Use Node.js 10.16.0
nvm use 10.16.0
Alse you need python 2.7 intalled to prevent scrypt
dependency compilation error
DAOstack Migration:
npm install --global @daostack/migration
git clone
cd snglsDAO-smartcontracts/dao-contracts
npm install
cd ../dao-web-app
npm install
cd ../token/airdrop
npm install
cd ../contracts
npm install
Run the following command to spin up ganache (with the migrated contracts), the caching server and the alchemy server:
docker-compose up graph-node
Now, in a separate terminal run the following command to run web application:
npm run start-staging-rinkeby # rinkeby web version
npm run start-private # ganache (private net)web version
Access it on
Run migrations (in another tab)
cd ../dao-contracts
nvm use 8.10.0
npm run start
npm run test
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm
npm cache clean # or
npm cache verify # for npm@5 version and up
Ensure that you use correct Node.js version in each window
✖ Transaction failed: Error: Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert
often occurs if the contract is already deployed on the network, do not forget to terminate docker-compose (in dao-web-app terminal window) and run
docker-compose down
before a new launch