Contributed by Jingwen Leng
Title | Key Words |
Diannao: A small-footprint high-throughput accelerator for ubiquitous machine-learning | First DNN accelerator paper |
Eyeriss:A spatial architecture for energy-efficient dataflow for convolutional neural networks | Data reuse, more principles for DNN accelerator |
EIE: efficient inference engine on compressed deep neural network | First DNN compression paper |
Minerva: Enabling low-power, highly-accurate deep neural network accelerators | Low voltage |
Dadiannao: A machine-learning supercomputer | |
Cnvlutin: Ineffectual-neuron-free deep neural network computing | |
Cambricon: An instruction set architecture for neural networks |
Title | Key Words |
Convolution engine: balancing efficiency & flexibility in specialized computing | 2D convolvution |
TABLA: A Unified Template-based Framework for Accelerating Statistical Machine Learning | |
Pushing the Limits of Accelerator Efficiency While Retaining Programmability | |
Dynamically Specialized Datapaths for Energy Efficient Computing | |
Efficient execution of memory access phases using dataflow specialization | |
Analyzing Behavior Specialized Acceleration | |
Exploring the potential of heterogeneous von neumann/dataflow execution models | |
Bundled Execution of Recurring Traces for Energy-Efficient General Purpose Processing | |
A General Constraint-centric Scheduling Framework for Spatiale Architectures | |
Architectural Specialization for Inter-Iteration Loop Dependence Patterns | |
Stream-Dataflow Acceleration | |
GPU-CC: a Reconfigurable GPU Architecture with Communicating Cores | |
Single-Graph Multiple Flows: Energy Efficient Design Alternative for GPGPUs | |
Control Flow Coalescing on a Hybrid Dataflow von Neumann GPGPU |
Title | Key Words |
SIMULTANEOUS MULTITHREADING: A Platform for Next-Generation Processors | SMT |
Understanding sources of inefficiency in general-purpose chips | Energy efficiency |
Dark Silicon and the End of Multicore Scaling | Multicore CPU |
Composite Cores: Pushing Heterogeneity into a Core | Heterogeneous cores |
Dynamic Branch Prediction with Perceptrons | Branch Prediction |
Conservation Cores: Reducing the Energy of Mature Computations | CPU+ASIC |
MorphCore: An Energy-Efficient Microarchitecture forHigh Performance ILP and High Throughput TLP | Heterogeneous cores |
High-Performance and Energy-Efficient Mobile Web Browsing on Big/Little Systems | mobile computing |
Title | Key Words |
Analyzing CUDA workloads using a detailed GPU simulator | GPGPU-Sim |
GPUWattch: enabling energy optimizations in GPGPUs | GPU Power |
CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control-Divergence in GPGPU Architectures | Control Divergence in GPU |
A Locality-Aware Memory Hierarchy for Energy-Efficient GPU Architectures | Memory Divergence in GPU |
Title | Key Words |
A reconfig-urable fabric for accelerating large-scale datacenter services | Datacenter |
Title | Key Words |
Bubble-up: Increasing utilization in modern warehouse scale computers via sensible co-locations | First co-location paper |
Heracles: Improving Resource Efficiency at Scale |