- follows FIFO i.e item which was added first will be removed first
- eg of queue:
- pipe in a supply chain
- any line for say train pass
- dequeue(removal) happens at front and
- enqueue(addition) happens at rear end
- operations
- enqueue(x)
- dequeue()
- getFront(): gets item which was added first and will be removed first
- getRear(): get item which was added last and will be removed last
- isEmpty()
- size()
single resource and multiple consumers
- eg: a ticket system, multiple consumers want to get a ticket i.e first come first serve
In Operating Systems (FCFS - process scheduling algo, spooling, buffer for devices like keyboard)
- in semaphores there are sleeping processes waiting in queue and whenver the resource becomes available, one of the process wakes up and consumes the resource. For this purpose a queue is maintained for which
- Spooling is used a printer, you can only print one print at a time so we maintain a queue for such processes
Synchronization b/w slow and fast devices
- eg: keyboard and processor, keyboard is slow device and processor is fast device, so there is a queue buffer present which takes in all the inputs of keyboard
In computer networks
- in router say there are mutiple networks. There is a sender and receiver networks. Sender has high bandwidth and receiver has low bandwidth. So sender is going to send a lot of data very quickly but receiver cannot consume this data, so what router does is, it consumes data from sender and puts in a queue, whenever low bandwidth data becomes available, it sends out to receiver
Variations: Deque, Priority Queue, and Doubly Ended Priority Queue
Hence Queue finds it applications in mainly two situations:
- when a single resource will be consumed by multiple consumers and these comsumers will be served in FCFS manner
- synchronize slow and fast device
Implementation of Queue using array (Naive)
- front is always at idx 0 and rear=size-1
- does dequeue in O(n) time
Implementation of Queue using array (Efficient)
- uses circular array, all operations will be O(1)
enqueue(): front = (front + 1)%cap; size--; dequeue(): rear = (front + size - 1)%cap; rear = (rear + 1)%cap; arr[rear] = x; size++;
- dry run for all operations
in STL enqueue/dequeue is push/pop
all operations have O(1) time
Queue can be implemented on any underlying container that provides the foll functions
empty() size() front() back() push_back() pop_front()
these containers are
list or dequeue, by defualt dequeue
hence queue is container adapter
- Variations:
- Implement stack using only one queue (use recursion call stack)
- Implement queue using stack
- by making enque() costly
- by making deque() costly
- by using one stack