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SMiLer: A Semi-Lazy Time Series Prediction System for Sensors

1. Introduction

SMiLer is a SeMiLazy time series prediction system for sensors. The overall framework of SMiLer comprising of two main steps: search step and prediction step. More details about it can be found in the paper:

****Jingbo Zhou, Anthony K. H. Tung; "SMiLer: A Semi-Lazy Time Series Prediction System for Sensors"; Proc. of 2015 ACM Int. Conf. on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2015)

2. Quick Run

You can see a running example in the folder "src/demo". The demo also gives a brief introudction about the API and parameters.

3. Usage

This section shows important functional APIs of SMiLer.

3.1 Data loading function

	void conf_DataEngine(vector<vector<float> >& in_bladeData_vec, 
				int sc_band, int winDim,int maxOffset)

This function is in src/smilerManager/TSManagerOnGpuIdx.h. It is the main function to load the sensor time series data into the GPU. The parameters of conf_DataEngine() are as follows:

3.1.1 Parameters of conf_DataEngine():
 'in_bladeData_vec' -- the time series of sensors, one blade is for one sensor
 'sc_band' -- the warping width for LB_keogh of DTW
 'winDim' -- the window length
 'maxOffset' -- do not load maxOffset data into (or say left them out of) GPU to avoid exceeding the bounding when query the reference time series

3.2 Continuous query function

	void TSPred_continuous_onGPUIdx(
			vector<vector<float> >& groupQuery_vec, 
			int contPrdStep, 
			vector<int>& groupQuery_blade_map,
			int y_offset, int pred_selector, 
			bool weightedTrn, bool selfCorr)

This function is in src/smilerManager/TSManagerOnGpuIdx.h. It is the main function to start the continuous query on SMiLer. By this function, SMiLer makes continuous prediction for each vector in groupQuery_vec. The parameters of TSPred_continuous_onGPUIdx() are as follows:

3.2.1 Parameters of TSPred_continuous_onGPUIdx():
 'groupQuery_vec' -- a set of query vector for prediction, it can be multiple queries for mulitple sensors,
	the relations between sensors and queries are defined by a vector groupQuery_blade_map as show below
 'contPrdStep' -- the step for making continuous prediction
 'groupQuery_blade_map' -- map the query to corresponding data blade (one data blade is just the time series of one sensor)
 'y_offset' -- the h-step ahead prediction for time series prediction.
                       for one step ahead prediction,y_offset==0
                       for multiple steps ahead prediction, y_offset = mul_step - 1
 'pred_selector' -- to select the prediction model
 			pred_selector = 1, smiler-AR
 			pred_selector =0, smiler-GP (refer to section 5.2 of the paper SMiLer)
 'weightedTrn' -- whether to do weighted training process, i.e. give different weight of the kNN results based DTW distance
 'selfCorr' -- whether to use auto-tuning mechanism with self-adaptive prediction to determine the weight of K and L

4. Dependencies

The current code depends on the following external libraries:

Armadillo (, is a high quality C++ linear algebra library.

OpenBLAS (optional,, is an optimized BLAS library. OpenBLAS is not mandatory, but it helps Armadillo achieve better performance. (You also can use BLAS, ATLAS and LAPACK together to replace the OpenBLAS.)

Note: The project is created by Nsight IDE.