Looking to contribute in this repository
Register YourSelf with your GitHub User Id on Hacktober Fest 2021
- Star ⭐ the repository.
- Fork 🍴 it.
- Create Branch 🌿 with your feature
. - Push changes.
- Submit Pull Request 😄.
- Always follow the style guide (see below).
- Enjoy contributing 😋.
- If you have any doubts, open an issue.
Follow this style guide to add your programs:
Naming Style: For example if you are demonstrating
a string is palindrome or not
name your filepalindromeString.c
and save it in theC\Language
directory. Always use camel case for naming. -
Add the following comment header in every program. The comment header should always be at the top of program.
e.g: C/C++/Java
Author : Your name
Date : Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Description : Description should be small & one liner.
e.g: Python
Author : Your name
Date : Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Description : Description should be small & one liner.
- Add Opening braces on the same line 1 one space.
int main()
// ❌.
int main() {
// ✅.
Indentation : Use 1 Tab or 4 Spaces. Be consistent with whatever you choose. Use only one indenting format for the whole program.
Add appropriate comments wherever necessary to explain the code.
Programs wth NO Comments at all will not be merged.
- Expression should be readable, Use 1 space between different TOKENS.
hacktober=hacktober+fest // ❌.
hacktober = hacktober + fest // ✅.
- Always add braces in a for/while loop, if, switch case etc., even if it's a one-liner.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << i << " "; // ❌.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << i <<" "; // ✅.