This guide provides the commands to deploy both the Grafana operator and a Grafana instance in OpenShift. It also adds a Prometheus Datasource and configures a dashboard for monitoring Sigstore components.
- Make sure you have the oc command-line tool installed.
- Ensure you are logged into your OpenShift cluster.
- Ensure workload monitoring is enabled in your OpenShift cluster. If necessary, either add the line
enableUserWorkload: true
to an already existingconfigmap/cluster-monitoring-config
in-n openshift-monitoring
or create the configmap as below. For more information, refer to OpenShift documentation.
oc create --save-config -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: cluster-monitoring-config
namespace: openshift-monitoring
config.yaml: |
enableUserWorkload: true
Note: This guide assumes you are using OpenShift version 4.12 or greater.
This installs the Grafana operator into the sigstore-monitoring
oc apply -k grafana/operator
Tip: Verify the installation by running oc get pods -n sigstore-monitoring
This creates a Grafana instance for the operator. Make sure to allow some time for the Grafana operator to install.
oc apply -k grafana/instance
Apply the necessary tokens and role bindings to the service account grafana-serviceaccount
in the sigstore-monitoring
oc apply -k grafana/resources
Retrieve all necessary secrets from the OpenShift cluster and apply them to the datasource.yaml
file found at grafana/dashboards/datasource.yaml
export BEARER_TOKEN=$(oc -n sigstore-monitoring get secrets grafana-sa-token -o=jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 -d)
export MYSQL_USER=$(oc -n trillian-system get secrets trillian-mysql -o=jsonpath="{.data.mysql-user}" | base64 -d)
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=$(oc -n trillian-system get secrets trillian-mysql -o=jsonpath="{.data.mysql-password}" | base64 -d)
export MYSQL_DATABASE=$(oc -n trillian-system get secrets trillian-mysql -o=jsonpath="{.data.mysql-database}" | base64 -d)
Finally, the datasources and dashboards can be created.
envsubst < grafana/dashboards/datasource.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc apply -f grafana/dashboards/dashboard.yaml
To find the Grafana UI route, execute:
oc -n sigstore-monitoring get routes
Or, navigate to Networking -> Routes in the sigstore-monitoring
namespace through the OpenShift cluster UI, the default username and password is sigstore-rh
, please ensure to update this to something more secure. Once logged in, navigate to the dashboard by going to Dashboards -> Browse -> sigstore-monitoring -> Sigstore Monitoring.