1.5.3 (2022-11-02)
- adding copy method to geological feature (01651cb)
- adding debugging page to doc index (a09aa0d)
- adding interpolation back to builder (1a537aa)
- allow regularisation to be set for faults using processor (07920dc)
- model set for fault segment (3eb0328)
- remove prints while solving (3aae8a9)
- removing theano from docs docker (a706575)
- tolerance geological modle (fbc7e4a)
- updating dockerfile (70ea4f7)
- updating dockerfile so that it builds (0e5482a)
- adding more documentation on structural frames and faults (2fab248)
- path for fault frame image (921cd19)
1.5.2 (2022-10-11)
- adding BaseBuilder to builders init (7f56fdd)
- adding checks for data size in interpolator (ea8ccca)
- adding old auto_examples directory (cefe790)
- code review for intrusions (debc391)
- creating basebuilder (3480e3d)
- feature builder sets interpolator interpolation__region (520cc01)
- formatting (9cb79cb)
- starting unit id @ 1 means basement =0 (ba627bb)
- adding basic testing guideline (7c6ccef)
- adding docstrings (ffe9614)
- adding geopandas to documentation docker (ab443ab)
- adding links to kwargs in docstring (6e3a6e2)
- fixed bug with documentation not being generated (994d5dc)
1.5.1 (2022-09-15)
- bump (d175b99)
1.5.0 (2022-09-14)
- bump version to test release-please (08d380d)
- setting versionfile for version.py (6fc564e)
- adding example for local weight change (9a8f773)
1.4.13 (2022-08-29)
- removing example that crashes docs (63a9ce9)
1.4.12 (2022-08-27)
- enabling fault network example (5560d3f)
- failfast in strategy (2f3304e)
- path to copy change log (c061755)
1.4.11 (2022-08-10)
- add data for structural frame, adds data for all coordinates (6ebdf84)
- adding new dataset for fault, map in installer (b32edf3)
- basal unconformities cropping lowest surface (5c47ef6)
- faults not added to features because using string not enum (faf71ee)
- faults were not faulting unconformities (ec520fa)
- geological map example stratigraphic order loaded incorrectly (b98397b)
- single group surfaces not plotting, changed min strat column to 0 (44481a3)
1.4.10 (2022-07-20)
- 🐛 unconformities weren't working. (304335d)
- adding loopjson encoder (ec1b84e)
- adding more informative errors to p2 tetra (c63cae7)
- adding python alternatives for cg and fold cg (5ffef3b)
- catch all exceptions, raise import (a071416)
- catch dfi import error (f9c8aa0)
- catch modulenotfound raise importerror (836ee84)
- don't add unconformity if base feature is None (be4d8ac)
- faults enabled bug, ~ does not flip boolean, changing to not (0c68788)
- feature type enums renaming (616b554)
- featuretype enum (c256746)
- fold cg (a35f41a)
- lavavu.camera bug when keys are missing (b554c3c)
- missing enum (bc34bb4)
- model plotter uses BaseFeature to check type (a2bd0f0)
- pli import is optional (6347742)
- raise error if cython can't be imported (f5b82eb)
- recursive error fix (f3180f3)
- renaming enums to be consistent with calls (57ed443)
- unconformities causing nan slicing due to recurvsive error (728fc5f)
- 📝 added example for plotting unconformities (bad53a0)
- fixing new documentation so that data can be loaded (7ac5a0d)
- missing variable (7df88a2)
- renaming cython to _cython so its not included in docs (27e88a1)
- trying to ignore cython (6582d0c)
- updating documentation (493beea)
- using docker to build docs (f499aae)
1.4.9 (2022-05-05)
- fixing docs ci (2e0d472)
1.4.8 (2022-05-05)
- 🐛 faults where feature name given not fault_name were crashing (dae9e92)
- adding geopandas to doc test (b6613a9)
- fixing fault network example (6f4f2fc)
- refactoring documentation + adding new example (d15ba6c)
1.4.7 (2022-05-04)
- 🐛 fault function attribute is now a property accessor (3b9cc2e)
- ⚡ flag not uptodate when build arguments change (6f80029)
- changing import error message to warning (de22530)
- fold frame bug for refolded folds (bf272d1)
- if downthrow not provided estimate abutting direction (5a7c8d5)
- temp disable fault centre from project file (44d813d)
- 📝 updating docs for pydata, actually committing changes (be33a6f)
- 📝 updating documentation to use pydata theme (c5b28d5)
- adding fault network example (2bcbfac)
- adding more to design document (8322c60)
1.4.6 (2022-04-26)
- 🚑 quick fix for projectfile import error (34fb1d6)
- 🚑 try 2, catching loopimporterror as well as import error (5db6a81)
1.4.5 (2022-04-14)
- 🎨 adding LoopProjectFileProcessor to modeling init (fa1c8f7)
- 🐛 adding origin and maximum to the data processor (bb7b811)
- 🐛 adding scaling to splay faults to reduce bubbles (7d618fe)
- 🐛 can add faults even when stratigraphic column hasn't been set (33366f9)
- 🐛 fault geometry weren't being set if they were calculated from the fault trace (ddec5cb)
- 🐛 fixing warning message with divide by 0 (ebd12ff)
- bug with fold constraints causing crash (3abb65e)
- bug with fold interpolator (8d94ca4)
- temp disable splay fault (721270e)
1.4.4 (2022-03-21)
- 🚑 import failing when surfepy not install (5041ad6)
- 🚑 number of steps was actually number of cells causing issues with indexing (88b8fee)
- 🚑 surfe import was failing (63d61a4)
- 🐛 fixed bug with fault clipping, uses normal direction to infer hanging wall side away from interpolated surfaces (7ea9beb)
- 🐛 small fixes for making sure model update is called when params are changed (a22ed61)
- 🐛 stratigraphic column was not covering scalar field range. (990e0f4)
- 🐛 weight for p2 interpolator wasn't being applied (5002a8a)
- 🔥 changes fault slip warning to info (16d16d7)
- 🚨 fixig pylint error (d5c99cd)
- ✨ adding config class for storing module wide configs (9407ff7)
- ✨ faults/fault builder now store the fault geometry parameters (f92749b)
- ✨ flagging interpolator not up to date when data changes (96c8ddb)
- ✨ intrusionbuilder-->intrusionframebuilder, intrusionbuilder will build intrusionfeature (7d5935c)
- adding debugging code for indexing structured grid (59e130a)
- adding intrusion dependencies to setup.py (08f6a22)
- adding logger and remove unused files (bd3f428)
- change logs (b8000db)
- change pandas append to concat (51bbf5e)
- changing ckmeans to sklearn kmeans (60f3ec5)
- fixing import warnings (3b5c0f3)
- improvements in modified scalar field (d1de75d)
- Intrusion Builder class (f697ee6)
- intrusion feature containing pre IBody fxs (cd6fe61)
- merge origin/intrusion to local intrusion (2507b33)
- moving config to own file (3dc2a19)
- remove of ckwrap library (e5ddf5e)
- temp removing rotate from structured support (2e2d1c6)
- unit tests for intrusions (85b9b4b)
- update of builder (cdf7ebb)
- update of conceptual models (948beef)
- update of intrusion module (bba0163)
- update skfmm import (ea855f0)
- variogram parameters now in set_sgs_parameters (26ca7b3)
- ⚡ reducing memory for unstructured tetra (1ee5dd6)
1.4.3 (2022-02-21)
- 🚑 added scale parameter for calculate_topo matrix. (839e0e0)
- 🐛 adding experimental flag for loopstructural (f810479)
- 🐛 changes support barycentre to property (d2e1f0b)
- 🐛 fixing bugs for flake8 (9dce30c)
- 🐛 small changes to pass tests. (14c7580)
- ⚡ changing aabb to sparse matrix (2cbdab7)
- adding isnan to inequality check (d780300)
- adding node inequality constraints (de33914)
- adding option to use mkl (22883ba)
- adding p2 interpolator for 3d :) (5d0acfb)
- bug with equality constraints (b192cff)
- changing base unstructred support to work (50ca16b)
- correct ordering of shape functions (6f2f113)
- minor fix to variogram saving wavelength guess as attribute (2dbc29e)
- modifying for 3d/generic case. (c6a8ea3)
- norm constraints p2 (93d3165)
- region funct type incorrect causing (a5d27f1)
- storing constraints as numpy array (6c75379)
- 📝 adding warning that analysis module is experimental (0574e57)
- 📝 updating documentation for evaluate model (1dcc716)
1.4.2 (2022-02-07)
- actually fixing divide by zero (ef4d7d0)
- added function for plotting structural frames (69dbc6d)
- adding mpl syntax for 3d view points (cc7788f)
- bug where data is not float (e6f7e1f)
- bug with calculating average fault ori (a2099cd)
- commenting out osqp (c2fd2da)
- crashing when all constraints of a type outside of box (7907f58)
- extra checks (ba6f391)
- fault interpolation taking a long time (78fa916)
- faults interpolation mesh was not being adjusted (33722f6)
- faults not rescaling when incorrect norm vectors used (9706f25)
- faults not visible in model (32cbb2a)
- faults with no value data not interpolating (bf55ec6)
- interpolator type is now an enum (8197552)
- norm constraint out of model cause crash (20692e2)
- number of constraints warning message (9abcc04)
- removed divide by 0 error (9f17489)
- updating logging (f77f915)
1.4.1 (2021-12-06)
1.4.0 (2021-12-06)
- bumping version (e50a35e)
1.3.12 (2021-12-05)
- adding polarity to LS datastructure (61842f0)
- error creating mesh for faults (7efe910)
- gradient norm used for folds when fold (36f9cff)
- splot not working for overturned folds (2e185b5)
1.3.11 (2021-11-29)
- added fault stratigraphy relation to processor (ac864d8)
- added project file processor (855a690)
- bugfix crash when evaluating feature (d24f656)
- fault support resized for all faults (63ea5ec)
- formatting (a2f4fee)
- formatting (06d7e32)
- missing argument from test + typo (dee158a)
- multiple faults not applied to stratigraphy data (d7f4689)
- only host version built on action (8c7d058)
- typo in variable names, AAT instead of ATA (6a1a98f)
- updating github ci for conda build (3525ec1)
1.3.10 (2021-11-10)
- conda build for all python (04757b5)
- fixing documentation autobuild (54e0bc9)
1.3.9 (2021-11-10)
- added points argument to faultframe builder (4588d3c)
- bugfix thickness=False not working for processor (45e3f8f)
- fault frame build using scaled vector (87bc4e2)
- fdi bug was weigthing grad by volume (7cd6296)
- passing verb argument to pyamg solve (52c277d)
- reducing default fault buffer from .4 to .2 (328013e)
- removing _ from pli constraint names (08473c3)
- typos (c67fc54)
- updating docker image (ff2becd)
- weight can be float or int (d2c469f)
- updating docs to use releaseplease changelog (cbc8690)
1.3.8 (2021-11-08)
- adding cython code for getting neighbour pairs (65a0a44)
- adding origin to scalar field (8bfeb54)
- bugfix for pli weighting (1ce7380)
- faults are more generic (4fc4627)
- fold builder was adding data twice (770e666)
- fold rotation angle calculated incorrectly (aea51bf)
- generalising support functions for grid and tetra (761fd03)
- gradient constraints in pli weighted by vol (9b487fd)
- kwargs weren't being passed to fold builder (d5135c5)
- matrix assembly based on constraints dict (20407e4)
- need to put exception type to get message (16c01ea)
- nonlinear will replace discrete class (86816d1)
- normalise rows of interpolation matrix (ae315d2)
- normalise vector for cg (f8cf221)
- plot vector field crashing (e35f6b2)
- pytest failed (9136c99)
- removing sign change for rotation angle (7ab33fd)
- speed up (e5b53d8)
- speeding up interface constraints (3f4a845)
- weighting fdi using volume of element (665e4fe)
1.3.7 (2021-10-13)
- abutting fault polarity was being calculated inconsistently. (c77681f)
- adding folded fold frame creates a fold frame not structural frame (36aa4b3)
- call to update feature when initialising rotation angle plotter (b97f017)
- setting default for viewer to model = none (8aec0e4)
- support box is now rescaled for plot (6723790)
1.3.6 (2021-10-12)
- removing invalid classifiers (5d8de87)
1.3.5 (2021-10-11)
- adding aabb (512f0a3)
- adding gradient option for m2l wrapper (cdce6e8)
- adding option to define custom mesh builder for pli (b21fa8c)
- changed to boolean logic for aabb (f5a5f9b)
- cleaning up (262a89d)
- incorrect indexing for FDI grad constraints (d6b8280)
- move cg call to interpolator (53492a2)
- moved generic methods to base class (23ec788)
- names kwarg wasn't used for multiple slices (daebcf0)
- pli grad constraint weights were divided by 3 (cedcffb)
- removing old lavavu wrapper, name wasn't (9226f40)
- renaming mesh to support for PLI (2d07317)
- setup.py codec and filename error (479ae2b)
- unstructured mesh seems to work (3bd5e24)
- updating setup.py to include metadata for pypi (fea4317)
1.3.4 (2021-10-05)
- adding loop specific exceptions and project file (a7664d2)
- adding non-linear constraint template (03b9e73)
- adding non-linear constraint template (1be8a45)
- boolean operator in surfe wrapper (f11816e)
- bugfix for gradient constraints (5fbbb08)
- constant fold axis was referencing fold_frame (2050b68)
- intersection visualisation was using the (1cf531b)
- method names for FDI/PLI are consistent (aebba23)
- structural frame weights were being overwritten by (15e7f23)
1.3.3 (2021-09-29)
- kernel parameter for surfe wasn't being applied (4e99bbf)
1.3.2 (2021-09-28)
1.3.1 (2021-09-28)
- updating workflows to run on edited (5b051f4)
1.3.0 (2021-09-27)
- updating viewer to use base class (7c314a0)
- adding base plotting class for easy inheritance (1a9614d)
- adding builders for fold and folded frame (a6b61fb)
- adding callback function to builder update (1eca6f5)
- adding callback to model.update (1fe5fad)
- adding callbackfunction to isosurface (038df51)
- adding check to see if a feature is valid. (c9bd3b0)
- adding exception if fold frame hasn't (59a9d66)
- adding exception when modelling faults with surfe (15806d7)
- adding function to generate cmap and range for (6354712)
- adding lavavu subclass (b3c042f)
- adding loop exception for interpolator (f43a583)
- adding set item for fold frame to change (7d975bd)
- adding vtk export (7e7d63a)
- changing structural frames to have a setup (d6fcdea)
- checking type for vector plotter + adding name (19c7d5e)
- cmap not being passed for add_isosurface (491fb34)
- creating specific builder for folded foliations (b40ba9a)
- end of day fold frame (6c49981)
- error to catch when not enough data (bdd93ea)
- import vtk exception (01005b3)
- process data doesn't allow bad formatted (b9f8364)
- removing function to calculate intersection, (9080877)
- removing kwargs that have value of None (ce05b5f)
- removing normalisation from (3216d07)
- removing specific builder for folded fold frame (9eed793)
- sections can be painted with a feature (905eeb1)
- transitioning fold frame building into (7d12b3b)
- typo in parameter (917711a)