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Paul Speed edited this page Aug 20, 2016 · 7 revisions

Getting Started


  1. Reference dependencies or download jars
  2. Hook up the server
  3. Hook up the client

Project Setup

The easiest way to use SimEthereal is with a build system that supports maven-style repositories. Gradle is my personal favorite. In that case, one need only include the SimEthereal dependency.


compile "com.simsilica:sim-ethereal:1.1.1"



For direct IDE setup as in the JME SDK, you will need the SimEthereal jars as well as the related dependencies.

Download the latest release of SimEthereal from:


Basic Usage

Setup Server

Setup the game-specific constants that the client and server will share:

    private static final int gridSize = 64;
     *  The 3D zone grid definition that defines how space is broken
     *  up into network zones.  
    public static final ZoneGrid ZONE_GRID = new ZoneGrid(gridSize, gridSize, gridSize);
    public static final float MAX_OBJECT_RADIUS = 5;
     *  Defines how many network message bits to encode the elements of position 
     *  fields.
    public static final Vec3Bits POSITION_BITS = new Vec3Bits(-MAX_OBJECT_RADIUS, 
                                                              gridSize + MAX_OBJECT_RADIUS,
     *  Defines how many network message bits to encode the elements of rotation
     *  fields.  
    public static final QuatBits ROTATION_BITS = new QuatBits(12);
     *  Defines the overall object protocol parameters for how many bits ar used
     *  to encode the various parts of an object update message.  
    public static final ObjectStateProtocol OBJECT_PROTOCOL 
                = new ObjectStateProtocol(8, 64, POSITION_BITS, ROTATION_BITS);
     *  Defines the 3D zone radius around which updates will be sent.
    public static final Vec3i ZONE_RADIUS = new Vec3i(1, 1, 1);

For a complete example, see:

Setup Client

What Next?

A good place to start would be the more extensive Documentation page.

Also be sure to check out the case study example at Example.

And check the background reading at Resources.