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+ display: none;
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-Sceneform SDK for Android - Maintained
+Maintained Sceneform SDK for Android
-#### This repository is a fork of [SceneForm](https://github.com/google-ar/sceneform-android-sdk)
+#### This repository is a fork of [Sceneform](https://github.com/google-ar/sceneform-android-sdk)
Copyright (c) 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-[ ![jCenter](https://img.shields.io/badge/jCenter-1.18.3-blue) ](https://bintray.com/thomasgorisse/maven/com.gorisse.thomas.sceneform:sceneform/1.18.3/link)
+[ ![jCenter](https://img.shields.io/badge/jCenter-1.18.4-blue) ](https://bintray.com/thomasgorisse/maven/com.gorisse.thomas.sceneform:sceneform/1.18.4/link)
Sceneform is a 3D framework with a physically based renderer that's optimized
for mobile devices and that makes it easy for you to build Augmented Reality (AR)
apps without requiring OpenGL or Unity.
+![Sample Lion Model](/docs/images/samples/model_lion.jpg)
## Usage benefits
-* Continuous compatibility with the latests versions of [ARCore SDK](https://github.com/google-ar/arcore-android-sdk) and [Filament](https://github.com/google/filament)
+* Continuous compatibility with the latests versions of [ARCore SDK](https://github.com/google-ar/arcore-android-sdk) and [Filament](https://github.com/google/filament)
* Based on AndroidX
* Available has jCenter dependency
-* Supports glTF instead of olds SFA
and SFB
-* Easy animations support
-* Open source
+* Supports glTF format
+* Animations made easy
+* Simple model loading for basic usage
## Dependencies
-Sceneform is available on `jCenter()`
dependencies {
- implementation("com.gorisse.thomas.sceneform:sceneform:1.18.3")
+ implementation("com.gorisse.thomas.sceneform:sceneform:1.18.4")
-## Usage
+## Basic Usage (Simple model viewer)
-### Update your AndroidManifest.xml
+### Update your `AndroidManifest.xml`
-Modify your ```AndroidManifest.xml``` to indicate that your app uses (AR Optional) or requires (AR Required) ARCore and CAMERA access:
public class AnchorNode -extends Node-
When the Anchor isn't tracking, all children of this node are disabled.
Node.LifecycleListener, Node.OnTapListener, Node.OnTouchListener, Node.TransformChangedListener
Constructor and Description | -
-Create an AnchorNode with no anchor.
- |
AnchorNode(Anchor anchor)
-Create an AnchorNode with the specified anchor.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Anchor |
-Returns the ARCore anchor if it exists or null otherwise.
- |
boolean |
-Returns true if the transformations are interpolated or false if they are applied immediately.
- |
boolean |
-Returns true if the ARCore anchor’s tracking state is TRACKING.
- |
void |
-onUpdate(FrameTime frameTime)
-AnchorNode overrides this to update the node's position to match the ARCore Anchor's position.
- |
void |
-setAnchor(Anchor anchor)
-Set an ARCore anchor and force the position of this node to be updated immediately.
- |
void |
-setLocalPosition(Vector3 position)
-Set the local-space position of this node if it is not anchored.
- |
void |
-setLocalRotation(Quaternion rotation)
-Set the local-space rotation of this node if it is not anchored.
- |
void |
-setSmoothed(boolean smoothed)
-Set true to smooth the transition between the node’s current position and the anchor position.
- |
void |
-setWorldPosition(Vector3 position)
-Set the world-space position of this node if it is not anchored.
- |
void |
-setWorldRotation(Quaternion rotation)
-Set the world-space rotation of this node if it is not anchored.
- |
addLifecycleListener, addTransformChangedListener, callOnHierarchy, canAddChild, findInHierarchy, getBack, getCollisionShape, getDown, getForward, getLeft, getLight, getLocalPosition, getLocalRotation, getLocalScale, getName, getParent, getRenderable, getRenderableInstance, getRight, getScene, getUp, getWorldModelMatrix, getWorldPosition, getWorldRotation, getWorldScale, isActive, isDescendantOf, isEnabled, isTopLevel, localToWorldDirection, localToWorldPoint, onActivate, onAddChild, onDeactivate, onRemoveChild, onTouchEvent, onTransformChange, removeLifecycleListener, removeTransformChangedListener, setCollisionShape, setEnabled, setLight, setLocalScale, setLookDirection, setLookDirection, setName, setOnTapListener, setOnTouchListener, setParent, setRenderable, setWorldScale, toString, worldToLocalDirection, worldToLocalPoint
addChild, findByName, getChildren, removeChild
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public AnchorNode()-
public AnchorNode(Anchor anchor)-
- the ARCore anchor that this node will automatically position itself to.public void setAnchor(Anchor anchor)-
- the ARCore anchor that this node will automatically position itself to.public Anchor getAnchor()-
public void setSmoothed(boolean smoothed)-
- Whether the transformations are interpolated.public boolean isSmoothed()-
public boolean isTracking()-
public void onUpdate(FrameTime frameTime)-
public void setLocalPosition(Vector3 position)-
in class Node
- The position to apply.Node.getLocalPosition()
public void setWorldPosition(Vector3 position)-
in class Node
- The position to apply.Node.getWorldPosition()
public void setLocalRotation(Quaternion rotation)-
in class Node
- The rotation to apply.Node.getLocalRotation()
public void setWorldRotation(Quaternion rotation)-
in class Node
- The rotation to apply.Node.getWorldRotation()
public class ArSceneView -extends SceneView-
android.view.View.AccessibilityDelegate, android.view.View.BaseSavedState, android.view.View.DragShadowBuilder, android.view.View.MeasureSpec, android.view.View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener, android.view.View.OnAttachStateChangeListener, android.view.View.OnCapturedPointerListener, android.view.View.OnClickListener, android.view.View.OnContextClickListener, android.view.View.OnCreateContextMenuListener, android.view.View.OnDragListener, android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener, android.view.View.OnGenericMotionListener, android.view.View.OnHoverListener, android.view.View.OnKeyListener, android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener, android.view.View.OnLongClickListener, android.view.View.OnScrollChangeListener, android.view.View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener, android.view.View.OnTouchListener, android.view.View.OnUnhandledKeyEventListener
Constructor and Description | -
ArSceneView(android.content.Context context)
-Constructs a ArSceneView object and binds it to an Android Context.
- |
ArSceneView(android.content.Context context,
- android.util.AttributeSet attrs)
-Constructs a ArSceneView object and binds it to an Android Context.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-captureLightingValues(java.util.function.Consumer<EnvironmentalHdrLightEstimate> onNextHdrLightingEstimate)
-Causes a serialized version of the next captured light estimate to be saved to disk.
- |
Frame |
-Returns the most recent ARCore Frame if it is available.
- |
PlaneRenderer |
-Returns PlaneRenderer, used to control plane visualization.
- |
Session |
-Returns the ARCore Session used by this view.
- |
boolean |
-Returns true if the ARCore camera is configured with
- Config.LightEstimationMode.ENVIRONMENTAL_HDR.
- |
boolean |
-Checks whether the sunlight is being updated every frame based on the Environmental HDR
- lighting estimate.
- |
boolean |
-isLightEstimationEnabled() |
protected boolean |
-onBeginFrame(long frameTimeNanos)
-Before the render call occurs, update the ARCore session to grab the latest frame and update
- listeners.
- |
void |
-onLayout(boolean changed,
- int left,
- int top,
- int right,
- int bottom) |
void |
-Pauses the rendering thread and ARCore session.
- |
java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> |
-pauseAsync(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)
-Non blocking call to pause the rendering thread and ARCore session.
- |
void |
-Resumes the rendering thread and ARCore session.
- |
java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> |
-resumeAsync(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)
-Non blocking call to resume the rendering thread and ARCore session in the background
- This must be called from onResume().
- |
void |
-setLightDirectionUpdateEnabled(boolean isLightDirectionUpdateEnabled)
-Sets whether the sunlight direction generated from Environmental HDR lighting should be updated
- every frame.
- |
void |
-setLightEstimationEnabled(boolean enable)
-Enable Light Estimation based on the camera feed.
- |
void |
-setupSession(Session session)
-Setup the view with an AR Session.
- |
destroy, destroyAllResources, doFrame, doFrameNoRepost, enableDebug, getRenderer, getScene, isDebugEnabled, onTouchEvent, reclaimReleasedResources, setBackground, startMirroringToSurface, stopMirroringToSurface
dispatchDraw, draw, gatherTransparentRegion, getHolder, getHostToken, getImportantForAccessibility, getSurfaceControl, onAttachedToWindow, onDetachedFromWindow, onMeasure, onWindowVisibilityChanged, setAlpha, setChildSurfacePackage, setClipBounds, setSecure, setVisibility, setZOrderMediaOverlay, setZOrderOnTop
addChildrenForAccessibility, addExtraDataToAccessibilityNodeInfo, addFocusables, addFocusables, addKeyboardNavigationClusters, addOnAttachStateChangeListener, addOnLayoutChangeListener, addOnUnhandledKeyEventListener, addTouchables, animate, announceForAccessibility, autofill, autofill, awakenScrollBars, awakenScrollBars, awakenScrollBars, bringToFront, buildDrawingCache, buildDrawingCache, buildLayer, callOnClick, cancelDragAndDrop, cancelLongPress, cancelPendingInputEvents, canResolveLayoutDirection, canResolveTextAlignment, canResolveTextDirection, canScrollHorizontally, canScrollVertically, checkInputConnectionProxy, clearAnimation, clearFocus, combineMeasuredStates, computeHorizontalScrollExtent, computeHorizontalScrollOffset, computeHorizontalScrollRange, computeScroll, computeSystemWindowInsets, computeVerticalScrollExtent, computeVerticalScrollOffset, computeVerticalScrollRange, createAccessibilityNodeInfo, createContextMenu, destroyDrawingCache, dispatchApplyWindowInsets, dispatchCapturedPointerEvent, dispatchConfigurationChanged, dispatchDisplayHint, dispatchDragEvent, dispatchDrawableHotspotChanged, dispatchFinishTemporaryDetach, dispatchGenericFocusedEvent, dispatchGenericMotionEvent, dispatchGenericPointerEvent, dispatchHoverEvent, dispatchKeyEvent, dispatchKeyEventPreIme, dispatchKeyShortcutEvent, dispatchNestedFling, dispatchNestedPreFling, dispatchNestedPrePerformAccessibilityAction, dispatchNestedPreScroll, dispatchNestedScroll, dispatchPointerCaptureChanged, dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent, dispatchProvideAutofillStructure, dispatchProvideStructure, dispatchRestoreInstanceState, dispatchSaveInstanceState, dispatchSetActivated, dispatchSetPressed, dispatchSetSelected, dispatchStartTemporaryDetach, dispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged, dispatchTouchEvent, dispatchTrackballEvent, dispatchUnhandledMove, dispatchVisibilityChanged, dispatchWindowFocusChanged, dispatchWindowInsetsAnimationEnd, dispatchWindowInsetsAnimationPrepare, dispatchWindowInsetsAnimationProgress, dispatchWindowInsetsAnimationStart, dispatchWindowSystemUiVisiblityChanged, dispatchWindowVisibilityChanged, drawableHotspotChanged, drawableStateChanged, findFocus, findViewById, findViewsWithText, findViewWithTag, fitSystemWindows, focusSearch, forceHasOverlappingRendering, forceLayout, generateViewId, getAccessibilityClassName, getAccessibilityDelegate, getAccessibilityLiveRegion, getAccessibilityNodeProvider, getAccessibilityPaneTitle, getAccessibilityTraversalAfter, getAccessibilityTraversalBefore, getAlpha, getAnimation, getAnimationMatrix, getApplicationWindowToken, getAttributeResolutionStack, getAttributeSourceResourceMap, getAutofillHints, getAutofillId, getAutofillType, getAutofillValue, getBackground, getBackgroundTintBlendMode, getBackgroundTintList, getBackgroundTintMode, getBaseline, getBottom, getBottomFadingEdgeStrength, getBottomPaddingOffset, getCameraDistance, getClipBounds, getClipBounds, getClipToOutline, getContentCaptureSession, getContentDescription, getContext, getContextMenuInfo, getDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled, getDefaultSize, getDisplay, getDrawableState, getDrawingCache, getDrawingCache, getDrawingCacheBackgroundColor, getDrawingCacheQuality, getDrawingRect, getDrawingTime, getElevation, getExplicitStyle, getFilterTouchesWhenObscured, getFitsSystemWindows, getFocusable, getFocusables, getFocusedRect, getForeground, getForegroundGravity, getForegroundTintBlendMode, getForegroundTintList, getForegroundTintMode, getGlobalVisibleRect, getGlobalVisibleRect, getHandler, getHasOverlappingRendering, getHeight, getHitRect, getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength, getHorizontalScrollbarHeight, getHorizontalScrollbarThumbDrawable, getHorizontalScrollbarTrackDrawable, getId, getImportantForAutofill, getImportantForContentCapture, getKeepScreenOn, getKeyDispatcherState, getLabelFor, getLayerType, getLayoutDirection, getLayoutParams, getLeft, getLeftFadingEdgeStrength, getLeftPaddingOffset, getLocalVisibleRect, getLocationInSurface, getLocationInWindow, getLocationOnScreen, getMatrix, getMeasuredHeight, getMeasuredHeightAndState, getMeasuredState, getMeasuredWidth, getMeasuredWidthAndState, getMinimumHeight, getMinimumWidth, getNextClusterForwardId, getNextFocusDownId, getNextFocusForwardId, getNextFocusLeftId, getNextFocusRightId, getNextFocusUpId, getOnFocusChangeListener, getOutlineAmbientShadowColor, getOutlineProvider, getOutlineSpotShadowColor, getOverlay, getOverScrollMode, getPaddingBottom, getPaddingEnd, getPaddingLeft, getPaddingRight, getPaddingStart, getPaddingTop, getParent, getParentForAccessibility, getPivotX, getPivotY, getPointerIcon, getResources, getRevealOnFocusHint, getRight, getRightFadingEdgeStrength, getRightPaddingOffset, getRootView, getRootWindowInsets, getRotation, getRotationX, getRotationY, getScaleX, getScaleY, getScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade, getScrollBarFadeDuration, getScrollBarSize, getScrollBarStyle, getScrollIndicators, getScrollX, getScrollY, getSolidColor, getSourceLayoutResId, getStateDescription, getStateListAnimator, getSuggestedMinimumHeight, getSuggestedMinimumWidth, getSystemGestureExclusionRects, getSystemUiVisibility, getTag, getTag, getTextAlignment, getTextDirection, getTooltipText, getTop, getTopFadingEdgeStrength, getTopPaddingOffset, getTouchables, getTouchDelegate, getTransitionAlpha, getTransitionName, getTranslationX, getTranslationY, getTranslationZ, getUniqueDrawingId, getVerticalFadingEdgeLength, getVerticalScrollbarPosition, getVerticalScrollbarThumbDrawable, getVerticalScrollbarTrackDrawable, getVerticalScrollbarWidth, getViewTreeObserver, getVisibility, getWidth, getWindowAttachCount, getWindowId, getWindowInsetsController, getWindowSystemUiVisibility, getWindowToken, getWindowVisibility, getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame, getX, getY, getZ, hasExplicitFocusable, hasFocus, hasFocusable, hasNestedScrollingParent, hasOnClickListeners, hasOnLongClickListeners, hasOverlappingRendering, hasPointerCapture, hasTransientState, hasWindowFocus, inflate, invalidate, invalidate, invalidate, invalidateDrawable, invalidateOutline, isAccessibilityFocused, isAccessibilityHeading, isActivated, isAttachedToWindow, isClickable, isContextClickable, isDirty, isDrawingCacheEnabled, isDuplicateParentStateEnabled, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusableInTouchMode, isFocused, isFocusedByDefault, isForceDarkAllowed, isHapticFeedbackEnabled, isHardwareAccelerated, isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled, isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled, isHovered, isImportantForAccessibility, isImportantForAutofill, isImportantForContentCapture, isInEditMode, isInLayout, isInTouchMode, isKeyboardNavigationCluster, isLaidOut, isLayoutDirectionResolved, isLayoutRequested, isLongClickable, isNestedScrollingEnabled, isOpaque, isPaddingOffsetRequired, isPaddingRelative, isPivotSet, isPressed, isSaveEnabled, isSaveFromParentEnabled, isScreenReaderFocusable, isScrollbarFadingEnabled, isScrollContainer, isSelected, isShowingLayoutBounds, isShown, isSoundEffectsEnabled, isTemporarilyDetached, isTextAlignmentResolved, isTextDirectionResolved, isVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled, isVerticalScrollBarEnabled, isVisibleToUserForAutofill, jumpDrawablesToCurrentState, keyboardNavigationClusterSearch, layout, measure, mergeDrawableStates, offsetLeftAndRight, offsetTopAndBottom, onAnimationEnd, onAnimationStart, onApplyWindowInsets, onCancelPendingInputEvents, onCapturedPointerEvent, onCheckIsTextEditor, onConfigurationChanged, onCreateContextMenu, onCreateDrawableState, onCreateInputConnection, onDisplayHint, onDragEvent, onDraw, onDrawForeground, onDrawScrollBars, onFilterTouchEventForSecurity, onFinishInflate, onFinishTemporaryDetach, onFocusChanged, onGenericMotionEvent, onHoverChanged, onHoverEvent, onInitializeAccessibilityEvent, onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo, onKeyDown, onKeyLongPress, onKeyMultiple, onKeyPreIme, onKeyShortcut, onKeyUp, onOverScrolled, onPointerCaptureChange, onPopulateAccessibilityEvent, onProvideAutofillStructure, onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure, onProvideContentCaptureStructure, onProvideStructure, onProvideVirtualStructure, onResolvePointerIcon, onRestoreInstanceState, onRtlPropertiesChanged, onSaveInstanceState, onScreenStateChanged, onScrollChanged, onSetAlpha, onSizeChanged, onStartTemporaryDetach, onTrackballEvent, onVisibilityAggregated, onVisibilityChanged, onWindowFocusChanged, onWindowSystemUiVisibilityChanged, overScrollBy, performAccessibilityAction, performClick, performContextClick, performContextClick, performHapticFeedback, performHapticFeedback, performLongClick, performLongClick, playSoundEffect, post, postDelayed, postInvalidate, postInvalidate, postInvalidateDelayed, postInvalidateDelayed, postInvalidateOnAnimation, postInvalidateOnAnimation, postOnAnimation, postOnAnimationDelayed, refreshDrawableState, releasePointerCapture, removeCallbacks, removeOnAttachStateChangeListener, removeOnLayoutChangeListener, removeOnUnhandledKeyEventListener, requestApplyInsets, requestFitSystemWindows, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusFromTouch, requestLayout, requestPointerCapture, requestRectangleOnScreen, requestRectangleOnScreen, requestUnbufferedDispatch, requestUnbufferedDispatch, requireViewById, resetPivot, resolveSize, resolveSizeAndState, restoreDefaultFocus, restoreHierarchyState, saveAttributeDataForStyleable, saveHierarchyState, scheduleDrawable, scrollBy, scrollTo, sendAccessibilityEvent, sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked, setAccessibilityDelegate, setAccessibilityHeading, setAccessibilityLiveRegion, setAccessibilityPaneTitle, setAccessibilityTraversalAfter, setAccessibilityTraversalBefore, setActivated, setAnimation, setAnimationMatrix, setAutofillHints, setAutofillId, setBackgroundColor, setBackgroundDrawable, setBackgroundResource, setBackgroundTintBlendMode, setBackgroundTintList, setBackgroundTintMode, setBottom, setCameraDistance, setClickable, setClipToOutline, setContentCaptureSession, setContentDescription, setContextClickable, setDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled, setDrawingCacheBackgroundColor, setDrawingCacheEnabled, setDrawingCacheQuality, setDuplicateParentStateEnabled, setElevation, setEnabled, setFadingEdgeLength, setFilterTouchesWhenObscured, setFitsSystemWindows, setFocusable, setFocusable, setFocusableInTouchMode, setFocusedByDefault, setForceDarkAllowed, setForeground, setForegroundGravity, setForegroundTintBlendMode, setForegroundTintList, setForegroundTintMode, setHapticFeedbackEnabled, setHasTransientState, setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled, setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled, setHorizontalScrollbarThumbDrawable, setHorizontalScrollbarTrackDrawable, setHovered, setId, setImportantForAccessibility, setImportantForAutofill, setImportantForContentCapture, setKeepScreenOn, setKeyboardNavigationCluster, setLabelFor, setLayerPaint, setLayerType, setLayoutDirection, setLayoutParams, setLeft, setLeftTopRightBottom, setLongClickable, setMeasuredDimension, setMinimumHeight, setMinimumWidth, setNestedScrollingEnabled, setNextClusterForwardId, setNextFocusDownId, setNextFocusForwardId, setNextFocusLeftId, setNextFocusRightId, setNextFocusUpId, setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener, setOnCapturedPointerListener, setOnClickListener, setOnContextClickListener, setOnCreateContextMenuListener, setOnDragListener, setOnFocusChangeListener, setOnGenericMotionListener, setOnHoverListener, setOnKeyListener, setOnLongClickListener, setOnScrollChangeListener, setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener, setOnTouchListener, setOutlineAmbientShadowColor, setOutlineProvider, setOutlineSpotShadowColor, setOverScrollMode, setPadding, setPaddingRelative, setPivotX, setPivotY, setPointerIcon, setPressed, setRevealOnFocusHint, setRight, setRotation, setRotationX, setRotationY, setSaveEnabled, setSaveFromParentEnabled, setScaleX, setScaleY, setScreenReaderFocusable, setScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade, setScrollBarFadeDuration, setScrollbarFadingEnabled, setScrollBarSize, setScrollBarStyle, setScrollContainer, setScrollIndicators, setScrollIndicators, setScrollX, setScrollY, setSelected, setSoundEffectsEnabled, setStateDescription, setStateListAnimator, setSystemGestureExclusionRects, setSystemUiVisibility, setTag, setTag, setTextAlignment, setTextDirection, setTooltipText, setTop, setTouchDelegate, setTransitionAlpha, setTransitionName, setTransitionVisibility, setTranslationX, setTranslationY, setTranslationZ, setVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled, setVerticalScrollBarEnabled, setVerticalScrollbarPosition, setVerticalScrollbarThumbDrawable, setVerticalScrollbarTrackDrawable, setWillNotCacheDrawing, setWillNotDraw, setWindowInsetsAnimationCallback, setX, setY, setZ, showContextMenu, showContextMenu, startActionMode, startActionMode, startAnimation, startDrag, startDragAndDrop, startNestedScroll, stopNestedScroll, toString, transformMatrixToGlobal, transformMatrixToLocal, unscheduleDrawable, unscheduleDrawable, updateDragShadow, verifyDrawable, willNotCacheDrawing, willNotDraw
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public ArSceneView(android.content.Context context)-
In order to have rendering work correctly, setupSession(Session)
must be called.
- the Android Context to useArSceneView(Context, AttributeSet)
public ArSceneView(android.content.Context context, - android.util.AttributeSet attrs)-
In order to have rendering work correctly, setupSession(Session)
must be called.
- the Android Context to useattrs
- the Android AttributeSet to associate withsetupSession(Session)
public void setupSession(Session session)-
The session is expected to be configured with the update mode of LATEST_CAMERA_IMAGE. - Without this configuration, the updating of the ARCore session could block the UI Thread - causing poor UI experience.
- the ARCore session to use for this viewArSceneView(Context, AttributeSet)
public void resume() - throws CameraNotAvailableException-
This must be called from onResume().
public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> resumeAsync(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)-
This must be called from onResume(). - -
If called while another pause or resume is in progress, the resume will be enqueued and - happen after the current operation completes.
public void pause()-
This must be called from onPause().
public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> pauseAsync(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)-
This should be called from onPause(). - -
If pauseAsync is called while another pause or resume is in progress, the pause will be - enqueued and happen after the current operation completes.
completed on the main thread on the pause has completed.
- The future Will will be completed exceptionally if the resume can not be done.public void onLayout(boolean changed, - int left, - int top, - int right, - int bottom)- -
public void setLightEstimationEnabled(boolean enable)-
- set to true to enable Light Estimation or false to use the default estimate,
- which is a pixel intensity of 1.0 and color correction value of white (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).public boolean isLightEstimationEnabled()-
public Session getSession()-
public Frame getArFrame()-
public PlaneRenderer getPlaneRenderer()-
protected boolean onBeginFrame(long frameTimeNanos)-
in class SceneView
public boolean isLightDirectionUpdateEnabled()-
public void setLightDirectionUpdateEnabled(boolean isLightDirectionUpdateEnabled)-
This may be used to turn off shadow direction updates when they are distracting or unwanted. - -
The default state is true, with sunlight direction updated every frame.
public boolean isEnvironmentalHdrLightingAvailable()-
public void captureLightingValues(java.util.function.Consumer<EnvironmentalHdrLightEstimate> onNextHdrLightingEstimate)-
public class Camera -extends Node -implements CameraProvider-
If the camera is part of an ArSceneView
, then the camera automatically tracks the
- camera pose from ARCore. Additionally, the following methods will throw UnsupportedOperationException
when called:
- Camera's parent cannot be changed, it is always the scene.
- setLocalPosition(Vector3)
- Camera's position cannot be changed, it is controlled
- by the ARCore camera pose.
- setLocalRotation(Quaternion)
- Camera's rotation cannot be changed, it is
- controlled by the ARCore camera pose.
- setWorldPosition(Vector3)
- Camera's position cannot be changed, it is controlled
- by the ARCore camera pose.
- setWorldRotation(Quaternion)
- Camera's rotation cannot be changed, it is
- controlled by the ARCore camera pose.
- Node.LifecycleListener, Node.OnTapListener, Node.OnTouchListener, Node.TransformChangedListener
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
float |
-getFarClipPlane() |
float |
-getNearClipPlane() |
Matrix |
-getProjectionMatrix() |
float |
-Gets the vertical field of view for the camera.
- |
Matrix |
-getViewMatrix() |
Ray |
-screenPointToRay(float x,
- float y)
-Calculates a ray in world space going from the near-plane of the camera and going through a
- point in screen space.
- |
void |
-setFarClipPlane(float farPlane) |
void |
-setLocalPosition(Vector3 position)
-Set the position of the camera.
- |
void |
-setLocalRotation(Quaternion rotation)
-Set the rotation of the camera.
- |
void |
-setNearClipPlane(float nearPlane) |
void |
-setParent(NodeParent parent)
-Unsupported operation.
- |
void |
-setProjectionMatrix(Matrix matrix) |
void |
-setVerticalFovDegrees(float verticalFov)
-Sets the vertical field of view for the non-ar camera in degrees.
- |
void |
-setWorldPosition(Vector3 position)
-Set the position of the camera.
- |
void |
-setWorldRotation(Quaternion rotation)
-Set the rotation of the camera.
- |
void |
-updateTrackedPose(com.google.ar.core.Camera camera)
-Updates the pose and projection of the camera to match the tracked pose from ARCore.
- |
Vector3 |
-worldToScreenPoint(Vector3 point)
-Convert a point from world space into screen space.
- |
addLifecycleListener, addTransformChangedListener, callOnHierarchy, canAddChild, findInHierarchy, getBack, getCollisionShape, getDown, getForward, getLeft, getLight, getLocalPosition, getLocalRotation, getLocalScale, getName, getParent, getRenderable, getRenderableInstance, getRight, getScene, getUp, getWorldModelMatrix, getWorldPosition, getWorldRotation, getWorldScale, isActive, isDescendantOf, isEnabled, isTopLevel, localToWorldDirection, localToWorldPoint, onActivate, onAddChild, onDeactivate, onRemoveChild, onTouchEvent, onTransformChange, onUpdate, removeLifecycleListener, removeTransformChangedListener, setCollisionShape, setEnabled, setLight, setLocalScale, setLookDirection, setLookDirection, setName, setOnTapListener, setOnTouchListener, setRenderable, setWorldScale, toString, worldToLocalDirection, worldToLocalPoint
addChild, findByName, getChildren, removeChild
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public void setNearClipPlane(float nearPlane)-
public float getNearClipPlane()-
in interface CameraProvider
public void setFarClipPlane(float farPlane)-
public void setVerticalFovDegrees(float verticalFov)-
- if this is an AR camerapublic float getVerticalFovDegrees()-
If this is an AR camera, then it is calculated based on the camera information from ARCore - and can vary between device. It can't be calculated until the first frame after the ARCore - session is resumed, in which case an IllegalStateException is thrown. - -
Otherwise, this will return the value set by setVerticalFovDegrees(float)
, with a
- default of 90 degrees.
- if called before the first frame after ARCore is resumedpublic float getFarClipPlane()-
in interface CameraProvider
public Matrix getViewMatrix()-
in interface CameraProvider
public Matrix getProjectionMatrix()-
in interface CameraProvider
public void updateTrackedPose(com.google.ar.core.Camera camera)-
in interface CameraProvider
public Ray screenPointToRay(float x, - float y)-
- X position in device screen coordinates.y
- Y position in device screen coordinates.public Vector3 worldToScreenPoint(Vector3 point)-
The X value is negative when the point is left of the viewport, between 0 and the width of
- the SceneView
when the point is within the viewport, and greater than the width when
- the point is to the right of the viewport.
The Y value is negative when the point is below the viewport, between 0 and the height of
- the SceneView
when the point is within the viewport, and greater than the height when
- the point is above the viewport.
The Z value is always 0 since the return value is a 2D coordinate.
- the point in world space to convertpublic void setParent(NodeParent parent)-
in class Node
- The new parent that this node will be a child of. If null, this node will be
- detached from its parent.Node.getParent()
public void setLocalPosition(Vector3 position)-
, therefore this behaves
- the same as setWorldPosition(Vector3)
- If the camera is part of an ArSceneView
, then this is an unsupported operation.
- Camera's position cannot be changed, it is controlled by the ARCore camera pose.
in class Node
- The position to apply.Node.getLocalPosition()
public void setLocalRotation(Quaternion rotation)-
, therefore this behaves
- the same as setWorldRotation(Quaternion)
- If the camera is part of an ArSceneView
, then this is an unsupported operation.
- Camera's rotation cannot be changed, it is controlled by the ARCore camera pose.
in class Node
- The rotation to apply.Node.getLocalRotation()
public void setWorldPosition(Vector3 position)-
, therefore this behaves
- the same as setLocalPosition(Vector3)
- If the camera is part of an ArSceneView
, then this is an unsupported operation.
- Camera's position cannot be changed, it is controlled by the ARCore camera pose.
in class Node
- The position to apply.Node.getWorldPosition()
public void setWorldRotation(Quaternion rotation)-
, therefore this behaves
- the same as setLocalRotation(Quaternion)
- If the camera is part of an ArSceneView
, then this is an unsupported operation.
- Camera's rotation cannot be changed, it is controlled by the ARCore camera pose.
in class Node
- The rotation to apply.Node.getWorldRotation()
public void setProjectionMatrix(Matrix matrix)-
public class FrameTime
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
float |
-Get the time in seconds between this frame and the last frame.
- |
long |
-getDeltaTime(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
-Get the time between this frame and the last frame.
- |
float |
-Get the time in seconds when this frame started.
- |
long |
-getStartTime(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
-Get the time when this frame started.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public float getDeltaSeconds()-
public float getStartSeconds()-
public long getDeltaTime(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)-
- The unit time will be returned inpublic long getStartTime(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)-
- The unit time will be returned inpublic class HitTestResult -extends RayHit-
Constructor and Description | -
HitTestResult() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Node |
-The node that was hit by the hit test.
- |
void |
-reset() |
void |
-set(HitTestResult other) |
void |
-setNode(Node node) |
getDistance, getPoint, set, setDistance, setPoint
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static interface Node.LifecycleListener
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-onActivated(Node node)
-Notifies the listener that
-Node.onActivate() was called. |
void |
-onDeactivated(Node node)
-Notifies the listener that
-Node.onDeactivate() was called. |
void |
-onUpdated(Node node,
- FrameTime frameTime)
-Notifies the listener that
-Node.onUpdate(FrameTime) was called. |
void onActivated(Node node)-
was called.node
- the node that was activatedvoid onUpdated(Node node, - FrameTime frameTime)-
was called.node
- the node that was updatedframeTime
- provides time information for the current framevoid onDeactivated(Node node)-
was called.node
- the node that was deactivatedpublic static interface Node.OnTapListener
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-onTap(HitTestResult hitTestResult,
- android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)
-Handles when a node has been tapped.
- |
void onTap(HitTestResult hitTestResult, - android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)-
will always be this node or one of its children.
- represents the node that was tapped and information about where it was
- touchedmotionEvent
- the MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
MotionEvent that caused the tappublic static interface Node.OnTouchListener
-Node.onTouchEvent(HitTestResult, MotionEvent)
- called.Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
boolean |
-onTouch(HitTestResult hitTestResult,
- android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)
-Handles when a touch event has been dispatched to a node.
- |
boolean onTouch(HitTestResult hitTestResult, - android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)-
On MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN
events, HitTestResult.getNode()
will always be
- this node or one of its children. On other events, the touch may have moved causing the
- HitTestResult.getNode()
to change (or possibly be null).
- represents the node that was touched and information about where it was
- touchedmotionEvent
- the MotionEvent object containing full information about the eventpublic static interface Node.TransformChangedListener
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-onTransformChanged(Node node,
- Node originatingNode)
-Notifies the listener that the transformation of the
-Node has changed. |
void onTransformChanged(Node node, - Node originatingNode)-
has changed. Called right
- after Node.onTransformChange(Node)
- The originating node is the most top-level node in the hierarchy that triggered the node
- to change. It will always be either the same node or one of its' parents. i.e. if node A's
- position is changed, then that will trigger onTransformChanged(Node, Node)
to be
- called for all of it's descendants with the originatingNode being node A.
- the node that changedoriginatingNode
- the node that triggered the transformation to changepublic class Node -extends NodeParent -implements TransformProvider-
Each node can have an arbitrary number of child nodes and one parent. The parent may be - another node, or the scene.
Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static interface |
-Interface definition for callbacks to be invoked when node lifecycle events occur.
- |
static interface |
-Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a node is tapped.
- |
static interface |
-Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a touch event is dispatched to this
- node.
- |
static interface |
-Interface definition for callbacks to be invoked when the transformation of the node changes.
- |
Constructor and Description | -
-Creates a node with no parent.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-addLifecycleListener(Node.LifecycleListener lifecycleListener)
-Adds a listener that will be called when node lifecycle events occur.
- |
void |
-addTransformChangedListener(Node.TransformChangedListener transformChangedListener)
-Adds a listener that will be called when the node's transformation changes.
- |
void |
-callOnHierarchy(java.util.function.Consumer<Node> consumer)
-Traverses the hierarchy and call a method on each node (including this node).
- |
protected boolean |
-canAddChild(Node child,
- java.lang.StringBuilder failureReason) |
Node |
-findInHierarchy(java.util.function.Predicate<Node> condition)
-Traverses the hierarchy to find the first node (including this node) that meets a condition.
- |
Vector3 |
-Gets the world-space back vector (+z) of this node.
- |
CollisionShape |
-Gets the shape to use for collisions with this node.
- |
Vector3 |
-Gets the world-space down vector (-y) of this node.
- |
Vector3 |
-Gets the world-space forward vector (-z) of this node.
- |
Vector3 |
-Gets the world-space left vector (-x) of this node.
- |
Light |
-Gets the current light, which is mutable.
- |
Vector3 |
-Gets a copy of the nodes position relative to its parent (local-space).
- |
Quaternion |
-Gets a copy of the nodes rotation relative to its parent (local-space).
- |
Vector3 |
-Gets a copy of the nodes scale relative to its parent (local-space).
- |
java.lang.String |
-Returns the name of the node.
- |
Node |
-Returns the parent of this node.
- |
Renderable |
-Gets the renderable to display for this node.
- |
RenderableInstance |
-getRenderableInstance() |
Vector3 |
-Gets the world-space right vector (+x) of this node.
- |
Scene |
-Returns the scene that this node is part of, null if it isn't part of any scene.
- |
Vector3 |
-Gets the world-space up vector (+y) of this node.
- |
Matrix |
-getWorldModelMatrix() |
Vector3 |
-Get a copy of the nodes world-space position.
- |
Quaternion |
-Gets a copy of the nodes world-space rotation.
- |
Vector3 |
-Gets a copy of the nodes world-space scale.
- |
boolean |
-Returns true if the node is active.
- |
boolean |
-isDescendantOf(NodeParent ancestor)
-Checks whether the given node parent is an ancestor of this node recursively.
- |
boolean |
-Gets the enabled state of this node.
- |
boolean |
-Returns true if this node is top level.
- |
Vector3 |
-localToWorldDirection(Vector3 direction)
-Converts a direction from the local-space of this node to world-space.
- |
Vector3 |
-localToWorldPoint(Vector3 point)
-Converts a point in the local-space of this node to world-space.
- |
void |
-Handles when this node becomes active.
- |
protected void |
-onAddChild(Node child) |
void |
-Handles when this node becomes inactivate.
- |
protected void |
-onRemoveChild(Node child) |
boolean |
-onTouchEvent(HitTestResult hitTestResult,
- android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)
-Handles when this node is touched.
- |
void |
-onTransformChange(Node originatingNode)
-Handles when this node's transformation is changed.
- |
void |
-onUpdate(FrameTime frameTime)
-Handles when this node is updated.
- |
void |
-removeLifecycleListener(Node.LifecycleListener lifecycleListener)
-Removes a listener that will be called when node lifecycle events occur.
- |
void |
-removeTransformChangedListener(Node.TransformChangedListener transformChangedListener)
-Removes a listener that will be called when the node's transformation changes.
- |
void |
-setCollisionShape(CollisionShape collisionShape)
-Sets the shape to used to detect collisions for this
-Node . |
void |
-setEnabled(boolean enabled)
-Sets the enabled state of this node.
- |
void |
-setLight(Light light)
-Sets the
-Light to display. |
void |
-setLocalPosition(Vector3 position)
-Sets the position of this node relative to its parent (local-space).
- |
void |
-setLocalRotation(Quaternion rotation)
-Sets the rotation of this node relative to its parent (local-space).
- |
void |
-setLocalScale(Vector3 scale)
-Sets the scale of this node relative to its parent (local-space).
- |
void |
-setLookDirection(Vector3 lookDirection)
-Sets the direction that the node is looking at in world-space.
- |
void |
-setLookDirection(Vector3 lookDirection,
- Vector3 upDirection)
-Sets the direction that the node is looking at in world-space.
- |
void |
-setName(java.lang.String name)
-Sets the name of this node.
- |
void |
-setOnTapListener(Node.OnTapListener onTapListener)
-Registers a callback to be invoked when this node is tapped.
- |
void |
-setOnTouchListener(Node.OnTouchListener onTouchListener)
-Registers a callback to be invoked when a touch event is dispatched to this node.
- |
void |
-setParent(NodeParent parent)
-Changes the parent node of this node.
- |
void |
-setRenderable(Renderable renderable)
-Sets the
-Renderable to display for this node. |
void |
-setWorldPosition(Vector3 position)
-Sets the world-space position of this node.
- |
void |
-setWorldRotation(Quaternion rotation)
-Sets the world-space rotation of this node.
- |
void |
-setWorldScale(Vector3 scale)
-Sets the world-space scale of this node.
- |
java.lang.String |
-toString() |
Vector3 |
-worldToLocalDirection(Vector3 direction)
-Converts a direction from world-space to the local-space of this node.
- |
Vector3 |
-worldToLocalPoint(Vector3 point)
-Converts a point in world-space to the local-space of this node.
- |
addChild, findByName, getChildren, removeChild
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public final void setName(java.lang.String name)-
will return the first
- node with the given name.name
- The name of the node.public final java.lang.String getName()-
public void setParent(NodeParent parent)-
The parent may be another Node
or a Scene
. If it is a scene, then this
- Node
is considered top level. getParent()
will return null, and getScene()
will return the scene.
- The new parent that this node will be a child of. If null, this node will be
- detached from its parent.getParent()
public final Scene getScene()-
public final Node getParent()- - -
public boolean isTopLevel()-
public final boolean isDescendantOf(NodeParent ancestor)-
- the node parent to checkpublic final void setEnabled(boolean enabled)-
- the new enabled status of the nodeisActive()
public final boolean isEnabled()-
public final boolean isActive()-
function will be called every frame.
- getRenderable()
will be rendered.
- getCollisionShape()
will be checked in calls to Scene.hitTest.
- onTouchEvent(HitTestResult, MotionEvent)
function will be called when
- the node is touched.
- onActivate()
public void setOnTouchListener(Node.OnTouchListener onTouchListener)-
When an ACTION_DOWN event occurs, that represents the start of a gesture. ACTION_UP or - ACTION_CANCEL represents when a gesture ends. When a gesture starts, the following is done: - -
- Node.OnTouchListener
. If the Node.OnTouchListener
doesn't handle the event, it is passed to
- onTouchEvent(HitTestResult, MotionEvent)
public void setOnTapListener(Node.OnTapListener onTapListener)-
public void addLifecycleListener(Node.LifecycleListener lifecycleListener)-
public void removeLifecycleListener(Node.LifecycleListener lifecycleListener)-
public void addTransformChangedListener(Node.TransformChangedListener transformChangedListener)-
public void removeTransformChangedListener(Node.TransformChangedListener transformChangedListener)-
protected final boolean canAddChild(Node child, - java.lang.StringBuilder failureReason)-
in class NodeParent
protected final void onAddChild(Node child)-
in class NodeParent
protected final void onRemoveChild(Node child)-
in class NodeParent
public final Vector3 getLocalPosition()-
is true, then this is the same as getWorldPosition()
public final Quaternion getLocalRotation()-
is true, then this is the same as getWorldRotation()
public final Vector3 getLocalScale()-
- is true, then this is the same as getWorldScale()
public final Vector3 getWorldPosition()-
public final Quaternion getWorldRotation()-
public final Vector3 getWorldScale()-
public void setLocalPosition(Vector3 position)-
- is true, then this is the same as setWorldPosition(Vector3)
- The position to apply.getLocalPosition()
public void setLocalRotation(Quaternion rotation)-
- is true, then this is the same as setWorldRotation(Quaternion)
- The rotation to apply.getLocalRotation()
public void setLocalScale(Vector3 scale)-
- true, then this is the same as setWorldScale(Vector3)
- The scale to apply.getLocalScale()
public void setWorldPosition(Vector3 position)-
- The position to apply.getWorldPosition()
public void setWorldRotation(Quaternion rotation)-
- The rotation to apply.getWorldRotation()
public void setWorldScale(Vector3 scale)-
- The scale to apply.getWorldScale()
public final Vector3 localToWorldPoint(Vector3 point)-
- the point in local-space to convertpublic final Vector3 worldToLocalPoint(Vector3 point)-
- the point in world-space to convertpublic final Vector3 localToWorldDirection(Vector3 direction)-
- the direction in local-space to convertpublic final Vector3 worldToLocalDirection(Vector3 direction)-
- the direction in world-space to convertpublic final Vector3 getForward()-
public final Vector3 getBack()-
public final Vector3 getRight()-
public final Vector3 getLeft()-
public final Vector3 getUp()-
public final Vector3 getDown()-
public void setRenderable(Renderable renderable)-
to display for this node. If setCollisionShape(CollisionShape)
is not set, then Renderable.getCollisionShape()
- is used to detect collisions for this Node
- Usually a 3D model. If null, this node's current renderable will be removed.ModelRenderable
public Renderable getRenderable()-
public void setCollisionShape(CollisionShape collisionShape)-
. If the shape is not set and
- setRenderable(Renderable)
is set, then Renderable.getCollisionShape()
- used to detect collisions for this Node
- represents a geometric shape, i.e. sphere, box, convex hull. If null,
- this node's current collision shape will be removed.Scene.hitTest(Ray)
public CollisionShape getCollisionShape()-
is set, then Renderable.getCollisionShape()
is used to
- detect collisions for this Node
public void setLight(Light light)-
to display. To use, first create a Light
using Light.Builder
. Set the parameters you care about and then attach it to the node using this
- function. A node may have a renderable and a light or just act as a Light
- Properties of the Light
to render, pass null to remove the light.public Light getLight()-
public final void setLookDirection(Vector3 lookDirection, - Vector3 upDirection)-
will match the look direction passed in. The up direction will determine the
- orientation of the node around the direction. The look direction and up direction cannot be
- coincident (parallel) or the orientation will be invalid.lookDirection
- a vector representing the desired look direction in world-spaceupDirection
- a vector representing a valid up vector to use, such as Vector3.up()public final void setLookDirection(Vector3 lookDirection)-
will match the look direction passed in. World-space up (0, 1, 0) will be
- used to determine the orientation of the node around the direction.lookDirection
- a vector representing the desired look direction in world-spacepublic final Matrix getWorldModelMatrix()-
in interface TransformProvider
public void onActivate()-
Override to perform any setup that needs to occur when the node is activated.
public void onDeactivate()-
Override to perform any setup that needs to occur when the node is deactivated.
public void onUpdate(FrameTime frameTime)-
Override to perform any updates that need to occur each frame.
- provides time information for the current framepublic boolean onTouchEvent(HitTestResult hitTestResult, - android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)-
Override to perform any logic that should occur when this node is touched. The way that - touch events are propagated mirrors the way touches are propagated to Android Views. This is - only called when the node is active. - -
When an ACTION_DOWN event occurs, that represents the start of a gesture. ACTION_UP or - ACTION_CANCEL represents when a gesture ends. When a gesture starts, the following is done: - -
- Node.OnTouchListener
. If the Node.OnTouchListener
doesn't handle the event, it is passed to
- onTouchEvent(HitTestResult, MotionEvent)
- Represents the node that was touched, and information about where it was
- touched. On ACTION_DOWN events, HitTestResult.getNode()
will always be this node or
- one of its children. On other events, the touch may have moved causing the HitTestResult.getNode()
to change (or possibly be null).motionEvent
- The motion event.public void onTransformChange(Node originatingNode)-
The originating node is the most top-level node in the hierarchy that triggered this node to
- change. It will always be either the same node or one of its' parents. i.e. if node A's
- position is changed, then that will trigger onTransformChange(Node)
to be called for
- all of it's children with the originatingNode being node A.
- the node that triggered this node's transformation to changepublic void callOnHierarchy(java.util.function.Consumer<Node> consumer)-
in class NodeParent
- the method to call on each nodepublic Node findInHierarchy(java.util.function.Predicate<Node> condition)-
in class NodeParent
- predicate the defines the conditions of the node to search for.public java.lang.String toString()-
in class java.lang.Object
public RenderableInstance getRenderableInstance()-
Constructor and Description | -
NodeParent() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-addChild(Node child)
-Adds a node as a child of this NodeParent.
- |
void |
-callOnHierarchy(java.util.function.Consumer<Node> consumer)
-Traverse the hierarchy and call a method on each node.
- |
protected boolean |
-canAddChild(Node child,
- java.lang.StringBuilder failureReason) |
Node |
-findByName(java.lang.String name)
-Traverse the hierarchy to find the first node with a given name.
- |
Node |
-findInHierarchy(java.util.function.Predicate<Node> condition)
-Traverse the hierarchy to find the first node that meets a condition.
- |
java.util.List<Node> |
-Returns an immutable list of this parent's children.
- |
protected void |
-onAddChild(Node child) |
protected void |
-onRemoveChild(Node child) |
void |
-removeChild(Node child)
-Removes a node from the children of this NodeParent.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public final java.util.List<Node> getChildren()-
public final void addChild(Node child)-
- the node to add as a childjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if the child is the same object as the parent, or if the
- parent is a descendant of the childpublic final void removeChild(Node child)-
- the node to remove from the childrenpublic void callOnHierarchy(java.util.function.Consumer<Node> consumer)-
- The method to call on each node.public Node findInHierarchy(java.util.function.Predicate<Node> condition)-
- predicate the defines the conditions of the node to search for.public Node findByName(java.lang.String name)-
- The name of the node to findprotected boolean canAddChild(Node child, - java.lang.StringBuilder failureReason)-
protected void onAddChild(Node child)-
protected void onRemoveChild(Node child)-
public static interface Scene.OnPeekTouchListener
is invoked. This is invoked
- even if the gesture was consumed, making it possible to observe all motion events dispatched to
- the scene.Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-onPeekTouch(HitTestResult hitTestResult,
- android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)
-Called when a touch event is dispatched to a scene.
- |
void onPeekTouch(HitTestResult hitTestResult, - android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)-
is invoked. This is invoked even if the gesture was consumed, making
- it possible to observe all motion events dispatched to the scene. This is called even if the
- touch is not over a node, in which case HitTestResult.getNode()
will be null.hitTestResult
- represents the node that was touchedmotionEvent
- the motion eventScene.setOnTouchListener(OnTouchListener)
public static interface Scene.OnTouchListener
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
boolean |
-onSceneTouch(HitTestResult hitTestResult,
- android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)
-Called when a touch event is dispatched to a scene.
- |
boolean onSceneTouch(HitTestResult hitTestResult, - android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)-
- will be null.hitTestResult
- represents the node that was touchedmotionEvent
- the motion eventScene.setOnTouchListener(OnTouchListener)
public static interface Scene.OnUpdateListener
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-onUpdate(FrameTime frameTime)
-Called once per frame right before the Scene is updated.
- |
public class Scene -extends NodeParent-
The Scene also provides hit testing, a way to detect which node is touched by a MotionEvent or - Ray.
Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static interface |
-Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a touch event is dispatched to a scene.
- |
static interface |
-Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a touch event is dispatched to a scene.
- |
static interface |
-Interface definition for a callback to be invoked once per frame immediately before the scene
- is updated.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static EnvironmentalHdrParameters |
Constructor and Description | -
Scene(SceneView view)
-Create a scene with the given context.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-addOnPeekTouchListener(Scene.OnPeekTouchListener onPeekTouchListener)
-Adds a listener that will be called before the
-Scene.OnTouchListener is invoked. |
void |
-addOnUpdateListener(Scene.OnUpdateListener onUpdateListener)
-Adds a listener that will be called once per frame immediately before the Scene is updated.
- |
Camera |
-Get the camera that is used to render the scene.
- |
LightProbe |
-Get the Light Probe that defines the lighting environment for the scene.
- |
Node |
-Get the default sunlight node.
- |
SceneView |
-Returns the SceneView used to create the scene.
- |
HitTestResult |
-hitTest(android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)
-Tests to see if a motion event is touching any nodes within the scene, based on a ray hit test
- whose origin is the screen position of the motion event, and outputs a HitTestResult containing
- the node closest to the screen.
- |
HitTestResult |
-hitTest(Ray ray)
-Tests to see if a ray is hitting any nodes within the scene and outputs a HitTestResult
- containing the node closest to the ray origin that intersects with the ray.
- |
java.util.ArrayList<HitTestResult> |
-hitTestAll(android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)
-Tests to see if a motion event is touching any nodes within the scene and returns a list of
- HitTestResults containing all of the nodes that were hit, sorted by distance.
- |
java.util.ArrayList<HitTestResult> |
-hitTestAll(Ray ray)
-Tests to see if a ray is hitting any nodes within the scene and returns a list of
- HitTestResults containing all of the nodes that were hit, sorted by distance.
- |
void |
-onAddChild(Node child) |
void |
-onRemoveChild(Node child) |
Node |
-overlapTest(Node node)
-Tests to see if the given node's collision shape overlaps the collision shape of any other
- nodes in the scene using
-Node.getCollisionShape() . |
java.util.ArrayList<Node> |
-overlapTestAll(Node node)
-Tests to see if a node is overlapping any other nodes within the scene using
-Node.getCollisionShape() . |
void |
-removeOnPeekTouchListener(Scene.OnPeekTouchListener onPeekTouchListener)
-Removes a listener that will be called before the
-Scene.OnTouchListener is invoked. |
void |
-removeOnUpdateListener(Scene.OnUpdateListener onUpdateListener)
-Removes a listener that will be called once per frame immediately before the Scene is updated.
- |
void |
-setEnvironmentalHdrLightEstimate(float[] sphericalHarmonics,
- float[] direction,
- Color colorCorrection,
- float relativeIntensity,
- android.media.Image[] cubeMap)
-Sets the current Hdr Light Estimate state to apply to the Filament scene.
- |
void |
-setLightEstimate(Color colorCorrection,
- float pixelIntensity)
-Sets light estimate to modulate the scene lighting and intensity.
- |
void |
-setLightProbe(LightProbe lightProbe)
-Set a new Light Probe for the scene, this affects reflections and indirect lighting.
- |
void |
-setOnTouchListener(Scene.OnTouchListener onTouchListener)
-Register a callback to be invoked when the scene is touched.
- |
void |
-setUseHdrLightEstimate(boolean useHdrLightEstimate)
-Sets whether the Scene should expect to use an Hdr light estimate, so that Filament light
- settings can be adjusted appropriately.
- |
addChild, callOnHierarchy, canAddChild, findByName, findInHierarchy, getChildren, removeChild
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final EnvironmentalHdrParameters DEFAULT_HDR_PARAMETERS-
public Scene(SceneView view)-
public SceneView getView()-
public Camera getCamera()-
public Node getSunlight()-
public LightProbe getLightProbe()-
public void setLightProbe(LightProbe lightProbe)-
- the fully loaded LightProbe to be used as the lighting environment.public void setOnTouchListener(Scene.OnTouchListener onTouchListener)-
- be null.onTouchListener
- the touch listener to attachpublic void addOnPeekTouchListener(Scene.OnPeekTouchListener onPeekTouchListener)-
is invoked. This
- is invoked even if the gesture was consumed, making it possible to observe all motion events
- dispatched to the scene. This is called even if the touch is not over a node, in which case
- HitTestResult.getNode()
will be null. The listeners will be called in the order in
- which they were added.onPeekTouchListener
- the peek touch listener to addpublic void removeOnPeekTouchListener(Scene.OnPeekTouchListener onPeekTouchListener)-
is invoked.
- This is invoked even if the gesture was consumed, making it possible to observe all motion
- events dispatched to the scene. This is called even if the touch is not over a node, in which
- case HitTestResult.getNode()
will be null.onPeekTouchListener
- the peek touch listener to removepublic void addOnUpdateListener(Scene.OnUpdateListener onUpdateListener)-
- the update listener to addpublic void removeOnUpdateListener(Scene.OnUpdateListener onUpdateListener)-
- the update listener to removepublic void onAddChild(Node child)-
in class NodeParent
public void onRemoveChild(Node child)-
in class NodeParent
public HitTestResult hitTest(android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)-
- the motion event to use for the testpublic HitTestResult hitTest(Ray ray)-
- the ray to use for the testCamera.screenPointToRay(float, float)
public java.util.ArrayList<HitTestResult> hitTestAll(android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)-
- The motion event to use for the test.public java.util.ArrayList<HitTestResult> hitTestAll(Ray ray)-
- The ray to use for the test.Camera.screenPointToRay(float, float)
public Node overlapTest(Node node)-
. The node used for testing does not
- need to be active.node
- The node to use for the test.overlapTestAll(Node)
public java.util.ArrayList<Node> overlapTestAll(Node node)-
. The node used for testing does not need to be active.node
- The node to use for the test.overlapTest(Node)
public void setUseHdrLightEstimate(boolean useHdrLightEstimate)-
public void setEnvironmentalHdrLightEstimate(float[] sphericalHarmonics, - float[] direction, - Color colorCorrection, - float relativeIntensity, - android.media.Image[] cubeMap)-
public void setLightEstimate(Color colorCorrection, - float pixelIntensity)-
This is used by AR Sceneform scenes internally to adjust lighting based on values from - ARCore. An AR scene will call this automatically, possibly overriding other settings. In most - cases, you should not need to call this explicitly.
- modulates the lighting color of the scene.pixelIntensity
- modulates the lighting intensity of the scene.public class SceneView
-extends android.view.SurfaceView
-implements android.view.Choreographer.FrameCallback
-android.view.View.AccessibilityDelegate, android.view.View.BaseSavedState, android.view.View.DragShadowBuilder, android.view.View.MeasureSpec, android.view.View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener, android.view.View.OnAttachStateChangeListener, android.view.View.OnCapturedPointerListener, android.view.View.OnClickListener, android.view.View.OnContextClickListener, android.view.View.OnCreateContextMenuListener, android.view.View.OnDragListener, android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener, android.view.View.OnGenericMotionListener, android.view.View.OnHoverListener, android.view.View.OnKeyListener, android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener, android.view.View.OnLongClickListener, android.view.View.OnScrollChangeListener, android.view.View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener, android.view.View.OnTouchListener, android.view.View.OnUnhandledKeyEventListener
Constructor and Description | -
SceneView(android.content.Context context)
-Constructs a SceneView object and binds it to an Android Context.
- |
SceneView(android.content.Context context,
- android.util.AttributeSet attrs)
-Constructs a SceneView object and binds it to an Android Context.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-Required to exit Sceneform.
- |
static void |
-Immediately releases all rendering resources, even if in use.
- |
void |
-doFrame(long frameTimeNanos)
-Callback that occurs for each display frame.
- |
void |
-doFrameNoRepost(long frameTimeNanos)
-Callback that occurs for each display frame.
- |
void |
-enableDebug(boolean enable)
-If enabled, provides various visualizations for debugging.
- |
Renderer |
-Returns the renderer used for this view, or null if the renderer is not setup.
- |
Scene |
-Returns the Sceneform Scene created by this view.
- |
boolean |
-Indicates whether debugging is enabled for this view.
- |
protected boolean |
-onBeginFrame(long frameTimeNanos)
-Update view-specific logic before for each display frame.
- |
void |
-onLayout(boolean changed,
- int left,
- int top,
- int right,
- int bottom) |
boolean |
-onTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent) |
void |
-Pause Sceneform, which pauses the rendering thread.
- |
static long |
-Releases rendering resources ready for garbage collection
- Called every frame to collect unused resources.
- |
void |
-Resume Sceneform, which resumes the rendering thread.
- |
void |
-setBackground(android.graphics.drawable.Drawable background)
-Set the background to a given
-Drawable , or remove the background. |
void |
-startMirroringToSurface(android.view.Surface surface,
- int left,
- int bottom,
- int width,
- int height)
-To capture the contents of this view, designate a
-Surface onto which this SceneView
- should be mirrored. |
void |
-stopMirroringToSurface(android.view.Surface surface)
-When capturing is complete, call this method to stop mirroring the SceneView to the specified
-Surface . |
dispatchDraw, draw, gatherTransparentRegion, getHolder, getHostToken, getImportantForAccessibility, getSurfaceControl, onAttachedToWindow, onDetachedFromWindow, onMeasure, onWindowVisibilityChanged, setAlpha, setChildSurfacePackage, setClipBounds, setSecure, setVisibility, setZOrderMediaOverlay, setZOrderOnTop
addChildrenForAccessibility, addExtraDataToAccessibilityNodeInfo, addFocusables, addFocusables, addKeyboardNavigationClusters, addOnAttachStateChangeListener, addOnLayoutChangeListener, addOnUnhandledKeyEventListener, addTouchables, animate, announceForAccessibility, autofill, autofill, awakenScrollBars, awakenScrollBars, awakenScrollBars, bringToFront, buildDrawingCache, buildDrawingCache, buildLayer, callOnClick, cancelDragAndDrop, cancelLongPress, cancelPendingInputEvents, canResolveLayoutDirection, canResolveTextAlignment, canResolveTextDirection, canScrollHorizontally, canScrollVertically, checkInputConnectionProxy, clearAnimation, clearFocus, combineMeasuredStates, computeHorizontalScrollExtent, computeHorizontalScrollOffset, computeHorizontalScrollRange, computeScroll, computeSystemWindowInsets, computeVerticalScrollExtent, computeVerticalScrollOffset, computeVerticalScrollRange, createAccessibilityNodeInfo, createContextMenu, destroyDrawingCache, dispatchApplyWindowInsets, dispatchCapturedPointerEvent, dispatchConfigurationChanged, dispatchDisplayHint, dispatchDragEvent, dispatchDrawableHotspotChanged, dispatchFinishTemporaryDetach, dispatchGenericFocusedEvent, dispatchGenericMotionEvent, dispatchGenericPointerEvent, dispatchHoverEvent, dispatchKeyEvent, dispatchKeyEventPreIme, dispatchKeyShortcutEvent, dispatchNestedFling, dispatchNestedPreFling, dispatchNestedPrePerformAccessibilityAction, dispatchNestedPreScroll, dispatchNestedScroll, dispatchPointerCaptureChanged, dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent, dispatchProvideAutofillStructure, dispatchProvideStructure, dispatchRestoreInstanceState, dispatchSaveInstanceState, dispatchSetActivated, dispatchSetPressed, dispatchSetSelected, dispatchStartTemporaryDetach, dispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged, dispatchTouchEvent, dispatchTrackballEvent, dispatchUnhandledMove, dispatchVisibilityChanged, dispatchWindowFocusChanged, dispatchWindowInsetsAnimationEnd, dispatchWindowInsetsAnimationPrepare, dispatchWindowInsetsAnimationProgress, dispatchWindowInsetsAnimationStart, dispatchWindowSystemUiVisiblityChanged, dispatchWindowVisibilityChanged, drawableHotspotChanged, drawableStateChanged, findFocus, findViewById, findViewsWithText, findViewWithTag, fitSystemWindows, focusSearch, forceHasOverlappingRendering, forceLayout, generateViewId, getAccessibilityClassName, getAccessibilityDelegate, getAccessibilityLiveRegion, getAccessibilityNodeProvider, getAccessibilityPaneTitle, getAccessibilityTraversalAfter, getAccessibilityTraversalBefore, getAlpha, getAnimation, getAnimationMatrix, getApplicationWindowToken, getAttributeResolutionStack, getAttributeSourceResourceMap, getAutofillHints, getAutofillId, getAutofillType, getAutofillValue, getBackground, getBackgroundTintBlendMode, getBackgroundTintList, getBackgroundTintMode, getBaseline, getBottom, getBottomFadingEdgeStrength, getBottomPaddingOffset, getCameraDistance, getClipBounds, getClipBounds, getClipToOutline, getContentCaptureSession, getContentDescription, getContext, getContextMenuInfo, getDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled, getDefaultSize, getDisplay, getDrawableState, getDrawingCache, getDrawingCache, getDrawingCacheBackgroundColor, getDrawingCacheQuality, getDrawingRect, getDrawingTime, getElevation, getExplicitStyle, getFilterTouchesWhenObscured, getFitsSystemWindows, getFocusable, getFocusables, getFocusedRect, getForeground, getForegroundGravity, getForegroundTintBlendMode, getForegroundTintList, getForegroundTintMode, getGlobalVisibleRect, getGlobalVisibleRect, getHandler, getHasOverlappingRendering, getHeight, getHitRect, getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength, getHorizontalScrollbarHeight, getHorizontalScrollbarThumbDrawable, getHorizontalScrollbarTrackDrawable, getId, getImportantForAutofill, getImportantForContentCapture, getKeepScreenOn, getKeyDispatcherState, getLabelFor, getLayerType, getLayoutDirection, getLayoutParams, getLeft, getLeftFadingEdgeStrength, getLeftPaddingOffset, getLocalVisibleRect, getLocationInSurface, getLocationInWindow, getLocationOnScreen, getMatrix, getMeasuredHeight, getMeasuredHeightAndState, getMeasuredState, getMeasuredWidth, getMeasuredWidthAndState, getMinimumHeight, getMinimumWidth, getNextClusterForwardId, getNextFocusDownId, getNextFocusForwardId, getNextFocusLeftId, getNextFocusRightId, getNextFocusUpId, getOnFocusChangeListener, getOutlineAmbientShadowColor, getOutlineProvider, getOutlineSpotShadowColor, getOverlay, getOverScrollMode, getPaddingBottom, getPaddingEnd, getPaddingLeft, getPaddingRight, getPaddingStart, getPaddingTop, getParent, getParentForAccessibility, getPivotX, getPivotY, getPointerIcon, getResources, getRevealOnFocusHint, getRight, getRightFadingEdgeStrength, getRightPaddingOffset, getRootView, getRootWindowInsets, getRotation, getRotationX, getRotationY, getScaleX, getScaleY, getScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade, getScrollBarFadeDuration, getScrollBarSize, getScrollBarStyle, getScrollIndicators, getScrollX, getScrollY, getSolidColor, getSourceLayoutResId, getStateDescription, getStateListAnimator, getSuggestedMinimumHeight, getSuggestedMinimumWidth, getSystemGestureExclusionRects, getSystemUiVisibility, getTag, getTag, getTextAlignment, getTextDirection, getTooltipText, getTop, getTopFadingEdgeStrength, getTopPaddingOffset, getTouchables, getTouchDelegate, getTransitionAlpha, getTransitionName, getTranslationX, getTranslationY, getTranslationZ, getUniqueDrawingId, getVerticalFadingEdgeLength, getVerticalScrollbarPosition, getVerticalScrollbarThumbDrawable, getVerticalScrollbarTrackDrawable, getVerticalScrollbarWidth, getViewTreeObserver, getVisibility, getWidth, getWindowAttachCount, getWindowId, getWindowInsetsController, getWindowSystemUiVisibility, getWindowToken, getWindowVisibility, getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame, getX, getY, getZ, hasExplicitFocusable, hasFocus, hasFocusable, hasNestedScrollingParent, hasOnClickListeners, hasOnLongClickListeners, hasOverlappingRendering, hasPointerCapture, hasTransientState, hasWindowFocus, inflate, invalidate, invalidate, invalidate, invalidateDrawable, invalidateOutline, isAccessibilityFocused, isAccessibilityHeading, isActivated, isAttachedToWindow, isClickable, isContextClickable, isDirty, isDrawingCacheEnabled, isDuplicateParentStateEnabled, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusableInTouchMode, isFocused, isFocusedByDefault, isForceDarkAllowed, isHapticFeedbackEnabled, isHardwareAccelerated, isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled, isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled, isHovered, isImportantForAccessibility, isImportantForAutofill, isImportantForContentCapture, isInEditMode, isInLayout, isInTouchMode, isKeyboardNavigationCluster, isLaidOut, isLayoutDirectionResolved, isLayoutRequested, isLongClickable, isNestedScrollingEnabled, isOpaque, isPaddingOffsetRequired, isPaddingRelative, isPivotSet, isPressed, isSaveEnabled, isSaveFromParentEnabled, isScreenReaderFocusable, isScrollbarFadingEnabled, isScrollContainer, isSelected, isShowingLayoutBounds, isShown, isSoundEffectsEnabled, isTemporarilyDetached, isTextAlignmentResolved, isTextDirectionResolved, isVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled, isVerticalScrollBarEnabled, isVisibleToUserForAutofill, jumpDrawablesToCurrentState, keyboardNavigationClusterSearch, layout, measure, mergeDrawableStates, offsetLeftAndRight, offsetTopAndBottom, onAnimationEnd, onAnimationStart, onApplyWindowInsets, onCancelPendingInputEvents, onCapturedPointerEvent, onCheckIsTextEditor, onConfigurationChanged, onCreateContextMenu, onCreateDrawableState, onCreateInputConnection, onDisplayHint, onDragEvent, onDraw, onDrawForeground, onDrawScrollBars, onFilterTouchEventForSecurity, onFinishInflate, onFinishTemporaryDetach, onFocusChanged, onGenericMotionEvent, onHoverChanged, onHoverEvent, onInitializeAccessibilityEvent, onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo, onKeyDown, onKeyLongPress, onKeyMultiple, onKeyPreIme, onKeyShortcut, onKeyUp, onOverScrolled, onPointerCaptureChange, onPopulateAccessibilityEvent, onProvideAutofillStructure, onProvideAutofillVirtualStructure, onProvideContentCaptureStructure, onProvideStructure, onProvideVirtualStructure, onResolvePointerIcon, onRestoreInstanceState, onRtlPropertiesChanged, onSaveInstanceState, onScreenStateChanged, onScrollChanged, onSetAlpha, onSizeChanged, onStartTemporaryDetach, onTrackballEvent, onVisibilityAggregated, onVisibilityChanged, onWindowFocusChanged, onWindowSystemUiVisibilityChanged, overScrollBy, performAccessibilityAction, performClick, performContextClick, performContextClick, performHapticFeedback, performHapticFeedback, performLongClick, performLongClick, playSoundEffect, post, postDelayed, postInvalidate, postInvalidate, postInvalidateDelayed, postInvalidateDelayed, postInvalidateOnAnimation, postInvalidateOnAnimation, postOnAnimation, postOnAnimationDelayed, refreshDrawableState, releasePointerCapture, removeCallbacks, removeOnAttachStateChangeListener, removeOnLayoutChangeListener, removeOnUnhandledKeyEventListener, requestApplyInsets, requestFitSystemWindows, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusFromTouch, requestLayout, requestPointerCapture, requestRectangleOnScreen, requestRectangleOnScreen, requestUnbufferedDispatch, requestUnbufferedDispatch, requireViewById, resetPivot, resolveSize, resolveSizeAndState, restoreDefaultFocus, restoreHierarchyState, saveAttributeDataForStyleable, saveHierarchyState, scheduleDrawable, scrollBy, scrollTo, sendAccessibilityEvent, sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked, setAccessibilityDelegate, setAccessibilityHeading, setAccessibilityLiveRegion, setAccessibilityPaneTitle, setAccessibilityTraversalAfter, setAccessibilityTraversalBefore, setActivated, setAnimation, setAnimationMatrix, setAutofillHints, setAutofillId, setBackgroundColor, setBackgroundDrawable, setBackgroundResource, setBackgroundTintBlendMode, setBackgroundTintList, setBackgroundTintMode, setBottom, setCameraDistance, setClickable, setClipToOutline, setContentCaptureSession, setContentDescription, setContextClickable, setDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled, setDrawingCacheBackgroundColor, setDrawingCacheEnabled, setDrawingCacheQuality, setDuplicateParentStateEnabled, setElevation, setEnabled, setFadingEdgeLength, setFilterTouchesWhenObscured, setFitsSystemWindows, setFocusable, setFocusable, setFocusableInTouchMode, setFocusedByDefault, setForceDarkAllowed, setForeground, setForegroundGravity, setForegroundTintBlendMode, setForegroundTintList, setForegroundTintMode, setHapticFeedbackEnabled, setHasTransientState, setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled, setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled, setHorizontalScrollbarThumbDrawable, setHorizontalScrollbarTrackDrawable, setHovered, setId, setImportantForAccessibility, setImportantForAutofill, setImportantForContentCapture, setKeepScreenOn, setKeyboardNavigationCluster, setLabelFor, setLayerPaint, setLayerType, setLayoutDirection, setLayoutParams, setLeft, setLeftTopRightBottom, setLongClickable, setMeasuredDimension, setMinimumHeight, setMinimumWidth, setNestedScrollingEnabled, setNextClusterForwardId, setNextFocusDownId, setNextFocusForwardId, setNextFocusLeftId, setNextFocusRightId, setNextFocusUpId, setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener, setOnCapturedPointerListener, setOnClickListener, setOnContextClickListener, setOnCreateContextMenuListener, setOnDragListener, setOnFocusChangeListener, setOnGenericMotionListener, setOnHoverListener, setOnKeyListener, setOnLongClickListener, setOnScrollChangeListener, setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener, setOnTouchListener, setOutlineAmbientShadowColor, setOutlineProvider, setOutlineSpotShadowColor, setOverScrollMode, setPadding, setPaddingRelative, setPivotX, setPivotY, setPointerIcon, setPressed, setRevealOnFocusHint, setRight, setRotation, setRotationX, setRotationY, setSaveEnabled, setSaveFromParentEnabled, setScaleX, setScaleY, setScreenReaderFocusable, setScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade, setScrollBarFadeDuration, setScrollbarFadingEnabled, setScrollBarSize, setScrollBarStyle, setScrollContainer, setScrollIndicators, setScrollIndicators, setScrollX, setScrollY, setSelected, setSoundEffectsEnabled, setStateDescription, setStateListAnimator, setSystemGestureExclusionRects, setSystemUiVisibility, setTag, setTag, setTextAlignment, setTextDirection, setTooltipText, setTop, setTouchDelegate, setTransitionAlpha, setTransitionName, setTransitionVisibility, setTranslationX, setTranslationY, setTranslationZ, setVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled, setVerticalScrollBarEnabled, setVerticalScrollbarPosition, setVerticalScrollbarThumbDrawable, setVerticalScrollbarTrackDrawable, setWillNotCacheDrawing, setWillNotDraw, setWindowInsetsAnimationCallback, setX, setY, setZ, showContextMenu, showContextMenu, startActionMode, startActionMode, startAnimation, startDrag, startDragAndDrop, startNestedScroll, stopNestedScroll, toString, transformMatrixToGlobal, transformMatrixToLocal, unscheduleDrawable, unscheduleDrawable, updateDragShadow, verifyDrawable, willNotCacheDrawing, willNotDraw
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public SceneView(android.content.Context context)-
- the Android Context to useSceneView(Context, AttributeSet)
public SceneView(android.content.Context context, - android.util.AttributeSet attrs)-
- the Android Context to useattrs
- the Android AttributeSet to associate withpublic boolean onTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)-
in class android.view.View
public void setBackground(android.graphics.drawable.Drawable background)-
, or remove the background. If the background is
- a ColorDrawable
, then the background color of the Scene
is set to ColorDrawable.getColor()
(the alpha of the color is ignored). Otherwise, default to the
- behavior of View.setBackground(Drawable)
in class android.view.View
public void onLayout(boolean changed, - int left, - int top, - int right, - int bottom)-
in class android.view.View
public void resume() - throws CameraNotAvailableException-
Typically called from onResume().
public void pause()-
Typically called from onPause().
public void destroy()-
Typically called from onDestroy().
public static void destroyAllResources()-
Use this if nothing more will be rendered in this scene or any other, and the memory must be - released immediately.
public static long reclaimReleasedResources()-
Called every frame to collect unused resources. May be called manually to release resources - after rendering has stopped.
public void enableDebug(boolean enable)-
- True to enable debugging visualizations, false to disable it.public boolean isDebugEnabled()-
public Renderer getRenderer()-
public Scene getScene()-
public void startMirroringToSurface(android.view.Surface surface, - int left, - int bottom, - int width, - int height)-
onto which this SceneView
- should be mirrored. Use MediaRecorder.getSurface()
, MediaCodec.createInputSurface()
or MediaCodec.createPersistentInputSurface()
to obtain the input surface for
- recording. This will incur a rendering performance cost and should only be set when capturing
- this view. To stop the additional rendering, call stopMirroringToSurface.surface
- the Surface onto which the rendered scene should be mirrored.left
- the left edge of the rectangle into which the view should be mirrored on surface.bottom
- the bottom edge of the rectangle into which the view should be mirrored on
- surface.width
- the width of the rectangle into which the SceneView should be mirrored on surface.height
- the height of the rectangle into which the SceneView should be mirrored on
- surface.public void stopMirroringToSurface(android.view.Surface surface)-
. If this is not called, the additional performance cost will remain.
- The application is responsible for calling Surface.release()
on the Surface when
- done.
protected boolean onBeginFrame(long frameTimeNanos)-
public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos)-
in interface android.view.Choreographer.FrameCallback
public void doFrameNoRepost(long frameTimeNanos)-
public class Sun -extends Node-
The following method will throw UnsupportedOperationException
when called: setParent(NodeParent)
- Sunlight's parent cannot be changed, it is always the scene.
All other functionality in Node is supported. You can access the position and rotation of the - sun, assign a collision shape to the sun, or add children to the sun. Disabling the sun turns off - the default directional light.
Node.LifecycleListener, Node.OnTapListener, Node.OnTouchListener, Node.TransformChangedListener
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-setParent(NodeParent parent)
-Changes the parent node of this node.
- |
addLifecycleListener, addTransformChangedListener, callOnHierarchy, canAddChild, findInHierarchy, getBack, getCollisionShape, getDown, getForward, getLeft, getLight, getLocalPosition, getLocalRotation, getLocalScale, getName, getParent, getRenderable, getRenderableInstance, getRight, getScene, getUp, getWorldModelMatrix, getWorldPosition, getWorldRotation, getWorldScale, isActive, isDescendantOf, isEnabled, isTopLevel, localToWorldDirection, localToWorldPoint, onActivate, onAddChild, onDeactivate, onRemoveChild, onTouchEvent, onTransformChange, onUpdate, removeLifecycleListener, removeTransformChangedListener, setCollisionShape, setEnabled, setLight, setLocalPosition, setLocalRotation, setLocalScale, setLookDirection, setLookDirection, setName, setOnTapListener, setOnTouchListener, setRenderable, setWorldPosition, setWorldRotation, setWorldScale, toString, worldToLocalDirection, worldToLocalPoint
addChild, findByName, getChildren, removeChild
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public void setParent(NodeParent parent)-
The parent may be another Node
or a Scene
. If it is a scene, then this
- Node
is considered top level. Node.getParent()
will return null, and Node.getScene()
will return the scene.
in class Node
- The new parent that this node will be a child of. If null, this node will be
- detached from its parent.Node.getParent()
public class TouchEventSystem
-extends java.lang.Object
-The way that touch events are propagated mirrors the way touches are propagated to Android - Views. - -
When an ACTION_DOWN event occurs, that represents that start of a gesture. ACTION_UP or - ACTION_CANCEL represents when a gesture ends. When a gesture starts, the following is done: - -
Node.dispatchTouchEvent(HitTestResult, MotionEvent)
on the node that was
- touched as detected by scene.hitTest.
- Node.dispatchTouchEvent(HitTestResult, MotionEvent)
returns false, recurse
- upwards through the node's parents and call Node.dispatchTouchEvent(HitTestResult,
- MotionEvent)
until one of the node's returns true.
- Constructor and Description | -
TouchEventSystem() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-addOnPeekTouchListener(Scene.OnPeekTouchListener onPeekTouchListener)
-Adds a listener that will be called before the
-Scene.OnTouchListener is invoked. |
Scene.OnTouchListener |
-Get the currently registered callback for touch events.
- |
void |
-onTouchEvent(HitTestResult hitTestResult,
- android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent) |
void |
-removeOnPeekTouchListener(Scene.OnPeekTouchListener onPeekTouchListener)
-Removes a listener that will be called before the
-Scene.OnTouchListener is invoked. |
void |
-setOnTouchListener(Scene.OnTouchListener onTouchListener)
-Register a callback to be invoked when the scene is touched.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Scene.OnTouchListener getOnTouchListener()-
public void setOnTouchListener(Scene.OnTouchListener onTouchListener)-
- the touch listener to attachpublic void addOnPeekTouchListener(Scene.OnPeekTouchListener onPeekTouchListener)-
is invoked. This
- is invoked even if the gesture was consumed, making it possible to observe all motion events
- dispatched to the scene. This is called even if the touch is not over a node, in which case
- HitTestResult.getNode()
will be null. The listeners will be called in the order in
- which they were added.onPeekTouchListener
- the peek touch listener to addpublic void removeOnPeekTouchListener(Scene.OnPeekTouchListener onPeekTouchListener)-
is invoked.
- This is invoked even if the gesture was consumed, making it possible to observe all motion
- events dispatched to the scene. This is called even if the touch is not over a node, in which
- case HitTestResult.getNode()
will be null.onPeekTouchListener
- the peek touch listener to removepublic void onTouchEvent(HitTestResult hitTestResult, - android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)-
public interface AnimatableModel
- The object animation transformation can be done at the desired frame callback place.
- ModelAnimation
updates the value (like in a standard
- ObjectAnimator
context) or to apply them inside a global/common
- frame callback.
- An AnimatableModel can, for example, update the data of each animated property managed by an
- com.google.android.filament.gltfio.Animator
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
default android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-Constructs and returns an
-ObjectAnimator for all ModelAnimation
- of this object. |
default android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-animate(int... animationIndexes)
-Constructs and returns an
-ObjectAnimator for targeted ModelAnimation with a
- a given index of this object. |
default android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-animate(int repeatCount)
-Constructs and returns an
-ObjectAnimator for all ModelAnimation
- of this object. |
default android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-animate(ModelAnimation... animations)
-Constructs and returns an
-ObjectAnimator for a targeted ModelAnimation of
- this object. |
default android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-animate(java.lang.String... animationNames)
-Constructs and returns an
-ObjectAnimator for targeted ModelAnimation with a
- given name of this object. |
ModelAnimation |
-getAnimation(int animationIndex)
-Get the associated
-ModelAnimation at the given index or throw
- an IndexOutOfBoundsException . |
default ModelAnimation |
-getAnimation(java.lang.String name)
-Get the associated
-ModelAnimation by name or null if none exist with the given name. |
int |
-Returns the number of
-ModelAnimation definitions in the model. |
default int |
-getAnimationIndex(java.lang.String name)
-Get the Zero-based index for the animation name of interest or -1 if not found.
- |
default java.lang.String |
-getAnimationName(int animationIndex)
-Get the name of the
-ModelAnimation at the Zero-based index
- This name corresponds to the one defined and exported in the renderable asset. |
default java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
-Get the names of the
- This names correspond to the ones defined and exported in the renderable asset. |
default ModelAnimation |
-getAnimationOrThrow(java.lang.String name)
-Get the associated
-ModelAnimation by name or throw an Exception if none exist with
- the given name. |
boolean |
-onAnimationUpdateRequest(ModelAnimation animation)
-Occurs when a
-ModelAnimation has received any property changed. |
default void |
-onModelAnimationChanged(ModelAnimation animation)
-Called form the
-ModelAnimation when it dirty state changed. |
default void |
-setAnimationsFramePosition(int framePosition)
-Sets the current position of (seeks) all the animations to the specified frame number according
- to the
- This method will apply rotation, translation, and scale to the Renderable that have been
- targeted. |
default void |
-setAnimationsTimePosition(float timePosition)
-Sets the current position of (seeks) the animation to the specified time position in seconds.
- |
ModelAnimation getAnimation(int animationIndex)-
at the given index or throw
- an IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Zero-based index for the animation of interest.int getAnimationCount()-
definitions in the model.default void onModelAnimationChanged(ModelAnimation animation)-
when it dirty state changed.boolean onAnimationUpdateRequest(ModelAnimation animation)-
has received any property changed.
- ModelAnimation
will set his isDirty to false
- or not.
- ObjectAnimator
- Choreographer.FrameCallback
or use your own
- Choreographer
to handle an update/render update hierarchy.
- Choreographer
- callback to ensure that the transformations are applied in a hierarchical order.default ModelAnimation getAnimation(java.lang.String name)-
by name or null if none exist with the given name.default ModelAnimation getAnimationOrThrow(java.lang.String name)-
by name or throw an Exception if none exist with
- the given name.default int getAnimationIndex(java.lang.String name)-
default java.lang.String getAnimationName(int animationIndex)-
at the Zero-based index
- - This name corresponds to the one defined and exported in the renderable asset. - Typically the Action names defined in the 3D creation software. -
- String.valueOf(animation.getIndex())
> if none was specified.default java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAnimationNames()-
- - This names correspond to the ones defined and exported in the renderable asset. - Typically the Action names defined in the 3D creation software. -
- String.valueOf(animation.getIndex())
> if none was specified.default void setAnimationsTimePosition(float timePosition)-
- This method will apply rotation, translation, and scale to the Renderable that have been
- targeted. Uses TransformManager
- Elapsed time of interest in seconds.
- Between 0 and the max value of ModelAnimation.getDuration()
default void setAnimationsFramePosition(int framePosition)-
- This method will apply rotation, translation, and scale to the Renderable that have been
- targeted. Uses TransformManager
- Frame number on the timeline.
- Between 0 and ModelAnimation.getFrameCount()
default android.animation.ObjectAnimator animate()-
for all ModelAnimation
- of this object.
- ObjectAnimator.start()
ModelAnimator.ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, float...)
default android.animation.ObjectAnimator animate(int repeatCount)-
for all ModelAnimation
- of this object.
- And sets how many times the animation should be repeated.
- If the repeat count is 0, the animation is never repeated. If the repeat count is
- greater than 0 or ValueAnimator.INFINITE
, the repeat mode will be
- taken into account. The repeat count is 0 by default.
- ObjectAnimator.start()
- the number of times the animation should be repeatedModelAnimator.ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, float...)
default android.animation.ObjectAnimator animate(java.lang.String... animationNames)-
for targeted ModelAnimation
with a
- given name of this object.
- ObjectAnimator.start()
- The string names of the animations.
- ModelAnimation.getName()
ModelAnimator.ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, float...)
default android.animation.ObjectAnimator animate(int... animationIndexes)-
for targeted ModelAnimation
with a
- a given index of this object.
- ObjectAnimator.start()
- Zero-based indexes for the animations of interest.ModelAnimator.ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, float...)
default android.animation.ObjectAnimator animate(ModelAnimation... animations)-
for a targeted ModelAnimation
- this object.
- ModelAnimation.getDuration()
in order to
- match the original animation speed.LinearInterpolator
in order to match the natural animation
- interpolation.ObjectAnimator.start()
- The animations of interestModelAnimator.ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, float...)
public static class ModelAnimation.PropertyValuesHolder
-extends java.lang.Object
- Using this ModelAnimation.PropertyValuesHolder
provide an handled ModelAnimator
- since we target a same object and those PropertyValuesHolder have the same property name
Constructor and Description | -
PropertyValuesHolder() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder |
-ofFraction(float... fractions)
-Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given set of fraction values.
- |
static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder |
-ofFrame(int... frames)
-Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given set of frame values.
- |
static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder |
-ofTime(float... times)
-Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given set of time values.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder ofTime(float... times)-
- The times that the ModelAnimation
will animate between.
- A time value must be between 0 and ModelAnimation.getDuration()
public static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder ofFrame(int... frames)-
will have no effect
- for different property names
- - That's why we avoid using an ModelAnimation.FRAME_POSITION or ModelAnimation.FRACTION_POSITION Property
- The frames that the ModelAnimation
will animate between.public static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder ofFraction(float... fractions)-
will have no effect
- for different property names
- - That's why we avoid using an ModelAnimation.FRAME_POSITION or ModelAnimation.FRACTION_POSITION Property
- The fractions that the ModelAnimation
will animate between.public class ModelAnimation
-extends java.lang.Object
- This class provides support for animating time positions on a targeted
- AnimatableModel
- Here are some use cases for animations : -
- AnimatorSet
playing a
- ModelAnimator.ofAnimation(AnimatableModel, String...)
- or ModelAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(AnimatableModel, android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder...)
- ObjectAnimator
coming from
- ModelAnimator.ofAnimation(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation...)
per action.
- And an AnimatorSet
to play them sequentially or together.
- Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-This class holds information about a property and the values that that property
- should take during an animation.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static android.util.Property<ModelAnimation,java.lang.Float> |
-A Property wrapper around the
-fractionPosition functionality handled by the
- setFractionPosition(float) and getFractionPosition()
- methods |
static android.util.Property<ModelAnimation,java.lang.Integer> |
-A Property wrapper around the
-framePosition functionality handled by the
- setFramePosition(int) and getFramePosition()
- methods |
static android.util.FloatProperty<ModelAnimation> |
-A Property wrapper around the
-timePosition functionality handled by the
- setTimePosition(float) and getTimePosition()
- methods. |
Constructor and Description | -
ModelAnimation(AnimatableModel model,
- java.lang.String name,
- int index,
- float duration,
- int frameRate)
-ModelAnimation constructed from an
-Animator |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static float |
-fractionToTime(float fraction,
- float duration)
-Get the elapsed time in seconds of a fraction position
- |
static float |
-frameToTime(int frame,
- int frameRate)
-Get the elapsed time in seconds of a frame position
- |
int |
-Returns The Zero-based index of the target
-animation as defined in the original
- AnimatableModel |
float |
-Returns the duration of this animation in seconds.
- |
long |
-Returns the duration of this animation in milliseconds.
- |
float |
-getFractionAtTime(float time)
-Get the fraction position at the elapsed time in seconds.
- |
float |
-Get the fractional value at the current animation position.
- |
int |
-getFrameAtTime(float time)
-Get the frame position at the elapsed time in seconds.
- |
int |
-Returns the total number of frames of this animation.
- |
int |
-Get the current frame number at the current animation position.
- |
int |
-Get the frames per second originally defined in the
-Animatable . |
java.lang.String |
-Get the name of the
- This name corresponds to the one defined and exported in the AnimatableModel . |
float |
-getTimeAtFraction(float fraction)
-Get the elapsed time in seconds of a fraction position
- |
float |
-getTimeAtFrame(int frame)
-Get the elapsed time in seconds of a frame position
- |
float |
-Get the current time position in seconds at the current animation position.
- |
boolean |
-Internal usage for applying changes according to rendering update hierarchy.
- |
static long |
-secondsToMillis(float time)
-Convert time in seconds to time in millis
- |
void |
-setFractionPosition(float fractionPosition)
-Sets the current position of (seeks) the animation to the specified fraction
- position.
- |
void |
-setFramePosition(int frameNumber)
-Sets the current position of (seeks) the animation to the specified frame number according to
- the
-getFrameRate() . |
void |
-setTimePosition(float timePosition)
-Sets the current position of (seeks) the animation to the specified time position in seconds.
- |
static float |
-timeToFraction(float time,
- float duration)
-Get the fraction position at the elapsed time in seconds.
- |
static int |
-timeToFrame(float time,
- int frameRate)
-Get the frame position at the elapsed time in seconds.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final android.util.FloatProperty<ModelAnimation> TIME_POSITION-
functionality handled by the
- setTimePosition(float)
and getTimePosition()
- methods.public static final android.util.Property<ModelAnimation,java.lang.Integer> FRAME_POSITION-
functionality handled by the
- setFramePosition(int)
and getFramePosition()
- methodspublic static final android.util.Property<ModelAnimation,java.lang.Float> FRACTION_POSITION-
functionality handled by the
- setFractionPosition(float)
and getFractionPosition()
- methodspublic ModelAnimation(AnimatableModel model, - java.lang.String name, - int index, - float duration, - int frameRate)-
- This name should corresponds to the one defined and exported in the
- AnimatableModel
- index
- Zero-based index of the target animation
as defined in the
- original AnimatableModel
- This original AnimatableModel
- The frames per second defined in the original animation assetpublic int geIndex()-
as defined in the original
- AnimatableModel
public java.lang.String getName()-
- This name corresponds to the one defined and exported in the AnimatableModel
Typically the Action names defined in the 3D creation software.
, or
- the String.valueOf(animation.getIndex())
> if none was specified.public float getDuration()-
public long getDurationMillis()-
public int getFrameRate()-
.public int getFrameCount()-
public float getTimePosition()-
public void setTimePosition(float timePosition)-
- This method will apply rotation, translation, and scale to the AnimatableModel
- have been targeted.
- Elapsed time of interest in seconds. Between 0 and
- getDuration()
public int getFramePosition()-
public void setFramePosition(int frameNumber)-
- Frame number in the timeline. Between 0 and getFrameCount()
public float getFractionPosition()-
public void setFractionPosition(float fractionPosition)-
- The fractional (percent) position. Between 0 and 1.setTimePosition(float)
public boolean isDirty()-
- callback to ensure that the transformations are applied in a hierarchical order.public float getTimeAtFrame(int frame)-
- Frame number on the timelinepublic int getFrameAtTime(float time)-
- Elapsed time of interest in secondspublic float getTimeAtFraction(float fraction)-
- The fractional (from 0 to 1) value of interestpublic float getFractionAtTime(float time)-
- Elapsed time of interest in seconds.public static float frameToTime(int frame, - int frameRate)-
- Frame number on the timelineframeRate
- The frames per second of the animationpublic static int timeToFrame(float time, - int frameRate)-
- Elapsed time of interest in seconds.frameRate
- The frames per second of the animationpublic static float fractionToTime(float fraction, - float duration)-
- The fractional (from 0 to 1) value of interestduration
- Duration in secondspublic static float timeToFraction(float time, - float duration)-
- Elapsed time of interest in seconds.duration
- Duration in secondspublic static long secondsToMillis(float time)-
- Elapsed time of interest in seconds.public static class ModelAnimator.PropertyValuesHolder
-extends java.lang.Object
-- PropertyValuesHolder objects can be used to create animations with ObjectAnimator or - that operate on several different properties in parallel. -
- Warning:
Using this PropertyValuesHolder is very useful for targeting multiple
- time or frame properties of multiple animations inside a same ObjectAnimator model
AND insure a less consuming Choreographer.FrameCallback
- using AnimatorSet.playTogether(android.animation.Animator...)
BUT If you want to use the
- ObjectAnimator.setAutoCancel(boolean)
functionality, you have to
- take care of this : ObjectAnimator.hasSameTargetAndProperties(Animator anim)
Constructor and Description | -
PropertyValuesHolder() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder |
-ofAnimation(ModelAnimation animation)
-Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder for a targeted
-ModelAnimation . |
static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder |
-ofAnimationFrame(ModelAnimation animation,
- int... frames)
-Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder for a targeted
-ModelAnimation with
- a given set of time values. |
static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder |
-ofAnimationFrame(java.lang.String animationName,
- int... frames)
-Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder for a targeted
-ModelAnimation with
- a given set of fame values. |
static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder |
-ofAnimationTime(ModelAnimation animation,
- float... times)
-Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder for a targeted
-ModelAnimation with
- a given set of time values. |
static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder |
-ofAnimationTime(java.lang.String animationName,
- float... times)
-Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder for a targeted animation set of time
- values.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder ofAnimation(ModelAnimation animation)-
- ModelAnimation.getDuration()
in order to
- match the original animation speed.LinearInterpolator
in order to match the natural animation
- interpolation.animation
- The animation of interestpublic static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder ofAnimationTime(java.lang.String animationName, - float... times)-
- The string name of the animation.
- ModelAnimation.getName()
- The elapsed times (between 0 and ModelAnimation.getDuration()
- that the ModelAnimation
will animate between.ofAnimationTime(ModelAnimation, float...)
public static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder ofAnimationTime(ModelAnimation animation, - float... times)-
- a given set of time values.
- ModelAnimation
- The properties (time, frame,... position) are applied to the AnimatableModel
This method applies by default this to the returned ObjectAnimator :
in order to
- match the original animation speed.LinearInterpolator
in order to match the natural animation
- interpolation.animation
- The animation of interesttimes
- The elapsed times (between 0 and ModelAnimation.getDuration()
- that the ModelAnimation
will animate between.public static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder ofAnimationFrame(java.lang.String animationName, - int... frames)-
- a given set of fame values.animationName
- The string name of the animation.
- ModelAnimation.getName()
- The frame numbers (between 0 and
- ModelAnimation.getFrameCount()
- the ModelAnimation
will animate between.ofAnimationFrame(String, int...)
public static android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder ofAnimationFrame(ModelAnimation animation, - int... frames)-
- a given set of time values.
- ModelAnimation
- The properties (time, frame,... position) are applied to the AnimatableModel
This method applies by default this to the returned ObjectAnimator :
in order to
- match the original animation speed.LinearInterpolator
in order to match the natural animation
- interpolation.animation
- The animation of interestframes
- The frame numbers (between 0 and ModelAnimation.getFrameCount()
- the ModelAnimation
will animate between.public class ModelAnimator
-extends java.lang.Object
- of a targeted AnimatableModel
- Provides support for animating matrices on target a AnimatableModel
In a glTF context, this Animator
updates matrices according to glTF
- animation
and skin
- By default the ModelAnimator
plays the full ModelAnimation
starting from 0 to the
- animation duration. If you want to specify a start and end time or frame, please use the
- ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, float...)
- or ofAnimationFrame(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, int...)
can be used for two things:
- TransformManager
components according to the model animation
components according to the model skin
definitions.- Here are some use cases for animations : -
- AnimatorSet
playing a
- ofAnimation(AnimatableModel, String...)
- or ofPropertyValuesHolder(AnimatableModel, android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder...)
- ObjectAnimator
coming from
- ofAnimation(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation...)
per action.
- And an AnimatorSet
to play them sequentially or together.
- - Every PropertyValuesHolder that applies a modification on the time position of the animation - must use the ModelAnimation.TIME_POSITION instead of its own Property in order to possibly cancel - any ObjectAnimator operating time modifications on the same ModelAnimation. -
-- More information about Animator: - - https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/graphics/prop-animation - -
Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-This class holds information about a property and the values that that property
- should take during an animation.
- |
Constructor and Description | -
ModelAnimator() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofAnimation(AnimatableModel animatableModel,
- int... animationIndexes)
-Constructs and returns an
-ObjectAnimator for targeted ModelAnimation with
- a given index inside an AnimatableModel . |
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofAnimation(AnimatableModel animatableModel,
- ModelAnimation... animations)
- |
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofAnimation(AnimatableModel animatableModel,
- java.lang.String... animationNames)
-Constructs and returns an
-ObjectAnimator for targeted ModelAnimation with
- a given name inside an AnimatableModel . |
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofAnimationFrame(AnimatableModel animatableModel,
- int animationIndex,
- int... frames)
-Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator clipping a
-ModelAnimation to a given set of
- frame values. |
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofAnimationFrame(AnimatableModel animatableModel,
- ModelAnimation animation,
- int... frames)
-Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator clipping a
-ModelAnimation to a given set of
- frame values. |
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofAnimationFrame(AnimatableModel animatableModel,
- java.lang.String animationName,
- int... frames)
-Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator clipping a
-ModelAnimation to a given set of
- frame values. |
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofAnimations(AnimatableModel animatableModel)
- |
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel animatableModel,
- int animationIndex,
- float... times)
-Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator clipping a
-ModelAnimation to a given set of
- time values. |
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel animatableModel,
- ModelAnimation animation,
- float... times)
-Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator clipping a
-ModelAnimation to a given set of
- time values. |
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel animatableModel,
- java.lang.String animationName,
- float... times)
-Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator clipping a
-ModelAnimation to a given set of
- time values. |
static android.animation.ObjectAnimator |
-ofPropertyValuesHolder(AnimatableModel animatableModel,
- android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder... values)
-Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator a
-ModelAnimation applying
- PropertyValuesHolders. |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofAnimations(AnimatableModel animatableModel)-
for all ModelAnimation
- inside an AnimatableModel
- ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted model to animateofAnimation(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation...)
public static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofAnimation(AnimatableModel animatableModel, - java.lang.String... animationNames)-
for targeted ModelAnimation
- a given name inside an AnimatableModel
- ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted model to animateanimationNames
- The string names of the animations.
- ModelAnimation.getName()
ofAnimation(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation...)
public static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofAnimation(AnimatableModel animatableModel, - int... animationIndexes)-
for targeted ModelAnimation
- a given index inside an AnimatableModel
- ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted animatable to animateanimationIndexes
- Zero-based indexes for the animations of interest.ofAnimation(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation...)
public static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofAnimation(AnimatableModel animatableModel, - ModelAnimation... animations)-
for a targeted ModelAnimation
- an AnimatableModel
- ModelAnimation.getDuration()
in order to
- match the original animation speed.LinearInterpolator
in order to match the natural animation
- interpolation.ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted animatable to animateanimations
- The animations of interestpublic static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel animatableModel, - java.lang.String animationName, - float... times)-
to a given set of
- time values.
- ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted model to animateanimationName
- The string name of the animation.
- ModelAnimation.getName()
- The elapsed times (between 0 and ModelAnimation.getDuration()
- that the ModelAnimation
will animate between.ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, float...)
public static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel animatableModel, - int animationIndex, - float... times)-
to a given set of
- time values.
- ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted model to animateanimationIndex
- Zero-based index for the animation of interest.times
- The elapsed times (between 0 and ModelAnimation.getDuration()
- that the ModelAnimation
will animate between.ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, float...)
public static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel animatableModel, - ModelAnimation animation, - float... times)-
to a given set of
- time values.
- - Time values can help you targeting a specific position on an animation coming from - a 3D creation software with a default times based timeline. - It's the 3D designer responsibility to tell you what specific timeline position - corresponds to a specific model appearance. -
- The properties (time, frame,... position) are applied to the AnimatableModel
This method applies by default this to the returned ObjectAnimator :
in order to
- match the original animation speed.LinearInterpolator
in order to match the natural animation
- interpolation.ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted model to animateanimation
- The animation of interesttimes
- The elapsed times (between 0 and ModelAnimation.getDuration()
- that the ModelAnimation
will animate between.public static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofAnimationFrame(AnimatableModel animatableModel, - java.lang.String animationName, - int... frames)-
to a given set of
- frame values.
- ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted model to animateanimationName
- The string name of the animation.
- ModelAnimation.getName()
- The frame numbers (between 0 and ModelAnimation.getFrameCount()
- the ModelAnimation
will animate between.ofAnimationFrame(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, int...)
public static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofAnimationFrame(AnimatableModel animatableModel, - int animationIndex, - int... frames)-
to a given set of
- frame values.
- ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted model to animateanimationIndex
- Zero-based index for the animation of interest.frames
- The frame numbers (between 0 and ModelAnimation.getFrameCount()
- the ModelAnimation
will animate between.ofAnimationFrame(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, int...)
public static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofAnimationFrame(AnimatableModel animatableModel, - ModelAnimation animation, - int... frames)-
to a given set of
- frame values.
- Frame number can help you targeting a specific position on an animation coming from
- a 3D creation software with a frame numbers based timeline.
- It's the 3D designer responsibility to tell you what specific timeline position
- corresponds to a specific model appearance.
The corresponding time of a frame number is calculated using
- ModelAnimation.getFrameRate()
- The properties (time, frame,... position) are applied to the AnimatableModel
This method applies by default this to the returned ObjectAnimator :
in order to
- match the original animation speed.LinearInterpolator
in order to match the natural animation
- interpolation.ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted model to animateanimation
- The animation of interestframes
- The frame numbers (between 0 and ModelAnimation.getFrameCount()
- the ModelAnimation
will animate between.ofAnimationTime(AnimatableModel, ModelAnimation, float...)
public static android.animation.ObjectAnimator ofPropertyValuesHolder(AnimatableModel animatableModel, - android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder... values)-
- PropertyValuesHolders.
- ModelAnimation
- The properties (time, frame,... position) are applied to the AnimatableModel
This method applies by default this to the returned ObjectAnimator :
in order to match the natural animation
- interpolation.ObjectAnimator.start()
- The targeted model to animatevalues
- A set of PropertyValuesHolder objects whose values will be animated between over time.Interface | -Description | -
AnimatableModel | -
- An AnimatableModel is an object whose properties can be animated by an
-ModelAnimation . |
Class | -Description | -
ModelAnimation | -
- An ModelAnimation is a reusable set of keyframe tracks which represent an animation.
- |
ModelAnimation.PropertyValuesHolder | -
- This class holds information about a property and the values that that property
- should take during an animation.
- |
ModelAnimator | -
- This class provides support for animating time positions on a specific
- of a targeted AnimatableModel
- Provides support for animating matrices on target a AnimatableModel . |
ModelAnimator.PropertyValuesHolder | -
- This class holds information about a property and the values that that property
- should take during an animation.
- |
public class Box -extends CollisionShape-
Constructor and Description | -
-Create a box with a center of (0,0,0) and a size of (1,1,1).
- |
Box(Vector3 size)
-Create a box with a center of (0,0,0) and a specified size.
- |
Box(Vector3 size,
- Vector3 center)
-Create a box with a specified center and size.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
protected boolean |
-boxIntersection(Box box) |
Vector3 |
-Get a copy of the box's center.
- |
Vector3 |
-Calculate the extents (half the size) of the box.
- |
Quaternion |
-Get a copy of the box's rotation.
- |
Vector3 |
-Get a copy of the box's size.
- |
Box |
-makeCopy() |
protected boolean |
-rayIntersection(Ray ray,
- RayHit result) |
void |
-setCenter(Vector3 center)
-Set the center of this box.
- |
void |
-setRotation(Quaternion rotation)
-Set the rotation of this box.
- |
void |
-setSize(Vector3 size)
-Set the size of this box.
- |
protected boolean |
-shapeIntersection(CollisionShape shape) |
protected boolean |
-sphereIntersection(Sphere sphere) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Box()-
public Box(Vector3 size)-
- the size of the box.public void setCenter(Vector3 center)-
- the new center of the boxgetCenter()
public Vector3 getCenter()-
public void setSize(Vector3 size)-
- the new size of the boxgetSize()
public Vector3 getSize()-
public Vector3 getExtents()-
public void setRotation(Quaternion rotation)-
- the new rotation of the boxgetRotation()
public Quaternion getRotation()-
public Box makeCopy()-
in class CollisionShape
protected boolean rayIntersection(Ray ray, - RayHit result)-
in class CollisionShape
protected boolean shapeIntersection(CollisionShape shape)-
in class CollisionShape
protected boolean sphereIntersection(Sphere sphere)-
in class CollisionShape
protected boolean boxIntersection(Box box)-
in class CollisionShape
public class Collider
-extends java.lang.Object
-Constructor and Description | -
Collider(TransformProvider transformProvider,
- CollisionShape localCollisionShape) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
CollisionShape |
-getShape() |
CollisionShape |
-getTransformedShape() |
TransformProvider |
-getTransformProvider() |
void |
-markWorldShapeDirty() |
void |
-setAttachedCollisionSystem(CollisionSystem collisionSystem) |
void |
-setShape(CollisionShape localCollisionShape) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Collider(TransformProvider transformProvider, - CollisionShape localCollisionShape)-
public void setShape(CollisionShape localCollisionShape)-
public CollisionShape getShape()-
public TransformProvider getTransformProvider()-
public CollisionShape getTransformedShape()-
public void setAttachedCollisionSystem(CollisionSystem collisionSystem)-
public void markWorldShapeDirty()-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
protected abstract boolean |
-boxIntersection(Box box) |
abstract CollisionShape |
-makeCopy() |
protected void |
-Must be called by subclasses when the shape changes to inform listeners of the change.
- |
protected abstract boolean |
-rayIntersection(Ray ray,
- RayHit result) |
protected abstract boolean |
-shapeIntersection(CollisionShape shape) |
protected abstract boolean |
-sphereIntersection(Sphere sphere) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public abstract CollisionShape makeCopy()-
protected void onChanged()-
protected abstract boolean shapeIntersection(CollisionShape shape)-
protected abstract boolean sphereIntersection(Sphere sphere)-
protected abstract boolean boxIntersection(Box box)-
public class CollisionSystem
-extends java.lang.Object
-Constructor and Description | -
CollisionSystem() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-addCollider(Collider collider) |
Collider |
-intersects(Collider collider) |
void |
-intersectsAll(Collider collider,
- java.util.function.Consumer<Collider> processResult) |
Collider |
-raycast(Ray ray,
- RayHit resultHit) |
<T extends RayHit> |
-raycastAll(Ray ray,
- java.util.ArrayList<T> resultBuffer,
- java.util.function.BiConsumer<T,Collider> processResult,
- java.util.function.Supplier<T> allocateResult) |
void |
-removeCollider(Collider collider) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void addCollider(Collider collider)-
public void removeCollider(Collider collider)-
public <T extends RayHit> int raycastAll(Ray ray, - java.util.ArrayList<T> resultBuffer, - java.util.function.BiConsumer<T,Collider> processResult, - java.util.function.Supplier<T> allocateResult)-
public class Plane
-extends java.lang.Object
-Constructor and Description | -
Plane(Vector3 center,
- Vector3 normal) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Vector3 |
-getCenter() |
Vector3 |
-getNormal() |
boolean |
-rayIntersection(Ray ray,
- RayHit result) |
void |
-setCenter(Vector3 center) |
void |
-setNormal(Vector3 normal) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public class Ray
-extends java.lang.Object
-Constructor and Description | -
-Create a ray with an origin of (0,0,0) and a direction of Vector3.forward().
- |
Ray(Vector3 origin,
- Vector3 direction)
-Create a ray with a specified origin and direction.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Vector3 |
-Get the direction of the ray.
- |
Vector3 |
-Get the origin of the ray.
- |
Vector3 |
-getPoint(float distance)
-Get a point at a distance along the ray.
- |
void |
-setDirection(Vector3 direction)
-Set the direction of the ray.
- |
void |
-setOrigin(Vector3 origin)
-Set the origin of the ray in world coordinates.
- |
java.lang.String |
-toString() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public Ray()-
public void setOrigin(Vector3 origin)-
- the new origin of the ray.public Vector3 getOrigin()-
public void setDirection(Vector3 direction)-
- the new direction of the raypublic Vector3 getDirection()-
public Vector3 getPoint(float distance)-
- distance along the ray of the pointpublic java.lang.String toString()-
in class java.lang.Object
public class RayHit
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
float |
-Get the distance along the ray to the impact point on the surface of the collision shape.
- |
Vector3 |
-Get the position in world-space where the ray hit the collision shape.
- |
void |
-reset() |
void |
-set(RayHit other) |
void |
-setDistance(float distance) |
void |
-setPoint(Vector3 point) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void setDistance(float distance)-
public float getDistance()-
public void setPoint(Vector3 point)-
public Vector3 getPoint()-
public void set(RayHit other)-
public void reset()-
public class Sphere -extends CollisionShape-
Constructor and Description | -
-Create a sphere with a center of (0,0,0) and a radius of 1.
- |
Sphere(float radius)
-Create a sphere with a center of (0,0,0) and a specified radius.
- |
Sphere(float radius,
- Vector3 center)
-Create a sphere with a specified center and radius.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
protected boolean |
-boxIntersection(Box box) |
Vector3 |
-Get a copy of the sphere's center.
- |
float |
-Get the radius of the sphere.
- |
Sphere |
-makeCopy() |
protected boolean |
-rayIntersection(Ray ray,
- RayHit result) |
void |
-setCenter(Vector3 center)
-Set the center of this sphere.
- |
void |
-setRadius(float radius)
-Set the radius of the sphere.
- |
protected boolean |
-shapeIntersection(CollisionShape shape) |
protected boolean |
-sphereIntersection(Sphere sphere) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Sphere()-
public Sphere(float radius)-
- the radius of the spherepublic Sphere(float radius, - Vector3 center)-
- the radius of the spherecenter
- the center of the spherepublic void setCenter(Vector3 center)-
- the new center of the spheregetCenter()
public Vector3 getCenter()-
public void setRadius(float radius)-
- the new radius of the spheregetRadius()
public float getRadius()-
public Sphere makeCopy()-
in class CollisionShape
protected boolean rayIntersection(Ray ray, - RayHit result)-
in class CollisionShape
protected boolean shapeIntersection(CollisionShape shape)-
in class CollisionShape
protected boolean sphereIntersection(Sphere sphere)-
in class CollisionShape
protected boolean boxIntersection(Box box)-
in class CollisionShape
Class | -Description | -
Box | -
- Mathematical representation of a box.
- |
Collider | -
- Represents the collision information associated with a transformation that can be attached to the
- collision system.
- |
CollisionShape | -
- Base class for all types of shapes that collision checks can be performed against.
- |
CollisionSystem | -
- Manages all of the colliders within a scene.
- |
Plane | -
- Mathematical representation of a plane with an infinite size.
- |
Ray | -
- Mathematical representation of a ray.
- |
RayHit | -
- Stores the results of ray intersection tests against various types of CollisionShape.
- |
Sphere | -
- Mathematical representation of a sphere.
- |
Interface | -Description | -
TransformProvider | -
- Interface for providing information about a 3D transformation.
- |
public final class AabbDef -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
AabbDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static int |
-createAabbDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float min_x,
- float min_y,
- float min_z,
- float max_x,
- float max_y,
- float max_z) |
Vec3 |
-max() |
Vec3 |
-max(Vec3 obj) |
Vec3 |
-min() |
Vec3 |
-min(Vec3 obj) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public AabbDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Vec3 min()-
public Vec3 max()-
public static int createAabbDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float min_x, - float min_y, - float min_z, - float max_x, - float max_y, - float max_z)-
public final class ArcDef -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
ArcDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
float |
-Size of the arc measured in radians.
- |
static int |
-createArcDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float startAngle,
- float angleSize,
- float innerRadius,
- float outerRadius,
- int numSamples) |
float |
-Inner radius of the arc.
- |
int |
-Number of samples used for drawing the arc.
- |
float |
-Outer radius of the arc.
- |
float |
-The angle (in radians) in which the start of the arc should be poised at.
- 0 = vertical [0,1].
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ArcDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public float startAngle()-
public float angleSize()-
public float innerRadius()-
public float outerRadius()-
public int numSamples()-
public static int createArcDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float startAngle, - float angleSize, - float innerRadius, - float outerRadius, - int numSamples)-
public final class AxisSystem
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static int |
-Unspecified |
static int |
-XUp_YBack_ZLeft |
static int |
-XUp_YBack_ZRight |
static int |
-XUp_YFront_ZLeft |
static int |
-XUp_YFront_ZRight |
static int |
-XUp_ZBack_YLeft |
static int |
-XUp_ZBack_YRight |
static int |
-XUp_ZFront_YLeft |
static int |
-XUp_ZFront_YRight |
static int |
-YUp_XBack_ZLeft |
static int |
-YUp_XBack_ZRight |
static int |
-YUp_XFront_ZLeft |
static int |
-YUp_XFront_ZRight |
static int |
-YUp_ZBack_XLeft |
static int |
-YUp_ZBack_XRight |
static int |
-YUp_ZFront_XLeft |
static int |
-YUp_ZFront_XRight |
static int |
-ZUp_XBack_YLeft |
static int |
-ZUp_XBack_YRight |
static int |
-ZUp_XFront_YLeft |
static int |
-ZUp_XFront_YRight |
static int |
-ZUp_YBack_XLeft |
static int |
-ZUp_YBack_XRight |
static int |
-ZUp_YFront_XLeft |
static int |
-ZUp_YFront_XRight |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int Unspecified-
public static final int XUp_YFront_ZLeft-
public static final int XUp_YFront_ZRight-
public static final int XUp_YBack_ZLeft-
public static final int XUp_YBack_ZRight-
public static final int XUp_ZFront_YLeft-
public static final int XUp_ZFront_YRight-
public static final int XUp_ZBack_YLeft-
public static final int XUp_ZBack_YRight-
public static final int YUp_XFront_ZLeft-
public static final int YUp_XFront_ZRight-
public static final int YUp_XBack_ZLeft-
public static final int YUp_XBack_ZRight-
public static final int YUp_ZFront_XLeft-
public static final int YUp_ZFront_XRight-
public static final int YUp_ZBack_XLeft-
public static final int YUp_ZBack_XRight-
public static final int ZUp_XFront_YLeft-
public static final int ZUp_XFront_YRight-
public static final int ZUp_XBack_YLeft-
public static final int ZUp_XBack_YRight-
public static final int ZUp_YFront_XLeft-
public static final int ZUp_YFront_XRight-
public static final int ZUp_YBack_XLeft-
public static final int ZUp_YBack_XRight-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class BlendShape -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
BlendShape() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
BlendShape |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- long name) |
static void |
-addTangentData(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int tangentDataOffset) |
static void |
-addTangentIndices16(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int tangentIndices16Offset) |
static void |
-addTangentIndices32(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int tangentIndices32Offset) |
static void |
-addVertexData(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int vertexDataOffset) |
static void |
-addVertexIndices16(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int vertexIndices16Offset) |
static void |
-addVertexIndices32(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int vertexIndices32Offset) |
static int |
-createBlendShape(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- long name,
- int vertex_dataOffset,
- int vertex_indices32Offset,
- int vertex_indices16Offset,
- int tangent_dataOffset,
- int tangent_indices32Offset,
- int tangent_indices16Offset) |
static int |
-createTangentDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- byte[] data) |
static int |
-createTangentDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
static int |
-createTangentIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- short[] data) |
static int |
-createTangentIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- byte[] data) |
static int |
-createVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
static int |
-createVertexIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- short[] data) |
static int |
-createVertexIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-endBlendShape(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static BlendShape |
-getRootAsBlendShape(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static BlendShape |
-getRootAsBlendShape(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- BlendShape obj) |
long |
-The name of this blend shape.
- |
static void |
-startBlendShape(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static void |
-startTangentDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startTangentIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startTangentIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startVertexIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startVertexIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
int |
-tangentData(int j)
-Contains Tangent data that is necessary to restore original values of
- blend shape vertices that differ from correspondent mesh vertices in
- Tangent attribute only OR indentical ones.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-tangentDataAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-tangentDataInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-tangentDataLength() |
int |
-tangentIndices16(int j) |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-tangentIndices16AsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-tangentIndices16InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-tangentIndices16Length() |
long |
-tangentIndices32(int j)
-Indices of vertices that differ in Tangent OR indentical ones.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-tangentIndices32AsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-tangentIndices32InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-tangentIndices32Length() |
int |
-vertexData(int j)
-Contents vertex data of mesh vertices but with positions and normals
- adjusted to match this blend shape.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-vertexDataAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-vertexDataInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-vertexDataLength() |
int |
-vertexIndices16(int j) |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-vertexIndices16AsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-vertexIndices16InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-vertexIndices16Length() |
long |
-vertexIndices32(int j)
-Indices of fully stored vertices.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-vertexIndices32AsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-vertexIndices32InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-vertexIndices32Length() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static BlendShape getRootAsBlendShape(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static BlendShape getRootAsBlendShape(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - BlendShape obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public BlendShape __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public long name()-
public int vertexData(int j)-
public int vertexDataLength()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer vertexDataAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer vertexDataInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public long vertexIndices32(int j)-
public int vertexIndices32Length()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer vertexIndices32AsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer vertexIndices32InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int vertexIndices16(int j)-
public int vertexIndices16Length()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer vertexIndices16AsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer vertexIndices16InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int tangentData(int j)-
public int tangentDataLength()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer tangentDataAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer tangentDataInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public long tangentIndices32(int j)-
public int tangentIndices32Length()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer tangentIndices32AsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer tangentIndices32InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int tangentIndices16(int j)-
public int tangentIndices16Length()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer tangentIndices16AsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer tangentIndices16InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static int createBlendShape(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - long name, - int vertex_dataOffset, - int vertex_indices32Offset, - int vertex_indices16Offset, - int tangent_dataOffset, - int tangent_indices32Offset, - int tangent_indices16Offset)-
public static void startBlendShape(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - long name)-
public static void addVertexData(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int vertexDataOffset)-
public static int createVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - byte[] data)-
public static int createVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - java.nio.ByteBuffer data)-
public static void startVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addVertexIndices32(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int vertexIndices32Offset)-
public static int createVertexIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startVertexIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addVertexIndices16(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int vertexIndices16Offset)-
public static int createVertexIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - short[] data)-
public static void startVertexIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addTangentData(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int tangentDataOffset)-
public static int createTangentDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - byte[] data)-
public static int createTangentDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - java.nio.ByteBuffer data)-
public static void startTangentDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addTangentIndices32(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int tangentIndices32Offset)-
public static int createTangentIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startTangentIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addTangentIndices16(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int tangentIndices16Offset)-
public static int createTangentIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - short[] data)-
public static void startTangentIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endBlendShape(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class Color -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Color |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
float |
-a() |
float |
-b() |
static int |
-createColor(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float r,
- float g,
- float b,
- float a) |
float |
-g() |
float |
-r() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Color __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public float r()-
public float g()-
public float b()-
public float a()-
public static int createColor(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float r, - float g, - float b, - float a)-
public final class DataBool -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
DataBool |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean value) |
static int |
-createDataBool(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean value) |
static int |
-endDataBool(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static DataBool |
-getRootAsDataBool(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static DataBool |
-getRootAsDataBool(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- DataBool obj) |
static void |
-startDataBool(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
boolean |
-value() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static DataBool getRootAsDataBool(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static DataBool getRootAsDataBool(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - DataBool obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public DataBool __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public boolean value()-
public static int createDataBool(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean value)-
public static void startDataBool(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean value)-
public static int endDataBool(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class DataBytes -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
DataBytes |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valueOffset) |
static int |
-createDataBytes(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valueOffset) |
static int |
-createValueVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- byte[] data) |
static int |
-createValueVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
static int |
-endDataBytes(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static DataBytes |
-getRootAsDataBytes(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static DataBytes |
-getRootAsDataBytes(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- DataBytes obj) |
static void |
-startDataBytes(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static void |
-startValueVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
int |
-value(int j) |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-valueAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-valueInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-valueLength() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static DataBytes getRootAsDataBytes(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static DataBytes getRootAsDataBytes(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - DataBytes obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public DataBytes __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int value(int j)-
public int valueLength()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer valueAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer valueInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static int createDataBytes(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valueOffset)-
public static void startDataBytes(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valueOffset)-
public static int createValueVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - byte[] data)-
public static int createValueVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - java.nio.ByteBuffer data)-
public static void startValueVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endDataBytes(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class DataFloat -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
DataFloat |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float value) |
static int |
-createDataFloat(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float value) |
static int |
-endDataFloat(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static DataFloat |
-getRootAsDataFloat(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static DataFloat |
-getRootAsDataFloat(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- DataFloat obj) |
static void |
-startDataFloat(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
float |
-value() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static DataFloat getRootAsDataFloat(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static DataFloat getRootAsDataFloat(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - DataFloat obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public DataFloat __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public float value()-
public static int createDataFloat(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float value)-
public static void startDataFloat(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float value)-
public static int endDataFloat(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class DataHashValue -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
DataHashValue() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
DataHashValue |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- long value) |
static int |
-createDataHashValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- long value) |
static int |
-endDataHashValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static DataHashValue |
-getRootAsDataHashValue(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static DataHashValue |
-getRootAsDataHashValue(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- DataHashValue obj) |
static void |
-startDataHashValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
long |
-value() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static DataHashValue getRootAsDataHashValue(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static DataHashValue getRootAsDataHashValue(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - DataHashValue obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public DataHashValue __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public long value()-
public static int createDataHashValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - long value)-
public static void startDataHashValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - long value)-
public static int endDataHashValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class DataInt -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
DataInt |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int value) |
static int |
-createDataInt(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int value) |
static int |
-endDataInt(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static DataInt |
-getRootAsDataInt(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static DataInt |
-getRootAsDataInt(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- DataInt obj) |
static void |
-startDataInt(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
int |
-value() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static DataInt getRootAsDataInt(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static DataInt getRootAsDataInt(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - DataInt obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public DataInt __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int value()-
public static int createDataInt(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int value)-
public static void startDataInt(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int value)-
public static int endDataInt(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class DataQuat -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
DataQuat |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valueOffset) |
static int |
-endDataQuat(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static DataQuat |
-getRootAsDataQuat(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static DataQuat |
-getRootAsDataQuat(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- DataQuat obj) |
static void |
-startDataQuat(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
Quat |
-value() |
Quat |
-value(Quat obj) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static DataQuat getRootAsDataQuat(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static DataQuat getRootAsDataQuat(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - DataQuat obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public DataQuat __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Quat value()-
public static void startDataQuat(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valueOffset)-
public static int endDataQuat(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class DataString -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
DataString() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
DataString |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valueOffset) |
static int |
-createDataString(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valueOffset) |
static int |
-endDataString(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static DataString |
-getRootAsDataString(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static DataString |
-getRootAsDataString(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- DataString obj) |
static void |
-startDataString(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
java.lang.String |
-value() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-valueAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-valueInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static DataString getRootAsDataString(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static DataString getRootAsDataString(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - DataString obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public DataString __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String value()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer valueAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer valueInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static int createDataString(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valueOffset)-
public static void startDataString(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valueOffset)-
public static int endDataString(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class DataVec2 -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
DataVec2 |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valueOffset) |
static int |
-endDataVec2(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static DataVec2 |
-getRootAsDataVec2(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static DataVec2 |
-getRootAsDataVec2(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- DataVec2 obj) |
static void |
-startDataVec2(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
Vec2 |
-value() |
Vec2 |
-value(Vec2 obj) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static DataVec2 getRootAsDataVec2(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static DataVec2 getRootAsDataVec2(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - DataVec2 obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public DataVec2 __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Vec2 value()-
public static void startDataVec2(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valueOffset)-
public static int endDataVec2(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class DataVec3 -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
DataVec3 |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valueOffset) |
static int |
-endDataVec3(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static DataVec3 |
-getRootAsDataVec3(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static DataVec3 |
-getRootAsDataVec3(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- DataVec3 obj) |
static void |
-startDataVec3(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
Vec3 |
-value() |
Vec3 |
-value(Vec3 obj) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static DataVec3 getRootAsDataVec3(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static DataVec3 getRootAsDataVec3(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - DataVec3 obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public DataVec3 __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Vec3 value()-
public static void startDataVec3(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valueOffset)-
public static int endDataVec3(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class DataVec4 -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
DataVec4 |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valueOffset) |
static int |
-endDataVec4(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static DataVec4 |
-getRootAsDataVec4(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static DataVec4 |
-getRootAsDataVec4(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- DataVec4 obj) |
static void |
-startDataVec4(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
Vec4 |
-value() |
Vec4 |
-value(Vec4 obj) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static DataVec4 getRootAsDataVec4(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static DataVec4 getRootAsDataVec4(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - DataVec4 obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public DataVec4 __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Vec4 value()-
public static void startDataVec4(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valueOffset)-
public static int endDataVec4(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class DeviceType
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static int |
-Controller |
static int |
-Controller2 |
static int |
-Hand |
static int |
-Hmd |
static int |
-Keyboard |
static int |
-Mouse |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int Hmd-
public static final int Mouse-
public static final int Keyboard-
public static final int Controller-
public static final int Controller2-
public static final int Hand-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class KeyVariantPairDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
KeyVariantPairDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
KeyVariantPairDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addHashKey(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- long hashKey) |
static void |
-addKey(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int keyOffset) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valueOffset) |
static void |
-addValueType(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- byte valueType) |
static int |
-createKeyVariantPairDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int keyOffset,
- long hash_key,
- byte value_type,
- int valueOffset) |
static int |
-endKeyVariantPairDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static KeyVariantPairDef |
-getRootAsKeyVariantPairDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static KeyVariantPairDef |
-getRootAsKeyVariantPairDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- KeyVariantPairDef obj) |
long |
-hashKey() |
java.lang.String |
-key() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-keyAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-keyInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-startKeyVariantPairDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
Table |
-value(Table obj) |
byte |
-valueType() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static KeyVariantPairDef getRootAsKeyVariantPairDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static KeyVariantPairDef getRootAsKeyVariantPairDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - KeyVariantPairDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public KeyVariantPairDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String key()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer keyAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer keyInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public long hashKey()-
public byte valueType()-
public static int createKeyVariantPairDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int keyOffset, - long hash_key, - byte value_type, - int valueOffset)-
public static void startKeyVariantPairDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addKey(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int keyOffset)-
public static void addHashKey(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - long hashKey)-
public static void addValueType(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - byte valueType)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valueOffset)-
public static int endKeyVariantPairDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class LayoutFillOrder
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static int |
-The first entity is added rightmost, and subsequent entities go down
- (and then left if wrapping is enabled).
- |
static int |
-The first entity is added leftmost, and subsequent entities go down
- (and then right if wrapping is enabled).
- |
static int |
-The first entity is added rightmost, and subsequent entities go to the
- left (and then down if wrapping is enabled).
- |
static int |
-The first entity is added rightmost, and subsequent entities go to the
- left (and then up if wrapping is enabled).
- |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static int |
-The first entity is added leftmost, and subsequent entities go to the
- right (and then down if wrapping is enabled).
- |
static int |
-The first entity is added leftmost, and subsequent entities go to the
- right (and then up if wrapping is enabled).
- |
static int |
-The first entity is added rightmost, and subsequent entities go up
- (and then left if wrapping is enabled).
- |
static int |
-The first entity is added leftmost, and subsequent entities go up
- (and then right if wrapping is enabled).
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int RightDown-
public static final int LeftDown-
public static final int DownRight-
public static final int DownLeft-
public static final int RightUp-
public static final int LeftUp-
public static final int UpRight-
public static final int UpLeft-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class LayoutHorizontalAlignment
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static int |
-The layout will be centered horizontally on the canvas.
- |
static int |
-The left border of the leftmost element will align to the left side of the
- canvas.
- |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static int |
-The right border of the rightmost element will align to the right side of
- the canvas.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int Left-
public static final int Center-
public static final int Right-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class LayoutVerticalAlignment
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static int |
-Each entity will align to the bottom of its row.
- |
static int |
-Each entity will be centered within its row.
- |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static int |
-Each entity will align to the top of its row in the layout.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int Top-
public static final int Center-
public static final int Bottom-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class Mat4x3 -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Mat4x3 |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
Vec4 |
-c0() |
Vec4 |
-c0(Vec4 obj) |
Vec4 |
-c1() |
Vec4 |
-c1(Vec4 obj) |
Vec4 |
-c2() |
Vec4 |
-c2(Vec4 obj) |
static int |
-createMat4x3(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float c0_x,
- float c0_y,
- float c0_z,
- float c0_w,
- float c1_x,
- float c1_y,
- float c1_z,
- float c1_w,
- float c2_x,
- float c2_y,
- float c2_z,
- float c2_w) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Mat4x3 __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Vec4 c0()-
public Vec4 c1()-
public Vec4 c2()-
public static int createMat4x3(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float c0_x, - float c0_y, - float c0_z, - float c0_w, - float c1_x, - float c1_y, - float c1_z, - float c1_w, - float c2_x, - float c2_y, - float c2_z, - float c2_w)-
public final class MaterialDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
MaterialDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
MaterialDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int nameOffset) |
static void |
-addProperties(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int propertiesOffset) |
static void |
-addTextures(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int texturesOffset) |
static int |
-createMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int nameOffset,
- int propertiesOffset,
- int texturesOffset) |
static int |
-createTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-endMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static MaterialDef |
-getRootAsMaterialDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static MaterialDef |
-getRootAsMaterialDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- MaterialDef obj) |
java.lang.String |
-The name of the material.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-nameAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-nameInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
VariantMapDef |
-A dictionary of all material properties extracted from the source file.
- |
VariantMapDef |
-properties(VariantMapDef obj) |
static void |
-startMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static void |
-startTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
MaterialTextureDef |
-textures(int j)
-The list of textures associated with the Material.
- |
MaterialTextureDef |
-textures(MaterialTextureDef obj,
- int j) |
int |
-texturesLength() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static MaterialDef getRootAsMaterialDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static MaterialDef getRootAsMaterialDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - MaterialDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public MaterialDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String name()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer nameAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer nameInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public VariantMapDef properties()-
public VariantMapDef properties(VariantMapDef obj)-
public MaterialTextureDef textures(int j)-
public MaterialTextureDef textures(MaterialTextureDef obj, - int j)-
public int texturesLength()-
public static int createMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int nameOffset, - int propertiesOffset, - int texturesOffset)-
public static void startMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int nameOffset)-
public static void addProperties(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int propertiesOffset)-
public static void addTextures(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int texturesOffset)-
public static int createTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class MaterialTextureDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
MaterialTextureDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
MaterialTextureDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int nameOffset) |
static void |
-addUsage(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int usage) |
static void |
-addUsagePerChannel(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int usagePerChannelOffset) |
static int |
-createMaterialTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int nameOffset,
- int usage,
- int usage_per_channelOffset) |
static int |
-createUsagePerChannelVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-endMaterialTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static MaterialTextureDef |
-getRootAsMaterialTextureDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static MaterialTextureDef |
-getRootAsMaterialTextureDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- MaterialTextureDef obj) |
java.lang.String |
-name() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-nameAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-nameInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-startMaterialTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static void |
-startUsagePerChannelVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
int |
-usage() |
int |
-usagePerChannel(int j)
-For textures with multiple usages, this array describes the usage of each
- channel.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-usagePerChannelAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-usagePerChannelInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-usagePerChannelLength() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static MaterialTextureDef getRootAsMaterialTextureDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static MaterialTextureDef getRootAsMaterialTextureDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - MaterialTextureDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public MaterialTextureDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String name()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer nameAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer nameInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int usage()-
public int usagePerChannel(int j)-
public int usagePerChannelLength()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer usagePerChannelAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer usagePerChannelInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static int createMaterialTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int nameOffset, - int usage, - int usage_per_channelOffset)-
public static void startMaterialTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int nameOffset)-
public static void addUsage(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int usage)-
public static void addUsagePerChannel(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int usagePerChannelOffset)-
public static int createUsagePerChannelVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startUsagePerChannelVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endMaterialTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class MaterialTextureUsage
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static int |
-Ambient |
static int |
-BaseColor |
static int |
-BrdfLookupTable |
static int |
-Bump |
static int |
-DiffuseColor |
static int |
-DiffuseEnvironment |
static int |
-Emissive |
static int |
-Height |
static int |
-Light |
static int |
-Metallic |
static int |
-Normal |
static int |
-Occlusion |
static int |
-Opacity |
static int |
-Reflection |
static int |
-Roughness |
static int |
-Shadow |
static int |
-Shininess |
static int |
-Specular |
static int |
-SpecularEnvironment |
static int |
-Unused |
public static final int BaseColor-
public static final int Metallic-
public static final int Normal-
public static final int Bump-
public static final int Height-
public static final int Specular-
public static final int Ambient-
public static final int Emissive-
public static final int Light-
public static final int Shadow-
public static final int Reflection-
public static final int Opacity-
public static final int Roughness-
public static final int Occlusion-
public static final int Shininess-
public static final int BrdfLookupTable-
public static final int DiffuseEnvironment-
public static final int SpecularEnvironment-
public static final int DiffuseColor-
public static final int Unused-
public final class ModelDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
ModelDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addBoundingBox(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int boundingBoxOffset) |
static void |
-addLods(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int lodsOffset) |
static void |
-addSkeleton(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int skeletonOffset) |
static void |
-addTextures(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int texturesOffset) |
static void |
-addVersion(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int version) |
AabbDef |
-The minimum and maximum bounds contained in the vertex data.
- |
AabbDef |
-boundingBox(AabbDef obj) |
static int |
-createLodsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-endModelDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static void |
-finishModelDefBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int offset) |
static void |
-finishSizePrefixedModelDefBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int offset) |
static ModelDef |
-getRootAsModelDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static ModelDef |
-getRootAsModelDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- ModelDef obj) |
ModelInstanceDef |
-lods(int j)
-Model data for different LODs.
- |
ModelInstanceDef |
-lods(ModelInstanceDef obj,
- int j) |
int |
-lodsLength() |
SkeletonDef |
-The skeletal information used by the RigSystem to support skinned
- animations.
- |
SkeletonDef |
-skeleton(SkeletonDef obj) |
static void |
-startLodsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startModelDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static void |
-startTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
TextureDef |
-textures(int j)
-A collection of embedded textures associated with this model.
- |
TextureDef |
-textures(TextureDef obj,
- int j) |
int |
-texturesLength() |
int |
-Version number to help decide how to interpret the flatbuffer data.
- |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static ModelDef getRootAsModelDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static ModelDef getRootAsModelDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - ModelDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int version()-
public ModelInstanceDef lods(int j)-
public ModelInstanceDef lods(ModelInstanceDef obj, - int j)-
public int lodsLength()-
public SkeletonDef skeleton()-
public SkeletonDef skeleton(SkeletonDef obj)-
public AabbDef boundingBox()-
public TextureDef textures(int j)-
public TextureDef textures(TextureDef obj, - int j)-
public int texturesLength()-
public static void startModelDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addVersion(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int version)-
public static void addLods(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int lodsOffset)-
public static int createLodsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startLodsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addSkeleton(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int skeletonOffset)-
public static void addBoundingBox(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int boundingBoxOffset)-
public static void addTextures(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int texturesOffset)-
public static int createTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endModelDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void finishModelDefBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int offset)-
public static void finishSizePrefixedModelDefBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int offset)-
public final class ModelIndexRange -extends Struct-
Constructor and Description | -
ModelIndexRange() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
ModelIndexRange |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static int |
-createModelIndexRange(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- long start,
- long end) |
long |
-end() |
long |
-start() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelIndexRange __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public long start()-
public long end()-
public static int createModelIndexRange(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - long start, - long end)-
public final class ModelInstanceDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
ModelInstanceDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
ModelInstanceDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
SubmeshAabb |
-aabbs(int j)
-A bounding Aabb for each submesh.
- |
SubmeshAabb |
-aabbs(SubmeshAabb obj,
- int j) |
int |
-aabbsLength() |
static void |
-addAabbs(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int aabbsOffset) |
static void |
-addBlendAttributes(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int blendAttributesOffset) |
static void |
-addBlendShapes(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int blendShapesOffset) |
static void |
-addIndices16(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int indices16Offset) |
static void |
-addIndices32(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int indices32Offset) |
static void |
-addInterleaved(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean interleaved) |
static void |
-addMaterials(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int materialsOffset) |
static void |
-addNumVertices(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- long numVertices) |
static void |
-addRanges(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int rangesOffset) |
static void |
-addShaderToMeshBones(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int shaderToMeshBonesOffset) |
static void |
-addVertexAttributes(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int vertexAttributesOffset) |
static void |
-addVertexData(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int vertexDataOffset) |
VertexAttribute |
-blendAttributes(int j)
-Describes the structure of the vertex data for the blend shapes.
- |
VertexAttribute |
-blendAttributes(VertexAttribute obj,
- int j) |
int |
-blendAttributesLength() |
BlendShape |
-blendShapes(BlendShape obj,
- int j) |
BlendShape |
-blendShapes(int j)
-A collection of blendshapes, if they exist.
- |
int |
-blendShapesLength() |
static int |
-createAabbsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createBlendShapesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- short[] data) |
static int |
-createIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createMaterialsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createModelInstanceDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int vertex_dataOffset,
- int indices16Offset,
- int indices32Offset,
- int rangesOffset,
- int materialsOffset,
- int vertex_attributesOffset,
- long num_vertices,
- boolean interleaved,
- int shader_to_mesh_bonesOffset,
- int blend_shapesOffset,
- int blend_attributesOffset,
- int aabbsOffset) |
static int |
-createShaderToMeshBonesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- byte[] data) |
static int |
-createShaderToMeshBonesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
static int |
-createVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- byte[] data) |
static int |
-createVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
static int |
-endModelInstanceDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static ModelInstanceDef |
-getRootAsModelInstanceDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static ModelInstanceDef |
-getRootAsModelInstanceDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- ModelInstanceDef obj) |
int |
-indices16(int j)
-Indices into the vertex data.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-indices16AsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-indices16InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-indices16Length() |
long |
-indices32(int j) |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-indices32AsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-indices32InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-indices32Length() |
boolean |
-Whether or not the attributes in the vertex data are interleaved.
- |
MaterialDef |
-materials(int j)
-The material describing the "look" of each submesh.
- |
MaterialDef |
-materials(MaterialDef obj,
- int j) |
int |
-materialsLength() |
long |
-The total number of vertices stored in the vertex data.
- |
ModelIndexRange |
-ranges(int j)
-The range of indices for each submesh.
- |
ModelIndexRange |
-ranges(ModelIndexRange obj,
- int j) |
int |
-rangesLength() |
int |
-shaderToMeshBones(int j)
-Maps the skeleton bone index to the shader bone index.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-shaderToMeshBonesAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-shaderToMeshBonesInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-shaderToMeshBonesLength() |
static void |
-startAabbsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startBlendAttributesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startBlendShapesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startMaterialsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startModelInstanceDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static void |
-startRangesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startShaderToMeshBonesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startVertexAttributesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
VertexAttribute |
-vertexAttributes(int j)
-Describes the structure of the vertex data, effectively the VertexFormat.
- |
VertexAttribute |
-vertexAttributes(VertexAttribute obj,
- int j) |
int |
-vertexAttributesLength() |
int |
-vertexData(int j)
-The "raw" vertex data stored as a byte array.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-vertexDataAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-vertexDataInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-vertexDataLength() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static ModelInstanceDef getRootAsModelInstanceDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static ModelInstanceDef getRootAsModelInstanceDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - ModelInstanceDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelInstanceDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int vertexData(int j)-
public int vertexDataLength()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer vertexDataAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer vertexDataInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int indices16(int j)-
public int indices16Length()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer indices16AsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer indices16InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public long indices32(int j)-
public int indices32Length()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer indices32AsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer indices32InByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelIndexRange ranges(int j)-
public ModelIndexRange ranges(ModelIndexRange obj, - int j)-
public int rangesLength()-
public MaterialDef materials(int j)-
public MaterialDef materials(MaterialDef obj, - int j)-
public int materialsLength()-
public VertexAttribute vertexAttributes(int j)-
public VertexAttribute vertexAttributes(VertexAttribute obj, - int j)-
public int vertexAttributesLength()-
public long numVertices()-
public boolean interleaved()-
public int shaderToMeshBones(int j)-
public int shaderToMeshBonesLength()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer shaderToMeshBonesAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer shaderToMeshBonesInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public BlendShape blendShapes(int j)-
public BlendShape blendShapes(BlendShape obj, - int j)-
public int blendShapesLength()-
public VertexAttribute blendAttributes(int j)-
public VertexAttribute blendAttributes(VertexAttribute obj, - int j)-
public int blendAttributesLength()-
public SubmeshAabb aabbs(int j)-
public SubmeshAabb aabbs(SubmeshAabb obj, - int j)-
public int aabbsLength()-
public static int createModelInstanceDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int vertex_dataOffset, - int indices16Offset, - int indices32Offset, - int rangesOffset, - int materialsOffset, - int vertex_attributesOffset, - long num_vertices, - boolean interleaved, - int shader_to_mesh_bonesOffset, - int blend_shapesOffset, - int blend_attributesOffset, - int aabbsOffset)-
public static void startModelInstanceDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addVertexData(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int vertexDataOffset)-
public static int createVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - byte[] data)-
public static int createVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - java.nio.ByteBuffer data)-
public static void startVertexDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addIndices16(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int indices16Offset)-
public static int createIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - short[] data)-
public static void startIndices16Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addIndices32(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int indices32Offset)-
public static int createIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startIndices32Vector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addRanges(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int rangesOffset)-
public static void startRangesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addMaterials(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int materialsOffset)-
public static int createMaterialsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startMaterialsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addVertexAttributes(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int vertexAttributesOffset)-
public static void startVertexAttributesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addNumVertices(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - long numVertices)-
public static void addInterleaved(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean interleaved)-
public static void addShaderToMeshBones(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int shaderToMeshBonesOffset)-
public static int createShaderToMeshBonesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - byte[] data)-
public static int createShaderToMeshBonesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - java.nio.ByteBuffer data)-
public static void startShaderToMeshBonesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addBlendShapes(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int blendShapesOffset)-
public static int createBlendShapesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startBlendShapesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addBlendAttributes(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int blendAttributesOffset)-
public static void startBlendAttributesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addAabbs(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int aabbsOffset)-
public static int createAabbsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startAabbsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endModelInstanceDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class ModelPipelineCollidableDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
ModelPipelineCollidableDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
ModelPipelineCollidableDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addSource(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int sourceOffset) |
static int |
-createModelPipelineCollidableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int sourceOffset) |
static int |
-endModelPipelineCollidableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static ModelPipelineCollidableDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineCollidableDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static ModelPipelineCollidableDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineCollidableDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- ModelPipelineCollidableDef obj) |
java.lang.String |
-The name of ModelPipelineImportDef defining this model.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-sourceAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-sourceInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-startModelPipelineCollidableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public ModelPipelineCollidableDef()-
public static ModelPipelineCollidableDef getRootAsModelPipelineCollidableDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static ModelPipelineCollidableDef getRootAsModelPipelineCollidableDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - ModelPipelineCollidableDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelPipelineCollidableDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String source()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer sourceAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer sourceInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static int createModelPipelineCollidableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int sourceOffset)-
public static void startModelPipelineCollidableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addSource(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int sourceOffset)-
public static int endModelPipelineCollidableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class ModelPipelineDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
ModelPipelineDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
ModelPipelineDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addCollidable(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int collidableOffset) |
static void |
-addRenderables(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int renderablesOffset) |
static void |
-addSkeleton(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int skeletonOffset) |
static void |
-addSources(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int sourcesOffset) |
static void |
-addTextures(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int texturesOffset) |
ModelPipelineCollidableDef |
-The model used for collision.
- |
ModelPipelineCollidableDef |
-collidable(ModelPipelineCollidableDef obj) |
static int |
-createModelPipelineDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int sourcesOffset,
- int renderablesOffset,
- int collidableOffset,
- int skeletonOffset,
- int texturesOffset) |
static int |
-createRenderablesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createSourcesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-endModelPipelineDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static ModelPipelineDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static ModelPipelineDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- ModelPipelineDef obj) |
ModelPipelineRenderableDef |
-renderables(int j)
-The list of models used for rendering.
- |
ModelPipelineRenderableDef |
-renderables(ModelPipelineRenderableDef obj,
- int j) |
int |
-renderablesLength() |
ModelPipelineSkeletonDef |
-The model used for skeletal animations.
- |
ModelPipelineSkeletonDef |
-skeleton(ModelPipelineSkeletonDef obj) |
ModelPipelineImportDef |
-sources(int j)
-The list of assets to import.
- |
ModelPipelineImportDef |
-sources(ModelPipelineImportDef obj,
- int j) |
int |
-sourcesLength() |
static void |
-startModelPipelineDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static void |
-startRenderablesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startSourcesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
TextureDef |
-textures(int j)
-The textures to be used by the renderables.
- |
TextureDef |
-textures(TextureDef obj,
- int j) |
int |
-texturesLength() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static ModelPipelineDef getRootAsModelPipelineDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static ModelPipelineDef getRootAsModelPipelineDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - ModelPipelineDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelPipelineDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelPipelineImportDef sources(int j)-
public ModelPipelineImportDef sources(ModelPipelineImportDef obj, - int j)-
public int sourcesLength()-
public ModelPipelineRenderableDef renderables(int j)-
public ModelPipelineRenderableDef renderables(ModelPipelineRenderableDef obj, - int j)-
public int renderablesLength()-
public ModelPipelineCollidableDef collidable()-
public ModelPipelineCollidableDef collidable(ModelPipelineCollidableDef obj)-
public ModelPipelineSkeletonDef skeleton()-
public ModelPipelineSkeletonDef skeleton(ModelPipelineSkeletonDef obj)-
public TextureDef textures(int j)-
public TextureDef textures(TextureDef obj, - int j)-
public int texturesLength()-
public static int createModelPipelineDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int sourcesOffset, - int renderablesOffset, - int collidableOffset, - int skeletonOffset, - int texturesOffset)-
public static void startModelPipelineDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addSources(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int sourcesOffset)-
public static int createSourcesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startSourcesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addRenderables(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int renderablesOffset)-
public static int createRenderablesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startRenderablesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addCollidable(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int collidableOffset)-
public static void addSkeleton(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int skeletonOffset)-
public static void addTextures(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int texturesOffset)-
public static int createTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startTexturesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endModelPipelineDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class ModelPipelineImportDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
ModelPipelineImportDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
ModelPipelineImportDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addAxisSystem(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int axisSystem) |
static void |
-addCmPerUnit(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float cmPerUnit) |
static void |
-addEnsureVertexOrientationWNotZero(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean ensureVertexOrientationWNotZero) |
static void |
-addFile(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int fileOffset) |
static void |
-addFixInfacingNormals(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean fixInfacingNormals) |
static void |
-addFlattenHierarchyAndTransformVerticesToRootSpace(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean flattenHierarchyAndTransformVerticesToRootSpace) |
static void |
-addFlipTextureCoordinates(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean flipTextureCoordinates) |
static void |
-addMaxBoneWeights(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int maxBoneWeights) |
static void |
-addMergeMaterials(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean mergeMaterials) |
static void |
-addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int nameOffset) |
static void |
-addRecenter(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean recenter) |
static void |
-addReportErrorsToStdout(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean reportErrorsToStdout) |
static void |
-addScale(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float scale) |
static void |
-addSmoothingAngle(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float smoothingAngle) |
static void |
-addTargetMeshes(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int targetMeshesOffset) |
static void |
-addUseSpecularGlossinessTexturesIfPresent(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean useSpecularGlossinessTexturesIfPresent) |
int |
-The axis system used by the model asset.
- |
float |
-Distinct from 'scale'; defines the unit we expect positions to be in.
- |
static int |
-createModelPipelineImportDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int nameOffset,
- int fileOffset,
- boolean recenter,
- float scale,
- int axis_system,
- float smoothing_angle,
- int max_bone_weights,
- boolean report_errors_to_stdout,
- boolean flip_texture_coordinates,
- boolean flatten_hierarchy_and_transform_vertices_to_root_space,
- boolean use_specular_glossiness_textures_if_present,
- boolean fix_infacing_normals,
- boolean ensure_vertex_orientation_w_not_zero,
- float cm_per_unit,
- int target_meshesOffset,
- boolean merge_materials) |
static int |
-createTargetMeshesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-endModelPipelineImportDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
boolean |
-Encodes a sign into the w value of the orientation quaternion such that >0
- implies a right handed space, and <0 implies a left handed space. w==0
- should never happen.
- |
java.lang.String |
-The location of disk of the asset.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-fileAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-fileInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
boolean |
-Toggle for Assimp's aiProcess_FixInfacingNormals process.
- |
boolean |
-Pre-transforms vertices by their node hierarchy so that all vertices are
- in the same object-space, and the node hierarchy is flattened.
- |
boolean |
-Inverts vertical texture coordinates when enabled (D3D/OGL difference).
- |
static ModelPipelineImportDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineImportDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static ModelPipelineImportDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineImportDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- ModelPipelineImportDef obj) |
int |
-Limit per-vertex bone weights to the N most significant bones.
- |
boolean |
-mergeMaterials() |
java.lang.String |
-The short name of the asset that is referenced by the individual model
- components (eg. renderables, collidables, etc.) below.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-nameAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-nameInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
boolean |
-Inserts an extra node into the asset hierarchy so that the resulting model
- is centered around the origin.
- |
boolean |
-some clients do not use LOG to report errors
- |
float |
-Multiplier applied to the model to change its scale.
- |
float |
-The limit angle (in degrees) between two normals being considered for
- tangent space smoothing.
- |
static void |
-startModelPipelineImportDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static void |
-startTargetMeshesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
java.lang.String |
-targetMeshes(int j)
-The names of the nodes that contain the target meshes to import from the
- asset.
- |
int |
-targetMeshesLength() |
boolean |
-If a model contains both metallic-roughness textures and
- specular-glossiness textures, this flag causes the import to only use the
- specular-glossiness textures.
- |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public ModelPipelineImportDef()-
public static ModelPipelineImportDef getRootAsModelPipelineImportDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static ModelPipelineImportDef getRootAsModelPipelineImportDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - ModelPipelineImportDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelPipelineImportDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String name()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer nameAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer nameInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String file()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer fileAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer fileInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public boolean recenter()-
public float scale()-
public int axisSystem()-
public float smoothingAngle()-
public int maxBoneWeights()-
public boolean reportErrorsToStdout()-
public boolean flipTextureCoordinates()-
public boolean flattenHierarchyAndTransformVerticesToRootSpace()-
public boolean useSpecularGlossinessTexturesIfPresent()-
public boolean fixInfacingNormals()-
public boolean ensureVertexOrientationWNotZero()-
public float cmPerUnit()-
public java.lang.String targetMeshes(int j)-
public int targetMeshesLength()-
public boolean mergeMaterials()-
public static int createModelPipelineImportDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int nameOffset, - int fileOffset, - boolean recenter, - float scale, - int axis_system, - float smoothing_angle, - int max_bone_weights, - boolean report_errors_to_stdout, - boolean flip_texture_coordinates, - boolean flatten_hierarchy_and_transform_vertices_to_root_space, - boolean use_specular_glossiness_textures_if_present, - boolean fix_infacing_normals, - boolean ensure_vertex_orientation_w_not_zero, - float cm_per_unit, - int target_meshesOffset, - boolean merge_materials)-
public static void startModelPipelineImportDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int nameOffset)-
public static void addFile(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int fileOffset)-
public static void addRecenter(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean recenter)-
public static void addScale(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float scale)-
public static void addAxisSystem(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int axisSystem)-
public static void addSmoothingAngle(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float smoothingAngle)-
public static void addMaxBoneWeights(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int maxBoneWeights)-
public static void addReportErrorsToStdout(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean reportErrorsToStdout)-
public static void addFlipTextureCoordinates(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean flipTextureCoordinates)-
public static void addFlattenHierarchyAndTransformVerticesToRootSpace(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean flattenHierarchyAndTransformVerticesToRootSpace)-
public static void addUseSpecularGlossinessTexturesIfPresent(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean useSpecularGlossinessTexturesIfPresent)-
public static void addFixInfacingNormals(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean fixInfacingNormals)-
public static void addEnsureVertexOrientationWNotZero(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean ensureVertexOrientationWNotZero)-
public static void addCmPerUnit(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float cmPerUnit)-
public static void addTargetMeshes(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int targetMeshesOffset)-
public static int createTargetMeshesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startTargetMeshesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addMergeMaterials(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean mergeMaterials)-
public static int endModelPipelineImportDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class ModelPipelineMaterialDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
ModelPipelineMaterialDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
ModelPipelineMaterialDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addMaterial(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int materialOffset) |
static void |
-addNameOverride(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int nameOverrideOffset) |
static int |
-createModelPipelineMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int materialOffset,
- int name_overrideOffset) |
static int |
-endModelPipelineMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static ModelPipelineMaterialDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineMaterialDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static ModelPipelineMaterialDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineMaterialDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- ModelPipelineMaterialDef obj) |
MaterialDef |
-Description of the desired material.
- |
MaterialDef |
-material(MaterialDef obj) |
java.lang.String |
-Optional replacement name to use at runtime.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-nameOverrideAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-nameOverrideInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-startModelPipelineMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public ModelPipelineMaterialDef()-
public static ModelPipelineMaterialDef getRootAsModelPipelineMaterialDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static ModelPipelineMaterialDef getRootAsModelPipelineMaterialDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - ModelPipelineMaterialDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelPipelineMaterialDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public MaterialDef material()-
public MaterialDef material(MaterialDef obj)-
public java.lang.String nameOverride()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer nameOverrideAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer nameOverrideInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static int createModelPipelineMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int materialOffset, - int name_overrideOffset)-
public static void startModelPipelineMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addMaterial(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int materialOffset)-
public static void addNameOverride(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int nameOverrideOffset)-
public static int endModelPipelineMaterialDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class ModelPipelineRenderableDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
ModelPipelineRenderableDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
ModelPipelineRenderableDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addAttributes(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int attributesOffset) |
static void |
-addMaterials(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int materialsOffset) |
static void |
-addSource(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int sourceOffset) |
int |
-attributes(int j)
-Specific vertex attributes to export.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-attributesAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-attributesInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-attributesLength() |
static int |
-createAttributesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createMaterialsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createModelPipelineRenderableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int sourceOffset,
- int materialsOffset,
- int attributesOffset) |
static int |
-endModelPipelineRenderableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static ModelPipelineRenderableDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineRenderableDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static ModelPipelineRenderableDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineRenderableDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- ModelPipelineRenderableDef obj) |
ModelPipelineMaterialDef |
-materials(int j)
-The material properties for the model.
- |
ModelPipelineMaterialDef |
-materials(ModelPipelineMaterialDef obj,
- int j) |
int |
-materialsLength() |
java.lang.String |
-The name of ModelPipelineImportDef defining this model.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-sourceAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-sourceInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-startAttributesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startMaterialsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startModelPipelineRenderableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public ModelPipelineRenderableDef()-
public static ModelPipelineRenderableDef getRootAsModelPipelineRenderableDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static ModelPipelineRenderableDef getRootAsModelPipelineRenderableDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - ModelPipelineRenderableDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelPipelineRenderableDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String source()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer sourceAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer sourceInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelPipelineMaterialDef materials(int j)-
public ModelPipelineMaterialDef materials(ModelPipelineMaterialDef obj, - int j)-
public int materialsLength()-
public int attributes(int j)-
public int attributesLength()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer attributesAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer attributesInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static int createModelPipelineRenderableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int sourceOffset, - int materialsOffset, - int attributesOffset)-
public static void startModelPipelineRenderableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addSource(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int sourceOffset)-
public static void addMaterials(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int materialsOffset)-
public static int createMaterialsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startMaterialsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addAttributes(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int attributesOffset)-
public static int createAttributesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startAttributesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endModelPipelineRenderableDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class ModelPipelineSkeletonDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
ModelPipelineSkeletonDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
ModelPipelineSkeletonDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addSource(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int sourceOffset) |
static int |
-createModelPipelineSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int sourceOffset) |
static int |
-endModelPipelineSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static ModelPipelineSkeletonDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineSkeletonDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static ModelPipelineSkeletonDef |
-getRootAsModelPipelineSkeletonDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- ModelPipelineSkeletonDef obj) |
java.lang.String |
-The name of ModelPipelineImportDef defining this model.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-sourceAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-sourceInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-startModelPipelineSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public ModelPipelineSkeletonDef()-
public static ModelPipelineSkeletonDef getRootAsModelPipelineSkeletonDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static ModelPipelineSkeletonDef getRootAsModelPipelineSkeletonDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - ModelPipelineSkeletonDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public ModelPipelineSkeletonDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String source()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer sourceAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer sourceInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static int createModelPipelineSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int sourceOffset)-
public static void startModelPipelineSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addSource(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int sourceOffset)-
public static int endModelPipelineSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class OptionalBool
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static int |
-Force the value to false when created.
- |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static int |
-Force the value to true when created.
- |
static int |
-Don't force the value on entity create.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int Unset-
public static final int True-
public static final int False-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class Quat -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Quat |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static int |
-createQuat(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float x,
- float y,
- float z,
- float w) |
float |
-w() |
float |
-x() |
float |
-y() |
float |
-z() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Quat __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public float x()-
public float y()-
public float z()-
public float w()-
public static int createQuat(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float x, - float y, - float z, - float w)-
public final class Rect -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Rect |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static int |
-createRect(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float x,
- float y,
- float w,
- float h) |
float |
-h() |
float |
-w() |
float |
-x() |
float |
-y() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Rect __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public float x()-
public float y()-
public float w()-
public float h()-
public static int createRect(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float x, - float y, - float w, - float h)-
public final class Recti -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Recti |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static int |
-createRecti(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int x,
- int y,
- int w,
- int h) |
int |
-h() |
int |
-w() |
int |
-x() |
int |
-y() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Recti __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int x()-
public int y()-
public int w()-
public int h()-
public static int createRecti(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int x, - int y, - int w, - int h)-
public final class SkeletonDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
SkeletonDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
SkeletonDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addBoneNames(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int boneNamesOffset) |
static void |
-addBoneParents(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int boneParentsOffset) |
static void |
-addBoneTransforms(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int boneTransformsOffset) |
java.lang.String |
-boneNames(int j)
-The names of each bone in the skeleton.
- |
int |
-boneNamesLength() |
int |
-boneParents(int j)
-Effectively a map of a bone to its parent bone.
- |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-boneParentsAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-boneParentsInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-boneParentsLength() |
Mat4x3 |
-boneTransforms(int j)
-For information on how the matrices below are used for skinning, see
- RigSystem::UpdateShaderTransforms().
- |
Mat4x3 |
-boneTransforms(Mat4x3 obj,
- int j) |
int |
-boneTransformsLength() |
static int |
-createBoneNamesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createBoneParentsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- byte[] data) |
static int |
-createBoneParentsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
static int |
-createSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int bone_namesOffset,
- int bone_parentsOffset,
- int bone_transformsOffset) |
static int |
-endSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static SkeletonDef |
-getRootAsSkeletonDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static SkeletonDef |
-getRootAsSkeletonDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- SkeletonDef obj) |
static void |
-startBoneNamesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startBoneParentsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startBoneTransformsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static SkeletonDef getRootAsSkeletonDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static SkeletonDef getRootAsSkeletonDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - SkeletonDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public SkeletonDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String boneNames(int j)-
public int boneNamesLength()-
public int boneParents(int j)-
public int boneParentsLength()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer boneParentsAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer boneParentsInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Mat4x3 boneTransforms(int j)-
public int boneTransformsLength()-
public static int createSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int bone_namesOffset, - int bone_parentsOffset, - int bone_transformsOffset)-
public static void startSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addBoneNames(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int boneNamesOffset)-
public static int createBoneNamesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startBoneNamesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addBoneParents(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int boneParentsOffset)-
public static int createBoneParentsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - byte[] data)-
public static int createBoneParentsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - java.nio.ByteBuffer data)-
public static void startBoneParentsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addBoneTransforms(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int boneTransformsOffset)-
public static void startBoneTransformsVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endSkeletonDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class SubmeshAabb -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
SubmeshAabb() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
SubmeshAabb |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addMaxPosition(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int maxPositionOffset) |
static void |
-addMinPosition(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int minPositionOffset) |
static int |
-endSubmeshAabb(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static SubmeshAabb |
-getRootAsSubmeshAabb(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static SubmeshAabb |
-getRootAsSubmeshAabb(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- SubmeshAabb obj) |
Vec3 |
-maxPosition() |
Vec3 |
-maxPosition(Vec3 obj) |
Vec3 |
-minPosition() |
Vec3 |
-minPosition(Vec3 obj) |
static void |
-startSubmeshAabb(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static SubmeshAabb getRootAsSubmeshAabb(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static SubmeshAabb getRootAsSubmeshAabb(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - SubmeshAabb obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public SubmeshAabb __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Vec3 minPosition()-
public Vec3 maxPosition()-
public static void startSubmeshAabb(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addMinPosition(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int minPositionOffset)-
public static void addMaxPosition(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int maxPositionOffset)-
public static int endSubmeshAabb(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class TextureDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
TextureDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
TextureDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addData(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int dataOffset) |
static void |
-addFile(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int fileOffset) |
static void |
-addGenerateMipmaps(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean generateMipmaps) |
static void |
-addIsRgbm(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean isRgbm) |
static void |
-addMagFilter(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int magFilter) |
static void |
-addMinFilter(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int minFilter) |
static void |
-addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int nameOffset) |
static void |
-addPremultiplyAlpha(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- boolean premultiplyAlpha) |
static void |
-addTargetType(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int targetType) |
static void |
-addWrapR(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int wrapR) |
static void |
-addWrapS(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int wrapS) |
static void |
-addWrapT(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int wrapT) |
static int |
-createDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- byte[] data) |
static int |
-createDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer data) |
static int |
-createTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int nameOffset,
- int fileOffset,
- int dataOffset,
- boolean generate_mipmaps,
- boolean premultiply_alpha,
- int min_filter,
- int mag_filter,
- int wrap_s,
- int wrap_t,
- int wrap_r,
- int target_type,
- boolean is_rgbm) |
int |
-data(int j) |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-dataAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-dataInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
int |
-dataLength() |
static int |
-endTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
java.lang.String |
-file() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-fileAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-fileInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
boolean |
-generateMipmaps() |
static TextureDef |
-getRootAsTextureDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static TextureDef |
-getRootAsTextureDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- TextureDef obj) |
boolean |
-isRgbm() |
int |
-magFilter() |
int |
-minFilter() |
java.lang.String |
-name() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-nameAsByteBuffer() |
java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-nameInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
boolean |
-premultiplyAlpha() |
static void |
-startDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
int |
-targetType() |
int |
-wrapR() |
int |
-wrapS() |
int |
-wrapT() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static TextureDef getRootAsTextureDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static TextureDef getRootAsTextureDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - TextureDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public TextureDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String name()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer nameAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer nameInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public java.lang.String file()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer fileAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer fileInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int data(int j)-
public int dataLength()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer dataAsByteBuffer()-
public java.nio.ByteBuffer dataInByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public boolean generateMipmaps()-
public boolean premultiplyAlpha()-
public int minFilter()-
public int magFilter()-
public int wrapS()-
public int wrapT()-
public int wrapR()-
public int targetType()-
public boolean isRgbm()-
public static int createTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int nameOffset, - int fileOffset, - int dataOffset, - boolean generate_mipmaps, - boolean premultiply_alpha, - int min_filter, - int mag_filter, - int wrap_s, - int wrap_t, - int wrap_r, - int target_type, - boolean is_rgbm)-
public static void startTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addName(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int nameOffset)-
public static void addFile(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int fileOffset)-
public static void addData(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int dataOffset)-
public static int createDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - byte[] data)-
public static int createDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - java.nio.ByteBuffer data)-
public static void startDataVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static void addGenerateMipmaps(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean generateMipmaps)-
public static void addPremultiplyAlpha(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean premultiplyAlpha)-
public static void addMinFilter(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int minFilter)-
public static void addMagFilter(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int magFilter)-
public static void addWrapS(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int wrapS)-
public static void addWrapT(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int wrapT)-
public static void addWrapR(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int wrapR)-
public static void addTargetType(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int targetType)-
public static void addIsRgbm(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - boolean isRgbm)-
public static int endTextureDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class TextureFiltering
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static short |
-Linear |
static short |
-LinearMipmapLinear |
static short |
-LinearMipmapNearest |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static short |
-Nearest |
static short |
-NearestMipmapLinear |
static short |
-NearestMipmapNearest |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final short Nearest-
public static final short Linear-
public static final short NearestMipmapNearest-
public static final short LinearMipmapNearest-
public static final short NearestMipmapLinear-
public static final short LinearMipmapLinear-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class TextureTargetType
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static short |
-CubeMap |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static short |
-Standard2d |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final short Standard2d-
public static final short CubeMap-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class TextureWrap
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static short |
-ClampToBorder |
static short |
-ClampToEdge |
static short |
-MirrorClampToEdge |
static short |
-MirroredRepeat |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static short |
-Repeat |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final short ClampToBorder-
public static final short ClampToEdge-
public static final short MirroredRepeat-
public static final short MirrorClampToEdge-
public static final short Repeat-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class VariantArrayDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
VariantArrayDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
VariantArrayDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValues(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valuesOffset) |
static int |
-createValuesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createVariantArrayDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valuesOffset) |
static int |
-endVariantArrayDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static VariantArrayDef |
-getRootAsVariantArrayDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static VariantArrayDef |
-getRootAsVariantArrayDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- VariantArrayDef obj) |
static void |
-startValuesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startVariantArrayDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
VariantArrayDefImpl |
-values(int j) |
VariantArrayDefImpl |
-values(VariantArrayDefImpl obj,
- int j) |
int |
-valuesLength() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static VariantArrayDef getRootAsVariantArrayDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static VariantArrayDef getRootAsVariantArrayDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - VariantArrayDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public VariantArrayDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public VariantArrayDefImpl values(int j)-
public VariantArrayDefImpl values(VariantArrayDefImpl obj, - int j)-
public int valuesLength()-
public static int createVariantArrayDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valuesOffset)-
public static void startVariantArrayDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValues(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valuesOffset)-
public static int createValuesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startValuesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endVariantArrayDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class VariantArrayDefImpl -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
VariantArrayDefImpl() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
VariantArrayDefImpl |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valueOffset) |
static void |
-addValueType(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- byte valueType) |
static int |
-createVariantArrayDefImpl(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- byte value_type,
- int valueOffset) |
static int |
-endVariantArrayDefImpl(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static VariantArrayDefImpl |
-getRootAsVariantArrayDefImpl(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static VariantArrayDefImpl |
-getRootAsVariantArrayDefImpl(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- VariantArrayDefImpl obj) |
static void |
-startVariantArrayDefImpl(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
Table |
-value(Table obj) |
byte |
-valueType() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static VariantArrayDefImpl getRootAsVariantArrayDefImpl(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static VariantArrayDefImpl getRootAsVariantArrayDefImpl(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - VariantArrayDefImpl obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public VariantArrayDefImpl __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public byte valueType()-
public static int createVariantArrayDefImpl(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - byte value_type, - int valueOffset)-
public static void startVariantArrayDefImpl(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValueType(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - byte valueType)-
public static void addValue(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valueOffset)-
public static int endVariantArrayDefImpl(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class VariantDef
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static byte |
-DataBool |
static byte |
-DataBytes |
static byte |
-DataFloat |
static byte |
-DataHashValue |
static byte |
-DataInt |
static byte |
-DataQuat |
static byte |
-DataString |
static byte |
-DataVec2 |
static byte |
-DataVec3 |
static byte |
-DataVec4 |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static byte |
static byte |
-VariantArrayDef |
static byte |
-VariantMapDef |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final byte NONE-
public static final byte DataBool-
public static final byte DataInt-
public static final byte DataFloat-
public static final byte DataString-
public static final byte DataHashValue-
public static final byte DataVec2-
public static final byte DataVec3-
public static final byte DataVec4-
public static final byte DataQuat-
public static final byte DataBytes-
public static final byte VariantArrayDef-
public static final byte VariantMapDef-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class VariantMapDef -extends Table-
bb, bb_pos, UTF8_CHARSET, vtable_size, vtable_start
Constructor and Description | -
VariantMapDef() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
VariantMapDef |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static void |
-addValues(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valuesOffset) |
static int |
-createValuesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int[] data) |
static int |
-createVariantMapDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int valuesOffset) |
static int |
-endVariantMapDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
static VariantMapDef |
-getRootAsVariantMapDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static VariantMapDef |
-getRootAsVariantMapDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb,
- VariantMapDef obj) |
static void |
-startValuesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int numElems) |
static void |
-startVariantMapDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder) |
KeyVariantPairDef |
-values(int j) |
KeyVariantPairDef |
-values(KeyVariantPairDef obj,
- int j) |
int |
-valuesLength() |
__has_identifier, __indirect, __indirect, __offset, __offset, __reset, __string, __union, __vector_as_bytebuffer, __vector_in_bytebuffer, __vector_len, __vector, compareStrings, compareStrings, getByteBuffer, keysCompare, sortTables
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static VariantMapDef getRootAsVariantMapDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public static VariantMapDef getRootAsVariantMapDef(java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb, - VariantMapDef obj)-
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public VariantMapDef __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public KeyVariantPairDef values(int j)-
public KeyVariantPairDef values(KeyVariantPairDef obj, - int j)-
public int valuesLength()-
public static int createVariantMapDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valuesOffset)-
public static void startVariantMapDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public static void addValues(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int valuesOffset)-
public static int createValuesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int[] data)-
public static void startValuesVector(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int numElems)-
public static int endVariantMapDef(FlatBufferBuilder builder)-
public final class Vec2 -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Vec2 |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static int |
-createVec2(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float x,
- float y) |
float |
-x() |
float |
-y() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Vec2 __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public float x()-
public float y()-
public static int createVec2(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float x, - float y)-
public final class Vec2i -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Vec2i |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static int |
-createVec2i(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int x,
- int y) |
int |
-x() |
int |
-y() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Vec2i __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int x()-
public int y()-
public static int createVec2i(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int x, - int y)-
public final class Vec3 -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Vec3 |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static int |
-createVec3(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float x,
- float y,
- float z) |
float |
-x() |
float |
-y() |
float |
-z() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Vec3 __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public float x()-
public float y()-
public float z()-
public static int createVec3(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float x, - float y, - float z)-
public final class Vec4 -extends Struct-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Vec4 |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static int |
-createVec4(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- float x,
- float y,
- float z,
- float w) |
float |
-w() |
float |
-x() |
float |
-y() |
float |
-z() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public Vec4 __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public float x()-
public float y()-
public float z()-
public float w()-
public static int createVec4(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - float x, - float y, - float z, - float w)-
public final class VertexAttribute -extends Struct-
Constructor and Description | -
VertexAttribute() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
VertexAttribute |
-__assign(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
void |
-__init(int _i,
- java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb) |
static int |
-createVertexAttribute(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
- int usage,
- int type) |
int |
-type() |
int |
-usage() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void __init(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public VertexAttribute __assign(int _i, - java.nio.ByteBuffer _bb)-
public int usage()-
public int type()-
public static int createVertexAttribute(FlatBufferBuilder builder, - int usage, - int type)-
public final class VertexAttributeType
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static int |
-Empty |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static int |
-Scalar1f |
static int |
-Vec2f |
static int |
-Vec2us |
static int |
-Vec3f |
static int |
-Vec4f |
static int |
-Vec4ub |
static int |
-Vec4us |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int Empty-
public static final int Scalar1f-
public static final int Vec2f-
public static final int Vec3f-
public static final int Vec4f-
public static final int Vec2us-
public static final int Vec4us-
public static final int Vec4ub-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
public final class VertexAttributeUsage
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static int |
-BoneIndices |
static int |
-BoneWeights |
static int |
-Color |
static int |
-Invalid |
static java.lang.String[] |
-names |
static int |
-Normal |
static int |
-Orientation |
static int |
-Position |
static int |
-Tangent |
static int |
-TexCoord |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-name(int e) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int Invalid-
public static final int Position-
public static final int Color-
public static final int TexCoord-
public static final int Normal-
public static final int Tangent-
public static final int Orientation-
public static final int BoneIndices-
public static final int BoneWeights-
public static final java.lang.String[] names-
Class | -Description | -
AabbDef | -- |
ArcDef | -- |
AxisSystem | -
- List of different ways to interpret the orientation axis of an asset when
- importing it.
- |
BlendShape | -- |
Color | -- |
DataBool | -- |
DataBytes | -- |
DataFloat | -- |
DataHashValue | -- |
DataInt | -- |
DataQuat | -- |
DataString | -- |
DataVec2 | -- |
DataVec3 | -- |
DataVec4 | -- |
DeviceType | -
- Potential Input Devices (matches enum in input_manager.h)
- |
KeyVariantPairDef | -- |
LayoutFillOrder | -
- The directions a layout will grow in.
- |
LayoutHorizontalAlignment | -
- The anchor at which the entities will be aligned relative to the canvas.
- |
LayoutVerticalAlignment | -
- The anchor at which the entities will be aligned *within* each row.
- |
Mat4x3 | -- |
MaterialDef | -- |
MaterialTextureDef | -- |
MaterialTextureUsage | -- |
ModelDef | -- |
ModelIndexRange | -- |
ModelInstanceDef | -- |
ModelPipelineCollidableDef | -- |
ModelPipelineDef | -- |
ModelPipelineImportDef | -- |
ModelPipelineMaterialDef | -- |
ModelPipelineRenderableDef | -- |
ModelPipelineSkeletonDef | -- |
OptionalBool | -- |
Quat | -- |
Rect | -- |
Recti | -- |
SkeletonDef | -- |
SubmeshAabb | -- |
TextureDef | -- |
TextureFiltering | -- |
TextureTargetType | -- |
TextureWrap | -- |
VariantArrayDef | -- |
VariantArrayDefImpl | -- |
VariantDef | -
- A variant type that can be converted into a lull::Variant.
- |
VariantMapDef | -- |
Vec2 | -- |
Vec2i | -- |
Vec3 | -- |
Vec4 | -- |
VertexAttribute | -- |
VertexAttributeType | -
- Defines the data structure of a single attribute in a vertex.
- |
VertexAttributeUsage | -
- Defines how data in a vertex is interpreted by the shader.
- |
public class MathHelper
-extends java.lang.Object
-Constructor and Description | -
MathHelper() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static boolean |
-almostEqualRelativeAndAbs(float a,
- float b)
-Returns true if two floats are equal within a tolerance.
- |
static float |
-clamp(float value,
- float min,
- float max)
-Clamps a value between a minimum and maximum range.
- |
static float |
-lerp(float a,
- float b,
- float t)
-Linearly interpolates between a and b by a ratio.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static boolean almostEqualRelativeAndAbs(float a, - float b)-
public static float clamp(float value, - float min, - float max)-
public static float lerp(float a, - float b, - float t)-
- the beginning valueb
- the ending valuet
- ratio between the two floatspublic class Matrix
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
float[] |
-data |
static float[] |
Constructor and Description | -
Matrix() |
Matrix(float[] data) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-decomposeRotation(Vector3 decomposedScale,
- Matrix destMatrix) |
void |
-decomposeRotation(Vector3 decomposedScale,
- Quaternion destRotation) |
void |
-decomposeScale(Vector3 destScale) |
void |
-decomposeTranslation(Vector3 destTranslation) |
static boolean |
-equals(Matrix lhs,
- Matrix rhs)
-Compares Matrix values
- |
void |
-extractQuaternion(Quaternion destQuaternion) |
static boolean |
-invert(Matrix matrix,
- Matrix dest) |
void |
-makeRotation(Quaternion rotation) |
void |
-makeScale(float scale) |
void |
-makeScale(Vector3 scale) |
void |
-makeTranslation(Vector3 translation) |
void |
-makeTrs(Vector3 translation,
- Quaternion rotation,
- Vector3 scale) |
static void |
-multiply(Matrix lhs,
- Matrix rhs,
- Matrix dest) |
void |
-set(float[] data) |
void |
-set(Matrix m) |
void |
-setTranslation(Vector3 translation) |
Vector3 |
-transformDirection(Vector3 vector)
-Transforms a direction by ignoring any translation.
- |
Vector3 |
-transformPoint(Vector3 vector) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final float[] IDENTITY_DATA-
public float[] data-
public Matrix()-
public Matrix(float[] data)-
public void set(float[] data)-
public void set(Matrix m)-
public void decomposeTranslation(Vector3 destTranslation)-
public void decomposeScale(Vector3 destScale)-
public void decomposeRotation(Vector3 decomposedScale, - Quaternion destRotation)-
public void decomposeRotation(Vector3 decomposedScale, - Matrix destMatrix)-
public void extractQuaternion(Quaternion destQuaternion)-
public void makeTranslation(Vector3 translation)-
public void setTranslation(Vector3 translation)-
public void makeRotation(Quaternion rotation)-
public void makeScale(float scale)-
public void makeScale(Vector3 scale)-
public void makeTrs(Vector3 translation, - Quaternion rotation, - Vector3 scale)-
public Vector3 transformDirection(Vector3 vector)-
If the matrix is uniformly (positively) scaled, then the resulting direction will be correct - but scaled by the same factor. If a unit direction is required then the result should be - normalized. - -
If the scale is non-uniform or negative then the result vector will be distorted. In this - case the matrix used should be the inverse transpose of the incoming matrix.
public class Quaternion
-extends java.lang.Object
-Quaternion operations are Hamiltonian using the right-hand-rule convention.
Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
float |
-w |
float |
-x |
float |
-y |
float |
-z |
Constructor and Description | -
-Construct Quaternion and set to Identity
- |
Quaternion(float x,
- float y,
- float z,
- float w)
-Construct Quaternion and set each value.
- |
Quaternion(Quaternion q)
-Construct Quaternion using values from another Quaternion
- |
Quaternion(Vector3 eulerAngles)
-Construct Quaternion based on eulerAngles.
- |
Quaternion(Vector3 axis,
- float angle)
-Construct Quaternion using an axis/angle to define the rotation
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Quaternion |
-axisAngle(Vector3 axis,
- float degrees)
-Get a new Quaternion using an axis/angle to define the rotation
- |
boolean |
-equals(java.lang.Object other)
-Returns true if the other object is a Quaternion and the dot product is 1.0 +/- a tolerance.
- |
static boolean |
-equals(Quaternion lhs,
- Quaternion rhs)
-Compare two Quaternions
- Tests for equality by calculating the dot product of lhs and rhs. lhs and -lhs will not be
- equal according to this function.
- |
static Quaternion |
-eulerAngles(Vector3 eulerAngles)
-Get a new Quaternion using eulerAngles to define the rotation.
- |
int |
-hashCode() |
static Quaternion |
-Get a Quaternion set to identity
- |
static Vector3 |
-inverseRotateVector(Quaternion q,
- Vector3 src) |
Quaternion |
-Get a Quaternion with the opposite rotation
- |
static Quaternion |
-lookRotation(Vector3 forwardInWorld,
- Vector3 desiredUpInWorld)
-Get a new Quaternion representing a rotation towards a specified forward direction.
- |
static Quaternion |
-multiply(Quaternion lhs,
- Quaternion rhs)
-Create a Quaternion by combining two Quaternions multiply(lhs, rhs) is equivalent to performing
- the rhs rotation then lhs rotation Ordering is important for this operation.
- |
boolean |
-Rescales the quaternion to the unit length.
- |
Quaternion |
-Get a Quaternion with a matching rotation but scaled to unit length.
- |
static Vector3 |
-rotateVector(Quaternion q,
- Vector3 src)
-Rotates a Vector3 by a Quaternion
- |
static Quaternion |
-rotationBetweenVectors(Vector3 start,
- Vector3 end)
-Get a new Quaternion representing the rotation from one vector to another.
- |
void |
-set(float qx,
- float qy,
- float qz,
- float qw)
-Set each value and normalize the Quaternion
- |
void |
-set(Quaternion q)
-Copy values from another Quaternion into this one
- |
void |
-set(Vector3 axis,
- float angle)
-Update this Quaternion using an axis/angle to define the rotation
- |
void |
-Set the Quaternion to identity
- |
static Quaternion |
-slerp(Quaternion start,
- Quaternion end,
- float t) |
java.lang.String |
-toString() |
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public float x-
public float y-
public float z-
public float w-
public Quaternion()-
public Quaternion(float x, - float y, - float z, - float w)-
public Quaternion(Quaternion q)-
public Quaternion(Vector3 axis, - float angle)-
- Sets rotation directionangle
- Angle size in degreespublic Quaternion(Vector3 eulerAngles)-
- - the angle in degrees for each axis.eulerAngles(Vector3 eulerAngles)
public void set(Quaternion q)-
public void set(Vector3 axis, - float angle)-
public void set(float qx, - float qy, - float qz, - float qw)-
public void setIdentity()-
public boolean normalize()-
If the Quaternion can not be scaled, it is set to identity and false is returned.
public Quaternion normalized()-
public Quaternion inverted()-
public java.lang.String toString()-
in class java.lang.Object
public static Vector3 rotateVector(Quaternion q, - Vector3 src)-
public static Vector3 inverseRotateVector(Quaternion q, - Vector3 src)-
public static Quaternion multiply(Quaternion lhs, - Quaternion rhs)-
public static Quaternion slerp(Quaternion start, - Quaternion end, - float t)-
public static Quaternion axisAngle(Vector3 axis, - float degrees)-
- Sets rotation directiondegrees
- Angle size in degreespublic static Quaternion eulerAngles(Vector3 eulerAngles)-
The rotations are applied in Z, Y, X order. This is consistent with other graphics engines. - One thing to note is the coordinate systems are different between Sceneform and Unity, so the - same angles used here will have cause a different orientation than Unity. Carefully check your - parameter values to get the same effect as in other engines.
- - the angles in degrees.public static Quaternion rotationBetweenVectors(Vector3 start, - Vector3 end)-
public static Quaternion lookRotation(Vector3 forwardInWorld, - Vector3 desiredUpInWorld)-
public static boolean equals(Quaternion lhs, - Quaternion rhs)-
Tests for equality by calculating the dot product of lhs and rhs. lhs and -lhs will not be - equal according to this function.
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)-
in class java.lang.Object
public int hashCode()-
in class java.lang.Object
public static Quaternion identity()-
public class QuaternionEvaluator -extends java.lang.Object -implements android.animation.TypeEvaluator<Quaternion>-
Constructor and Description | -
QuaternionEvaluator() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Quaternion |
-evaluate(float fraction,
- Quaternion startValue,
- Quaternion endValue) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Quaternion evaluate(float fraction, - Quaternion startValue, - Quaternion endValue)-
in interface android.animation.TypeEvaluator<Quaternion>
public class Vector3
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
float |
-x |
float |
-y |
float |
-z |
Constructor and Description | -
-Construct a Vector3 and assign zero to all values
- |
Vector3(float x,
- float y,
- float z)
-Construct a Vector3 and assign each value
- |
Vector3(Vector3 v)
-Construct a Vector3 and copy the values
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Vector3 |
-add(Vector3 lhs,
- Vector3 rhs)
-Adds two Vector3's
- |
static float |
-angleBetweenVectors(Vector3 a,
- Vector3 b)
-Returns the shortest angle in degrees between two vectors.
- |
static Vector3 |
-Gets a Vector3 set to (0, 0, 1)
- |
static Vector3 |
-cross(Vector3 lhs,
- Vector3 rhs)
-Get cross product of two Vector3's
- |
static float |
-dot(Vector3 lhs,
- Vector3 rhs)
-Get dot product of two Vector3's
- |
static Vector3 |
-Gets a Vector3 set to (0, -1, 0)
- |
boolean |
-equals(java.lang.Object other)
-Returns true if the other object is a Vector3 and each component is equal within a tolerance.
- |
static boolean |
-equals(Vector3 lhs,
- Vector3 rhs)
-Compares two Vector3's are equal if each component is equal within a tolerance.
- |
static Vector3 |
-Gets a Vector3 set to (0, 0, -1)
- |
int |
-hashCode() |
static Vector3 |
-Gets a Vector3 set to (-1, 0, 0)
- |
float |
-length() |
float |
-lengthSquared() |
static Vector3 |
-lerp(Vector3 a,
- Vector3 b,
- float t)
-Linearly interpolates between a and b.
- |
static Vector3 |
-max(Vector3 lhs,
- Vector3 rhs)
-Get a Vector3 with each value set to the element wise maximum of two Vector3's values
- |
static Vector3 |
-min(Vector3 lhs,
- Vector3 rhs)
-Get a Vector3 with each value set to the element wise minimum of two Vector3's values
- |
Vector3 |
-Negates a Vector3
- |
Vector3 |
-Scales the Vector3 to the unit length
- |
static Vector3 |
-Gets a Vector3 with all values set to one
- |
static Vector3 |
-Gets a Vector3 set to (1, 0, 0)
- |
Vector3 |
-scaled(float a)
-Uniformly scales a Vector3
- |
void |
-set(float vx,
- float vy,
- float vz)
-Set each value
- |
void |
-set(Vector3 v)
-Copy the values from another Vector3 to this Vector3
- |
static Vector3 |
-subtract(Vector3 lhs,
- Vector3 rhs)
-Subtract two Vector3
- |
java.lang.String |
-toString() |
static Vector3 |
-Gets a Vector3 set to (0, 1, 0)
- |
static Vector3 |
-Gets a Vector3 with all values set to zero
- |
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public float x-
public float y-
public float z-
public Vector3()-
public Vector3(float x, - float y, - float z)-
public Vector3(Vector3 v)-
public void set(Vector3 v)-
public void set(float vx, - float vy, - float vz)-
public float lengthSquared()-
public float length()-
public java.lang.String toString()-
in class java.lang.Object
public Vector3 normalized()-
public Vector3 scaled(float a)-
public Vector3 negated()-
public static Vector3 add(Vector3 lhs, - Vector3 rhs)-
public static Vector3 subtract(Vector3 lhs, - Vector3 rhs)-
public static float dot(Vector3 lhs, - Vector3 rhs)-
public static Vector3 cross(Vector3 lhs, - Vector3 rhs)-
public static Vector3 min(Vector3 lhs, - Vector3 rhs)-
public static Vector3 max(Vector3 lhs, - Vector3 rhs)-
public static Vector3 lerp(Vector3 a, - Vector3 b, - float t)-
- the beginning valueb
- the ending valuet
- ratio between the two floats.public static float angleBetweenVectors(Vector3 a, - Vector3 b)-
public static boolean equals(Vector3 lhs, - Vector3 rhs)-
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)-
in class java.lang.Object
public int hashCode()-
in class java.lang.Object
public static Vector3 zero()-
public static Vector3 one()-
public static Vector3 forward()-
public static Vector3 back()-
public static Vector3 up()-
public static Vector3 down()-
public static Vector3 right()-
public static Vector3 left()-
Constructor and Description | -
Vector3Evaluator() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Vector3 |
-evaluate(float fraction,
- Vector3 startValue,
- Vector3 endValue) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Class | -Description | -
MathHelper | -
- Static functions for common math operations.
- |
Matrix | -
- 4x4 Matrix representing translation, scale, and rotation.
- |
Quaternion | -
- A Sceneform quaternion class for floats.
- |
QuaternionEvaluator | -
- TypeEvaluator for Quaternions.
- |
Vector3 | -
- A Vector with 3 floats.
- |
Vector3Evaluator | -
- TypeEvaluator for Vector3.
- |
Interface | -Description | -
Node.LifecycleListener | -
- Interface definition for callbacks to be invoked when node lifecycle events occur.
- |
Node.OnTapListener | -
- Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a node is tapped.
- |
Node.OnTouchListener | -
- Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a touch event is dispatched to this
- node.
- |
Node.TransformChangedListener | -
- Interface definition for callbacks to be invoked when the transformation of the node changes.
- |
Scene.OnPeekTouchListener | -
- Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a touch event is dispatched to a scene.
- |
Scene.OnTouchListener | -
- Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a touch event is dispatched to a scene.
- |
Scene.OnUpdateListener | -
- Interface definition for a callback to be invoked once per frame immediately before the scene
- is updated.
- |
Class | -Description | -
AnchorNode | -
- Node that is automatically positioned in world space based on an ARCore Anchor.
- |
ArSceneView | -
- A SurfaceView that integrates with ARCore and renders a scene.
- |
Camera | -
- Represents a virtual camera, which determines the perspective through which the scene is viewed.
- |
FrameTime | -
- Provides time information for the current frame.
- |
HitTestResult | -
- Stores the results of calls to Scene.hitTest and Scene.hitTestAll.
- |
Node | -
- A Node represents a transformation within the scene graph's hierarchy.
- |
NodeParent | -
- Base class for all classes that can contain a set of nodes as children.
- |
Scene | -
- The Sceneform Scene maintains the scene graph, a hierarchical organization of a scene's content.
- |
SceneView | -
- A Sceneform SurfaceView that manages rendering and interaction with the scene.
- |
Sun | -
- Represents the "sun" - the default directional light in the scene.
- |
TouchEventSystem | -
- Manages propagation of touch events to node's within a scene.
- |
public class CleanupRegistry<T> -extends java.lang.Object -implements ResourceHolder-
and executes a Runnable
after each object in the queue
- is garbage collected.Constructor and Description | -
CleanupRegistry() |
CleanupRegistry(java.util.HashSet<com.google.ar.sceneform.rendering.CleanupItem<T>> cleanupItemHashSet,
- java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue<T> referenceQueue) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-Ignores reference count and releases any associated resources
- |
long |
-Polls the
-ReferenceQueue for garbage collected objects and runs the associated Runnable |
void |
-register(T trackedObject,
- java.lang.Runnable cleanupCallback)
-trackedOBject to the ReferenceQueue . |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void register(T trackedObject, - java.lang.Runnable cleanupCallback)-
to the ReferenceQueue
- The target to be tracked.cleanupCallback
- Will be called after trackedOBject
is disposed.public long reclaimReleasedResources()-
for garbage collected objects and runs the associated Runnable
in interface ResourceHolder
public void destroyAllResources()-
in interface ResourceHolder
public class Color
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
float |
-a |
float |
-b |
float |
-g |
float |
-r |
Constructor and Description | -
-Construct a Color and default it to white (1, 1, 1, 1).
- |
Color(Color color)
-Construct a Color with the values of another color.
- |
Color(float r,
- float g,
- float b)
-Construct a color with the RGB values passed in and an alpha of 1.
- |
Color(float r,
- float g,
- float b,
- float a)
-Construct a color with the RGBA values passed in.
- |
Color(int argb)
-Construct a color with an integer in the sRGB color space packed as an ARGB value.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Color |
-Returns a new color with Sceneform's tonemapping inversed.
- |
void |
-set(Color color)
-Set to the values of another color.
- |
void |
-set(float r,
- float g,
- float b)
-Set to the RGB values passed in and an alpha of 1.
- |
void |
-set(float r,
- float g,
- float b,
- float a)
-Set to the RGBA values passed in.
- |
void |
-set(int argb)
-Set to RGBA values from an integer in the sRGB color space packed as an ARGB value.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public float r-
public float g-
public float b-
public float a-
public Color()-
public Color(Color color)-
public Color(float r, - float g, - float b)-
public Color(float r, - float g, - float b, - float a)-
public Color(int argb)-
public void set(Color color)-
public void set(float r, - float g, - float b)-
public void set(float r, - float g, - float b, - float a)-
public void set(int argb)-
public Color inverseTonemap()-
public class DpToMetersViewSizer -extends java.lang.Object -implements ViewSizer-
in a Scene
- defining how many dp (density-independent pixels) there are per meter. This is recommended when
- using an android layout that is built using dp.Constructor and Description | -
DpToMetersViewSizer(int dpPerMeters)
-Constructor for creating a sizer for controlling the size of a
-ViewRenderable by
- defining how many dp there are per meter. |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
int |
-Returns the number of dp (density-independent pixels) there are per meter that is used for
- controlling the size of a
-ViewRenderable . |
Vector3 |
-getSize(android.view.View view)
-Calculates the desired size of the view in the
-Scene . |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public DpToMetersViewSizer(int dpPerMeters)-
- defining how many dp there are per meter.dpPerMeters
- a number greater than zero representing the ratio of dp to meterspublic int getDpPerMeters()-
.public class EngineInstance
-extends java.lang.Object
-Constructor and Description | -
EngineInstance() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static void |
-destroyEngine() |
static void |
-disableHeadlessEngine() |
static void |
-enableHeadlessEngine() |
static IEngine |
-Get the Filament Engine instance, creating it if necessary.
- |
static boolean |
-isEngineDestroyed() |
static boolean |
-isHeadlessMode() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static void enableHeadlessEngine()-
public static void disableHeadlessEngine()-
public static boolean isHeadlessMode()-
public static IEngine getEngine()-
public static void destroyEngine()-
public static boolean isEngineDestroyed()-
public class EnvironmentalHdrLightEstimate
-extends java.lang.Object
-implements java.io.Serializable
-Constructor and Description | -
EnvironmentalHdrLightEstimate(float[] sphericalHarmonics,
- float[] direction,
- Color colorCorrection,
- float relativeIntensity,
- android.media.Image[] cubeMap) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Color |
-getColor() |
com.google.ar.sceneform.rendering.EnvironmentalHdrLightEstimate.CubeMapImage[] |
-getCubeMap() |
float[] |
-getDirection() |
float |
-getRelativeIntensity() |
float[] |
-getSphericalHarmonics() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public EnvironmentalHdrLightEstimate(float[] sphericalHarmonics, - float[] direction, - Color colorCorrection, - float relativeIntensity, - android.media.Image[] cubeMap)-
public float[] getSphericalHarmonics()-
public float[] getDirection()-
public Color getColor()-
public float getRelativeIntensity()-
public com.google.ar.sceneform.rendering.EnvironmentalHdrLightEstimate.CubeMapImage[] getCubeMap()-
public class ExternalTexture
-extends java.lang.Object
and Surface
that can be displayed by Sceneform.
- Useful for displaying video, or anything else that can be drawn to a SurfaceTexture
- The getFilamentEngine OpenGL ES texture is automatically created by Sceneform. Also, SurfaceTexture.updateTexImage()
is automatically called and should not be called manually.
Call Material.setExternalTexture(String, ExternalTexture)
to use an ExternalTexture.
- The material parameter MUST be of type 'samplerExternal'.
Constructor and Description | -
-Creates an ExternalTexture with a new Android
-SurfaceTexture and Surface . |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
android.view.Surface |
-Gets the surface created for this ExternalTexture that draws to
-getSurfaceTexture() |
android.graphics.SurfaceTexture |
-Gets the surface texture created for this ExternalTexture.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public ExternalTexture()-
and Surface
.public android.graphics.SurfaceTexture getSurfaceTexture()-
public android.view.Surface getSurface()-
public class FilamentEngineWrapper -extends java.lang.Object -implements IEngine-
Constructor and Description | -
FilamentEngineWrapper(Engine engine) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Camera |
-createCamera() |
Camera |
-createCamera(int entity) |
Fence |
-createFence() |
com.google.android.filament.Renderer |
-createRenderer() |
Scene |
-createScene() |
SwapChain |
-createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface)
-Valid surface types: - Android: Surface - Other: none
- |
SwapChain |
-createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface,
- long flags)
-Valid surface types: - Android: Surface - Other: none
- Flags: see CONFIG flags in SwapChain.
- |
SwapChain |
-createSwapChainFromNativeSurface(NativeSurface surface,
- long flags) |
View |
-createView() |
void |
-destroy() |
void |
-destroyCamera(Camera camera) |
void |
-destroyEntity(int entity) |
void |
-destroyFence(Fence fence) |
void |
-destroyIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer indexBuffer) |
void |
-destroyIndirectLight(IndirectLight ibl) |
void |
-destroyMaterial(com.google.android.filament.Material material) |
void |
-destroyMaterialInstance(MaterialInstance materialInstance) |
void |
-destroyRenderer(com.google.android.filament.Renderer renderer) |
void |
-destroyScene(Scene scene) |
void |
-destroySkybox(Skybox skybox) |
void |
-destroyStream(Stream stream) |
void |
-destroySwapChain(SwapChain swapChain) |
void |
-destroyTexture(com.google.android.filament.Texture texture) |
void |
-destroyVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer vertexBuffer) |
void |
-destroyView(View view) |
void |
-flushAndWait() |
Engine |
-getFilamentEngine() |
LightManager |
-getLightManager() |
RenderableManager |
-getRenderableManager() |
TransformManager |
-getTransformManager() |
boolean |
-isValid() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public FilamentEngineWrapper(Engine engine)-
public Engine getFilamentEngine()-
in interface IEngine
public SwapChain createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface)-
in interface IEngine
public SwapChain createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface, - long flags)-
Flags: see CONFIG flags in SwapChain.
in interface IEngine
public SwapChain createSwapChainFromNativeSurface(NativeSurface surface, - long flags)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroySwapChain(SwapChain swapChain)-
in interface IEngine
public View createView()-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyView(View view)-
in interface IEngine
public com.google.android.filament.Renderer createRenderer()-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyRenderer(com.google.android.filament.Renderer renderer)-
in interface IEngine
public Camera createCamera()-
in interface IEngine
public Camera createCamera(int entity)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyCamera(Camera camera)-
in interface IEngine
public Scene createScene()-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyScene(Scene scene)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyStream(Stream stream)-
in interface IEngine
public Fence createFence()-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyFence(Fence fence)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer indexBuffer)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer vertexBuffer)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyIndirectLight(IndirectLight ibl)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyMaterial(com.google.android.filament.Material material)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyMaterialInstance(MaterialInstance materialInstance)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroySkybox(Skybox skybox)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyTexture(com.google.android.filament.Texture texture)-
in interface IEngine
public void destroyEntity(int entity)-
in interface IEngine
public TransformManager getTransformManager()-
in interface IEngine
public LightManager getLightManager()-
in interface IEngine
public RenderableManager getRenderableManager()-
in interface IEngine
public void flushAndWait()-
in interface IEngine
public class FixedHeightViewSizer -extends java.lang.Object -implements ViewSizer-
in a Scene
- defining how tall it should be in meters. The width will change to match the aspect ratio of the
- view.Constructor and Description | -
FixedHeightViewSizer(float heightMeters)
-Constructor for creating a sizer for controlling the size of a
-ViewRenderable by
- defining a fixed height. |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
float |
-Returns the height in meters used for controlling the size of a
-ViewRenderable . |
Vector3 |
-getSize(android.view.View view)
-Calculates the desired size of the view in the
-Scene . |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public FixedHeightViewSizer(float heightMeters)-
- defining a fixed height.heightMeters
- a number greater than zero representing the height in meters.public class FixedWidthViewSizer -extends java.lang.Object -implements ViewSizer-
in a Scene
- defining how wide it should be in meters. The height will change to match the aspect ratio of the
- view.Constructor and Description | -
FixedWidthViewSizer(float widthMeters)
-Constructor for creating a sizer for controlling the size of a
-ViewRenderable by
- defining a fixed width. |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Vector3 |
-getSize(android.view.View view)
-Calculates the desired size of the view in the
-Scene . |
float |
-Returns the width in meters used for controlling the size of a
-ViewRenderable . |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public FixedWidthViewSizer(float widthMeters)-
- defining a fixed width.widthMeters
- a number greater than zero representing the width in meters.public class GLHelper
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static int |
-createCameraTexture() |
static void |
-destroyContext(android.opengl.EGLContext context) |
static android.opengl.EGLContext |
-makeContext() |
static android.opengl.EGLContext |
-makeContext(android.opengl.EGLContext shareContext) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static android.opengl.EGLContext makeContext()-
public static android.opengl.EGLContext makeContext(android.opengl.EGLContext shareContext)-
public static int createCameraTexture()-
public static void destroyContext(android.opengl.EGLContext context)-
public class HeadlessEngineWrapper -extends FilamentEngineWrapper-
Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-TAG |
Constructor and Description | -
HeadlessEngineWrapper() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
SwapChain |
-createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface)
-Valid surface types: - Android: Surface - Other: none
- |
SwapChain |
-createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface,
- long flags)
-Valid surface types: - Android: Surface - Other: none
- Flags: see CONFIG flags in SwapChain.
- |
SwapChain |
-createSwapChainFromNativeSurface(NativeSurface surface,
- long flags) |
void |
-destroy() |
void |
-destroySwapChain(SwapChain swapChain) |
createCamera, createCamera, createFence, createRenderer, createScene, createView, destroyCamera, destroyEntity, destroyFence, destroyIndexBuffer, destroyIndirectLight, destroyMaterial, destroyMaterialInstance, destroyRenderer, destroyScene, destroySkybox, destroyStream, destroyTexture, destroyVertexBuffer, destroyView, flushAndWait, getFilamentEngine, getLightManager, getRenderableManager, getTransformManager, isValid
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public HeadlessEngineWrapper() - throws java.lang.ReflectiveOperationException-
public void destroy()-
in interface IEngine
in class FilamentEngineWrapper
public SwapChain createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface)-
in interface IEngine
in class FilamentEngineWrapper
public SwapChain createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface, - long flags)-
Flags: see CONFIG flags in SwapChain.
in interface IEngine
in class FilamentEngineWrapper
public SwapChain createSwapChainFromNativeSurface(NativeSurface surface, - long flags)-
in interface IEngine
in class FilamentEngineWrapper
public void destroySwapChain(SwapChain swapChain)-
in interface IEngine
in class FilamentEngineWrapper
public interface IEngine
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Camera |
-createCamera() |
Camera |
-createCamera(int entity) |
Fence |
-createFence() |
com.google.android.filament.Renderer |
-createRenderer() |
Scene |
-createScene() |
SwapChain |
-createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface)
-Valid surface types: - Android: Surface - Other: none
- |
SwapChain |
-createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface,
- long flags)
-Valid surface types: - Android: Surface - Other: none
- Flags: see CONFIG flags in SwapChain.
- |
SwapChain |
-createSwapChainFromNativeSurface(NativeSurface surface,
- long flags) |
View |
-createView() |
void |
-destroy() |
void |
-destroyCamera(Camera camera) |
void |
-destroyEntity(int entity) |
void |
-destroyFence(Fence fence) |
void |
-destroyIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer indexBuffer) |
void |
-destroyIndirectLight(IndirectLight ibl) |
void |
-destroyMaterial(com.google.android.filament.Material material) |
void |
-destroyMaterialInstance(MaterialInstance materialInstance) |
void |
-destroyRenderer(com.google.android.filament.Renderer renderer) |
void |
-destroyScene(Scene scene) |
void |
-destroySkybox(Skybox skybox) |
void |
-destroyStream(Stream stream) |
void |
-destroySwapChain(SwapChain swapChain) |
void |
-destroyTexture(com.google.android.filament.Texture texture) |
void |
-destroyVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer vertexBuffer) |
void |
-destroyView(View view) |
void |
-flushAndWait() |
Engine |
-getFilamentEngine() |
LightManager |
-getLightManager() |
RenderableManager |
-getRenderableManager() |
TransformManager |
-getTransformManager() |
boolean |
-isValid() |
Engine getFilamentEngine()-
boolean isValid()-
void destroy()-
SwapChain createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface)-
SwapChain createSwapChain(java.lang.Object surface, - long flags)-
Flags: see CONFIG flags in SwapChain.
SwapChain createSwapChainFromNativeSurface(NativeSurface surface, - long flags)-
void destroySwapChain(SwapChain swapChain)-
View createView()-
void destroyView(View view)-
com.google.android.filament.Renderer createRenderer()-
void destroyRenderer(com.google.android.filament.Renderer renderer)-
Camera createCamera()-
Camera createCamera(int entity)-
void destroyCamera(Camera camera)-
Scene createScene()-
void destroyScene(Scene scene)-
void destroyStream(Stream stream)-
Fence createFence()-
void destroyFence(Fence fence)-
void destroyIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer indexBuffer)-
void destroyVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer vertexBuffer)-
void destroyIndirectLight(IndirectLight ibl)-
void destroyMaterial(com.google.android.filament.Material material)-
void destroyMaterialInstance(MaterialInstance materialInstance)-
void destroySkybox(Skybox skybox)-
void destroyTexture(com.google.android.filament.Texture texture)-
void destroyEntity(int entity)-
TransformManager getTransformManager()-
LightManager getLightManager()-
RenderableManager getRenderableManager()-
void flushAndWait()-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Light |
-Creates a new
-Light based on the parameters set previously |
Light.Builder |
-setColor(Color color)
-Sets the "RGB" color of the light.
- |
Light.Builder |
-setColorTemperature(float temperature)
-Sets the "RGB" color of the light based on the desired "color temperature."
- |
Light.Builder |
-setFalloffRadius(float falloffRadius)
-Sets the range that the light intensity falls off to zero.
- |
Light.Builder |
-setInnerConeAngle(float coneInner)
-Spotlights shine light in a cone, this value determines the size of the inner part of the
- cone.
- |
Light.Builder |
-setIntensity(float intensity)
-Sets the light intensity which determines how bright the light is in Lux (lx) or Lumens (lm)
- (depending on the light type).
- |
Light.Builder |
-setOuterConeAngle(float coneOuter)
-Spotlights shine light in a cone, this value determines the size of the outer part of the
- cone.
- |
Light.Builder |
-setShadowCastingEnabled(boolean enableShadows)
-Determines whether the light casts shadows, or whether synthetic objects can block the light.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Light.Builder setShadowCastingEnabled(boolean enableShadows)-
- true to enable to shadows, false to disable; default is false.public Light.Builder setColor(Color color)-
- "RGB" color, default is (1, 1, 1)public Light.Builder setColorTemperature(float temperature)-
- color temperature in Kelvin on a scale from 1,000 to 10,000K. Typical
- commercial and residential lighting falls somewhere in the 2000K to 6500K range.public Light.Builder setIntensity(float intensity)-
- the intensity of the light, values greater than one are valid. The intensity
- will be clamped and cannot be zero or negative. For directional lights the default is 420
- lx. For other other lights the default is 2500 lm.public Light.Builder setFalloffRadius(float falloffRadius)-
- the light radius in world units, default is 10.0f.public Light.Builder setInnerConeAngle(float coneInner)-
- inner cone angle in radians, default is 0.5public Light.Builder setOuterConeAngle(float coneOuter)-
- outer cone angle in radians, default is 0.6public static enum Light.Type -extends java.lang.Enum<Light.Type>-
Enum Constant and Description | -
-Approximates an infinitely far away, purely directional light
- |
-The same as a spotlight with the exception that the apparent lighting stays the same as the
- cone angle changes.
- |
-Approximates light radiating in all directions from a single point in space, where the
- intensity falls off with the inverse square of the distance.
- |
-Similar to a point light but radiating light in a cone rather than all directions.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Light.Type |
-valueOf(java.lang.String name)
-Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- |
static Light.Type[] |
-Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
-the order they are declared.
- |
clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public static final Light.Type POINT-
to control the falloff.public static final Light.Type DIRECTIONAL-
public static final Light.Type SPOTLIGHT-
and Light.setOuterConeAngle(float)
to control the cone size.public static final Light.Type FOCUSED_SPOTLIGHT-
and Light.setOuterConeAngle(float)
to control the cone size.public static Light.Type[] values()-
-for (Light.Type c : Light.Type.values()) - System.out.println(c); -
public static Light.Type valueOf(java.lang.String name)-
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if this enum type has no constant with the specified namejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if the argument is nullpublic class Light
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Factory class for
-Light |
static class |
-Type of Light Source
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Light.Builder |
-builder(Light.Type type)
-Constructs a default light, if nothing else is set
- |
LightInstance |
-createInstance(TransformProvider transformProvider) |
Color |
-Get the RGB
-Color of the light. |
float |
-Get the falloff radius of the light.
- |
float |
-Get the inner cone angle for spotlights.
- |
float |
-Get the intensity of the light.
- |
Vector3 |
-getLocalDirection() |
Vector3 |
-getLocalPosition() |
float |
-Get the outer cone angle for spotlights.
- |
Light.Type |
-Get the light
-Light.Type . |
boolean |
-Returns true if the light has shadow casting enabled.
- |
void |
-setColor(Color color)
-Sets the "RGB" color of the light.
- |
void |
-setColorTemperature(float temperature)
-Sets the "RGB" color of the light based on the desired "color temperature."
- |
void |
-setFalloffRadius(float falloffRadius)
-Sets the range that the light intensity falls off to zero.
- |
void |
-setInnerConeAngle(float coneInner)
-Spotlights shine light in a cone, this value determines the size of the inner part of the cone.
- |
void |
-setIntensity(float intensity)
-Sets the light intensity which determines how bright the light is in Lux (lx) or Lumens (lm)
- (depending on the light type).
- |
void |
-setOuterConeAngle(float coneOuter)
-Spotlights shine light in a cone, this value determines the size of the outer part of the cone.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static Light.Builder builder(Light.Type type)-
public void setColor(Color color)-
- "RGB" color, the default is 0xffffffffpublic void setColorTemperature(float temperature)-
- color temperature in Kelvin on a scale from 1,000 to 10,000K. Typical
- commercial and residential lighting falls somewhere in the 2000K to 6500K range.public void setIntensity(float intensity)-
- the intensity of the light, values greater than one are valid. The intensity
- will be clamped and cannot be zero or negative. For directional lights the default is 420
- lx. For other other lights the default is 2500 lm.public void setFalloffRadius(float falloffRadius)-
- the light radius in world units, default is 10.0public void setInnerConeAngle(float coneInner)-
- inner cone angle in radians, default 0.5public void setOuterConeAngle(float coneOuter)-
- outer cone angle in radians, default is 0.6public Light.Type getType()-
.public boolean isShadowCastingEnabled()-
public Vector3 getLocalPosition()-
public Vector3 getLocalDirection()-
public float getIntensity()-
public float getFalloffRadius()-
public float getInnerConeAngle()-
public float getOuterConeAngle()-
public LightInstance createInstance(TransformProvider transformProvider)-
public class LightInstance
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-attachToRenderer(Renderer renderer) |
void |
-detachFromRenderer() |
void |
-dispose() |
protected void |
-finalize() |
Light |
-getLight() |
void |
-updateTransform() |
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void updateTransform()-
public void attachToRenderer(Renderer renderer)-
public void detachFromRenderer()-
public Light getLight()-
public void dispose()-
protected void finalize() - throws java.lang.Throwable-
in class java.lang.Object
public static final class LightProbe.Builder
-extends java.lang.Object
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<LightProbe> |
-Creates a new
-LightProbe based on the parameters set previously |
LightProbe.Builder |
-setAssetName(java.lang.String name)
-Set the name of the Light Probe to load if the binary bundle file contains more than one.
- |
LightProbe.Builder |
-setIntensity(float intensity)
-Set the intensity of the indirect lighting.
- |
LightProbe.Builder |
-setRotation(Quaternion rotation)
-Sets the rotation of the indirect light.
- |
LightProbe.Builder |
-setSource(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)
-Allows a
-LightProbe to be constructed via callable function. |
LightProbe.Builder |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- int resource)
-Allows a
-LightProbe to be constructed from resource. |
LightProbe.Builder |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- android.net.Uri sourceUri)
-Allows a
-LightProbe to be constructed from Uri . |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public LightProbe.Builder setIntensity(float intensity)-
- intensity of the indirect lighting, the default is 220.public LightProbe.Builder setRotation(Quaternion rotation)-
- the rotation of the indirect light, identity when nullpublic LightProbe.Builder setAssetName(java.lang.String name)-
- the name of the Light Probe to load.public LightProbe.Builder setSource(android.content.Context context, - android.net.Uri sourceUri)-
to be constructed from Uri
. Construction will be
- asynchronous.context
- a context used for loading the resourcesourceUri
- a remote Uri or android resource Uri.public LightProbe.Builder setSource(android.content.Context context, - int resource)-
to be constructed from resource. Construction will be
- asynchronous.context
- a context used for loading the resourceresource
- an android resource with raw type.public LightProbe.Builder setSource(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)-
to be constructed via callable function.public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<LightProbe> build()-
based on the parameters set previouslypublic class LightProbe
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Factory class for
-LightProbe |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static LightProbe.Builder |
-Constructs a default LightProbe, if nothing else is set
- |
void |
-dispose() |
protected void |
-finalize() |
float |
-Get the overall intensity of the indirect light.
- |
Quaternion |
-Gets the rotation of the indirect light, identity if null.
- |
boolean |
-Returns true if the LightProbe is ready to be used for rendering.
- |
void |
-setCubeMap(android.media.Image[] cubemapImageArray) |
void |
-setEnvironmentalHdrSphericalHarmonics(float[] sphericalHarmonics,
- float exposure,
- EnvironmentalHdrParameters environmentalHdrParameters)
-Updates spherical harmonics with values not premultiplied by the SH basis.
- |
void |
-setIntensity(float intensity)
-Set the overall intensity of the indirect light.
- |
void |
-setLightEstimate(Color colorCorrection,
- float estimate)
-Modify light intensity using ArCore light estimation.
- |
void |
-setRotation(Quaternion rotation)
-Sets the rotation of the indirect light.
- |
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static LightProbe.Builder builder()-
public void setIntensity(float intensity)-
- the intensity of indirect lighting, the default is 220.0public float getIntensity()-
public void setRotation(Quaternion rotation)-
- the rotation of the indirect light, identity when nullpublic Quaternion getRotation()-
public boolean isReady()-
protected void finalize() - throws java.lang.Throwable-
in class java.lang.Object
public void dispose()-
public void setEnvironmentalHdrSphericalHarmonics(float[] sphericalHarmonics, - float exposure, - EnvironmentalHdrParameters environmentalHdrParameters)-
public void setLightEstimate(Color colorCorrection, - float estimate)-
public void setCubeMap(android.media.Image[] cubemapImageArray)-
public static enum LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage -extends java.lang.Enum<LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage>-
Enum Constant and Description | -
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage |
-valueOf(java.lang.String name)
-Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- |
static LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage[] |
-Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
-the order they are declared.
- |
clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public static final LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage LOAD_STAGE_NONE-
public static final LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage FETCH_MATERIALS-
public static final LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage DOWNLOAD_MODEL-
public static final LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage CREATE_LOADER-
public static final LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage ADD_MISSING_FILES-
public static final LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage FINISHED_READING_FILES-
public static final LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage CREATE_RENDERABLE-
public static LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage[] values()-
-for (LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage c : LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage.values()) - System.out.println(c); -
public static LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage valueOf(java.lang.String name)-
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if this enum type has no constant with the specified namejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if the argument is nullpublic interface LoadGltfListener
-Modifier and Type | -Interface and Description | -
static class |
-Defines the current stage of the load operation, each value supersedes the previous.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-onFinishedFetchingMaterials() |
void |
-onFinishedLoadingModel(long durationMs) |
void |
-onFinishedReadingFiles(long durationMs) |
void |
-onReadingFilesFailed(java.lang.Exception exception) |
void |
-reportBytesDownloaded(long bytes) |
void |
-setLoadingStage(LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage stage) |
void |
-setModelSize(float modelSizeMeters) |
void setLoadingStage(LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage stage)-
void reportBytesDownloaded(long bytes)-
void onFinishedFetchingMaterials()-
void onFinishedLoadingModel(long durationMs)-
void onFinishedReadingFiles(long durationMs)-
void setModelSize(float modelSizeMeters)-
void onReadingFilesFailed(java.lang.Exception exception)-
public class LoadRenderableFromFilamentGltfTask<T extends Renderable>
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<T> |
-downloadAndProcessRenderable(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)
-CompletableFuture for a new Renderable . |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<T> downloadAndProcessRenderable(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)-
for a new Renderable
.public class LullModel
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static WrapMode[] |
-fromLullWrapMode |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static MagFilter |
-fromLullToMagFilter(com.google.ar.schemas.lull.TextureDef textureDef) |
static MinFilter |
-fromLullToMinFilter(com.google.ar.schemas.lull.TextureDef textureDef) |
static int |
-getByteCountPerVertex(ModelInstanceDef modelInstanceDef) |
static boolean |
-isLullModel(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final WrapMode[] fromLullWrapMode-
public static boolean isLullModel(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)-
public static int getByteCountPerVertex(ModelInstanceDef modelInstanceDef)-
public static MinFilter fromLullToMinFilter(com.google.ar.schemas.lull.TextureDef textureDef)-
public static MagFilter fromLullToMagFilter(com.google.ar.schemas.lull.TextureDef textureDef)-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> |
-Creates a new
-Material based on the parameters set previously. |
Material.Builder |
-setRegistryId(java.lang.Object registryId)
-Allows a
-Material to be reused. |
Material.Builder |
-setSource(java.nio.ByteBuffer materialBuffer)
-Allows a
-Material to be created with data. |
Material.Builder |
-setSource(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)
-Allows a
-Material to be constructed via callable function. |
Material.Builder |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- int resource)
-Allows a
-Material to be constructed from resource. |
Material.Builder |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- android.net.Uri sourceUri)
-Allows a
-Material to be constructed from Uri . |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Material.Builder setSource(java.nio.ByteBuffer materialBuffer)-
to be created with data.
- Construction will be immediate. Please use setRegistryId(Object)
to register this
- material for reuse.
- Sets the material data.Material.Builder
for chaining setup callspublic Material.Builder setSource(android.content.Context context, - android.net.Uri sourceUri)-
to be constructed from Uri
. Construction will be
- asynchronous.context
- Sets the Context
used for loading the resourcesourceUri
- Sets a remote Uri or android resource Uri. The material will be added to the
- registry using the Uri. A previously registered material with the same Uri will be
- re-used.Material.Builder
for chaining setup callspublic Material.Builder setSource(android.content.Context context, - int resource)-
to be constructed from resource.
- Construction will be asynchronous.
- Sets the Context
used for loading the resourceresource
- an android resource with raw type. A previously registered material with the
- same resource id will be re-used.Material.Builder
for chaining setup callspublic Material.Builder setSource(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)-
to be constructed via callable function.inputStreamCreator
- Supplies an InputStream
with the Material
for chaining setup callspublic Material.Builder setRegistryId(java.lang.Object registryId)-
to be reused. If registryId is non-null it will be saved in a
- registry and the registry will be checked for this id before construction.registryId
- allows the function to be skipped and a previous material to be re-usedMaterial.Builder
for chaining setup callspublic class Material
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Builder for constructing a
-Material |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Material.Builder |
-Constructs a
-Material |
ExternalTexture |
-getExternalTexture(java.lang.String name) |
Material |
-Creates a new instance of this Material.
- |
void |
-setBoolean(java.lang.String name,
- boolean x) |
void |
-setBoolean2(java.lang.String name,
- boolean x,
- boolean y) |
void |
-setBoolean3(java.lang.String name,
- boolean x,
- boolean y,
- boolean z) |
void |
-setBoolean4(java.lang.String name,
- boolean x,
- boolean y,
- boolean z,
- boolean w) |
void |
-setExternalTexture(java.lang.String name,
- ExternalTexture externalTexture)
-Sets an
-ExternalTexture to a parameter of type 'samplerExternal' on this material. |
void |
-setFloat(java.lang.String name,
- float x) |
void |
-setFloat2(java.lang.String name,
- float x,
- float y) |
void |
-setFloat3(java.lang.String name,
- Color color) |
void |
-setFloat3(java.lang.String name,
- float x,
- float y,
- float z) |
void |
-setFloat3(java.lang.String name,
- Vector3 value) |
void |
-setFloat4(java.lang.String name,
- Color color) |
void |
-setFloat4(java.lang.String name,
- float x,
- float y,
- float z,
- float w) |
void |
-setInt(java.lang.String name,
- int x) |
void |
-setInt2(java.lang.String name,
- int x,
- int y) |
void |
-setInt3(java.lang.String name,
- int x,
- int y,
- int z) |
void |
-setInt4(java.lang.String name,
- int x,
- int y,
- int z,
- int w) |
void |
-setTexture(java.lang.String name,
- Texture texture) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Material makeCopy()-
The new material will have a unique copy of the material parameters that can be changed - independently. The getFilamentEngine material resource is immutable and will be shared between - instances.
public void setBoolean(java.lang.String name, - boolean x)-
public void setBoolean2(java.lang.String name, - boolean x, - boolean y)-
public void setBoolean3(java.lang.String name, - boolean x, - boolean y, - boolean z)-
public void setBoolean4(java.lang.String name, - boolean x, - boolean y, - boolean z, - boolean w)-
public void setFloat(java.lang.String name, - float x)-
public void setFloat2(java.lang.String name, - float x, - float y)-
public void setFloat3(java.lang.String name, - float x, - float y, - float z)-
public void setFloat3(java.lang.String name, - Vector3 value)-
public void setFloat3(java.lang.String name, - Color color)-
public void setFloat4(java.lang.String name, - float x, - float y, - float z, - float w)-
public void setFloat4(java.lang.String name, - Color color)-
public void setInt(java.lang.String name, - int x)-
public void setInt2(java.lang.String name, - int x, - int y)-
public void setInt3(java.lang.String name, - int x, - int y, - int z)-
public void setInt4(java.lang.String name, - int x, - int y, - int z, - int w)-
public void setTexture(java.lang.String name, - Texture texture)-
public void setExternalTexture(java.lang.String name, - ExternalTexture externalTexture)-
to a parameter of type 'samplerExternal' on this material.name
- the name of the parameter in the materialexternalTexture
- the texture to setpublic ExternalTexture getExternalTexture(java.lang.String name)-
public static Material.Builder builder()-
public final class MaterialFactory
-extends java.lang.Object
s.Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-Name of material parameter for controlling the color of
- Color) and makeTransparentWithColor(Context, Color) materials. |
static java.lang.String |
-Name of material parameter for controlling the metallic property of all
- materials. |
static java.lang.String |
-Name of material parameter for controlling the reflectance property of all
-MaterialFactory materials. |
static java.lang.String |
-Name of material parameter for controlling the roughness property of all
-MaterialFactory materials. |
static java.lang.String |
-Name of material parameter for controlling the texture of
-makeOpaqueWithTexture(Context, Texture) and makeTransparentWithTexture(Context,
- Texture) materials. |
Constructor and Description | -
MaterialFactory() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> |
-makeOpaqueWithColor(android.content.Context context,
- Color color)
- |
static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> |
-makeOpaqueWithTexture(android.content.Context context,
- Texture texture)
- |
static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> |
-makeTransparentWithColor(android.content.Context context,
- Color color)
- |
static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> |
-makeTransparentWithTexture(android.content.Context context,
- Texture texture)
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final java.lang.String MATERIAL_COLOR-
- Color)
and makeTransparentWithColor(Context, Color)
materials.public static final java.lang.String MATERIAL_TEXTURE-
makeOpaqueWithTexture(Context, Texture)
and makeTransparentWithTexture(Context,
- Texture)
materials.Material.setTexture(String, Texture)
-Constant Field Valuespublic static final java.lang.String MATERIAL_METALLIC-
- materials. The metallic property defines whether the surface is a metallic (conductor) or a
- non-metallic (dielectric) surface. This property should be used as a binary value, set to
- either 0 or 1. Intermediate values are only truly useful to create transitions between
- different types of surfaces when using textures. The default value is 0.Material.setFloat(String, float)
-Constant Field Valuespublic static final java.lang.String MATERIAL_ROUGHNESS-
materials. The roughness property controls the perceived smoothness of the
- surface. When roughness is set to 0, the surface is perfectly smooth and highly glossy. The
- rougher a surface is, the "blurrier" the reflections are. The default value is 0.4.Material.setFloat(String, float)
-Constant Field Valuespublic static final java.lang.String MATERIAL_REFLECTANCE-
materials. The reflectance property only affects non-metallic surfaces. This
- property can be used to control the specular intensity. This value is defined between 0 and 1
- and represents a remapping of a percentage of reflectance. The default value is 0.5.Material.setFloat(String, float)
-Constant Field Valuespublic static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> makeOpaqueWithColor(android.content.Context context, - Color color)-
with the Color
passed in. The Color
can be
- modified by calling Material.setFloat3(String, Color)
. The
- metallicness, roughness, and reflectance can be modified using Material.setFloat(String,
- float)
- a context used for loading the material resourcecolor
- the color for the material to renderMATERIAL_METALLIC
public static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> makeTransparentWithColor(android.content.Context context, - Color color)-
with the Color
passed in. The Color
- be modified by calling Material.setFloat4(String, Color)
- The metallicness, roughness, and reflectance can be modified using Material.setFloat(String, float)
- a context used for loading the material resourcecolor
- the color for the material to renderMATERIAL_METALLIC
public static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> makeOpaqueWithTexture(android.content.Context context, - Texture texture)-
with the Texture
passed in. The Texture
- be modified by calling Material.setTexture(String, Texture)
. The metallicness, roughness, and reflectance can be modified using Material.setFloat(String, float)
- a context used for loading the material resourcetexture
- the texture for the material to renderMATERIAL_METALLIC
public static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> makeTransparentWithTexture(android.content.Context context, - Texture texture)-
with the Texture
passed in. The Texture
- can be modified by calling Material.setTexture(String, Texture)
. The metallicness, roughness, and reflectance can be modified using Material.setFloat(String, float)
- a context used for loading the material resourcetexture
- the texture for the material to renderMATERIAL_METALLIC
public class MaterialInternalDataGltfImpl -extends SharedReference-
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
protected void |
-onDispose() |
release, retain
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
protected void onDispose()-
in class SharedReference
public static final class ModelRenderable.Builder
-extends java.lang.Object
.Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
protected android.content.Context |
-context |
protected java.lang.Object |
-registryId |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<T> |
-Constructs a
-Renderable with the parameters of the builder. |
protected void |
-checkPreconditions() |
protected java.lang.Class<ModelRenderable> |
-getRenderableClass() |
protected ResourceRegistry<ModelRenderable> |
-getRenderableRegistry() |
protected ModelRenderable.Builder |
-getSelf() |
java.lang.Boolean |
-True if a source function will be called during build
- |
protected ModelRenderable |
-makeRenderable() |
B |
-setAnimationFrameRate(int frameRate)
-Sets the number of frames per seconds defined in the asset.
- |
B |
-setIsFilamentGltf(boolean isFilamentGltf) |
B |
-setRegistryId(java.lang.Object registryId) |
B |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator) |
B |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- int resource) |
B |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- android.net.Uri sourceUri) |
B |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- android.net.Uri sourceUri,
- boolean enableCaching) |
B |
-setSource(RenderableDefinition definition)
-Build a
-Renderable from a RenderableDefinition . |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
protected java.lang.Object registryId-
protected android.content.Context context-
protected ModelRenderable makeRenderable()-
protected java.lang.Class<ModelRenderable> getRenderableClass()-
protected ResourceRegistry<ModelRenderable> getRenderableRegistry()-
protected ModelRenderable.Builder getSelf()-
public B setSource(android.content.Context context, - java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)-
public B setSource(android.content.Context context, - android.net.Uri sourceUri)-
public B setSource(android.content.Context context, - android.net.Uri sourceUri, - boolean enableCaching)-
public B setSource(android.content.Context context, - int resource)-
public B setSource(RenderableDefinition definition)-
from a RenderableDefinition
.public B setRegistryId(java.lang.Object registryId)-
public B setIsFilamentGltf(boolean isFilamentGltf)-
public B setAnimationFrameRate(int frameRate)-
- The number of frames during one secondpublic java.lang.Boolean hasSource()-
public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<T> build()-
with the parameters of the builder.Renderable
protected void checkPreconditions()-
public class ModelRenderable -extends Renderable-
with Node.setRenderable(Renderable)
- future = ModelRenderable.builder().setSource(context, R.raw.renderable).build();
- renderable = future.thenAccept(...);
Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Factory class for
-ModelRenderable . |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static ModelRenderable.Builder |
-Constructs a
-ModelRenderable . |
ModelRenderable |
-Creates a new instance of this ModelRenderable.
- |
createInstance, getAnimationFrameRate, getCollisionShape, getFinalModelMatrix, getId, getMaterial, getMaterial, getRenderPriority, getSubmeshCount, getSubmeshName, isShadowCaster, isShadowReceiver, setCollisionShape, setMaterial, setMaterial, setRenderPriority, setShadowCaster, setShadowReceiver, updateFromDefinition
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public ModelRenderable makeCopy()-
The new renderable will have unique copy of all mutable state. All materials referenced by - the ModelRenderable will also be instanced. Immutable data will be shared between the - instances.
in class Renderable
public static ModelRenderable.Builder builder()-
.public class PlaneRenderer
-extends java.lang.Object
-Used to visualize detected planes and to control whether Renderables cast shadows on them.
Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static java.lang.String |
-Float3 material parameter to control the RGB tint of the plane.
- |
static java.lang.String |
-Float material parameter to control the radius of the spotlight.
- |
static java.lang.String |
-Material parameter that controls what texture is being used when rendering the planes.
- |
static java.lang.String |
-Float2 material parameter to control the X/Y scaling of the texture's UV coordinates.
- |
Constructor and Description | -
PlaneRenderer(Renderer renderer) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> |
-Returns default material instance used to render the planes.
- |
boolean |
-Check if the plane renderer is enabled.
- |
boolean |
-Return true if Renderables in the scene cast shadows onto the planes.
- |
boolean |
-Return true if plane visualization is visible.
- |
void |
-setEnabled(boolean enabled)
-Enable/disable the plane renderer.
- |
void |
-setShadowReceiver(boolean shadowReceiver)
-Control whether Renderables in the scene should cast shadows onto the planes.
- |
void |
-setVisible(boolean visible)
-Control visibility of plane visualization.
- |
void |
-update(Frame frame,
- int viewWidth,
- int viewHeight) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final java.lang.String MATERIAL_TEXTURE-
public static final java.lang.String MATERIAL_UV_SCALE-
public static final java.lang.String MATERIAL_COLOR-
public static final java.lang.String MATERIAL_SPOTLIGHT_RADIUS-
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)-
public boolean isEnabled()-
public void setShadowReceiver(boolean shadowReceiver)-
If false - no planes receive shadows, regardless of the per-plane setting.
public boolean isShadowReceiver()-
public void setVisible(boolean visible)-
If false - no planes are drawn. Note that shadow visibility is independent of plane - visibility.
public boolean isVisible()-
public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Material> getMaterial()-
public void update(Frame frame, - int viewWidth, - int viewHeight)-
public abstract class Renderable
-extends java.lang.Object
- Node.setRenderable(Renderable)
.Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
protected CollisionShape |
-collisionShape |
static int |
-The default number of frames per seconds for this renderable animation
- |
static int |
static int |
static int |
Modifier | -Constructor and Description | -
protected |
-Renderable(com.google.ar.sceneform.rendering.Renderable.Builder<? extends Renderable,? extends com.google.ar.sceneform.rendering.Renderable.Builder<?,?>> builder) |
protected |
-Renderable(Renderable other) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
RenderableInstance |
-createInstance(TransformProvider transformProvider) |
int |
-Gets the number of frames per seconds defined in the asset animation.
- |
CollisionShape |
-Get the
-CollisionShape used for collision detection with this Renderable . |
Matrix |
-getFinalModelMatrix(Matrix originalMatrix)
-Gets the final model matrix to use for rendering this
-Renderable based on the matrix
- passed in. |
ChangeId |
-getId() |
Material |
-Returns the material bound to the first submesh.
- |
Material |
-getMaterial(int submeshIndex)
-Returns the material bound to the specified submesh.
- |
int |
-Get the render priority that controls the order of rendering.
- |
int |
-Returns the number of submeshes that this renderable has.
- |
java.lang.String |
-getSubmeshName(int submeshIndex)
-Returns the name associated with the specified submesh.
- |
boolean |
-Returns true if configured to cast shadows on other renderables.
- |
boolean |
-Returns true if configured to receive shadows cast by other renderables.
- |
abstract Renderable |
-Creates a new instance of this Renderable.
- |
void |
-setCollisionShape(CollisionShape collisionShape)
-Set the
-CollisionShape used for collision detection with this Renderable . |
void |
-setMaterial(int submeshIndex,
- Material material)
-Sets the material bound to the specified submesh.
- |
void |
-setMaterial(Material material)
-Sets the material bound to the first submesh.
- |
void |
-setRenderPriority(int renderPriority)
-Set the render priority to control the order of rendering.
- |
void |
-setShadowCaster(boolean isShadowCaster)
-Sets whether the renderable casts shadow on other renderables in the scene.
- |
void |
-setShadowReceiver(boolean isShadowReceiver)
-Sets whether the renderable receives shadows cast by other renderables in the scene.
- |
void |
-updateFromDefinition(RenderableDefinition definition) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
protected CollisionShape collisionShape-
public static final int RENDER_PRIORITY_DEFAULT-
public static final int RENDER_PRIORITY_FIRST-
public static final int RENDER_PRIORITY_LAST-
public static final int DEFAULT_ANIMATION_FRAME_RATE-
protected Renderable(com.google.ar.sceneform.rendering.Renderable.Builder<? extends Renderable,? extends com.google.ar.sceneform.rendering.Renderable.Builder<?,?>> builder)-
protected Renderable(Renderable other)-
public CollisionShape getCollisionShape()-
used for collision detection with this Renderable
.public void setCollisionShape(CollisionShape collisionShape)-
used for collision detection with this Renderable
.public Material getMaterial()-
public Material getMaterial(int submeshIndex)-
public void setMaterial(Material material)-
public void setMaterial(int submeshIndex, - Material material)-
public java.lang.String getSubmeshName(int submeshIndex)-
- if the index is out of rangepublic int getRenderPriority()-
public void setRenderPriority(int renderPriority)-
public boolean isShadowCaster()-
public void setShadowCaster(boolean isShadowCaster)-
public boolean isShadowReceiver()-
public void setShadowReceiver(boolean isShadowReceiver)-
public int getAnimationFrameRate()-
public int getSubmeshCount()-
public ChangeId getId()-
public RenderableInstance createInstance(TransformProvider transformProvider)-
public void updateFromDefinition(RenderableDefinition definition)-
public abstract Renderable makeCopy()-
The new renderable will have unique copy of all mutable state. All materials referenced by - the Renderable will also be instanced. Immutable data will be shared between the instances.
public Matrix getFinalModelMatrix(Matrix originalMatrix)-
based on the matrix
- passed in. Default implementation simply passes through the original matrix. WARNING: Do not
- modify the originalMatrix! If the final matrix isn't the same as the original matrix, then a
- new instance must be returned.public static final class RenderableDefinition.Builder
-extends java.lang.Object
.Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
RenderableDefinition |
-build() |
RenderableDefinition.Builder |
-setSubmeshes(java.util.List<RenderableDefinition.Submesh> submeshes) |
RenderableDefinition.Builder |
-setVertices(java.util.List<Vertex> vertices) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public RenderableDefinition.Builder setVertices(java.util.List<Vertex> vertices)-
public RenderableDefinition.Builder setSubmeshes(java.util.List<RenderableDefinition.Submesh> submeshes)-
public RenderableDefinition build()-
public static final class RenderableDefinition.Submesh.Builder
-extends java.lang.Object
.Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
RenderableDefinition.Submesh |
-build() |
RenderableDefinition.Submesh.Builder |
-setMaterial(Material material) |
RenderableDefinition.Submesh.Builder |
-setName(java.lang.String name) |
RenderableDefinition.Submesh.Builder |
-setTriangleIndices(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> triangleIndices) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public RenderableDefinition.Submesh.Builder setTriangleIndices(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> triangleIndices)-
public RenderableDefinition.Submesh.Builder setName(java.lang.String name)-
public RenderableDefinition.Submesh.Builder setMaterial(Material material)-
public RenderableDefinition.Submesh build()-
public static class RenderableDefinition.Submesh
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Factory class for
-RenderableDefinition.Submesh . |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static RenderableDefinition.Submesh.Builder |
-builder() |
Material |
-getMaterial() |
java.lang.String |
-getName() |
java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> |
-getTriangleIndices() |
void |
-setMaterial(Material material) |
void |
-setName(java.lang.String name) |
void |
-setTriangleIndices(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> triangleIndices) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void setTriangleIndices(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> triangleIndices)-
public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getTriangleIndices()-
public void setMaterial(Material material)-
public Material getMaterial()-
public void setName(java.lang.String name)-
public java.lang.String getName()-
public static RenderableDefinition.Submesh.Builder builder()-
public class RenderableDefinition
-extends java.lang.Object
. Can be used to construct and modify
- renderables dynamically.ModelRenderable.Builder
Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Factory class for
-RenderableDefinition . |
static class |
-Represents a Submesh for a RenderableDefinition.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static RenderableDefinition.Builder |
-builder() |
void |
-setSubmeshes(java.util.List<RenderableDefinition.Submesh> submeshes) |
void |
-setVertices(java.util.List<Vertex> vertices) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void setVertices(java.util.List<Vertex> vertices)-
public void setSubmeshes(java.util.List<RenderableDefinition.Submesh> submeshes)-
public static RenderableDefinition.Builder builder()-
public class RenderableInstance -extends java.lang.Object -implements AnimatableModel-
is displayed. There can be multiple RenderableInstances
- displaying a single Renderable.Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static interface |
-Interface for modifying the bone transforms for this specific RenderableInstance.
- |
Constructor and Description | -
RenderableInstance(TransformProvider transformProvider,
- Renderable renderable) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-attachToRenderer(Renderer renderer) |
void |
-detachFromRenderer() |
ModelAnimation |
-getAnimation(int animationIndex)
-Get the associated
-ModelAnimation at the given index or throw
- an IndexOutOfBoundsException . |
int |
-Returns the number of
-ModelAnimation definitions in the model. |
int |
-getEntity() |
Animator |
-getFilamentAnimator() |
FilamentAsset |
-getFilamentAsset() |
Matrix |
-Returns the transform of this renderable relative to it's node.
- |
Matrix |
-Returns the inverse transform of this renderable relative to it's node.
- |
Renderable |
-Get the
-Renderable to display for this RenderableInstance . |
int |
-getRenderedEntity() |
Matrix |
-getWorldModelMatrix() |
boolean |
-onAnimationUpdateRequest(ModelAnimation animation)
-We use our own
-Choreographer to update the animations |
void |
-prepareForDraw() |
void |
-setSkinningModifier(RenderableInstance.SkinningModifier skinningModifier) |
boolean |
-updateAnimations(boolean force)
-Apply animations changes
-if fore=true or the animation has dirty values. |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
animate, animate, animate, animate, animate, getAnimation, getAnimationIndex, getAnimationName, getAnimationNames, getAnimationOrThrow, onModelAnimationChanged, setAnimationsFramePosition, setAnimationsTimePosition
public RenderableInstance(TransformProvider transformProvider, - Renderable renderable)-
public FilamentAsset getFilamentAsset()-
public Animator getFilamentAnimator()-
public Renderable getRenderable()-
to display for this RenderableInstance
asset, usually a 3D model.public int getEntity()-
public int getRenderedEntity()-
public Matrix getWorldModelMatrix()-
public void setSkinningModifier(RenderableInstance.SkinningModifier skinningModifier)-
public ModelAnimation getAnimation(int animationIndex)-
at the given index or throw
- an IndexOutOfBoundsException
in interface AnimatableModel
- Zero-based index for the animation of interest.public int getAnimationCount()-
definitions in the model.getAnimationCount
in interface AnimatableModel
public boolean onAnimationUpdateRequest(ModelAnimation animation)-
to update the animationsonAnimationUpdateRequest
in interface AnimatableModel
public void prepareForDraw()-
public void attachToRenderer(Renderer renderer)-
public void detachFromRenderer()-
public Matrix getRelativeTransform()-
public Matrix getRelativeTransformInverse()-
public boolean updateAnimations(boolean force)-
if fore=true
or the animation has dirty values.
- force
- Update even if the animation time position didn't changed.public class RenderableInternalFilamentAssetData
-extends java.lang.Object
for rendering natively loaded glTF data.Constructor and Description | -
RenderableInternalFilamentAssetData() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-buildInstanceData(Renderable renderable,
- int renderedEntity) |
void |
-Removes any memory used by the object.
- |
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
-getAnimationNames() |
Vector3 |
-getCenterAabb() |
Vector3 |
-getExtentsAabb() |
IndexBuffer |
-getIndexBuffer() |
java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> |
-getMaterialBindingIds() |
java.util.ArrayList<com.google.ar.sceneform.rendering.RenderableInternalData.MeshData> |
-getMeshes() |
java.nio.FloatBuffer |
-getRawColorBuffer() |
java.nio.IntBuffer |
-getRawIndexBuffer() |
java.nio.FloatBuffer |
-getRawPositionBuffer() |
java.nio.FloatBuffer |
-getRawTangentsBuffer() |
java.nio.FloatBuffer |
-getRawUvBuffer() |
Vector3 |
-getSizeAabb() |
Vector3 |
-getTransformOffset() |
float |
-getTransformScale() |
VertexBuffer |
-getVertexBuffer() |
void |
-setAnimationNames(java.util.List<java.lang.String> animationNames) |
void |
-setCenterAabb(Vector3 center) |
void |
-setExtentsAabb(Vector3 halfExtents) |
void |
-setIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer indexBuffer) |
void |
-setRawColorBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer rawColorBuffer) |
void |
-setRawIndexBuffer(java.nio.IntBuffer rawIndexBuffer) |
void |
-setRawPositionBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer rawPositionBuffer) |
void |
-setRawTangentsBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer rawTangentsBuffer) |
void |
-setRawUvBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer rawUvBuffer) |
void |
-setTransformOffset(Vector3 offset) |
void |
-setTransformScale(float scale) |
void |
-setVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer vertexBuffer) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public RenderableInternalFilamentAssetData()-
public void setCenterAabb(Vector3 center)-
public Vector3 getCenterAabb()-
public void setExtentsAabb(Vector3 halfExtents)-
public Vector3 getExtentsAabb()-
public Vector3 getSizeAabb()-
public void setTransformScale(float scale)-
public float getTransformScale()-
public void setTransformOffset(Vector3 offset)-
public Vector3 getTransformOffset()-
public java.util.ArrayList<com.google.ar.sceneform.rendering.RenderableInternalData.MeshData> getMeshes()-
public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> getMaterialBindingIds()-
public void setIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer indexBuffer)-
public IndexBuffer getIndexBuffer()-
public void setVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer vertexBuffer)-
public VertexBuffer getVertexBuffer()-
public void setRawIndexBuffer(java.nio.IntBuffer rawIndexBuffer)-
public java.nio.IntBuffer getRawIndexBuffer()-
public void setRawPositionBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer rawPositionBuffer)-
public java.nio.FloatBuffer getRawPositionBuffer()-
public void setRawTangentsBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer rawTangentsBuffer)-
public java.nio.FloatBuffer getRawTangentsBuffer()-
public void setRawUvBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer rawUvBuffer)-
public java.nio.FloatBuffer getRawUvBuffer()-
public void setRawColorBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer rawColorBuffer)-
public java.nio.FloatBuffer getRawColorBuffer()-
public void setAnimationNames(java.util.List<java.lang.String> animationNames)-
public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAnimationNames()-
public void buildInstanceData(Renderable renderable, - int renderedEntity)-
public void dispose()-
public class Renderer
-extends java.lang.Object
-Contains everything that will be drawn on a surface.
Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static interface |
-Renderer.PreRenderCallback |
Constructor and Description | -
Renderer(android.view.SurfaceView view) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-Apply all the animations states of entities
- |
static void |
-Immediately releases all rendering resources, even if in use.
- |
void |
-dispose() |
void |
-Sets a high performance configuration for the filament view.
- |
android.content.Context |
-getContext() |
int |
-getDesiredHeight() |
int |
-getDesiredWidth() |
EnvironmentalHdrParameters |
-Getter to help convert between filament and Environmental HDR.
- |
float |
-Returns the exposure setting for renderering.
- |
com.google.android.filament.Renderer |
-Access to the underlying Filament renderer.
- |
android.view.SurfaceView |
-getSurfaceView() |
boolean |
-Checks whether winding is inverted for front face rendering.
- |
void |
-onDetachedFromSurface() |
void |
-onNativeWindowChanged(android.view.Surface surface) |
void |
-onPause() |
void |
-onResized(int width,
- int height) |
void |
-onResume() |
static long |
-Releases rendering resources ready for garbage collection
- |
void |
-render(boolean debugEnabled) |
void |
-setAntiAliasing(com.google.android.filament.View.AntiAliasing antiAliasing) |
void |
-setCameraProvider(CameraProvider cameraProvider) |
void |
-setClearColor(Color color) |
void |
-setDefaultClearColor() |
void |
-setDesiredSize(int width,
- int height) |
void |
-setDithering(com.google.android.filament.View.Dithering dithering) |
void |
-setDynamicResolutionEnabled(boolean isEnabled) |
void |
-setEnvironmentalHdrParameters(EnvironmentalHdrParameters environmentalHdrParameters)
-Setter to help convert between filament and Environmental HDR.
- |
void |
-setFrameRenderDebugCallback(java.lang.Runnable onFrameRenderDebugCallback)
-Sets a callback to happen after each frame is rendered.
- |
void |
-setFrontFaceWindingInverted(java.lang.Boolean inverted)
-Inverts winding for front face rendering.
- |
void |
-setLightProbe(LightProbe lightProbe)
-Set the Light Probe used for reflections and indirect light.
- |
void |
-setPostProcessingEnabled(boolean enablePostProcessing) |
void |
-setPreRenderCallback(Renderer.PreRenderCallback preRenderCallback) |
void |
-setRenderQuality(com.google.android.filament.View.RenderQuality renderQuality) |
void |
-setUseHdrLightEstimate(boolean useHdrLightEstimate) |
void |
-startMirroring(android.view.Surface surface,
- int left,
- int bottom,
- int width,
- int height)
-Starts mirroring to the specified
-Surface . |
void |
-stopMirroring(android.view.Surface surface)
-Stops mirroring to the specified
-Surface . |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Renderer(android.view.SurfaceView view)-
public void startMirroring(android.view.Surface surface, - int left, - int bottom, - int width, - int height)-
.public void stopMirroring(android.view.Surface surface)-
.public com.google.android.filament.Renderer getFilamentRenderer()-
public android.view.SurfaceView getSurfaceView()-
public void setClearColor(Color color)-
public void setDefaultClearColor()-
public void setFrontFaceWindingInverted(java.lang.Boolean inverted)-
public boolean isFrontFaceWindingInverted()-
public void setCameraProvider(CameraProvider cameraProvider)-
public void onPause()-
public void onResume()-
public void setFrameRenderDebugCallback(java.lang.Runnable onFrameRenderDebugCallback)-
public void setPreRenderCallback(Renderer.PreRenderCallback preRenderCallback)-
public void animate()-
public void render(boolean debugEnabled)-
public void dispose()-
public android.content.Context getContext()-
public void setLightProbe(LightProbe lightProbe)-
public void setDesiredSize(int width, - int height)-
public int getDesiredWidth()-
public int getDesiredHeight()-
public void onNativeWindowChanged(android.view.Surface surface)-
public void onDetachedFromSurface()-
public void setDynamicResolutionEnabled(boolean isEnabled)-
public void setAntiAliasing(com.google.android.filament.View.AntiAliasing antiAliasing)-
public void setDithering(com.google.android.filament.View.Dithering dithering)-
public void setPostProcessingEnabled(boolean enablePostProcessing)-
public void setRenderQuality(com.google.android.filament.View.RenderQuality renderQuality)-
public void enablePerformanceMode()-
public EnvironmentalHdrParameters getEnvironmentalHdrParameters()-
public void setEnvironmentalHdrParameters(EnvironmentalHdrParameters environmentalHdrParameters)-
public void onResized(int width, - int height)-
public void setUseHdrLightEstimate(boolean useHdrLightEstimate)-
public float getExposure()-
public static long reclaimReleasedResources()-
public static void destroyAllResources()-
public class ResourceManager
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-addResourceHolder(ResourceHolder resource) |
void |
-Forcibly deletes all tracked references
- |
static ResourceManager |
-getInstance() |
long |
-reclaimReleasedResources() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public long reclaimReleasedResources()-
public void destroyAllResources()-
public void addResourceHolder(ResourceHolder resource)-
public static ResourceManager getInstance()-
public final class SceneformBundle
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static float |
static int |
Constructor and Description | -
SceneformBundle() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static boolean |
-isSceneformBundle(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) |
static CollisionShape |
-readCollisionGeometry(SceneformBundleDef rcb) |
static SceneformBundleDef |
-tryLoadSceneformBundle(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final float RCB_MAJOR_VERSION-
public static final int RCB_MINOR_VERSION-
public static SceneformBundleDef tryLoadSceneformBundle(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) - throws com.google.ar.sceneform.rendering.SceneformBundle.VersionException-
public static CollisionShape readCollisionGeometry(SceneformBundleDef rcb) - throws java.io.IOException-
public static boolean isSceneformBundle(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)-
public final class ShapeFactory
-extends java.lang.Object
s for various shapes.Constructor and Description | -
ShapeFactory() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static ModelRenderable |
-makeCube(Vector3 size,
- Vector3 center,
- Material material)
-Creates a
-ModelRenderable in the shape of a cube with the give specifications. |
static ModelRenderable |
-makeCylinder(float radius,
- float height,
- Vector3 center,
- Material material)
-Creates a
-ModelRenderable in the shape of a cylinder with the give specifications. |
static ModelRenderable |
-makeSphere(float radius,
- Vector3 center,
- Material material)
-Creates a
-ModelRenderable in the shape of a sphere with the give specifications. |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static ModelRenderable makeCube(Vector3 size, - Vector3 center, - Material material)-
in the shape of a cube with the give specifications.size
- the size of the constructed cubecenter
- the center of the constructed cubematerial
- the material to use for rendering the cubepublic static ModelRenderable makeSphere(float radius, - Vector3 center, - Material material)-
in the shape of a sphere with the give specifications.radius
- the radius of the constructed spherecenter
- the center of the constructed spherematerial
- the material to use for rendering the spherepublic static ModelRenderable makeCylinder(float radius, - float height, - Vector3 center, - Material material)-
in the shape of a cylinder with the give specifications.radius
- the radius of the constructed cylinderheight
- the height of the constructed cylindercenter
- the center of the constructed cylindermaterial
- the material to use for rendering the cylinderModifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<Texture> |
-Creates a new
-Texture based on the parameters set previously |
Texture.Builder |
-setData(TextureInternalData textureInternalData)
-Sets internal data of the texture directly.
- |
Texture.Builder |
-setRegistryId(java.lang.Object registryId)
-Allows a
-Texture to be reused. |
Texture.Builder |
-setSampler(Texture.Sampler sampler)
-Sets the
-Texture.Sampler to control rendering parameters on the Texture . |
Texture.Builder |
-setSource(android.graphics.Bitmap bitmap)
-Allows a
-Texture to be constructed from a Bitmap . |
Texture.Builder |
-setSource(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)
-Allows a
-Texture to be constructed via callable function. |
Texture.Builder |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- int resource)
-Allows a
-Texture to be constructed from resource. |
Texture.Builder |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- android.net.Uri sourceUri)
-Allows a
-Texture to be constructed from Uri . |
Texture.Builder |
-setUsage(Texture.Usage usage)
-Mark the
-Texture as a containing color, normal or arbitrary data. |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Texture.Builder setSource(android.content.Context context, - android.net.Uri sourceUri)-
to be constructed from Uri
. Construction will be
- asynchronous.sourceUri
- Sets a remote Uri or android resource Uri. The texture will be added to the
- registry using the Uri A previously registered texture with the same Uri will be re-used.context
- Sets the Context
used to resolve sourceUriTexture.Builder
for chaining setup calls.public Texture.Builder setSource(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)-
to be constructed via callable function.inputStreamCreator
- Supplies an InputStream
with the Texture
for chaining setup calls.public Texture.Builder setSource(android.content.Context context, - int resource)-
to be constructed from resource. Construction will be asynchronous.resource
- an android resource with raw type. A previously registered texture with the
- same resource id will be re-used.context
- Context
used for resolutionTexture.Builder
for chaining setup calls.public Texture.Builder setSource(android.graphics.Bitmap bitmap)-
to be constructed from a Bitmap
. Construction will be
- immediate.
- The Bitmap must meet the following conditions to be used by Sceneform: - -
must be Bitmap.Config#ARGB_8888
- Bitmap.isPremultiplied()
must be true.
- bitmap
- Bitmap
source of texture datajava.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if the bitmap isn't validpublic Texture.Builder setData(TextureInternalData textureInternalData)-
public Texture.Builder setRegistryId(java.lang.Object registryId)-
to be reused. If registryId is non-null it will be saved in a
- registry and the registry will be checked for this id before construction.registryId
- Allows the function to be skipped and a previous texture to be re-used.Texture.Builder
for chaining setup calls.public Texture.Builder setUsage(Texture.Usage usage)-
as a containing color, normal or arbitrary data. Color is the
- default.usage
- Sets the kind of data in Texture
for chaining setup calls.public Texture.Builder setSampler(Texture.Sampler sampler)-
to control rendering parameters on the Texture
- Controls appearance of the Texture
for chaining setup calls.public static class Texture.Sampler.Builder
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Texture.Sampler |
-Construct a Sampler from the properties of the Builder.
- |
Texture.Sampler.Builder |
-setMagFilter(Texture.Sampler.MagFilter magFilter)
-Set the magnification function used whenever the level-of-detail function determines that
- the texture should be magnified.
- |
Texture.Sampler.Builder |
-setMinFilter(Texture.Sampler.MinFilter minFilter)
-Set the minifying function used whenever the level-of-detail function determines that the
- texture should be minified.
- |
Texture.Sampler.Builder |
-setWrapMode(Texture.Sampler.WrapMode wrapMode)
-Set the wrap mode for all texture coordinates.
- |
Texture.Sampler.Builder |
-setWrapModeR(Texture.Sampler.WrapMode wrapMode)
-Set the wrap mode for texture coordinate R.
- |
Texture.Sampler.Builder |
-setWrapModeS(Texture.Sampler.WrapMode wrapMode)
-Set the wrap mode for texture coordinate S.
- |
Texture.Sampler.Builder |
-setWrapModeT(Texture.Sampler.WrapMode wrapMode)
-Set the wrap mode for texture coordinate T.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Texture.Sampler.Builder setMinFilter(Texture.Sampler.MinFilter minFilter)-
public Texture.Sampler.Builder setMagFilter(Texture.Sampler.MagFilter magFilter)-
public Texture.Sampler.Builder setWrapMode(Texture.Sampler.WrapMode wrapMode)-
public Texture.Sampler.Builder setWrapModeS(Texture.Sampler.WrapMode wrapMode)-
public Texture.Sampler.Builder setWrapModeT(Texture.Sampler.WrapMode wrapMode)-
public Texture.Sampler.Builder setWrapModeR(Texture.Sampler.WrapMode wrapMode)-
public Texture.Sampler build()-
public static enum Texture.Sampler.MagFilter -extends java.lang.Enum<Texture.Sampler.MagFilter>-
Enum Constant and Description | -
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Texture.Sampler.MagFilter |
-valueOf(java.lang.String name)
-Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- |
static Texture.Sampler.MagFilter[] |
-Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
-the order they are declared.
- |
clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public static final Texture.Sampler.MagFilter NEAREST-
public static final Texture.Sampler.MagFilter LINEAR-
public static Texture.Sampler.MagFilter[] values()-
-for (Texture.Sampler.MagFilter c : Texture.Sampler.MagFilter.values()) - System.out.println(c); -
public static Texture.Sampler.MagFilter valueOf(java.lang.String name)-
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if this enum type has no constant with the specified namejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if the argument is nullpublic static enum Texture.Sampler.MinFilter -extends java.lang.Enum<Texture.Sampler.MinFilter>-
Enum Constant and Description | -
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Texture.Sampler.MinFilter |
-valueOf(java.lang.String name)
-Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- |
static Texture.Sampler.MinFilter[] |
-Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
-the order they are declared.
- |
clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public static final Texture.Sampler.MinFilter NEAREST-
public static final Texture.Sampler.MinFilter LINEAR-
public static final Texture.Sampler.MinFilter NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST-
public static final Texture.Sampler.MinFilter LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST-
public static final Texture.Sampler.MinFilter NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR-
public static final Texture.Sampler.MinFilter LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR-
public static Texture.Sampler.MinFilter[] values()-
-for (Texture.Sampler.MinFilter c : Texture.Sampler.MinFilter.values()) - System.out.println(c); -
public static Texture.Sampler.MinFilter valueOf(java.lang.String name)-
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if this enum type has no constant with the specified namejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if the argument is nullpublic static enum Texture.Sampler.WrapMode -extends java.lang.Enum<Texture.Sampler.WrapMode>-
Enum Constant and Description | -
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Texture.Sampler.WrapMode |
-valueOf(java.lang.String name)
-Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- |
static Texture.Sampler.WrapMode[] |
-Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
-the order they are declared.
- |
clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public static final Texture.Sampler.WrapMode CLAMP_TO_EDGE-
public static final Texture.Sampler.WrapMode REPEAT-
public static final Texture.Sampler.WrapMode MIRRORED_REPEAT-
public static Texture.Sampler.WrapMode[] values()-
-for (Texture.Sampler.WrapMode c : Texture.Sampler.WrapMode.values()) - System.out.println(c); -
public static Texture.Sampler.WrapMode valueOf(java.lang.String name)-
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if this enum type has no constant with the specified namejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if the argument is nullpublic static class Texture.Sampler
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Builder for constructing Sampler objects.
- |
static class |
-Options for Magnification Filter function.
- |
static class |
-Options for Minification Filter function.
- |
static class |
-Options for Wrap Mode function.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Texture.Sampler.Builder |
-builder() |
Texture.Sampler.MagFilter |
-Get the magnification function used whenever the level-of-detail function determines that the
- texture should be magnified.
- |
Texture.Sampler.MinFilter |
-Get the minifying function used whenever the level-of-detail function determines that the
- texture should be minified.
- |
Texture.Sampler.WrapMode |
-Get the wrap mode for texture coordinate R.
- |
Texture.Sampler.WrapMode |
-Get the wrap mode for texture coordinate S.
- |
Texture.Sampler.WrapMode |
-Get the wrap mode for texture coordinate T.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Texture.Sampler.MinFilter getMinFilter()-
public Texture.Sampler.MagFilter getMagFilter()-
public Texture.Sampler.WrapMode getWrapModeS()-
public Texture.Sampler.WrapMode getWrapModeT()-
public Texture.Sampler.WrapMode getWrapModeR()-
public static Texture.Sampler.Builder builder()-
public static enum Texture.Usage -extends java.lang.Enum<Texture.Usage>-
Enum Constant and Description | -
-Texture contains a color map
- |
-Texture contains arbitrary data
- |
-Texture contains a normal map
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Texture.Usage |
-valueOf(java.lang.String name)
-Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- |
static Texture.Usage[] |
-Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
-the order they are declared.
- |
clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public static final Texture.Usage COLOR-
public static final Texture.Usage NORMAL-
public static final Texture.Usage DATA-
public static Texture.Usage[] values()-
-for (Texture.Usage c : Texture.Usage.values()) - System.out.println(c); -
public static Texture.Usage valueOf(java.lang.String name)-
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if this enum type has no constant with the specified namejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if the argument is nullpublic class Texture
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Factory class for
-Texture |
static class |
-Controls what settings are used to sample Textures when rendering.
- |
static class |
-Type of Texture usage.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Texture.Builder |
-Constructs a default texture, if nothing else is set
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static Texture.Builder builder()-
public class TextureInternalData -extends SharedReference- -
Constructor and Description | -
TextureInternalData(com.google.android.filament.Texture filamentTexture,
- Texture.Sampler sampler) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
protected void |
-onDispose() |
release, retain
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public TextureInternalData(com.google.android.filament.Texture filamentTexture, - Texture.Sampler sampler)-
protected void onDispose()-
in class SharedReference
public class ThreadPools
-extends java.lang.Object
s to be usedModifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.util.concurrent.Executor |
-Executor for anything that that touches Renderer state |
static java.util.concurrent.Executor |
-Default background
-Executor for async operations including file reading. |
static void |
-setMainExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor) |
static void |
-setThreadPoolExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)
-Sets the default background
-Executor . |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static java.util.concurrent.Executor getMainExecutor()-
for anything that that touches Renderer
statepublic static void setMainExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)-
- provides access to the main thread.public static java.util.concurrent.Executor getThreadPoolExecutor()-
for async operations including file reading.public static void setThreadPoolExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)-
- Tasks may be long running. This should not include the main thread
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Vertex |
-build() |
Vertex.Builder |
-setColor(Color color) |
Vertex.Builder |
-setNormal(Vector3 normal) |
Vertex.Builder |
-setPosition(Vector3 position) |
Vertex.Builder |
-setUvCoordinate(Vertex.UvCoordinate uvCoordinate) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Vertex.Builder setPosition(Vector3 position)-
public Vertex.Builder setNormal(Vector3 normal)-
public Vertex.Builder setUvCoordinate(Vertex.UvCoordinate uvCoordinate)-
public Vertex.Builder setColor(Color color)-
public Vertex build()-
public static final class Vertex.UvCoordinate
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
float |
-x |
float |
-y |
Constructor and Description | -
UvCoordinate(float x,
- float y) |
public class Vertex
-extends java.lang.Object
. Used for constructing renderables
- dynamically.ModelRenderable.Builder
Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Factory class for
-Vertex . |
static class |
-Represents a texture Coordinate for a Vertex.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static Vertex.Builder |
-builder() |
Color |
-getColor() |
Vector3 |
-getNormal() |
Vector3 |
-getPosition() |
Vertex.UvCoordinate |
-getUvCoordinate() |
void |
-setColor(Color color) |
void |
-setNormal(Vector3 normal) |
void |
-setPosition(Vector3 position) |
void |
-setUvCoordinate(Vertex.UvCoordinate uvCoordinate) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void setPosition(Vector3 position)-
public Vector3 getPosition()-
public void setNormal(Vector3 normal)-
public Vector3 getNormal()-
public void setUvCoordinate(Vertex.UvCoordinate uvCoordinate)-
public Vertex.UvCoordinate getUvCoordinate()-
public void setColor(Color color)-
public Color getColor()-
public static Vertex.Builder builder()-
public static final class ViewRenderable.Builder
-extends java.lang.Object
Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
protected android.content.Context |
-context |
protected java.lang.Object |
-registryId |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<ViewRenderable> |
-Constructs a
-Renderable with the parameters of the builder. |
protected void |
-checkPreconditions() |
protected java.lang.Class<ViewRenderable> |
-getRenderableClass() |
protected ResourceRegistry<ViewRenderable> |
-getRenderableRegistry() |
protected ViewRenderable.Builder |
-getSelf() |
java.lang.Boolean |
-True if a source function will be called during build
- |
protected ViewRenderable |
-makeRenderable() |
B |
-setAnimationFrameRate(int frameRate)
-Sets the number of frames per seconds defined in the asset.
- |
ViewRenderable.Builder |
-setHorizontalAlignment(ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment)
-Sets the
-ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment that controls where the ViewRenderable is
- positioned relative to the Node it is attached to along the
- x-axis. |
B |
-setIsFilamentGltf(boolean isFilamentGltf) |
B |
-setRegistryId(java.lang.Object registryId) |
ViewRenderable.Builder |
-setSizer(ViewSizer viewSizer)
- |
B |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator) |
B |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- int resource) |
B |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- android.net.Uri sourceUri) |
B |
-setSource(android.content.Context context,
- android.net.Uri sourceUri,
- boolean enableCaching) |
B |
-setSource(RenderableDefinition definition)
-Build a
-Renderable from a RenderableDefinition . |
ViewRenderable.Builder |
-setVerticalAlignment(ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment)
-Sets the
-ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment that controls where the ViewRenderable is
- positioned relative to the Node it is attached to along the
- y-axis. |
ViewRenderable.Builder |
-setView(android.content.Context context,
- int resourceId) |
ViewRenderable.Builder |
-setView(android.content.Context context,
- android.view.View view) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
protected java.lang.Object registryId-
protected android.content.Context context-
public ViewRenderable.Builder setView(android.content.Context context, - android.view.View view)-
public ViewRenderable.Builder setView(android.content.Context context, - int resourceId)-
public ViewRenderable.Builder setSizer(ViewSizer viewSizer)- -
public ViewRenderable.Builder setHorizontalAlignment(ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment)-
that controls where the ViewRenderable
- positioned relative to the Node
it is attached to along the
- x-axis. The default is ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER
.public ViewRenderable.Builder setVerticalAlignment(ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment)-
that controls where the ViewRenderable
- positioned relative to the Node
it is attached to along the
- y-axis. The default is ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM
.public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<ViewRenderable> build()-
with the parameters of the builder.Renderable
protected ViewRenderable makeRenderable()-
protected java.lang.Class<ViewRenderable> getRenderableClass()-
protected ResourceRegistry<ViewRenderable> getRenderableRegistry()-
protected ViewRenderable.Builder getSelf()-
protected void checkPreconditions()-
public B setSource(android.content.Context context, - java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)-
public B setSource(android.content.Context context, - android.net.Uri sourceUri)-
public B setSource(android.content.Context context, - android.net.Uri sourceUri, - boolean enableCaching)-
public B setSource(android.content.Context context, - int resource)-
public B setSource(RenderableDefinition definition)-
from a RenderableDefinition
.public B setRegistryId(java.lang.Object registryId)-
public B setIsFilamentGltf(boolean isFilamentGltf)-
public B setAnimationFrameRate(int frameRate)-
- The number of frames during one secondpublic java.lang.Boolean hasSource()-
public static enum ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment -extends java.lang.Enum<ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment>-
relative to the Node
it is attached to. The default value is CENTER.Enum Constant and Description | -
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment |
-valueOf(java.lang.String name)
-Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- |
static ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment[] |
-Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
-the order they are declared.
- |
clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public static final ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment LEFT-
public static final ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment CENTER-
public static final ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment RIGHT-
public static ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment[] values()-
-for (ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment c : ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment.values()) - System.out.println(c); -
public static ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment valueOf(java.lang.String name)-
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if this enum type has no constant with the specified namejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if the argument is nullpublic static enum ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment -extends java.lang.Enum<ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment>-
relative to the Node
it is attached to. The default value is BOTTOM.Enum Constant and Description | -
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment |
-valueOf(java.lang.String name)
-Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- |
static ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment[] |
-Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
-the order they are declared.
- |
clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
public static final ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment BOTTOM-
public static final ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment CENTER-
public static final ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment TOP-
public static ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment[] values()-
-for (ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment c : ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment.values()) - System.out.println(c); -
public static ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment valueOf(java.lang.String name)-
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if this enum type has no constant with the specified namejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if the argument is nullpublic class ViewRenderable -extends Renderable-
- with Node.setRenderable(Renderable)
. By default, the size of the
- view is 1 meter in the Scene
per 250dp in the layout. Use a
- ViewSizer
to control how the size of the view in the Scene
is calculated.
- future = ViewRenderable.builder().setView(context, R.layout.view).build();
- viewRenderable = future.thenAccept(...);
Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Factory class for
-ViewRenderable |
static class |
-Controls the horizontal alignment of the
-ViewRenderable relative to the Node it is attached to. |
static class |
-Controls the vertical alignment of the
-ViewRenderable relative to the Node it is attached to. |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static ViewRenderable.Builder |
-Constructs a
-ViewRenderable |
protected void |
-finalize() |
Matrix |
-getFinalModelMatrix(Matrix originalMatrix)
-Takes the model matrix from the
-TransformProvider for rendering this Node and scales it to size it appropriately based on the meters to
- pixel ratio for the view. |
ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment |
-Gets the
-ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment that controls where the ViewRenderable is
- positioned relative to the Node it is attached to along the
- x-axis. |
ViewSizer |
- |
ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment |
-Gets the
-ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment that controls where the ViewRenderable is positioned
- relative to the Node it is attached to along the y-axis. |
android.view.View |
-The 2D Android
-View that is rendered by this ViewRenderable . |
ViewRenderable |
-Creates a new instance of this ViewRenderable.
- |
void |
-setHorizontalAlignment(ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment)
-Sets the
-ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment that controls where the ViewRenderable is
- positioned relative to the Node it is attached to along the
- x-axis. |
void |
-setSizer(ViewSizer viewSizer)
- |
void |
-setVerticalAlignment(ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment)
-Sets the
-ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment that controls where the ViewRenderable is positioned
- relative to the Node it is attached to along the y-axis. |
createInstance, getAnimationFrameRate, getCollisionShape, getId, getMaterial, getMaterial, getRenderPriority, getSubmeshCount, getSubmeshName, isShadowCaster, isShadowReceiver, setCollisionShape, setMaterial, setMaterial, setRenderPriority, setShadowCaster, setShadowReceiver, updateFromDefinition
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public android.view.View getView()-
that is rendered by this ViewRenderable
.public ViewRenderable makeCopy()-
The new renderable will have unique copy of all mutable state. All materials referenced by - the ViewRenderable will also be instanced. Immutable data will be shared between the instances. - The new ViewRenderable will reference the same getFilamentEngine View as the original - ViewRenderable.
in class Renderable
public ViewSizer getSizer()- -
public void setSizer(ViewSizer viewSizer)- -
public ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment()-
that controls where the ViewRenderable
- positioned relative to the Node
it is attached to along the
- x-axis. The default is ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER
.public void setHorizontalAlignment(ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment)-
that controls where the ViewRenderable
- positioned relative to the Node
it is attached to along the
- x-axis. The default is ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER
.public ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment getVerticalAlignment()-
that controls where the ViewRenderable
is positioned
- relative to the Node
it is attached to along the y-axis. The
- default is ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM
.public void setVerticalAlignment(ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment)-
that controls where the ViewRenderable
is positioned
- relative to the Node
it is attached to along the y-axis. The
- default is ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM
.public Matrix getFinalModelMatrix(Matrix originalMatrix)-
for rendering this Node
and scales it to size it appropriately based on the meters to
- pixel ratio for the view.getFinalModelMatrix
in class Renderable
- protected void finalize() - throws java.lang.Throwable-
in class java.lang.Object
public static ViewRenderable.Builder builder()-
public interface ViewSizer
in the Scene
. The final size that the view is displayed at will be the size
- from this ViewSizer
scaled by the Node.getWorldScale()
- the Node
that the ViewRenderable
is attached to.Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
Vector3 |
-getSize(android.view.View view)
-Calculates the desired size of the view in the
-Scene . |
Vector3 getSize(android.view.View view)-
. Vector3.x
represents the width, and Vector3.y
represents the height.view
- the view to calculate the size ofScene
Interface | -Description | -
CameraProvider | -
- Required interface for a virtual camera.
- |
IEngine | -
- Engine interface to support multiple flavors of the getFilamentEngine filament engine.
- |
LoadGltfListener | -
- Interface callbacks for events that occur when loading a gltf file into a renderable.
- |
RenderableInstance.SkinningModifier | -
- Interface for modifying the bone transforms for this specific RenderableInstance.
- |
Renderer.PreRenderCallback | -- |
ViewSizer | -
- Interface for controlling the size of a
-ViewRenderable in the Scene . |
Class | -Description | -
CameraStream | -
- Displays the Camera stream using Filament.
- |
CleanupRegistry<T> | -
- Maintains a
-ReferenceQueue and executes a Runnable after each object in the queue
- is garbage collected. |
Color | -
- An RGBA color.
- |
DpToMetersViewSizer | -
- Controls the size of a
-ViewRenderable in a Scene by
- defining how many dp (density-independent pixels) there are per meter. |
EngineInstance | -
- Store a single Filament Engine instance.
- |
EnvironmentalHdrLightEstimate | -
- Serialization structure for saving light estimate state for offline use, e.g. in tests.
- |
ExternalTexture | -
- Creates an Android
-SurfaceTexture and Surface that can be displayed by Sceneform. |
FilamentEngineWrapper | -
- Wraps calls to Filament engine.
- |
FixedHeightViewSizer | -
- Controls the size of a
-ViewRenderable in a Scene by
- defining how tall it should be in meters. |
FixedWidthViewSizer | -
- Controls the size of a
-ViewRenderable in a Scene by
- defining how wide it should be in meters. |
GLHelper | -
- Convenience class to perform common GL operations
- |
HeadlessEngineWrapper | -
- Interface for the swiftshader backed version of the Filament engine.
- |
Light | -
- Light property store.
- |
Light.Builder | -
- Factory class for
-Light |
LightInstance | -
- Wraps a Filament Light.
- |
LightProbe | -
- Loads "light probe" data needed for Image Based Lighting.
- |
LightProbe.Builder | -
- Factory class for
-LightProbe |
LoadRenderableFromFilamentGltfTask<T extends Renderable> | -
- Task for initializing a renderable with glTF data loaded with gltfio.
- |
LullModel | -
- Helper functions for loading and processing lull models.
- |
Material | -
- Represents a reference to a material.
- |
Material.Builder | -
- Builder for constructing a
-Material |
MaterialFactory | -
- Utility class used to construct default
-Material s. |
MaterialInternalDataGltfImpl | -- |
ModelRenderable | -
- Renders a 3D Model by attaching it to a
-Node with Node.setRenderable(Renderable) . |
ModelRenderable.Builder | -
- Factory class for
-ModelRenderable . |
PlaneRenderer | -
- Control rendering of ARCore planes.
- |
Renderable | -
- Base class for rendering in 3D space by attaching to a
-Node with
- Node.setRenderable(Renderable) . |
RenderableDefinition | -
- Represents the visual information of a
-Renderable . |
RenderableDefinition.Builder | -
- Factory class for
-RenderableDefinition . |
RenderableDefinition.Submesh | -
- Represents a Submesh for a RenderableDefinition.
- |
RenderableDefinition.Submesh.Builder | -
- Factory class for
-RenderableDefinition.Submesh . |
RenderableInstance | -
- Controls how a
-Renderable is displayed. |
RenderableInternalFilamentAssetData | -
- Represents the data used by a
-Renderable for rendering natively loaded glTF data. |
Renderer | -
- A rendering context.
- |
ResourceManager | -
- Minimal resource manager.
- |
SceneformBundle | -
- Helper functions for loading and processing rendercore bundles.
- |
ShapeFactory | -
- Utility class used to dynamically construct
-ModelRenderable s for various shapes. |
Texture | -
- Represents a reference to a texture.
- |
Texture.Builder | -
- Factory class for
-Texture |
Texture.Sampler | -
- Controls what settings are used to sample Textures when rendering.
- |
Texture.Sampler.Builder | -
- Builder for constructing Sampler objects.
- |
TextureInternalData | -
- Represents shared data used by
-Texture s for rendering. |
ThreadPools | -
- Provides access to default
-Executor s to be used |
Vertex | -
- Represents a Vertex for a
-RenderableDefinition . |
Vertex.Builder | -
- Factory class for
-Vertex . |
Vertex.UvCoordinate | -
- Represents a texture Coordinate for a Vertex.
- |
ViewRenderable | -
- Renders a 2D Android view in 3D space by attaching it to a
- with Node.setRenderable(Renderable) . |
ViewRenderable.Builder | -
- Factory class for
-ViewRenderable |
Enum | -Description | -
Light.Type | -
- Type of Light Source
- |
LoadGltfListener.GltfLoadStage | -
- Defines the current stage of the load operation, each value supersedes the previous.
- |
Texture.Sampler.MagFilter | -
- Options for Magnification Filter function.
- |
Texture.Sampler.MinFilter | -
- Options for Minification Filter function.
- |
Texture.Sampler.WrapMode | -
- Options for Wrap Mode function.
- |
Texture.Usage | -
- Type of Texture usage.
- |
ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment | -
- Controls the horizontal alignment of the
-ViewRenderable relative to the Node it is attached to. |
ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment | -
- Controls the vertical alignment of the
-ViewRenderable relative to the Node it is attached to. |
Interface | -Description | -
ResourceHolder | -
- Pool or cachce for resources
- |
Class | -Description | -
ResourceRegistry<T> | -
- ResourceRegistry keeps track of resources that have been loaded and are in the process of being
- loaded.
- |
SharedReference | -
- Used for managing memory of shared object using reference counting.
- |
public class ArCoreVersion
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static int |
Constructor and Description | -
ArCoreVersion() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static int |
-getMinArCoreVersionCode(android.content.Context context) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int VERSION_CODE_1_3-
public class EnvironmentalHdrParameters
-extends java.lang.Object
-A conversion is required to convert between Environmental Hdr units and an intensity value - Filament can use.
Modifier and Type | -Class and Description | -
static class |
-Builds ViewerConfig, a collection of runtime config options for the viewer.
- |
Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static float |
static float |
static float |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static EnvironmentalHdrParameters.Builder |
-Constructs a builder, all required fields must be specified.
- |
float |
-A scale factor bridging Environmental Hdr's ambient sh to Filament's ambient sh values.
- |
float |
-Environmental Hdr provides a relative intensity, a number above zero and often below 8.
- |
float |
-A scale factor bridging Environmental Hdr's relative intensity to a lux based intensity for
- reflections only.
- |
static EnvironmentalHdrParameters |
-makeDefault() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final float DEFAULT_AMBIENT_SH_SCALE_FOR_FILAMENT-
public static EnvironmentalHdrParameters.Builder builder()-
public static EnvironmentalHdrParameters makeDefault()-
public float getAmbientShScaleForFilament()-
This number has been hand tuned by comparing lighting to reference app - /third_party/arcore/unity/apps/whitebox
public float getDirectIntensityForFilament()-
public float getReflectionScaleForFilament()-
public class LoadHelper
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Field and Description | -
static int |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static int |
-drawableResourceNameToIdentifier(android.content.Context context,
- java.lang.String name)
-Return the integer resource id for the specified resource name.
- |
static void |
-enableCaching(android.content.Context context)
-Enables HTTP caching with default settings, remote Uri requests responses are cached to
- cacheBaseDir/cacheFolderName
- |
static void |
-enableCaching(long cacheByteSize,
- java.io.File cacheBaseDir,
- java.lang.String cacheFolderName)
-Enables HTTP caching, remote Uri requests responses are cached to cacheBaseDir/cacheFolderName
- |
static void |
-flushHttpCache() |
static java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> |
-fromResource(android.content.Context context,
- int resId)
-Creates an InputStream from an Android resource ID.
- |
static java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> |
-fromUri(android.content.Context context,
- android.net.Uri sourceUri)
-Creates different InputStreams depending on the contents of the Uri
- |
static java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> |
-fromUri(android.content.Context context,
- android.net.Uri sourceUri,
- java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> requestProperty)
-Creates different InputStreams depending on the contents of the Uri.
- |
static java.lang.String |
-getLastPathSegment(android.net.Uri uri) |
static java.lang.Boolean |
-isAndroidResource(android.net.Uri sourceUri)
-True if the Uri is an Android resource, false if any other uri.
- |
static boolean |
-isDataUri(android.net.Uri uri) |
static java.lang.Boolean |
-isFileAsset(android.net.Uri sourceUri)
-True if the Uri is a filename, false if it is a remote location.
- |
static boolean |
-isGltfDataUri(android.net.Uri uri) |
static int |
-rawResourceNameToIdentifier(android.content.Context context,
- java.lang.String name)
-Return the integer resource id for the specified resource name.
- |
static android.net.Uri |
-resolveUri(android.net.Uri unresolvedUri,
- android.net.Uri parentUri)
-Normalizes Uri's based on a reference Uri.
- |
static android.net.Uri |
-resourceToUri(android.content.Context context,
- int resID)
-Generates a Uri from an Android resource.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final int INVALID_RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER-
public static java.lang.Boolean isAndroidResource(android.net.Uri sourceUri)-
public static java.lang.Boolean isFileAsset(android.net.Uri sourceUri)-
public static android.net.Uri resolveUri(android.net.Uri unresolvedUri, - android.net.Uri parentUri)-
public static java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> fromResource(android.content.Context context, - int resId)-
- for resources that can't be loaded.public static java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> fromUri(android.content.Context context, - android.net.Uri sourceUri)-
- for Uri's that can't be loaded.public static java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> fromUri(android.content.Context context, - android.net.Uri sourceUri, - java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> requestProperty)-
- Adds connection properties to created input stream.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- for Uri's that can't be loaded.public static android.net.Uri resourceToUri(android.content.Context context, - int resID)-
public static int rawResourceNameToIdentifier(android.content.Context context, - java.lang.String name)-
public static int drawableResourceNameToIdentifier(android.content.Context context, - java.lang.String name)-
public static void enableCaching(android.content.Context context)-
public static void enableCaching(long cacheByteSize, - java.io.File cacheBaseDir, - java.lang.String cacheFolderName)-
public static void flushHttpCache()-
public static boolean isDataUri(android.net.Uri uri)-
public static boolean isGltfDataUri(android.net.Uri uri)-
public static java.lang.String getLastPathSegment(android.net.Uri uri)-
public class MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker
-extends java.lang.Object
that represents the number of milliseconds that elapse
- within the execution of a block of code.Constructor and Description | -
MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker() |
MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker(double weight) |
MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker(com.google.ar.sceneform.utilities.MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker.Clock clock) |
MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker(com.google.ar.sceneform.utilities.MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker.Clock clock,
- double weight) |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
void |
-Call at the point in execution when the tracker should start measuring elapsed milliseconds.
- |
void |
-Call at the point in execution when the tracker should stop measuring elapsed milliseconds and
- post a new sample.
- |
double |
-getAverage() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker()-
public MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker(double weight)-
public MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker(com.google.ar.sceneform.utilities.MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker.Clock clock)-
public MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker(com.google.ar.sceneform.utilities.MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker.Clock clock, - double weight)-
public void beginSample()-
public void endSample()-
public double getAverage()-
public class Preconditions
-extends java.lang.Object
-Constructor and Description | -
Preconditions() |
Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static void |
-checkElementIndex(int index,
- int size)
-Ensures that
-index specifies a valid element in an array, list or string of size
- size . |
static void |
-checkElementIndex(int index,
- int size,
- java.lang.String desc)
-Ensures that
-index specifies a valid element in an array, list or string of size
- size . |
static <T> T |
-checkNotNull(T reference)
-Ensures that an object reference passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null.
- |
static <T> T |
-checkNotNull(T reference,
- java.lang.Object errorMessage)
-Ensures that an object reference passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null.
- |
static void |
-checkState(boolean expression)
-Ensures the truth of an expression involving the state of the calling instance, but not
- involving any parameters to the calling method.
- |
static void |
-checkState(boolean expression,
- java.lang.Object errorMessage)
-Ensures the truth of an expression involving the state of the calling instance, but not
- involving any parameters to the calling method.
- |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static <T> T checkNotNull(T reference)-
- an object referencejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if reference
is nullpublic static <T> T checkNotNull(T reference, - java.lang.Object errorMessage)-
- an object referenceerrorMessage
- the exception message to use if the check fails; will be converted to a
- string using String.valueOf(Object)
- if reference
is nullpublic static void checkElementIndex(int index, - int size)-
specifies a valid element in an array, list or string of size
- size
. An element index may range from zero, inclusive, to size
, exclusive.index
- a user-supplied index identifying an element of an array, list or stringsize
- the size of that array, list or stringjava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- if index
is negative or is not less than size
- if size
is negativepublic static void checkElementIndex(int index, - int size, - java.lang.String desc)-
specifies a valid element in an array, list or string of size
- size
. An element index may range from zero, inclusive, to size
, exclusive.index
- a user-supplied index identifying an element of an array, list or stringsize
- the size of that array, list or stringdesc
- the text to use to describe this index in an error messagejava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- if index
is negative or is not less than size
- if size
is negativepublic static void checkState(boolean expression)-
- a boolean expressionjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- if expression
is falsepublic static void checkState(boolean expression, - java.lang.Object errorMessage)-
- a boolean expressionerrorMessage
- the exception message to use if the check fails; will be converted to a
- string using String.valueOf(Object)
- if expression
is falsepublic final class SceneformBufferUtils
-extends java.lang.Object
-Modifier and Type | -Method and Description | -
static java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-copyByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer in) |
static byte[] |
-copyByteBufferToArray(java.nio.ByteBuffer in) |
static byte[] |
-inputStreamCallableToByteArray(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator) |
static byte[] |
-inputStreamToByteArray(java.io.InputStream input) |
static java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-inputStreamToByteBuffer(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator) |
static java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-readFile(android.content.res.AssetManager assets,
- java.lang.String path) |
static java.nio.ByteBuffer |
-readStream(java.io.InputStream inputStream) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static java.nio.ByteBuffer readFile(android.content.res.AssetManager assets, - java.lang.String path)-
public static java.nio.ByteBuffer readStream(java.io.InputStream inputStream)-
public static byte[] copyByteBufferToArray(java.nio.ByteBuffer in) - throws java.io.IOException-
public static java.nio.ByteBuffer copyByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer in) - throws java.io.IOException-
public static java.nio.ByteBuffer inputStreamToByteBuffer(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator)-
public static byte[] inputStreamCallableToByteArray(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.io.InputStream> inputStreamCreator) - throws java.lang.Exception-
public static byte[] inputStreamToByteArray(java.io.InputStream input) - throws java.io.IOException-
Class | -Description | -
AndroidPreconditions | -
- Helper class for common android specific preconditions used inside of RenderCore.
- |
ArCoreVersion | -
- Utilities for detecting and handling the version of Ar Core.
- |
ChangeId | -
- Used to identify when the state of an object has changed by incrementing an integer id.
- |
EnvironmentalHdrParameters | -
- Provides scaling factors from Environmental Hdr to Filament.
- |
EnvironmentalHdrParameters.Builder | -
- Builds ViewerConfig, a collection of runtime config options for the viewer.
- |
LoadHelper | -
- Convenience class to parse Uri's.
- |
MovingAverage | -
- Calculates an exponentially weighted moving average for a series of data.
- |
MovingAverageMillisecondsTracker | -
- Used to track a
-MovingAverage that represents the number of milliseconds that elapse
- within the execution of a block of code. |
Preconditions | -
- Static convenience methods that help a method or constructor check whether it was invoked
- correctly.
- |
SceneformBufferUtils | -
- A simple class to read InputStreams Once the data is read it can be accessed as a ByteBuffer.
- |
TimeAccumulator | -
- Sums time samples together.
- |
public class ArFragment +extends BaseArFragment+
Modifier and Type | +Class and Description | +
static interface |
+ArFragment.OnTapModelListener |
BaseArFragment.OnSessionInitializationListener, BaseArFragment.OnTapArPlaneListener
Constructor and Description | +
ArFragment() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
java.lang.String[] |
+Returns an array of dangerous permissions that are required by the app in addition to
+ Manifest.permission.CAMERA, which is needed by ARCore.
+ |
protected Config |
+getSessionConfiguration(Session session) |
protected java.util.Set<Session.Feature> |
+Specifies additional features for creating an ARCore
+com.google.ar.core.Session . |
protected void |
+handleSessionException(UnavailableException sessionException) |
boolean |
+Returns true if this application is AR Required, false if AR Optional.
+ |
void |
+setOnTapPlaneGlbModel(java.lang.String glbSource,
+ ArFragment.OnTapModelListener listener)
+Loads a monolithic binary glTF and add it to the fragment when the user tap on a detected
+ plane surface.
+ |
createSessionWithFeatures, getArSceneView, getCanRequestDangerousPermissions, getPlaneDiscoveryController, getTransformationSystem, initializeSession, makeTransformationSystem, onCreateView, onDestroy, onDestroyView, onPause, onPeekTouch, onRequestPermissionsResult, onResume, onUpdate, onWindowFocusChanged, requestDangerousPermissions, requestInstall, setCanRequestDangerousPermissions, setOnSessionInitializationListener, setOnTapArPlaneListener, setupSelectionRenderable
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public boolean isArRequired()+
in class BaseArFragment
public java.lang.String[] getAdditionalPermissions()+
in class BaseArFragment
protected void handleSessionException(UnavailableException sessionException)+
in class BaseArFragment
protected Config getSessionConfiguration(Session session)+
in class BaseArFragment
protected java.util.Set<Session.Feature> getSessionFeatures()+
. See
+ com.google.ar.core.Session.Feature
in class BaseArFragment
public void setOnTapPlaneGlbModel(java.lang.String glbSource, + ArFragment.OnTapModelListener listener)+
+ Plays the animations automatically if the model has one. +
- Glb file source location can be come from the asset folder ("model.glb")
+ or an http source ("http://domain.com/model.glb")