diff --git a/.github/workflows/commit-grammar.yml b/.github/workflows/commit-grammar.yml index 52e72b3..47760e6 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/commit-grammar.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/commit-grammar.yml @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ jobs: uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 1.8 - - name: Download ANTLR 4.6 + - name: Download ANTLR 4.9.2 working-directory: /tmp run: | - wget https://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-4.6-complete.jar + wget https://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-4.9.2-complete.jar - name: Update grammar working-directory: kin/grammar run: | - java -jar /tmp/antlr-4.6-complete.jar PBXProj.g4 -Dlanguage=Python2 + java -jar /tmp/antlr-4.9.2-complete.jar PBXProj.g4 -Dlanguage=Python3 - name: Commit changes run: | git add kin/grammar diff --git a/.github/workflows/python-package.yml b/.github/workflows/python-package.yml index 3491f44..a54915d 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/python-package.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/python-package.yml @@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ jobs: uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 1.8 - - name: Download ANTLR 4.6 + - name: Download ANTLR 4.9.2 working-directory: /tmp run: | - wget https://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-4.6-complete.jar + wget https://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-4.9.2-complete.jar - name: Generate grammar working-directory: kin/grammar run: | - java -jar /tmp/antlr-4.6-complete.jar PBXProj.g4 -Dlanguage=Python2 + java -jar /tmp/antlr-4.9.2-complete.jar PBXProj.g4 -Dlanguage=Python3 - name: Upload grammar uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ jobs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: - python-version: [2.7] + python-version: ['3.x'] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 diff --git a/.github/workflows/python-publish.yml b/.github/workflows/python-publish.yml index 358da37..1a03a7b 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/python-publish.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/python-publish.yml @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ jobs: - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: - python-version: '2.x' + python-version: '3.x' - name: Install dependencies run: | python -m pip install --upgrade pip diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a1b0afb..733a769 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -65,19 +65,17 @@ Do you want to contribute? Feel free to add any useful feature to Kin, we will be glad to improve it with your help. -If you modify the grammar file (`PBXProj.g4`), make sure you compile it using [ANTLR](https://www.antlr.org/). ANLTR version 4.6 can be installed with the following commands (the current version is 4.8 but is not compatible): +If you modify the grammar file (`PBXProj.g4`), make sure you compile it using [ANTLR](https://www.antlr.org/). ANLTR can be installed with the following command: ```bash -curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/92cd4dbae4ae77853e3693b4eb3c24d71855103f/Formula/antlr.rb -sed -i -e 's/EOS.undent/EOS/g' antlr.rb -brew install antlr.rb +brew install antlr ``` After changes have been made to the `PBXProj.g4` file it can be compiled with: ```bash cd kin/grammar -bash /usr/local/Cellar/antlr/4.6/bin/antlr4 PBXProj.g4 -Dlanguage=Python2 +antlr4 PBXProj.g4 -Dlanguage=Python3 ``` The updated files can optionally be copied with this command for testing: diff --git a/kin/grammar/PBXProj.interp b/kin/grammar/PBXProj.interp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3721870 --- /dev/null +++ b/kin/grammar/PBXProj.interp @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ +token literal names: +null +'{' +'}' +'archiveVersion' +'=' +';' +'objectVersion' +'PBXAggregateTarget' +'PBXBuildFile' +'PBXContainerItemProxy' +'PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase' +'PBXFileReference' +'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase' +'PBXGroup' +'PBXHeadersBuildPhase' +'PBXNativeTarget' +'PBXProject' +'PBXReferenceProxy' +'PBXResourcesBuildPhase' +'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase' +'PBXSourcesBuildPhase' +'PBXTargetDependency' +'PBXVariantGroup' +'XCBuildConfiguration' +'XCConfigurationList' +'XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference' +'XCSwiftPackageProductDependency' +'XCVersionGroup' +'fileRef' +'productRef' +'containerPortal' +'proxyType' +'remoteGlobalIDString' +'remoteInfo' +'fileEncoding' +'explicitFileType' +'lastKnownFileType' +'includeInIndex' +'indentWidth' +'tabWidth' +'usesTabs' +'children' +'productInstallPath' +'repositoryURL' +'requirement' +'package' +'packageProductDependencies' +'name' +'path' +'sourceTree' +'buildActionMask' +'files' +'runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing' +'(' +',' +')' +'buildConfigurationList' +'buildPhases' +'buildRules' +'dependencies' +'productName' +'productReference' +'productType' +'lineEnding' +'xcLanguageSpecificationIdentifier' +'plistStructureDefinitionIdentifier' +'attributes' +'LastSwiftMigration' +'DefaultBuildSystemTypeForWorkspace' +'LastSwiftUpdateCheck' +'BuildIndependentTargetsInParallel' +'LastUpgradeCheck' +'LastTestingUpgradeCheck' +'ORGANIZATIONNAME' +'TargetAttributes' +'CreatedOnToolsVersion' +'TestTargetID' +'DevelopmentTeam' +'ProvisioningStyle' +'compatibilityVersion' +'developmentRegion' +'hasScannedForEncodings' +'knownRegions' +'mainGroup' +'productRefGroup' +'packageReferences' +'projectDirPath' +'projectReferences' +'projectRoot' +'targets' +'inputFileListPaths' +'inputPaths' +'outputFileListPaths' +'outputPaths' +'shellPath' +'shellScript' +'showEnvVarsInLog' +'target' +'targetProxy' +'fileType' +'remoteRef' +'baseConfigurationReference' +'buildSettings' +'dstPath' +'dstSubfolderSpec' +'ProductGroup' +'ProjectRef' +'buildConfigurations' +'defaultConfigurationIsVisible' +'defaultConfigurationName' +'settings' +'SystemCapabilities' +'currentVersion' +'versionGroupType' +'CLASSPREFIX' +'classes' +'isa' +'objects' +'rootObject' +null +'.' +null +null +'-' +'_' 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buf.write(u"\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3") - buf.write(u"\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3") - buf.write(u"\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3") - buf.write(u"\r\3\r\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3") - buf.write(u"\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17") - buf.write(u"\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3") - buf.write(u"\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20") - buf.write(u"\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3") - buf.write(u"\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22") - buf.write(u"\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3") - buf.write(u"\22\3\22\3\22\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23") - buf.write(u"\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3") - buf.write(u"\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24") - buf.write(u"\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3") - 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buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0147\u0148\7R\2\2\u0148\u0149\7D\2\2\u0149\u014a") + buf.write("\7Z\2\2\u014a\u014b\7D\2\2\u014b\u014c\7w\2\2\u014c\u014d") + buf.write("\7k\2\2\u014d\u014e\7n\2\2\u014e\u014f\7f\2\2\u014f\u0150") + buf.write("\7H\2\2\u0150\u0151\7k\2\2\u0151\u0152\7n\2\2\u0152\u0153") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u0153\22\3\2\2\2\u0154\u0155\7R\2\2\u0155\u0156") + buf.write("\7D\2\2\u0156\u0157\7Z\2\2\u0157\u0158\7E\2\2\u0158\u0159") + buf.write("\7q\2\2\u0159\u015a\7p\2\2\u015a\u015b\7v\2\2\u015b\u015c") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u015c\u015d\7k\2\2\u015d\u015e\7p\2\2\u015e\u015f") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u015f\u0160\7t\2\2\u0160\u0161\7K\2\2\u0161\u0162") + buf.write("\7v\2\2\u0162\u0163\7g\2\2\u0163\u0164\7o\2\2\u0164\u0165") + buf.write("\7R\2\2\u0165\u0166\7t\2\2\u0166\u0167\7q\2\2\u0167\u0168") + buf.write("\7z\2\2\u0168\u0169\7{\2\2\u0169\24\3\2\2\2\u016a\u016b") + buf.write("\7R\2\2\u016b\u016c\7D\2\2\u016c\u016d\7Z\2\2\u016d\u016e") + buf.write("\7E\2\2\u016e\u016f\7q\2\2\u016f\u0170\7r\2\2\u0170\u0171") + buf.write("\7{\2\2\u0171\u0172\7H\2\2\u0172\u0173\7k\2\2\u0173\u0174") + buf.write("\7n\2\2\u0174\u0175\7g\2\2\u0175\u0176\7u\2\2\u0176\u0177") + buf.write("\7D\2\2\u0177\u0178\7w\2\2\u0178\u0179\7k\2\2\u0179\u017a") + buf.write("\7n\2\2\u017a\u017b\7f\2\2\u017b\u017c\7R\2\2\u017c\u017d") + buf.write("\7j\2\2\u017d\u017e\7c\2\2\u017e\u017f\7u\2\2\u017f\u0180") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u0180\26\3\2\2\2\u0181\u0182\7R\2\2\u0182\u0183") + buf.write("\7D\2\2\u0183\u0184\7Z\2\2\u0184\u0185\7H\2\2\u0185\u0186") + buf.write("\7k\2\2\u0186\u0187\7n\2\2\u0187\u0188\7g\2\2\u0188\u0189") + buf.write("\7T\2\2\u0189\u018a\7g\2\2\u018a\u018b\7h\2\2\u018b\u018c") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u018c\u018d\7t\2\2\u018d\u018e\7g\2\2\u018e\u018f") + buf.write("\7p\2\2\u018f\u0190\7e\2\2\u0190\u0191\7g\2\2\u0191\30") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0192\u0193\7R\2\2\u0193\u0194\7D\2\2\u0194\u0195") + buf.write("\7Z\2\2\u0195\u0196\7H\2\2\u0196\u0197\7t\2\2\u0197\u0198") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u0198\u0199\7o\2\2\u0199\u019a\7g\2\2\u019a\u019b") + buf.write("\7y\2\2\u019b\u019c\7q\2\2\u019c\u019d\7t\2\2\u019d\u019e") + buf.write("\7m\2\2\u019e\u019f\7u\2\2\u019f\u01a0\7D\2\2\u01a0\u01a1") + buf.write("\7w\2\2\u01a1\u01a2\7k\2\2\u01a2\u01a3\7n\2\2\u01a3\u01a4") + buf.write("\7f\2\2\u01a4\u01a5\7R\2\2\u01a5\u01a6\7j\2\2\u01a6\u01a7") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u01a7\u01a8\7u\2\2\u01a8\u01a9\7g\2\2\u01a9\32") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u01aa\u01ab\7R\2\2\u01ab\u01ac\7D\2\2\u01ac\u01ad") + buf.write("\7Z\2\2\u01ad\u01ae\7I\2\2\u01ae\u01af\7t\2\2\u01af\u01b0") + buf.write("\7q\2\2\u01b0\u01b1\7w\2\2\u01b1\u01b2\7r\2\2\u01b2\34") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u01b3\u01b4\7R\2\2\u01b4\u01b5\7D\2\2\u01b5\u01b6") + buf.write("\7Z\2\2\u01b6\u01b7\7J\2\2\u01b7\u01b8\7g\2\2\u01b8\u01b9") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u01b9\u01ba\7f\2\2\u01ba\u01bb\7g\2\2\u01bb\u01bc") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u01bc\u01bd\7u\2\2\u01bd\u01be\7D\2\2\u01be\u01bf") + buf.write("\7w\2\2\u01bf\u01c0\7k\2\2\u01c0\u01c1\7n\2\2\u01c1\u01c2") + buf.write("\7f\2\2\u01c2\u01c3\7R\2\2\u01c3\u01c4\7j\2\2\u01c4\u01c5") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u01c5\u01c6\7u\2\2\u01c6\u01c7\7g\2\2\u01c7\36") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u01c8\u01c9\7R\2\2\u01c9\u01ca\7D\2\2\u01ca\u01cb") + buf.write("\7Z\2\2\u01cb\u01cc\7P\2\2\u01cc\u01cd\7c\2\2\u01cd\u01ce") + buf.write("\7v\2\2\u01ce\u01cf\7k\2\2\u01cf\u01d0\7x\2\2\u01d0\u01d1") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u01d1\u01d2\7V\2\2\u01d2\u01d3\7c\2\2\u01d3\u01d4") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u01d4\u01d5\7i\2\2\u01d5\u01d6\7g\2\2\u01d6\u01d7") + buf.write("\7v\2\2\u01d7 \3\2\2\2\u01d8\u01d9\7R\2\2\u01d9\u01da") + buf.write("\7D\2\2\u01da\u01db\7Z\2\2\u01db\u01dc\7R\2\2\u01dc\u01dd") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u01dd\u01de\7q\2\2\u01de\u01df\7l\2\2\u01df\u01e0") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u01e0\u01e1\7e\2\2\u01e1\u01e2\7v\2\2\u01e2\"") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u01e3\u01e4\7R\2\2\u01e4\u01e5\7D\2\2\u01e5\u01e6") + buf.write("\7Z\2\2\u01e6\u01e7\7T\2\2\u01e7\u01e8\7g\2\2\u01e8\u01e9") + buf.write("\7h\2\2\u01e9\u01ea\7g\2\2\u01ea\u01eb\7t\2\2\u01eb\u01ec") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u01ec\u01ed\7p\2\2\u01ed\u01ee\7e\2\2\u01ee\u01ef") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u01ef\u01f0\7R\2\2\u01f0\u01f1\7t\2\2\u01f1\u01f2") + buf.write("\7q\2\2\u01f2\u01f3\7z\2\2\u01f3\u01f4\7{\2\2\u01f4$\3") + buf.write("\2\2\2\u01f5\u01f6\7R\2\2\u01f6\u01f7\7D\2\2\u01f7\u01f8") + buf.write("\7Z\2\2\u01f8\u01f9\7T\2\2\u01f9\u01fa\7g\2\2\u01fa\u01fb") + buf.write("\7u\2\2\u01fb\u01fc\7q\2\2\u01fc\u01fd\7w\2\2\u01fd\u01fe") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u01fe\u01ff\7e\2\2\u01ff\u0200\7g\2\2\u0200\u0201") + buf.write("\7u\2\2\u0201\u0202\7D\2\2\u0202\u0203\7w\2\2\u0203\u0204") + buf.write("\7k\2\2\u0204\u0205\7n\2\2\u0205\u0206\7f\2\2\u0206\u0207") + buf.write("\7R\2\2\u0207\u0208\7j\2\2\u0208\u0209\7c\2\2\u0209\u020a") + buf.write("\7u\2\2\u020a\u020b\7g\2\2\u020b&\3\2\2\2\u020c\u020d") + buf.write("\7R\2\2\u020d\u020e\7D\2\2\u020e\u020f\7Z\2\2\u020f\u0210") + buf.write("\7U\2\2\u0210\u0211\7j\2\2\u0211\u0212\7g\2\2\u0212\u0213") + buf.write("\7n\2\2\u0213\u0214\7n\2\2\u0214\u0215\7U\2\2\u0215\u0216") + buf.write("\7e\2\2\u0216\u0217\7t\2\2\u0217\u0218\7k\2\2\u0218\u0219") + buf.write("\7r\2\2\u0219\u021a\7v\2\2\u021a\u021b\7D\2\2\u021b\u021c") + buf.write("\7w\2\2\u021c\u021d\7k\2\2\u021d\u021e\7n\2\2\u021e\u021f") + buf.write("\7f\2\2\u021f\u0220\7R\2\2\u0220\u0221\7j\2\2\u0221\u0222") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u0222\u0223\7u\2\2\u0223\u0224\7g\2\2\u0224(\3") + buf.write("\2\2\2\u0225\u0226\7R\2\2\u0226\u0227\7D\2\2\u0227\u0228") + buf.write("\7Z\2\2\u0228\u0229\7U\2\2\u0229\u022a\7q\2\2\u022a\u022b") + buf.write("\7w\2\2\u022b\u022c\7t\2\2\u022c\u022d\7e\2\2\u022d\u022e") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u022e\u022f\7u\2\2\u022f\u0230\7D\2\2\u0230\u0231") + 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buf.write("\7v\2\2\u02f4\u02f5\7c\2\2\u02f5\u02f6\7n\2\2\u02f6>\3") + buf.write("\2\2\2\u02f7\u02f8\7r\2\2\u02f8\u02f9\7t\2\2\u02f9\u02fa") + buf.write("\7q\2\2\u02fa\u02fb\7z\2\2\u02fb\u02fc\7{\2\2\u02fc\u02fd") + buf.write("\7V\2\2\u02fd\u02fe\7{\2\2\u02fe\u02ff\7r\2\2\u02ff\u0300") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u0300@\3\2\2\2\u0301\u0302\7t\2\2\u0302\u0303") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u0303\u0304\7o\2\2\u0304\u0305\7q\2\2\u0305\u0306") + buf.write("\7v\2\2\u0306\u0307\7g\2\2\u0307\u0308\7I\2\2\u0308\u0309") + buf.write("\7n\2\2\u0309\u030a\7q\2\2\u030a\u030b\7d\2\2\u030b\u030c") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u030c\u030d\7n\2\2\u030d\u030e\7K\2\2\u030e\u030f") + buf.write("\7F\2\2\u030f\u0310\7U\2\2\u0310\u0311\7v\2\2\u0311\u0312") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u0312\u0313\7k\2\2\u0313\u0314\7p\2\2\u0314\u0315") + buf.write("\7i\2\2\u0315B\3\2\2\2\u0316\u0317\7t\2\2\u0317\u0318") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u0318\u0319\7o\2\2\u0319\u031a\7q\2\2\u031a\u031b") + 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buf.write("\2\u042c\u042d\7w\2\2\u042d\u042e\7k\2\2\u042e\u042f\7") + buf.write("n\2\2\u042f\u0430\7f\2\2\u0430\u0431\7E\2\2\u0431\u0432") + buf.write("\7q\2\2\u0432\u0433\7p\2\2\u0433\u0434\7h\2\2\u0434\u0435") + buf.write("\7k\2\2\u0435\u0436\7i\2\2\u0436\u0437\7w\2\2\u0437\u0438") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u0438\u0439\7c\2\2\u0439\u043a\7v\2\2\u043a\u043b") + buf.write("\7k\2\2\u043b\u043c\7q\2\2\u043c\u043d\7p\2\2\u043d\u043e") + buf.write("\7N\2\2\u043e\u043f\7k\2\2\u043f\u0440\7u\2\2\u0440\u0441") + buf.write("\7v\2\2\u0441r\3\2\2\2\u0442\u0443\7d\2\2\u0443\u0444") + buf.write("\7w\2\2\u0444\u0445\7k\2\2\u0445\u0446\7n\2\2\u0446\u0447") + buf.write("\7f\2\2\u0447\u0448\7R\2\2\u0448\u0449\7j\2\2\u0449\u044a") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u044a\u044b\7u\2\2\u044b\u044c\7g\2\2\u044c\u044d") + buf.write("\7u\2\2\u044dt\3\2\2\2\u044e\u044f\7d\2\2\u044f\u0450") + buf.write("\7w\2\2\u0450\u0451\7k\2\2\u0451\u0452\7n\2\2\u0452\u0453") + buf.write("\7f\2\2\u0453\u0454\7T\2\2\u0454\u0455\7w\2\2\u0455\u0456") + buf.write("\7n\2\2\u0456\u0457\7g\2\2\u0457\u0458\7u\2\2\u0458v\3") + buf.write("\2\2\2\u0459\u045a\7f\2\2\u045a\u045b\7g\2\2\u045b\u045c") + buf.write("\7r\2\2\u045c\u045d\7g\2\2\u045d\u045e\7p\2\2\u045e\u045f") + buf.write("\7f\2\2\u045f\u0460\7g\2\2\u0460\u0461\7p\2\2\u0461\u0462") + buf.write("\7e\2\2\u0462\u0463\7k\2\2\u0463\u0464\7g\2\2\u0464\u0465") + buf.write("\7u\2\2\u0465x\3\2\2\2\u0466\u0467\7r\2\2\u0467\u0468") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u0468\u0469\7q\2\2\u0469\u046a\7f\2\2\u046a\u046b") + buf.write("\7w\2\2\u046b\u046c\7e\2\2\u046c\u046d\7v\2\2\u046d\u046e") + buf.write("\7P\2\2\u046e\u046f\7c\2\2\u046f\u0470\7o\2\2\u0470\u0471") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u0471z\3\2\2\2\u0472\u0473\7r\2\2\u0473\u0474") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u0474\u0475\7q\2\2\u0475\u0476\7f\2\2\u0476\u0477") + buf.write("\7w\2\2\u0477\u0478\7e\2\2\u0478\u0479\7v\2\2\u0479\u047a") + buf.write("\7T\2\2\u047a\u047b\7g\2\2\u047b\u047c\7h\2\2\u047c\u047d") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u047d\u047e\7t\2\2\u047e\u047f\7g\2\2\u047f\u0480") + buf.write("\7p\2\2\u0480\u0481\7e\2\2\u0481\u0482\7g\2\2\u0482|\3") + buf.write("\2\2\2\u0483\u0484\7r\2\2\u0484\u0485\7t\2\2\u0485\u0486") + buf.write("\7q\2\2\u0486\u0487\7f\2\2\u0487\u0488\7w\2\2\u0488\u0489") + buf.write("\7e\2\2\u0489\u048a\7v\2\2\u048a\u048b\7V\2\2\u048b\u048c") + buf.write("\7{\2\2\u048c\u048d\7r\2\2\u048d\u048e\7g\2\2\u048e~\3") + buf.write("\2\2\2\u048f\u0490\7n\2\2\u0490\u0491\7k\2\2\u0491\u0492") + buf.write("\7p\2\2\u0492\u0493\7g\2\2\u0493\u0494\7G\2\2\u0494\u0495") + buf.write("\7p\2\2\u0495\u0496\7f\2\2\u0496\u0497\7k\2\2\u0497\u0498") + buf.write("\7p\2\2\u0498\u0499\7i\2\2\u0499\u0080\3\2\2\2\u049a\u049b") + buf.write("\7z\2\2\u049b\u049c\7e\2\2\u049c\u049d\7N\2\2\u049d\u049e") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u049e\u049f\7p\2\2\u049f\u04a0\7i\2\2\u04a0\u04a1") + 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buf.write("\7w\2\2\u04c8\u04c9\7t\2\2\u04c9\u04ca\7g\2\2\u04ca\u04cb") + buf.write("\7F\2\2\u04cb\u04cc\7g\2\2\u04cc\u04cd\7h\2\2\u04cd\u04ce") + buf.write("\7k\2\2\u04ce\u04cf\7p\2\2\u04cf\u04d0\7k\2\2\u04d0\u04d1") + buf.write("\7v\2\2\u04d1\u04d2\7k\2\2\u04d2\u04d3\7q\2\2\u04d3\u04d4") + buf.write("\7p\2\2\u04d4\u04d5\7K\2\2\u04d5\u04d6\7f\2\2\u04d6\u04d7") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u04d7\u04d8\7p\2\2\u04d8\u04d9\7v\2\2\u04d9\u04da") + buf.write("\7k\2\2\u04da\u04db\7h\2\2\u04db\u04dc\7k\2\2\u04dc\u04dd") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u04dd\u04de\7t\2\2\u04de\u0084\3\2\2\2\u04df\u04e0") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u04e0\u04e1\7v\2\2\u04e1\u04e2\7v\2\2\u04e2\u04e3") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u04e3\u04e4\7k\2\2\u04e4\u04e5\7d\2\2\u04e5\u04e6") + buf.write("\7w\2\2\u04e6\u04e7\7v\2\2\u04e7\u04e8\7g\2\2\u04e8\u04e9") + buf.write("\7u\2\2\u04e9\u0086\3\2\2\2\u04ea\u04eb\7N\2\2\u04eb\u04ec") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u04ec\u04ed\7u\2\2\u04ed\u04ee\7v\2\2\u04ee\u04ef") + buf.write("\7U\2\2\u04ef\u04f0\7y\2\2\u04f0\u04f1\7k\2\2\u04f1\u04f2") + buf.write("\7h\2\2\u04f2\u04f3\7v\2\2\u04f3\u04f4\7O\2\2\u04f4\u04f5") + buf.write("\7k\2\2\u04f5\u04f6\7i\2\2\u04f6\u04f7\7t\2\2\u04f7\u04f8") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u04f8\u04f9\7v\2\2\u04f9\u04fa\7k\2\2\u04fa\u04fb") + buf.write("\7q\2\2\u04fb\u04fc\7p\2\2\u04fc\u0088\3\2\2\2\u04fd\u04fe") + buf.write("\7F\2\2\u04fe\u04ff\7g\2\2\u04ff\u0500\7h\2\2\u0500\u0501") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u0501\u0502\7w\2\2\u0502\u0503\7n\2\2\u0503\u0504") + buf.write("\7v\2\2\u0504\u0505\7D\2\2\u0505\u0506\7w\2\2\u0506\u0507") + buf.write("\7k\2\2\u0507\u0508\7n\2\2\u0508\u0509\7f\2\2\u0509\u050a") + buf.write("\7U\2\2\u050a\u050b\7{\2\2\u050b\u050c\7u\2\2\u050c\u050d") + buf.write("\7v\2\2\u050d\u050e\7g\2\2\u050e\u050f\7o\2\2\u050f\u0510") + buf.write("\7V\2\2\u0510\u0511\7{\2\2\u0511\u0512\7r\2\2\u0512\u0513") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u0513\u0514\7H\2\2\u0514\u0515\7q\2\2\u0515\u0516") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u0516\u0517\7Y\2\2\u0517\u0518\7q\2\2\u0518\u0519") + buf.write("\7t\2\2\u0519\u051a\7m\2\2\u051a\u051b\7u\2\2\u051b\u051c") + buf.write("\7r\2\2\u051c\u051d\7c\2\2\u051d\u051e\7e\2\2\u051e\u051f") + buf.write("\7g\2\2\u051f\u008a\3\2\2\2\u0520\u0521\7N\2\2\u0521\u0522") + buf.write("\7c\2\2\u0522\u0523\7u\2\2\u0523\u0524\7v\2\2\u0524\u0525") + buf.write("\7U\2\2\u0525\u0526\7y\2\2\u0526\u0527\7k\2\2\u0527\u0528") + buf.write("\7h\2\2\u0528\u0529\7v\2\2\u0529\u052a\7W\2\2\u052a\u052b") + buf.write("\7r\2\2\u052b\u052c\7f\2\2\u052c\u052d\7c\2\2\u052d\u052e") + buf.write("\7v\2\2\u052e\u052f\7g\2\2\u052f\u0530\7E\2\2\u0530\u0531") + buf.write("\7j\2\2\u0531\u0532\7g\2\2\u0532\u0533\7e\2\2\u0533\u0534") + buf.write("\7m\2\2\u0534\u008c\3\2\2\2\u0535\u0536\7D\2\2\u0536\u0537") + buf.write("\7w\2\2\u0537\u0538\7k\2\2\u0538\u0539\7n\2\2\u0539\u053a") + buf.write("\7f\2\2\u053a\u053b\7K\2\2\u053b\u053c\7p\2\2\u053c\u053d") + 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buf.write("\2\u0844\u0845\5\u0105\u0083\2\u0845\u0846\5\u0105\u0083") + buf.write("\2\u0846\u0847\5\u0105\u0083\2\u0847\u0848\5\u0105\u0083") + buf.write("\2\u0848\u0849\5\u0105\u0083\2\u0849\u084a\5\u0105\u0083") + buf.write("\2\u084a\u084b\5\u0105\u0083\2\u084b\u084c\5\u0105\u0083") + buf.write("\2\u084c\u084d\5\u0105\u0083\2\u084d\u084e\5\u0105\u0083") + buf.write("\2\u084e\u084f\5\u0105\u0083\2\u084f\u0850\5\u0105\u0083") + buf.write("\2\u0850\u0851\5\u0105\u0083\2\u0851\u0852\5\u0105\u0083") + buf.write("\2\u0852\u0853\5\u0105\u0083\2\u0853\u087a\3\2\2\2\u0854") + buf.write("\u0855\7H\2\2\u0855\u0856\7T\2\2\u0856\u085a\7a\2\2\u0857") + buf.write("\u0858\7I\2\2\u0858\u085a\7a\2\2\u0859\u0854\3\2\2\2\u0859") + buf.write("\u0857\3\2\2\2\u085a\u085c\3\2\2\2\u085b\u085d\5\u0105") + buf.write("\u0083\2\u085c\u085b\3\2\2\2\u085d\u085e\3\2\2\2\u085e") + buf.write("\u085c\3\2\2\2\u085e\u085f\3\2\2\2\u085f\u087a\3\2\2\2") + buf.write("\u0860\u0861\5\u00f5{\2\u0861\u0862\5\u00f5{\2\u0862\u0863") + buf.write("\5\u00f5{\2\u0863\u0864\5\u00f5{\2\u0864\u0865\5\u00f5") + buf.write("{\2\u0865\u0866\5\u00f5{\2\u0866\u0867\5\u00f5{\2\u0867") + buf.write("\u0868\5\u00f5{\2\u0868\u0869\5\u00f5{\2\u0869\u086a\5") + buf.write("\u00f5{\2\u086a\u086b\5\u00f5{\2\u086b\u086c\5\u00f5{") + buf.write("\2\u086c\u086d\5\u00f5{\2\u086d\u086e\5\u00f5{\2\u086e") + buf.write("\u086f\5\u00f5{\2\u086f\u0870\5\u00f5{\2\u0870\u0871\5") + buf.write("\u00f5{\2\u0871\u0872\5\u00f5{\2\u0872\u0873\5\u00f5{") + buf.write("\2\u0873\u0874\5\u00f5{\2\u0874\u0875\5\u00f5{\2\u0875") + buf.write("\u0876\5\u00f5{\2\u0876\u0877\5\u00f5{\2\u0877\u0878\5") + buf.write("\u00f5{\2\u0878\u087a\3\2\2\2\u0879\u083b\3\2\2\2\u0879") + buf.write("\u0859\3\2\2\2\u0879\u0860\3\2\2\2\u087a\u00fe\3\2\2\2") + buf.write("\u087b\u087d\7$\2\2\u087c\u087e\5\u0107\u0084\2\u087d") + buf.write("\u087c\3\2\2\2\u087e\u087f\3\2\2\2\u087f\u087d\3\2\2\2") + buf.write("\u087f\u0880\3\2\2\2\u0880\u0881\3\2\2\2\u0881\u0882\7") + buf.write("$\2\2\u0882\u0886\3\2\2\2\u0883\u0884\7$\2\2\u0884\u0886") + buf.write("\7$\2\2\u0885\u087b\3\2\2\2\u0885\u0883\3\2\2\2\u0886") + buf.write("\u0100\3\2\2\2\u0887\u088d\5\u00f3z\2\u0888\u088d\5\u00f9") + buf.write("}\2\u0889\u088d\5\u00f7|\2\u088a\u088d\5\u00fb~\2\u088b") + buf.write("\u088d\5\u00f1y\2\u088c\u0887\3\2\2\2\u088c\u0888\3\2") + buf.write("\2\2\u088c\u0889\3\2\2\2\u088c\u088a\3\2\2\2\u088c\u088b") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u088d\u088e\3\2\2\2\u088e\u088c\3\2\2\2\u088e") + buf.write("\u088f\3\2\2\2\u088f\u0102\3\2\2\2\u0890\u0891\7&\2\2") + buf.write("\u0891\u0892\5\u0101\u0081\2\u0892\u0104\3\2\2\2\u0893") + buf.write("\u0894\t\4\2\2\u0894\u0106\3\2\2\2\u0895\u0899\n\5\2\2") + buf.write("\u0896\u0897\7^\2\2\u0897\u0899\7$\2\2\u0898\u0895\3\2") + buf.write("\2\2\u0898\u0896\3\2\2\2\u0899\u0108\3\2\2\2\u089a\u089c") + buf.write("\t\6\2\2\u089b\u089a\3\2\2\2\u089c\u089d\3\2\2\2\u089d") + buf.write("\u089b\3\2\2\2\u089d\u089e\3\2\2\2\u089e\u089f\3\2\2\2") + buf.write("\u089f\u08a0\b\u0085\2\2\u08a0\u010a\3\2\2\2\u08a1\u08a2") + buf.write("\7\61\2\2\u08a2\u08a3\7,\2\2\u08a3\u08a7\3\2\2\2\u08a4") + buf.write("\u08a6\13\2\2\2\u08a5\u08a4\3\2\2\2\u08a6\u08a9\3\2\2") + buf.write("\2\u08a7\u08a8\3\2\2\2\u08a7\u08a5\3\2\2\2\u08a8\u08aa") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u08a9\u08a7\3\2\2\2\u08aa\u08ab\7,\2\2\u08ab") + buf.write("\u08ac\7\61\2\2\u08ac\u08ad\3\2\2\2\u08ad\u08ae\b\u0086") + buf.write("\2\2\u08ae\u010c\3\2\2\2\u08af\u08b0\7\61\2\2\u08b0\u08b1") + buf.write("\7\61\2\2\u08b1\u08b5\3\2\2\2\u08b2\u08b4\n\7\2\2\u08b3") + buf.write("\u08b2\3\2\2\2\u08b4\u08b7\3\2\2\2\u08b5\u08b3\3\2\2\2") + buf.write("\u08b5\u08b6\3\2\2\2\u08b6\u08b8\3\2\2\2\u08b7\u08b5\3") + buf.write("\2\2\2\u08b8\u08b9\b\u0087\2\2\u08b9\u010e\3\2\2\2\17") + buf.write("\2\u082d\u0859\u085e\u0879\u087f\u0885\u088c\u088e\u0898") + buf.write("\u089d\u08a7\u08b5\3\b\2\2") return buf.getvalue() @@ -958,7 +945,6 @@ class PBXProjLexer(Lexer): decisionsToDFA = [ DFA(ds, i) for i, ds in enumerate(atn.decisionToState) ] - T__0 = 1 T__1 = 2 T__2 = 3 @@ -1092,83 +1078,81 @@ class PBXProjLexer(Lexer): COMMENT = 131 LINE_COMMENT = 132 - modeNames = [ u"DEFAULT_MODE" ] + channelNames = [ u"DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL", u"HIDDEN" ] + + modeNames = [ "DEFAULT_MODE" ] - literalNames = [ u"", - u"'{'", u"'}'", u"'archiveVersion'", u"'='", u"';'", u"'objectVersion'", - u"'PBXAggregateTarget'", u"'PBXBuildFile'", u"'PBXContainerItemProxy'", - u"'PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase'", u"'PBXFileReference'", u"'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase'", - u"'PBXGroup'", u"'PBXHeadersBuildPhase'", u"'PBXNativeTarget'", - u"'PBXProject'", u"'PBXReferenceProxy'", u"'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'", - u"'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase'", u"'PBXSourcesBuildPhase'", u"'PBXTargetDependency'", - u"'PBXVariantGroup'", u"'XCBuildConfiguration'", u"'XCConfigurationList'", - u"'XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference'", u"'XCSwiftPackageProductDependency'", - u"'XCVersionGroup'", u"'fileRef'", u"'productRef'", u"'containerPortal'", - u"'proxyType'", u"'remoteGlobalIDString'", u"'remoteInfo'", - u"'fileEncoding'", u"'explicitFileType'", u"'lastKnownFileType'", - u"'includeInIndex'", u"'indentWidth'", u"'tabWidth'", u"'usesTabs'", - u"'children'", u"'productInstallPath'", u"'repositoryURL'", - u"'requirement'", u"'package'", u"'packageProductDependencies'", - u"'name'", u"'path'", u"'sourceTree'", u"'buildActionMask'", - u"'files'", u"'runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing'", u"'('", - u"','", u"')'", u"'buildConfigurationList'", u"'buildPhases'", - u"'buildRules'", u"'dependencies'", u"'productName'", u"'productReference'", - u"'productType'", u"'lineEnding'", u"'xcLanguageSpecificationIdentifier'", - u"'plistStructureDefinitionIdentifier'", u"'attributes'", u"'LastSwiftMigration'", - u"'DefaultBuildSystemTypeForWorkspace'", u"'LastSwiftUpdateCheck'", - u"'BuildIndependentTargetsInParallel'", u"'LastUpgradeCheck'", - u"'LastTestingUpgradeCheck'", u"'ORGANIZATIONNAME'", u"'TargetAttributes'", - u"'CreatedOnToolsVersion'", u"'TestTargetID'", u"'DevelopmentTeam'", - u"'ProvisioningStyle'", u"'compatibilityVersion'", u"'developmentRegion'", - u"'hasScannedForEncodings'", u"'knownRegions'", u"'mainGroup'", - u"'productRefGroup'", u"'packageReferences'", u"'projectDirPath'", - u"'projectReferences'", u"'projectRoot'", u"'targets'", u"'inputFileListPaths'", - u"'inputPaths'", u"'outputFileListPaths'", u"'outputPaths'", - u"'shellPath'", u"'shellScript'", u"'showEnvVarsInLog'", u"'target'", - u"'targetProxy'", u"'fileType'", u"'remoteRef'", u"'baseConfigurationReference'", - u"'buildSettings'", u"'dstPath'", u"'dstSubfolderSpec'", u"'ProductGroup'", - u"'ProjectRef'", u"'buildConfigurations'", u"'defaultConfigurationIsVisible'", - u"'defaultConfigurationName'", u"'settings'", u"'SystemCapabilities'", - u"'currentVersion'", u"'versionGroupType'", u"'CLASSPREFIX'", - u"'classes'", u"'isa'", u"'objects'", u"'rootObject'", u"'.'", - u"'-'", u"'_'", u"'/'" ] + literalNames = [ "", + "'{'", "'}'", "'archiveVersion'", "'='", "';'", "'objectVersion'", + "'PBXAggregateTarget'", "'PBXBuildFile'", "'PBXContainerItemProxy'", + "'PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase'", "'PBXFileReference'", "'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase'", + "'PBXGroup'", "'PBXHeadersBuildPhase'", "'PBXNativeTarget'", + "'PBXProject'", "'PBXReferenceProxy'", "'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'", + "'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase'", "'PBXSourcesBuildPhase'", "'PBXTargetDependency'", + "'PBXVariantGroup'", "'XCBuildConfiguration'", "'XCConfigurationList'", + "'XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference'", "'XCSwiftPackageProductDependency'", + "'XCVersionGroup'", "'fileRef'", "'productRef'", "'containerPortal'", + "'proxyType'", "'remoteGlobalIDString'", "'remoteInfo'", "'fileEncoding'", + "'explicitFileType'", "'lastKnownFileType'", "'includeInIndex'", + "'indentWidth'", "'tabWidth'", "'usesTabs'", "'children'", "'productInstallPath'", + "'repositoryURL'", "'requirement'", "'package'", "'packageProductDependencies'", + "'name'", "'path'", "'sourceTree'", "'buildActionMask'", "'files'", + "'runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing'", "'('", "','", "')'", + "'buildConfigurationList'", "'buildPhases'", "'buildRules'", + "'dependencies'", "'productName'", "'productReference'", "'productType'", + "'lineEnding'", "'xcLanguageSpecificationIdentifier'", "'plistStructureDefinitionIdentifier'", + "'attributes'", "'LastSwiftMigration'", "'DefaultBuildSystemTypeForWorkspace'", + "'LastSwiftUpdateCheck'", "'BuildIndependentTargetsInParallel'", + "'LastUpgradeCheck'", "'LastTestingUpgradeCheck'", "'ORGANIZATIONNAME'", + "'TargetAttributes'", "'CreatedOnToolsVersion'", "'TestTargetID'", + "'DevelopmentTeam'", "'ProvisioningStyle'", "'compatibilityVersion'", + "'developmentRegion'", "'hasScannedForEncodings'", "'knownRegions'", + "'mainGroup'", "'productRefGroup'", "'packageReferences'", "'projectDirPath'", + "'projectReferences'", "'projectRoot'", "'targets'", "'inputFileListPaths'", + "'inputPaths'", "'outputFileListPaths'", "'outputPaths'", "'shellPath'", + "'shellScript'", "'showEnvVarsInLog'", "'target'", "'targetProxy'", + "'fileType'", "'remoteRef'", "'baseConfigurationReference'", + "'buildSettings'", "'dstPath'", "'dstSubfolderSpec'", "'ProductGroup'", + "'ProjectRef'", "'buildConfigurations'", "'defaultConfigurationIsVisible'", + "'defaultConfigurationName'", "'settings'", "'SystemCapabilities'", + "'currentVersion'", "'versionGroupType'", "'CLASSPREFIX'", "'classes'", + "'isa'", "'objects'", "'rootObject'", "'.'", "'-'", "'_'", "'/'" ] - symbolicNames = [ u"", - u"CLASSES", u"ISA", u"OBJECTS", u"ROOT_OBJECT", u"NUMBER", u"DOT", - u"ALPHA_NUMERIC", u"ALPHA_NUMERIC_CAP", u"DASH", u"UNDERSCORE", - u"SLASH", u"REFERENCE", u"QUOTED_STRING", u"NON_QUOTED_STRING", - u"VARIABLE", u"WS", u"COMMENT", u"LINE_COMMENT" ] + symbolicNames = [ "", + "CLASSES", "ISA", "OBJECTS", "ROOT_OBJECT", "NUMBER", "DOT", + "ALPHA_NUMERIC", "ALPHA_NUMERIC_CAP", "DASH", "UNDERSCORE", + "SLASH", "REFERENCE", "QUOTED_STRING", "NON_QUOTED_STRING", + "VARIABLE", "WS", "COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT" ] - ruleNames = [ u"T__0", u"T__1", u"T__2", u"T__3", u"T__4", u"T__5", - u"T__6", u"T__7", u"T__8", u"T__9", u"T__10", u"T__11", - u"T__12", u"T__13", u"T__14", u"T__15", u"T__16", u"T__17", - u"T__18", u"T__19", u"T__20", u"T__21", u"T__22", u"T__23", - u"T__24", u"T__25", u"T__26", u"T__27", u"T__28", u"T__29", - u"T__30", u"T__31", u"T__32", u"T__33", u"T__34", u"T__35", - u"T__36", u"T__37", u"T__38", u"T__39", u"T__40", u"T__41", - u"T__42", u"T__43", u"T__44", u"T__45", u"T__46", u"T__47", - u"T__48", u"T__49", u"T__50", u"T__51", u"T__52", u"T__53", - u"T__54", u"T__55", u"T__56", u"T__57", u"T__58", u"T__59", - u"T__60", u"T__61", u"T__62", u"T__63", u"T__64", u"T__65", - u"T__66", u"T__67", u"T__68", u"T__69", u"T__70", u"T__71", - u"T__72", u"T__73", u"T__74", u"T__75", u"T__76", u"T__77", - u"T__78", u"T__79", u"T__80", u"T__81", u"T__82", u"T__83", - u"T__84", u"T__85", u"T__86", u"T__87", u"T__88", u"T__89", - u"T__90", u"T__91", u"T__92", u"T__93", u"T__94", u"T__95", - u"T__96", u"T__97", u"T__98", u"T__99", u"T__100", u"T__101", - u"T__102", u"T__103", u"T__104", u"T__105", u"T__106", - u"T__107", u"T__108", u"T__109", u"T__110", u"T__111", - u"T__112", u"T__113", u"CLASSES", u"ISA", u"OBJECTS", - u"ROOT_OBJECT", u"NUMBER", u"DOT", u"ALPHA_NUMERIC", u"ALPHA_NUMERIC_CAP", - u"DASH", u"UNDERSCORE", u"SLASH", u"REFERENCE", u"QUOTED_STRING", - u"NON_QUOTED_STRING", u"VARIABLE", u"HEX", u"QUOTED_STRING_CHARACTER", - u"WS", u"COMMENT", u"LINE_COMMENT" ] + ruleNames = [ "T__0", "T__1", "T__2", "T__3", "T__4", "T__5", "T__6", + "T__7", "T__8", "T__9", "T__10", "T__11", "T__12", "T__13", + "T__14", "T__15", "T__16", "T__17", "T__18", "T__19", + "T__20", "T__21", "T__22", "T__23", "T__24", "T__25", + "T__26", "T__27", "T__28", "T__29", "T__30", "T__31", + "T__32", "T__33", "T__34", "T__35", "T__36", "T__37", + "T__38", "T__39", "T__40", "T__41", "T__42", "T__43", + "T__44", "T__45", "T__46", "T__47", "T__48", "T__49", + "T__50", "T__51", "T__52", "T__53", "T__54", "T__55", + "T__56", "T__57", "T__58", "T__59", "T__60", "T__61", + "T__62", "T__63", "T__64", "T__65", "T__66", "T__67", + "T__68", "T__69", "T__70", "T__71", "T__72", "T__73", + "T__74", "T__75", "T__76", "T__77", "T__78", "T__79", + "T__80", "T__81", "T__82", "T__83", "T__84", "T__85", + "T__86", "T__87", "T__88", "T__89", "T__90", "T__91", + "T__92", "T__93", "T__94", "T__95", "T__96", "T__97", + "T__98", "T__99", "T__100", "T__101", "T__102", "T__103", + "T__104", "T__105", "T__106", "T__107", "T__108", "T__109", + "T__110", "T__111", "T__112", "T__113", "CLASSES", "ISA", + "OBJECTS", "ROOT_OBJECT", "NUMBER", "DOT", "ALPHA_NUMERIC", + "ALPHA_NUMERIC_CAP", "DASH", "UNDERSCORE", "SLASH", "REFERENCE", + "QUOTED_STRING", "NON_QUOTED_STRING", "VARIABLE", "HEX", + "QUOTED_STRING_CHARACTER", "WS", "COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT" ] - grammarFileName = u"PBXProj.g4" + grammarFileName = "PBXProj.g4" - def __init__(self, input=None): - super(PBXProjLexer, self).__init__(input) - self.checkVersion("4.6") + def __init__(self, input=None, output:TextIO = sys.stdout): + super().__init__(input, output) + self.checkVersion("4.9.2") self._interp = LexerATNSimulator(self, self.atn, self.decisionsToDFA, PredictionContextCache()) self._actions = None self._predicates = None diff --git a/kin/grammar/PBXProjListener.py b/kin/grammar/PBXProjListener.py index ab56bab..2777dff 100644 --- a/kin/grammar/PBXProjListener.py +++ b/kin/grammar/PBXProjListener.py @@ -1,1437 +1,1443 @@ -# Generated from PBXProj.g4 by ANTLR 4.6 +# Generated from kin/grammar/PBXProj.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.2 from antlr4 import * +if __name__ is not None and "." in __name__: + from .PBXProjParser import PBXProjParser +else: + from PBXProjParser import PBXProjParser # This class defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser. class PBXProjListener(ParseTreeListener): # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#start. - def enterStart(self, ctx): + def enterStart(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.StartContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#start. - def exitStart(self, ctx): + def exitStart(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.StartContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#root_element. - def enterRoot_element(self, ctx): + def enterRoot_element(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Root_elementContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#root_element. - def exitRoot_element(self, ctx): + def exitRoot_element(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Root_elementContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#archive_version. - def enterArchive_version(self, ctx): + def enterArchive_version(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Archive_versionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#archive_version. - def exitArchive_version(self, ctx): + def exitArchive_version(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Archive_versionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#classes. - def enterClasses(self, ctx): + def enterClasses(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.ClassesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#classes. - def exitClasses(self, ctx): + def exitClasses(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.ClassesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#object_version. - def enterObject_version(self, ctx): + def enterObject_version(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Object_versionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#object_version. - def exitObject_version(self, ctx): + def exitObject_version(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Object_versionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#objects. - def enterObjects(self, ctx): + def enterObjects(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.ObjectsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#objects. - def exitObjects(self, ctx): + def exitObjects(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.ObjectsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#root_object. - def enterRoot_object(self, ctx): + def enterRoot_object(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Root_objectContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#root_object. - def exitRoot_object(self, ctx): + def exitRoot_object(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Root_objectContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_aggregate_target_section. - def enterPbx_aggregate_target_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_aggregate_target_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_aggregate_target_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_aggregate_target_section. - def exitPbx_aggregate_target_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_aggregate_target_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_aggregate_target_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_build_file_section. - def enterPbx_build_file_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_build_file_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_build_file_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_build_file_section. - def exitPbx_build_file_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_build_file_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_build_file_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_container_item_proxy_section. - def enterPbx_container_item_proxy_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_container_item_proxy_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_container_item_proxy_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_container_item_proxy_section. - def exitPbx_container_item_proxy_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_container_item_proxy_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_container_item_proxy_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_copy_files_build_phase_section. - def enterPbx_copy_files_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_copy_files_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_copy_files_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_copy_files_build_phase_section. - def exitPbx_copy_files_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_copy_files_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_copy_files_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_file_reference_section. - def enterPbx_file_reference_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_file_reference_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_file_reference_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_file_reference_section. - def exitPbx_file_reference_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_file_reference_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_file_reference_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_frameworks_build_phase_section. - def enterPbx_frameworks_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_frameworks_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_frameworks_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_frameworks_build_phase_section. - def exitPbx_frameworks_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_frameworks_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_frameworks_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_group_section. - def enterPbx_group_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_group_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_group_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_group_section. - def exitPbx_group_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_group_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_group_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_headers_build_phase_section. - def enterPbx_headers_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_headers_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_headers_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_headers_build_phase_section. - def exitPbx_headers_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_headers_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_headers_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_native_target_section. - def enterPbx_native_target_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_native_target_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_native_target_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_native_target_section. - def exitPbx_native_target_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_native_target_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_native_target_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_project_section. - def enterPbx_project_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_project_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_project_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_project_section. - def exitPbx_project_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_project_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_project_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_reference_proxy_section. - def enterPbx_reference_proxy_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_reference_proxy_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_reference_proxy_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_reference_proxy_section. - def exitPbx_reference_proxy_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_reference_proxy_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_reference_proxy_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_resources_build_phase_section. - def enterPbx_resources_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_resources_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_resources_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_resources_build_phase_section. - def exitPbx_resources_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_resources_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_resources_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_shell_script_build_phase_section. - def enterPbx_shell_script_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_shell_script_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_shell_script_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_shell_script_build_phase_section. - def exitPbx_shell_script_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_shell_script_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_shell_script_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_sources_build_phase_section. - def enterPbx_sources_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_sources_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_sources_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_sources_build_phase_section. - def exitPbx_sources_build_phase_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_sources_build_phase_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_sources_build_phase_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_target_dependency_section. - def enterPbx_target_dependency_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_target_dependency_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_target_dependency_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_target_dependency_section. - def exitPbx_target_dependency_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_target_dependency_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_target_dependency_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_variant_group_section. - def enterPbx_variant_group_section(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_variant_group_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_variant_group_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_variant_group_section. - def exitPbx_variant_group_section(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_variant_group_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_variant_group_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_build_configuration_section. - def enterXc_build_configuration_section(self, ctx): + def enterXc_build_configuration_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_build_configuration_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_build_configuration_section. - def exitXc_build_configuration_section(self, ctx): + def exitXc_build_configuration_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_build_configuration_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_configuration_list_section. - def enterXc_configuration_list_section(self, ctx): + def enterXc_configuration_list_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_configuration_list_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_configuration_list_section. - def exitXc_configuration_list_section(self, ctx): + def exitXc_configuration_list_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_configuration_list_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_remote_swift_package_reference_section. - def enterXc_remote_swift_package_reference_section(self, ctx): + def enterXc_remote_swift_package_reference_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_remote_swift_package_reference_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_remote_swift_package_reference_section. - def exitXc_remote_swift_package_reference_section(self, ctx): + def exitXc_remote_swift_package_reference_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_remote_swift_package_reference_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_swift_package_product_dependency_section. - def enterXc_swift_package_product_dependency_section(self, ctx): + def enterXc_swift_package_product_dependency_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_swift_package_product_dependency_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_swift_package_product_dependency_section. - def exitXc_swift_package_product_dependency_section(self, ctx): + def exitXc_swift_package_product_dependency_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_swift_package_product_dependency_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_version_group_section. - def enterXc_version_group_section(self, ctx): + def enterXc_version_group_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_version_group_sectionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_version_group_section. - def exitXc_version_group_section(self, ctx): + def exitXc_version_group_section(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_version_group_sectionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_aggregate_target. - def enterPbx_aggregate_target(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_aggregate_target(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_aggregate_targetContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_aggregate_target. - def exitPbx_aggregate_target(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_aggregate_target(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_aggregate_targetContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_build_file. - def enterPbx_build_file(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_build_file(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_build_fileContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_build_file. - def exitPbx_build_file(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_build_file(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_build_fileContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_container_item_proxy. - def enterPbx_container_item_proxy(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_container_item_proxy(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_container_item_proxyContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_container_item_proxy. - def exitPbx_container_item_proxy(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_container_item_proxy(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_container_item_proxyContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_copy_files_build_phase. - def enterPbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_copy_files_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_copy_files_build_phase. - def exitPbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_copy_files_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_file_reference. - def enterPbx_file_reference(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_file_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_file_referenceContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_file_reference. - def exitPbx_file_reference(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_file_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_file_referenceContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_frameworks_build_phase. - def enterPbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_frameworks_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_frameworks_build_phase. - def exitPbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_frameworks_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_group. - def enterPbx_group(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_groupContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_group. - def exitPbx_group(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_groupContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_headers_build_phase. - def enterPbx_headers_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_headers_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_headers_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_headers_build_phase. - def exitPbx_headers_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_headers_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_headers_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_native_target. - def enterPbx_native_target(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_native_target(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_native_targetContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_native_target. - def exitPbx_native_target(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_native_target(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_native_targetContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_project. - def enterPbx_project(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_project(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_projectContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_project. - def exitPbx_project(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_project(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_projectContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_reference_proxy. - def enterPbx_reference_proxy(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_reference_proxy(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_reference_proxyContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_reference_proxy. - def exitPbx_reference_proxy(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_reference_proxy(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_reference_proxyContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_resources_build_phase. - def enterPbx_resources_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_resources_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_resources_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_resources_build_phase. - def exitPbx_resources_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_resources_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_resources_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_shell_script_build_phase. - def enterPbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_shell_script_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_shell_script_build_phase. - def exitPbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_shell_script_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_sources_build_phase. - def enterPbx_sources_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_sources_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_sources_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_sources_build_phase. - def exitPbx_sources_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_sources_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_sources_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_target_dependency. - def enterPbx_target_dependency(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_target_dependency(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_target_dependencyContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_target_dependency. - def exitPbx_target_dependency(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_target_dependency(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_target_dependencyContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_variant_group. - def enterPbx_variant_group(self, ctx): + def enterPbx_variant_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_variant_groupContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#pbx_variant_group. - def exitPbx_variant_group(self, ctx): + def exitPbx_variant_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Pbx_variant_groupContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_build_configuration. - def enterXc_build_configuration(self, ctx): + def enterXc_build_configuration(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_build_configurationContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_build_configuration. - def exitXc_build_configuration(self, ctx): + def exitXc_build_configuration(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_build_configurationContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_configuration_list. - def enterXc_configuration_list(self, ctx): + def enterXc_configuration_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_configuration_listContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_configuration_list. - def exitXc_configuration_list(self, ctx): + def exitXc_configuration_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_configuration_listContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_remote_swift_package_reference. - def enterXc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, ctx): + def enterXc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_remote_swift_package_referenceContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_remote_swift_package_reference. - def exitXc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, ctx): + def exitXc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_remote_swift_package_referenceContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_swift_package_product_dependency. - def enterXc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, ctx): + def enterXc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_swift_package_product_dependencyContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_swift_package_product_dependency. - def exitXc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, ctx): + def exitXc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_swift_package_product_dependencyContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_version_group. - def enterXc_version_group(self, ctx): + def enterXc_version_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_version_groupContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_version_group. - def exitXc_version_group(self, ctx): + def exitXc_version_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_version_groupContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_aggregate_target. - def enterIsa_pbx_aggregate_target(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_aggregate_target(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_aggregate_targetContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_aggregate_target. - def exitIsa_pbx_aggregate_target(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_aggregate_target(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_aggregate_targetContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_build_file. - def enterIsa_pbx_build_file(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_build_file(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_build_fileContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_build_file. - def exitIsa_pbx_build_file(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_build_file(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_build_fileContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_container_item_proxy. - def enterIsa_pbx_container_item_proxy(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_container_item_proxy(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_container_item_proxyContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_container_item_proxy. - def exitIsa_pbx_container_item_proxy(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_container_item_proxy(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_container_item_proxyContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase. - def enterIsa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_copy_files_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase. - def exitIsa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_copy_files_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_file_reference. - def enterIsa_pbx_file_reference(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_file_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_file_referenceContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_file_reference. - def exitIsa_pbx_file_reference(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_file_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_file_referenceContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase. - def enterIsa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_frameworks_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase. - def exitIsa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_frameworks_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_group. - def enterIsa_pbx_group(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_groupContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_group. - def exitIsa_pbx_group(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_groupContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_header_build_phase. - def enterIsa_pbx_header_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_header_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_header_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_header_build_phase. - def exitIsa_pbx_header_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_header_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_header_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_native_target. - def enterIsa_pbx_native_target(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_native_target(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_native_targetContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_native_target. - def exitIsa_pbx_native_target(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_native_target(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_native_targetContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_project. - def enterIsa_pbx_project(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_project(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_projectContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_project. - def exitIsa_pbx_project(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_project(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_projectContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_reference_proxy. - def enterIsa_pbx_reference_proxy(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_reference_proxy(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_reference_proxyContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_reference_proxy. - def exitIsa_pbx_reference_proxy(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_reference_proxy(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_reference_proxyContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_resources_build_phase. - def enterIsa_pbx_resources_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_resources_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_resources_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_resources_build_phase. - def exitIsa_pbx_resources_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_resources_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_resources_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase. - def enterIsa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_shell_script_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase. - def exitIsa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_shell_script_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_sources_build_phase. - def enterIsa_pbx_sources_build_phase(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_sources_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_sources_build_phaseContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_sources_build_phase. - def exitIsa_pbx_sources_build_phase(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_sources_build_phase(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_sources_build_phaseContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_target_dependency. - def enterIsa_pbx_target_dependency(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_target_dependency(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_target_dependencyContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_target_dependency. - def exitIsa_pbx_target_dependency(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_target_dependency(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_target_dependencyContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_variant_group. - def enterIsa_pbx_variant_group(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_pbx_variant_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_variant_groupContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_pbx_variant_group. - def exitIsa_pbx_variant_group(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_pbx_variant_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_variant_groupContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_xc_build_configuration. - def enterIsa_xc_build_configuration(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_xc_build_configuration(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_build_configurationContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_xc_build_configuration. - def exitIsa_xc_build_configuration(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_xc_build_configuration(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_build_configurationContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_xc_configuration_list. - def enterIsa_xc_configuration_list(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_xc_configuration_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_configuration_listContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_xc_configuration_list. - def exitIsa_xc_configuration_list(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_xc_configuration_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_configuration_listContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference. - def enterIsa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_remote_swift_package_referenceContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference. - def exitIsa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_remote_swift_package_referenceContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency. - def enterIsa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_swift_package_product_dependencyContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency. - def exitIsa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_swift_package_product_dependencyContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_xc_version_group. - def enterIsa_xc_version_group(self, ctx): + def enterIsa_xc_version_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_version_groupContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#isa_xc_version_group. - def exitIsa_xc_version_group(self, ctx): + def exitIsa_xc_version_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_version_groupContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#file_ref. - def enterFile_ref(self, ctx): + def enterFile_ref(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.File_refContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#file_ref. - def exitFile_ref(self, ctx): + def exitFile_ref(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.File_refContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#container_portal. - def enterContainer_portal(self, ctx): + def enterContainer_portal(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Container_portalContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#container_portal. - def exitContainer_portal(self, ctx): + def exitContainer_portal(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Container_portalContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#proxy_type. - def enterProxy_type(self, ctx): + def enterProxy_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Proxy_typeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#proxy_type. - def exitProxy_type(self, ctx): + def exitProxy_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Proxy_typeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#remote_global_id_string. - def enterRemote_global_id_string(self, ctx): + def enterRemote_global_id_string(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Remote_global_id_stringContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#remote_global_id_string. - def exitRemote_global_id_string(self, ctx): + def exitRemote_global_id_string(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Remote_global_id_stringContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#remote_info. - def enterRemote_info(self, ctx): + def enterRemote_info(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Remote_infoContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#remote_info. - def exitRemote_info(self, ctx): + def exitRemote_info(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Remote_infoContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#file_encoding. - def enterFile_encoding(self, ctx): + def enterFile_encoding(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.File_encodingContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#file_encoding. - def exitFile_encoding(self, ctx): + def exitFile_encoding(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.File_encodingContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#explicit_file_type. - def enterExplicit_file_type(self, ctx): + def enterExplicit_file_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Explicit_file_typeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#explicit_file_type. - def exitExplicit_file_type(self, ctx): + def exitExplicit_file_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Explicit_file_typeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#last_known_file_type. - def enterLast_known_file_type(self, ctx): + def enterLast_known_file_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Last_known_file_typeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#last_known_file_type. - def exitLast_known_file_type(self, ctx): + def exitLast_known_file_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Last_known_file_typeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#include_in_index. - def enterInclude_in_index(self, ctx): + def enterInclude_in_index(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Include_in_indexContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#include_in_index. - def exitInclude_in_index(self, ctx): + def exitInclude_in_index(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Include_in_indexContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#indent_width. - def enterIndent_width(self, ctx): + def enterIndent_width(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Indent_widthContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#indent_width. - def exitIndent_width(self, ctx): + def exitIndent_width(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Indent_widthContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#tab_width. - def enterTab_width(self, ctx): + def enterTab_width(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Tab_widthContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#tab_width. - def exitTab_width(self, ctx): + def exitTab_width(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Tab_widthContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#uses_tabs. - def enterUses_tabs(self, ctx): + def enterUses_tabs(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Uses_tabsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#uses_tabs. - def exitUses_tabs(self, ctx): + def exitUses_tabs(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Uses_tabsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#children. - def enterChildren(self, ctx): + def enterChildren(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.ChildrenContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#children. - def exitChildren(self, ctx): + def exitChildren(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.ChildrenContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#product_install_path. - def enterProduct_install_path(self, ctx): + def enterProduct_install_path(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Product_install_pathContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#product_install_path. - def exitProduct_install_path(self, ctx): + def exitProduct_install_path(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Product_install_pathContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#repository_url. - def enterRepository_url(self, ctx): + def enterRepository_url(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Repository_urlContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#repository_url. - def exitRepository_url(self, ctx): + def exitRepository_url(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Repository_urlContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#requirement. - def enterRequirement(self, ctx): + def enterRequirement(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.RequirementContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#requirement. - def exitRequirement(self, ctx): + def exitRequirement(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.RequirementContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_package. - def enterXc_package(self, ctx): + def enterXc_package(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_packageContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_package. - def exitXc_package(self, ctx): + def exitXc_package(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_packageContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#package_product_dependencies. - def enterPackage_product_dependencies(self, ctx): + def enterPackage_product_dependencies(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Package_product_dependenciesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#package_product_dependencies. - def exitPackage_product_dependencies(self, ctx): + def exitPackage_product_dependencies(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Package_product_dependenciesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#name. - def enterName(self, ctx): + def enterName(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.NameContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#name. - def exitName(self, ctx): + def exitName(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.NameContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#path. - def enterPath(self, ctx): + def enterPath(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.PathContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#path. - def exitPath(self, ctx): + def exitPath(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.PathContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#source_tree. - def enterSource_tree(self, ctx): + def enterSource_tree(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Source_treeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#source_tree. - def exitSource_tree(self, ctx): + def exitSource_tree(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Source_treeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_action_mask. - def enterBuild_action_mask(self, ctx): + def enterBuild_action_mask(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_action_maskContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_action_mask. - def exitBuild_action_mask(self, ctx): + def exitBuild_action_mask(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_action_maskContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#files. - def enterFiles(self, ctx): + def enterFiles(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.FilesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#files. - def exitFiles(self, ctx): + def exitFiles(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.FilesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing. - def enterRun_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self, ctx): + def enterRun_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Run_only_for_deployment_postprocessingContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing. - def exitRun_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self, ctx): + def exitRun_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Run_only_for_deployment_postprocessingContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#reference_list. - def enterReference_list(self, ctx): + def enterReference_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Reference_listContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#reference_list. - def exitReference_list(self, ctx): + def exitReference_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Reference_listContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#any_string_list. - def enterAny_string_list(self, ctx): + def enterAny_string_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Any_string_listContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#any_string_list. - def exitAny_string_list(self, ctx): + def exitAny_string_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Any_string_listContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#non_quoted_strings_list. - def enterNon_quoted_strings_list(self, ctx): + def enterNon_quoted_strings_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Non_quoted_strings_listContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#non_quoted_strings_list. - def exitNon_quoted_strings_list(self, ctx): + def exitNon_quoted_strings_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Non_quoted_strings_listContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_configuration_list. - def enterBuild_configuration_list(self, ctx): + def enterBuild_configuration_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_configuration_listContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_configuration_list. - def exitBuild_configuration_list(self, ctx): + def exitBuild_configuration_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_configuration_listContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_phases. - def enterBuild_phases(self, ctx): + def enterBuild_phases(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_phasesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_phases. - def exitBuild_phases(self, ctx): + def exitBuild_phases(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_phasesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_rules. - def enterBuild_rules(self, ctx): + def enterBuild_rules(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_rulesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_rules. - def exitBuild_rules(self, ctx): + def exitBuild_rules(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_rulesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#dependencies. - def enterDependencies(self, ctx): + def enterDependencies(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.DependenciesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#dependencies. - def exitDependencies(self, ctx): + def exitDependencies(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.DependenciesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#product_name. - def enterProduct_name(self, ctx): + def enterProduct_name(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Product_nameContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#product_name. - def exitProduct_name(self, ctx): + def exitProduct_name(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Product_nameContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#product_reference. - def enterProduct_reference(self, ctx): + def enterProduct_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Product_referenceContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#product_reference. - def exitProduct_reference(self, ctx): + def exitProduct_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Product_referenceContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#product_type. - def enterProduct_type(self, ctx): + def enterProduct_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Product_typeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#product_type. - def exitProduct_type(self, ctx): + def exitProduct_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Product_typeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#line_ending. - def enterLine_ending(self, ctx): + def enterLine_ending(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Line_endingContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#line_ending. - def exitLine_ending(self, ctx): + def exitLine_ending(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Line_endingContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_language_specification_identifier. - def enterXc_language_specification_identifier(self, ctx): + def enterXc_language_specification_identifier(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_language_specification_identifierContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#xc_language_specification_identifier. - def exitXc_language_specification_identifier(self, ctx): + def exitXc_language_specification_identifier(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Xc_language_specification_identifierContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#plist_structure_definition_identifier. - def enterPlist_structure_definition_identifier(self, ctx): + def enterPlist_structure_definition_identifier(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Plist_structure_definition_identifierContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#plist_structure_definition_identifier. - def exitPlist_structure_definition_identifier(self, ctx): + def exitPlist_structure_definition_identifier(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Plist_structure_definition_identifierContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#attributes. - def enterAttributes(self, ctx): + def enterAttributes(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.AttributesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#attributes. - def exitAttributes(self, ctx): + def exitAttributes(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.AttributesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#last_swift_migration. - def enterLast_swift_migration(self, ctx): + def enterLast_swift_migration(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Last_swift_migrationContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#last_swift_migration. - def exitLast_swift_migration(self, ctx): + def exitLast_swift_migration(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Last_swift_migrationContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#default_build_system_type_for_workspace. - def enterDefault_build_system_type_for_workspace(self, ctx): + def enterDefault_build_system_type_for_workspace(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Default_build_system_type_for_workspaceContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#default_build_system_type_for_workspace. - def exitDefault_build_system_type_for_workspace(self, ctx): + def exitDefault_build_system_type_for_workspace(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Default_build_system_type_for_workspaceContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#last_swift_update_check. - def enterLast_swift_update_check(self, ctx): + def enterLast_swift_update_check(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Last_swift_update_checkContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#last_swift_update_check. - def exitLast_swift_update_check(self, ctx): + def exitLast_swift_update_check(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Last_swift_update_checkContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_targets_in_parallel. - def enterBuild_targets_in_parallel(self, ctx): + def enterBuild_targets_in_parallel(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_targets_in_parallelContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_targets_in_parallel. - def exitBuild_targets_in_parallel(self, ctx): + def exitBuild_targets_in_parallel(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_targets_in_parallelContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#last_upgrade_check. - def enterLast_upgrade_check(self, ctx): + def enterLast_upgrade_check(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Last_upgrade_checkContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#last_upgrade_check. - def exitLast_upgrade_check(self, ctx): + def exitLast_upgrade_check(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Last_upgrade_checkContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#last_testing_upgrade_check. - def enterLast_testing_upgrade_check(self, ctx): + def enterLast_testing_upgrade_check(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Last_testing_upgrade_checkContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#last_testing_upgrade_check. - def exitLast_testing_upgrade_check(self, ctx): + def exitLast_testing_upgrade_check(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Last_testing_upgrade_checkContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#organization_name. - def enterOrganization_name(self, ctx): + def enterOrganization_name(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Organization_nameContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#organization_name. - def exitOrganization_name(self, ctx): + def exitOrganization_name(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Organization_nameContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#target_attributes. - def enterTarget_attributes(self, ctx): + def enterTarget_attributes(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Target_attributesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#target_attributes. - def exitTarget_attributes(self, ctx): + def exitTarget_attributes(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Target_attributesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#target_attribute. - def enterTarget_attribute(self, ctx): + def enterTarget_attribute(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Target_attributeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#target_attribute. - def exitTarget_attribute(self, ctx): + def exitTarget_attribute(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Target_attributeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#created_on_tools_version. - def enterCreated_on_tools_version(self, ctx): + def enterCreated_on_tools_version(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Created_on_tools_versionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#created_on_tools_version. - def exitCreated_on_tools_version(self, ctx): + def exitCreated_on_tools_version(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Created_on_tools_versionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#test_target_id. - def enterTest_target_id(self, ctx): + def enterTest_target_id(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Test_target_idContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#test_target_id. - def exitTest_target_id(self, ctx): + def exitTest_target_id(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Test_target_idContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#development_team. - def enterDevelopment_team(self, ctx): + def enterDevelopment_team(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Development_teamContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#development_team. - def exitDevelopment_team(self, ctx): + def exitDevelopment_team(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Development_teamContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#provisioning_style. - def enterProvisioning_style(self, ctx): + def enterProvisioning_style(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Provisioning_styleContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#provisioning_style. - def exitProvisioning_style(self, ctx): + def exitProvisioning_style(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Provisioning_styleContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#compatibility_version. - def enterCompatibility_version(self, ctx): + def enterCompatibility_version(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Compatibility_versionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#compatibility_version. - def exitCompatibility_version(self, ctx): + def exitCompatibility_version(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Compatibility_versionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#development_region. - def enterDevelopment_region(self, ctx): + def enterDevelopment_region(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Development_regionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#development_region. - def exitDevelopment_region(self, ctx): + def exitDevelopment_region(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Development_regionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#has_scanned_for_encodings. - def enterHas_scanned_for_encodings(self, ctx): + def enterHas_scanned_for_encodings(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Has_scanned_for_encodingsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#has_scanned_for_encodings. - def exitHas_scanned_for_encodings(self, ctx): + def exitHas_scanned_for_encodings(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Has_scanned_for_encodingsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#known_regions. - def enterKnown_regions(self, ctx): + def enterKnown_regions(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Known_regionsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#known_regions. - def exitKnown_regions(self, ctx): + def exitKnown_regions(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Known_regionsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#main_group. - def enterMain_group(self, ctx): + def enterMain_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Main_groupContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#main_group. - def exitMain_group(self, ctx): + def exitMain_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Main_groupContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#product_ref_group. - def enterProduct_ref_group(self, ctx): + def enterProduct_ref_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Product_ref_groupContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#product_ref_group. - def exitProduct_ref_group(self, ctx): + def exitProduct_ref_group(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Product_ref_groupContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#package_references. - def enterPackage_references(self, ctx): + def enterPackage_references(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Package_referencesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#package_references. - def exitPackage_references(self, ctx): + def exitPackage_references(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Package_referencesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#project_dir_path. - def enterProject_dir_path(self, ctx): + def enterProject_dir_path(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Project_dir_pathContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#project_dir_path. - def exitProject_dir_path(self, ctx): + def exitProject_dir_path(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Project_dir_pathContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#project_references. - def enterProject_references(self, ctx): + def enterProject_references(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Project_referencesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#project_references. - def exitProject_references(self, ctx): + def exitProject_references(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Project_referencesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#project_root. - def enterProject_root(self, ctx): + def enterProject_root(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Project_rootContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#project_root. - def exitProject_root(self, ctx): + def exitProject_root(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Project_rootContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#targets. - def enterTargets(self, ctx): + def enterTargets(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.TargetsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#targets. - def exitTargets(self, ctx): + def exitTargets(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.TargetsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#input_file_list_paths. - def enterInput_file_list_paths(self, ctx): + def enterInput_file_list_paths(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Input_file_list_pathsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#input_file_list_paths. - def exitInput_file_list_paths(self, ctx): + def exitInput_file_list_paths(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Input_file_list_pathsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#input_paths. - def enterInput_paths(self, ctx): + def enterInput_paths(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Input_pathsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#input_paths. - def exitInput_paths(self, ctx): + def exitInput_paths(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Input_pathsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#output_file_list_paths. - def enterOutput_file_list_paths(self, ctx): + def enterOutput_file_list_paths(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Output_file_list_pathsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#output_file_list_paths. - def exitOutput_file_list_paths(self, ctx): + def exitOutput_file_list_paths(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Output_file_list_pathsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#output_paths. - def enterOutput_paths(self, ctx): + def enterOutput_paths(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Output_pathsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#output_paths. - def exitOutput_paths(self, ctx): + def exitOutput_paths(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Output_pathsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#shell_path. - def enterShell_path(self, ctx): + def enterShell_path(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Shell_pathContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#shell_path. - def exitShell_path(self, ctx): + def exitShell_path(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Shell_pathContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#shell_script. - def enterShell_script(self, ctx): + def enterShell_script(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Shell_scriptContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#shell_script. - def exitShell_script(self, ctx): + def exitShell_script(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Shell_scriptContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#show_env_vars_in_log. - def enterShow_env_vars_in_log(self, ctx): + def enterShow_env_vars_in_log(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Show_env_vars_in_logContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#show_env_vars_in_log. - def exitShow_env_vars_in_log(self, ctx): + def exitShow_env_vars_in_log(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Show_env_vars_in_logContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#target. - def enterTarget(self, ctx): + def enterTarget(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.TargetContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#target. - def exitTarget(self, ctx): + def exitTarget(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.TargetContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#target_proxy. - def enterTarget_proxy(self, ctx): + def enterTarget_proxy(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Target_proxyContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#target_proxy. - def exitTarget_proxy(self, ctx): + def exitTarget_proxy(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Target_proxyContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#file_type. - def enterFile_type(self, ctx): + def enterFile_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.File_typeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#file_type. - def exitFile_type(self, ctx): + def exitFile_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.File_typeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#remote_ref. - def enterRemote_ref(self, ctx): + def enterRemote_ref(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Remote_refContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#remote_ref. - def exitRemote_ref(self, ctx): + def exitRemote_ref(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Remote_refContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#base_configuration_reference. - def enterBase_configuration_reference(self, ctx): + def enterBase_configuration_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Base_configuration_referenceContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#base_configuration_reference. - def exitBase_configuration_reference(self, ctx): + def exitBase_configuration_reference(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Base_configuration_referenceContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_settings. - def enterBuild_settings(self, ctx): + def enterBuild_settings(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_settingsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_settings. - def exitBuild_settings(self, ctx): + def exitBuild_settings(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_settingsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#dst_path. - def enterDst_path(self, ctx): + def enterDst_path(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Dst_pathContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#dst_path. - def exitDst_path(self, ctx): + def exitDst_path(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Dst_pathContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#dst_subfolder_spec. - def enterDst_subfolder_spec(self, ctx): + def enterDst_subfolder_spec(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Dst_subfolder_specContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#dst_subfolder_spec. - def exitDst_subfolder_spec(self, ctx): + def exitDst_subfolder_spec(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Dst_subfolder_specContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#project_references_list. - def enterProject_references_list(self, ctx): + def enterProject_references_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Project_references_listContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#project_references_list. - def exitProject_references_list(self, ctx): + def exitProject_references_list(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Project_references_listContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#project_references_list_element. - def enterProject_references_list_element(self, ctx): + def enterProject_references_list_element(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Project_references_list_elementContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#project_references_list_element. - def exitProject_references_list_element(self, ctx): + def exitProject_references_list_element(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Project_references_list_elementContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#key_value. - def enterKey_value(self, ctx): + def enterKey_value(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Key_valueContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#key_value. - def exitKey_value(self, ctx): + def exitKey_value(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Key_valueContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_configurations. - def enterBuild_configurations(self, ctx): + def enterBuild_configurations(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_configurationsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#build_configurations. - def exitBuild_configurations(self, ctx): + def exitBuild_configurations(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Build_configurationsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#default_configuration_is_visible. - def enterDefault_configuration_is_visible(self, ctx): + def enterDefault_configuration_is_visible(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Default_configuration_is_visibleContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#default_configuration_is_visible. - def exitDefault_configuration_is_visible(self, ctx): + def exitDefault_configuration_is_visible(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Default_configuration_is_visibleContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#default_configuration_name. - def enterDefault_configuration_name(self, ctx): + def enterDefault_configuration_name(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Default_configuration_nameContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#default_configuration_name. - def exitDefault_configuration_name(self, ctx): + def exitDefault_configuration_name(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Default_configuration_nameContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#settings. - def enterSettings(self, ctx): + def enterSettings(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.SettingsContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#settings. - def exitSettings(self, ctx): + def exitSettings(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.SettingsContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#system_capabilities. - def enterSystem_capabilities(self, ctx): + def enterSystem_capabilities(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.System_capabilitiesContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#system_capabilities. - def exitSystem_capabilities(self, ctx): + def exitSystem_capabilities(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.System_capabilitiesContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#current_version. - def enterCurrent_version(self, ctx): + def enterCurrent_version(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Current_versionContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#current_version. - def exitCurrent_version(self, ctx): + def exitCurrent_version(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Current_versionContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#version_group_type. - def enterVersion_group_type(self, ctx): + def enterVersion_group_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Version_group_typeContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#version_group_type. - def exitVersion_group_type(self, ctx): + def exitVersion_group_type(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Version_group_typeContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#class_prefix. - def enterClass_prefix(self, ctx): + def enterClass_prefix(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Class_prefixContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#class_prefix. - def exitClass_prefix(self, ctx): + def exitClass_prefix(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Class_prefixContext): pass # Enter a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#any_string. - def enterAny_string(self, ctx): + def enterAny_string(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Any_stringContext): pass # Exit a parse tree produced by PBXProjParser#any_string. - def exitAny_string(self, ctx): + def exitAny_string(self, ctx:PBXProjParser.Any_stringContext): pass + +del PBXProjParser \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/kin/grammar/PBXProjParser.py b/kin/grammar/PBXProjParser.py index e10cc21..06d759a 100644 --- a/kin/grammar/PBXProjParser.py +++ b/kin/grammar/PBXProjParser.py @@ -1,728 +1,723 @@ -# Generated from PBXProj.g4 by ANTLR 4.6 +# Generated from kin/grammar/PBXProj.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.2 # encoding: utf-8 -from __future__ import print_function from antlr4 import * from io import StringIO +import sys +if sys.version_info[1] > 5: + from typing import TextIO +else: + from typing.io import TextIO + def serializedATN(): with StringIO() as buf: - buf.write(u"\3\u0430\ud6d1\u8206\uad2d\u4417\uaef1\u8d80\uaadd\3") - buf.write(u"\u0086\u05fb\4\2\t\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6") - buf.write(u"\4\7\t\7\4\b\t\b\4\t\t\t\4\n\t\n\4\13\t\13\4\f\t\f\4") - buf.write(u"\r\t\r\4\16\t\16\4\17\t\17\4\20\t\20\4\21\t\21\4\22\t") - buf.write(u"\22\4\23\t\23\4\24\t\24\4\25\t\25\4\26\t\26\4\27\t\27") - buf.write(u"\4\30\t\30\4\31\t\31\4\32\t\32\4\33\t\33\4\34\t\34\4") - buf.write(u"\35\t\35\4\36\t\36\4\37\t\37\4 \t \4!\t!\4\"\t\"\4#\t") - buf.write(u"#\4$\t$\4%\t%\4&\t&\4\'\t\'\4(\t(\4)\t)\4*\t*\4+\t+\4") - buf.write(u",\t,\4-\t-\4.\t.\4/\t/\4\60\t\60\4\61\t\61\4\62\t\62") - buf.write(u"\4\63\t\63\4\64\t\64\4\65\t\65\4\66\t\66\4\67\t\67\4") - buf.write(u"8\t8\49\t9\4:\t:\4;\t;\4<\t<\4=\t=\4>\t>\4?\t?\4@\t@") - buf.write(u"\4A\tA\4B\tB\4C\tC\4D\tD\4E\tE\4F\tF\4G\tG\4H\tH\4I\t") - buf.write(u"I\4J\tJ\4K\tK\4L\tL\4M\tM\4N\tN\4O\tO\4P\tP\4Q\tQ\4R") - buf.write(u"\tR\4S\tS\4T\tT\4U\tU\4V\tV\4W\tW\4X\tX\4Y\tY\4Z\tZ\4") - buf.write(u"[\t[\4\\\t\\\4]\t]\4^\t^\4_\t_\4`\t`\4a\ta\4b\tb\4c\t") - buf.write(u"c\4d\td\4e\te\4f\tf\4g\tg\4h\th\4i\ti\4j\tj\4k\tk\4l") - buf.write(u"\tl\4m\tm\4n\tn\4o\to\4p\tp\4q\tq\4r\tr\4s\ts\4t\tt\4") - buf.write(u"u\tu\4v\tv\4w\tw\4x\tx\4y\ty\4z\tz\4{\t{\4|\t|\4}\t}") - buf.write(u"\4~\t~\4\177\t\177\4\u0080\t\u0080\4\u0081\t\u0081\4") - buf.write(u"\u0082\t\u0082\4\u0083\t\u0083\4\u0084\t\u0084\4\u0085") - buf.write(u"\t\u0085\4\u0086\t\u0086\4\u0087\t\u0087\4\u0088\t\u0088") - buf.write(u"\4\u0089\t\u0089\4\u008a\t\u008a\4\u008b\t\u008b\4\u008c") - buf.write(u"\t\u008c\4\u008d\t\u008d\4\u008e\t\u008e\4\u008f\t\u008f") - buf.write(u"\4\u0090\t\u0090\4\u0091\t\u0091\4\u0092\t\u0092\4\u0093") - buf.write(u"\t\u0093\4\u0094\t\u0094\4\u0095\t\u0095\4\u0096\t\u0096") - buf.write(u"\4\u0097\t\u0097\4\u0098\t\u0098\4\u0099\t\u0099\4\u009a") - buf.write(u"\t\u009a\4\u009b\t\u009b\4\u009c\t\u009c\4\u009d\t\u009d") - buf.write(u"\4\u009e\t\u009e\4\u009f\t\u009f\4\u00a0\t\u00a0\3\2") - buf.write(u"\3\2\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4") - buf.write(u"\3\4\3\5\3\5\3\5\3\5\3\5\3\5\3\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\3\7") - buf.write(u"\3\7\3\7\3\7\5\7\u015f\n\7\3\7\3\7\5\7\u0163\n\7\3\7") - buf.write(u"\5\7\u0166\n\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\5\7\u016c\n\7\3\7\5\7") - buf.write(u"\u016f\n\7\3\7\3\7\5\7\u0173\n\7\3\7\5\7\u0176\n\7\3") - buf.write(u"\7\5\7\u0179\n\7\3\7\3\7\5\7\u017d\n\7\3\7\5\7\u0180") - buf.write(u"\n\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\5\7\u0185\n\7\3\7\5\7\u0188\n\7\3\7") - buf.write(u"\5\7\u018b\n\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\b\3\b\3\b\3\b\3\b\3\t\6") - buf.write(u"\t\u0196\n\t\r\t\16\t\u0197\3\n\6\n\u019b\n\n\r\n\16") - buf.write(u"\n\u019c\3\13\6\13\u01a0\n\13\r\13\16\13\u01a1\3\f\6") - buf.write(u"\f\u01a5\n\f\r\f\16\f\u01a6\3\r\6\r\u01aa\n\r\r\r\16") - buf.write(u"\r\u01ab\3\16\6\16\u01af\n\16\r\16\16\16\u01b0\3\17\6") - buf.write(u"\17\u01b4\n\17\r\17\16\17\u01b5\3\20\6\20\u01b9\n\20") - buf.write(u"\r\20\16\20\u01ba\3\21\6\21\u01be\n\21\r\21\16\21\u01bf") - buf.write(u"\3\22\6\22\u01c3\n\22\r\22\16\22\u01c4\3\23\6\23\u01c8") - buf.write(u"\n\23\r\23\16\23\u01c9\3\24\6\24\u01cd\n\24\r\24\16\24") - buf.write(u"\u01ce\3\25\6\25\u01d2\n\25\r\25\16\25\u01d3\3\26\6\26") - buf.write(u"\u01d7\n\26\r\26\16\26\u01d8\3\27\6\27\u01dc\n\27\r\27") - buf.write(u"\16\27\u01dd\3\30\6\30\u01e1\n\30\r\30\16\30\u01e2\3") - buf.write(u"\31\6\31\u01e6\n\31\r\31\16\31\u01e7\3\32\6\32\u01eb") - buf.write(u"\n\32\r\32\16\32\u01ec\3\33\6\33\u01f0\n\33\r\33\16\33") - buf.write(u"\u01f1\3\34\6\34\u01f5\n\34\r\34\16\34\u01f6\3\35\6\35") - buf.write(u"\u01fa\n\35\r\35\16\35\u01fb\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36") - buf.write(u"\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\37\3\37\3\37\3") - buf.write(u"\37\3\37\3\37\5\37\u0210\n\37\3\37\3\37\3\37\3 \3 \3") - buf.write(u" \3 \3 \3 \3 \3 \3 \3 \3 \3!\3!\3!\3!\3!\3!\3!\3!\3!") - buf.write(u"\5!\u0229\n!\3!\3!\3!\3!\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\5\"\u0234") - buf.write(u"\n\"\3\"\5\"\u0237\n\"\3\"\5\"\u023a\n\"\3\"\5\"\u023d") - buf.write(u"\n\"\3\"\5\"\u0240\n\"\3\"\5\"\u0243\n\"\3\"\5\"\u0246") - buf.write(u"\n\"\3\"\5\"\u0249\n\"\3\"\5\"\u024c\n\"\3\"\5\"\u024f") - buf.write(u"\n\"\3\"\5\"\u0252\n\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3#\3#\3#\3#\3#\3#") - buf.write(u"\3#\3#\3#\3#\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\5$\u0267\n$\3$\5$\u026a") - buf.write(u"\n$\3$\5$\u026d\n$\3$\3$\5$\u0271\n$\3$\5$\u0274\n$\3") - buf.write(u"$\3$\3$\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3&\3&\3&\3&\3&") - buf.write(u"\3&\3&\3&\3&\3&\5&\u028d\n&\3&\5&\u0290\n&\3&\3&\3&\3") - buf.write(u"&\3&\3&\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3") - buf.write(u"\'\5\'\u02a4\n\'\3\'\5\'\u02a7\n\'\3\'\3\'\5\'\u02ab") - buf.write(u"\n\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3(\3(\3(\3(\3(\3(\3(\3(\3(\3") - buf.write(u"(\3(\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*") - buf.write(u"\3*\5*\u02ce\n*\3*\3*\5*\u02d2\n*\3*\5*\u02d5\n*\3*\3") - buf.write(u"*\3*\3*\3*\5*\u02dc\n*\3*\3*\3*\3+\3+\3+\3+\3+\3+\3+") - buf.write(u"\3+\3+\3+\3,\3,\3,\3,\3,\5,\u02f0\n,\3,\5,\u02f3\n,\3") - buf.write(u",\3,\3,\3,\3-\3-\3-\3-\3-\3-\3-\5-\u0300\n-\3-\3-\3-") - buf.write(u"\3-\3.\3.\3.\3.\3.\5.\u030b\n.\3.\3.\3.\3.\3.\3/\3/\3") - buf.write(u"/\3/\3/\3/\3/\5/\u0319\n/\3/\3/\3/\3\60\3\60\3\60\3\60") - buf.write(u"\3\60\3\60\3\60\3\60\3\60\3\61\3\61\3\61\3\61\3\61\3") - buf.write(u"\61\3\61\3\61\3\61\3\62\3\62\3\62\3\62\3\62\3\62\3\62") - buf.write(u"\3\62\3\62\3\62\3\62\3\62\3\63\3\63\3\63\3\63\3\63\3") - buf.write(u"\64\3\64\3\64\3\64\3\64\3\65\3\65\3\65\3\65\3\65\3\66") - buf.write(u"\3\66\3\66\3\66\3\66\3\67\3\67\3\67\3\67\3\67\38\38\3") - buf.write(u"8\38\38\39\39\39\39\39\3:\3:\3:\3:\3:\3;\3;\3;\3;\3;") - 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buf.write("\7\6\2\2\u0597\u0598\7\u0080\2\2\u0598\u0599\7\7\2\2\u0599") + buf.write("\u059a\7\4\2\2\u059a\u059b\78\2\2\u059b\u012b\3\2\2\2") + buf.write("\u059c\u059d\5\u013e\u00a0\2\u059d\u059e\7\6\2\2\u059e") + buf.write("\u059f\5\u013e\u00a0\2\u059f\u05a0\7\7\2\2\u05a0\u05c1") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u05a1\u05a2\5\u013e\u00a0\2\u05a2\u05a3\7\6\2") + buf.write("\2\u05a3\u05a4\7y\2\2\u05a4\u05a5\7\7\2\2\u05a5\u05c1") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u05a6\u05a7\5\u013e\u00a0\2\u05a7\u05a8\7\6\2") + buf.write("\2\u05a8\u05a9\7{\2\2\u05a9\u05aa\7\7\2\2\u05aa\u05c1") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u05ab\u05ac\5\u013e\u00a0\2\u05ac\u05ad\7\6\2") + buf.write("\2\u05ad\u05ae\7\3\2\2\u05ae\u05af\5\u012c\u0097\2\u05af") + buf.write("\u05b0\7\4\2\2\u05b0\u05b1\7\7\2\2\u05b1\u05c1\3\2\2\2") + buf.write("\u05b2\u05b3\5\u013e\u00a0\2\u05b3\u05b4\7\6\2\2\u05b4") + buf.write("\u05ba\7\67\2\2\u05b5\u05b6\5\u013e\u00a0\2\u05b6\u05b7") + buf.write("\78\2\2\u05b7\u05b9\3\2\2\2\u05b8\u05b5\3\2\2\2\u05b9") + 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buf.write("\u05d7\3\2\2\2\u05da\u05db\7\4\2\2\u05db\u05dc\7\7\2\2") + buf.write("\u05dc\u0135\3\2\2\2\u05dd\u05de\7q\2\2\u05de\u05df\7") + buf.write("\6\2\2\u05df\u05e3\7\3\2\2\u05e0\u05e2\5\u012c\u0097\2") + buf.write("\u05e1\u05e0\3\2\2\2\u05e2\u05e5\3\2\2\2\u05e3\u05e1\3") + buf.write("\2\2\2\u05e3\u05e4\3\2\2\2\u05e4\u05e6\3\2\2\2\u05e5\u05e3") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u05e6\u05e7\7\4\2\2\u05e7\u05e8\7\7\2\2\u05e8") + buf.write("\u0137\3\2\2\2\u05e9\u05ea\7r\2\2\u05ea\u05eb\7\6\2\2") + buf.write("\u05eb\u05ec\7\u0080\2\2\u05ec\u05ed\7\7\2\2\u05ed\u0139") + buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u05ee\u05ef\7s\2\2\u05ef\u05f0\7\6\2\2\u05f0") + buf.write("\u05f1\7\u0082\2\2\u05f1\u05f2\7\7\2\2\u05f2\u013b\3\2") + buf.write("\2\2\u05f3\u05f4\7t\2\2\u05f4\u05f5\7\6\2\2\u05f5\u05f6") + buf.write("\5\u013e\u00a0\2\u05f6\u05f7\7\7\2\2\u05f7\u013d\3\2\2") + buf.write("\2\u05f8\u05f9\t\3\2\2\u05f9\u013f\3\2\2\2a\u015e\u0162") + buf.write("\u0165\u016b\u016e\u0172\u0175\u0178\u017c\u017f\u0184") + buf.write("\u0187\u018a\u0197\u019c\u01a1\u01a6\u01ab\u01b0\u01b5") + buf.write("\u01ba\u01bf\u01c4\u01c9\u01ce\u01d3\u01d8\u01dd\u01e2") + buf.write("\u01e7\u01ec\u01f1\u01f6\u01fb\u020f\u0228\u0233\u0236") + buf.write("\u0239\u023c\u023f\u0242\u0245\u0248\u024b\u024e\u0251") + buf.write("\u0266\u0269\u026c\u0270\u0273\u028c\u028f\u02a3\u02a6") + buf.write("\u02aa\u02cd\u02d1\u02d4\u02db\u02ef\u02f2\u02ff\u030a") + buf.write("\u0318\u03ac\u03fa\u042d\u0438\u0442\u047d\u0480\u0483") + buf.write("\u0486\u0489\u048c\u048f\u0492\u0495\u04c3\u04cd\u04d0") + buf.write("\u04d3\u04d6\u04d9\u04dc\u04df\u052c\u057a\u058d\u05ba") + buf.write("\u05c0\u05d7\u05e3") return buf.getvalue() @@ -736,84 +731,82 @@ class PBXProjParser ( Parser ): sharedContextCache = PredictionContextCache() - literalNames = [ u"", u"'{'", u"'}'", u"'archiveVersion'", - u"'='", u"';'", u"'objectVersion'", u"'PBXAggregateTarget'", - u"'PBXBuildFile'", u"'PBXContainerItemProxy'", u"'PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase'", - 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u"'buildConfigurationList'", u"'buildPhases'", - u"'buildRules'", u"'dependencies'", u"'productName'", - u"'productReference'", u"'productType'", u"'lineEnding'", - u"'xcLanguageSpecificationIdentifier'", u"'plistStructureDefinitionIdentifier'", - u"'attributes'", u"'LastSwiftMigration'", u"'DefaultBuildSystemTypeForWorkspace'", - u"'LastSwiftUpdateCheck'", u"'BuildIndependentTargetsInParallel'", - u"'LastUpgradeCheck'", u"'LastTestingUpgradeCheck'", - u"'ORGANIZATIONNAME'", u"'TargetAttributes'", u"'CreatedOnToolsVersion'", - u"'TestTargetID'", u"'DevelopmentTeam'", u"'ProvisioningStyle'", - u"'compatibilityVersion'", u"'developmentRegion'", - u"'hasScannedForEncodings'", u"'knownRegions'", u"'mainGroup'", - u"'productRefGroup'", u"'packageReferences'", u"'projectDirPath'", - u"'projectReferences'", u"'projectRoot'", u"'targets'", - u"'inputFileListPaths'", u"'inputPaths'", u"'outputFileListPaths'", - u"'outputPaths'", u"'shellPath'", u"'shellScript'", - u"'showEnvVarsInLog'", u"'target'", u"'targetProxy'", - u"'fileType'", u"'remoteRef'", u"'baseConfigurationReference'", - u"'buildSettings'", u"'dstPath'", u"'dstSubfolderSpec'", - u"'ProductGroup'", u"'ProjectRef'", u"'buildConfigurations'", - u"'defaultConfigurationIsVisible'", u"'defaultConfigurationName'", - u"'settings'", u"'SystemCapabilities'", u"'currentVersion'", - u"'versionGroupType'", u"'CLASSPREFIX'", u"'classes'", - u"'isa'", u"'objects'", u"'rootObject'", u"", - u"'.'", u"", u"", u"'-'", u"'_'", - u"'/'" ] - - symbolicNames = [ u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"", - u"", u"", u"", u"CLASSES", - u"ISA", u"OBJECTS", u"ROOT_OBJECT", u"NUMBER", u"DOT", - u"ALPHA_NUMERIC", u"ALPHA_NUMERIC_CAP", u"DASH", u"UNDERSCORE", - u"SLASH", u"REFERENCE", u"QUOTED_STRING", u"NON_QUOTED_STRING", - u"VARIABLE", u"WS", u"COMMENT", u"LINE_COMMENT" ] + literalNames = [ "", "'{'", "'}'", "'archiveVersion'", "'='", + "';'", "'objectVersion'", "'PBXAggregateTarget'", "'PBXBuildFile'", + "'PBXContainerItemProxy'", "'PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase'", + "'PBXFileReference'", "'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase'", + "'PBXGroup'", "'PBXHeadersBuildPhase'", "'PBXNativeTarget'", + "'PBXProject'", "'PBXReferenceProxy'", "'PBXResourcesBuildPhase'", + "'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase'", "'PBXSourcesBuildPhase'", + "'PBXTargetDependency'", "'PBXVariantGroup'", "'XCBuildConfiguration'", + "'XCConfigurationList'", "'XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference'", + 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"'ORGANIZATIONNAME'", "'TargetAttributes'", "'CreatedOnToolsVersion'", + "'TestTargetID'", "'DevelopmentTeam'", "'ProvisioningStyle'", + "'compatibilityVersion'", "'developmentRegion'", "'hasScannedForEncodings'", + "'knownRegions'", "'mainGroup'", "'productRefGroup'", + "'packageReferences'", "'projectDirPath'", "'projectReferences'", + "'projectRoot'", "'targets'", "'inputFileListPaths'", + "'inputPaths'", "'outputFileListPaths'", "'outputPaths'", + "'shellPath'", "'shellScript'", "'showEnvVarsInLog'", + "'target'", "'targetProxy'", "'fileType'", "'remoteRef'", + "'baseConfigurationReference'", "'buildSettings'", + "'dstPath'", "'dstSubfolderSpec'", "'ProductGroup'", + "'ProjectRef'", "'buildConfigurations'", "'defaultConfigurationIsVisible'", + "'defaultConfigurationName'", "'settings'", "'SystemCapabilities'", + "'currentVersion'", "'versionGroupType'", "'CLASSPREFIX'", + "'classes'", "'isa'", "'objects'", "'rootObject'", + "", "'.'", "", "", "'-'", + "'_'", "'/'" ] + + 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u"pbx_native_target", u"pbx_project", u"pbx_reference_proxy", - u"pbx_resources_build_phase", u"pbx_shell_script_build_phase", - u"pbx_sources_build_phase", u"pbx_target_dependency", - u"pbx_variant_group", u"xc_build_configuration", u"xc_configuration_list", - u"xc_remote_swift_package_reference", u"xc_swift_package_product_dependency", - u"xc_version_group", u"isa_pbx_aggregate_target", u"isa_pbx_build_file", - u"isa_pbx_container_item_proxy", u"isa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase", - u"isa_pbx_file_reference", u"isa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase", - u"isa_pbx_group", u"isa_pbx_header_build_phase", u"isa_pbx_native_target", - u"isa_pbx_project", u"isa_pbx_reference_proxy", u"isa_pbx_resources_build_phase", - u"isa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase", u"isa_pbx_sources_build_phase", - u"isa_pbx_target_dependency", u"isa_pbx_variant_group", - u"isa_xc_build_configuration", u"isa_xc_configuration_list", - u"isa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference", u"isa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency", - u"isa_xc_version_group", u"file_ref", u"container_portal", - u"proxy_type", u"remote_global_id_string", u"remote_info", - u"file_encoding", u"explicit_file_type", u"last_known_file_type", - u"include_in_index", u"indent_width", u"tab_width", u"uses_tabs", - u"children", u"product_install_path", u"repository_url", - u"requirement", u"xc_package", u"package_product_dependencies", - u"name", u"path", u"source_tree", u"build_action_mask", - u"files", u"run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing", - u"reference_list", u"any_string_list", u"non_quoted_strings_list", - u"build_configuration_list", u"build_phases", u"build_rules", - u"dependencies", u"product_name", u"product_reference", - u"product_type", u"line_ending", u"xc_language_specification_identifier", - u"plist_structure_definition_identifier", u"attributes", - u"last_swift_migration", u"default_build_system_type_for_workspace", - u"last_swift_update_check", u"build_targets_in_parallel", - u"last_upgrade_check", u"last_testing_upgrade_check", - u"organization_name", u"target_attributes", u"target_attribute", - u"created_on_tools_version", u"test_target_id", u"development_team", - u"provisioning_style", u"compatibility_version", u"development_region", - u"has_scanned_for_encodings", u"known_regions", u"main_group", - u"product_ref_group", u"package_references", u"project_dir_path", - u"project_references", u"project_root", u"targets", u"input_file_list_paths", - u"input_paths", u"output_file_list_paths", u"output_paths", - u"shell_path", u"shell_script", u"show_env_vars_in_log", - u"target", u"target_proxy", u"file_type", u"remote_ref", - u"base_configuration_reference", u"build_settings", u"dst_path", - u"dst_subfolder_spec", u"project_references_list", u"project_references_list_element", - u"key_value", u"build_configurations", u"default_configuration_is_visible", - u"default_configuration_name", u"settings", u"system_capabilities", - u"current_version", u"version_group_type", u"class_prefix", - u"any_string" ] + ruleNames = [ "start", "root_element", "archive_version", "classes", + "object_version", "objects", "root_object", "pbx_aggregate_target_section", + "pbx_build_file_section", "pbx_container_item_proxy_section", + "pbx_copy_files_build_phase_section", "pbx_file_reference_section", + "pbx_frameworks_build_phase_section", "pbx_group_section", + "pbx_headers_build_phase_section", "pbx_native_target_section", + "pbx_project_section", "pbx_reference_proxy_section", + "pbx_resources_build_phase_section", "pbx_shell_script_build_phase_section", + "pbx_sources_build_phase_section", "pbx_target_dependency_section", + "pbx_variant_group_section", "xc_build_configuration_section", + "xc_configuration_list_section", "xc_remote_swift_package_reference_section", + "xc_swift_package_product_dependency_section", "xc_version_group_section", + "pbx_aggregate_target", "pbx_build_file", "pbx_container_item_proxy", + "pbx_copy_files_build_phase", "pbx_file_reference", "pbx_frameworks_build_phase", + "pbx_group", "pbx_headers_build_phase", "pbx_native_target", + "pbx_project", "pbx_reference_proxy", "pbx_resources_build_phase", + "pbx_shell_script_build_phase", "pbx_sources_build_phase", + "pbx_target_dependency", "pbx_variant_group", "xc_build_configuration", + "xc_configuration_list", "xc_remote_swift_package_reference", + "xc_swift_package_product_dependency", "xc_version_group", + "isa_pbx_aggregate_target", "isa_pbx_build_file", "isa_pbx_container_item_proxy", + "isa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase", "isa_pbx_file_reference", + "isa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase", "isa_pbx_group", "isa_pbx_header_build_phase", + "isa_pbx_native_target", "isa_pbx_project", "isa_pbx_reference_proxy", + "isa_pbx_resources_build_phase", "isa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase", + "isa_pbx_sources_build_phase", "isa_pbx_target_dependency", + "isa_pbx_variant_group", "isa_xc_build_configuration", + "isa_xc_configuration_list", "isa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference", + "isa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency", "isa_xc_version_group", + "file_ref", "container_portal", "proxy_type", "remote_global_id_string", + "remote_info", "file_encoding", "explicit_file_type", + "last_known_file_type", "include_in_index", "indent_width", + "tab_width", "uses_tabs", "children", "product_install_path", + "repository_url", "requirement", "xc_package", "package_product_dependencies", + "name", "path", "source_tree", "build_action_mask", "files", + "run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing", "reference_list", + "any_string_list", "non_quoted_strings_list", "build_configuration_list", + "build_phases", "build_rules", "dependencies", "product_name", + "product_reference", "product_type", "line_ending", "xc_language_specification_identifier", + "plist_structure_definition_identifier", "attributes", + "last_swift_migration", "default_build_system_type_for_workspace", + "last_swift_update_check", "build_targets_in_parallel", + "last_upgrade_check", "last_testing_upgrade_check", "organization_name", + "target_attributes", "target_attribute", "created_on_tools_version", + "test_target_id", "development_team", "provisioning_style", + "compatibility_version", "development_region", "has_scanned_for_encodings", + "known_regions", "main_group", "product_ref_group", "package_references", + "project_dir_path", "project_references", "project_root", + "targets", "input_file_list_paths", "input_paths", "output_file_list_paths", + "output_paths", "shell_path", "shell_script", "show_env_vars_in_log", + "target", "target_proxy", "file_type", "remote_ref", + "base_configuration_reference", "build_settings", "dst_path", + "dst_subfolder_spec", "project_references_list", "project_references_list_element", + "key_value", "build_configurations", "default_configuration_is_visible", + "default_configuration_name", "settings", "system_capabilities", + "current_version", "version_group_type", "class_prefix", + "any_string" ] EOF = Token.EOF T__0=1 @@ -1170,18 +1160,20 @@ class PBXProjParser ( Parser ): COMMENT=131 LINE_COMMENT=132 - def __init__(self, input): - super(PBXProjParser, self).__init__(input) - self.checkVersion("4.6") + def __init__(self, input:TokenStream, output:TextIO = sys.stdout): + super().__init__(input, output) + self.checkVersion("4.9.2") self._interp = ParserATNSimulator(self, self.atn, self.decisionsToDFA, self.sharedContextCache) self._predicates = None + class StartContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.StartContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def root_element(self): @@ -1191,12 +1183,12 @@ def root_element(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_start - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterStart"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStart" ): listener.enterStart(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitStart"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStart" ): listener.exitStart(self) @@ -1218,10 +1210,12 @@ def start(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Root_elementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Root_elementContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def archive_version(self): @@ -1247,12 +1241,12 @@ def root_object(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_root_element - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterRoot_element"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRoot_element" ): listener.enterRoot_element(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitRoot_element"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRoot_element" ): listener.exitRoot_element(self) @@ -1286,10 +1280,12 @@ def root_element(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Archive_versionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Archive_versionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -1298,12 +1294,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_archive_version - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterArchive_version"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterArchive_version" ): listener.enterArchive_version(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitArchive_version"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitArchive_version" ): listener.exitArchive_version(self) @@ -1331,10 +1327,12 @@ def archive_version(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class ClassesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.ClassesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def CLASSES(self): @@ -1343,12 +1341,12 @@ def CLASSES(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_classes - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterClasses"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClasses" ): listener.enterClasses(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitClasses"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClasses" ): listener.exitClasses(self) @@ -1378,10 +1376,12 @@ def classes(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Object_versionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Object_versionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -1390,12 +1390,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_object_version - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterObject_version"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterObject_version" ): listener.enterObject_version(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitObject_version"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitObject_version" ): listener.exitObject_version(self) @@ -1423,10 +1423,12 @@ def object_version(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class ObjectsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.ObjectsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def OBJECTS(self): @@ -1519,12 +1521,12 @@ def xc_version_group_section(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_objects - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterObjects"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterObjects" ): listener.enterObjects(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitObjects"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitObjects" ): listener.exitObjects(self) @@ -1675,10 +1677,12 @@ def objects(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Root_objectContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Root_objectContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ROOT_OBJECT(self): @@ -1690,12 +1694,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_root_object - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterRoot_object"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRoot_object" ): listener.enterRoot_object(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitRoot_object"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRoot_object" ): listener.exitRoot_object(self) @@ -1723,13 +1727,15 @@ def root_object(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_aggregate_target_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_aggregate_target_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_aggregate_target(self, i=None): + def pbx_aggregate_target(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_aggregate_targetContext) else: @@ -1739,12 +1745,12 @@ def pbx_aggregate_target(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_aggregate_target_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_aggregate_target_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_aggregate_target_section" ): listener.enterPbx_aggregate_target_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_aggregate_target_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_aggregate_target_section" ): listener.exitPbx_aggregate_target_section(self) @@ -1778,13 +1784,15 @@ def pbx_aggregate_target_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_build_file_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_build_file_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_build_file(self, i=None): + def pbx_build_file(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_build_fileContext) else: @@ -1794,12 +1802,12 @@ def pbx_build_file(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_build_file_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_build_file_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_build_file_section" ): listener.enterPbx_build_file_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_build_file_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_build_file_section" ): listener.exitPbx_build_file_section(self) @@ -1833,13 +1841,15 @@ def pbx_build_file_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_container_item_proxy_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_container_item_proxy_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_container_item_proxy(self, i=None): + def pbx_container_item_proxy(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_container_item_proxyContext) else: @@ -1849,12 +1859,12 @@ def pbx_container_item_proxy(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_container_item_proxy_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_container_item_proxy_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_container_item_proxy_section" ): listener.enterPbx_container_item_proxy_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_container_item_proxy_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_container_item_proxy_section" ): listener.exitPbx_container_item_proxy_section(self) @@ -1888,13 +1898,15 @@ def pbx_container_item_proxy_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_copy_files_build_phase_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_copy_files_build_phase_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, i=None): + def pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_copy_files_build_phaseContext) else: @@ -1904,12 +1916,12 @@ def pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_copy_files_build_phase_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_copy_files_build_phase_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_copy_files_build_phase_section" ): listener.enterPbx_copy_files_build_phase_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_copy_files_build_phase_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_copy_files_build_phase_section" ): listener.exitPbx_copy_files_build_phase_section(self) @@ -1943,13 +1955,15 @@ def pbx_copy_files_build_phase_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_file_reference_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_file_reference_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_file_reference(self, i=None): + def pbx_file_reference(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_file_referenceContext) else: @@ -1959,12 +1973,12 @@ def pbx_file_reference(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_file_reference_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_file_reference_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_file_reference_section" ): listener.enterPbx_file_reference_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_file_reference_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_file_reference_section" ): listener.exitPbx_file_reference_section(self) @@ -1998,13 +2012,15 @@ def pbx_file_reference_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_frameworks_build_phase_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_frameworks_build_phase_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, i=None): + def pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_frameworks_build_phaseContext) else: @@ -2014,12 +2030,12 @@ def pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_frameworks_build_phase_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_frameworks_build_phase_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_frameworks_build_phase_section" ): listener.enterPbx_frameworks_build_phase_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_frameworks_build_phase_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_frameworks_build_phase_section" ): listener.exitPbx_frameworks_build_phase_section(self) @@ -2053,13 +2069,15 @@ def pbx_frameworks_build_phase_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_group_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_group_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_group(self, i=None): + def pbx_group(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_groupContext) else: @@ -2069,12 +2087,12 @@ def pbx_group(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_group_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_group_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_group_section" ): listener.enterPbx_group_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_group_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_group_section" ): listener.exitPbx_group_section(self) @@ -2108,13 +2126,15 @@ def pbx_group_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_headers_build_phase_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_headers_build_phase_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_headers_build_phase(self, i=None): + def pbx_headers_build_phase(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_headers_build_phaseContext) else: @@ -2124,12 +2144,12 @@ def pbx_headers_build_phase(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_headers_build_phase_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_headers_build_phase_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_headers_build_phase_section" ): listener.enterPbx_headers_build_phase_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_headers_build_phase_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_headers_build_phase_section" ): listener.exitPbx_headers_build_phase_section(self) @@ -2163,13 +2183,15 @@ def pbx_headers_build_phase_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_native_target_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_native_target_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_native_target(self, i=None): + def pbx_native_target(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_native_targetContext) else: @@ -2179,12 +2201,12 @@ def pbx_native_target(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_native_target_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_native_target_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_native_target_section" ): listener.enterPbx_native_target_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_native_target_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_native_target_section" ): listener.exitPbx_native_target_section(self) @@ -2218,13 +2240,15 @@ def pbx_native_target_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_project_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_project_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_project(self, i=None): + def pbx_project(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_projectContext) else: @@ -2234,12 +2258,12 @@ def pbx_project(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_project_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_project_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_project_section" ): listener.enterPbx_project_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_project_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_project_section" ): listener.exitPbx_project_section(self) @@ -2273,13 +2297,15 @@ def pbx_project_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_reference_proxy_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_reference_proxy_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_reference_proxy(self, i=None): + def pbx_reference_proxy(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_reference_proxyContext) else: @@ -2289,12 +2315,12 @@ def pbx_reference_proxy(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_reference_proxy_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_reference_proxy_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_reference_proxy_section" ): listener.enterPbx_reference_proxy_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_reference_proxy_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_reference_proxy_section" ): listener.exitPbx_reference_proxy_section(self) @@ -2328,13 +2354,15 @@ def pbx_reference_proxy_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_resources_build_phase_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_resources_build_phase_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_resources_build_phase(self, i=None): + def pbx_resources_build_phase(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_resources_build_phaseContext) else: @@ -2344,12 +2372,12 @@ def pbx_resources_build_phase(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_resources_build_phase_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_resources_build_phase_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_resources_build_phase_section" ): listener.enterPbx_resources_build_phase_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_resources_build_phase_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_resources_build_phase_section" ): listener.exitPbx_resources_build_phase_section(self) @@ -2383,13 +2411,15 @@ def pbx_resources_build_phase_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_shell_script_build_phase_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_shell_script_build_phase_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, i=None): + def pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_shell_script_build_phaseContext) else: @@ -2399,12 +2429,12 @@ def pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_shell_script_build_phase_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_shell_script_build_phase_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_shell_script_build_phase_section" ): listener.enterPbx_shell_script_build_phase_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_shell_script_build_phase_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_shell_script_build_phase_section" ): listener.exitPbx_shell_script_build_phase_section(self) @@ -2438,13 +2468,15 @@ def pbx_shell_script_build_phase_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_sources_build_phase_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_sources_build_phase_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_sources_build_phase(self, i=None): + def pbx_sources_build_phase(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_sources_build_phaseContext) else: @@ -2454,12 +2486,12 @@ def pbx_sources_build_phase(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_sources_build_phase_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_sources_build_phase_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_sources_build_phase_section" ): listener.enterPbx_sources_build_phase_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_sources_build_phase_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_sources_build_phase_section" ): listener.exitPbx_sources_build_phase_section(self) @@ -2493,13 +2525,15 @@ def pbx_sources_build_phase_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_target_dependency_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_target_dependency_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_target_dependency(self, i=None): + def pbx_target_dependency(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_target_dependencyContext) else: @@ -2509,12 +2543,12 @@ def pbx_target_dependency(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_target_dependency_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_target_dependency_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_target_dependency_section" ): listener.enterPbx_target_dependency_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_target_dependency_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_target_dependency_section" ): listener.exitPbx_target_dependency_section(self) @@ -2548,13 +2582,15 @@ def pbx_target_dependency_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_variant_group_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_variant_group_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def pbx_variant_group(self, i=None): + def pbx_variant_group(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Pbx_variant_groupContext) else: @@ -2564,12 +2600,12 @@ def pbx_variant_group(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_variant_group_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_variant_group_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_variant_group_section" ): listener.enterPbx_variant_group_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_variant_group_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_variant_group_section" ): listener.exitPbx_variant_group_section(self) @@ -2603,13 +2639,15 @@ def pbx_variant_group_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_build_configuration_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_build_configuration_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def xc_build_configuration(self, i=None): + def xc_build_configuration(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Xc_build_configurationContext) else: @@ -2619,12 +2657,12 @@ def xc_build_configuration(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_build_configuration_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_build_configuration_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_build_configuration_section" ): listener.enterXc_build_configuration_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_build_configuration_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_build_configuration_section" ): listener.exitXc_build_configuration_section(self) @@ -2658,13 +2696,15 @@ def xc_build_configuration_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_configuration_list_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_configuration_list_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def xc_configuration_list(self, i=None): + def xc_configuration_list(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Xc_configuration_listContext) else: @@ -2674,12 +2714,12 @@ def xc_configuration_list(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_configuration_list_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_configuration_list_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_configuration_list_section" ): listener.enterXc_configuration_list_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_configuration_list_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_configuration_list_section" ): listener.exitXc_configuration_list_section(self) @@ -2713,13 +2753,15 @@ def xc_configuration_list_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_remote_swift_package_reference_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_remote_swift_package_reference_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, i=None): + def xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Xc_remote_swift_package_referenceContext) else: @@ -2729,12 +2771,12 @@ def xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_remote_swift_package_reference_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_remote_swift_package_reference_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_remote_swift_package_reference_section" ): listener.enterXc_remote_swift_package_reference_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_remote_swift_package_reference_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_remote_swift_package_reference_section" ): listener.exitXc_remote_swift_package_reference_section(self) @@ -2768,13 +2810,15 @@ def xc_remote_swift_package_reference_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_swift_package_product_dependency_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_swift_package_product_dependency_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, i=None): + def xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Xc_swift_package_product_dependencyContext) else: @@ -2784,12 +2828,12 @@ def xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_swift_package_product_dependency_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_swift_package_product_dependency_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_swift_package_product_dependency_section" ): listener.enterXc_swift_package_product_dependency_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_swift_package_product_dependency_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_swift_package_product_dependency_section" ): listener.exitXc_swift_package_product_dependency_section(self) @@ -2823,13 +2867,15 @@ def xc_swift_package_product_dependency_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_version_group_sectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_version_group_sectionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def xc_version_group(self, i=None): + def xc_version_group(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Xc_version_groupContext) else: @@ -2839,12 +2885,12 @@ def xc_version_group(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_version_group_section - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_version_group_section"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_version_group_section" ): listener.enterXc_version_group_section(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_version_group_section"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_version_group_section" ): listener.exitXc_version_group_section(self) @@ -2877,10 +2923,12 @@ def xc_version_group_section(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_aggregate_targetContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_aggregate_targetContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -2913,12 +2961,12 @@ def product_name(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_aggregate_target - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_aggregate_target"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_aggregate_target" ): listener.enterPbx_aggregate_target(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_aggregate_target"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_aggregate_target" ): listener.exitPbx_aggregate_target(self) @@ -2960,10 +3008,12 @@ def pbx_aggregate_target(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_build_fileContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_build_fileContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -2984,12 +3034,12 @@ def settings(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_build_file - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_build_file"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_build_file" ): listener.enterPbx_build_file(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_build_file"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_build_file" ): listener.exitPbx_build_file(self) @@ -3032,10 +3082,12 @@ def pbx_build_file(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_container_item_proxyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_container_item_proxyContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -3064,12 +3116,12 @@ def remote_info(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_container_item_proxy - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_container_item_proxy"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_container_item_proxy" ): listener.enterPbx_container_item_proxy(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_container_item_proxy"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_container_item_proxy" ): listener.exitPbx_container_item_proxy(self) @@ -3109,10 +3161,12 @@ def pbx_container_item_proxy(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_copy_files_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_copy_files_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -3149,12 +3203,12 @@ def name(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_copy_files_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_copy_files_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_copy_files_build_phase" ): listener.enterPbx_copy_files_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_copy_files_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_copy_files_build_phase" ): listener.exitPbx_copy_files_build_phase(self) @@ -3205,10 +3259,12 @@ def pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_file_referenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_file_referenceContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -3265,12 +3321,12 @@ def uses_tabs(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_file_reference - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_file_reference"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_file_reference" ): listener.enterPbx_file_reference(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_file_reference"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_file_reference" ): listener.exitPbx_file_reference(self) @@ -3391,10 +3447,12 @@ def pbx_file_reference(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_frameworks_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_frameworks_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -3419,12 +3477,12 @@ def run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_frameworks_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_frameworks_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_frameworks_build_phase" ): listener.enterPbx_frameworks_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_frameworks_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_frameworks_build_phase" ): listener.exitPbx_frameworks_build_phase(self) @@ -3462,10 +3520,12 @@ def pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_groupContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_groupContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -3506,12 +3566,12 @@ def uses_tabs(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_group - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_group"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_group" ): listener.enterPbx_group(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_group"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_group" ): listener.exitPbx_group(self) @@ -3588,10 +3648,12 @@ def pbx_group(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_headers_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_headers_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -3616,12 +3678,12 @@ def run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_headers_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_headers_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_headers_build_phase" ): listener.enterPbx_headers_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_headers_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_headers_build_phase" ): listener.exitPbx_headers_build_phase(self) @@ -3659,10 +3721,12 @@ def pbx_headers_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_native_targetContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_native_targetContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -3715,12 +3779,12 @@ def package_product_dependencies(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_native_target - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_native_target"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_native_target" ): listener.enterPbx_native_target(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_native_target"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_native_target" ): listener.exitPbx_native_target(self) @@ -3785,10 +3849,12 @@ def pbx_native_target(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_projectContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_projectContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -3853,12 +3919,12 @@ def project_references(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_project - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_project"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_project" ): listener.enterPbx_project(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_project"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_project" ): listener.exitPbx_project(self) @@ -3935,10 +4001,12 @@ def pbx_project(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_reference_proxyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_reference_proxyContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -3967,12 +4035,12 @@ def source_tree(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_reference_proxy - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_reference_proxy"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_reference_proxy" ): listener.enterPbx_reference_proxy(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_reference_proxy"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_reference_proxy" ): listener.exitPbx_reference_proxy(self) @@ -4012,10 +4080,12 @@ def pbx_reference_proxy(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_resources_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_resources_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -4040,12 +4110,12 @@ def run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_resources_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_resources_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_resources_build_phase" ): listener.enterPbx_resources_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_resources_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_resources_build_phase" ): listener.exitPbx_resources_build_phase(self) @@ -4083,10 +4153,12 @@ def pbx_resources_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_shell_script_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_shell_script_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -4143,12 +4215,12 @@ def show_env_vars_in_log(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_shell_script_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_shell_script_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_shell_script_build_phase" ): listener.enterPbx_shell_script_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_shell_script_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_shell_script_build_phase" ): listener.exitPbx_shell_script_build_phase(self) @@ -4227,10 +4299,12 @@ def pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_sources_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_sources_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -4255,12 +4329,12 @@ def run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_sources_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_sources_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_sources_build_phase" ): listener.enterPbx_sources_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_sources_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_sources_build_phase" ): listener.exitPbx_sources_build_phase(self) @@ -4298,10 +4372,12 @@ def pbx_sources_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_target_dependencyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_target_dependencyContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -4326,12 +4402,12 @@ def target(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_target_dependency - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_target_dependency"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_target_dependency" ): listener.enterPbx_target_dependency(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_target_dependency"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_target_dependency" ): listener.exitPbx_target_dependency(self) @@ -4382,10 +4458,12 @@ def pbx_target_dependency(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Pbx_variant_groupContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Pbx_variant_groupContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -4414,12 +4492,12 @@ def path(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_pbx_variant_group - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPbx_variant_group"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPbx_variant_group" ): listener.enterPbx_variant_group(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPbx_variant_group"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPbx_variant_group" ): listener.exitPbx_variant_group(self) @@ -4466,10 +4544,12 @@ def pbx_variant_group(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_build_configurationContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_build_configurationContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -4494,12 +4574,12 @@ def base_configuration_reference(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_build_configuration - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_build_configuration"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_build_configuration" ): listener.enterXc_build_configuration(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_build_configuration"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_build_configuration" ): listener.exitXc_build_configuration(self) @@ -4544,10 +4624,12 @@ def xc_build_configuration(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_configuration_listContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_configuration_listContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -4572,12 +4654,12 @@ def default_configuration_name(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_configuration_list - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_configuration_list"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_configuration_list" ): listener.enterXc_configuration_list(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_configuration_list"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_configuration_list" ): listener.exitXc_configuration_list(self) @@ -4622,10 +4704,12 @@ def xc_configuration_list(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_remote_swift_package_referenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_remote_swift_package_referenceContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -4646,12 +4730,12 @@ def requirement(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_remote_swift_package_reference - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_remote_swift_package_reference"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_remote_swift_package_reference" ): listener.enterXc_remote_swift_package_reference(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_remote_swift_package_reference"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_remote_swift_package_reference" ): listener.exitXc_remote_swift_package_reference(self) @@ -4687,10 +4771,12 @@ def xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_swift_package_product_dependencyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_swift_package_product_dependencyContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -4711,12 +4797,12 @@ def product_name(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_swift_package_product_dependency - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_swift_package_product_dependency"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_swift_package_product_dependency" ): listener.enterXc_swift_package_product_dependency(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_swift_package_product_dependency"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_swift_package_product_dependency" ): listener.exitXc_swift_package_product_dependency(self) @@ -4752,10 +4838,12 @@ def xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_version_groupContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_version_groupContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -4788,12 +4876,12 @@ def version_group_type(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_version_group - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_version_group"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_version_group" ): listener.enterXc_version_group(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_version_group"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_version_group" ): listener.exitXc_version_group(self) @@ -4835,10 +4923,12 @@ def xc_version_group(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_aggregate_targetContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_aggregate_targetContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -4847,12 +4937,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_aggregate_target - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_aggregate_target"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_aggregate_target" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_aggregate_target(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_aggregate_target"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_aggregate_target" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_aggregate_target(self) @@ -4880,10 +4970,12 @@ def isa_pbx_aggregate_target(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_build_fileContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_build_fileContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -4892,12 +4984,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_build_file - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_build_file"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_build_file" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_build_file(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_build_file"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_build_file" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_build_file(self) @@ -4925,10 +5017,12 @@ def isa_pbx_build_file(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_container_item_proxyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_container_item_proxyContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -4937,12 +5031,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_container_item_proxy - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_container_item_proxy"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_container_item_proxy" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_container_item_proxy(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_container_item_proxy"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_container_item_proxy" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_container_item_proxy(self) @@ -4970,10 +5064,12 @@ def isa_pbx_container_item_proxy(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_copy_files_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_copy_files_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -4982,12 +5078,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self) @@ -5015,10 +5111,12 @@ def isa_pbx_copy_files_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_file_referenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_file_referenceContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5027,12 +5125,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_file_reference - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_file_reference"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_file_reference" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_file_reference(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_file_reference"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_file_reference" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_file_reference(self) @@ -5060,10 +5158,12 @@ def isa_pbx_file_reference(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_frameworks_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_frameworks_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5072,12 +5172,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self) @@ -5105,10 +5205,12 @@ def isa_pbx_frameworks_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_groupContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_groupContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5117,12 +5219,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_group - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_group"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_group" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_group(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_group"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_group" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_group(self) @@ -5150,10 +5252,12 @@ def isa_pbx_group(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_header_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_header_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5162,12 +5266,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_header_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_header_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_header_build_phase" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_header_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_header_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_header_build_phase" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_header_build_phase(self) @@ -5195,10 +5299,12 @@ def isa_pbx_header_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_native_targetContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_native_targetContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5207,12 +5313,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_native_target - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_native_target"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_native_target" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_native_target(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_native_target"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_native_target" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_native_target(self) @@ -5240,10 +5346,12 @@ def isa_pbx_native_target(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_projectContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_projectContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5252,12 +5360,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_project - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_project"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_project" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_project(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_project"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_project" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_project(self) @@ -5285,10 +5393,12 @@ def isa_pbx_project(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_reference_proxyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_reference_proxyContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5297,12 +5407,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_reference_proxy - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_reference_proxy"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_reference_proxy" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_reference_proxy(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_reference_proxy"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_reference_proxy" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_reference_proxy(self) @@ -5330,10 +5440,12 @@ def isa_pbx_reference_proxy(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_resources_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_resources_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5342,12 +5454,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_resources_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_resources_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_resources_build_phase" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_resources_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_resources_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_resources_build_phase" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_resources_build_phase(self) @@ -5375,10 +5487,12 @@ def isa_pbx_resources_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_shell_script_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_shell_script_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5387,12 +5501,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self) @@ -5420,10 +5534,12 @@ def isa_pbx_shell_script_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_sources_build_phaseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_sources_build_phaseContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5432,12 +5548,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_sources_build_phase - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_sources_build_phase"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_sources_build_phase" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_sources_build_phase(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_sources_build_phase"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_sources_build_phase" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_sources_build_phase(self) @@ -5465,10 +5581,12 @@ def isa_pbx_sources_build_phase(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_target_dependencyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_target_dependencyContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5477,12 +5595,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_target_dependency - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_target_dependency"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_target_dependency" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_target_dependency(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_target_dependency"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_target_dependency" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_target_dependency(self) @@ -5510,10 +5628,12 @@ def isa_pbx_target_dependency(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_pbx_variant_groupContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_pbx_variant_groupContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5522,12 +5642,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_pbx_variant_group - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_pbx_variant_group"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_pbx_variant_group" ): listener.enterIsa_pbx_variant_group(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_pbx_variant_group"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_pbx_variant_group" ): listener.exitIsa_pbx_variant_group(self) @@ -5555,10 +5675,12 @@ def isa_pbx_variant_group(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_xc_build_configurationContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_build_configurationContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5567,12 +5689,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_xc_build_configuration - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_xc_build_configuration"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_xc_build_configuration" ): listener.enterIsa_xc_build_configuration(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_xc_build_configuration"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_xc_build_configuration" ): listener.exitIsa_xc_build_configuration(self) @@ -5600,10 +5722,12 @@ def isa_xc_build_configuration(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_xc_configuration_listContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_configuration_listContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5612,12 +5736,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_xc_configuration_list - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_xc_configuration_list"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_xc_configuration_list" ): listener.enterIsa_xc_configuration_list(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_xc_configuration_list"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_xc_configuration_list" ): listener.exitIsa_xc_configuration_list(self) @@ -5645,10 +5769,12 @@ def isa_xc_configuration_list(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_xc_remote_swift_package_referenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_remote_swift_package_referenceContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5657,12 +5783,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference" ): listener.enterIsa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference" ): listener.exitIsa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self) @@ -5690,10 +5816,12 @@ def isa_xc_remote_swift_package_reference(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_xc_swift_package_product_dependencyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_swift_package_product_dependencyContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5702,12 +5830,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency" ): listener.enterIsa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency" ): listener.exitIsa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self) @@ -5735,10 +5863,12 @@ def isa_xc_swift_package_product_dependency(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Isa_xc_version_groupContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Isa_xc_version_groupContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def ISA(self): @@ -5747,12 +5877,12 @@ def ISA(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_isa_xc_version_group - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIsa_xc_version_group"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIsa_xc_version_group" ): listener.enterIsa_xc_version_group(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIsa_xc_version_group"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIsa_xc_version_group" ): listener.exitIsa_xc_version_group(self) @@ -5780,10 +5910,12 @@ def isa_xc_version_group(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class File_refContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.File_refContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -5792,12 +5924,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_file_ref - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterFile_ref"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFile_ref" ): listener.enterFile_ref(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitFile_ref"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFile_ref" ): listener.exitFile_ref(self) @@ -5844,10 +5976,12 @@ def file_ref(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Container_portalContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Container_portalContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -5856,12 +5990,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_container_portal - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterContainer_portal"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterContainer_portal" ): listener.enterContainer_portal(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitContainer_portal"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitContainer_portal" ): listener.exitContainer_portal(self) @@ -5889,10 +6023,12 @@ def container_portal(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Proxy_typeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Proxy_typeContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -5901,12 +6037,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_proxy_type - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProxy_type"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProxy_type" ): listener.enterProxy_type(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProxy_type"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProxy_type" ): listener.exitProxy_type(self) @@ -5934,10 +6070,12 @@ def proxy_type(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Remote_global_id_stringContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Remote_global_id_stringContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -5946,12 +6084,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_remote_global_id_string - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterRemote_global_id_string"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRemote_global_id_string" ): listener.enterRemote_global_id_string(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitRemote_global_id_string"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRemote_global_id_string" ): listener.exitRemote_global_id_string(self) @@ -5979,10 +6117,12 @@ def remote_global_id_string(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Remote_infoContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Remote_infoContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string(self): @@ -5992,12 +6132,12 @@ def any_string(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_remote_info - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterRemote_info"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRemote_info" ): listener.enterRemote_info(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitRemote_info"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRemote_info" ): listener.exitRemote_info(self) @@ -6025,10 +6165,12 @@ def remote_info(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class File_encodingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.File_encodingContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -6037,12 +6179,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_file_encoding - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterFile_encoding"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFile_encoding" ): listener.enterFile_encoding(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitFile_encoding"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFile_encoding" ): listener.exitFile_encoding(self) @@ -6070,10 +6212,12 @@ def file_encoding(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Explicit_file_typeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Explicit_file_typeContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string(self): @@ -6083,12 +6227,12 @@ def any_string(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_explicit_file_type - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterExplicit_file_type"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterExplicit_file_type" ): listener.enterExplicit_file_type(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitExplicit_file_type"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitExplicit_file_type" ): listener.exitExplicit_file_type(self) @@ -6116,10 +6260,12 @@ def explicit_file_type(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Last_known_file_typeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Last_known_file_typeContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string(self): @@ -6129,12 +6275,12 @@ def any_string(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_last_known_file_type - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterLast_known_file_type"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLast_known_file_type" ): listener.enterLast_known_file_type(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitLast_known_file_type"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLast_known_file_type" ): listener.exitLast_known_file_type(self) @@ -6162,10 +6308,12 @@ def last_known_file_type(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Include_in_indexContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Include_in_indexContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -6174,12 +6322,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_include_in_index - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterInclude_in_index"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInclude_in_index" ): listener.enterInclude_in_index(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitInclude_in_index"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInclude_in_index" ): listener.exitInclude_in_index(self) @@ -6207,10 +6355,12 @@ def include_in_index(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Indent_widthContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Indent_widthContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -6219,12 +6369,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_indent_width - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterIndent_width"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIndent_width" ): listener.enterIndent_width(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitIndent_width"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIndent_width" ): listener.exitIndent_width(self) @@ -6252,10 +6402,12 @@ def indent_width(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Tab_widthContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Tab_widthContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -6264,12 +6416,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_tab_width - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterTab_width"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTab_width" ): listener.enterTab_width(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitTab_width"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTab_width" ): listener.exitTab_width(self) @@ -6297,10 +6449,12 @@ def tab_width(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Uses_tabsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Uses_tabsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -6309,12 +6463,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_uses_tabs - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterUses_tabs"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUses_tabs" ): listener.enterUses_tabs(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitUses_tabs"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUses_tabs" ): listener.exitUses_tabs(self) @@ -6342,10 +6496,12 @@ def uses_tabs(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class ChildrenContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.ChildrenContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def reference_list(self): @@ -6355,12 +6511,12 @@ def reference_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_children - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterChildren"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterChildren" ): listener.enterChildren(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitChildren"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitChildren" ): listener.exitChildren(self) @@ -6388,10 +6544,12 @@ def children(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Product_install_pathContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Product_install_pathContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -6400,12 +6558,12 @@ def QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_product_install_path - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProduct_install_path"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProduct_install_path" ): listener.enterProduct_install_path(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProduct_install_path"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProduct_install_path" ): listener.exitProduct_install_path(self) @@ -6433,10 +6591,12 @@ def product_install_path(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Repository_urlContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Repository_urlContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -6445,12 +6605,12 @@ def QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_repository_url - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterRepository_url"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRepository_url" ): listener.enterRepository_url(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitRepository_url"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRepository_url" ): listener.exitRepository_url(self) @@ -6478,13 +6638,15 @@ def repository_url(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class RequirementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.RequirementContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def key_value(self, i=None): + def key_value(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Key_valueContext) else: @@ -6494,12 +6656,12 @@ def key_value(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_requirement - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterRequirement"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRequirement" ): listener.enterRequirement(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitRequirement"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRequirement" ): listener.exitRequirement(self) @@ -6540,10 +6702,12 @@ def requirement(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_packageContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_packageContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -6552,12 +6716,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_package - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_package"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_package" ): listener.enterXc_package(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_package"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_package" ): listener.exitXc_package(self) @@ -6585,10 +6749,12 @@ def xc_package(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Package_product_dependenciesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Package_product_dependenciesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def reference_list(self): @@ -6598,12 +6764,12 @@ def reference_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_package_product_dependencies - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPackage_product_dependencies"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPackage_product_dependencies" ): listener.enterPackage_product_dependencies(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPackage_product_dependencies"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPackage_product_dependencies" ): listener.exitPackage_product_dependencies(self) @@ -6631,10 +6797,12 @@ def package_product_dependencies(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class NameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.NameContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -6646,12 +6814,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_name - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterName"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterName" ): listener.enterName(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitName"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitName" ): listener.exitName(self) @@ -6685,10 +6853,12 @@ def name(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class PathContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.PathContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -6700,12 +6870,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_path - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPath"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPath" ): listener.enterPath(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPath"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPath" ): listener.exitPath(self) @@ -6739,10 +6909,12 @@ def path(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Source_treeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Source_treeContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -6754,12 +6926,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_source_tree - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterSource_tree"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSource_tree" ): listener.enterSource_tree(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitSource_tree"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSource_tree" ): listener.exitSource_tree(self) @@ -6793,10 +6965,12 @@ def source_tree(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Build_action_maskContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Build_action_maskContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -6805,12 +6979,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_build_action_mask - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterBuild_action_mask"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBuild_action_mask" ): listener.enterBuild_action_mask(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitBuild_action_mask"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBuild_action_mask" ): listener.exitBuild_action_mask(self) @@ -6838,10 +7012,12 @@ def build_action_mask(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class FilesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.FilesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def reference_list(self): @@ -6851,12 +7027,12 @@ def reference_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_files - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterFiles"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFiles" ): listener.enterFiles(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitFiles"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFiles" ): listener.exitFiles(self) @@ -6884,10 +7060,12 @@ def files(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Run_only_for_deployment_postprocessingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Run_only_for_deployment_postprocessingContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -6896,12 +7074,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterRun_only_for_deployment_postprocessing"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRun_only_for_deployment_postprocessing" ): listener.enterRun_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitRun_only_for_deployment_postprocessing"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRun_only_for_deployment_postprocessing" ): listener.exitRun_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self) @@ -6929,13 +7107,15 @@ def run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Reference_listContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Reference_listContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def REFERENCE(self, i=None): + def REFERENCE(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTokens(PBXProjParser.REFERENCE) else: @@ -6944,12 +7124,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_reference_list - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterReference_list"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReference_list" ): listener.enterReference_list(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitReference_list"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReference_list" ): listener.exitReference_list(self) @@ -6986,13 +7166,15 @@ def reference_list(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Any_string_listContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Any_string_listContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def any_string(self, i=None): + def any_string(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Any_stringContext) else: @@ -7002,12 +7184,12 @@ def any_string(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_any_string_list - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterAny_string_list"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAny_string_list" ): listener.enterAny_string_list(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitAny_string_list"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAny_string_list" ): listener.exitAny_string_list(self) @@ -7044,13 +7226,15 @@ def any_string_list(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Non_quoted_strings_listContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Non_quoted_strings_listContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self, i=None): + def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTokens(PBXProjParser.NON_QUOTED_STRING) else: @@ -7059,12 +7243,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_non_quoted_strings_list - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterNon_quoted_strings_list"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterNon_quoted_strings_list" ): listener.enterNon_quoted_strings_list(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitNon_quoted_strings_list"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitNon_quoted_strings_list" ): listener.exitNon_quoted_strings_list(self) @@ -7101,10 +7285,12 @@ def non_quoted_strings_list(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Build_configuration_listContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Build_configuration_listContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -7113,12 +7299,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_build_configuration_list - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterBuild_configuration_list"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBuild_configuration_list" ): listener.enterBuild_configuration_list(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitBuild_configuration_list"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBuild_configuration_list" ): listener.exitBuild_configuration_list(self) @@ -7146,10 +7332,12 @@ def build_configuration_list(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Build_phasesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Build_phasesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def reference_list(self): @@ -7159,12 +7347,12 @@ def reference_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_build_phases - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterBuild_phases"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBuild_phases" ): listener.enterBuild_phases(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitBuild_phases"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBuild_phases" ): listener.exitBuild_phases(self) @@ -7192,10 +7380,12 @@ def build_phases(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Build_rulesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Build_rulesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def reference_list(self): @@ -7205,12 +7395,12 @@ def reference_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_build_rules - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterBuild_rules"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBuild_rules" ): listener.enterBuild_rules(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitBuild_rules"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBuild_rules" ): listener.exitBuild_rules(self) @@ -7238,10 +7428,12 @@ def build_rules(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class DependenciesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.DependenciesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def reference_list(self): @@ -7251,12 +7443,12 @@ def reference_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_dependencies - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterDependencies"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDependencies" ): listener.enterDependencies(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitDependencies"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDependencies" ): listener.exitDependencies(self) @@ -7284,10 +7476,12 @@ def dependencies(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Product_nameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Product_nameContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string(self): @@ -7297,12 +7491,12 @@ def any_string(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_product_name - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProduct_name"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProduct_name" ): listener.enterProduct_name(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProduct_name"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProduct_name" ): listener.exitProduct_name(self) @@ -7330,10 +7524,12 @@ def product_name(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Product_referenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Product_referenceContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -7342,12 +7538,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_product_reference - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProduct_reference"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProduct_reference" ): listener.enterProduct_reference(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProduct_reference"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProduct_reference" ): listener.exitProduct_reference(self) @@ -7375,10 +7571,12 @@ def product_reference(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Product_typeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Product_typeContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -7387,12 +7585,12 @@ def QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_product_type - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProduct_type"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProduct_type" ): listener.enterProduct_type(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProduct_type"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProduct_type" ): listener.exitProduct_type(self) @@ -7420,10 +7618,12 @@ def product_type(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Line_endingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Line_endingContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -7432,12 +7632,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_line_ending - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterLine_ending"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLine_ending" ): listener.enterLine_ending(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitLine_ending"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLine_ending" ): listener.exitLine_ending(self) @@ -7465,10 +7665,12 @@ def line_ending(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Xc_language_specification_identifierContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Xc_language_specification_identifierContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string(self): @@ -7478,12 +7680,12 @@ def any_string(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_xc_language_specification_identifier - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterXc_language_specification_identifier"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterXc_language_specification_identifier" ): listener.enterXc_language_specification_identifier(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitXc_language_specification_identifier"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitXc_language_specification_identifier" ): listener.exitXc_language_specification_identifier(self) @@ -7511,10 +7713,12 @@ def xc_language_specification_identifier(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Plist_structure_definition_identifierContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Plist_structure_definition_identifierContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string(self): @@ -7524,12 +7728,12 @@ def any_string(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_plist_structure_definition_identifier - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPlist_structure_definition_identifier"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPlist_structure_definition_identifier" ): listener.enterPlist_structure_definition_identifier(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPlist_structure_definition_identifier"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPlist_structure_definition_identifier" ): listener.exitPlist_structure_definition_identifier(self) @@ -7557,10 +7761,12 @@ def plist_structure_definition_identifier(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class AttributesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.AttributesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def class_prefix(self): @@ -7602,12 +7808,12 @@ def target_attributes(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_attributes - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterAttributes"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAttributes" ): listener.enterAttributes(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitAttributes"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAttributes" ): listener.exitAttributes(self) @@ -7710,10 +7916,12 @@ def attributes(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Last_swift_migrationContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Last_swift_migrationContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -7722,12 +7930,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_last_swift_migration - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterLast_swift_migration"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLast_swift_migration" ): listener.enterLast_swift_migration(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitLast_swift_migration"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLast_swift_migration" ): listener.exitLast_swift_migration(self) @@ -7755,10 +7963,12 @@ def last_swift_migration(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Default_build_system_type_for_workspaceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Default_build_system_type_for_workspaceContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -7767,12 +7977,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_default_build_system_type_for_workspace - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterDefault_build_system_type_for_workspace"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDefault_build_system_type_for_workspace" ): listener.enterDefault_build_system_type_for_workspace(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitDefault_build_system_type_for_workspace"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDefault_build_system_type_for_workspace" ): listener.exitDefault_build_system_type_for_workspace(self) @@ -7800,10 +8010,12 @@ def default_build_system_type_for_workspace(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Last_swift_update_checkContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Last_swift_update_checkContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -7812,12 +8024,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_last_swift_update_check - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterLast_swift_update_check"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLast_swift_update_check" ): listener.enterLast_swift_update_check(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitLast_swift_update_check"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLast_swift_update_check" ): listener.exitLast_swift_update_check(self) @@ -7845,10 +8057,12 @@ def last_swift_update_check(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Build_targets_in_parallelContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Build_targets_in_parallelContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -7857,12 +8071,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_build_targets_in_parallel - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterBuild_targets_in_parallel"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBuild_targets_in_parallel" ): listener.enterBuild_targets_in_parallel(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitBuild_targets_in_parallel"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBuild_targets_in_parallel" ): listener.exitBuild_targets_in_parallel(self) @@ -7890,10 +8104,12 @@ def build_targets_in_parallel(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Last_upgrade_checkContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Last_upgrade_checkContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -7902,12 +8118,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_last_upgrade_check - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterLast_upgrade_check"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLast_upgrade_check" ): listener.enterLast_upgrade_check(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitLast_upgrade_check"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLast_upgrade_check" ): listener.exitLast_upgrade_check(self) @@ -7935,10 +8151,12 @@ def last_upgrade_check(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Last_testing_upgrade_checkContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Last_testing_upgrade_checkContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -7947,12 +8165,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_last_testing_upgrade_check - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterLast_testing_upgrade_check"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLast_testing_upgrade_check" ): listener.enterLast_testing_upgrade_check(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitLast_testing_upgrade_check"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLast_testing_upgrade_check" ): listener.exitLast_testing_upgrade_check(self) @@ -7980,10 +8198,12 @@ def last_testing_upgrade_check(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Organization_nameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Organization_nameContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string(self): @@ -7993,12 +8213,12 @@ def any_string(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_organization_name - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterOrganization_name"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOrganization_name" ): listener.enterOrganization_name(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitOrganization_name"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOrganization_name" ): listener.exitOrganization_name(self) @@ -8026,13 +8246,15 @@ def organization_name(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Target_attributesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Target_attributesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def target_attribute(self, i=None): + def target_attribute(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Target_attributeContext) else: @@ -8042,12 +8264,12 @@ def target_attribute(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_target_attributes - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterTarget_attributes"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTarget_attributes" ): listener.enterTarget_attributes(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitTarget_attributes"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTarget_attributes" ): listener.exitTarget_attributes(self) @@ -8088,10 +8310,12 @@ def target_attributes(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Target_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Target_attributeContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -8101,7 +8325,7 @@ def created_on_tools_version(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(PBXProjParser.Created_on_tools_versionContext,0) - def test_target_id(self, i=None): + def test_target_id(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Test_target_idContext) else: @@ -8127,12 +8351,12 @@ def system_capabilities(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_target_attribute - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterTarget_attribute"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTarget_attribute" ): listener.enterTarget_attribute(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitTarget_attribute"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTarget_attribute" ): listener.exitTarget_attribute(self) @@ -8219,10 +8443,12 @@ def target_attribute(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Created_on_tools_versionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Created_on_tools_versionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -8231,12 +8457,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_created_on_tools_version - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterCreated_on_tools_version"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCreated_on_tools_version" ): listener.enterCreated_on_tools_version(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitCreated_on_tools_version"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCreated_on_tools_version" ): listener.exitCreated_on_tools_version(self) @@ -8264,10 +8490,12 @@ def created_on_tools_version(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Test_target_idContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Test_target_idContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -8276,12 +8504,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_test_target_id - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterTest_target_id"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTest_target_id" ): listener.enterTest_target_id(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitTest_target_id"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTest_target_id" ): listener.exitTest_target_id(self) @@ -8309,10 +8537,12 @@ def test_target_id(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Development_teamContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Development_teamContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -8321,12 +8551,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_development_team - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterDevelopment_team"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDevelopment_team" ): listener.enterDevelopment_team(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitDevelopment_team"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDevelopment_team" ): listener.exitDevelopment_team(self) @@ -8354,10 +8584,12 @@ def development_team(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Provisioning_styleContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Provisioning_styleContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -8366,12 +8598,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_provisioning_style - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProvisioning_style"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProvisioning_style" ): listener.enterProvisioning_style(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProvisioning_style"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProvisioning_style" ): listener.exitProvisioning_style(self) @@ -8399,10 +8631,12 @@ def provisioning_style(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Compatibility_versionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Compatibility_versionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -8411,12 +8645,12 @@ def QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_compatibility_version - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterCompatibility_version"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCompatibility_version" ): listener.enterCompatibility_version(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitCompatibility_version"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCompatibility_version" ): listener.exitCompatibility_version(self) @@ -8444,10 +8678,12 @@ def compatibility_version(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Development_regionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Development_regionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -8456,12 +8692,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_development_region - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterDevelopment_region"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDevelopment_region" ): listener.enterDevelopment_region(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitDevelopment_region"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDevelopment_region" ): listener.exitDevelopment_region(self) @@ -8489,10 +8725,12 @@ def development_region(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Has_scanned_for_encodingsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Has_scanned_for_encodingsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -8501,12 +8739,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_has_scanned_for_encodings - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterHas_scanned_for_encodings"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterHas_scanned_for_encodings" ): listener.enterHas_scanned_for_encodings(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitHas_scanned_for_encodings"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitHas_scanned_for_encodings" ): listener.exitHas_scanned_for_encodings(self) @@ -8534,10 +8772,12 @@ def has_scanned_for_encodings(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Known_regionsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Known_regionsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string_list(self): @@ -8547,12 +8787,12 @@ def any_string_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_known_regions - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterKnown_regions"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterKnown_regions" ): listener.enterKnown_regions(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitKnown_regions"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitKnown_regions" ): listener.exitKnown_regions(self) @@ -8580,10 +8820,12 @@ def known_regions(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Main_groupContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Main_groupContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -8592,12 +8834,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_main_group - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterMain_group"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMain_group" ): listener.enterMain_group(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitMain_group"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMain_group" ): listener.exitMain_group(self) @@ -8625,10 +8867,12 @@ def main_group(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Product_ref_groupContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Product_ref_groupContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -8637,12 +8881,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_product_ref_group - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProduct_ref_group"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProduct_ref_group" ): listener.enterProduct_ref_group(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProduct_ref_group"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProduct_ref_group" ): listener.exitProduct_ref_group(self) @@ -8670,10 +8914,12 @@ def product_ref_group(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Package_referencesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Package_referencesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def reference_list(self): @@ -8683,12 +8929,12 @@ def reference_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_package_references - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterPackage_references"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPackage_references" ): listener.enterPackage_references(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitPackage_references"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPackage_references" ): listener.exitPackage_references(self) @@ -8716,10 +8962,12 @@ def package_references(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Project_dir_pathContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Project_dir_pathContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -8731,12 +8979,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_project_dir_path - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProject_dir_path"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProject_dir_path" ): listener.enterProject_dir_path(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProject_dir_path"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProject_dir_path" ): listener.exitProject_dir_path(self) @@ -8770,10 +9018,12 @@ def project_dir_path(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Project_referencesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Project_referencesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string(self): @@ -8787,12 +9037,12 @@ def project_references_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_project_references - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProject_references"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProject_references" ): listener.enterProject_references(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProject_references"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProject_references" ): listener.exitProject_references(self) @@ -8843,10 +9093,12 @@ def project_references(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Project_rootContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Project_rootContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -8858,12 +9110,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_project_root - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProject_root"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProject_root" ): listener.enterProject_root(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProject_root"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProject_root" ): listener.exitProject_root(self) @@ -8897,10 +9149,12 @@ def project_root(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class TargetsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.TargetsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def reference_list(self): @@ -8910,12 +9164,12 @@ def reference_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_targets - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterTargets"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTargets" ): listener.enterTargets(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitTargets"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTargets" ): listener.exitTargets(self) @@ -8943,10 +9197,12 @@ def targets(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Input_file_list_pathsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Input_file_list_pathsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string_list(self): @@ -8956,12 +9212,12 @@ def any_string_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_input_file_list_paths - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterInput_file_list_paths"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInput_file_list_paths" ): listener.enterInput_file_list_paths(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitInput_file_list_paths"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInput_file_list_paths" ): listener.exitInput_file_list_paths(self) @@ -8989,10 +9245,12 @@ def input_file_list_paths(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Input_pathsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Input_pathsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string_list(self): @@ -9002,12 +9260,12 @@ def any_string_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_input_paths - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterInput_paths"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInput_paths" ): listener.enterInput_paths(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitInput_paths"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInput_paths" ): listener.exitInput_paths(self) @@ -9035,10 +9293,12 @@ def input_paths(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Output_file_list_pathsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Output_file_list_pathsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string_list(self): @@ -9048,12 +9308,12 @@ def any_string_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_output_file_list_paths - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterOutput_file_list_paths"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOutput_file_list_paths" ): listener.enterOutput_file_list_paths(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitOutput_file_list_paths"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOutput_file_list_paths" ): listener.exitOutput_file_list_paths(self) @@ -9081,10 +9341,12 @@ def output_file_list_paths(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Output_pathsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Output_pathsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string_list(self): @@ -9094,12 +9356,12 @@ def any_string_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_output_paths - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterOutput_paths"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOutput_paths" ): listener.enterOutput_paths(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitOutput_paths"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOutput_paths" ): listener.exitOutput_paths(self) @@ -9127,10 +9389,12 @@ def output_paths(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Shell_pathContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Shell_pathContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -9139,12 +9403,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_shell_path - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterShell_path"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterShell_path" ): listener.enterShell_path(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitShell_path"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitShell_path" ): listener.exitShell_path(self) @@ -9172,10 +9436,12 @@ def shell_path(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Shell_scriptContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Shell_scriptContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -9187,12 +9453,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_shell_script - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterShell_script"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterShell_script" ): listener.enterShell_script(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitShell_script"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitShell_script" ): listener.exitShell_script(self) @@ -9226,10 +9492,12 @@ def shell_script(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Show_env_vars_in_logContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Show_env_vars_in_logContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -9238,12 +9506,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_show_env_vars_in_log - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterShow_env_vars_in_log"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterShow_env_vars_in_log" ): listener.enterShow_env_vars_in_log(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitShow_env_vars_in_log"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitShow_env_vars_in_log" ): listener.exitShow_env_vars_in_log(self) @@ -9271,10 +9539,12 @@ def show_env_vars_in_log(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class TargetContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.TargetContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -9283,12 +9553,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_target - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterTarget"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTarget" ): listener.enterTarget(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitTarget"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTarget" ): listener.exitTarget(self) @@ -9316,10 +9586,12 @@ def target(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Target_proxyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Target_proxyContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -9328,12 +9600,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_target_proxy - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterTarget_proxy"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTarget_proxy" ): listener.enterTarget_proxy(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitTarget_proxy"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTarget_proxy" ): listener.exitTarget_proxy(self) @@ -9361,10 +9633,12 @@ def target_proxy(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class File_typeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.File_typeContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string(self): @@ -9374,12 +9648,12 @@ def any_string(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_file_type - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterFile_type"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFile_type" ): listener.enterFile_type(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitFile_type"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFile_type" ): listener.exitFile_type(self) @@ -9407,10 +9681,12 @@ def file_type(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Remote_refContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Remote_refContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -9419,12 +9695,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_remote_ref - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterRemote_ref"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRemote_ref" ): listener.enterRemote_ref(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitRemote_ref"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRemote_ref" ): listener.exitRemote_ref(self) @@ -9452,10 +9728,12 @@ def remote_ref(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Base_configuration_referenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Base_configuration_referenceContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -9464,12 +9742,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_base_configuration_reference - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterBase_configuration_reference"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBase_configuration_reference" ): listener.enterBase_configuration_reference(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitBase_configuration_reference"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBase_configuration_reference" ): listener.exitBase_configuration_reference(self) @@ -9497,13 +9775,15 @@ def base_configuration_reference(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Build_settingsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Build_settingsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def key_value(self, i=None): + def key_value(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Key_valueContext) else: @@ -9513,12 +9793,12 @@ def key_value(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_build_settings - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterBuild_settings"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBuild_settings" ): listener.enterBuild_settings(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitBuild_settings"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBuild_settings" ): listener.exitBuild_settings(self) @@ -9559,10 +9839,12 @@ def build_settings(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Dst_pathContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Dst_pathContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -9574,12 +9856,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_dst_path - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterDst_path"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDst_path" ): listener.enterDst_path(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitDst_path"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDst_path" ): listener.exitDst_path(self) @@ -9613,10 +9895,12 @@ def dst_path(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Dst_subfolder_specContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Dst_subfolder_specContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -9625,12 +9909,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_dst_subfolder_spec - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterDst_subfolder_spec"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDst_subfolder_spec" ): listener.enterDst_subfolder_spec(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitDst_subfolder_spec"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDst_subfolder_spec" ): listener.exitDst_subfolder_spec(self) @@ -9658,13 +9942,15 @@ def dst_subfolder_spec(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Project_references_listContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Project_references_listContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def project_references_list_element(self, i=None): + def project_references_list_element(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Project_references_list_elementContext) else: @@ -9674,12 +9960,12 @@ def project_references_list_element(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_project_references_list - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProject_references_list"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProject_references_list" ): listener.enterProject_references_list(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProject_references_list"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProject_references_list" ): listener.exitProject_references_list(self) @@ -9710,13 +9996,15 @@ def project_references_list(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Project_references_list_elementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Project_references_list_elementContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def REFERENCE(self, i=None): + def REFERENCE(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTokens(PBXProjParser.REFERENCE) else: @@ -9725,12 +10013,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_project_references_list_element - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterProject_references_list_element"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProject_references_list_element" ): listener.enterProject_references_list_element(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitProject_references_list_element"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProject_references_list_element" ): listener.exitProject_references_list_element(self) @@ -9772,13 +10060,15 @@ def project_references_list_element(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Key_valueContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Key_valueContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def any_string(self, i=None): + def any_string(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Any_stringContext) else: @@ -9798,12 +10088,12 @@ def key_value(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_key_value - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterKey_value"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterKey_value" ): listener.enterKey_value(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitKey_value"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitKey_value" ): listener.exitKey_value(self) @@ -9905,10 +10195,12 @@ def key_value(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Build_configurationsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Build_configurationsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def reference_list(self): @@ -9918,12 +10210,12 @@ def reference_list(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_build_configurations - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterBuild_configurations"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBuild_configurations" ): listener.enterBuild_configurations(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitBuild_configurations"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBuild_configurations" ): listener.exitBuild_configurations(self) @@ -9951,10 +10243,12 @@ def build_configurations(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Default_configuration_is_visibleContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Default_configuration_is_visibleContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NUMBER(self): @@ -9963,12 +10257,12 @@ def NUMBER(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_default_configuration_is_visible - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterDefault_configuration_is_visible"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDefault_configuration_is_visible" ): listener.enterDefault_configuration_is_visible(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitDefault_configuration_is_visible"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDefault_configuration_is_visible" ): listener.exitDefault_configuration_is_visible(self) @@ -9996,10 +10290,12 @@ def default_configuration_is_visible(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Default_configuration_nameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Default_configuration_nameContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -10011,12 +10307,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_default_configuration_name - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterDefault_configuration_name"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDefault_configuration_name" ): listener.enterDefault_configuration_name(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitDefault_configuration_name"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDefault_configuration_name" ): listener.exitDefault_configuration_name(self) @@ -10050,13 +10346,15 @@ def default_configuration_name(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class SettingsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.SettingsContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def key_value(self, i=None): + def key_value(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Key_valueContext) else: @@ -10066,12 +10364,12 @@ def key_value(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_settings - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterSettings"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSettings" ): listener.enterSettings(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitSettings"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSettings" ): listener.exitSettings(self) @@ -10112,13 +10410,15 @@ def settings(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class System_capabilitiesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.System_capabilitiesContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser - def key_value(self, i=None): + def key_value(self, i:int=None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(PBXProjParser.Key_valueContext) else: @@ -10128,12 +10428,12 @@ def key_value(self, i=None): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_system_capabilities - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterSystem_capabilities"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSystem_capabilities" ): listener.enterSystem_capabilities(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitSystem_capabilities"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSystem_capabilities" ): listener.exitSystem_capabilities(self) @@ -10174,10 +10474,12 @@ def system_capabilities(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Current_versionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Current_versionContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REFERENCE(self): @@ -10186,12 +10488,12 @@ def REFERENCE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_current_version - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterCurrent_version"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCurrent_version" ): listener.enterCurrent_version(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitCurrent_version"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCurrent_version" ): listener.exitCurrent_version(self) @@ -10219,10 +10521,12 @@ def current_version(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Version_group_typeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Version_group_typeContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -10231,12 +10535,12 @@ def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_version_group_type - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterVersion_group_type"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterVersion_group_type" ): listener.enterVersion_group_type(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitVersion_group_type"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitVersion_group_type" ): listener.exitVersion_group_type(self) @@ -10264,10 +10568,12 @@ def version_group_type(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Class_prefixContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Class_prefixContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def any_string(self): @@ -10277,12 +10583,12 @@ def any_string(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_class_prefix - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterClass_prefix"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClass_prefix" ): listener.enterClass_prefix(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitClass_prefix"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClass_prefix" ): listener.exitClass_prefix(self) @@ -10310,10 +10616,12 @@ def class_prefix(self): self.exitRule() return localctx + class Any_stringContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' - def __init__(self, parser, parent=None, invokingState=-1): - super(PBXProjParser.Any_stringContext, self).__init__(parent, invokingState) + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def NON_QUOTED_STRING(self): @@ -10331,12 +10639,12 @@ def VARIABLE(self): def getRuleIndex(self): return PBXProjParser.RULE_any_string - def enterRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "enterAny_string"): + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAny_string" ): listener.enterAny_string(self) - def exitRule(self, listener): - if hasattr(listener, "exitAny_string"): + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAny_string" ): listener.exitAny_string(self) diff --git a/kin/kin.py b/kin/kin.py index 033d40b..bf72289 100755 --- a/kin/kin.py +++ b/kin/kin.py @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ import sys import os -from verifier import Verifier -from grammar.PBXProjLexer import PBXProjLexer -from grammar.PBXProjParser import PBXProjParser +from .verifier import Verifier +from .grammar.PBXProjLexer import PBXProjLexer +from .grammar.PBXProjParser import PBXProjParser def check_errors(file): @@ -27,25 +27,25 @@ def find_target_files(): def print_help(): - print("USAGE: kin [file]\n" + + print(("USAGE: kin [file]\n" + "DESCRIPTION: Verifies the correctness of your project.pbxproj " + "file. If no arguments are supplied, Kin will try to find a " + "project.pbxproj file in the current project.\nARGUMENTS:\n" + "\t- file\tOptionally provides the location of your " + - "project.pbxproj file") + "project.pbxproj file")) def assert_valid_target_files(target_files): if len(target_files) == 0: - print("ERROR: Unable to find project.pbxproj " + - "file in the current directory\n") + print(("ERROR: Unable to find project.pbxproj " + + "file in the current directory\n")) print_help() sys.exit(-2) elif len(target_files) > 1: - print("ERROR: Too many project.pbxproj files: " + + print(("ERROR: Too many project.pbxproj files: " + str(target_files) + ". Remember you can call Kin with a " + "parameter to specify the file you want to verify, i.e. \"kin " + - str(target_files[0]) + "\"\n") + str(target_files[0]) + "\"\n")) print_help() sys.exit(-3) @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def assert_no_errors(errors): def print_verification_result(errors): if errors: for error in errors: - print("ERROR: " + error) + print(("ERROR: " + error)) else: print("CORRECT") diff --git a/kin/verifier.py b/kin/verifier.py index 893ef87..fb6c95c 100644 --- a/kin/verifier.py +++ b/kin/verifier.py @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ from antlr4 import * -from grammar.PBXProjLexer import PBXProjLexer -from grammar.PBXProjParser import PBXProjParser -from kin_error_listener import KinErrorListener +from .grammar.PBXProjLexer import PBXProjLexer +from .grammar.PBXProjParser import PBXProjParser +from .kin_error_listener import KinErrorListener class Verifier: diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py index 3e888bd..c3aa577 100644 --- a/setup.py +++ b/setup.py @@ -21,16 +21,14 @@ 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', + 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', ], keywords='xcode project.pbxproj lint objective-c swift ios', packages=find_packages(exclude=['tests']), install_requires=[ 'argparse==1.4.0', - 'antlr4-python2-runtime==4.6' + 'antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9.2' ], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ diff --git a/tests/tester.py b/tests/tester.py index 16ef5d8..8dbe402 100755 --- a/tests/tester.py +++ b/tests/tester.py @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def report_test_case(self, path, passed): passed_mark = "✗" self.has_errors = True - print("Testing " + path + "... " + passed_mark) + print(("Testing " + path + "... " + passed_mark)) def main():