General Notes
The OS is
+ = $eoltext ?>
+ $oscheck"; ?>
+ (version = $json_data['BasicInfo']['FriendlyVersion'] ?>, build = $json_data['BasicInfo']['Version'] ?>)
The current uptime is
+ = $test_time ?>.
+ No AVs found!';
+ } elseif (sizeof($json_data['Security']['AvList']) == 1) {
+ $av = $json_data["Security"]["AvList"][0];
+ echo "
The currently installed AV is {$av}
+ } else {
+ $avs = implode(',', array_map(function ($i) {
+ return ' ' . $i;
+ }, $json_data['Security']['AvList']));
+ echo "
The currently installed AVs are {$avs}
+ }
+ $noteshtml = '';
+ if ($json_data['System']['UsernameSpecialCharacters'] == true) {
+ $noteshtml .= '
+ Username found with Special Characters
+ ';
+ }
+ if ($json_data['System']['OneDriveCommercialPathLength'] != null) {
+ $noteshtml .= '
+ OneDrive Path Length : ' . $json_data['System']['OneDriveCommercialPathLength'] . '
+ OneDrive Name Length : ' . $json_data['System']['OneDriveCommercialNameLength'] . '
+ ';
+ }
+ if ($json_data['System']['RecentMinidumps'] != 0) {
+ $noteshtml .= '
+ There have been ' . $json_data['System']['RecentMinidumps'] . ' Minidumps found
+ ';
+ }
+ $hostFileHash = $json_data['Network']['HostsFileHash'];
+ $hostFileCheck = "2D6BDFB341BE3A6234B24742377F93AA7C7CFB0D9FD64EFA9282C87852E57085" !== $hostFileHash; // Pre-calculated Hash
+ if ($hostFileCheck) {
+ $noteshtml .= '
+ Hosts file has been modified from stock
+ ';
+ }
+ if (!empty($json_data['Hardware']['Batteries'])) {
+ foreach ($json_data['Hardware']['Batteries'] as $battery) {
+ $cap = floatval($battery["Remaining_Life_Percentage"]);
+ if (
+ $cap < 70
+ ) {
+ $designcap = $battery['Design_Capacity'] / 1000;
+ $currentcap = $battery['Full_Charge_Capacity'] / 1000;
+ $noteshtml .= "
+ Battery {$battery['Name']} has a diminished capacity (Designed for {$designcap} Wh, currently {$currentcap} Wh)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($json_data['Hardware']['Storage'] as $disk) {
+ foreach ($disk['Partitions'] as $partNum => $part) {
+ if (isset($part['DirtyBitSet']) && $part['DirtyBitSet']) {
+ if (empty($part['PartitionLetter'])) {
+ $noteshtml .= "
+ Dirty bit set on partition $partNum ({$disk['DeviceName']})
+ ";
+ } else {
+ $noteshtml .= "
+ Dirty bit set on {$part['PartitionLetter']} ({$disk['DeviceName']})
+ ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $unexpected_shutdown_count = $json_data['Events']['UnexpectedShutdownCount'];
+ $machinecheck_count = $json_data['Events']['MachineCheckExceptionCount'];
+ $whea_count = $json_data['Events']['WheaErrorRecordCount'];
+ $pci_whea_count = $json_data['Events']['PciWheaErrorCount'];
+ if ($unexpected_shutdown_count > 0) {
+ $noteshtml .= "
+ $unexpected_shutdown_count Unexpected Shutdowns detected
+ ";
+ }
+ if ($machinecheck_count > 0) {
+ $noteshtml .= "
+ $machinecheck_count MachineCheck Exceptions detected
+ ";
+ }
+ if ($whea_count > 0) {
+ $noteshtml .= "
+ $whea_count WHEA errors detected
+ ";
+ }
+ if ($pci_whea_count > 0) {
+ $noteshtml .= "
+ $pci_whea_count PCI WHEA errors detected
+ ";
+ }
+ if ($json_data['Meta']['ElapsedTime'] > 20000) {
+ $noteshtml .= '
Specify runtime is over 20s
+ ';
+ }
+ if ($json_data['System']['LimitedMemory']) {
+ $noteshtml .= '
+ Device configured to use a limited amount of memory
+ ';
+ }
+ if ($json_data['System']['WindowsOld']) {
+ $noteshtml .= '
+ Windows.OLD detected
+ ';
+ }
+ if (!empty($noteshtml)) {
+ $noteshtml = '
' . $noteshtml;
+ echo $noteshtml;
+ }
+ ?>
+ . $storage_device['DeviceName'] . ' (' . $lettersString . ') has
+ . $smartPoint['RawValue'] . ' ' . $smartPoint['Name'] . '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (abs((floor(bytesToGigabytes($storage_device['DiskCapacity'])) -
+ floor(bytesToGigabytes(getDriveCapacity($storage_device))))) > 5) {
+ $drivehtml .= '
+ ' . $storage_device['DeviceName'] . ' (' . $lettersString . ') has differing capacities.
+ (' . floor(bytesToGigabytes($storage_device['DiskCapacity'])) . " on disk vs. "
+ . floor(bytesToGigabytes(getDriveCapacity($storage_device))) . ' on partitions)
+ ';
+ }
+ $driveKey += 1;
+ }
+ if (!empty($drivehtml)) {
+ $drivehtml = '
Drive / SMART Notes
' . $drivehtml;
+ echo $drivehtml;
+ }
+ ?>
Static Core Count found set.
+ ';
+ }
+ foreach ($json_data['System']['ChoiceRegistryValues'] as $regkey) {
+ if ($regkey['Value'] && !in_array($regkey['Value'], $defaultRegKeys[$regkey['Name']])){
+ $reghtml .= '
+ Registry Value ' . $regkey['Name'] . ' found set, value of ' . $regkey['Value'] . '
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($reghtml)) {
+ $reghtml = '
Notable Registry Changes
' . $reghtml;
+ echo $reghtml;
+ }
+ ?>