- AttachedProperties (Wpfish)
- Solution for multiple content properties / templates + slots
- .HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Center) -> Control.HAlign.Center
- Think about some way for css-like styling
- Provide some convenience for: type App() =
- onRender (direct html element access), onMount, onUnmount
- timer / Observables
- Vide als .fsx file und dann einen C# SourceGen
- Work this idea out: Shadowing and defaults
type [<AutoOpen>] AvaloniaControlsEx = static member inline TextBlock = AvaloniaControlBuilders.TextBlock().onInit(fun x -> x.node.FontSize <- 80.0) open type Vide.UI.AvaloniaControls open type AvaloniaControlsEx
- [] for all API factories? That would make
open type Vide.UI.AvaloniaControls
- "Resetting" views
- RawSpan / Way of emitting HTML (not only text)
- async
- Restart- und Retrigger-Verhalten
- CancellationToken
- Error handling
- Timeouts
- async button ("wait for click")
- Maybe don't use later/promise, but async because of cancellation
- UseCase: "Until" (geht schon jetzt)
- UseCase: See AsyncWithSubsequentCalls // TODO: Interesting use case for component result // handling and ordering / evaluation
- Components
- reset component / state from outside
- Templates / slots
- Provide an "element" function
- yield support for fragments <> <.... <>
- Welche Arten?
- CompoundComponents (=vide { ... })
- RenderComponents (die die direkt auf ctx zugreuif)
- Gutes Beispiel: Aus "input" eine "checkbox"-Komponente machen
- Components with events
- Elements list + Remove / change / etc.
- Provide an overload in BuilderBricks.for
- call it VideList :)
More [] on builder methods etc.
2 Property-APIs: For each Property: 1 for Init-Only and 1 for OnEval
Compare current values and only set when different (also in 'bind' methods)
- Mandatory for bind in conjunction with: [] static member Text(this: #AvaloniaControlBuilders.TextBox, value) = this.onEval(fun x -> if x.node.Text <> value then x.node.Text <- value)
Optimize "EvaluateView"
- diffing
- instead of storing attr and events in the builder, they should have a direct effect on the underlying HTMLElement
MemLeaks bei evt reg?
Testcase: For-Loop mit disjunktem State -> wie verhält sich das?
- Conditional Attributes
- Conditional Elements
- State-Verschachtelungen (z.B. div in div mit jeweils State) oder State-In-List
- Vide as no single case DU -> inlineIfLambda
- globals as base class
- "add className"
- className + class'
- Properties / Ctor initialization type X(?myProp: int) = let mutable _myProp = defaultArg myProp 0 member this.myProp(xxx) = _myProp <- xxx member this.myProp() = _myProp
- Other events like checked change
- hr, br etc. sollen Void sein
- Events:
- Overload ohne Argumente (Evaluiert nur)
- Event soll ein Arg bekommen mit
- Event (Fable)
- Node
- Eventkontext mit "TriggerEval: bool"
- Input soll automatisch "OnChange" auslösen
- Kontext weiter abstrahieren, damit man ohne Browser testen kann
- input: checked / radio / etc.
- form elements
"Placeholder": A box that can be used later to place elements into
- Don't call just ToString for attr values
- Enum types
- Choice types
- events not as hardcoded list
- type and member docu
- elem.attrs.attrs |> List.distinctBy (fun a -> a.name)
- let x1 = X()config..myProp() let x2 = X(myProp = 12).attrs.myProp() let x2 = X(myProp = 12).attrs.myProp()
Perf: 2versions:
- a) SingleCaseDU
- b) Function type + InlineIfLambda
IMPORTANT: Do NOT do this, since this is a pitfall that I stumbled acrowss (TODO List Avalonia), and it causes really strange behaviour. Why? Controls are reused! Instead, it's absolutely necessary to always instanciate a new builder (Shadow a new type or use somehow other styling techniques): let Button = Button.Margin(Thickness 5.0) let TextBlock = TextBlock.Margin(Thickness 5.0) let TextBox = TextBox.Margin(Thickness 5.0) let DockPanel = DockPanel.LastChildFill(true)