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This is Kartoza's GeoServer charts

GeoServer is an open source server for sharing geospatial data.

How to Use

For helm:

helm install release-name kartoza/geoserver


This chart bootstrap a GeoServer installation. Most GeoServer packages are shipped with Tomcat Server to be directly used in production instance. On top of that you can cascade with Nginx or Apache if you need more control over the routing mechanism.

What it can do

The default install uses kartoza/geoserver image, which can do the following:

  • Default TLS enabled
  • Generate new datadir at startup if volume empty
  • Some plugins are shipped
  • Default extensions are activated on startup

Full list of options can be seen in:


Parameter Description
image.registry Docker image registry
image.repository Docker image repository
image.tag Docker image tag
image.pullPolicy Docker image pull policy
geoserverDataDir The directory of GeoServer Data Dir inside the pod
geowebcacheCacheDir GeoServer have GeoWebCache support built in. This will be the location of the cache dir
geoserverContextRoot Pass the environment variable to change the context-root at runtime
geoserverUser GeoServer super user name
geoserverPassword GeoServer password for super user. If you fill it, it will then stored in k8s secret.
existingSecret [tpl string] The name of the secret to get the geoserver password
extraPodEnv [tpl string] Provide extra environment that will be passed into pods. Useful for non default image.
extraSecret [tpl string] Provide extra secret that will be included in the pods. Useful for non default image.
extraConfigMap: [tpl string] Provide extra config map that will be included in the pods. Useful for non default image.
extraVolumeMounts [tpl string] Provide extra volume mounts declaration that will be included in the pods. Useful if you want to mount extra things.
extraVolume [tpl string] Configuration pair with extraVolumeMounts. Declare which volume to mount in the pods.
persistence.geoserverDataDir.enabled For geoserverDataDir volume. Default to true. If set, it will make a volume claim.
persistence.geoserverDataDir.existingClaim For geoserverDataDir volume. Default to false. If set, it will use an existing claim name provided.
persistence.geoserverDataDir.mountPath For geoserverDataDir volume. The path where the volume will be in the pods. Make sure that it corresponds to your geoserverDataDir key
persistence.geoserverDataDir.subPath For geoserverDataDir volume. The path inside the the volume to mount to. Useful if you want to reuse the same volume but mount the subpath for different services.
persistence.geoserverDataDir.size For geoserverDataDir volume. Size of the volume
persistence.geoserverDataDir.accessModes For geoserverDataDir volume. K8s Access mode of the volume.
persistence.geowebcacheCacheDir.enabled For geowebcacheCacheDir volume. Default to true. If set, it will make a volume claim.
persistence.geowebcacheCacheDir.existingClaim For geowebcacheCacheDir volume. Default to false. If set, it will use an existing claim name provided.
persistence.geowebcacheCacheDir.mountPath For geowebcacheCacheDir volume. The path where the volume will be in the pods. Make sure that it corresponds to your geowebcacheCacheDir key
persistence.geowebcacheCacheDir.subPath For geowebcacheCacheDir volume. The path inside the the volume to mount to. Useful if you want to reuse the same volume but mount the subpath for different services.
persistence.geowebcacheCacheDir.size For geowebcacheCacheDir volume. Size of the volume
persistence.geowebcacheCacheDir.accessModes For geoserverDataDir volume. K8s Access mode of the volume.
service.type The type of kubernetes service to be created. Leave it be for Headless service
service.loadBalancerIP Only used if you use LoadBalancer service.type
service.externalIPs External IPs to use for the service
service.port External port to use/expose
affinity Constrain pods to nodes
tolerations Pod scheduling tolerations
ingress.enabled Switch to true to enable ingress resource The host name/site name the ingress will serve
ingress.tls.enabled Set it to true to enable HTTPS
ingress.tls.secretName Providing this will activate HTTPS ingress based on the provided certificate
probe An override options for pod probe/health check