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Chapter 5: If Statement, Phi, and Region

Table of Contents

  1. Recap
  2. New Nodes
  3. IfNode
  4. PhiNode
  5. RegionNode
  6. Pinned data nodes
  7. Stop Nodes
  8. Parsing an if Statement
  9. Operations on ScopeNodes
  10. Duplicating a ScopeNode
  11. Merging two ScopeNodes
  12. Example 1
  13. Before Merging
  14. After Merging
  15. Finally
  16. Example 2
  17. Example 3
  18. Example 3
  19. More Examples

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In this chapter we extend the language grammar with the following features:

  • We introduce the if statement.
  • To support splitting of control flow and merging, we introduce new nodes: Region and Phi.
  • Since we can now have multiple return points, we also introduce the Stop node as the termination.

Here is the complete language grammar for this chapter.


Here is a recap of the nodes introduced in previous chapters:

Node Name Type Chapter Description Inputs Value
Multi Abstract class 4 A node that has a tuple result A tuple
Start Control 1 Start of function, now a MultiNode A tuple with a ctrl token and an arg data node
Proj Data 4 Projection nodes extract values from MultiNode A MultiNode and index Result is the extracted value from the input MultiNode at offset index
Bool Data 4 Represents results of a comparison operator Two data nodes Result is a comparison, represented as integer value where 1=true, 0=false
Not Data 4 Logical not One data node Result converts 0 to 1 and vice versa
Return Control 1 End of function Predecessor control node and a data node for the return value of the function Return value of the function
Constant Data 1 Represents constants such as integer literals None, however Start node is set as input to enable graph walking Value of the constant
Add Data 2 Add two values Two data nodes without restrictions on the order Result of the add operation
Sub Data 2 Subtract a value from another Two data nodes, the first one is subtracted by the second one Result of the subtraction
Mul Data 2 Multiply two values Two data nodes without restrictions on the order Result of the multiplication
Div Data 2 Divide a value by another Two data nodes, the first one is divided by the second one Result of the division
Minus Data 2 Negate a value One data node which value is negated Result of the negation
Scope Symbol Table 3 Represents scopes in the graph Nodes that represent the current value of variables None

New Nodes

The following new nodes are introduced in this chapter:

Node Name Type Chapter Description Inputs Value
If Control 5 A branching test, sub type of MultiNode A control node and a data predicate node A tuple of two values: one for true, one for false
Region Control 5 A merge point for multiple control flows An input for each control flow that is merging Merged control
Phi Data 5 A phi function picks a value based on control flow A Region, and data nodes for each control path Depends on control flow path taken
Stop Control 5 Termination of the program All return nodes of the function None


If node takes in both control and data (predicate expression) and routes the control token to one of the two control flows, represented by true and false Proj nodes.


A Phi reads in both data and control, and outputs a data value. The control input to the Phi points to a Region node. The data inputs to the Phi are one for each of the control inputs to that Region. The result computed by a Phi depends both on the data and the matching control input. At most one control input to the Region can be active at a time, and the Phi passes through the data value from the matching input.1


In this Sea of Nodes, there is an embedded Control Flow Graph - and like a normal CFG there are merge points where two basic blocks flow into one. The Region node takes control from each predecessor control (block) as input and produces a merged control as an output.2

Both Return and If take control in slot 0. PhiNodes need their corresponding RegionNode to know when to merge data values, so again slot 0 is set, and data values show up in slots 1 and onward. RegionNodes keep their control inputs in sync with PhiNodes, so again their control inputs show up in slots 1 and onward.

We do not associate a control edge on every data node in the graph

If we want to track the basic block a normal instruction is in, we will set the control input (always slot 0) to some control-producing Node. Typically we do not need to (nor want to) track this - so control is null for most data ops. The correctness of such a data op is solely determined by the remaining data dependencies. It, and the Nodes that depend on it or on which it depends, exists in a “sea” of Nodes, with little control structure.

The “sea” of Nodes is useful for optimization, but does not represent any traditional intermediate representation such as a CFG. We need a way to serialize the graph and get back the control dependences. We do this with a simple global code motion algorithm.3

Stop Nodes

StopNodes only have ReturnNode inputs. They mark the program termination.

Parsing an if Statement

When we parse an if statement, the control flow splits at that point. We must track the names being updated in each part of the if statement, and then merge them at the end. The implementation follows the description in Combining Analyses, Combining Optimizations4.

This involves following:

  1. We create an IfNode with the current control token, i.e. the node mapped to $ctrl, and the if predicate expression as inputs.
  2. We add two ProjNodes - one for the True branch (call it ifT), and the other for the False branch (call it ifF) - these extract values from the tuple result of the IfNode.
  3. We duplicate the current ScopeNode. The duplicated ScopeNode contains all the same symbol tables as the original, and has the same edges.
  4. We set the control token to the True projection node ifT, and parse the true branch of the if statement.
  5. We set the duplicated ScopeNode as the current one.
  6. The control token is set to the False projection node ifF, and if there is an else statement we parse it.
  7. At this point we have two ScopeNodes; the original one, potentially updated by the True branch, and the duplicate one, potentially updated by the False branch.
  8. We create a Region node to represent a merge point.
  9. We merge the two ScopeNodes. We create Phi nodes for any names whose bindings differ. The Phi nodes take the Region node as the control input and the two data nodes from each of the ScopeNodes. The name binding is updated to point to the Phi node.
  10. Finally, we set the Region node as the control token, and discard the duplicated ScopeNode.

Implementation is in parseIf method in Parser.

Operations on ScopeNodes

As explained above, we duplicate ScopeNodes and merge them at a later point. There are some subtleties in how this is implemented that is worth going over.

Duplicating a ScopeNode

Below is the code for duplicating a ScopeNode.

Our goals are:

  1. Duplicate the name bindings across all stack levels
  2. Make the new ScopeNode a user of all the bound nodes
  3. Ensure that the order of defs in the duplicate is the same to allow easy merging

For implementation see scopeNode.dup()

Merging two ScopeNodes

At the merge point we merge two ScopeNodes. The goals are:

  1. Merge names whose bindings have changed between the two nodes. For each such name, a Phi node is created, referencing the two original data nodes.
  2. A new Region node is created representing the merged control flow. The phis have this region node as the first input.
  3. After the merge is completed, the duplicate is discarded, and its use of each of the nodes is also deleted.

The merging logic takes advantage of that fact that the two ScopeNodes have the bound nodes in the same order in the list of inputs. This was ensured during duplicating the ScopeNode. Although only the innermost occurrence of a name can have its binding changed, we scan all the nodes in our input list, and simply ignore ones where the binding has not changed.

For implementation see ScopeNode.mergeScopes()

Example #1

We show the graph for the following code snippet:

int a = 1;
if (arg == 1)
    a = arg+2;
    a = arg-3;
return a;

Before Merging

Following shows the graph just before we merge the two branches of the if statement in a Region node.


Note the two ScopeNodes in the graph. One has its $ctrl pointing to the True projection, while the other has $ctrl pointing to False projection. The variable a is bound to the Add node in the True branch, whereas it is bound to the Sub node in the False branch. Thus a will need a Phi node when merging the two scopes.

After Merging

Below is the graph after we created a Region node and merged the two definitions of a in a Phi node.


The duplicate ScopeNode has been discarded and was merged into the other one. Since a had two different definitions in both scopes a Phi node was created and is now referenced from a. The Phi node's inputs are the Region node and the Add node from the True branch, and Sub node from the False branch.


Here is the graph after the return statement was parsed and processed.


Example #2

Consider the following code snippet:

int b = 0;
int c = 0;
if (arg == 1) {
    b = 2;
    c = 1;
else {
    b = 1;
return b;

The value of b depends on which path the control flow took. To resolve this, a Φ (Phi) function is inserted.

b = Phi(Region,2, 1); // values vary
c = Phi(Region,1, 0); // valuse vary, but dead

The Phi for c will die when the scope where c is defined dies. This does not happen when merging but after the return. return is using b so b stays alive.

Before, we go ahead and parse down the if statement we duplicate the scope:

ScopeNode fScope = _scope.dup();
/* Scope[$ctrl:$ctrl, arg:arg][b:0, c:0]*/

We then will proceed and parse down the first branch of the if statement:

// Parse the true side
ctrl(ifT);    // set ctrl token to ifTrue projection
parseStatement();  // Parse true-side
ScopeNode tScope = _scope;

/* Scope[$ctrl:True, arg:arg][b:2, c:1]*/

Notice, this branch modified and set a new value for both symbols currently existing in the symbol table. Now, we set the scope back to where we started (without the modifications that ifT made)

_scope = fScope; 

We then will proceed and parse down the second branch of the if statement:

if (matchx("else")) {
    fScope = _scope;
    /* Scope[$ctrl:False, arg:arg][b:1, c:0]*/

This branch modified the values of b and c. Since the branch arms are also lexical scopes, they cannot introduce new symbols in the current (outer) scope. This means that the order of the name bindings stayed the same. Excluding the first control node, we loop through and compare the nodes corresponding to the same name binding to see if the nodes are different, if so we create a phi node representing this conflict:

    /*      in(i); 2 */
    /*; 1 */
    if( in(i) != ) // No need for redundant Phis
        setDef(i, new PhiNode(ns[i], r, in(i),;


Example #3

Phi's implement a peephole illustrated in the example:

int a=arg==2;
if( arg==1 )
return a;

Pre-peephole we have:




The common operator was pulled out and the Phi node only got applied to the operands. Notice how only the second operand of the == changes, the first one stays the same (arg). The implementation is in PhiNode.idealize()

More examples

int c = 3;
int b = 2;
if (arg == 1) {
    b = 3;
    c = 4;
return c;


int a=arg+1;
int b=arg+2;
if( arg==1 )
return a+b;


int a=1;
if( arg==1 )
    if( arg==2 )
else if( arg==3 )
return a;



  1. Click, C. (1995). Combining Analyses, Combining Optimizations, 132.

  2. Click, C. (1995). Combining Analyses, Combining Optimizations, 129.

  3. Click, C. (1995). Combining Analyses, Combining Optimizations, 86.

  4. Click, C. (1995). Combining Analyses, Combining Optimizations, 102-103.