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AA-Discordbot for Alliance Auth.



  • Bot Framework, easily extensible with more Cogs
  • Integration with Alliance Auth, able to fetch data directly from its django project.
  • Channel/Direct messaging feature, with Tasks and a Queue/Consumer
  • Current Cogs
    • About
      • !about - Bot Information and Statistics
    • Auth
      • !auth or /auth - A direct link to the Auth Install to catch users familiar with other bots.
    • Members
      • !lookup [search string] - Fetch a users Main, Affiliation, State, Groups and linked characters from any character.
      • !altcorp [search string] - search for users with characters in an altcorp
    • Remind
      • !remindme [5s/m/h/d text] - Sets a simple non-persistent reminder timer when the bot will respond with the text
    • Sov
      • !vuln [context] - Returns a list of Vulnerable sov structures for a Region/Constellation/Solar_System or alliance
      • !sov [context] - Returns a list of all sov structures for a Region/Constellation/Solar_System or alliance
      • !lowadm - Lists sov in need of ADM-ing, context provided in settings.
    • Time
      • !time or /time - Returns the current EVE Time.
    • Timers
      • !timer - Returns the next Structure timer from allianceauth.timerboard.
    • Ticket
      • /help and Message context command to create private support threads
    • PriceCheck:
      • amarr - Check an item price on Amarr market
      • jita - Check an item price on Jita market
      • price - Check an item price on Jita and Amarr market
    • Easter Eggs,
      • !happybirthday [text] - Wishes the text a happy birthday, works with user mentions
    • WelcomeGoodbye
      • Welcome - Responds to user join events with predefined messages.
      • Goodbye - Responds to user leave events with predefined messages.
    • Admin
      • Slash commands to help with setting up a discord server when you are not admin or owner.
      • accessed via /admin [command]
      • add_role / add_role_read / rem_role - add/remove a role to a channel
      • new_channel - create a new channel and assign it a role for read access
      • promote_role_to_god/demote_role_to_god - promote/demote a role to/from full admin so for when you need it
      • empty_roles - list all roles on server with no members
      • clear_empty_roles - remove all empty roles from the server
      • orphans - find any user in discord with no auth user attached
      • get_webhooks - returns any webhooks setup in this current channel, or creates one for you and returns that
      • uptime - how long the bot has been up for



  • [BARE METAL ONLY] Install the app with your venv active
pip install allianceauth-discordbot
  • Add 'aadiscordbot', to your INSTALLED_APPS list in

  • Add the below lines to your settings file, Changing the contexts to yours.

## Settings for Allianceauth-Discordbot
# Admin Commands
# Sov Commands
SOV_DISCORD_BOT_CHANNELS = [111, 222, 333]
# Adm Commands
ADM_DISCORD_BOT_CHANNELS = [111, 222, 333]

DISCORD_BOT_SOV_STRUCTURE_OWNER_IDS = [1000169] # Centre for Advanced Studies example
DISCORD_BOT_MEMBER_ALLIANCES = [111, 222, 333] # A list of alliances to be considered "Mains"

DISCORD_BOT_ADM_REGIONS = [10000002] # The Forge Example
DISCORD_BOT_ADM_SYSTEMS = [30000142] # Jita Example
DISCORD_BOT_ADM_CONSTELLATIONS = [20000020] # Kimitoro Example

PRICE_CHECK_HOSTNAME = "" # Point to your favorite evepraisal
## Insert AADiscordBot's logging into Django Logging config
LOGGING['handlers']['bot_log_file']= {
            'level': 'INFO',
            'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler',
            'filename': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'log/discord_bot.log'),
            'formatter': 'verbose',
            'maxBytes': 1024 * 1024 * 5,
            'backupCount': 5,
LOGGING['loggers']['aadiscordbot'] = {'handlers': ['bot_log_file'],'level': 'DEBUG'}
  • Add the below lines to myauth/ somewhere above the app.autodiscover_tasks... line
## Route AA Discord bot tasks away from AllianceAuth
app.conf.task_routes = {'aadiscordbot.tasks.*': {'queue': 'aadiscordbot'}}
  • [Docker Only] add alianceauth-discordbot=version.number to your requirements.txt and rebuild your containers and restart auth.
  • Run migrations python migrate

Running Discordbot with Docker

Add a service to run the Discordbot

    container_name: allianceauth_discordbot
    <<: [ *allianceauth-base ]
    restart: on-failure
    entrypoint: [ "auth", "run_authbot" ]
  • run docker compose up -d to start the bot.

[Bare Metal] Running DiscordBot with Supervisor

  • Amend your supervisor.conf, correcting paths as required and add authbot to the launch group at the end of the conf
command=/home/allianceserver/venv/auth/bin/python /home/allianceserver/myauth/ run_authbot
#This block should already exist, add authbot to it
  • [Bare metal only] Restart and reload supervisor sudo service supervisord reload

  • Go to admin and configure your admin users in the bot config model.

Enable groups/states/users to utilize the lookup command by adding permissions under corputils | corp stats |



aadiscordbot.member_command_access "aadiscordbot | DiscordBot | can access the member commands"

Optional Settings

Built in Cogs

# Change the bots default Cogs, add or remove if you want to use any of the extra cogs.

  "aadiscordbot.cogs.about", # about the bot
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.admin", # Discord server admin helpers
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.members", # Member lookup commands
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.timers", # timer board integration
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.auth", # return auth url
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.sov", # some sov helpers
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.time", # whats the time Mr Eve Server
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.eastereggs", # some "fun" commands from ariel...
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.remind", # very Basic in memory reminder tool
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.reaction_roles", # auth group integrated reaction roles
  "", # service activation data
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.price_check", # Price Checks
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.eightball", # 8ball should i install this cog
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.welcomegoodbye", # Customizable user join/leave messages
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.models", # Populate and Maintain Django Models for Channels and Servers
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.quote", # Save and recall messages
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.prom_export", # Admin Level Logging cog
  "", # Private thread ticket system with pingable groups.
  "aadiscordbot.cogs.recruit_me", # Private thread recruitment ticket system.

Additional Rate Limiting

# configure the optional rate limited
# this is a bot_task function and how many / time period
# 100/s equates to 100 per second max
# 10/m equates to 10 per minute or 1 every 6 seconds max
# 60/h equates to 60 per hour or one per minute max
        "send_channel_message_by_discord_id": "100/s",
        "send_direct_message_by_discord_id": "1/s",
        "send_direct_message_by_user_id": "1/s"

Reaction Roles

❗❗❗ This will bypass the Group Leadership/Join Request System: This is intended for open groups but not limited to it! ❗❗❗

The bot is able to run a reaction roles system that is compatible with auth and public users on a discord.

  • If a member is part of auth it will do auth syncing of roles
  • If a member is not found in auth and the reaction role message has the public flag set it will assign roles to anyone who reacts

How To Reaction Role

  1. Setup the inital Message you wish to use buy using the command !rr

    • Optional Edit the name and settings of this message in Admin > Discord Bot > Reaction Role Messages
  2. React to the message with the reactions you wish to use.

  3. The bot will counter react to the reactions when it creates the binding in auth.

  4. Goto Admin > Discord Bot > Reaction Role Bindings

  5. Assign the groups you want for each reaction

Messages Admin

Reactions Admin


  • Statistics
    • Adds zkill Monthly/Yearly stats to !lookup
  • timezones
    • Updates the time command to have all timezones configured in auth.
  • corptools
    • where_is to allow users to find assets quickly
    • locate to find all characters and show location and ships
    • route to show a route with known JB's

Welcome Messaages

With the WelcomeGoodbye Cog activated, Discordbot will grab a random message from the Welcome or Goodbye Message Model and send it to the Guild System channel

These can be configured in admin under /admin/aadiscordbot/welcomemessage/ and /admin/aadiscordbot/goodbyemessage/

The messages support some string formatting

  • `{user_mention} - A Discord @ Mention
  • `{guild_name} - The name of the Discord Server
  • `{auth_url} - A link to Auth
Welcome {user_mention} to {guild_name}, I hope you enjoy your stay.

You can Authenticate for more access {auth_url}

Private Thread Ticket System

With the Cog activated, users will be able to issue the /help command to pick a group to get help from.

The groups available for selection are configurable in the site admin under Discord Bot > Ticket Cog Configuration

You also need to choose a channel to create the threads in from the site admin Discord Bot > Ticket Cog Configuration:

  • Anyone who can use the /help command must have View and Send Message permissions on this channel otherwise they will not be able to see the tickets authbot creates for them
  • Authbot must have the permissions to create private threads in this channel
  • Authbot must have the permissions to send messages to this channel

Using AA-Discordbot from my project

When using authbot from your application, best practive is to use the provided helper functions for fetching users or checcking permisions to ensure compatability with new versions of the bot, Alliance Auth and potential 3rd party service modules like discord-multiverse

from aadiscordbot.utils.auth import is_user_bot_admin, is_user_authenticated, get_discord_user_id, get_auth_user

# etc

More details can be found here

Send Messages

You can use the send_message helper to send a message with text/embed to:

  • Discord user_id
  • Discord channel_id
  • Auth User Model Object
  • Auth user_pk


Example Usage

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.apps import apps

## Use a small helper to check if AA-Discordbot is installs
def discord_bot_active():
    return apps.is_installed('aadiscordbot')

## Only import it, if it is installed
if discord_bot_active():
    from aadiscordbot.tasks import send_message
    # if you want to send discord embed import them too.
    from discord import Embed, Color

## this helper can be called to Queue up a Message
## AA Should not act on these, only AA-DiscordBot will consume them
if discord_bot_active():
    usr = User.objects.get(pk=1)

    # discord ID of user
    msg = "Channel ID Tests"
    e = Embed(title="Channel ID Tests!",
              description="This is a Test Embed.\n\n```Discord Channel ID```",
    e.add_field(name="Test Field 1", value="Value of some kind goes here")
    send_message(channel_id=639252062818926642, embed=e) # Embed
    send_message(channel_id=639252062818926642, message=msg) # Message
    send_message(channel_id=639252062818926642, message=msg, embed=e) # Both

    # Discord ID of channel
    msg = "User ID Tests"
    e = Embed(title="User ID Tests!",
              description="This is a Test Embed.\n\n```Discord User ID```",
    e.add_field(name="Test Field 1", value="Value of some kind goes here")

    send_message(user_id=318309023478972417, embed=e) # Embed
    send_message(user_id=318309023478972417, message=msg) # Message
    send_message(user_id=318309023478972417, message=msg, embed=e) # Both

    # User model
    msg = "Auth User Model Tests"
    e = Embed(title="Auth User Model Tests!",
              description="This is a Test Embed.\n\n```Auth User Model```",
    e.add_field(name="Test Field 1", value="Value of some kind goes here")
    send_message(user=usr, embed=e) # Embed
    send_message(user=usr, message=msg) # Message
    send_message(user=usr, message=msg, embed=e) # Both

    # User PK id
    msg = "Auth User PK Tests"
    e = Embed(title="Auth User PK Tests!",
              description="This is a Test Embed.\n\n```Auth User PK```",
    e.add_field(name="Test Field 1", value="Value of some kind goes here")
    send_message(user_pk=1, embed=e) # Embed
    send_message(user_pk=1, message=msg) # Message
    send_message(user_pk=1, message=msg, embed=e) # Both

    # Mixture of all of the above
    msg = "All Together Tests"
    e = Embed(title="All Together Tests!",
              description="This is a Test Embed.\n\n```All Together```",
    e.add_field(name="Test Field 1", value="Value of some kind goes here")

Registering 3rd Party Cogs (Handling Commands)

In, define a function that returns an array of cog modules, and register it as a discord_cogs_hook:

def register_cogs():
    return ["yourapp.cogs.cog_a", "yourapp.cogs.cog_b"]

Running custom bot context tasks

Create your async task, the function must have a bot instance as its first arg, otherwise you are fine to use any args/kwargs

Basic example task and how to run it

# file >

async def send_configuration_to_log(bot, message, commands=False):
    logger.error(f"{bot.user} {message} - (commands: {commands})")
    logger.error(f"Guilds: {len(bot.guilds)}")
    logger.error(f"Users:  {len(bot.users)}")

Call the your task by using the shim task. Source and the bot side async context shown here

from aadiscordbot.tasks import run_task_function
  ["TESTING a custom function!"],

you will need to manage your own error handling. but TLDR these run just like any other celery task. you can also use apply_async and countdown to delay the running of the task.

Optional Settings continued

Isolate AuthBot from Auth's Discord Service

AUTHBOT_DISCORD_APP_ID = 'App ID for dedicated bot'
AUTHBOT_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN = 'Token for dedicated bot'


Please remember to report any aa-discordbot related issues using the issues on this repository.


Py-Cord and fighting in venv


Something has gone funny with my venv after i installed another app that wanted


This is due to the Py-cord lib sharing the discord namespace. Py-Cord is however a drop in replacement. So no issues should arise from using it over the now legacy lib. YMMV


  1. Uninstall by running pip uninstall with your venv active.
  2. Reinstall py-cord by running pip install -U py-cord==2.0.0b3 with your venv active.
  3. Approach the dev from the app that overrode your py-cord to update to a maintained lib.