- x Make "iron leather" armor
- x Specs of iron, but cosmetics of leather
- x One function for registering recipes
- W One listener to discover crafting recipes as they pick up relevant items
- x Write custom max damage value
- x Write custom current damage value
- x Write a listener to scale my max damage to vanilla max damage
- Write custom recipes for repairing in anvil
- Write custom recipes for repairing in crafting table w/ similar items
- Do not need to handle merging multiple items at once
- x Remove "foodTickTimer" health boost
- Special condition that increases damage out towards players & decreases damage in from players
- Listener to detect item going into/out of inv
- Disable enchantments
- Modify loot tables
- Disable/modify enchanting table UI
- Disable combat potions
- Disable brewing stand UI
- Modify loot tables
- Cooldowns on certain "magic" items currently disabled