Homebrew installed: https://brew.sh/index_de
ZSH installed and set up as default shell (preferably via the package manager): https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Installing-ZSH#how-to-install-zsh-on-many-platforms
chezmoi installed (preferably via the package manager): https://www.chezmoi.io/install/
1Password and 1Password CLI installed (preferably via the package manager): https://1password.com/de/downloads/, https://1password.com/de/downloads/command-line/
Initialize chezmoi with this dotfiles repository:
chezmoi init https://github.com/SenseiMarv/dotfiles.git
Check the changes, chezmoi would do on the machine:
chezmoi diff
Apply the changes if everything looks good:
chezmoi apply -v
Please be cautious to not leak secrets! You can add secrets using the Password manager integration or by using a password manager CLI (e.g. https://developer.1password.com/docs/cli/)
chezmoi edit $FILE
After editing a file, the changes have to be applied (this step can be skipped if the -a
/ --apply
flag was used in the command above):
chezmoi apply -v
code $FILE
After editing a tracked file manually, it has to be re-added:
chezmoi add $FILE
The Brewfile can be updated by running the following command in the user directory:
brew bundle dump --force
chezmoi update
You can pull updates without applying them (the changes can be applied afterwards via chezmoi apply
chezmoi git pull -- --rebase && chezmoi diff
- Chezmoi Website: https://www.chezmoi.io/
- Chezmoi User guide: https://www.chezmoi.io/user-guide/
- Chezmoi Reference: https://www.chezmoi.io/reference/
- Awesome dotfiles: https://github.com/webpro/awesome-dotfiles