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Platform: Step Input Component Technical Design

Kevin Okamoto edited this page Feb 19, 2020 · 4 revisions



The StepInput is an input element used for entering numbers. It has a text input which only accepts numbers and increment buttons ("+" and "-") to either side of input field.




Property Bindings

minValue: number

The minimum value the StepInput can be set to.

maxValue: number

The maximum value the StepInput can be set to.

precision: number

Numerical precision of numbers allowed in StepInput. This not only sets the display for input, but restricts the user from entering values beyond set precision.

step: number

The increment the value is increased or decreased when the StepInput increment buttons are clicked.

Two Way Bindings


  • The subtract increment button should be disabled when the value reaches the minimum value; the add increment button should be disabled when the value is at the maximum.
  • The StepInput should show an error when the input is beyond bounds set by minimum and/or maximum values.
  • The StepInput should not allow characters other than numbers and decimals. e.g 3, 1.2 (or 1,2 for localized).
  • The StepInput should not allow user to input numbers which go beyond precision. Example: If the precision is set to "0" only integer values should be allowed, if the precission is set to "2" only numbers to the hundreths decimal are allowed.
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