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CoVPN Guide to working with the repository

This set of instructions describes a suggested workflow and best practices for working smoothly across the CoVPN Correlates Report GitHub repository. The goal is to ensure that we all follow the same process when merging new code into the master branch intended for use by collaborators (including our future selves). Ultimately, the aim is to make sure that our code works across as many instances and compute setups as possible; thus, for all contributed code, the original programmer is responsible for resolving merge conflicts prior to requesting code review from other members.

Git, GitHub, Branching, Pull Requests


Git is a powerful collaborative tool: its major strength is that multiple people can work across the same source repository at the same time, with the ability to seamlessly combine their work. This is done through several steps: branching, committing changes, and generating pull requests.

Branching is the process of creating a distinct line of work (i.e., a sequence of commits) in a local copy of the repository. Your work on a branch does not impact the state of the master branch. This has the advantage of allowing you to develop and test new code, without any disruptions to the stable version of the code stored on the shared master branch. This way, the programmer is able to make as many changes as desired, then commit and push the updated code to make it available to other programmers; however, the new code will not impact the master branch until it is manually requested to be added in a pull request.

Pull Requests

A pull request (PR) is a feature specific to GitHub that allows a programmer to request that changes in a given branch be pulled into the master branch (or any other target branch). Upon opening a new PR, a few things can happen. First, GitHub will check that there are no conflicts with the master branch (see later), automatically flagging any cases of such conflicts. Next, an opportunity to request a review is made available. In a review of a PR, the programmer is able to tag others to check their programming logic, a chance to ensure that the underlying logic is clear and that the code included in the PR runs on more than the machine on which it was written. The interface GitHub provides is very nice: reviewer can point to specific areas in the code with questions and comments, or even suggest changes to individual lines of code. As you work, make sure you've created a new branch, commit often with clear commit messages, and generate a PR once the code is ready to be reviewed and merged.


An important downside of branching and pulling branches into master is that two programmers can unwittingly work on the same file across multiple branches. Should a PR updating a particular file (or files) also changed on your branch be approved and merged into master before the merging of your PR, Git will be unsure of which version of the updated file ought to be used. This results in a merge conflict: Git cannot be sure whether to accept your changes or those made by another programmer (on a different branch). This can happen for many reasons. The best method for avoiding such issues is simply for each programmer to make changes only to those files that they need to edit and that such changes be explicit and contained.

If, despite your best efforts, a merge conflict does occur when making a PR, the conflict(s) will need to be evaluated and resolved manually prior to merging the PR into the master branch. Merge conflicts should be resolved by the original programmer, as they are most familiar with the code being contributed in the PR in question. Once all changes to be included in your PR have been committed on your branch, checkout the master branch (i.e., git checkout master) and pull any/all changes from the remote (i.e., git pull REMOTE master). Now, switch back to your branch (git checkout MYBRANCH) and attempt to merge in the up-to-date master branch (i.e., git merge master). If there are any conflicts, a warning message will appear in the command line, indicating the presence of merge conflicts requiring manual resolution. Use git status to identify the files with the conflicts, or if you are using RStudio, look at the Git pane (orange boxes with a "U" in them will appear before the file name).

For each of the files identified to have a merge conflict, read through the code -- the differences should be highlighted. Sometimes, these will be large chunks of code, other times just single lines. Differences start with <<<<<<< BRANCH NAME, followed by all code from your branch, and then then several equal signs (=======) followed by the code from the master branch, which itself ends with >>>>>>> master. Select which version of the code, or blend of them, to keep and delete the remainder of the code. There may be multiple conflicts in a file, so make sure that all are found and resolved. After correcting each conflict across all affected files, ensure the code still runs as intended. Commit the edits, push, and voila...the PR should no longer indicate any merge conflicts.

Rules for pull requests

Please adhere to the following rules before submitting a pull request.

  • As noted above, do not submit a PR that has merge conflicts.
  • Do not add compiled graphics and PDFs to your pull requests (with the possible exception of verification documentation). Pull requests should only be code. If you need to store compiled files locally, add them to .gitignore.
  • Update the Makefile to include relevant documentation for how to execute the code and dependencies between scripts.
  • Include a rule all at the top of the Makefile that compiles all of the output that is needed to build the report for your subdirectory.
  • Include a rule clean that removes all compiled graphs and data sets from your subdirectory.
  • Confirm that after executing your make clean command (to remove any compiled results from your local directory), your make all command executes on your system.


Git has an interesting approach to tracking how folder structures behave: it does not look at the directory structure of the repository but instead tracks files and their paths. This means that folders that do not contain files are not added to git for tracking; therefore, such files will not be added or shared to the remote repository. To get around this, add a simple empty file .gitkeep to the folder. Now, git has a file to track and will add the folder to version control.

This is important because if your code expects a folder to exist and does not check first if it needs to create it, the code will stop running. Since the goal of this project is to run seamlessly, adding the .gitkeep file will make this possible with minimal effort.

.gitkeep can be created a few different ways. Through the command line, use touch /path/to/folder/.gitkeep; or through R, use file.create("/path/to/folder/.gitkeep").

Git Resources

Here are a few useful notes and readings that may be useful in remedying any problems that may arise when working with git. These range the spectrum from applied to fairly technical:

Some basic commands:

To clone the repo,

git clone https://[email protected]/CoVPN/correlates_reporting.git

Tracking the Package Environment

In an effort to promote computational reporoducibility, we are making an effort to all use the same version of R and R packages, using {renv}. When opening the project in R, {renv}'s tracking system should start automatically and highlight steps to follow. Things to note include

  • Make sure that all R packages being used are the version specified in the {renv} lockfile (renv.lock), ensuring consistency across all programmers' work by calling renv::restore(). Do this every time you manually start working, frequently updating from the master branch to ensure that the lockfile is itself up-to-date.
  • To add a new package, there are a few steps. First, ensure there are no differences in your installed packages and the ones specified in the lockfile by calling renv::restore(). This will enforce the correct versions. Next, install any package(s) as usual (e.g., install.packages() or remotes::install_github()) and integrate use of the package into your code as necessary. Finally, call renv::snapshot(). This will record use of the new package(s) into the package library, adding to the lockfile.

Also take note of the {renv} collaboration guide.

Configuring the analysis

To accommodate code developed to span multiple analyses (e.g., for Moderna and for Janssen), we make use of the [config] ( package. The file config.yml in the base repository directory contains specifications pertaining to each analysis. This includes specifications for the mock and real Moderna data analysis, as well as several specifications for Janssen's pooled and region-specific analyses. More configurations may be added in the future.

To load an analysis configuration, all the user must do is set an environment variable in a shell session. This can be achieved via the command line as follows.

export TRIAL=moderna_mock
setenv TRIAL moderna_mock

On Windows, replace export with set in command line prompt. This can also be achieved in an interactive R session as follows.

Sys.setenv(TRIAL = "moderna_mock")

Note that if the TRIAL variable has not been set, the data processing script will fail. Users should get in the habit of setting this variable before executing any R code. Once TRIAL has been set, configurations can be loaded into an R session using config::get(config = Sys.getenv("TRIAL")). However, in general a user will not need to explicitly call config::get() in their code, so long as _common.R is source'd into the code.

Examining _common.R, we see that config::get is called in that script and arguments in the config list are read into the global environment of that R session (so users do not need to refer to e.g., config$study_name and instead can simply write study_name).

Automated Testing and Continuous Integration

In order to facilitate reproducible reporting, this project makes use of automated testing and checking via the continuous integration service Travis-CI. For any contributed or changed code, the Travis-CI service will automatically attempt to build the reports corresponding to each of the statistical analyses outline in the statistical analysis plan. This automatic check serves to ensure that all dependencies and analyses, as well as the reports themselves, can be executed/generated from a bare machine instance (Linux Ubuntu, by default). Any contributed code that fails to pass these checks will be deemed unsuitable for merging into the project; thus, it is imperative that contributors not only verify their updated code by building reports locally (via the Make recipes provided) but also check that their contributions pass on the machine instances spawned by the Travis-CI service. For any given build, logs are provided to help elucidate any potential sources of error. Upon passing a continuous integration check, Travis-CI will automatically post the resultant reports to the gh-pages branch at

Optimal Flow

With all this being said, if we all work together, we can try to minimize cases in which we need to resolve merge conflicts. Work in your own folder, make changes specific and manageable, and commit/push regularly.

Follow this flow closely:

  1. Check out master if not there already. If using RStudio, select the master branch; if on the command line: git checkout master will do.
  2. Pull any updates from the GitHub repo. If in RStudio, click the "pull" button; if on the command line, simply git pull.
  3. Make a new branch, check it out, and push to GitHub. If using RStudio, make a new branch via the GUI. If on the command line: git branch NAME, then git checkout NAME, then git push -u origin NAME (n.b., the first two of these may be combined into git checkout -b NAME).
  4. Make sure that the packages you are using match those in the shared library by calling renv::restore(). Resolve any issues as necessary.
  5. Write your code and commit regularly. Install packages as needed. Alternate between renv::restore() and renv::snapshot() to capture changes to the active library. To add folders that do not have content in them, or whose content are ignored through .gitignore, add a .gitkeep to the folder and add the folder to be tracked. If using RStudio, use the git pane and add the folder; if on the command line, use git add /path/to/folder/.gitkeep. Commit the file to complete the addition to tracking the folder through git.
  6. At the beginning of starting work on a branch for the day or reverting back to prior work, make sure as much of the code is up-to-date with the remote. Make sure all your edits are committed, checkout master, pull updates from the remote master branch, checkout your branch and merge master into your branch. Resolve conflicts as necessary.
  7. When preparing to open a PR, make sure all your edits are committed. Check out the master branch, pull in changes to the remote, check out your branch and merge master into your branch. Resolve conflicts. Commit and push any updates.
  8. Go to GitHub and open a PR. Identify the updates clearly, and tag reviewers, who will provide feedback on how to improve/streamline the contributed code. Note that the PR will be subject to automated continuous integration checks by the Travis-CI service; a PR that fails to pass these automated checks will not be merged.
  9. Once the PR has been accepted, merge normally (i.e., do not use a special merge), then delete the feature branch.
  10. On your machine, clean things up by checking out master and pulling. Delete the local copy of that working branch (git branch -d NAME), and prune your remote copies (git remote prune origin).