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EfficientDet Pytorch

├──                               train skript
├──                             predict skript
├──                                evaluate skript
├── img                                    output of detection results during training
├── logs                            
├── utils                      
├── efficientdet
├── efficientnet
├── weights
├── others
│   ├──                     hyper param tools
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──     annotation format transfer
├── config
│   └── door_handle_det.yaml                configutation file                

0. Preparation

0.1 Environment

$ cd others
/others$ conda env create -f environment.yml
/others$ conda activate efficientDet
(efficientDet) .../others$ pip install -r requirements.txt

0.2 Weights download

Download pretrained weights in weights folder. The speed / FPS test includes the time of post-processing with no jit/data precision trick.

coefficient pth_download GPU Mem(MB) FPS Extreme FPS (Batchsize 32) mAP 0.5:0.95(this repo) mAP 0.5:0.95(official)
D0 efficientdet-d0.pth 1049 36.20 163.14 33.1 33.8
D1 efficientdet-d1.pth 1159 29.69 63.08 38.8 39.6
D2 efficientdet-d2.pth 1321 26.50 40.99 42.1 43.0
D3 efficientdet-d3.pth 1647 22.73 - 45.6 45.8
D4 efficientdet-d4.pth 1903 14.75 - 48.8 49.4
D5 efficientdet-d5.pth 2255 7.11 - 50.2 50.7
D6 efficientdet-d6.pth 2985 5.30 - 50.7 51.7
D7 efficientdet-d7.pth 3819 3.73 - 52.7 53.7
D7X efficientdet-d8.pth 3983 2.39 - 53.9 55.1

1. Train

1.1 Prepare dataset

    # your dataset structure should be like this
    # for example, door_handle_detection
                -instances_train.json (generated from 1.2)
                -instances_val.json   (generated from 1.2)

1.2 Generate annotation

Here we need to transfer the yolo-format-annotation we used before in COCO format.
Configure the paths in others/ and run.

   path_labels_train = os.fsencode("/path/to/yolo/annotation/train.txt")
   path_labels_val = os.fsencode("/path/to/yolo/annotation/val.txt")
   coco_format_save_path_train = '/path/to/output/annotation/instances_train.json'
   coco_format_save_path_val = '/path/to/output/annotation/instances_val.json'
   # Category file, one category per line
   yolo_format_classes_path = '/path/to/yolo/annotation/class.txt'

1.3 Start training

Configure train parameters in config/door_handle_det.yaml file.

Configure the dataset_path and project in

Run, checkpoints will be saved in logs/project_name, check loss information with tensorboard.

1.3.1 Train a custom dataset from scratch --> w = None, head_only = False, debug = False

# train efficientdet-d0 on door_handle dataset 
(efficientDet) ...$ python

1.3.2 Train a custom dataset with pretrained weights --> debug = False

# train efficientdet-d0 on door_handle dataset with pretrained weights
(efficientDet) ...$ python -w /path/to/your/weights/efficientdet-d0.pth

# with a coco-pretrained, you can even freeze the backbone and train heads only
(efficientDet) ...$ python -w /path/to/your/weights/efficientdet-d0.pth --head_only True

1.3.3 Resume training

# let says you started a training session like this.
(efficientDet) ...$ python

# then you stopped it with a Ctrl+c, it exited with a checkpoint
# now you want to resume training from the last checkpoint
# simply set load_weights to 'last'
(efficientDet) ...$ python -w last

1.3.4 Debug training (optional)

# when you get bad result, you need to debug the training result.
(efficientDet) ...$ python --debug True

# then checkout img/ folder, there you can visualize the predicted boxes during training
# don't panic if you see countless of error boxes, it happens when the training is at early stage.
# But if you still can't see a normal box after several epoches, not even one in all image,
# then it's possible that either the anchors config is inappropriate or the ground truth is corrupted.

2. Predict

2.1 Configure the predict parameters in config/door_handle_det.yaml

2.2 Configure the data_path, choose prediction mode, run

# predict single image
(efficientDet) ...$ python --mode 0 -w path/to/checkpoint.pth
Input image filename:img/street.jpg

# predict images in img_dir, the output images will be renamed and saved in img/
(efficientDet) ...$ python --mode 1 -w path/to/checkpoint.pth --img_dir path/to/val/images

3. Evaluate

3.1 Configure the evaluate parameters in config/door_handle_det.yaml

3.2 Configure project, data_path and run, the map output will be saved in log/

(efficientDet) ...$ python -w /path/to/your/weights

4. Hyper parameter setting

4.1 Generate anchor scales and anchor ratio

Cofigure the parameters in config/door_handle_det.yaml

img_dir = "path/to/images/train"
annotation_file = 'path/to/train.txt'
input_shape = [640, 640]
anchors_num = 3

computed paras:  ([0.234375, 0.5208333333333326, 1.195679453836151], [(1, 1.3665480427046266), (1, 1.0500000000000016), (1, 0.5063804919098074)])

The output computed paras: [anchor scales] and [anchor ratios]

4.2 Fine tune the anchor ratios (optional)

python others/ \
--instances /home/yang/centerpoint_maps/2D_label_parser/instances_train.json \
--anchors-sizes 34 37 67 79 180 \
--input-size 768 \
--normalizes-bboxes True \
--num-runs 3 \
--num-anchors-ratios 3 \
--max-iter 300 \
--min-size 0 \
--iou-threshold 0.5 \
--decimals 1 \
--default-anchors-ratios '[(1, 0.9344729344729356), (1, 0.8460508701472562), (1, 0.9787234042553195)]'

4.3 Generate the std and mean in RGB order (optional)

Set image_dir in and then run.


  • log mAP every val interval
  • Bug: conflict between float16=true and coco_eval during training
  • test performance
  • code structure adaption
  • function test

6. Common Problem

a. RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 52.00 MiB (GPU 0; 15.90 GiB total capacity; 14.85 GiB already allocated; 51.88 MiB free; 15.07 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)

GPU memory too small --> choose smaller batch size or smaller input image size

b. RuntimeError: Input type (torch.cuda.HalfTensor) and weight type (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) should be the same

Bug: conflict between float16 = true and coco_eval during training. Set float16 = false during training

c. RuntimeError: The model does not provide any valid output, check model architecture and the data input

Dataset is too small, network can not get prediction output for eval. Set epoch > a larger value. Or use the full data set.

6. Reference