let finish = start + fs.Length - 1L
- match encoding with
- | Some n ->
- do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Range: bytes " + start.ToString() + "-" + finish.ToString() + "/*")
- do! conn.asyncWriteLn (String.Concat [| "Content-Encoding: "; n.ToString() |])
- do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Length: " + (fs : Stream).Length.ToString() + "\r\n")
- do! conn.flush ()
- if ctx.request.``method`` <> HttpMethod.HEAD && fs.Length > 0L then
- do! transferStream conn fs
- | None ->
- do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Range: bytes " + start.ToString() + "-" + finish.ToString() + "/" + total.ToString())
- do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Length: " + (fs : Stream).Length.ToString() + "\r\n")
- do! conn.flush()
- if ctx.request.``method`` <> HttpMethod.HEAD && fs.Length > 0L then
- do! transferStream conn fs
- with ex ->
- raise ex
- finally
- fs.Dispose()
+ try
+ match encoding with
+ | Some n ->
+ do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Range: bytes " + start.ToString() + "-" + finish.ToString() + "/*")
+ do! conn.asyncWriteLn (String.Concat [| "Content-Encoding: "; n.ToString() |])
+ do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Length: " + (fs : Stream).Length.ToString() + "\r\n")
+ do! conn.flush ()
+ if ctx.request.``method`` <> HttpMethod.HEAD && fs.Length > 0L then
+ do! transferStream conn fs
+ | None ->
+ do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Range: bytes " + start.ToString() + "-" + finish.ToString() + "/" + total.ToString())
+ do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Length: " + (fs : Stream).Length.ToString() + "\r\n")
+ do! conn.flush()
+ if ctx.request.``method`` <> HttpMethod.HEAD && fs.Length > 0L then
+ do! transferStream conn fs
+ with ex ->
+ raise ex
+ finally
+ fs.Dispose()
+ | Result.Error error ->
+ return failwith "error"
}, status
let task, status = writeFile fileName
{ ctx with
@@ -614,13 +572,7 @@ module Files =
browseFile q.homeDirectory fileName h
let browse rootPath : WebPart =
- warbler (fun ctx ->
- ctx.runtime.logger.verbose (
- eventX "Files.browser trying {localFileUrl} at {rootPath}"
- >> setFieldValue "localFileUrl" ctx.request.url.AbsolutePath
- >> setFieldValue "rootPath" rootPath
- >> setSingleName "Suave.Http.Files.browse")
- file (resolvePath rootPath ctx.request.path))
+ warbler (fun ctx -> file (resolvePath rootPath ctx.request.path))
let browseHome : WebPart =
warbler (fun ctx -> browse ctx.runtime.homeDirectory)
@@ -661,11 +613,8 @@ module Embedded =
open System.Xml
open System.Xml.Linq
- open Suave.Utils
open Suave.Utils.Option.Operators
- open Suave.Sockets.Control
- open Response
open ServeResource
let defaultSourceAssembly =
@@ -687,26 +636,29 @@ module Embedded =
(compression : bool)
(ctx : HttpContext) =
- let writeResource name (conn:Connection, _) = socket {
+ let writeResource name (conn:Connection, _) = task {
let fs = source.GetManifestResourceStream(name)
let getLm = fun _ -> lastModified source
- let! encoding,fs = Compression.transformStream name fs getLm compression ctx.runtime.compressionFolder ctx
- match encoding with
- | Some n ->
- do! conn.asyncWriteLn (String.Concat [| "Content-Encoding: "; n.ToString() |])
- do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Length: " + (fs: Stream).Length.ToString() + "\r\n")
- do! conn.flush()
- if ctx.request.``method`` <> HttpMethod.HEAD && fs.Length > 0L then
- do! transferStream conn fs
- fs.Dispose()
- return ()
- | None ->
- do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Length: " + (fs: Stream).Length.ToString() + "\r\n")
- do! conn.flush ()
- if ctx.request.``method`` <> HttpMethod.HEAD && fs.Length > 0L then
- do! transferStream conn fs
- fs.Dispose()
- return ()
+ match! Compression.transformStream name fs getLm compression ctx.runtime.compressionFolder ctx with
+ | Ok (encoding,fs) ->
+ match encoding with
+ | Some n ->
+ do! conn.asyncWriteLn (String.Concat [| "Content-Encoding: "; n.ToString() |])
+ do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Length: " + (fs: Stream).Length.ToString() + "\r\n")
+ do! conn.flush()
+ if ctx.request.``method`` <> HttpMethod.HEAD && fs.Length > 0L then
+ do! transferStream conn fs
+ fs.Dispose()
+ return ()
+ | None ->
+ do! conn.asyncWriteLn ("Content-Length: " + (fs: Stream).Length.ToString() + "\r\n")
+ do! conn.flush ()
+ if ctx.request.``method`` <> HttpMethod.HEAD && fs.Length > 0L then
+ do! transferStream conn fs
+ fs.Dispose()
+ return ()
+ | Result.Error error ->
+ return failwith "error"
{ ctx with
response =
@@ -832,7 +784,7 @@ module EventSource =
let (<<.) (out : Connection) (data : string) =
out.asyncWriteBytes (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes data)
- let dispatch (out : Connection) : SocketOp =
+ let dispatch (out : Connection) : ValueTask =
send out ES_EOL_S
let comment (out : Connection) (cmt : string) =
@@ -866,7 +818,7 @@ module EventSource =
{ id = id; data = data; ``type`` = Some typ }
let send (out : Connection) (msg : Message) =
- socket {
+ task {
do! msg.id |> esId out
match msg.``type`` with
| Some x -> do! x |> eventType out
@@ -876,7 +828,7 @@ module EventSource =
let private handShakeAux f (out : Connection, _) =
- socket {
+ task {
do! out.asyncWriteLn "" // newline after headers
do! out.flush() // must flush lines buffer before using asyncWriteBytes
@@ -886,7 +838,7 @@ module EventSource =
return! f out
- let handShake (fCont: Connection -> SocketOp) (ctx : HttpContext) =
+ let handShake (fCont: Connection -> Task) (ctx : HttpContext) =
{ ctx with
response =
{ ctx.response with
@@ -908,8 +860,8 @@ module TransferEncoding =
open Suave
open Suave.Sockets.Control
- let chunked (asyncWriteChunks: Connection -> SocketOp) (ctx : HttpContext) =
- let task (conn:Connection,_) = socket {
+ let chunked (asyncWriteChunks: Connection -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task) (ctx : HttpContext) =
+ let task (conn:Connection,_) = task {
do! conn.asyncWriteLn ""
do! asyncWriteChunks conn
diff --git a/src/Suave/Combinators.fsi b/src/Suave/Combinators.fsi
index fc538972..080e808c 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Combinators.fsi
+++ b/src/Suave/Combinators.fsi
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
namespace Suave
+open System.Threading.Tasks
open Suave.Sockets
@@ -1153,12 +1154,12 @@ module Filters =
/// message formatter that can inspect the context and produce a message to
/// send to the logger, along with the structured fields as a name*obj map.
- val logWithLevelStructured : level:LogLevel -> logger:Logger -> messageFun:(HttpContext -> string * Map) -> WebPart
+ //val logWithLevelStructured : level:LogLevel -> logger:Logger -> messageFun:(HttpContext -> string * Map) -> WebPart
/// The function log is equivalent to `logWithLevel LogLevel.Debug`.
- val logStructured : logger:Logger -> messageFun:(HttpContext -> string * Map) -> WebPart
+ //val logStructured : logger:Logger -> messageFun:(HttpContext -> string * Map) -> WebPart
/// The default log format for . NCSA Common log format
@@ -1182,12 +1183,12 @@ module Filters =
/// message formatter that can inspect the context and produce a message to
/// send to the logger.
- val logWithLevel : level:LogLevel -> logger:Logger -> messageFun:(HttpContext -> string) -> WebPart
+ //val logWithLevel : level:LogLevel -> logger:Logger -> messageFun:(HttpContext -> string) -> WebPart
/// The function log is equivalent to `logWithLevel LogLevel.Debug`.
- val log : logger:Logger -> messageFun:(HttpContext -> string) -> WebPart
+ //val log : logger:Logger -> messageFun:(HttpContext -> string) -> WebPart
/// Strongly typed route matching! Matching the uri can be used with the 'parsers'
@@ -1603,36 +1604,36 @@ module EventSource =
/// the proper framing is used. However, if you have a desire to write raw
/// data, this function overrides the Socket.async_write function so that
/// you will be writing UTF8 data only, as per the specification.
- val asyncWrite : out:Connection -> data:string -> SocketOp
+ val asyncWrite : out:Connection -> data:string -> Task
/// Same as `async_write`; convenience function.
- val (<<.) : out:Connection -> data:string -> SocketOp
+ val (<<.) : out:Connection -> data:string -> Task
/// "If the line is empty (a blank line) - dispatch the event."
/// Dispatches the event properly to the browser.
- val dispatch : out:Connection -> SocketOp
+ val dispatch : out:Connection -> ValueTask
/// "If the line starts with a U+003A COLON character (:) - Ignore the line."
/// Writes a comment to the stream
- val comment : out:Connection -> cmt:string -> SocketOp
+ val comment : out:Connection -> cmt:string -> Task
/// "If the field name is 'event' - Set the event type buffer to field value."
/// Writes the event type to the stream
- val eventType : out:Connection -> eventType:string -> SocketOp
+ val eventType : out:Connection -> eventType:string -> Task
/// "If the field name is 'data' -
/// Append the field value to the data buffer, then append a single
/// U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character to the data buffer."
/// Write a piece of data as part of the event
- val data : out:Connection -> data:string -> SocketOp
+ val data : out:Connection -> data:string -> Task
/// "If the field name is 'id' - Set the last event ID buffer to the field value."
/// Sets the last event id in the stream.
- val esId : out:Connection -> lastEventId:string -> SocketOp
+ val esId : out:Connection -> lastEventId:string -> Task
/// Sets the option for the EventSource instance, of how long to wait in ms
/// until a new connection is spawned as a retry.
- val retry : out:Connection -> retry:uint32 -> SocketOp
+ val retry : out:Connection -> retry:uint32 -> Task
/// A container data type for the output events
type Message =
@@ -1647,14 +1648,14 @@ module EventSource =
static member createType : id:string -> data:string -> typ:string -> Message
/// send a message containing data to the output stream
- val send : out:Connection -> msg:Message -> SocketOp
+ val send : out:Connection -> msg:Message -> Task
/// This function composes the passed function f with the hand-shake required
/// to start a new event-stream protocol session with the browser.
- val handShake : fCont:(Connection -> SocketOp) -> WebPart
+ val handShake : fCont:(Connection -> Task) -> WebPart
module TransferEncoding =
- val chunked: (Connection -> SocketOp) -> WebPart
+ val chunked: (Connection -> Task) -> WebPart
module Control =
diff --git a/src/Suave/Compression.fs b/src/Suave/Compression.fs
index aba29768..753c803b 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Compression.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Compression.fs
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ module Compression =
open Suave.Utils
open Suave.Sockets
- open Suave.Sockets.Control
open System
open System.IO
@@ -57,8 +55,8 @@ module Compression =
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None
- let transform (content : byte []) (ctx : HttpContext) : SocketOp =
- socket {
+ let transform (content : byte []) (ctx : HttpContext) : Threading.Tasks.Task =
+ task {
if content.Length > MIN_BYTES_TO_COMPRESS && content.Length < MAX_BYTES_TO_COMPRESS then
let request = ctx.request
let enconding = getEncoder request
diff --git a/src/Suave/ConnectionFacade.fs b/src/Suave/ConnectionFacade.fs
index 3e378b73..4abea717 100644
--- a/src/Suave/ConnectionFacade.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/ConnectionFacade.fs
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ open Suave
open Suave.Utils
open Suave.Utils.Parsing
open Suave.Logging
-open Suave.Logging.Message
open Suave.Sockets
open Suave.Sockets.Control
open Suave.Sockets.SocketOp.Operators
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ open Suave.Utils.Bytes
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
-type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logger, connectionPool: ConcurrentPool, cancellationToken: CancellationToken,webpart:WebPart) =
+type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, connectionPool: ConcurrentPool, cancellationToken: CancellationToken,webpart:WebPart) =
let httpOutput = new HttpOutput(connection,runtime)
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
let filename = Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(_filename.Substring(ix + 2))
SocketOp.mreturn (filename)
- SocketOp.abort (InputDataError (None, "Unsupported filename encoding: '" + enc + "'"))
+ SocketOp.abort (InputDataError (None, "Unsupported filename encoding: '" + enc + "'"))
SocketOp.abort (InputDataError (None, "Invalid filename encoding"))
| Choice2Of2 _ ->
@@ -84,11 +83,7 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
match partHeaders %% "content-type" with
| Choice1Of2 contentType ->
let headerParams = headerParams contentDisposition
- logger.verbose (eventX "Parsing {contentType}... -> readFilePart" >> setFieldValue "contentType" contentType)
let! res = readFilePart boundary headerParams fieldName contentType
- logger.verbose (eventX "Parsed {contentType} <- readFilePart" >> setFieldValue "contentType" contentType)
match res with
| Some upload ->
@@ -113,6 +108,7 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
let parseMultipart (boundary:string) : SocketOp =
let parsePart () = socket {
let! partHeaders = reader.readHeaders()
let! (contentDisposition : string) =
(partHeaders %% "content-disposition")
@|! (None, "Missing 'content-disposition'")
@@ -123,9 +119,10 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
(headerParams.TryLookup "form-data" |> Choice.map (String.trimc '"'))
@|! (None, "Key 'form-data' was not present in 'content-disposition'")
- let! fieldName =
- (headerParams.TryLookup "name" |> Choice.map (String.trimc '"'))
- @|! (None, "Key 'name' was not present in 'content-disposition'")
+ let fieldName =
+ match headerParams.TryLookup "name" |> Choice.map (String.trimc '"') with
+ | Choice1Of2 s -> s
+ | _ -> failwith "Key 'name' was not present in 'content-disposition'"
match partHeaders %% "content-type" with
| Choice1Of2 x when String.startsWith "multipart/mixed" x ->
@@ -135,16 +132,7 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
return ()
| Choice1Of2 contentType when headerParams.ContainsKey "filename" ->
- logger.verbose (
- eventX "Parsing {contentType}... -> readFilePart"
- >> setFieldValue "contentType" contentType
- >> setSingleName "Suave.Web.parseMultipart")
let! res = readFilePart boundary headerParams fieldName contentType
- logger.verbose (
- eventX "Parsed {contentType} <- readFilePart"
- >> setFieldValue "contentType" contentType
- >> setSingleName "Suave.Web.parseMultipart")
res |> Option.iter files.Add
| Choice1Of2 _ | Choice2Of2 _ ->
@@ -177,8 +165,7 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
let mutable error = false
let result = ref (Ok())
while parsing && not error && not(cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) do
- let! _line = something ()
- match _line with
+ match! something () with
| Ok line ->
if line.StartsWith("--") then
parsing <- false
@@ -201,7 +188,7 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
/// Reads raw POST data
let getRawPostData contentLength =
- socket {
+ task {
let offset = ref 0
let rawForm = Array.zeroCreate contentLength
do! reader.readPostData contentLength (fun a count ->
@@ -209,55 +196,46 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
let target = new Span(rawForm,!offset,count)
offset := !offset + count)
- return rawForm
+ return Ok (rawForm)
member val Connection = connection with get,set
member val Runtime = runtime with get,set
- member (*inline*) this.parsePostData maxContentLength (contentLengthHeader : Choice) (contentTypeHeader:Choice) = socket {
- match contentLengthHeader with
- | Choice1Of2 contentLengthString ->
- let contentLength = Convert.ToInt32 contentLengthString
- if contentLength > maxContentLength then
- return! SocketOp.abort(InputDataError (Some 413, "Payload too large"))
- else
- logger.verbose (eventX "Expecting {contentLength} bytes" >> setFieldValue "contentLength" contentLength)
- match contentTypeHeader with
- | Choice1Of2 ce when String.startsWith "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ce ->
- let! rawForm = getRawPostData contentLength
- _rawForm <- rawForm
- return ()
- | Choice1Of2 ce when String.startsWith "multipart/form-data" ce ->
- let boundary = "--" + parseBoundary ce
- logger.verbose (eventX "Parsing multipart")
- do! parseMultipart boundary
- logger.verbose (eventX "Done parsing multipart")
- return ()
+ member (*inline*) this.parsePostData maxContentLength (contentLengthHeader : Choice) (contentTypeHeader:Choice) : Task>=
+ socket {
+ match contentLengthHeader with
+ | Choice1Of2 contentLengthString ->
+ let contentLength = Convert.ToInt32 contentLengthString
+ if contentLength > maxContentLength then
+ return! SocketOp.abort(InputDataError (Some 413, "Payload too large"))
+ else
+ match contentTypeHeader with
+ | Choice1Of2 ce when String.startsWith "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ce ->
+ let! rawForm = getRawPostData contentLength
+ _rawForm <- rawForm
+ | Choice1Of2 ce when String.startsWith "multipart/form-data" ce ->
+ let boundary = "--" + parseBoundary ce
+ do! parseMultipart boundary
+ | Choice1Of2 _ | Choice2Of2 _ ->
+ let! rawForm = getRawPostData contentLength
+ _rawForm <- rawForm
- | Choice1Of2 _ | Choice2Of2 _ ->
- let! rawForm = getRawPostData contentLength
- _rawForm <- rawForm
return ()
| Choice2Of2 _ -> return ()
/// Process the request, reading as it goes from the incoming 'stream', yielding a HttpRequest
/// when done
- member (*inline*) this.processRequest () = socket {
+ member (*inline*) this.readRequest () = socket {
- logger.verbose (eventX "reading first line of request")
let! firstLine = reader.readLine()
- let! rawMethod, path, rawQuery, httpVersion =
+ let! (rawMethod, path, rawQuery, httpVersion) =
parseUrl firstLine
- @|! (None, "Invalid ")
+ @|! (None, "Invalid first line")
- logger.verbose (eventX "reading headers")
let! headers = reader.readHeaders()
// Respond with 400 Bad Request as
@@ -266,9 +244,8 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
if headers %% "expect" = Choice1Of2 "100-continue" then
let! _ = httpOutput.run HttpRequest.empty Intermediate.CONTINUE
- logger.verbose (eventX "sent 100-continue response")
+ ()
- logger.verbose (eventX "parsing post data")
do! this.parsePostData runtime.maxContentLength (headers %% "content-length") (headers %% "content-type")
let request =
@@ -284,66 +261,47 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
multiPartFields = Seq.toList multiPartFields
trace = TraceHeader.parseTraceHeaders headers }
- // clear form data before exit
+ // Clear form data before exit
_rawForm <- [||]
- return Some request
+ return request
member this.exitHttpLoopWithError (err:Error) = task{
match err with
| InputDataError (None, msg) ->
- logger.verbose (eventX "Error parsing HTTP request with {message}" >> setFieldValue "message" msg)
match! httpOutput.run HttpRequest.empty (RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST msg) with
- | _ ->
- logger.verbose (eventX "Exiting http loop")
+ | _ -> ()
| InputDataError (Some status,msg) ->
- logger.verbose (eventX "Error parsing HTTP request with {message}" >> setFieldValue "message" msg)
match Http.HttpCode.tryParse status with
| (Choice1Of2 statusCode) ->
match! httpOutput.run HttpRequest.empty (Response.response statusCode (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes msg)) with
- | _ -> logger.verbose (eventX "Exiting http loop")
+ | _ -> ()
| (Choice2Of2 err) ->
- logger.warn (eventX "Invalid HTTP status code {statusCode}" >> setFieldValue "statusCode" status)
match! httpOutput.run HttpRequest.empty (RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST msg) with
- | _ ->
- logger.verbose (eventX "Exiting http loop")
- | err ->
- logger.verbose (eventX "Socket error while processing request, exiting {error}" >> setFieldValue "error" err)
+ | _ -> ()
+ | err -> ()
return Ok(false)
- member this.loop () =
+ member this.processRequest () =
task {
- logger.verbose (eventX "Processing request... -> processor")
- let! result' = this.processRequest ()
- logger.verbose (eventX "Processed request. <- processor")
- match result' with
- | Ok result ->
- match result with
- | None ->
- logger.verbose (eventX "'result = None', exiting")
- return Ok (false)
- | Some request ->
- try
- match! httpOutput.run request webpart with
- | Result.Error err ->
- return Result.Error err
- | Ok keepAlive ->
- if keepAlive then
- logger.verbose (eventX "'Connection: keep-alive' recurse")
- return Ok (keepAlive)
- else
- logger.verbose (eventX "Connection: close")
- return Ok(false)
- with ex ->
- return Result.Error (Error.ConnectionError ex.Message)
+ match! this.readRequest () with
| Result.Error err ->
// Couldn't parse HTTP request; answering with BAD_REQUEST and closing the connection.
return! this.exitHttpLoopWithError err
+ | Ok request ->
+ try
+ match! httpOutput.run request webpart with
+ | Result.Error err ->
+ return Result.Error err
+ | Ok keepAlive ->
+ return Ok (keepAlive)
+ with ex ->
+ return Result.Error (Error.ConnectionError ex.Message)
member this.shutdown() =
@@ -360,7 +318,7 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
let flag = ref true
let result = ref (Ok ())
while !flag && not (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) do
- let! b = this.loop ()
+ let! b = this.processRequest ()
match b with
| Ok b ->
flag := b
@@ -373,21 +331,21 @@ type ConnectionFacade(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime, logger:Logge
member this.accept(binding) = task{
Interlocked.Increment Globals.numberOfClients |> ignore
- logger.verbose (eventX "{client} connected. Now has {totalClients} connected"
- >> setFieldValue "client" (binding.ip.ToString())
- >> setFieldValue "totalClients" (!Globals.numberOfClients))
+ let clientIp = (binding.ip.ToString())
+ if Globals.verbose then
+ Console.WriteLine("{0} connected. Now has {1} connected", clientIp,(!Globals.numberOfClients))
connection.socketBinding <- binding
let task = Task.Factory.StartNew(reader.readLoop,cancellationToken)
let! a = this.requestLoop()
- | :? System.IO.EndOfStreamException ->
- logger.debug (eventX "Disconnected client (end of stream)")
- logger.verbose (eventX "Shutting down transport")
- this.shutdown()
+ | ex ->
+ if reader.isDirty then
+ reader.stop()
+ do Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message)
Interlocked.Decrement(Globals.numberOfClients) |> ignore
- logger.verbose (eventX "Disconnected {client}. {totalClients} connected."
- >> setFieldValue "client" (binding.ip.ToString())
- >> setFieldValue "totalClients" (!Globals.numberOfClients))
+ if Globals.verbose then
+ do Console.WriteLine("Disconnected {0}. {1} connected.", clientIp,(!Globals.numberOfClients))
+ do this.shutdown()
diff --git a/src/Suave/Cookie.fs b/src/Suave/Cookie.fs
index ee7c29fd..b80a45fe 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Cookie.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Cookie.fs
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ namespace Suave
module Cookie =
open System
- open System.Text
open System.Globalization
open Suave.Operators
- open Suave.Logging
- open Suave.Logging.Message
open Suave.Utils
type CookieLife =
@@ -123,13 +120,6 @@ module Cookie =
(Headers.Fields.Response.setCookie, header) :: headers)
(ctx.response.headers |> List.filter notSetCookie)
- if cookie.value.Length > 4096 then
- ctx.runtime.logger.warn (
- eventX "Cookie {cookieName} has {cookieBytes} which is too large! Lengths over 4 096 bytes risk corruption in some browsers; consider alternate storage"
- >> setFieldValue "cookieName" cookie.name
- >> setFieldValue "cookieBytes" cookie.value.Length)
succeed { ctx with response = { ctx.response with headers = headers' } }
@@ -139,15 +129,7 @@ module Cookie =
Writers.addHeader Headers.Fields.Response.setCookie stringValue
let setPair (httpCookie : HttpCookie) (clientCookie : HttpCookie) : WebPart =
- context (fun ctx ->
- ctx.runtime.logger.debug (
- eventX "Setting {cookieName} to value of {cookieBytes}"
- >> setFieldValue "cookieName" httpCookie.name
- >> setFieldValue "cookieBytes" httpCookie.value.Length
- >> setSingleName "Suave.Cookie.setPair")
- succeed)
- >=> setCookie httpCookie
+ setCookie httpCookie
>=> setCookie clientCookie
let unsetPair httpCookieName : WebPart =
@@ -209,19 +191,14 @@ module Cookie =
let updateCookies (csctx : CookiesState) fPlainText : WebPart =
context (fun ctx ->
- let debug message =
- ctx.runtime.logger.debug (
- eventX message
- >> setSingleName "Suave.Cookie.updateCookies")
let plainText =
match readCookies csctx.serverKey csctx.cookieName ctx.response.cookies with
| Choice1Of2 (_, plainText) ->
- debug "Existing cookie"
+ //debug "Existing cookie"
fPlainText (Some plainText)
| Choice2Of2 _ ->
- debug "First time"
+ //debug "First time"
fPlainText None
// Since the contents will completely change every write, we simply re-generate the cookie
@@ -238,9 +215,6 @@ module Cookie =
(fSuccess : WebPart)
: WebPart =
context (fun ctx ->
- let debug message =
- ctx.runtime.logger.debug (eventX message >> setSingleName "Suave.Cookie.cookieState")
let setCookies plainText =
let httpCookie, clientCookie =
generateCookies csctx.serverKey csctx.cookieName
@@ -252,7 +226,6 @@ module Cookie =
match readCookies csctx.serverKey csctx.cookieName ctx.request.cookies with
| Choice1Of2 (httpCookie, plainText) ->
- debug "Existing cookie"
refreshCookies csctx.relativeExpiry httpCookie
>=> Writers.setUserData csctx.userStateKey plainText
>=> fSuccess
@@ -260,19 +233,14 @@ module Cookie =
| Choice2Of2 (NoCookieFound _) ->
match noCookie () with
| Choice1Of2 plainText ->
- debug "No existing cookie, setting text"
setCookies plainText >=> fSuccess
| Choice2Of2 wp_kont ->
- debug "No existing cookie, calling WebPart continuation"
| Choice2Of2 (DecryptionError err) ->
- debug ("decryption error: " + err.ToString())
match decryptionFailure err with
| Choice1Of2 plainText ->
- debug "Existing, broken cookie, setting cookie text anew"
setCookies plainText >=> fSuccess
| Choice2Of2 wpKont ->
- debug "Existing, broken cookie, unsetting it, forwarding to given failure web part"
wpKont >=> unsetPair csctx.cookieName)
diff --git a/src/Suave/Globals.fs b/src/Suave/Globals.fs
index 44d0a400..ffcd18a2 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Globals.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Globals.fs
@@ -27,10 +27,26 @@ let SuaveVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()
/// This is the server header
let ServerHeader = "Server: Suave (https://suave.io)"
+let mutable verbose = false
+open System.Diagnostics
+type Logger =
+ []
+ static member debug (s:string) : unit =
+ Console.WriteLine s
+ static member info (s:string) : unit =
+ Console.WriteLine s
do ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Suave/Http.fs b/src/Suave/Http.fs
index 71dd51b7..09cb9899 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Http.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Http.fs
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ module Http =
type HttpContent =
| NullContent
| Bytes of byte []
- | SocketTask of (Connection * HttpResult -> SocketOp)
+ | SocketTask of (Connection * HttpResult -> Threading.Tasks.Task)
and [] HttpResult =
{ status : HttpStatus
@@ -383,7 +383,6 @@ module Http =
mimeTypesMap : MimeTypesMap
homeDirectory : string
compressionFolder : string
- logger : Logger
matchedBinding : HttpBinding
cookieSerialiser : CookieSerialiser
hideHeader : bool
@@ -476,20 +475,18 @@ module Http =
mimeTypesMap = fun _ -> None
homeDirectory = "."
compressionFolder = "."
- logger = Targets.create Debug [| "Suave" |]
matchedBinding = HttpBinding.defaults
cookieSerialiser = new BinaryFormatterSerialiser()
hideHeader = false
maxContentLength = 1024 }
let create serverKey errorHandler mimeTypes homeDirectory compressionFolder
- logger cookieSerialiser hideHeader maxContentLength binding =
+ (*logger*) cookieSerialiser hideHeader maxContentLength binding =
{ serverKey = serverKey
errorHandler = errorHandler
mimeTypesMap = mimeTypes
homeDirectory = homeDirectory
compressionFolder = compressionFolder
- logger = logger
matchedBinding = binding
cookieSerialiser = cookieSerialiser
hideHeader = hideHeader
diff --git a/src/Suave/Http.fsi b/src/Suave/Http.fsi
index 8bd0ad6b..ae60ca29 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Http.fsi
+++ b/src/Suave/Http.fsi
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ module Http =
/// control the flow of bytes by using a `SocketOp`. Contrasting with `Bytes`,
/// setting the `HttpContent` as this discriminated union type lets you stream
/// data back to the client through Suave.
- | SocketTask of (Connection * HttpResult -> SocketOp)
+ | SocketTask of (Connection * HttpResult -> Threading.Tasks.Task)
/// The `HttpResult` is the structure that you work with to tell Suave how to
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ module Http =
mimeTypesMap : MimeTypesMap
homeDirectory : string
compressionFolder : string
- logger : Logger
+ //logger : Logger
matchedBinding : HttpBinding
cookieSerialiser : CookieSerialiser
hideHeader : bool
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ module Http =
/// make a new `HttpRuntime` from the given parameters
val create : serverKey:ServerKey -> errorHandler:ErrorHandler
-> mimeTypes:MimeTypesMap -> homeDirectory:string
- -> compressionFolder:string -> logger:Logger
+ -> compressionFolder:string (*-> logger:Logger*)
-> cookieSerialiser:CookieSerialiser
-> hideHeader:bool -> maxContentLength:int
-> binding:HttpBinding
diff --git a/src/Suave/HttpOutput.fs b/src/Suave/HttpOutput.fs
index 0710cb95..314d0b2f 100644
--- a/src/Suave/HttpOutput.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/HttpOutput.fs
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ namespace Suave
open System.Collections.Generic
open Suave.Utils
open Suave.Sockets
-open Suave.Sockets.Control
-open Suave.Logging
-open Suave.Logging.Message
open System
@@ -33,12 +30,12 @@ type HttpOutput(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime) =
; userState = new Dictionary()
; response = HttpResult.empty }
- member (*inline*) this.writeContentType (headers : (string*string) list) = socket {
+ member (*inline*) this.writeContentType (headers : (string*string) list) = task {
if not(List.exists(fun (x : string,_) -> x.ToLower().Equals("content-type")) headers )then
return! connection.asyncWriteBufferedBytes ByteConstants.defaultContentTypeHeaderBytes
- member (*inline*) this.writeContentLengthHeader (content : byte[]) (context : HttpContext) = socket {
+ member (*inline*) this.writeContentLengthHeader (content : byte[]) (context : HttpContext) = task {
match context.request.``method``, context.response.status.code with
| (_, 100)
| (_, 101)
@@ -53,13 +50,15 @@ type HttpOutput(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime) =
return! connection.asyncWriteBufferedArrayBytes [| ByteConstants.contentLengthBytes; ASCII.bytes (content.Length.ToString()); ByteConstants.EOLEOL |]
- member (*inline*) this.writeHeaders exclusions (headers : (string*string) seq) = socket {
- for x,y in headers do
+ member (*inline*) this.writeHeaders exclusions (headers : (string*string) seq) = task {
+ use sourceEnumerator = headers.GetEnumerator()
+ while sourceEnumerator.MoveNext() do
+ let x,y = sourceEnumerator.Current
if not (List.exists (fun y -> x.ToLower().Equals(y)) exclusions) then
do! connection.asyncWriteLn (String.Concat [| x; ": "; y |])
- member this.writePreamble (response:HttpResult) = socket {
+ member this.writePreamble (response:HttpResult) = task {
let r = response
let preamble = [| ByteConstants.httpVersionBytes; ASCII.bytes (r.status.code.ToString());
@@ -75,8 +74,8 @@ type HttpOutput(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime) =
member (*inline*) this.writeContent writePreamble context = function
- | Bytes b -> socket {
- let! (encoding, content : byte []) = Compression.transform b context
+ | Bytes b -> task {
+ let! (encoding, content : byte []) = Compression.transform b context
match encoding with
| Some n ->
do! connection.asyncWriteLn (String.Concat [| "Content-Encoding: "; n.ToString() |])
@@ -98,10 +97,10 @@ type HttpOutput(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime) =
do! connection.flush()
- | SocketTask f -> socket{
+ | SocketTask f -> task{
do! f (connection, context.response)
- | NullContent -> socket {
+ | NullContent -> task {
if writePreamble then
do! this.writeContentLengthHeader [||] context
do! connection.flush()
@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ type HttpOutput(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime) =
member this.writeResponse (newCtx:HttpContext) =
- socket{
+ task{
if newCtx.response.writePreamble then
do! this.writePreamble newCtx.response
do! this.writeContent true newCtx newCtx.response.content
@@ -133,30 +132,19 @@ type HttpOutput(connection: Connection, runtime: HttpRuntime) =
freshContext.request <- request
- //Console.WriteLine "before calling webpart"
let task = webPart freshContext
- //Console.WriteLine "after calling webpart"
- //Console.WriteLine "before Execute task"
match! this.executeTask task with
| Some ctx ->
- //Console.WriteLine "before writeresponse"
- match! this.writeResponse ctx with
- | Ok () ->
- //Console.WriteLine "after writeresponse"
- let keepAlive =
- match ctx.request.header "connection" with
- | Choice1Of2 conn ->
- String.equalsOrdinalCI conn "keep-alive"
- | Choice2Of2 _ ->
- ctx.request.httpVersion.Equals("HTTP/1.1")
- //Console.WriteLine "exiting httpOutput.run"
- return Ok (keepAlive)
- | Result.Error err ->
- ctx.runtime.logger.error (eventX "Socket error while writing response {error}" >> setFieldValue "error" err)
- return Result.Error err
+ let! _ = this.writeResponse ctx
+ let keepAlive =
+ match ctx.request.header "connection" with
+ | Choice1Of2 conn ->
+ String.equalsOrdinalCI conn "keep-alive"
+ | Choice2Of2 _ ->
+ ctx.request.httpVersion.Equals("HTTP/1.1")
+ return Ok (keepAlive)
| None ->
return Ok (false)
with ex ->
- //Console.WriteLine "nother one bytes the doost"
return Result.Error(Error.ConnectionError ex.Message)
diff --git a/src/Suave/Proxy.fs b/src/Suave/Proxy.fs
index 4cb1b015..afb55dd3 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Proxy.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Proxy.fs
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ open Suave.Utils
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.Successful
open Suave.Sockets
-open Suave.Sockets.Control
let private (?) headers (name : string) =
@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ let private httpWebResponseToHttpContext (ctx : HttpContext) (response : HttpWeb
|> Seq.map (fun k -> k, response.Headers.Get k)
|> Seq.toList
- let writeContentLengthHeader (conn:Connection) = socket {
+ let writeContentLengthHeader (conn:Connection) = task {
match headers ? ("Content-Length") with
| Some x ->
do! conn.asyncWriteLn (sprintf "Content-Length: %s" x)
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ let private httpWebResponseToHttpContext (ctx : HttpContext) (response : HttpWeb
let content =
- (fun (conn, _) -> socket {
+ (fun (conn, _) -> task {
do! writeContentLengthHeader conn
do! conn.asyncWriteLn ""
do! conn.flush()
@@ -103,12 +102,6 @@ let proxy (newHost : Uri) : WebPart =
return httpWebResponseToHttpContext ctx response |> Some
| exn ->
- ctx.runtime.logger.log
- Logging.Error
- (fun lvl ->
- Logging.Message.event lvl (sprintf "Unable to proxy the request %A %A. " ctx.request.rawMethod remappedAddress)
- |> Logging.Message.addExn exn)
OK "Unable to proxy the request. "
diff --git a/src/Suave/Sockets/AsyncSocket.fs b/src/Suave/Sockets/AsyncSocket.fs
index 2fd9794a..0ccfca52 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Sockets/AsyncSocket.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Sockets/AsyncSocket.fs
@@ -10,63 +10,45 @@ open System
open System.IO
open System.Text
-let transferStreamWithBuffer (buf: ArraySegment<_>) (toStream : Connection) (from : Stream) : SocketOp =
+let transferStreamWithBuffer (buf: ArraySegment<_>) (toStream : Connection) (from : Stream) =
task {
- try
let reading = ref true
- let error = ref false
- let errorResult = ref (Ok())
- while !reading && not !error do
+ while !reading do
let! read = from.ReadAsync (buf.Array, 0, buf.Array.Length)
if read <= 0 then
reading := false
let! a = send toStream (new Memory<_>(buf.Array, 0, read))
- match a with
- | Ok () -> ()
- | Result.Error e as a ->
- error := true
- errorResult := a
- if !error then
- return !errorResult
- else
- return Ok ()
- with ex ->
- return Result.Error(Error.ConnectionError ex.Message)
+ ()
/// Asynchronously write from the 'from' stream to the 'to' stream.
-let transferStream (toStream : Connection) (from : Stream) : SocketOp =
- socket {
+let transferStream (toStream : Connection) (from : Stream) =
+ task {
let buf = new ArraySegment<_>(Array.zeroCreate 8192)
do! transferStreamWithBuffer buf toStream from
let internal zeroCharMemory = new Memory(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes "0")
-let transferStreamChunked (conn : Connection) (from : Stream) : SocketOp =
- socket {
- let buf = new ArraySegment<_>(Array.zeroCreate 1024)
- let rec doBlock conn =
- socket {
- let! read = SocketOp.ofAsync <| from.AsyncRead (buf.Array, buf.Offset, buf.Count)
+let transferStreamChunked (conn : Connection) (from : Stream) =
+ task {
+ let buf = new ArraySegment<_>(Array.zeroCreate 1024)
+ let reading = ref true
+ while !reading do
+ let! read = from.AsyncRead (buf.Array, buf.Offset, buf.Count)
if read <= 0 then
- do! send conn zeroCharMemory
- do! send conn Bytes.eolMemory
- do! send conn Bytes.eolMemory
+ let! _ = send conn zeroCharMemory
+ let! _ = send conn Bytes.eolMemory
+ let! _ = send conn Bytes.eolMemory
+ reading := false
let readHex = read.ToString("X")
- do! send conn (Memory<_>(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes readHex))
- do! send conn Bytes.eolMemory
+ let! _ = send conn (Memory<_>(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes readHex))
+ let! _ = send conn Bytes.eolMemory
- do! send conn (Memory<_>(buf.Array, buf.Offset, read))
- do! send conn Bytes.eolMemory
- do! doBlock conn
- }
- do! doBlock conn
- }
+ let! _ = send conn (Memory<_>(buf.Array, buf.Offset, read))
+ let! _ = send conn Bytes.eolMemory
+ ()
+ }
diff --git a/src/Suave/Sockets/Connection.fs b/src/Suave/Sockets/Connection.fs
index 0c588e1e..7e90a891 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Sockets/Connection.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Sockets/Connection.fs
@@ -25,29 +25,29 @@ type Connection =
/// Flush out whatever is in the lineBuffer
- member inline this.flush () : SocketOp =
- socket {
+ member inline this.flush () =
+ task {
if this.lineBufferCount> 0 then
- do! this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(this.lineBuffer,0,this.lineBufferCount))
+ let! _ = this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(this.lineBuffer,0,this.lineBufferCount))
this.lineBufferCount <- 0
- member inline this.asyncWrite (str: string) : SocketOp =
- socket {
+ member inline this.asyncWrite (str: string) =
+ task {
if str.Length = 0 then
return ()
let maxByteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetMaxByteCount(str.Length)
if maxByteCount > this.lineBuffer.Length then
- do! this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(this.lineBuffer, 0, this.lineBufferCount))
+ let! _ = this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(this.lineBuffer, 0, this.lineBufferCount))
let byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str, 0, str.Length, this.lineBuffer, 0)
// don't waste time buffering here
- do! this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(this.lineBuffer, 0, byteCount))
+ let! _ = this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(this.lineBuffer, 0, byteCount))
this.lineBufferCount <- 0
return ()
elif this.lineBufferCount + maxByteCount > this.lineBuffer.Length then
- do! this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(this.lineBuffer, 0, this.lineBufferCount))
+ let! _ = this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(this.lineBuffer, 0, this.lineBufferCount))
// the string, char index, char count, bytes, byte index
let c = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str, 0, str.Length, this.lineBuffer, 0)
this.lineBufferCount <- 0
@@ -59,37 +59,34 @@ type Connection =
return ()
- member inline this.asyncWriteLn (s : string) : SocketOp =
- socket {
- return! this.asyncWrite (s + Bytes.eol)
- }
+ member inline this.asyncWriteLn (s : string) = this.asyncWrite (s + Bytes.eol)
/// Write the string s to the stream asynchronously from a byte array
- member inline this.asyncWriteBytes (b : byte[]) : SocketOp =
+ member inline this.asyncWriteBytes (b : byte[]) =
task {
if b.Length > 0 then
- return! this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(b, 0, b.Length))
- else
- return Ok ()
+ let! _ = this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(b, 0, b.Length))
+ ()
- member inline this.asyncWriteBufferedBytes (b : byte[]) : SocketOp =
- socket {
+ member inline this.asyncWriteBufferedBytes (b : byte[]) =
+ task {
if this.lineBufferCount + b.Length > this.lineBuffer.Length then
// flush lineBuffer
if this.lineBufferCount > 0 then
- do! this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(this.lineBuffer, 0, this.lineBufferCount))
+ let! _ = this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(this.lineBuffer, 0, this.lineBufferCount))
+ ()
// don't waste time buffering here
- do! this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(b, 0, b.Length))
+ let! _ = this.transport.write (new Memory<_>(b, 0, b.Length))
this.lineBufferCount <- 0
Buffer.BlockCopy(b, 0, this.lineBuffer,this.lineBufferCount, b.Length)
this.lineBufferCount <- this.lineBufferCount + b.Length
- member inline this.asyncWriteBufferedArrayBytes (xxs:(byte[])[]) : SocketOp =
+ member inline this.asyncWriteBufferedArrayBytes (xxs:(byte[])[]) =
let rec loop index =
- socket{
+ task{
if index >= xxs.Length then
return ()
@@ -98,7 +95,7 @@ type Connection =
loop 0
- member inline this.writeChunk (chunk : byte []) = socket {
+ member inline this.writeChunk (chunk : byte []) = task {
let chunkLength = chunk.Length.ToString("X")
do! this.asyncWriteLn chunkLength
do! this.asyncWriteLn (System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(chunk))
diff --git a/src/Suave/Sockets/HttpReader.fs b/src/Suave/Sockets/HttpReader.fs
index 7716c38e..7d58a72b 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Sockets/HttpReader.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Sockets/HttpReader.fs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ namespace Suave
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Text
+open System.Threading.Tasks
open Suave.Sockets
open Suave.Sockets.Control
@@ -52,22 +53,24 @@ module Aux =
type HttpReader(transport : TcpTransport, lineBuffer : byte array, pipe: Pipe, cancellationToken) =
let mutable running : bool = true
+ let mutable dirty : bool = false
member this.stop () =
+ pipe.Writer.Complete()
+ pipe.Reader.Complete()
+ pipe.Reset()
running <- false
+ dirty <- false
member (*inline*) x.readMoreData () = task {
let buff = pipe.Writer.GetMemory()
- match! transport.read buff with
- | Ok x ->
- if x > 0 then
- pipe.Writer.Advance(x)
- let! flushResult = pipe.Writer.FlushAsync(cancellationToken)
- return Ok()
- else
- return Result.Error (Error.ConnectionError "no more data")
- | Result.Error error ->
- return Result.Error error
+ let! x = transport.read buff
+ if x > 0 then
+ pipe.Writer.Advance(x)
+ let! flushResult = pipe.Writer.FlushAsync(cancellationToken)
+ return Ok()
+ else
+ return Result.Error (Error.ConnectionError "no more data")
member (*inline*) x.getData () = task{
@@ -183,7 +186,7 @@ type HttpReader(transport : TcpTransport, lineBuffer : byte array, pipe: Pipe, c
let flag = ref true
let error = ref false
let result = ref (Ok ([]))
- while !flag && (not !error) && (not cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) do
+ while !flag && (not cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) do
let! _line = x.readLine ()
match _line with
| Ok line ->
@@ -204,11 +207,11 @@ type HttpReader(transport : TcpTransport, lineBuffer : byte array, pipe: Pipe, c
/// Read the post data from the stream, given the number of bytes that makes up the post data.
- member (*inline*) x.readPostData (bytes : int) (select:ReadOnlyMemory -> int -> unit) : SocketOp =
- let rec loop (n:int) : SocketOp =
+ member (*inline*) x.readPostData (bytes : int) (select:ReadOnlyMemory -> int -> unit) : Task =
+ let rec loop (n:int) : Task =
task {
if n = 0 then
- return Result.Ok()
+ return ()
let! result = x.getData()
let bufferSequence = result.Buffer
@@ -217,18 +220,22 @@ type HttpReader(transport : TcpTransport, lineBuffer : byte array, pipe: Pipe, c
if segment.Length > n then
select segment n
- return Result.Ok()
+ return ()
select segment segment.Length
return! loop (n - segment.Length)
- return Result.Ok()
+ return ()
loop bytes
+ member this.isDirty = dirty
member this.readLoop() = task{
+ dirty <- true
let reading = ref true
+ running <- true
let result = ref (Ok())
while running && !reading && not(cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) do
let! a = this.readMoreData()
@@ -237,6 +244,7 @@ type HttpReader(transport : TcpTransport, lineBuffer : byte array, pipe: Pipe, c
| a ->
reading := false
result := a
+ this.stop()
return result
diff --git a/src/Suave/Sockets/TcpTransport.fs b/src/Suave/Sockets/TcpTransport.fs
index ada6d387..f889fb44 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Sockets/TcpTransport.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Sockets/TcpTransport.fs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ open System.Net
open System.Net.Sockets
open System.Threading
open Suave
+open System
type TcpTransport(listenSocket : Socket, cancellationToken:CancellationToken) =
@@ -12,13 +13,13 @@ type TcpTransport(listenSocket : Socket, cancellationToken:CancellationToken) =
val mutable acceptSocket : Socket
let shutdownSocket (acceptSocket:Socket) =
- try
- if acceptSocket <> null then
- try
- acceptSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both)
- with _ ->
+ // do not like this if here
+ if acceptSocket <> null then
+ try
+ acceptSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both)
+ //Console.WriteLine("Socket shutdown smoothly")
+ finally
acceptSocket.Dispose ()
- with _ -> ()
let remoteBinding (socket : Socket) : SocketBinding =
let rep = socket.RemoteEndPoint :?> IPEndPoint
@@ -32,16 +33,18 @@ type TcpTransport(listenSocket : Socket, cancellationToken:CancellationToken) =
member this.read (buf : ByteSegment) =
- task{
- let! result = this.acceptSocket.ReceiveAsync(buf,cancellationToken)
- return Ok(result)
- }
+ this.acceptSocket.ReceiveAsync(buf,cancellationToken)
+ //task{
+ //let! result = this.acceptSocket.ReceiveAsync(buf,cancellationToken)
+ //return Ok(result)
+ //}
member this.write (buf : ByteSegment) =
- task{
- let! result = this.acceptSocket.SendAsync(buf,cancellationToken)
- return Ok()
- }
+ this.acceptSocket.SendAsync(buf,cancellationToken)
+ //task{
+ //let! result = this.acceptSocket.SendAsync(buf,cancellationToken)
+ //return Ok()
+ //}
member this.shutdown() =
shutdownSocket (this.acceptSocket)
diff --git a/src/Suave/State.fs b/src/Suave/State.fs
index 84be1f21..58287556 100644
--- a/src/Suave/State.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/State.fs
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
module Suave.State
open Suave.Cookie
-open Suave.Logging
-open Suave.Logging.Message
/// A session store is a reader and a writer function pair keyed on strings.
type StateStore =
@@ -25,13 +23,6 @@ module CookieStateStore =
let write relativeExpiry (cookieName : string) (value : 'T) =
context (fun ctx ->
- let event message =
- eventX message
- >> setFieldValue "cookieName" cookieName
- >> setSingleName "Suave.State.CookieStateStore.write"
- let debug eventFactory =
- ctx.runtime.logger.debug eventFactory
let cookieState =
{ serverKey = ctx.runtime.serverKey
@@ -40,11 +31,8 @@ module CookieStateStore =
relativeExpiry = relativeExpiry
secure = false }
- debug (event "Writing to {cookieName}")
updateCookies cookieState (function
| None ->
- debug (event "In fPlainText, no existing cookie")
|> Map.add cookieName (box value)
|> ctx.runtime.cookieSerialiser.serialise
@@ -52,13 +40,11 @@ module CookieStateStore =
| Some data ->
let m = ctx.runtime.cookieSerialiser.deserialise data
- debug (event "In fPlainText, has existing {cookie}" >> setFieldValue "cookie" m)
|> Map.add cookieName (box value)
|> ctx.runtime.cookieSerialiser.serialise
with ex ->
- debug (event "In fPlainText, couldn't deserialize cookie data")
|> Map.add cookieName (box value)
|> ctx.runtime.cookieSerialiser.serialise))
@@ -66,13 +52,6 @@ module CookieStateStore =
let remove relativeExpiry (cookieName : string) =
context (fun ctx ->
- let event message =
- eventX message
- >> setFieldValue "cookieName" cookieName
- >> setSingleName "Suave.State.CookieStateStore.remove"
- let debug eventFactory =
- ctx.runtime.logger.debug eventFactory
let cookieState =
{ serverKey = ctx.runtime.serverKey
@@ -81,11 +60,8 @@ module CookieStateStore =
relativeExpiry = relativeExpiry
secure = false }
- debug (event "Removing {cookieName}")
updateCookies cookieState (function
| None ->
- debug (event "In fPlainText, no existing cookie")
|> ctx.runtime.cookieSerialiser.serialise
@@ -95,22 +71,16 @@ module CookieStateStore =
ctx.runtime.cookieSerialiser.deserialise data
with _ ->
- debug (event "In fPlainText, couldn't deserialize cookie data")
// Although not strictly needed, this allows us to avoid unnecessarily
// re-serialising the same data if the key is not present.
if m |> Map.containsKey cookieName then
- debug (event "In fPlainText, has existing {cookie}" >> setFieldValue "cookie" m)
|> Map.remove cookieName // Remove the key if we have gotten this far.
|> ctx.runtime.cookieSerialiser.serialise
with _ ->
- debug (event "In fPlainText, couldn't serialize cookie data")
// Return the original data on failure.
@@ -119,9 +89,6 @@ module CookieStateStore =
let stateful relativeExpiry secure : WebPart =
context (fun ctx ->
- ctx.runtime.logger.debug (
- eventX "Ensuring cookie state"
- >> setSingleName "Suave.State.CookieStateStore.stateful")
let cipherTextCorrupt =
(fun s -> s.ToString()) >> RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST >> Choice2Of2
diff --git a/src/Suave/Stream.fs b/src/Suave/Stream.fs
index c35e309a..da12406a 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Stream.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Stream.fs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Suave.Stream
open System.IO
open Suave
open Suave.Sockets
-open Suave.Sockets.Control
/// Send a stream back in the response with 200 status.
/// A new stream will be created for every request and it will be disposed after the request completes.
@@ -12,8 +11,8 @@ open Suave.Sockets.Control
let okStream (makeStream : Async) : WebPart =
fun ctx ->
let write (conn: Connection, _) =
- socket {
- use! stream = SocketOp.ofAsync makeStream
+ task {
+ use! stream = makeStream
do! conn.asyncWriteLn $"Content-Length: %i{stream.Length}\r\n"
do! conn.flush()
@@ -39,8 +38,8 @@ let okStream (makeStream : Async) : WebPart =
let okStreamChunked (makeStream : Async) : WebPart =
fun ctx ->
let write (conn:Connection, _) =
- socket {
- use! stream = SocketOp.ofAsync makeStream
+ task {
+ use! stream = makeStream
do! conn.asyncWriteLn ""
do! conn.flush()
diff --git a/src/Suave/Suave.fsproj b/src/Suave/Suave.fsproj
index 81485d79..afcaecf2 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Suave.fsproj
+++ b/src/Suave/Suave.fsproj
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
diff --git a/src/Suave/SuaveConfig.fs b/src/Suave/SuaveConfig.fs
index a3df6595..7068d675 100644
--- a/src/Suave/SuaveConfig.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/SuaveConfig.fs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
namespace Suave
-open Suave.Logging
open System
/// The core configuration of suave. See also Suave.Web.default_config which
@@ -41,14 +40,6 @@ type SuaveConfig =
/// Folder for temporary compressed files
compressedFilesFolder : string option
- /// Suave's logger. You can override the default instance if you wish to
- /// ship your logs, e.g. using https://www.nuget.org/packages/Logary.Adapters.Suave/
- /// Also, this logger will be configured by default for Suave unless you
- /// explicitly use `Suave.Logging.Global.initialise` before starting the
- /// web server (the first time – the second time, the static will already
- /// have been initialised).
- logger : Logger
/// The cookie serialiser to use for converting the data you save in cookies
/// from your application into a byte array.
cookieSerialiser : CookieSerialiser
@@ -70,7 +61,6 @@ type SuaveConfig =
member x.withMimeTypesMap(v) = { x with mimeTypesMap = v }
member x.withHomeFolder(v) = { x with homeFolder = v }
member x.withCompressedFilesFolder(v) = { x with compressedFilesFolder = v }
- member x.withLogger(v) = { x with logger = v }
member x.withHiddenHeader(v) = { x with hideHeader = v }
member x.withMaxContentLength(v) = { x with maxContentLength = v }
@@ -87,7 +77,6 @@ module SuaveConfig =
- config.logger
diff --git a/src/Suave/Tcp.fs b/src/Suave/Tcp.fs
index c6320db0..84233c3b 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Tcp.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Tcp.fs
@@ -4,14 +4,10 @@ open System
open System.Threading
open System.Net
open System.Net.Sockets
-open Suave.Logging
-open Suave.Logging.Message
open Suave.Sockets
open Suave.Utils
open System.Threading.Tasks
-let private logger = Log.create "Suave.Tcp"
/// The max backlog of number of requests
let MaxBacklog = Int32.MaxValue
@@ -33,11 +29,9 @@ type StartedData =
/// Stop the TCP listener server
let stopTcp reason (socket : Socket) =
- logger.debug (eventX "Stopping TCP server {because}" >> setFieldValue "because" reason)
- logger.debug (eventX "Stopped TCP server")
with ex ->
- logger.debug (eventX "Failure stopping TCP server" >> addExn ex)
+ ()
open System.IO.Pipelines
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
@@ -64,7 +58,7 @@ let createConnection listenSocket cancellationToken bufferSize =
let createConnectionFacade connectionPool listenSocket (runtime: HttpRuntime) cancellationToken bufferSize webpart =
let connection = createConnection listenSocket cancellationToken bufferSize
- let facade = new ConnectionFacade(connection, runtime, logger, connectionPool,cancellationToken,webpart)
+ let facade = new ConnectionFacade(connection, runtime, connectionPool,cancellationToken,webpart)
let createPools listenSocket maxOps runtime cancellationToken bufferSize (webpart:WebPart) =
@@ -124,10 +118,6 @@ let enableRebinding (listenSocket: Socket) =
else if RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX) then
setsockoptStatus <- setsockopt(listenSocket.Handle, SOL_SOCKET_OSX, SO_REUSEADDR_OSX, NativePtr.toNativeInt &&optionValue, uint32(sizeof))
- if setsockoptStatus <> 0 then
- logger.warn(eventX "Setting SO_REUSEADDR failed with errno '{errno}'." >> setFieldValue "errno" (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()))
let runServer maxConcurrentOps bufferSize (binding: SocketBinding) (runtime:HttpRuntime) (cancellationToken: CancellationToken) (webpart: WebPart) startData
(acceptingConnections: AsyncResultCell) =
Task.Run(fun () ->
@@ -142,7 +132,6 @@ let runServer maxConcurrentOps bufferSize (binding: SocketBinding) (runtime:Http
aFewTimesDeterministic (fun () -> listenSocket.Bind binding.endpoint)
listenSocket.Listen MaxBacklog
- // Get the actual assigned port from listeSocket
let _binding = { startData.binding with port = uint16((listenSocket.LocalEndPoint :?> IPEndPoint).Port) }
let startData =
@@ -150,26 +139,27 @@ let runServer maxConcurrentOps bufferSize (binding: SocketBinding) (runtime:Http
acceptingConnections.complete startData |> ignore
- logger.info (
- eventX "Smooth! Suave listener started in {startedListeningMilliseconds:#.###}ms with binding {ipAddress}:{port}"
- >> setFieldValue "startedListeningMilliseconds" (startData.GetStartedListeningElapsedMilliseconds())
- // .Address can throw exceptions, just log its string representation
- >> setFieldValue "ipAddress" (startData.binding.ip.ToString())
- >> setFieldValue "port" startData.binding.port
- >> setSingleName "Suave.Tcp.runServer")
+ let startedListeningMilliseconds = (startData.GetStartedListeningElapsedMilliseconds())
+ let ipAddress = (startData.binding.ip.ToString())
+ let port = startData.binding.port
+ Console.WriteLine($"Smooth! Suave listener started in {startedListeningMilliseconds} ms with binding {ipAddress}:{port}")
- // we could have an old style imperative loop
let remoteBinding (socket : Socket) =
let rep = socket.RemoteEndPoint :?> IPEndPoint
{ ip = rep.Address; port = uint16 rep.Port }
while not(cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) do
let connection : ConnectionFacade = connectionPool.Pop()
let continuation (vt: Task) =
connection.Connection.transport.acceptSocket <- vt.Result
ignore(Task.Factory.StartNew(fun () -> connection.accept(remoteBinding vt.Result),cancellationToken))
- logger.verbose (eventX "Waiting for accept")
let task = listenSocket.AcceptAsync(cancellationToken)
+ // kestrel uses here ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(kestrelConnection, preferLocal: false);
if task.IsCompleted then
connection.Connection.transport.acceptSocket <- task.Result
ignore(Task.Factory.StartNew(fun () -> connection.accept(remoteBinding task.Result),cancellationToken))
@@ -185,8 +175,6 @@ let runServer maxConcurrentOps bufferSize (binding: SocketBinding) (runtime:Http
stopTcp "The operation was canceled" listenSocket
| ex ->
stopTcp "runtime exception" listenSocket
- logger.fatal (eventX "TCP server failed" >> addExn ex)
- //raise ex
/// Start a new TCP server with a specific IP, Port and with a serve_client worker
diff --git a/src/Suave/Utils/Logging.fs b/src/Suave/Utils/Logging.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 518c942a..00000000
--- a/src/Suave/Utils/Logging.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,963 +0,0 @@
-/// The logging namespace, which contains the logging abstraction for this
-/// library.
-namespace Suave.Logging
-open System
-open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
-/// The log level denotes how 'important' the gauge or event message is.
-type LogLevel =
- /// The log message is not that important; can be used for intricate debugging.
- | Verbose
- /// The log message is at a default level, debug level. Useful for shipping to
- /// infrastructure that further processes it, but not so useful for human
- /// inspection in its raw format, except during development.
- | Debug
- /// The log message is informational; e.g. the service started, stopped or
- /// some important business event occurred.
- | Info
- /// The log message is a warning; e.g. there was an unhandled exception or
- /// an even occurred which was unexpected. Sometimes human corrective action
- /// is needed.
- | Warn
- /// The log message is at an error level, meaning an unhandled exception
- /// occurred at a location where it is deemed important to keeping the service
- /// running. A human should take corrective action.
- | Error
- /// The log message denotes a fatal error which cannot be recovered from. The
- /// service should be shut down. Human corrective action is needed.
- | Fatal
- /// Converts the LogLevel to a string
- override x.ToString () =
- match x with
- | Verbose -> "verbose"
- | Debug -> "debug"
- | Info -> "info"
- | Warn -> "warn"
- | Error -> "error"
- | Fatal -> "fatal"
- /// Converts the string passed to a Loglevel.
- static member ofString (str : string) =
- if str = null then invalidArg "str" "may not be null"
- match str.ToLowerInvariant() with
- | "verbose" -> Verbose
- | "debug" -> Debug
- | "info" -> Info
- | "warn" -> Warn
- | "error" -> Error
- | "fatal" -> Fatal
- | _ -> Info
- /// Turn the LogLevel into an integer
- member x.toInt () =
- (function
- | Verbose -> 1
- | Debug -> 2
- | Info -> 3
- | Warn -> 4
- | Error -> 5
- | Fatal -> 6) x
- /// Turn an integer into a LogLevel
- static member ofInt i =
- (function
- | 1 -> Verbose
- | 2 -> Debug
- | 3 -> Info
- | 4 -> Warn
- | 5 -> Error
- | 6 -> Fatal
- | _ as i -> failwithf "LogLevel matching integer %i is not available" i) i
- interface IComparable with
- member x.CompareTo other =
- compare (x.toInt()) (other.toInt())
- static member op_LessThan (a, b) =
- (a :> IComparable).CompareTo(b) < 0
- static member op_LessThanOrEqual (a, b) =
- (a :> IComparable).CompareTo(b) <= 0
- static member op_GreaterThan (a, b) =
- (a :> IComparable).CompareTo(b) > 0
- static member op_GreaterThanOrEqual (a, b) =
- (a :> IComparable).CompareTo(b) >= 0
- override x.GetHashCode () =
- x.toInt ()
- interface IComparable with
- member x.CompareTo other =
- match other with
- | null ->
- 1
- | :? LogLevel as tother ->
- (x :> IComparable).CompareTo tother
- | _ ->
- failwithf "invalid comparison %A to %A" x other
- interface IEquatable with
- member x.Equals other =
- x.toInt() = other.toInt()
- override x.Equals other =
- (x :> IComparable).CompareTo other = 0
-/// Represents a logged value; either a Gauge or an Event.
-type PointValue =
- /// An event is what it sounds like; something occurred and needs to be
- /// logged. Its field is named 'template' because it should not be interpolated
- /// with values; instead these values should be put in the 'fields' field of
- /// the Message.
- | Event of template:string
- /// This is as value for a metric, with a unit attached. The unit can be
- /// something like Seconds or Hz.
- | Gauge of value:int64 * units:string
-/// The # of nanoseconds after 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
-type EpochNanoSeconds = int64
-/// Helper functions for transforming DateTime to timestamps in unix epoch.
-module DateTime =
- /// Get the Logary timestamp off the DateTime.
- let timestamp (dt : DateTime) : EpochNanoSeconds =
- (dt.Ticks - DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).Ticks)
- * 100L
- /// Get the DateTimeOffset ticks off from the EpochNanoSeconds.
- let ticksUTC (epoch : EpochNanoSeconds) : int64 =
- epoch / 100L
- + DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).Ticks
-/// Helper functions for transforming DateTimeOffset to timestamps in unix epoch.
-module DateTimeOffset =
- /// Get the Logary timestamp off the DateTimeOffset.
- let timestamp (dt : DateTimeOffset) : EpochNanoSeconds =
- (dt.Ticks - DateTimeOffset(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero).Ticks)
- * 100L
- /// Get the DateTimeOffset ticks from EpochNanoSeconds
- let ticksUTC (epoch : EpochNanoSeconds) : int64 =
- epoch / 100L
- + DateTimeOffset(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero).Ticks
-/// This is record that is logged. It's capable of representing both metrics
-/// (gauges) and events. See https://github.com/logary/logary for details.
-type Message =
- { /// The 'path' or 'name' of this data point. Do not confuse template in
- /// (Event template) = message.value
- name : string[]
- /// The main value for this metric or event. Either a Gauge or an Event. (A
- /// discriminated union type)
- value : PointValue
- /// The structured-logging data.
- fields : Map
- /// When? nanoseconds since UNIX epoch.
- timestamp : EpochNanoSeconds
- /// How important? See the docs on the LogLevel type for details.
- level : LogLevel }
- /// Gets the ticks for UTC since 0001-01-01 00:00:00 for this message. You
- /// can pass this value into a DateTimeOffset c'tor
- member x.utcTicks =
- DateTimeOffset.ticksUTC x.timestamp
- /// If you're looking for how to transform the Message's fields, then use the
- /// module methods rather than instance methods, since you'll be creating new
- /// values rather than changing an existing value.
- member x.README =
- ()
-/// The logger is the interface for calling code to use for logging. Its
-/// different functions have different semantics - read the docs for each
-/// method to choose the right one for your use-case.
-type Logger =
- /// Gets the name of the logger instance.
- abstract member name : string[]
- /// Logs with the specified log level with backpressure via the logging
- /// library's buffers *and* ACK/flush to the underlying message targets.
- ///
- /// Calls to this function will block the caller only while executing the
- /// callback (if the level is active).
- ///
- /// The returned async value will yield when the message has been flushed to
- /// the underlying message targets.
- ///
- /// You need to start the (cold) async value for the logging to happen.
- ///
- /// You should not do blocking/heavy operations in the callback.
- abstract member logWithAck : LogLevel -> (LogLevel -> Message) -> Async
- /// Logs with the specified log level with backpressure via the logging
- /// library's buffers.
- ///
- /// Calls to this function will block the caller only while executing the
- /// callback (if the level is active).
- ///
- /// The returned async value will yield when the message has been added to
- /// the buffers of the logging library.
- ///
- /// You need to start the (cold) async value for the logging to happen.
- ///
- /// You should not do blocking/heavy operations in the callback.
- abstract member log : LogLevel -> (LogLevel -> Message) -> unit
-/// Syntactic sugar on top of Logger for F# libraries.
-module LoggerEx =
- open System.Diagnostics
- type Logger with
- []
- member x.verbose (messageFactory : LogLevel -> Message) : unit =
- x.log Verbose messageFactory
- []
- member x.debug (messageFactory : LogLevel -> Message) : unit =
- x.log LogLevel.Debug messageFactory
- member x.info (messageFactory : LogLevel -> Message) : unit =
- x.log Info messageFactory
- member x.warn (messageFactory : LogLevel -> Message) : unit =
- x.log Warn messageFactory
- member x.error (messageFactory : LogLevel -> Message) : unit =
- x.log Error messageFactory
- member x.fatal (messageFactory : LogLevel -> Message) : unit =
- x.log Fatal messageFactory
- member x.logSimple message : unit =
- x.log message.level (fun _ -> message)
-type LoggingConfig =
- { /// The `timestamp` function should preferably be monotonic and not 'jumpy'
- /// or take much time to call.
- timestamp : unit -> int64
- /// The `getLogger` function returns a logger that directly can be logged to.
- getLogger : string[] -> Logger
- /// When composing apps from the outside-in (rather than having a unified
- /// framework with static/global config) with libraries (again, rather than
- /// a unified framework) like is best-practice, there's not necessarily a
- /// way to coordinate around the STDOUT and STDERR streams between
- /// different libraries running things on different threads. Use Logary's
- /// adapter to replace this semaphore with a global semaphore.
- consoleSemaphore : obj }
-module Literate =
- /// The output tokens, which can be potentially coloured.
- type LiterateToken =
- | Text | Subtext
- | Punctuation
- | LevelVerbose | LevelDebug | LevelInfo | LevelWarning | LevelError | LevelFatal
- | KeywordSymbol | NumericSymbol | StringSymbol | OtherSymbol | NameSymbol
- | MissingTemplateField
- type LiterateOptions =
- { formatProvider : IFormatProvider
- theme : LiterateToken -> ConsoleColor
- getLogLevelText : LogLevel -> string
- printTemplateFieldNames : bool }
- static member create ?formatProvider =
- // note: literate is meant for human consumption, and so the default
- // format provider of 'Current' is appropriate here. The reader expects
- // to see the dates, numbers, currency, etc formatted in the local culture
- { formatProvider = defaultArg formatProvider Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
- getLogLevelText = function
- | Debug -> "DBG"
- | Error -> "ERR"
- | Fatal -> "FTL"
- | Info -> "INF"
- | Verbose -> "VRB"
- | Warn -> "WRN"
- theme = function
- | Text -> ConsoleColor.White
- | Subtext -> ConsoleColor.Gray
- | Punctuation -> ConsoleColor.DarkGray
- | LevelVerbose -> ConsoleColor.Gray
- | LevelDebug -> ConsoleColor.Gray
- | LevelInfo -> ConsoleColor.White
- | LevelWarning -> ConsoleColor.Yellow
- | LevelError -> ConsoleColor.Red
- | LevelFatal -> ConsoleColor.Red
- | KeywordSymbol -> ConsoleColor.Blue
- | NumericSymbol -> ConsoleColor.Magenta
- | StringSymbol -> ConsoleColor.Cyan
- | OtherSymbol -> ConsoleColor.Green
- | NameSymbol -> ConsoleColor.Gray
- | MissingTemplateField -> ConsoleColor.Red
- printTemplateFieldNames = false }
- static member createInvariant() =
- LiterateOptions.create Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
-/// Module that contains the 'known' keys of the Maps in the Message type's
-/// fields/runtime data.
-module Literals =
- /// What version of the Facade is this. This is a major version that allows the Facade
- /// adapter to choose how it handles the API.
- let FacadeVersion = 2u
- /// What language this Facade has. This controls things like naming standards.
- let FacadeLanguage = "F#"
- []
- let FieldExnKey = "exn"
- []
- let FieldErrorsKey = "errors"
-module internal FsMtParser =
- open System.Text
- type Property(name : string, format : string) =
- static let emptyInstance = Property("", null)
- static member empty = emptyInstance
- member x.name = name
- member x.format = format
- member internal x.AppendPropertyString(sb : StringBuilder, ?replacementName) =
- sb.Append("{")
- .Append(defaultArg replacementName name)
- .Append(match x.format with null | "" -> "" | _ -> ":" + x.format)
- .Append("}")
- override x.ToString() = x.AppendPropertyString(StringBuilder()).ToString()
- module internal ParserBits =
- let inline isNull o =
- match o with
- | null -> true
- | _ -> false
- let inline isLetterOrDigit c = System.Char.IsLetterOrDigit c
- let inline isValidInPropName c = c = '_' || System.Char.IsLetterOrDigit c
- let inline isValidInFormat c = c <> '}' && (c = ' ' || isLetterOrDigit c || System.Char.IsPunctuation c)
- let inline isValidCharInPropTag c = c = ':' || isValidInPropName c || isValidInFormat c
- []
- type Range(startIndex : int, endIndex : int) =
- member inline x.start = startIndex
- member inline x.``end`` = endIndex
- member inline x.length = (endIndex - startIndex) + 1
- member inline x.getSubstring (s : string) = s.Substring(startIndex, x.length)
- member inline x.isEmpty = startIndex = -1 && endIndex = -1
- static member inline substring (s : string, startIndex, endIndex) = s.Substring(startIndex, (endIndex - startIndex) + 1)
- static member inline empty = Range(-1, -1)
- let inline tryGetFirstCharInRange predicate (s : string) (range : Range) =
- let rec go i =
- if i > range.``end`` then -1
- else if not (predicate s.[i]) then go (i+1) else i
- go range.start
- let inline tryGetFirstChar predicate (s : string) first =
- tryGetFirstCharInRange predicate s (Range(first, s.Length - 1))
- let inline hasAnyInRange predicate (s : string) (range : Range) =
- match tryGetFirstChar (predicate) s range.start with
- | -1 ->
- false
- | i ->
- i <= range.``end``
- let inline hasAny predicate (s : string) = hasAnyInRange predicate s (Range(0, s.Length - 1))
- let inline indexOfInRange s range c = tryGetFirstCharInRange ((=) c) s range
- let inline tryGetPropInRange (template : string) (within : Range) : Property =
- // Attempts to validate and parse a property token within the specified range inside
- // the template string. If the property insides contains any invalid characters,
- // then the `Property.Empty' instance is returned (hence the name 'try')
- let nameRange, formatRange =
- match indexOfInRange template within ':' with
- | -1 ->
- within, Range.empty // no format
- | formatIndex ->
- Range(within.start, formatIndex-1), Range(formatIndex+1, within.``end``) // has format part
- let propertyName = nameRange.getSubstring template
- if propertyName = "" || (hasAny (not<unit) : int =
- // Finds the next text token (starting from the 'startAt' index) and returns the next character
- // index within the template string. If the end of the template string is reached, or the start
- // of a property token is found (i.e. a single { character), then the 'consumed' text is passed
- // to the 'foundText' method, and index of the next character is returned.
- let mutable escapedBuilder = Unchecked.defaultof // don't create one until it's needed
- let inline append (ch : char) = if not (isNull escapedBuilder) then escapedBuilder.Append(ch) |> ignore
- let inline createStringBuilderAndPopulate i =
- if isNull escapedBuilder then
- escapedBuilder <- StringBuilder() // found escaped open-brace, take the slow path
- for chIndex = startAt to i-1 do append template.[chIndex] // append all existing chars
- let rec go i =
- if i >= template.Length then
- template.Length // bail out at the end of the string
- else
- let ch = template.[i]
- match ch with
- | '{' ->
- if (i+1) < template.Length && template.[i+1] = '{' then
- createStringBuilderAndPopulate i; append ch; go (i+2)
- else i // found an open brace (potentially a property), so bail out
- | '}' when (i+1) < template.Length && template.[i+1] = '}' ->
- createStringBuilderAndPopulate i; append ch; go (i+2)
- | _ ->
- append ch; go (i+1)
- let nextIndex = go startAt
- if (nextIndex > startAt) then // if we 'consumed' any characters, signal that we 'foundText'
- if isNull escapedBuilder then
- foundText (Range.substring(template, startAt, nextIndex - 1))
- else
- foundText (escapedBuilder.ToString())
- nextIndex
- let findPropOrText (start : int) (template : string)
- (foundText : string -> unit)
- (foundProp : Property -> unit) : int =
- // Attempts to find the indices of the next property in the template
- // string (starting from the 'start' index). Once the start and end of
- // the property token is known, it will be further validated (by the
- // tryGetPropInRange method). If the range turns out to be invalid, it's
- // not a property token, and we return it as text instead. We also need
- // to handle some special case here: if the end of the string is reached,
- // without finding the close brace (we just signal 'foundText' in that case).
- let nextInvalidCharIndex =
- match tryGetFirstChar (not << isValidCharInPropTag) template (start+1) with
- | -1 ->
- template.Length
- | idx ->
- idx
- if nextInvalidCharIndex = template.Length || template.[nextInvalidCharIndex] <> '}' then
- foundText (Range.substring(template, start, (nextInvalidCharIndex - 1)))
- nextInvalidCharIndex
- else
- let nextIndex = nextInvalidCharIndex + 1
- let propInsidesRng = Range(start + 1, nextIndex - 2)
- match tryGetPropInRange template propInsidesRng with
- | prop when not (obj.ReferenceEquals(prop, Property.empty)) ->
- foundProp prop
- | _ ->
- foundText (Range.substring(template, start, (nextIndex - 1)))
- nextIndex
- /// Parses template strings such as "Hello, {PropertyWithFormat:##.##}"
- /// and calls the 'foundTextF' or 'foundPropF' functions as the text or
- /// property tokens are encountered.
- let parseParts (template : string) foundTextF foundPropF =
- let tlen = template.Length
- let rec go start =
- if start >= tlen then () else
- match ParserBits.findNextNonPropText start template foundTextF with
- | next when next <> start ->
- go next
- | _ ->
- go (ParserBits.findPropOrText start template foundTextF foundPropF)
- go 0
-/// Internal module for formatting text for printing to the console.
-module internal Formatting =
- open System.Text
- open Literals
- open Literate
- let literateFormatValue (options : LiterateOptions) (fields : Map) = function
- | Event template ->
- let themedParts = ResizeArray()
- let matchedFields = ResizeArray()
- let foundText (text: string) = themedParts.Add (text, Text)
- let foundProp (prop: FsMtParser.Property) =
- match Map.tryFind prop.name fields with
- | Some propValue ->
- // render using string.Format, so the formatting is applied
- let stringFormatTemplate = prop.AppendPropertyString(StringBuilder(), "0").ToString()
- let fieldAsText = String.Format (options.formatProvider, stringFormatTemplate, [| propValue |])
- // find the right theme colour based on data type
- let valueColour =
- match propValue with
- | :? bool ->
- KeywordSymbol
- | :? int16 | :? int32 | :? int64 | :? decimal | :? float | :? double ->
- NumericSymbol
- | :? string | :? char ->
- StringSymbol
- | _ ->
- OtherSymbol
- if options.printTemplateFieldNames then
- themedParts.Add ("["+prop.name+"] ", Subtext)
- matchedFields.Add prop.name
- themedParts.Add (fieldAsText, valueColour)
- | None ->
- themedParts.Add (prop.ToString(), MissingTemplateField)
- FsMtParser.parseParts template foundText foundProp
- Set.ofSeq matchedFields, List.ofSeq themedParts
- | Gauge (value, units) ->
- Set.empty, [ value.ToString(), NumericSymbol
- units, KeywordSymbol ]
- let formatValue (fields : Map) (pv : PointValue) =
- let matchedFields, themedParts =
- literateFormatValue (LiterateOptions.createInvariant()) fields pv
- matchedFields, System.String.Concat(themedParts |> List.map fst)
- let literateExceptionColouriser (options : LiterateOptions) (ex : exn) =
- let stackFrameLinePrefix = " at" // 3 spaces
- let monoStackFrameLinePrefix = " at" // 2 spaces
- use exnLines = new System.IO.StringReader(ex.ToString())
- let rec go lines =
- match exnLines.ReadLine() with
- | null ->
- List.rev lines // finished reading
- | line ->
- if line.StartsWith(stackFrameLinePrefix) || line.StartsWith(monoStackFrameLinePrefix) then
- // subtext
- go ((line, Subtext) :: (Environment.NewLine, Text) :: lines)
- else
- // regular text
- go ((line, Text) :: (Environment.NewLine, Text) :: lines)
- go []
- let literateColouriseExceptions (context : LiterateOptions) message =
- let exnExceptionParts =
- match message.fields.TryFind FieldExnKey with
- | Some (:? Exception as ex) ->
- literateExceptionColouriser context ex
- | _ ->
- [] // there is no spoon
- let errorsExceptionParts =
- match message.fields.TryFind FieldErrorsKey with
- | Some (:? List as exnListAsObjList) ->
- exnListAsObjList |> List.collect (function
- | :? exn as ex ->
- literateExceptionColouriser context ex
- | _ ->
- [])
- | _ ->
- []
- exnExceptionParts @ errorsExceptionParts
- let getLogLevelToken = function
- | Verbose -> LevelVerbose
- | Debug -> LevelDebug
- | Info -> LevelInfo
- | Warn -> LevelWarning
- | Error -> LevelError
- | Fatal -> LevelFatal
- /// Split a structured message up into theme-able parts (tokens), allowing the
- /// final output to display to a user with colours to enhance readability.
- let literateDefaultTokeniser (options : LiterateOptions) (message : Message) : (string * LiterateToken) list =
- let formatLocalTime (utcTicks : int64) =
- DateTimeOffset(utcTicks, TimeSpan.Zero).LocalDateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss", options.formatProvider),
- Subtext
- let themedMessageParts =
- message.value |> literateFormatValue options message.fields |> snd
- let themedExceptionParts = literateColouriseExceptions options message
- [ "[", Punctuation
- formatLocalTime message.utcTicks
- " ", Subtext
- options.getLogLevelText message.level, getLogLevelToken message.level
- "] ", Punctuation ]
- @ themedMessageParts
- @ themedExceptionParts
- let literateDefaultColourWriter sem (parts : (string * ConsoleColor) list) =
- lock sem <| fun _ ->
- let originalColour = Console.ForegroundColor
- let mutable currentColour = originalColour
- parts |> List.iter (fun (text, colour) ->
- if currentColour <> colour then
- Console.ForegroundColor <- colour
- currentColour <- colour
- Console.Write(text)
- )
- if currentColour <> originalColour then
- Console.ForegroundColor <- originalColour
- /// let the ISO8601 love flow
- let defaultFormatter (message : Message) =
- let app (x : obj) (sb : StringBuilder) =
- sb.Append x |> ignore
- let formatLevel (level : LogLevel) =
- "[" + Char.ToUpperInvariant(level.ToString().[0]).ToString() + "] "
- let formatInstant (utcTicks : int64) =
- (DateTimeOffset(utcTicks, TimeSpan.Zero).ToString("o")) + ": "
- let formatName (name : string[]) =
- " [" + String.concat "." name + "]"
- let formatExn (fields : Map) =
- match fields |> Map.tryFind FieldExnKey with
- | None ->
- String.Empty
- | Some ex ->
- " exn:\n" + ex.ToString()
- let formatFields (ignored : Set) (fields : Map) =
- if not (Map.isEmpty fields) then
- fields
- |> Seq.filter (fun (KeyValue (k, _)) -> not (ignored |> Set.contains k))
- |> Seq.map (fun (KeyValue (k, v)) -> "\n - " + k + ": " + v.ToString())
- |> String.concat ""
- else
- ""
- let matchedFields, valueString =
- formatValue message.fields message.value
- // [I] 2014-04-05T12:34:56Z: Hello World! [my.sample.app]
- formatLevel message.level +
- formatInstant message.utcTicks +
- valueString +
- formatName message.name +
- formatExn message.fields +
- formatFields matchedFields message.fields
-/// Assists with controlling the output of the `LiterateConsoleTarget`.
-module internal LiterateFormatting =
- open Literate
- type TokenisedPart = string * LiterateToken
- type LiterateTokeniser = LiterateOptions -> Message -> TokenisedPart list
- type internal TemplateToken = TextToken of text:string | PropToken of name : string * format : string
- let internal parseTemplate template =
- let tokens = ResizeArray()
- let foundText (text: string) = tokens.Add (TextToken text)
- let foundProp (prop: FsMtParser.Property) = tokens.Add (PropToken (prop.name, prop.format))
- FsMtParser.parseParts template foundText foundProp
- tokens :> seq
- []
- module OutputTemplateTokenisers =
- let tokeniseTimestamp format (options : LiterateOptions) (message : Message) =
- let localDateTimeOffset = DateTimeOffset(message.utcTicks, TimeSpan.Zero).ToLocalTime()
- let formattedTimestamp = localDateTimeOffset.ToString(format, options.formatProvider)
- seq { yield formattedTimestamp, Subtext }
- let tokeniseTimestampUtc format (options : LiterateOptions) (message : Message) =
- let utcDateTimeOffset = DateTimeOffset(message.utcTicks, TimeSpan.Zero)
- let formattedTimestamp = utcDateTimeOffset.ToString(format, options.formatProvider)
- seq { yield formattedTimestamp, Subtext }
- let tokeniseMissingField name format =
- seq {
- yield "{", Punctuation
- yield name, MissingTemplateField
- if not (String.IsNullOrEmpty format) then
- yield ":", Punctuation
- yield format, Subtext
- yield "}", Punctuation }
- let tokeniseLogLevel (options : LiterateOptions) (message : Message) =
- seq { yield options.getLogLevelText message.level, Formatting.getLogLevelToken message.level }
- let tokeniseSource (options : LiterateOptions) (message : Message) =
- seq { yield (String.concat "." message.name), Subtext }
- let tokeniseNewline (options : LiterateOptions) (message : Message) =
- seq { yield Environment.NewLine, Text }
- let tokeniseTab (options : LiterateOptions) (message : Message) =
- seq { yield "\t", Text }
- /// Creates a `LiterateTokeniser` function which can be passed to the `LiterateConsoleTarget`
- /// constructor in order to customise how each log message is rendered. The default template
- /// would be: `[{timestampLocal:HH:mm:ss} {level}] {message}{newline}{exceptions}`.
- /// Available template fields are: `timestamp`, `timestampUtc`, `level`, `source`,
- /// `newline`, `tab`, `message`, `exceptions`. Any misspelled or otheriwese invalid property
- /// names will be treated as `LiterateToken.MissingTemplateField`.
- let tokeniserForOutputTemplate template : LiterateTokeniser =
- let tokens = parseTemplate template
- fun options message ->
- seq {
- for token in tokens do
- match token with
- | TextToken text -> yield text, LiterateToken.Punctuation
- | PropToken (name, format) ->
- match name with
- | "timestamp" -> yield! tokeniseTimestamp format options message
- | "timestampUtc" -> yield! tokeniseTimestampUtc format options message
- | "level" -> yield! tokeniseLogLevel options message
- | "source" -> yield! tokeniseSource options message
- | "newline" -> yield! tokeniseNewline options message
- | "tab" -> yield! tokeniseTab options message
- | "message" -> yield! Formatting.literateFormatValue options message.fields message.value |> snd
- | "exceptions" -> yield! Formatting.literateColouriseExceptions options message
- | _ -> yield! tokeniseMissingField name format
- }
- |> Seq.toList
-/// Logs a line in a format that is great for human consumption,
-/// using console colours to enhance readability.
-/// Sample: [10:30:49 INF] User "AdamC" began the "checkout" process with 100 cart items
-type LiterateConsoleTarget(name, minLevel, ?options, ?literateTokeniser, ?outputWriter, ?consoleSemaphore) =
- let sem = defaultArg consoleSemaphore (obj())
- let options = defaultArg options (Literate.LiterateOptions.create())
- let tokenise = defaultArg literateTokeniser Formatting.literateDefaultTokeniser
- let colourWriter = defaultArg outputWriter Formatting.literateDefaultColourWriter sem
- let colouriseThenNewLine message =
- (tokenise options message) @ [Environment.NewLine, Literate.Text]
- |> List.map (fun (s, t) ->
- s, options.theme(t))
- /// Creates the target with a custom output template. The default `outputTemplate`
- /// is `[{timestampLocal:HH:mm:ss} {level}] {message}{exceptions}`.
- /// Available template fields are: `timestamp`, `timestampUtc`, `level`, `source`,
- /// `newline`, `tab`, `message`, `exceptions`. Any misspelled or otheriwese invalid property
- /// names will be treated as `LiterateToken.MissingTemplateField`.
- new (name, minLevel, outputTemplate, ?options, ?outputWriter, ?consoleSemaphore) =
- let tokeniser = LiterateFormatting.tokeniserForOutputTemplate outputTemplate
- LiterateConsoleTarget(name, minLevel, ?options=options, literateTokeniser=tokeniser, ?outputWriter=outputWriter, ?consoleSemaphore=consoleSemaphore)
- interface Logger with
- member x.name = name
- member x.logWithAck level msgFactory =
- if level >= minLevel then
- colourWriter (colouriseThenNewLine (msgFactory level))
- async.Return ()
- member x.log level msgFactory =
- if level >= minLevel then
- colourWriter (colouriseThenNewLine (msgFactory level))
-type TextWriterTarget(name, minLevel, writer : System.IO.TextWriter, ?formatter) =
- let formatter = defaultArg formatter Formatting.defaultFormatter
- let log msg = writer.WriteLine(formatter msg)
- interface Logger with
- member x.name = name
- member x.log level messageFactory =
- if level >= minLevel then log (messageFactory level)
- member x.logWithAck level messageFactory =
- if level >= minLevel then log (messageFactory level)
- async.Return ()
-type OutputWindowTarget(name, minLevel, ?formatter) =
- let formatter = defaultArg formatter Formatting.defaultFormatter
- let log msg = System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(formatter msg)
- interface Logger with
- member x.name = name
- member x.log level messageFactory =
- if level >= minLevel then log (messageFactory level)
- member x.logWithAck level messageFactory =
- if level >= minLevel then log (messageFactory level)
- async.Return ()
-/// A logger to use for combining a number of other loggers
-type CombiningTarget(name, otherLoggers : Logger list) =
- interface Logger with
- member x.name = name
- member x.logWithAck level messageFactory =
- otherLoggers
- |> List.map (fun l -> l.logWithAck level messageFactory)
- |> Async.Parallel
- |> Async.Ignore // Async
- member x.log level messageFactory =
- otherLoggers
- |> List.map (fun l -> l.log level messageFactory)
- |> ignore
-module Global =
- /// This is the global semaphore for colourising the console output. Ensure
- /// that the same semaphore is used across libraries by using the Logary
- /// Facade Adapter in the final composing app/service.
- let private consoleSemaphore = obj ()
- /// The global default configuration, which logs to Console at Info level.
- let defaultConfig =
- { timestamp = fun () -> DateTimeOffset.timestamp DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
- getLogger = fun name -> LiterateConsoleTarget(name, Info) :> Logger
- consoleSemaphore = consoleSemaphore }
- let private config =
- ref (defaultConfig, (* logical clock *) 1u)
- /// The flyweight just references the current configuration. If you want
- /// multiple per-process logging setups, then don't use the static methods,
- /// but instead pass a Logger instance around, setting the name field of the
- /// Message value you pass into the logger.
- type internal Flyweight(name : string[]) =
- let updating = obj()
- let mutable fwClock : uint32 = snd !config
- let mutable logger : Logger = (fst !config).getLogger name
- let rec withLogger action =
- let cfg, cfgClock = !config // copy to local
- let fwCurr = fwClock // copy to local
- if cfgClock <> fwCurr then
- lock updating <| fun _ ->
- logger <- cfg.getLogger name
- fwClock <- fwCurr + 1u
- action logger
- let ensureName (m : Message) =
- if Array.isEmpty m.name then { m with name = name } else m
- interface Logger with
- member x.name = name
- member x.log level msgFactory =
- withLogger (fun logger -> logger.log level (msgFactory >> ensureName))
- member x.logWithAck level msgFactory =
- withLogger (fun logger -> logger.logWithAck level (msgFactory >> ensureName))
- let internal getStaticLogger (name : string []) =
- Flyweight name
- let timestamp () : EpochNanoSeconds =
- (fst !config).timestamp ()
- /// Returns the synchronisation object to use when printing to the console.
- let internal semaphore () =
- (fst !config).consoleSemaphore
- /// Run the passed function under the console semaphore lock.
- let internal lockSem fn =
- lock (semaphore ()) fn
- /// Call from the initialisation of your library. Initialises the
- /// Suave.Logging globally/per process.
- let initialise cfg =
- config := (cfg, snd !config + 1u)
- let initialiseIfDefault cfg =
- if snd !config = 1u then initialise cfg
-/// "Shortcut" for creating targets; useful at the top-level configuration point of
-/// your library.
-module Targets =
- /// Create a new target. Prefer `Log.create` in your own libraries, or let the
- /// composing app replace your target instance through your configuration.
- ///
- /// Will log to console (colourised) by default, and also to the output window
- /// in your IDE if you specify a level below Info.
- let create level name =
- if level >= LogLevel.Info then
- LiterateConsoleTarget(name, level, consoleSemaphore = Global.semaphore()) :> Logger
- else
- CombiningTarget(
- name,
- [ LiterateConsoleTarget(name, level, consoleSemaphore = Global.semaphore())
- OutputWindowTarget(name, level) ])
- :> Logger
-/// Module for acquiring static loggers (when you don't want or can't)
-/// pass loggers as values.
-module Log =
- /// Create a named logger. Full stop (.) acts as segment delimiter in the
- /// hierachy of namespaces and loggers.
- let create (name : string) =
- if name = null then invalidArg "name" "name is null"
- Global.getStaticLogger (name.Split([|'.'|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
- :> Logger
- /// Create an hierarchically named logger
- let createHiera (name : string[]) =
- if name = null then invalidArg "name" "name is null"
- if name.Length = 0 then invalidArg "name" "must have >0 segments"
- Global.getStaticLogger name
- :> Logger
-/// The Message module contains functions that can help callers compose messages. This
-/// module is especially helpful to open to make calls into Logary's facade small.
-module Message =
- open Literals
- /// Create a new event log message.
- let event level template =
- { name = [||]
- value = Event template
- fields = Map.empty
- timestamp = Global.timestamp ()
- level = level }
- /// Create a new event log message – like `event` but with parameters flipped.
- /// Useful to use with `Logger.log` with point-free style, to reduce the
- /// noise. E.g. `logger.logVerbose (eventX "Returned {code}" >> setField "code" 24)`
- let eventX template level =
- event level template
- /// Create a new instantaneous value in a log message.
- let gauge value units =
- { name = [||]
- value = Gauge (value, units)
- fields = Map.empty
- timestamp = Global.timestamp ()
- level = Debug }
- /// Sets the name/path of the log message.
- let setName (name : string[]) (x : Message) =
- { x with name = name }
- /// Sets the final portion o fthe name of the Message.
- let setNameEnding (ending : string) (x : Message) =
- if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace ending then x else
- let segs = ResizeArray<_>(x.name)
- segs.Add ending
- { x with name = segs.ToArray() }
- /// Sets the name as a single string; if this string contains dots, the string
- /// will be split on these dots.
- let setSingleName (name : string) (x : Message) =
- if name = null then invalidArg "name" "may not be null"
- let name' =
- name.Split([|'.'|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
- x |> setName name'
- /// Sets the value of the field on the log message.
- let setField (key : string) (value : obj) (x : Message) =
- { x with fields = x.fields |> Map.add key value }
- /// Alias to `setField`
- let setFieldValue = setField
- /// Sets the timestamp on the log message.
- let setTimestamp (ts : EpochNanoSeconds) (x : Message) =
- { x with timestamp = ts }
- /// Sets the level on the log message.
- let setLevel (level : LogLevel) (x : Message) =
- { x with level = level }
- /// Adds an exception to the Message, to the 'errors' field, inside a list.
- let addExn ex (x : Message) =
- let fields' =
- match Map.tryFind FieldErrorsKey x.fields with
- | None ->
- x.fields |> Map.add FieldErrorsKey (box [ box ex ])
- | Some errors ->
- let arr : obj list = unbox errors
- x.fields |> Map.add FieldErrorsKey (box (box ex :: arr))
- { x with fields = fields' }
diff --git a/src/Suave/Web.fs b/src/Suave/Web.fs
index adcb927f..62a14070 100644
--- a/src/Suave/Web.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/Web.fs
@@ -11,13 +11,10 @@ module Web =
open System.IO
open System.Text
open Suave.Utils
- open Suave.Logging
- open Suave.Logging.Message
/// The default error handler returns a 500 Internal Error in response to
/// thrown exceptions.
let defaultErrorHandler (ex : Exception) msg (ctx : HttpContext) =
- ctx.runtime.logger.error (eventX msg >> setSingleName "Suave.Web.defaultErrorHandler" >> addExn ex)
if ctx.isLocalTrustProxy then
Response.response HTTP_500 (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("" + ex.Message + "
" + ex.ToString())) ctx
@@ -49,10 +46,6 @@ module Web =
// spawn tcp listeners/web workers
let toRuntime = SuaveConfig.toRuntime config homeFolder compressionFolder
- // If noone has already touched the logging configuration, initialise it to
- // that of Suave's configuration.
- Global.initialiseIfDefault { Global.defaultConfig with getLogger = fun _ -> config.logger }
let startWebWorker runtime =
let tcpServer =
(tcpServerFactory :> TcpServerFactory).create(config.maxOps, config.bufferSize, runtime.matchedBinding.socketBinding,runtime,config.cancellationToken,webpart)
@@ -86,7 +79,6 @@ module Web =
mimeTypesMap = Writers.defaultMimeTypesMap
homeFolder = None
compressedFilesFolder = None
- logger = Targets.create Info [| "Suave" |]
cookieSerialiser = new BinaryFormatterSerialiser()
hideHeader = false
maxContentLength = 10000000 // 10 megabytes
diff --git a/src/Suave/WebSocket.fs b/src/Suave/WebSocket.fs
index 4e18e5a0..ab25ccd3 100644
--- a/src/Suave/WebSocket.fs
+++ b/src/Suave/WebSocket.fs
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ module WebSocket =
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.Utils
open Suave.Utils.AsyncExtensions
- open Suave.Logging
- open Suave.Logging.Message
open System
open System.Security.Cryptography
@@ -111,10 +109,11 @@ module WebSocket =
let internal bytesToNetworkOrder (bytes : byte[]) =
if BitConverter.IsLittleEndian then bytes |> Array.rev else bytes
- let writeFrame (connection: Connection) (f: Frame) = socket {
- do! connection.transport.write (Memory([| f.OpcodeByte |], 0, 1))
- do! connection.transport.write (Memory(f.EncodedLength, 0, f.EncodedLength.Length))
- do! connection.transport.write f.Data
+ let writeFrame (connection: Connection) (f: Frame) = task {
+ let! _ = connection.transport.write (Memory([| f.OpcodeByte |], 0, 1))
+ let! _ = connection.transport.write (Memory(f.EncodedLength, 0, f.EncodedLength.Length))
+ let! _ = connection.transport.write f.Data
+ return Ok()
let internal frame (opcode : Opcode) (data : ByteSegment) (fin : bool) =
@@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ module WebSocket =
{ Frame.OpcodeByte = firstByte; EncodedLength = encodedLength; Data = data }
let readBytes (connection : Connection) (n : int) =
- socket {
+ task {
let arr = Array.zeroCreate n
let offset = ref 0
let reader = connection.reader
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ module WebSocket =
let target = new Span(arr,!offset,count)
offset := !offset + count)
- return arr
+ return Ok(arr)
let readBytesIntoByteSegment retrieveByteSegment (connection : Connection) (n : int) =
@@ -159,13 +158,13 @@ module WebSocket =
let offset = ref 0
let reader = connection.reader
- socket{
+ task{
do! reader.readPostData n (fun a count ->
let source = a.Span.Slice(0,count)
let target = byteSegment.Span.Slice(!offset,count)
offset := !offset + count)
- return byteSegment
+ return Ok(byteSegment)
type internal Cont<'t> = 't -> unit
@@ -208,29 +207,6 @@ module WebSocket =
let frame = frame opcode bs fin
runAsyncWithSemaphore writeSemaphore (writeFrame connection frame)
- let readFrame () = socket {
- //assert (Seq.length connection.segments = 0)
- let! arr = readBytes connection 2
- let header = exctractHeader arr
- let! extendedLength = readExtendedLength header
- assert(header.hasMask)
- let! mask = readBytes connection 4
- if extendedLength > uint64 Int32.MaxValue then
- let reason = "Frame size of " + extendedLength.ToString() + " bytes exceeds maximum accepted frame size (2 GB)"
- let data =
- [| yield! BitConverter.GetBytes (CloseCode.CLOSE_TOO_LARGE.code) |> bytesToNetworkOrder
- yield! Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes reason |]
- do! sendFrame Close (Memory(data)) true
- return! SocketOp.abort (InputDataError(None, reason))
- else
- let! frame = readBytes connection (int extendedLength)
- // Messages from the client MUST be masked
- let data = if header.hasMask then frame |> Array.mapi (fun i x -> x ^^^ mask.[i % 4]) else frame
- return (header.opcode, data, header.fin)
- }
let readFrameIntoSegment (byteSegmentForLengthFunc: int -> ByteSegment) = socket {
//assert (Seq.length connection.segments = 0)
let! arr = readBytes connection 2
@@ -256,16 +232,12 @@ module WebSocket =
for i = 0 to (int extendedLength) - 1 do
frame.Span.[i] <- frame.Span.[i] ^^^ mask.[i % 4]
- return (header.opcode, frame, header.fin)
+ return header.opcode, frame, header.fin
- member this.read () = task {
- let! result = runAsyncWithSemaphore readSemaphore (readFrameIntoSegment (Array.zeroCreate >> Memory))
- return
- match result with
- | Ok(opcode, frame, header) -> Ok(opcode, frame, header)
- | Result.Error(error) -> Result.Error(error)
- }
+ member this.read () = socket {
+ return! runAsyncWithSemaphore readSemaphore (readFrameIntoSegment (Array.zeroCreate >> Memory))
+ }
/// Reads from the websocket and puts the data into a ByteSegment selected by the byteSegmentForLengthFunc parameter
/// A function that takes in the message length in bytes required to hold the next websocket message and returns an appropriately sized ArraySegment of bytes
@@ -336,8 +308,7 @@ module WebSocket =
| Ok _ ->
do ()
| Result.Error err ->
- ctx.runtime.logger.warn (eventX "WebSocket disconnected {error}" >> setSingleName "Suave.Websocket.handShakeWithSubprotocol"
- >> setFieldValue "error" err)
+ do ()
return! Control.CLOSE ctx
| Choice2Of2 response -> return! response
@@ -351,8 +322,7 @@ module WebSocket =
| Ok _ ->
do ()
| Result.Error err ->
- ctx.runtime.logger.warn (eventX "WebSocket disconnected {error}" >> setSingleName "Suave.Websocket.handShake"
- >> setFieldValue "error" err)
+ Console.WriteLine($"WebSocket disconnected {err}",err)
return! Control.CLOSE ctx
| Choice2Of2 response ->
return! response