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Platform: Carousel Technical Design

sKudum edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 16 revisions

Carousel Component


The carousel displays multiple pieces of content in the same place on a page. Users view one piece of content at a time, just like browsing through a set of cards or slides. The carousel provides navigation controls so user can easily move through it, and a paging indicator that informs users of their current position.

It’s best used for browsing through a set of images. Viewing images one by one helps users to distinguish between different items.


       <fdp-carousel    [displayType]="thumbnails|multi-slide|single-slide"
         <fdp-carousel-item [items-list]="slides">
                   <!--user can define there won't information

Property Bindings

displayType: thumbnails|multi-slide|single-slide:String

Slide display by default it is single-slide thumbnails- tiles will be placed in down on select of tile respective image will be shown multi-slide- at a time 2 slides will be shown.

isControlable: true|false:Boolean

Slides movement can be controllable by user when it has true value. If it false then slides will be displayed with 3000 timeinterval once after another.

animationType: slide|fade:String

Tells whether the animation should be in slides or faded

interval: number

Time delay between slides display user can enter there own time interval. By default value will be 3000.

Event Bindings

onSlide: EventEmitter<any>

It will handle the initialization of carousel instance with the configuration details given. It handles after and before the change slide events too in the carousel instance.

Two-Way Bindings


Content Projection


Related Modules

Additional Notes


  1. Will be using "slick-carousel" library which is built on jquery and has the basic features of carousel.
  2. Will be overriding the functionality, css, scss and themes of this library to make sure it is as per Fiori 3.0 standards.


  • Can I place this component in core library?
    • Platform is better, core has mostly things that exists in the styles
  • Is it allowed to use 3rd party library- "slick-carousel"? for avoiding from scratch development.
    • yes. We already discussed this
  • Styles can I place in fundamental-styles or do I need to add them in fundamental-ngx/platform styles itself, css has to be developed from scratch to maintain fiori 3 standards for this component.
    • Since Styles does not have anything related to carousel, you need to have styling in the componnet
    • You could also discuss this with designer to take common pieces from Firoi 3, panels, pages, actions, etc.

Frank: - You should support routing a sits always easier to use routes instead of adding all into one template, your config has not information so you could capture some of the fields to get better idea how are you gonig to configure this. - Created them as a sperate attribute and update the same above

  • When it contains internal action to move forward, and backwards, are they going to have a label ? updated above, added a control attribute, if user make it as true, forward and backward controller (buttons) will be displayed for them.

What about i18n?- Carousel is mainly used for visual representation, so image navigation will be changed from right to left as mentioned in FRD for arabic kind of language. If user is displaying text inside it then user has to take care of specific language they are going to support.

  • If its emitter then we should see it from the binding, maybe add On. Also you say it handles initialization of the component how?
    • You are passing $event What is going to be inside this event object. Updated, added onslide funcation, which will take the index of the slide and make it active and user can move forward or backward based on their wish.
- I have already put something in your question section, since we want to be fiori compatible and themeble thing how to use as much as styles/variables from  styles, at the end this all all containers and they should share the same characteristics.. 
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