All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.3.1 (2021-06-18)
- package renamed to contracts (2264802)
2.3.0 (2021-06-18)
- cyclic dependency overriden (57356e6)
- deploy fixture complete (92fa951)
- not zero modifier deleted (6432405)
- unlock user withdraw (d37b22e)
2.2.4 (2021-06-15)
- whitelisting npm from package json (17e5b2d)
2.2.3 (2021-06-15)
- messenger id fixed on messenger registry (35eebde)
- mocking imessenger on test (cb6f53b)
- tests running with mocha (22b6c34)
- action file created (3995b6b)
- active pool from stakeRegistry (f48bf03)
- activePool precision deleted (dc136d0)
- addresses by network name (e2db70b)
- allow bdsla token script created (90d0af9)
- analytics and staking efficiency tested (76f4f96)
- analytics testing implemented (037326c)
- approval from function caller on requestSLI (bbbafd3)
- apy replaced by sliSurplus (bbb3964)
- avoiding dangerous loops (de5f39f)
- avoiding stake after contract is finisged (b06430e)
- batch add and remove from whitelist (07554cb)
- bDSLA contract NATSpec comments (f4b67fa)
- breached contract and creation blocknumber on details (94ddf78)
- calling local or staging indexer on tests (d8b4611)
- changed the natspec docs extension (2470226)
- check balance from last sla (faef7f6)
- check-balances script (40c70f6)
- checking balance on StakeRegistry modify function (387f3be)
- checking past periods conditionally (c177225)
- claimCompensation deleted (a25aa16)
- compiling after refactor (e2560d9)
- consecutive period ids (79fcc06)
- contracts deployed to harmony (ee024dd)
- contracts prettified (331e52a)
- copying abi to external adapter (9dc421a)
- creating contract files for frontend (81653e9)
- cumulatedDevaluation deleted (f36f1f9)
- d tokens (dc77cd5)
- DAI token at deployment time (ccb3b55)
- defining periods on deployment time at slaRegistry (e4b4e78)
- deleting unnecessary functions (829eef8)
- delivering rewards to messenger creator (f9815ca)
- deploy and scripts concerns separation (88b31f2)
- deploy custom sla script (9f18567)
- deploy custom sla updated (887018e)
- deploy-develop as shell script (e945543)
- deployed to kovan (d5bb208)
- deployed to Kovan (7adaef3)
- deploying new architecture (97f9fea)
- deploying to harmony (248ccc7)
- deploying to harmony testnet with local Chainlink node (210c854)
- deploying with considering testEnv (8d6d47e)
- details contract to fetch on single RPC (0b9f11f)
- dsla lock value moved to stake registry (6c0c469)
- dynamic and static sla details (87a0f5a)
- eslint implemented (587f58b)
- export address tokens (49b0bb3)
- export scripts updated (08dd8e1)
- export-abis script (3e7d555)
- exporting abi files as AbiInput[] (a72f638)
- fetching analytics object from IFPS node (bd03024)
- function signatures updated to chainlink integration (2b50adc)
- generatePeriods utc 0 (73c782e)
- get active pool script (4c09c9f)
- get chainlink job id using node API (b2360a9)
- getActivePool updated (e450681)
- getDetails function improved (710aee8)
- getSLI as external adapter (da4947a)
- getSLI from chainlink (dfb01c7)
- getting all SLOs (97041ce)
- getting jodId automatically (27a0cbf)
- getting jodId automatically (84e2058)
- github action created (3887c55)
- github action created (37b19b6)
- hedge leverage (c69905c)
- imported bDSLA token contract and testing (aa7cbbc)
- indexer URL parameterized (08cd16c)
- initializedPeriod function (8c3fbad)
- kovan deployed with 3 nodes (d0aa59e)
- kovan provider updated (5403360)
- kovan scripts (d61191f)
- leverage deployed to kovan (8d5a89c)
- lighter Staking contract (e3541eb)
- lighter Staking contract (bfca098)
- mainnet addresses (75117ad)
- mainnet addresses file (d34a3e7)
- mainnet bootstrap script (82a3d9a)
- mainnet scripts and files updated (be06c84)
- mainnet todolist on initial migration (4a75b2c)
- messenger address at details (4f7504e)
- messenger metadata (f363d32)
- Messenger NATSpec doc updated (95ab91b)
- messenger owner approval (22fc8f8)
- messenger owner transfer on registry (e741642)
- messenger parameters updated (e9c20cd)
- messenger registry return data (19d0074)
- messenger registry updated (44c387f)
- messenger reward and platform reward (c4e4d1f)
- messengers length (95cf183)
- migration to sol 0.6.6 (fcbe1ef)
- mint and stake not owner scripts (a3b981b)
- minting dpTokens (69c7568)
- mumbai and polygon deployments configs (6832611)
- natspec documentation script created (19ee948)
- natspec script updated (e5d9c94)
- network analytics ownerApproval and callerReward (3b4697f)
- new building (70e3ab0)
- new contract structure to separate concerns (862270f)
- new contracts deployed to kovan (bf35da9)
- new deploy scripts (9948e12)
- new deployment (7d4ff14)
- new hd wallet provider (3f26702)
- new structure (2d22621)
- not burning dsla after reward and compensation (a3c1436)
- only 1 base token at deployment (67756a3)
- onlyAllowedTokens modifier (1db0a30)
- owner whitelisted on deployment (691ead0)
- package mainnet script (5ea12cf)
- period modified event (8173481)
- periodHasStarted before SLA deployment (4cdee45)
- periodIds to initial and final period (c1fa4eb)
- PreCoordinator integrated (846f6e8)
- preCoordinator mainnet parameters (862bec5)
- provider reward formula implemented (5ee9b66)
- publishing SLA ipfs object (96da65b)
- readme updated (ac46699)
- receiving hits and misses, and calculating efficiency from payload (aa03171)
- reference to prod p-ops indexer data (8db74ae)
- registeredSLOs to map (9bea173)
- remix script (91cf60c)
- remote chainlink env updated (0dba305)
- request sli and fund messenger scripts (db8f4db)
- requesting analytics and returning bytes32 from chainlink (c1c1298)
- requestSLI can only be called once (4339b85)
- requestSLI js integration test (2683b79)
- requestSLI only called if the period is finished (d8c0f97)
- requestSLI only for next verifiable period (a949f14)
- requiring sla owner deposit to deploy SLA (623935f)
- returnin sla period type (49a5462)
- returning cumulated devaluation (96e42b3)
- returning leverage on Details (6c56d85)
- returning messenger from messenger registry (0b59494)
- returning period definitions (1d8d58a)
- reverting if the SLO is not registered (f4e949b)
- reward formula corrected (6d1858e)
- scripts refactored (59aff8f)
- scripts updated (edcbd02)
- scripts updated (05c8cd1)
- scripts updated (9b1fda8)
- se script corrected (63bf2f1)
- sem-1, sem-2 (ca8a34a)
- sem,sla,sry,sta (8bda1ef)
- separated the stake with mappings (e4e5f61)
- singlen stake pool (7f49daa)
- SLA and Staking events (5c1d12e)
- SLA contract NATSpec comments (b1d6e39)
- sla deployment modified (582f5bd)
- sla details updated (cb28690)
- sla js testing (2aadeae)
- slaId and dTokens address (294bb59)
- slaRegistry checking analytics data existing (b784224)
- slaRegistry getting SLI from IPFS object (ce928c1)
- slaRegistry js testing (c1e2874)
- SLARegistry NATSpec comments (7e54810)
- slaRegistry testing running (dc36b8a)
- sli requested and return locked value events (765f197)
- slo and slo registry testing modified (66267dc)
- SLO contract deleted (f336055)
- SLO contract NATSpec comments (c5592e4)
- slo registered (af5346f)
- SLORegistry contract NATSpec comments (b50e2b2)
- sloRegistry unit testing (1d79d7b)
- SLOs modified to not delete owner reference (c93adaa)
- sorting params of events and methods for natspec (6e1fc27)
- stake and withdraw events (8b81613)
- stake dai script conditionally for Kovan (f085be0)
- stake registry events (7c29a0d)
- staking and sla contracts updated for getActivePool functions (ed75a4e)
- Staking contract commented with NATSpec (2565e4b)
- staking functions business logic written (3f21fa4)
- start and end isoWeek utc 0 (017e669)
- storing deployment block number (da02446)
- storing sli and timestamp value in period (b8603f0)
- storing staking parameters for future proof contracts (d0cc147)
- testing if userStake is incremented properly (3e90dd9)
- testing messenger on Kovan (45ba231)
- testing messenger on local Chainlink env (e2a65c5)
- testing provider reward calculation (d03bbf4)
- tests corrected (a8be37e)
- truffle test with npx for staging (3f0c3c7)
- truffle test with npx for staging (eb20e95)
- truffle test with npx for staging (2d996d4)
- user staking corrected (66dbabe)
- whitelist simplified (ad367d3)
- whitelisted SLA contracts (a270c50)
- withdraw process revisited (e5a93ec)
- working on kovan (0225d78)
- _contractFinished to contractFinished (91329a8)
- _contractFinished to contractFinished (789f3dd)
- _tokenIsAllowed optimized (da5c804)
- added allowedTokensMapping for public inspection (8bdf8c2)
- caller reward deleted (3977f7d)
- checking if token was already added at Staking (b91b785)
- cluster deployment fixed (4153baf)
- constants on SEMesenger (f97bf9f)
- DAI contract name updated (890b80d)
- decrese token staking fixed (3a30197)
- deploy sla corrected (f2bb72c)
- Details contract corrected to not divide by 0 (d4d6a9f)
- exporting addresses correctly (e6c31fa)
- getActivePool function corrected (c3b2fb4)
- getTokenStake fixed to return stake correctly (6a22621)
- git url package (c8f7180)
- harmony deploy sla (6dce2aa)
- IERC20 reference deleted from SLARegistry (d9d7be0)
- installing vyper (fb8a389)
- local env to develop env (901d7d1)
- mainnet addresses (36b485d)
- memory arrays allocation (4b6ec64)
- migrations scripts improved (5e06ef5)
- min leverage to 1 (ed0662c)
- msg.sender to _slaOwner on getActivePool (26ba6d7)
- mumbai deployment config (96007bb)
- nas 5-6 (bd80867)
- NetworkAnalytics reentrancy guard (65dfa8f)
- period has started uncommented (1129993)
- polygon gas price corrected (85cbf6c)
- public to external functions (67758fa)
- sem-3 (2cfffb9)
- SEMessenger reentrancy guard (740cffd)
- shortening require message to deploy to kovan (d152cd9)
- sla-1 (a871115)
- slaRegistry test working again (afd68c3)
- sorting methods params correctly at NATSpec docs (2fa1e40)
- StakeRegistry reentrancy guard (da9d58d)
- Staking reentrancy guard (8823f03)
- truffle config gasprice updated (8da06e9)
- usdctoken address on addresses and script (e695f12)
- with truffle bundled (7ddf02c)
- workflow commented (695d57d)