diff --git a/.github/workflows/python-package.yml b/.github/workflows/python-package.yml
index abe80ad..f4609f6 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/python-package.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/python-package.yml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ jobs:
       fail-fast: false
-        python-version: [    "3.9",  "3.12" ] # "3.10" , "3.11" 
+        python-version: [    "3.9",  "3.12" , "3.13" ] # "3.10" , "3.11"
       EVDS_API_KEY : ${{ secrets.EVDS_API_KEY }}  
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 83466d5..160dc80 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -254,6 +254,11 @@ ENV/
 # Spyder project settings
diff --git a/README-long.md b/README-long.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c2f29ff..0000000
--- a/README-long.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-[![Python package](https://github.com/SermetPekin/evdspy-repo/actions/workflows/python-package.yml/badge.svg?1)](https://github.com/SermetPekin/evdspy-repo/actions/workflows/python-package.yml?1) [![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/evdspy)](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/evdspy) [![Supported Python Versions](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/evdspy)](https://pypi.org/project/evdspy/) [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/evdspy)](https://pepy.tech/project/evdspy) [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/evdspy/month)](https://pepy.tech/project/evdspy) [![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/evdspy/week)](https://pepy.tech/project/evdspy)
-## Documentation
-## evdspy
-### Updated on this version
-    * The API key parameter has been moved to the HTTP header as required by recent updates from EDDS data provider.
-    This change enhances security by ensuring that sensitive information is not exposed in URLs.
-    * `get_series` function was added
-    * [soon will be deprecated] **get_datagroup** function will be depreciated in the future versions.
-    **get_series** function will be able to handle both series and datagroups.
-> ! get_series function can be used for both datagroups and series
-## api_key
-### .env file  [Alternative 1] 
-You may create a .env file in your work environment and write your api key as follows.
-Script will load your api key from this file on load if available. 
-    #.env file  
-### save command [Alternative 2]
-api_key will be saved to a file if it was given to get_series function. It will ignore
-later calls if it was saved before.
-Alternatively save function can be used.
-#### save("MyApiKey"):
-    Program will store your api key in your environment in a safe folder
-    called APIKEY_FOLDER
-    and only use it when you run a new request which was not requested
-    recently depending on your cache preference.
-from evdspy import save
-### api_key inside get_series function [Alternative 3]
-from evdspy import get_series, default_start_date_fnc, default_end_date_fnc
-# datagroup `bie_gsyhgycf`
-df1 = get_series("bie_gsyhgycf", cache=False, api_key="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")
-# series    `TP_GSYIH01_GY_CF ...`
-template = """TP_GSYIH01_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH02_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH03_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH04_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH05_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH06_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH07_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH08_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH09_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH10_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH11_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH14_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH15_GY_CF
-        TP_GSYIH16_GY_CF
-df2 = get_series(template, debug=False, cache=False)
-from evdspy import get_series, default_start_date_fnc, default_end_date_fnc
-index2 = """
-    """
-cache = True
-df = get_series(index1,
-                frequency="monthly",
-                start_date=default_start_date_fnc(),
-                end_date=default_end_date_fnc(),
-                aggregation=("avg",),
-                cache=cache,
-                debug=False)
-### Some more examples
-from evdspy import get_series
-template = '''
-    '''
-df = get_series(index=template)
-df1 = get_series(index=template, start_date="01-01-2000", frequency="monthly")
-df2a = get_series(index='TP.ODEMGZS.BDTTOPLAM', start_date="01-01-2000", frequency="monthly", cache=True)
-df2b = get_series(index=('TP.ODEMGZS.BDTTOPLAM', 'TP.ODEMGZS.ARJANTIN',),
-                  start_date="01-01-2000",
-                  frequency="monthly",
-                  cache=True)
-df3 = get_series(template, start_date="01-01-2000", frequency="monthly", aggregation="avg")
-df4 = get_series(template, start_date="01-01-2000", frequency="monthly", aggregation=("avg", "min", "avg"))
-df5 = get_series(template, proxy="http://proxy.example.com:80")
-df6 = get_series(template, proxies={
-    'http': "http://proxy.example.com:80",
-    'https': "http://proxy.example.com:80",
-## get_series
-all parameters of get_series function
-from typing import Union
-import pandas as pd
-def get_series(
-        index: Union[str, tuple[str]],
-        start_date: str = '01-01-2000',
-        end_date: str = '01-01-2100',
-        frequency: str = None,  # | monthly | weekly | annually | semimonthly | semiannually | business
-        formulas: str = None,  # | level | percentage_change | difference |
-        #   | year_to_year_percent_change | year_to_year_differences |
-        aggregation: str = None,  # | avg      |min    | max    | first    | last    |    sum
-        cache: bool = False,
-        proxy: str = None,
-        proxies: dict = None,
-        debug: bool = False
-) -> pd.DataFrame:
-    ...
-proxy = "http://proxy.example.com:80"
-proxies = {
-            'http':  "http://proxy.example.com:80",
-            'https':  "http://proxy.example.com:80",
-        }
-### Menu
-from evdspy.main import menu
-## Visual Menu to request data
-### About
-***evdspy*** is an open source python interface which helps you make efficient requests by caching results (storing a
-dict using hashable parameters in order to avoid redundant requests), it provides a user friendly
-menu to ask data from the institution's API service.
-It is a Python interface to make requests from (CBRT) EVDS API Server. Fast, efficient and user friendly solution.
-Caches results to avoid redundant requests. Creates excel files reading configuration text file that can be easily
-created from the menu or console. Provides visual menu to the user. It is extendable and importable for user's own
-python projects.
-#### [Please see the disclaimer below](#Disclaimer)
-### installation
-    pip install evdspy
-### importing
-    from evdspy import *
-    check()
-    get()
-    help_evds()
-    import evdspy as ev
-    ev.check()
-    ev.get()
-    ev.help_evds()
-### menu
-    from evdspy import *
-    menu()
-    import evdspy as ev
-    ev.menu()
-    Menu function will display a friendly menu to setup project, creating output folders and some setup files to
-    create some set of series to make a request and download from EVDS server save your api key to get data from EVDS.
-    Than it will convert this data to a pandas dataframe and create some folders on your local area.
-### menu()
-## OPTION 1
-    create_series_file()
-    csf()
-or from selection menu choose create series file (config_series.cfg) option.
-With this command program will create file similar to below. You may later add new series info
-or modify this file or delete and create a new on from menu or console using commands summarized in this file.
-#### config_series.cfg content example
-    #Series_config_file
-    E V D S P Y  _  C O N F I G  _  F I L E  ---------------------------------------------
-    #
-    # This file will be used by evdspy package (python) in order to help updating
-    # your series.
-    # Script will be adding this file when you setup a new project.
-    # Deleting or modifying its content may require to setup configuration from the beginning
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    #
-    #About alternative params
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-              Frequencies
-              -----------------
-              Daily: 1
-              Business: 2
-              Weekly(Friday): 3
-              Twicemonthly: 4
-              Monthly: 5
-              Quarterly: 6
-              Semiannual: 7
-              Annual: 8
-              `Formulas`s
-              -----------------
-              Level: 0
-              Percentage change: 1
-              Difference: 2
-              Year-to-year Percent Change: 3
-              Year-to-year Differences: 4
-              Percentage Change Compared to End-of-Previous Year: 5
-              Difference Compared to End-of-Previous Year : 6
-              Moving Average: 7
-              Moving Sum: 8
-              Aggregate types
-              -----------------
-              Average: avg,
-              Minimum: min,
-              Maximum: max
-              Beginning: first,
-              End: last,
-              Cumulative: sum
-    #Begin_series
-    ---Series---------------------------------
-    foldername : visitors\annual
-    abs_path : visitors\annual
-    subject  : visitors
-    prefix   : EVPY_
-    frequency : 8 # annually
-    formulas : 0 # Level
-    aggregateType : avg
-    ------------SERIES CODES------------------
-    ------------/SERIES CODES------------------
-    ---/Series---------------------------------
-    --++--
-    ---Series---------------------------------
-    foldername : visitors\monthly
-    abs_path : C:\Users\User\SeriesData\visitors\monthly
-    subject  : visitors
-    prefix   : EVPY_
-    frequency : 5 # Monthly
-    formulas : 0 # Level
-    aggregateType : avg
-    ------------SERIES CODES------------------
-    ------------/SERIES CODES------------------
-    ---/Series---------------------------------
-    --++--
-### initial commands
-    from evdspy import *
-#### help_evds():
-    see a list of popular commands of this package to create setup folder and files, and request data.
-        'easy_setup',
-    'setup',
-    'setup_series',
-    "setup_series_steps",
-    'help_evds',
-    'check',
-    'get',
-### help
-    'h',
-    'help_evdspy',
-    'help_',
-### series file
-    'create_series_file',
-    'csf',
-### options file
-    'create_options_file',
-    'cof'
-### menu , console
-    'console',
-    'menu',
-### version
-    'version',
-### api key
-    'save_apikey',
-    'save',
-### cache
-    'remove_cache',
-#### check():
-    check setup and create required folders and see current installation status.
-#### setup()   :
-    creates folders and files
-    ____Folders_______________
-            `pickles`
-                will be used to store some request results to ovoid redundant requests from the EVDS api
-            `SeriesData`
-                to save results of requests or caches to an excel file using information on user option files
-    ____Files_______________
-            `options.cfg`
-                a text file consisting global user options such as start date, end date and caching period.
-            `config_series.cfg`
-                this file consists information regarding individual sets of series. From the menu user can add
-            new series that will be requesting from the server. Program will produce on for example and this file
-            can be modified and new sets of series can be added following the example format.
-    from evdspy.main import *
-    setup_now()
-#### get():
-    # this will check for your current series.txt file
-    # if proper data series codes are given it will either download them
-    # or use the latest cache from your local environment
-    # to provide other cache options such as nocache / daily / hourly you may change your
-    # defaults or give arguments such as
-        get()
-#### save("MyApiKey"):
-    Program will store your api key in your environment in a safe folder
-    called APIKEY_FOLDER
-    and only use it when you run a new request which was not requested
-    recently depending on your cache preference.
-       save("MyApiKey")
-#### save()
-        When you call it without any argument, program will ask for your key and do the same
-    above
-#### create_series_file()  or csf() :
-    # creates example `config_series.cfg` file on your work environment. evdspy input file (EIF) formatted
-    # you may modify it according to your preferences.
-    create_series_file()
-    # or
-    csf()
-## Options File
-          #Global Options File (options.cfg)
-          # G L O B A L   O P T I O N S   F I L E   -------------------------------------------------------
-          cache_freq : daily
-          gl_date_start : 01-01-2010
-          gl_date_end : 01-12-2030
-### `create_options`
-    create_options()
-## OPTION 2
-### menu()
-> > *checking*....
-## OPTION 3
-(Windows Command line / Linux Terminal / Mac Terminal) ( > , $ , $ as $ )
-    $ evdspy setup
-    --------------
-        creates initial folders for your environment to save data and caches
-    $ evdspy menu
-    --------------
-        Launces evdspy and loads the menu
-    $ evdspy create series
-    --------------
-        Creates series file (leaves untouched if exists)
-    $ evdspy help
-    --------------
-        shows help and some documentation from command line
-    $ evdspy create options
-    --------------
-        creates options on the current folder
-    $ evdspy get
-    --------------
-        makes request from EVDS API and creates excel files regarding information on your series file
-    $ evdspy save
-    --------------
-        asks for your api key to save a file in your environment named `APIKEY_FOLDER`
-## How to get an API key?
-***Get a CBRT EVDS API key***
-#### Main page of CBRT EVDS API
-#### CBRT EVDS API Docs
-### About
-***evdspy*** is an open source python interface which helps you make efficient requests by caching results (storing a
-dict using hashable parameters in order to avoid redundant requests), it provides a user friendly
-menu to ask data from the institution's API service.
-#### Disclaimer
-    We would like inform you that evdspy is not an official package affiliated or endorsed by the CBRT institution.
-    It is an open source project with MIT LICENSE therefore following the rules of its
-    general MIT LICENSE you may use this interface without creator's permission, extend it or write your own modules
-    by importing evdspy's modules, classes or functions to request data from the mentioned API Service following the
-    institution's rules and parameters.
diff --git a/evdspy/EVDSlocal/index_requests/get_series_indexes_exp.py b/evdspy/EVDSlocal/index_requests/get_series_indexes_exp.py
index 34a6368..fa76ef8 100644
--- a/evdspy/EVDSlocal/index_requests/get_series_indexes_exp.py
+++ b/evdspy/EVDSlocal/index_requests/get_series_indexes_exp.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 from evdspy.EVDSlocal.index_requests.get_series_indexes import get_series
 def initial_api_process_when_given(api_key: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
     from evdspy.EVDSlocal.config.apikey_class import ApikeyClass
@@ -84,13 +85,13 @@ def get_series_exp(
         aggregation: Union[
             Literal["avg", "min", "max", "first", "last", "sum", None], None
         ] = None,
-        cache: bool = False ,
-        meta_cache: bool = False ,
+        cache: bool = False,
+        meta_cache: bool = False,
         proxy: Optional[str] = None,
         proxies: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
         debug: bool = False,
         api_key: Optional[str] = None,
-) -> dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
+) -> Result:
     Retrieves economic data series from the specified API and returns it as a pandas DataFrame.
@@ -166,13 +167,13 @@ def get_series_exp(
     # data_processor = DataProcessor(api_requester())
     # main_data = data_processor()
-    main_data = get_series(index ,
+    main_data = get_series(index,
-        end_date=end_date,
-        frequency=frequency,
-        formulas=formulas,
-        aggregation=aggregation,
-        cache=cache )
+                           end_date=end_date,
+                           frequency=frequency,
+                           formulas=formulas,
+                           aggregation=aggregation,
+                           cache=cache)
     metadata_: pd.DataFrame = get_metadata_for_index(index, proxy_manager, cache=meta_cache)
diff --git a/evdspy/__init__.py b/evdspy/__init__.py
index 0da80e5..d388857 100644
--- a/evdspy/__init__.py
+++ b/evdspy/__init__.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-from evdspy.EVDSlocal.index_requests.get_series_indexes_exp import get_series_exp
+from evdspy.EVDSlocal.index_requests.get_series_indexes_exp import get_series_exp, Result
 from evdspy.EVDSlocal.utils.utils_general import ls
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 from evdspy.EVDSlocal.common.clear_cache_folder import clear_cache
 # __all__ = [
 #         "default_start_date_fnc",
 #         "default_end_date_fnc",
diff --git a/evdspy_tes_t.py b/evdspy_tes_t.py
index 490a7d2..b935a2c 100644
--- a/evdspy_tes_t.py
+++ b/evdspy_tes_t.py
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
-from evdspy import *
 from evdspy import get_series, default_start_date_fnc, default_end_date_fnc
 import pandas as pd  
 def get_api_key():
     import os
     return os.getenv("EVDS_API_KEY")
 assert isinstance(get_api_key(), str) and len(get_api_key()) == 10
 def t1():
-    setup()
-    save(get_api_key())
-def t2():
     df = get_series("TP.ODEMGZS.BDTTOPLAM",
@@ -21,5 +19,4 @@ def t2():
     assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    t1()
-    t2()
\ No newline at end of file
+    t1()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example.py b/example.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89a1c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import pandas as pd
+from evdspy import get_series, get_series_exp
+template = """TP_GSYIH01_GY_CF
+# pandas dataframe
+df = get_series(template, cache=False)
+# Result Class instance
+#   .data       : pd.DataFrame (data)        e.g. result.data
+#   .metadata   : pd.DataFrame (metadata)    e.g. result.metadata
+#   .write()    : Callable                   e.g. result.write("example.xlsx")
+result = get_series_exp(template, cache=False)
+print(result)  # Result
+print(result.data)  # pd.DataFrame
+print(result.metadata)  # pd.DataFrame