diff --git a/RELEASING.md b/RELEASING.md index 5c6ec42db..c17e36ea6 100644 --- a/RELEASING.md +++ b/RELEASING.md @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ flowchart TD -Disable nightly testing so the release builds aren't delayed by any nightly test runs (set `enableTests : false` in [defaults.json](https://github.com/adoptium/ci-jenkins-pipelines/blob/master/pipelines/defaults.json)). Ensure the build pipeline generator job runs successfully (), and the flag is disabled by bringing up the Build pipeline job and check the `enableTests` checkbox is unticked. +Scheduled pipeline Testing is automatically disabled from the Saturday prior to "release Tuesday", to the Sunday after, see: https://github.com/adoptium/ci-jenkins-pipelines/blob/5bd79eb1d95a033c4ee364a8f9fcc270ad653178/pipelines/build/common/trigger_beta_build.groovy#L51 Add a banner to the website to indicate that the releases are coming in the near future ([Example Changes](https://github.com/adoptium/adoptium.net/blob/main/src/components/Banner.tsx)).