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File metadata and controls

734 lines (545 loc) · 25.6 KB

Creating a Manifest File for Existing Apps

Detailed description of the steps needed to create a manifest (also known as descriptor) V2 for applications file for an existing transactional app created by the customer based on SAP Fiori.

  1. Create the manifest.json file.

    You create the file in the web context root of your app on the same level as the Component.js file, using the content according to the instructions described from step 2 onwards. You can use the following code sample as a template. Make sure that you exchange or remove all placeholders (<...>) according to the instructions below.

        "_version": "1.35.0",
    	"start_url": "<startUrl>",
        "": {
            "id": "<id>",
            "type": "application",
            "i18n": "<i18nPathRelativeToManifest>",
            "applicationVersion": {
                "version": "<version>"
            "title": "{{<title>}}",
            "tags": {
                "keywords": [
                    "{{<keyword1>}}", "{{<keyword2>}}"
            "dataSources": {
                "<dataSourceAlias>": {
                    "uri": "<uri>",
                    "settings": {
                        "localUri": "<localUri>"
        "sap.ui": {
            "icons": {
                "icon": "<icon>",
                "favIcon": "<favIcon>",
                "phone": "<phone>",
                "phone@2": "<phone@2>",
                "tablet": "<tablet>",
                "tablet@2": "<tablet@2>"
            "deviceTypes": {
                "desktop": true,
                "tablet": true,
                "phone": true
        "sap.ui5": {
            "resources": {
                "css": [
                        "uri": "<uri>",
                        "id": "<id>"
            "dependencies": {
                "minUI5Version": "<minUI5Version>",
                "libs": {
                    "<ui5lib1>": {                   
                        "minVersion": "<minVersion1>"
                    "<ui5lib2>": {                   
                        "minVersion": "<minVersion2>"
                "components": {
                    "<ui5component1>": {
                        "minVersion": "<minComp1Version>"
            "models": {
                "i18n": {
                    "type": "sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel",
                    "uri": "<uriRelativeToManifest>"
                "": {
                    "dataSource": "<dataSourceAlias>",
                    "settings": {}
            "rootView": "<rootView>",
            "handleValidation": <true|false>,
            "config": {
            "routing": {
            "extends": {
                "component" : "<extendedComponentId>",
    			"minVersion": "<minComp1Version>",
    			"extensions": {}
            "contentDensities": {
                "compact": <true|false>,
                "cozy": <true|false>
        "sap.platform.abap": {
            "uri": "<uri>"
        "sap.platform.hcp": {
            "uri": "<uri>"
  2. Fill the start_url (W3C namespace).

    If applicable, replace the <start_url> placeholder with the start URL of your app, for example index.html. If no start URL is shipped, remove the "start_url" section in the manifest.json file.

        "start_url": "index.html",
  3. Fill the id and applicationVersion/version attributes of the namespace.


    id in the namespace must correspond to the component name in the Component.js file.

    To fill the ID and version information, open the Component.js file of your app and find the ID / namespace and version information:

        "hcm/emp/myleaverequests/Component"], function(Configuration, ComponentBase) {
        ComponentBase.extend("cust.emp.myleaverequests.Component", { 
            metadata : {
                "name" : "My Leave Requests",
                "version" : "1.2.6"

    Open the manifest.json file and enter the values from the Component.js file as follows:

    • Replace the <id> placeholder with the id / namespace value from the argument of sap.ui.define ("cust.emp.myleaverequests.Component" in the example above).

    • Replace the <version> placeholder with the version value ("1.2.6" in the example above).

    Example: and in the manifest.json file:

    "": {
        "id": "cust.emp.myleaverequests",
        "applicationVersion": {
            "version": "1.2.6"
  4. Fill the i18n and title attributes of the namespace.

    You find the respective information in the Component.js file under resourceBundle for the i18n attribute, and under titleResource for the title attribute:

    "config" : {
        "titleResource": "app.Identity",
        "resourceBundle": "i18n/",

    Open the manifest.json file and enter the values from the Component.js file as follows:

    • Replace the <title> placeholder with the titleResource value ("app.Identity" in the example above)

    • Replace the <i18nPathRelativeToManifest> placeholder with the resourceBundle value ("i18n/" in the example above).

    Example: and in the manifest.json file

    "": {
        "i18n": "i18n/",
        "title": "{{app.Identity}}",
  5. Fill the tags/keywords attribute of the namespace.

    If you maintain keywords for the SAP Fiori launchpad tile configuration (optional), enter one or more text symbols from the file in the keywords attribute of the manifest.json file. If not, remove the tags/keywords section from the manifest.json file.

    Example: in the manifest.json file

    "": {
        "tags": {
            "keywords": [
  6. Fill the dataSource attribute of the namespace with the data source you use for your app.

    For this, open the location where the service URL and the mock data source for the OData V2 mock server is defined.

    • Open the Component.js file of your app to see the data source under serviceUrl, see the following example for name, serviceUrl and mock data URL in Component.js:

      metadata : {
          "config" : {
              "serviceConfig" : {
                  name: "LEAVEREQUEST",
                  serviceUrl: "/sap/opu/odata/GBHCM/LEAVEREQUEST;v=2/"
      init : function() {
              oMockServer.simulate(rootPath + "/model/metadata.xml", rootPath + "/model/");

    Return to the manifest.json file and do the following:

    • Enter the name value in the placeholder for <dataSourceAlias>.

    • Enter the value from the serviceUrl in the placeholder for <uri> to fill the value for the URI attribute.

    • Enter the value from the URI of oMockServer.simulate... in the Component.js file in the placeholder for <localUri> to fill the value for the localUri attribute.

    Example: dataSources with alias and URI in the namespace of the manifest.json file

    "": {
        "dataSources": {
            "LEAVEREQUEST": {
                "uri": "/sap/opu/odata/GBHCM/LEAVEREQUEST;v=2/",
                "settings": {
                    "localUri": "model/metadata.xml"
  7. Fill the icons attribute of the sap.ui namespace.

    Open the Component.js file of your app to see the icons in the config section.

    Example: icons in the Component.js file:

    "config" : {
        "icon": "sap-icon://Fiori2/F0394",
        "favIcon": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/favicon/My_Leave_Requests.ico",
        "homeScreenIconPhone": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/57_iPhone_Desktop_Launch.png",
        "homeScreenIconPhone@2": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/114_iPhone-Retina_Web_Clip.png",
        "homeScreenIconTablet": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/72_iPad_Desktop_Launch.png",
        "homeScreenIconTablet@2": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/144_iPad_Retina_Web_Clip.png"

    Return to the manifest.json file:

    • Enter the icon value in the <icon> placeholder.

    • Enter the favIcon value in the <favIcon> placeholder.

    • Enter the homeScreenIconPhone value in the <phone> placeholder. Do the same for the <phone@2>, <tablet> and <tablet@2> placeholders.

    Example: icons in the sap.ui namespace of the manifest.json file

    "sap.ui": {
        "icons": {
            "icon": "sap-icon://Fiori2/F0394",
            "favIcon": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/favicon/My_Leave_Requests.ico",
            "phone": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/57_iPhone_Desktop_Launch.png",
            "phone@2": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/114_iPhone-Retina_Web_Clip.png",
            "tablet": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/72_iPad_Desktop_Launch.png",
            "tablet@2": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/144_iPad_Retina_Web_Clip.png"

    If your app does not have icons, remove the icons section or the corresponding icon attributes from the manifest.json file.

  8. Fill the deviceTypes attribute in the sap.ui namespace in the manifest.json file.

    Return to the manifest.json file and ensure that the deviceTypes attribute in the manifest.json is correct for your application. If not, adapt the entries accordingly.

    Example: deviceTypes in the sap.ui namespace in the manifest.json file

    "sap.ui": {
        "deviceTypes": {
            "desktop": true,
            "tablet": true,
            "phone": true
  9. Fill the resources attribute in the sap.ui5 namespace.

    Open the Component.js file of your app to see the js and CSS resources under includes.

    Example: includes in the Component.js file

    "includes": ["css/shopStyles.css", "myfile.js"],

    Return to the manifest.json file:

    • Enter the js resource value under "js" in the <uri> placeholder.

    • Enter the CSS resource value under "css" in the <uri> placeholder.


    Since 1.94 the usage of js resources is deprecated. Please use regular dependencies instead.

    Example: resources attribute in the sap.ui namespace in the manifest.json file

    "sap.ui5": {
        "resources": {
            "js": [
                    "uri": "myfile.js"
            "css": [
                    "uri": "css/shopStyles.css"


    The format in the Component.js file is an array, whereas the format in the manifest.json file is a map.

    If your app does not include resources, remove the resources section from the manifest.json file.

  10. Fill the dependecies attribute of the sap.ui5 namespace with the OpenUI5 dependencies that are used.

    Open the Component.js file of your app to see the dependencies for the ui5 libs and components.

    Example: dependencies in the Component.js file

    "dependencies": {
        "libs": [
        "components": [""]

    Return to the manifest.json file and fill the corresponding entries in the manifest.json. Enter a value for the minimum OpenUI5 version in the <ui5Version> placeholder.


    The format in the Component.js file is an array, whereas the format in the manifest.json file is a map. Ensure that all of the OpenUI5 libraries used by your app are mentioned under libs. Also make sure that all of the OpenUI5 components used by your app are mentioned under components. If there are no dependent components, remove the components entry.

    Example: dependencies in the sap.ui5 namespace in the manifest.json file

    "sap.ui5": {
        "dependencies": {
            "minUI5Version": "1.30",
            "libs": {
                "sap.m": {                   
                    "minVersion": "1.30"
                "": {                   
                    "minVersion": "1.30"
            "components": {
                "": {                   
                    "minVersion": "1.2.0"

    If your app requires a minimum version of a lib or component, specify the version under minVersion for information purposes. If not, remove the minVersion attribute.

  11. Fill the models attribute of the sap.ui5 namespace.

    If a model is entered in sap.ui5/models in the manifest.json file, OpenUI5 creates the model automatically and the coding for model creation inside the app can be removed.

    Example: model creation in Component.js:

    init : function() {
        // set i18n model
        var i18nModel = new sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel({
            bundleUrl : rootPath + "/i18n/"
        this.setModel(i18nModel, "i18n");
        // set data model
        var m = new sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel(sServiceUrl);

    Return to the manifest.json file:

    • i18n model

      Use the same model name as in the Component.js file, for example "i18n", and the type sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel. Enter the URI from the Component.js file in the <uriRelativeToManifest> placeholder relative to manifest.json, for example, i18n/

    • OData model

      Use the same model name as in the Component.js file, for example "leave" or "" for the default model. Enter a reference to a data source from in the <dataSourceAlias> placeholder; if needed, enhance it with more settings for OpenUI5.

    Example: Models in the sap.ui5 namespace in the manifest.json file

    "sap.ui5": {
        "models": {
            "i18n": {
                "type": "sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel",
                "uri": "i18n/"
            "": {
                "dataSource": "LEAVEREQUEST",
                "settings": {
  12. Fill the rootView, handleValidation, config and routing attributes in the sap.ui5 namespace.

    Open the Component.js file of your app to see the rootView, handleValidation, routing, config in the component metadata section.

    Example: rootView, handleValidation, config, routing in sap.ui5 namespace of the manifest.json file:

        "rootView": "myRootView",
        "handleValidation": true,
        "config": {
        "routing": {

    Return to the manifest.json file and copy this metadata from the Component.js file to the sap.ui5 namespace in the manifest.json file.

    Only transfer those config parameters in the config section to the manifest.json file that have not yet been transferred in the steps before. In other words, do not transfer resourceBundle, titleResource, icon, favicon, homeScreenIconPhone, homeScreenIconPhone2, homeScreenIconTablet and homeScreenIconTablet2.

    Example: rootView, handleValidation, config and routing in the sap.ui5 namespace of the manifest.json file

    "sap.ui5": {
        "rootView": "myRootView",
        "handleValidation": true,
        "config": {
        "routing": {

    If there is no corresponding entry in the Component.js file, remove the section in the manifest.json file.

  13. Fill the extends attribute of the sap.ui5 namespace.

    Open the Component.js file of your app to see the component which your app extends:

    hcm.emp.myleaverequests.Component.extend("cust.emp.myleaverequests.Component", {

    Return to the manifest.json file and enter the value from the component namespace in the <extendedComponentId> placeholder, for example hcm.emp.myleaverequests.

    Example: extends/component in sap.ui5 namespace in manifest.json file

    "sap.ui5": {
        "extends": {
            "component": "hcm.emp.myleaverequests",
            "minVersion": "1.1.0"

    If your app requires a minimum version of a component, specify the version under minVersion for information purposes, otherwise remove the attribute. If your app uses the OpenUI5 extension concept with a customizing entry under component metadata in the Component.js file, move the content of that entry to sap.ui5/extends/extensions in the manifest.json file, or remove the customizing entry. If your app does not extend another component, remove the extends section from the manifest.json file.

  14. Fill the contentDensities attribute of the sap.ui5 namespace.

    Enter the correct values for the compact and cozy attributes (true or false) under contentDensities in the manifest.json file. The attributes specify the content density modes that your app supports, see Content Densities.

    Example: contentDensities in sap.ui5 namespace of the manifest.json file:

    "sap.ui5": {
        "contentDensities": {
            "compact": true,
            "cozy": true
  15. Verify that no placeholders exist.

    Return to the manifest.json file and make sure there are no more placeholders within it (<...>). If the file still contains placeholders, remove the corresponding sections.

Code Changes

  1. Adapt the Component.js file.

    Example: Component.js before making changes

        "hcm/emp/myleaverequests/Component"], function(ComponentBase, Configuration) {
        ComponentBase.extend("hcm.emp.myleaverequests.Component", {
        	metadata : {
                "name" : "My Leave Requests",
                "version" : "...",
                "library" : "cust.emp.myleaverequests",
                "includes" : [],
                "dependencies" : {
                    "libs" : ["sap.m", ""],
                    "components" : [""]
                "rootView": ...,
                "handleValidation": ...,
                "config": {
                "routing": {
                "config" : {
                    "titleResource": "app.Identity",
                    "resourceBundle": "i18n/",
                    "icon": "sap-icon://Fiori2/F0394",
                    "favIcon": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/favicon/My_Leave_Requests.ico",
                    "homeScreenIconPhone": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/57_iPhone_Desktop_Launch.png",
                    "homeScreenIconPhone@2": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/114_iPhone-Retina_Web_Clip.png",
                    "homeScreenIconTablet": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/72_iPad_Desktop_Launch.png",
                    "homeScreenIconTablet@2": "./resources/sap/ca/ui/themes/base/img/launchicon/My_Leave_Requests/144_iPad_Retina_Web_Clip.png"

    Apply the following changes:

    • Comment or remove the line for the require statement for configuration (if available) sap.ui.require("cust.emp.myleaverequests.Configuration");

    • Add the manifest reference to the metadata: "manifest": "json".

    • Remove the name section.

    • Remove the library section.

    • Remove the version section.

    • Remove the includes section.

    • Remove the dependencies section.

    • Remove the rootView section.

    • Remove the handleValidation section.

    • Remove the routing section.

    • Remove the config section.

    Example: Component.js after making changes

    sap.ui.require(["hcm/emp/myleaverequests/Component"], function(ComponentBase) {
        ComponentBase.extend("cust.emp.myleaverequests.Component", {
            metadata : {
                "manifest": "json",
  2. Adapt the data source reference in the Component.js file.

    Example: Data source reference in Component.js file before making changes

    metadata : {
        "config" : {
            "serviceConfig" : {
                name: "LEAVEREQUEST",
                serviceUrl: "/sap/opu/odata/GBHCM/LEAVEREQUEST;v=2/"
    init : function() {
        var oServiceConfig = this.getMetadata().getConfig()["serviceConfig"];
        var sServiceUrl = oServiceConfig.serviceUrl;
        oMockServer.simulate(rootPath + "/model/metadata.xml", rootPath + "/model/");

    Apply the following changes:

    • Remove serviceConfig under config in the component metadata.

    • If you are still using the service URL in your coding for purposes other than model creation, change the lines for getting the service config / url and read the URI from the manifest via your component metadata, for example, this.getMetadata().getManifestEntry("")...; otherwise, remove that coding.

    • Change the line for oMockServer.simulate... and read the URI from the manifest via your component metadata, for example, this.getMetadata().getManifestEntry("")...

    Example: Data source reference in Component.js file after making changes

    metadata : {
        "manifest": "json",
    init : function() {
        var sServiceUrl = this.getMetadata().getManifestEntry("").dataSources["LEAVEREQUEST"].uri;
        oMockServer.simulate(rootPath + "/" + this.getMetadata().getManifestEntry("").dataSources["LEAVEREQUEST"].settings.localUri, rootPath + "/model/");
  3. Remove the OpenUI5 model creation in the Component.js file.

    Example: Component.js file before making changes

    init : function() {
        // set i18n model
        var i18nModel = new sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel({
            bundleUrl : rootPath + "/i18n/"
        this.setModel(i18nModel, "i18n");
        // set data model
        var m = new sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel(sServiceUrl);

    Apply the following changes:

    • Delete the lines for the i18n model creation and model setting.

    • Delete the lines for the data model creation and model setting.

Smoke Test

To verify that your app works as before, perform checks to make sure the following is true:

  • OData service works as before

  • Mock data for OData V2 mock server works as before

  • Title, icons in SAP Fiori launchpad work as before

  • Navigation works as before

  • Migration Information for Upgrading the Manifest File
    Information how to add new attributes of manifest (also known as descriptor) versions higher than V2 (OpenUI5 1.30) to the manifest file.