The SCRUM LATAM Comunidad Web portal repository.
A new SCRUM LATAM Comunidad Web portal using Plone 6 and Volto technologies.
- Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11
- Node 16
- yarn
- Docker
Install the requirements dependencies, executing the following command:
sudo apt install build-essential python3-dev python3-venv git tree curl
Download and install Node Version Manager - NVM, executing the following command:
curl -o- | bash
Setting the nvm
script into console environments to use it, executing
the following command:
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")" \
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
To reflect the nvm
script changes in the terminal environments to use
it, executing the following command:
source ~/.bashrc && exit
Launch the terminal again and continues with execute the next commands.
Install Node 16 Version:
Download and install Node 16 Version, executing the following command:
nvm install 16
Enable the Node 16 Version to use it, executing the following command:
nvm use 16
Install yarn tool, executing the following command:
npm install --global yarn
Clone and install the git repository, executing the following command:
git clone [email protected]:ScrumLATAMComunidad/ scrumlatamcomunidad-com && cd $_
Install the dev stack, executing the following command:
make install
Open two consoles to run each of the following commands in each of them:
Start the Backend (http://localhost:8080/)
make start-backend
Start the Frontend (http://localhost:3000/)
make start-frontend
For more details information about tasks available for command make
executing the following command:
make help
This monorepo is composed by two distinct codebases: api and frontend.
- backend: API (Backend) Plone installation using
(not buildout). Includes a policy package namedslc_web
. More details information at backend/src/slc_web/ file. - devops: Devops Deployments scripts por this monorepo. More details information at devops/ file.
- frontend: React (Volto) package named frontend. More details information at frontend/ file.
- Repo contains all codebase needed to run the site (excluding existing addons for Plone and React).
- Github Workflows are triggered based on changes on each codebase
) - Easier to create Docker images for each codebase
- Showcase Plone installation/setup without buildout
There are some hooks to run lint checks on the code. If you want to automatically format them, you can run
make format
in the root folder or especifically in each backend or frontend folders.
Linters commands are available in each backend and frontend folder.
There are Makefile
commands in place:
: Build Acceptance Backend Server Docker
image that it's being used afterwards. Must be run before running the
tests, if the backend code has changed.
: Start server fixture in docker (previous
build required)
: Start the Core Acceptance Frontend
Fixture in dev mode
: Start Core Cypress Acceptance Tests in dev mode
Leonardo J. Caballero G. 🐛 🚧 🚇 📖 🔧 🛡️ 💬 🌍 💻 |
Humberto R Hansen. 🔍 🐛 🚧 🚇 🛡️ 📖 🔧 💬 🎨 🌍 💻 📓 👀 🤔 |
Manuel Matos 🐛 🎨 🌍 💻 |
Juan Lopez 🐛 🎨 💻 🌍 📓 |
Ruben Dario Romero Chica 💼 🧑🏫 📋 🔍 🐛 📖 🖋 💬 📆 🤔 |
Emilia Miranda 🐛 📖 🖋 💬 📆 🤔 |
Vanessa Apaza 🐛 📖 🖋 💬 📆 🤔 |
Lizbeth Martel 🐛 📖 🖋 💬 📆 🤔 |
Enny Infante 🐛 📖 🖋 💬 📆 🤔 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
For see only the source code contributors checkout the contributors graphs.
This was generated by cookiecutter-plone-starter on 2023-05-11 04:07:02
Licensing by GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, for more details checkout LICENSE file.