Starting from API V2, the named URL feature lets user access Tower resources via resource-specific human-readable identifiers. Before the only way of accessing a resource object without auxiliary query string is via resource primary key number, for example, via URL path /api/v2/hosts/2/
. Now users can use named URL to do the same thing, for example, via URL path /api/v2/hosts/host_name++inv_name++org_name/
There are two named-URL-related Tower configuration setting available under /api/v2/settings/named-url/
is a read only key-value pair list of all available named URL identifier formats. A typical NAMED_URL_FORMATS
looks like this:
"job_templates": "<name>",
"workflow_job_templates": "<name>",
"inventories": "<name>++<>",
"users": "<username>",
"custom_inventory_scripts": "<name>++<>",
"labels": "<name>++<>",
"credential_types": "<name>+<kind>",
"notification_templates": "<name>++<>",
"instances": "<hostname>",
"instance_groups": "<name>",
"hosts": "<name>++<>++<>",
"system_job_templates": "<name>",
"groups": "<name>++<>++<>",
"organizations": "<name>",
"credentials": "<name>++<>+<credential_type.kind>++<>",
"teams": "<name>++<>",
"inventory_sources": "<name>",
"projects": "<name>"
For each item in NAMED_URL_FORMATS
, the key is the API name of the resource to have named URL, the value is a string indicating how to form a human-readable unique identifiers for that resource. A typical procedure of composing named URL for a specific resource object using NAMED_URL_FORMATS
is given below:
Suppose that a user wants to manually determine the named URL for a label with id
5. She should first look up labels
and get the identifier format <name>++<>
. The first part of the URL format is <name>
, that indicates she should get the label resource detail, /api/v2/labels/5/
, and look for name
field in returned JSON. Suppose the user has name
field with value 'Foo', then the first part of our unique identifier is Foo
; The second part of the format are double pluses ++
. That is the delimiter that separate different parts of a unique identifier so simply append them to unique identifier to get Foo++
; The third part of the format is <>
, This indicates that field is not in the current label object under investigation, but in an organization which the label object points to. Thus, as the format indicates, the user should look up organization
in related
field of current returned JSON. That field may or may not exist, if it exists, follow the URL given in that field, say /api/v2/organizations/3/
, to get the detail of the specific organization, extract its name
field, say 'Default', and append it to our current unique identifier. Since <>
is the last part of format, we end up generating unique identifier for underlying label and have our named URL ready: /api/v2/labels/Foo++Default/
. In the case where organization
does not exist in related
field of label object detail, we append empty string ''
instead, which essentially does not alter the current identifier. So Foo++
becomes final unique identifier and thus generate named URL to be /api/v2/labels/Foo++/
An important aspect of generating unique identifier for named URL is dealing with reserved characters. Because the identifier is part of a URL, the following reserved characters by URL standard should be escaped to its percentage encoding: ;/?:@=&[]
. For example, if an organization is named ;/?:@=&[]
, its unique identifier should be %3B%2F%3F%3A%40%3D%26%5B%5D
. Another special reserved character is +
, which is not reserved by URL standard but used by named URL to link different parts of an identifier. It is escaped by [+]
. For example, if an organization is named [+]
, tis unique identifier is %5B[+]%5D
, where original [
and ]
are percent encoded and +
is converted to [+]
exclusively lists every resource that can have named URL, any resource not listed there has no named URL. NAMED_URL_FORMATS
alone should be instructive enough for users to compose human-readable unique identifier and named URL themselves. For more convenience, every object of a resource that can have named URL will have a related field named_url
that displays that object's named URL. Users can simply copy-paste that field for their custom usages. Also, users are expected to see indications in help text of API browser if a resource object has named URL.
is immutable on user side, it will be automatically modified and expanded over time, reflecting underlying resource modification and expansion. Please consult NAMED_URL_FORMATS
on the same Tower cluster where you want to use named url feature against.
is another read-only list of key-value pairs that exposes the internal graph data structure Tower used to manage named URLs. This is not supposed to be human-readable but should be used for programmatically generating named URLs. An example script of generating named URL given the primary key of arbitrary resource objects that can have named URL, using info provided by NAMED_URL_GRAPH_NODES
, can be found as /tools/scripts/
Resources in Tower are identifiable by their unique keys, which are basically tuples of resource fields. Every Tower resource is guaranteed to have its primary key number alone as a unique key, but there might be multiple other unique keys. A resource can generate identifier format thus have named URL if it contains at least one unique key that satisfies rules below:
- The key contains and only contains fields that are either the
field, or text fields with a finite number of possible choices (like credential type resource'skind
field). - The only allowed exceptional fields that breaks rule 1 is a many-to-one related field relating to a resource other than self which is also allowed to have a slug.
Here is an example for understanding the rules: Suppose Tower has resources Foo
and Bar
, both Foo
and Bar
contain a name
field and a choice
field that can only have value 'yes' or 'no'. Additionally, resource Foo
contains a many-to-one field (a foreign key) relating to Bar
, say fk
. Foo
has a unique key tuple (name, choice, fk)
and Bar
has a unique key tuple (name, choice)
. Apparently Bar
can have named URL because it satisfies rule 1. On the other hand, Foo
can also have named URL, because although Foo
breaks rule 1, the extra field breaking rule 1 is fk
field, which is many-to-one-related to Bar
and Bar
can have named URL.
For resources satisfying rule 1 above, their human-readable unique identifiers are combinations of foreign key fields, delimited by +
. In specific, resource Bar
above will have slug format <name>+<choice>
. Note the field order matters in slug format: name
field always comes the first if present, following by all the rest fields arranged in lexicographic order of field name. For example, if Bar
also has an a_choice
field satisfying rule 1 and the unique key becomes (name, choice, a_choice)
, its slug format becomes <name>+<a_choice>+<choice>
For resources satisfying rule 2 above instead, if we trace back via the extra foreign key fields, we end up getting a tree of resources that all together identify objects of that resource. In order to generate identifier format, each resource in the traceback tree generates its own part of standalone format in the way described in the last paragraph, using all fields but the foreign keys. Finally all parts are combined by ++
in the following order:
- Put stand-alone format as the first identifier component.
- Recursively generate unique identifiers for each resource the underlying resource is pointing to using foreign key (a child of a traceback tree node).
- Treat generated unique identifiers as the rest identifier components. Sort them in lexicographic order of corresponding foreign key.
- Combine all components together using
to generate the final identifier format.
Back to the example above, when generating identifier format for resource Foo
, we firstly generate stand-alone formats, <name>+<choice>
for Foo
and <>+<fk.choice>
for Bar
, then combine them together to be <name>+<choice>++<>+<fk.choice>
When generating identifiers according to the given identifier format, there are cases where a foreign key may points to nowhere. In this case we substitute the part of the format corresponding to the resource the foreign key should point to with an empty string ''
. For example, if a Foo
object has name
to be 'alice', choice
to be 'yes', but fk
field None
, its identifier will look like alice+yes++
Module awx.main.utils.named_url_graph
stands at the core of named URL implementation. It exposes a single public function generate_graph
. generate_graph
accepts a list of Tower models in tower that might have named URL (meaning having corresponding endpoint under /api/v2/
), filter out those that turns out not able to have named URL, and connect the rest together into a named URL graph. The graph is available as a settings option NAMED_URL_GRAPH
and each node of it contains all info needed to generate named URL identifier formats and parse incoming named URL identifiers.
will run only once for each Tower WSGI process. This is guaranteed by putting the function call inside __init__
of URLModificationMiddleware
. When an incoming request enters URLModificationMiddleware
, the part of its URL path that could contain a valid named URL identifier is extracted and processed to find (possible) corresponding resource object. The internal process is basically crawling against part of the named URL graph. If the object is found, the identifier part of the URL path is converted to the object's primary key. From now forward Tower can treat the request with the old-styled URL.
In general, acceptance should follow what's in 'Usage' section. The contents in 'Identifier Format Protocol' section should not be relevant.
- The classical way of getting objects via primary keys should behave the same.
- Tower configuration part of named URL should work as described. Particularly,
should be immutable on user side and display accurate named URL identifier format info. NAMED_URL_FORMATS
should be exclusive, meaning resources specified inNAMED_URL_FORMATS
should have named URL, and resources not specified there should not have named URL.- If a resource can have named URL, its objects should have a
field which represents the object-specific named URL. That field should only be visible under detail view, not list view. - A user following the rules specified in
should be able to generate named URL exactly the same as thenamed_url
field. - A user should be able to access specified resource objects via accurately generated named URL. This includes not only the object itself but also its related URLs, like if
is valid,/api/v2/res_name/obj_slug/related_res_name/
should also be valid. - A user should not be able to access specified resource objects if the given named URL is inaccurate. For example, reserved characters not correctly escaped, or components whose corresponding foreign key field pointing nowhere is not replaced by empty string.
- A user should be able to dynamically generate named URLs by utilizing