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Classes come out empty #7

KTibow opened this issue Dec 22, 2021 · 2 comments

Classes come out empty #7

KTibow opened this issue Dec 22, 2021 · 2 comments


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KTibow commented Dec 22, 2021

I was trying to deobfuscate/decompile a mod obfuscated with Branchlock, but all the classes are pretty much empty. For example, here's the original file:

    package SBToolkit.utils;

import java.util.List;

// $FF: synthetic class
public class GuiEnums {
   // $FF: synthetic field

   private static final String[] o;

   static {
      char[] var0 = "\u0e75ฒó\u0016\u0004\u0086(úทòv\u0000ทÙ:òณ(¥¿¦)ù=ฒ.®WU\u0086&ท\u0006º|ณüÑ}ûû(úผç ®y(.¬\u0001ณÛ{¤U§s_ฒ\u008by¢£!ûท®{¡ฐ()«Vฒ\u009d\u0014¼\u007fฒ¢Ùr£ùpทü  ผf*%þQ^ÜsถPúทV¢\u008cถ¯ºผç¢ÿsÿ~}\"ผJT\u0089\u007f©Q\u00ad,ผçÙrþ¬hó¿ฒh®;u8¯ทQ\u008a%ณV©iV¾\u008c!ฒ¦m\u00adü£sฒ9 &²\t\u0013ผf¨Püx\u0004£Úผçû~¿»¤{óณ4x®\u0016\u0011Ñ.ผJø,\u0003»\u009c)¥ฒ{§¦¦j¹ผ4z\u00ad\u0003\u000f\u0080>§ผç(\t¥\u0086'û¯ณûÿ¤pùrrณòP\u0000ßs¨\u0002ท,\u0002ûณsÿ )üû®ผç*x ¢\u0005\u000eÝผçRø-\u0000©\u0084!ผç(¦¨úwûsณf¯\u0000\u0002ß:½ทø`\bณÝ#¡®.«óท}¡{ผzû\u0006\f\u0082(«^ผ4RþÝ/® ,ณû«tü!-%ท\u0003PÙณçRþ R¨\u008fผç©uýøüz ผ4~û\f\u0017\u0081( ณût\u0004¢\u0083; ผ4 òý!¢| ".toCharArray();
      int var1 = 36 << 15646;
      StackTraceElement var2;
      int var3 = (var2 = (new Throwable()).getStackTrace()[Integer.parseInt("1i", 30) << 764]).getMethodName().hashCode() & 67107840 >>> 3402;
      char[] var4 = var2.getClassName().toCharArray();
      int var10001 = 4 << 12382;
      o = new String[var0[var10001] ^ 1962934272 >>> 5335 ^ var3];
      int var5 = 112 >>> 12807;

      do {
         int var11;
         char[] var6 = new char[var11 = var0[var1++] ^ Integer.parseInt("1c8p0", 27) >>> 5004 ^ var3];
         int var7 = Integer.parseInt("31", 33) << 6174;

         while(var11 > 0) {
            int var8 = var0[var1];
            switch(var4[var1 % var4.length] ^ 4928 >>> 8742) {
            case 8:
            case 10:
            case 25:
            case 32:
            case 35:
            case 36:
            case 99:
               var8 ^= -300442147 ^ -300442345;
            case 15:
            case 38:
            case 62:
               var8 ^= 75 << 4704;
            case 30:
            case 56:
               var8 ^= Integer.parseInt("613", 23) >>> 15943;
            case 33:
               var8 ^= 1792232422 - Integer.parseInt("1ld6inu", 32);
            case 34:
            case 57:
               var8 ^= 412 >>> Integer.parseInt("ahf", 25);

            while(true) {
               var6[var7] = (char)var8;

               try {
               } catch (Throwable var10) {

               var8 ^= Integer.parseInt("613", 23) >>> 15943;

         o[var5++] = (new String(var6)).intern();
      } while(var1 < var0.length);

      try {
         List var10000 = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments();
         var10001 = 0;

         while(true) {
            int var10002 = var10000.get(var10001).hashCode();
            if (var10002 != (1341451842 ^ Integer.parseInt(o[19 << Integer.parseInt("55c", 20)], 21)) >>> (101 << 12838))
            if (var10002 != (-1941740282 >>> 7041 << 1967769672 + -1967758216) + (Integer.parseInt(o[51 << 12672], 27) >>> 7364 << (193 << Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("1", 30) << 640], 26))))
            if (var10002 != ((-1058256410 ^ -582754445) + (400532296 ^ -2097370880) >>> (1106581659 << Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("-2000000", 32) >>> 10107], 23)) + (Integer.parseInt(o[12 << 13889], 30) << 8065)) + ((-1214656099 ^ -1321590486) << (-1793535292 ^ -1793524959) >>> (Integer.parseInt(o[73400320 >>> 11701], 25) << 11392) + (-2027844875 << 640)))
            if (var10002 != (1629933517 + Integer.parseInt(o[19 << 15073], 22) ^ 496541744 >>> 10593) << (1170769647 ^ Integer.parseInt(o[4 << 14145], 29)) + (910616422 ^ -416841214))
            if (var10002 != ((-762425971 ^ 1581267973 ^ 1239398174 - 917057608) >>> (1184763693 << 3392) - (296188099 << 6754) << ((-270404608 ^ 1558574080) >>> (8487936 >>> 13290) >>> ((260673205 ^ 260679524) << 172295172 - Integer.parseInt(o[2 << 2465], 26))) >>> (Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("7", 22) << 11008], 20) - 1647417108 ^ 68070542 << 14565) + (2041531381 + 1138302894 << (Integer.parseInt(o[23 << Integer.parseInt("12ik", 22)], 25) << 8546)) - (-1229629453 >>> 992 >>> -1954169108 - Integer.parseInt(o[14 << 15873], 33) >>> (Integer.parseInt(o[81920 >>> 9740], 20) + 224745957 << (1290983801 ^ 1290991832)))) - ((-1496289095 - -325455930 << 1284784494 + Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("5md1hg4", 26) >>> 1914], 22) << (Integer.parseInt(o[15728640 >>> Integer.parseInt("2k5", 23)], 30) + 1635191862 >>> (923 << 13986)) << (100360921 - -1047232402 - (1139073643 << 13472) >>> (-1959701876 >>> Integer.parseInt(o[73728 >>> Integer.parseInt("8ad", 31)], 32)) + (1045646556 - -2081696808))) - (877845708 + Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("cf6", 22) >>> 15659], 32) - (Integer.parseInt(o[23 << 14689], 21) ^ -125632459) + (1546693659 << 4257) + (-218456307 << 5536) ^ (-1356830108 >>> 7456 >>> (Integer.parseInt(o[13 << 3873], 35) ^ Integer.parseInt(o[12320768 >>> 11794], 32))) - ((1986313568 ^ Integer.parseInt(o[3 << 9986], 32)) << (441376 >>> Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("h", 24) << 2784], 24))))))
            if (var10002 != ((-1820095320 >>> 15521) - (Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("57", 21) << 1084], 27) + -723413053) << (-901369272 - Integer.parseInt(o[5 << 13315], 27) ^ 2064042221 - -2024159655) >>> (-1068296593 << Integer.parseInt(o[5242880 >>> Integer.parseInt("1b6", 30)], 26) << Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("f", 28) << 416], 24) - -757868520) - (2142451234 + 1139976043 ^ 33260481 << Integer.parseInt(o[92274688 >>> Integer.parseInt("gq9", 27)], 22)) ^ (-1385703124 >>> 15264 >>> (1975938188 ^ 1975931341) >>> ((Integer.parseInt(o[21 << 7104], 32) ^ -1380436829) << (336 << 1027))) + (Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("28", 25) >>> 11809], 32) >>> 6113 << (126 << 8039) << -307782093 - -1929557673 + (-841447757 ^ 1384991478)) ^ (551156235 << 13024 << -1859882795 - -1859888365 >>> (961179349 << 12288) - (41042589 + 920136215)) - (Integer.parseInt(o[49 << Integer.parseInt("ji8", 22)], 29) - -551602985 + (-549021835 << 10336) - (2065186611 << 14144 << (Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("l", 27) << Integer.parseInt("999", 24)], 35) << Integer.parseInt(o[72 >>> Integer.parseInt("c42", 32)], 28)))) ^ (336332750 - 2117027884 >>> 1246166548 + -1246151123) - (1808218867 << 14593 >>> (Integer.parseInt(o[31 << 4480], 31) ^ 335887562)) >>> Integer.parseInt(o[41 << 4352], 35) + Integer.parseInt(o[6784 >>> Integer.parseInt("eh", 29)], 21) - (1789730060 + -1479208432) - (-1173283880 >>> Integer.parseInt(o[12 << 16162], 34) << -757126911 + Integer.parseInt(o[11 << 2465], 31))))
            if (var10002 != ((Integer.parseInt(o[13 << 5122], 26) ^ 964052381) >>> -1358095573 - Integer.parseInt(o[16 << 14369], 31)) + (1849997620 >>> 770 << (-1342177280 >>> 7990)) - ((-1278808508 + Integer.parseInt(o[2424832 >>> 13808], 21) >>> (8549 << Integer.parseInt(o[5 << 12865], 21))) + ((-2122352760 ^ 1214725822) - (Integer.parseInt(o[33 << Integer.parseInt("jag", 26)], 27) + -659478777))) + ((44405227 << 6437 >>> (16652 >>> 1090) ^ -1274864727 - Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("p9ir7c", 28) >>> Integer.parseInt("12l1", 24)], 23) - (-1809378215 >>> 544)) - ((-1972402531 >>> Integer.parseInt(o[4 >>> Integer.parseInt("1181", 24)], 34) << (-1954545664 >>> 9138)) + (2080972237 << 15744) + (423887319 << Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("4i2jij", 25) >>> 4308], 32)))) - (((Integer.parseInt(o[9 << 4160], 30) << Integer.parseInt(o[469762048 >>> 4505], 27)) + (-716438985 ^ Integer.parseInt(o[327155712 >>> 3255], 22)) << (-1493875696 ^ -1893314008) - (1921978159 - Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("3", 24) << 4065], 24))) - ((Integer.parseInt(o[1114112 >>> 12943], 26) >>> 5953 ^ 2101713350 - 1574751055) - (687302598 + Integer.parseInt(o[25 << 7776], 31) << (1116084910 ^ 1116083086))) << ((-190354705 ^ -1740677006 ^ -724953910 ^ Integer.parseInt(o[Integer.parseInt("170", 25) >>> 196], 23)) + (866788441 ^ -1973398771 ^ -569231015 + -73836666) ^ Integer.parseInt(o[1409024 >>> 11311], 22) + Integer.parseInt(o[1509949440 >>> 5849], 21) >>> (155 << 7781) ^ -1960178448 - -1963444871 << 1241531687 - 1241531009)))
      } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException var9) {

   public static enum SettingsSections {
      // $FF: synthetic field
      MAIN(Utils.iota("setting_section_enum", true)),
      // $FF: synthetic field

      // $FF: synthetic method
      private SettingsSections(int index) {
         this.index = index;

   public static enum GuiTypes {
      // $FF: synthetic field
      // $FF: synthetic field

But it turns into this decompiled:

//Deobfuscated with using mappings "/home/kendell/Downloads/MCP-1.8.9-master/conf"!

//Decompiled by Procyon!

package SBToolkit.utils;

import java.util.*;

public class GuiEnums
    private static final String[] o;
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Hmm I have to say that your source code is a bit... interesting I would say but yea it should be able to work with it without a problem... I will try to fix this in some future releases, it looks like to be some sort of problem with static initialization block.
But until then only thing you can do is predecompile it with external decompiler such as
and deobfuscate the decompiled version afterwards. Just like it used to be before 1.2.0...

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KTibow commented Mar 21, 2022

Hmm I have to say that your source code is a bit... interesting I would say

I know, it's a rat lol

Anyway thanks for letting me know, I'm not that interested in continuing work on deobfuscating it right now, but hopefully this helps someone else. Closing for now.

@KTibow KTibow closed this as completed Mar 21, 2022
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