Python util to merge project's xml files into single xml (without platform resources)
This is simple util to find new string in Android projects
Util will walk through project directories (exclude "build") and collect string.xml files from default locale. Then all found xml files will be merged into single xml file. Util will try to find new strings in that new merged xml file. New string is a string that found in project, but not presented in base xml
Assume that our base xml is localise.xml file with translated strings. We will try to determinate what strings we need to upload for localisation.
Step 1: put localise.xml
in a directory with
. localise.xml
will be used as a base xml
Step 2: choose an output file name. In our example it'll be untranslated_strings.xml
Step 3: generate command like
$python3 -p <path_to_android_project> --base-xml "localise.xml" --output "untranslated_strings.xml" --log-level DEBUG