Insights provides remediation playbooks that Tower executes. Tower also provides a view of Insights discovered misconfigurations and problems via proxying Insights API requests. Credentials to access the Insights API are stored in Tower and can be related to an Inventory in which Insights hosts are presumed to exist. This same Insights Credential can be attached to a Tower Project. The Tower Project will pull the Insights rememdiation plans whenever a Project Update is ran.
Tower has an Insights Credential to store the username and password to be used when accessing the Insights API. The Insights Credential is a new CredentialType
in the Tower system. The Insights Credential can be associated with an Insights Project and any non-smart Inventory.
Tower considers a Host an Insights Host when the attribute insights_system_id
on the Host is set to something other than null
. The insights_system_id
is used to identify the host in the Insights system when making proxied requests to the Insights API. The insights_system_id
is set as a result of the fact scan playbook being ran. Specifically, as a result of the scan_insights
Ansible module being called. The scan_insights
module will read the value from the file /etc/redhat-access-insights/machine-id
on a host. If found, the value will be assigned to the insights_system_id
for that host. The host would then be considered an Insights host.
Insights data for a Tower recognized Insights Host can be gotten from the insights endpoint hanging off the host detail endpoint. Each time the insights endpoint has a GET
request issued to it the backend issues a request to the Insights API for the insights_system_id
. The response is then returned in the same get/response cycle. The response contains Insights details for the host including (1) the current plans, (2) reports, and (3) rules.
Tower has a Project exclusively for Insights. Projects of type Insights can attach a special Insights Credential. The Insights Credential is used for accessing the Insights API in the Project Update playbook. The scm_revision
for an Insights Project differs from traditional SCM backed projects. The scm_revision
is the Insights ETag
http header value returned when making a plan requests to the Insights API during a Project update run. The ETag
communications a version derived from the response data. During a Project update, the Project's scm_revision
will be updated with the new ETag
. The ETag
will also be written to disk in the Project directory as .scm_revision
. The Project update will download the remediation playbooks if the .scm_revision
does not equal the ETag