- Address
- Unit #
- Street Address
- City
- Province / State / Region
- Country
- Postal Code
- User
- Password(Hashed)
- Hash Salt
- Email
- Verification key (for validating)
- Was it verified?
- Allows marketing?
- Phone Number
- Display Name
- Gender
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Friends
- Stripe Email
- Stripe ID
- Credit Card
- Number
- Expiration
- Game
- Name
- Category
- Platform
- Release Date
- Price
- Order
- Games
- Order Date
- Ship Date
- Review
- Rating
- Subject Text
- Context Text
- Platform
- Name
- Category
- Name
- Friendship
- isFamilyMember
- isAccepted
A relational database using these entities might look something like this
This diagram was created with http://ondras.zarovi.cz/sql/demo/
You can load the XML into that web editor by clicking the "save / load" button at the top right, pasting the XML into the textarea and clicking "Load XML".
You can load the version stored on their servers by instead clicking the "load" button in the server section and paste/type "SeaSharpe" into the dialogue box. This is probably easier and faster but it might not be the same version stored in this repository.