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Exercise 6 - Flexible Programming Model: Using the Chart Building Block

In this exercise, we will learn how to use the chart building block in an extension point of the Fiori elements object page floorplan.
We will enhance the service with corresponding annotations and add the building block to the XML fragment of the custom section.
We will also learn how to implement the chart's selection event handler in order to show additional information on the UI.

Exercise 6.1 Extending the Service Definition

The chart building block to be added to the custom section will show aggregated bookings per customer for all airlines, complementing the Customer VIP Status scenario.
At first, we need to enhance the service definition by adding a view and extending the Travel entity with an association.

(1) In SAP Business Application Studio, open file db/schema.cds.

(2) Scroll to section Exercise 6: Using the Chart Building Block and add the following code snippet:

define view BookedFlights as select from Booking left join Airline on Airline.AirlineID = Booking.to_Carrier.AirlineID  {
  key to_Customer.CustomerID as to_Customer_CustomerID, key AirlineID, to_Customer.LastName as LastName, BookingUUID, Name, VIPCustomerBookings, to_Travel

extend Travel with {
  to_BookedFlights : Association to many BookedFlights on to_BookedFlights.to_Travel = $self @readonly;  

mydevspace - SAP Business Application Studio - Google Chrome

Exercise 6.2 Adding Aggregation Capabilities to the Entity Container

In order to retrieve data, the chart uses the oData V4 aggregate transformation capabilities.
At first, we need to enable aggregation capabilities by annotating view BookedFlights accordingly.

(3) Open file app/capabilities.cds .

(4) Scroll to section Exercise 6: Add Aggregation Capabilities and enter the following code snippet:

annotate TravelService.BookedFlights with @(
  Aggregation.ApplySupported: {
    $Type : 'Aggregation.ApplySupportedType',
    Transformations : [
    Rollup : #None,
    GroupableProperties : [
        to_Customer_CustomerID, AirlineID
    AggregatableProperties : [
            $Type : 'Aggregation.AggregatablePropertyType',
            Property : BookingUUID 
  Analytics.AggregatedProperties : [{
    Name : 'CountFlights',
    AggregationMethod : 'countdistinct',
    AggregatableProperty : BookingUUID,
    ![@Common.Label] : 'Booked Flights per Airline',

Annotation explanation:

  • Collection Transformations lists all supported transformations for the entity container.
  • Collection GroupableProperties contains the properties of the annotated entity that can be used in a groupby transformation.
  • Collection AggregatableProperties contains the properties of the annotated entity that can be used for aggregation
  • Collection Analytics.AggregatedProperties defines the aggregate expression with an aggregation method for the aggregatable property.

mydevspace - SAP Business Application Studio - Google Chrome

Exercise 6.3 Adding the @UI.Chart Annotation

Now we will add annotation @UI.Chart to view BookedFlights
The annotation defines the chart type, the measure and the dimensions to be used for visualization of the aggregated data.

(5) Open file app/layouts.cds.

(6) Scroll to section Exercise 6: BookedFlights entity Chart annotation and enter the following code snippet:

annotate TravelService.BookedFlights with @(
    UI : {
        Chart                            : {
            $Type               : 'UI.ChartDefinitionType',
            Title               : 'Total Bookings for Customer',
            Description         : 'Chart Description',
            ChartType           : #Column,
            Measures            : [CountFlights],
            Dimensions          : [to_Customer_CustomerID, AirlineID],
            MeasureAttributes   : [{
                $Type   : 'UI.ChartMeasureAttributeType',
                Measure : CountFlights,
                Role    : #Axis1
            DimensionAttributes : [
                $Type     : 'UI.ChartDimensionAttributeType',
                Dimension : to_Customer_CustomerID,
                Role      : #Category
                $Type     : 'UI.ChartDimensionAttributeType',
                Dimension : AirlineID,
                Role      : #Series

The aggregated property CountFlights is defined as the measure.
Properties to_Customer_Customer_ID and AirlineID are defined as the grouping dimensions.

mydevspace - SAP Business Application Studio - Google Chrome

The aggregation result for the current Travel's bookings is enriched with aggregated bookings data for all other airlines.
This is done in a custom read handler implementation in file srv/travel-service.js (7), section Exercise 6: Custom Section Chart Building Block (8).

mydevspace - SAP Business Application Studio - Google Chrome

Exercise 6.3 Adding the Chart Building Block to the Custom Section

We will now add the chart building block to the custom section's XML fragment.

(9) Open file app/managetravels/webapp/ext/fragment/CustomSection.fragment.xml.

In the UI, the chart shall be shown next to the table in the same container, sharing the space mutually.

(10) Change the default span of the grid control to

defaultSpan='L6 M12 S12'

(11) Add the chart building block into section <l:content> of the XML fragment, just above the <macros:Table> definition.


mydevspace - SAP Business Application Studio - Google Chrome

The properties defined for the building block chart are:

  • id of the chart control
  • contextPath defining the absolute path from root entity Travel and association to_BookedFlights
  • metaPath defining the relative path to the UI.Chart annotation in the metamodel
  • personalization for chart configuration options
  • selection mode set to single selection

Switch to the browser preview window. The chart is shown.

Travel - Google Chrome

Exercise 6.4 Implementing the Chart's Selection Change Handler

The chart building block API allows implementing a selection change handler which is triggered when a chart segment is selected.
We will use the event to show additional information in a small popover.
The popover fragment sample is provided in the project.
We need to move it to the app folder in order to make usage of it.

Open project folder app/test-resources/ext/fragment.
Drag and drop file Popover.fragment.xml (12) to folder app/managetravels/webapp/ext/fragment (13).

mydevspace - SAP Business Application Studio - Google Chrome

Now we need to define the click event handler for the chart, and add the Popover fragment as a dependent control to the Custom Sections grid control.
(14) Open file app/managetravels/webapp/ext/fragment/CustomSection.fragment.xml
and add the following xml snippet as an additional property of macros:Chart as shown in the screenshot below.


(15) Add the following xml snippet as shown in the screenshot below.

    <core:Fragment fragmentName="sap.fe.cap.managetravels.ext.fragment.Popover" type="XML"/>			

mydevspace - SAP Business Application Studio - Google Chrome

Now we need to implement the event handler (16) in file app/managetravels/webapp/ext/CustomSection.js (17).
The file was created along with the custom section we added in exercise 4.
Replace the file's content with the following code snippet.

sap.ui.define(["sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel"], function (JSONModel) {
  "use strict";

  return {
    onChartSelectionChanged: function (oEvent) {
      if (oEvent.getParameter("selected")) {
            new JSONModel(oEvent.getParameter("data")[0].data),"popup");

        // get Popover from xml fragment dependents
        this._oPopover = oEvent.getSource().getParent().getDependents()[0];
        if (this._oPopover) {
        // open popover at selected chart segment

mydevspace - SAP Business Application Studio - Google Chrome

Exercise 6.5 Testing the Chart's Event Handler

Switch to the preview browser tab.
Select a chart segment in order to display the popover with additional information about the VIP Customer program per airline (18).

Travel - Google Chrome

We will now check for other flight connections for the customer's preferred airlines according to the aggregated bookings shown in the chart.
(19) Click image.

Travel - Google Chrome

In this example, customer Hansmann (000126) has a preference for European Airlines which is shown with the most bookings to in the chart.
Clicking (20) opens a dropdown list with flight connections for the same flight date.

Travel - Google Chrome

(21) Select a list item for the customer's preferred airline and confirm with image.

Travel - Google Chrome

(23) Click image.

Travel - Google Chrome

Verify that the both the chart (24) and the micro chart table column (25) have been updated.

Travel - Google Chrome


We've now successfully added a @UI.Chart annotation to the service and added the chart building block to the custom section's XML fragment.
We've implemented the chart's event handler in order to show a popover with additional information when a chart segment is selected.

Continue to - Exercise 7 - Flexible Programming Model: Changing the Edit Flow by Implementing a Controller Extension