Step | Instruction |
1 | Visit the GitHub link, download the zip folder and unzip it to your desired folder |
2 | Open the folder ‘Orbital23-ModStop-main’ using your desired editor such as VSC |
3 | Open a terminal and key in ‘cd backend’ to enter into the backend folder - Your path should end with ‘\Orbital23-ModStop-main\backend’ |
4 | In the same terminal (in the backend folder), key in ‘npm run dev’ - Wait for "connected to db & listening on port 4000" to appear |
5 | Open a new terminal and key in ‘cd frontend’ to enter into the frontend folder - Your path should end with ‘\Orbital23-ModStop-main\frontend’ - Ensure that the backend is still running |
6 | In the same terminal (in the frontend folder), key in ‘npm install’ |
7 | In the same terminal (in the frontend folder), key in ‘npm start’ - The web application will start on its own in a few seconds! Enjoy! :) |