diff --git a/Pathfinder Community/dev/src/translations/pt.json b/Pathfinder Community/dev/src/translations/pt.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d4f90c5219d --- /dev/null +++ b/Pathfinder Community/dev/src/translations/pt.json @@ -0,0 +1,2189 @@ +{ + "1-ordinal-class-level": "1st Class Lvl", + "1-ordinal-class": "1st Class", + "1-ordinal-spellclass": "1st Spellcasting Class", + "1-ordinal": "1st", + "1-size-larger": "1 sz larger", + "1-size-smaller": "1 sz smaller", + "10-ordinal": "10th", + "100-at-level-1-title": "Use max hit points for first level Racial hit dice are considered 'first' if character has both racial and class hit dice", + "100-at-level-1": " Use max hp for first level/HD", + "2-ordinal-class-level": "2nd Class Lvl", + "2-ordinal-class": "2nd Class", + "2-ordinal-spellclass": "2nd Spellcasting Class", + "2-ordinal": "2nd", + "2-sizes-larger": "2 sz larger", + "2-sizes-smaller": "2 sz smaller", + "24-per-target-abbrv": "Hex (1/24/target)", + "24-per-target": "Per 24hrs per target", + "3-ordinal-class-level": "3rd Class Lvl", + "3-ordinal-class": "3rd Class", + "3-ordinal-spellclass": "3rd Spellcasting Class", + "3-ordinal": "3rd", + "3-sizes-larger": "3 sz larger", + "3-sizes-smaller": "3 sz smaller", + "4-ordinal-class-level": "4th Class Lvl", + "4-ordinal-class": "4th Class", + "4-ordinal": "4th", + "5-ordinal-class-level": "5th Class Lvl", + "5-ordinal-class": "5th Class", + "5-ordinal": "5th", + "6-ordinal-class-level": "6th Class Lvl", + "6-ordinal-class": "6th Class", + "6-ordinal": "6th", + "7-ordinal": "7th", + "8-ordinal": "8th", + "9-ordinal": "9th", + "abilities": "Abilities", + "ability-attack-dropdowns": " Ability and Attack Type Dropdowns", + "ability-basis-desc": "DC Ability basis: usually CHA for spellcasting ability, CON for poison, breathweapon, or other damage abilities", + "ability-basis": "Ability Basis", + "ability-bonus": "Ability Bonus", + "ability-checks-abbrv": "Abil chk", + "ability-checks-calculation-abbrv": "Ability check calc", + "ability-checks": "Ability Checks", + "ability-damage-desc": "For every 2 points of damage you take to a single ability, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics listed with the relevant ability If the amount of ability damage you have taken equals or exceeds your ability score, you immediately fall unconscious", + "ability-drain-desc": "Ability drain actually reduces the relevant ability score Modify all skills and statistics related to that ability This might cause you to lose skill points, hit points, and other bonuses", + "ability-list-default-values": "Abilities default values", + "ability-lists-flags": "Ability list flags", + "ability-macros-current": "Ability macros to current", + "ability-menus": "Ability Menus", + "ability-name": "Ability Name", + "ability-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive Ability bonuses here", + "ability-notes": " Ability Notes", + "ability-penalty-desc": "Penalties function just like ability damage, but they cannot cause you to fall unconscious or die Penalties cannot decrease your ability score to less than 1", + "ability-roll-template": "Ability Roll Template", + "ability-score-increase-abbrv": "ASI", + "ability-score-increase-bonus": "Ability score increase. Every 4th level (4, 8, 12, etc.) increase one ability score by +1.", + "ability-score": "Ability Score", + "ability-scores": "Ability Scores", + "ability-skill-checks": "Ability & Skill Checks", + "ability-tracking": "Ability Tracking", + "ability-type-title": "Select the type of ability if applicable Ex(Extraordinary), Sp(Spell-like ability), or Su(Supernatural)", + "ability-type": "Ability Type", + "ability": "Ability", + "above-head": "Above Head", + "accessibility": "Accessibility", + "achievement": "Achievement", + "acp-may-apply-title": "Armor Check Penalty may apply.", + "acp-verysmall-abbrv": "ACP", + "acrobatics": "Acrobatics", + "add-class-levels": "Add Class Levels", + "add-custom-column": "Add Custom Column", + "add-hit-dice": "Add Race/Monster HD", + "add-note-to-roll-desc": "To add note text as comment at bottom of a roll, select the roll type. Use for content dependent modifiers.", + "add-note-to-roll": "Add note to roll", + "add-skill-bonus-macro": "Add Skill Bonus Macro?", + "add-template": "Quickly update character with template", + "add": "Add", + "additional-attack-macro-query-included-with-crits": "Additional Attack Macro/Query (included with crits)", + "additional-damage-macro-query-included-with-crits": "Additional Damage Macro/Query (included with crits)", + "additional-damage-title": "Add additional, precision, or extra critical damage", + "additional-damage": "Extra Damage", + "additional-modifier-or-macro": "Additional modifier or macro, eg [[1d6]], [[2d20k1]], etc", + "adjust-damage-by-size": " Adjust damage based on size", + "advanced-class-guide": "Advanced Class Guide", + "advanced": "Advanced", + "adventure-skills": "Adventure Skills", + "adventure": "Adventure ", + "adventuring-gear-tool": "Adventuring Gear or Tool", + "age": "Age", + "alchemical": "Alchemical", + "alignment-abbrv": "Align", + "alignment-type-init": "Align Type Init", + "alignment": "Alignment", + "all-abilities": "All Abilities", + "all-attacks-insert-macro-attack": "Add to Attack Roll macro", + "all-attacks-insert-macro-cmb-damage": "Add to CMB Dmg macro", + "all-attacks-insert-macro-cmb": "Add to CMB Roll macro", + "all-attacks-insert-macro-damage": "Add to Dmg macro", + "all-attacks-insert-macro-melee-damage": "Add to Melee Dmg macro", + "all-attacks-insert-macro-melee": "Add to Melee Attack Roll macro", + "all-attacks-insert-macro-ranged-damage": "Add to Ranged Dmg macro", + "all-attacks-insert-macro-ranged": "Add to Ranged Attack Roll macro", + "all-attacks-macro-insert-section": "Attack 'Add-to-roll' Macros", + "all-attacks": "All Attacks", + "all-checks-calc": "All checks calc", + "all-checks": "All Checks", + "all-features-desc": "Features list contains Special Abilities, Special Qualities, Feats, etc", + "all-other-desc": "Miscellaneous includes any not found under another tab", + "all-saves-macro-title": "@{all_saves-macro} | Only affects the All Saves roll from the Defenses Menu button.", + "all-saves-macro": "All Saves Macro", + "all-saves": "All Saves", + "all-skills": "All Skills", + "all": "All", + "alternate-ability-cmb-desc": "Alternate ability combat maneuver", + "alternate-ability-melee-desc": "Alternate ability melee attack", + "alternate-ability-ranged-desc": "Alternate ability ranged attack", + "alternate-favored-class-abbrv": "FC Alt", + "alternate-favored-class": "Alternate Favored Class point counter", + "always-show-domain-spells": " Always show spells marked 'domain' in spellbook menu", + "ammo": "Ammo", + "ammunition": "Ammunition", + "animalcompanion": "Animal Companion", + "animalfamiliar": "Animal Familiar", + "announcements-old": "Old Announcements", + "announcements-older-changes": "Older Changes", + "announcements": "Announcements:", + "apply-font-chatrolls": " Apply font to chat rolls", + "appraise": "Appraise", + "arcana": "Arcana", + "arial-default": "•Noto Sans/Sans-serif", + "arial": "Arial", + "armor-and-shield": "Armor and Shield", + "armor-attributes": "Armor Attributes", + "armor-calculation-abbrv": "Armor calc", + "armor-check-penalty-abbrv": "ACP", + "armor-check-penalty-title": "Armor Check Penalty: Dex/Str-based skills may be affected by Armor/Shield and Encumbrance.", + "armor-check-penalty": "Armor Check Penalty", + "armor-class-abbrv-default": "•AC", + "armor-class-abbrv": "AC", + "armor-class-bonus": "AC Bonus", + "armor-class-calculation-abbrv": "AC Calc", + "armor-class": "Armor Class", + "armor-default": "•Armor", + "armor-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive AC bonuses here", + "armor-notes": " Armor Notes", + "armor-or-shield": "Armor or Shield", + "armor-penalties": "Armor Penalties", + "armor-shield-bonus": "Armor or Shield bonus to Armor Class", + "armor-shield-load-default": "•Armor, Shield & Load", + "armor-shield-name": "Armor or Shield Name", + "armor-shield-only": "Armor & Shield only", + "armor-shield": "Armor/Shield", + "armor-two": "Armor 2", + "armor-type": "Armor or Shield Type", + "armor": "Armor", + "artistry": "Artistry", + "at-will": "At Will", + "athletics": "Athletics", + "attack-1-ordinal": "1st Attack", + "attack-1": "Attack 1", + "attack-10-ordinal": "10th Attack", + "attack-2-ordinal": "2nd Attack", + "attack-2": "Attack 2", + "attack-3-ordinal": "3rd Attack", + "attack-3": "Attack 3", + "attack-4-ordinal": "4th Attack", + "attack-4": "Attack 4", + "attack-5-ordinal": "5th Attack", + "attack-5": "Attack 5", + "attack-6-ordinal": "6th Attack", + "attack-6": "Attack 6", + "attack-7-ordinal": "7th Attack", + "attack-7": "Attack 7", + "attack-8-ordinal": "8th Attack", + "attack-8": "Attack 8", + "attack-9-ordinal": "9th Attack", + "attack-9": "Attack 9", + "attack-and-combat-maneuver-bonuses": "Attack and Combat Maneuver Bonuses", + "attack-and-damage": "Attack & dmg", + "attack-bonus-dropdowns": " Attack bonus dropdowns", + "attack-grid-rows-migrated": "Attack grid extra rows", + "attack-list-default-values": "Attacks default values", + "attack-macro": "Attack Macro", + "attack-macros-current": "Attack macros to current", + "attack-modifier-abbrv": "Attack Mod", + "attack-modifiers-abbrv": "Attack Mods", + "attack-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive Attack bonuses here", + "attack-notes": "Attack Notes", + "attack-penalty": "Attack penalty", + "attack-roll-template": "Attack Roll Template ", + "attack-type-abbrv": "Atk Type", + "attack-type": "Attack Type", + "attack": "Attack", + "attacks-dmg-migrated-title": "Repeating Attack damage multiplier migrated", + "attacks-dmg-migrated": "Dmg Multiplier", + "attacks-macros-migrated": "Attack Macro v5", + "attacks-macros2-migrated": "Attack Macro v6", + "attacks-macros64-migrated": "Attack Macro v64", + "attacks-migrated-title": "Repeating Attack macros migrated If an attack rolltemplate does not appear correct, delete the macro text and click into another field, the system will reset the macro text to defaults Repeat for iterative attacks macros", + "attacks": "Attacks", + "atwill": "At Will", + "aura": "Aura", + "automatically-calculate-hit-points-abbrv": " Auto-calc hp", + "average-hit-point-abbrv": "Avg hp:", + "azure": "Azure", + "background-ranks-remaining": "Background Ranks Remaining", + "background-skills": " Background Skills", + "background-title": "Choose a background image", + "background": "Background", + "base-attack-bonus-abbrv": "BAB", + "base-attack-bonus": "Base Attack Bonus", + "base-attacks": "Base Attacks", + "base-level": "Base Level", + "base-points-per-day": "Base Points/Day", + "base-speed": "Base", + "base-spells-per-day": "Base
Spells/Day", + "base-statistics-place": "If the creature has buffs and other effects active that modify his stats, the base stats should be quickly summarized here", + "base-statistics": "Base Statistics", + "base-value": "Base", + "base": "Base", + "before-combat-place": "List any spells and/or abilities used before combat His stats should reflect these spells", + "before-combat": "Before Combat", + "belt": "Belt", + "betrayal": "Betrayal", + "black-default": "•Black", + "black": "Black", + "blank": "Blank", + "blast-damage-abbrv": "Blast Dmg", + "blast-damage-modifier-abbrv": "Blast Dmg Mod", + "blast": "Blast", + "bleed": " Bleed", + "blinded": " Blinded", + "block-roll-template": "Block Text Roll Template ", + "bloodhex": "Blood Hex", + "bludgeoning": "Bludgeoning", + "blue": "Blue", + "bluff": "Bluff", + "body": "Body", + "bonus-or-penalty": "The bonus or penalty to apply", + "bonus-points": "Ability Bonus", + "bonus-power-points-abbrv": "Bonus PP", + "bonus-spells": "Bonus Spells", + "bonus-type-title": "Type of bonus for stacking purposes. Treat armor, shield, natural armor as bonuses (on bonus dropdown), not 'type' of bonus to AC.", + "bonus-type": "Bonus Type", + "bonus": "Bonus", + "brown": "Brown", + "buff-ability-checks-title": "Bonus to ability checks and initiative", + "buff-ability-skill-checks": "Bonus to Ability & Skill Checks and Initiative", + "buff-aid-note": "+@{b2_val} morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.", + "buff-aid": "Aid", + "buff-air-barrier-note": "At 13th level, this barrier causes incoming arrows, rays, and other ranged attacks requiring an attack roll against her to suffer a 50% miss chance.", + "buff-air-barrier": "Air Barrier", + "buff-archons-aura-note": "lasts until it successfully hits caster with an attack", + "buff-archons-aura": "Archon's Aura", + "buff-armor-class-title": "Bonus to armor class and CMD", + "buff-armor-title": "Enhancement to armor bonus to AC", + "buff-attack-title": "Bonus to all attacks", + "buff-bane-note": "@{b2_val} penalty on saving throws against fear effects.", + "buff-bane": "Bane", + "buff-battle-spirit": "Battle Spirit", + "buff-battle-ward-note": "The next time a foe makes an attack roll against the target, the ward activates and grants a @{b1_val} deflection bonus to the warded creature's AC. Each subsequent time the warded creature is attacked, the defection bonus decreases by 1.", + "buff-battle-ward": "Battle Ward", + "buff-bless-note": "+@{b2_val} morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.", + "buff-bless": "Bless", + "buff-blessing-of-fervor-note": "Pick speed bonus by checking buff 4, or Attack/AC/Reflex bonus, or other bonuses per round.", + "buff-blessing-of-fervor": "Blessing of Fervor", + "buff-bone-ward": "Bone Ward", + "buff-calculation": "Buff calc", + "buff-caster-level-title": "Bonus to spell caster level", + "buff-charisma-based-skills-penalty-title": "Penalty to charisma based skills", + "buff-charisma-based-skills-title": "Bonus to charisma based skills", + "buff-charisma-penalty-title": "Penalty to charisma. For every 2 points of damage you take, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics", + "buff-charisma-title": "Bonus to Charisma ability score", + "buff-cmd-title": "Bonus to CMD only", + "buff-combat-expertise-note": "Bonus to AC. Penalty to Melee attacks", + "buff-combat-expertise": "Combat Expertise", + "buff-combat-maneuver-bonus-title": "Bonus to all CMB attacks", + "buff-combat-maneuver-bonus2-title": "Bonus to 'Alt CMB' attacks only", + "buff-cond-damage-mods": "Buff/Cond Damage Mods", + "buff-consecrate-note": "Channel energy DCs increase by 3. Double this and all penalties if alter present.", + "buff-consecrate": "Consecrate (if undead)", + "buff-constitution-based-skills-penalty-title": "Penalty to constitution based skills", + "buff-constitution-based-skills-title": "Bonus to constitution based skills", + "buff-constitution-penalty-title": "Penalty to constitution. For every 2 points of damage you take, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics", + "buff-constitution-title": "Bonus to Constitution ability score", + "buff-critical-confirm-title": "Bonus to all Critical Confirm checks", + "buff-crushing-despair": "Crushing Despair", + "buff-curse-note": "You must enable/disable -6 to any ability, or -4 to Attacks/Saves/Checks, or uncheck all for 50% chance to act normally curse.", + "buff-curse": "Curse", + "buff-damage-melee-title": "Bonus to melee damage", + "buff-damage-ranged-title": "Bonus to ranged damage", + "buff-damage-title": "Bonus to all attack damage", + "buff-deadly-aim-note": "Bonus to ranged damage. Penalty to ranged attack", + "buff-deadly-aim": "Deadly Aim", + "buff-death-knell": "Death Knell", + "buff-deflection-title": "Deflection bonus to AC", + "buff-desecrate-note": "+3 to save vs channel energy. Double all bonuses if alter present.", + "buff-desecrate": "Desecrate (if undead)", + "buff-dexterity-based-skills-penalty-title": "Penalty to dexterity based skills", + "buff-dexterity-based-skills-title": "Bonus to dexterity based skills", + "buff-dexterity-penalty-title": "Penalty to dexterity. For every 2 points of damage you take, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics", + "buff-dexterity-title": "Bonus to Dexterity ability score", + "buff-divine-favor": "Divine Favor", + "buff-dodge-title": "Dodge bonus to AC", + "buff-elemental-overflow-note": "chance to ignore the effects of a critical hit or sneak attack", + "buff-elemental-overflow": "Elemental Overflow", + "buff-enlarge-person-note": "Reach increased, height x2, weight x4.", + "buff-enlarge-person": "Enlarge Person", + "buff-flat-footed-title": "Bonus to flat-footed AC only", + "buff-fortitude-title": "Bonus to fortitude saving throws", + "buff-good-hope": "Good Hope", + "buff-hampering-hex": "Hampering Hex", + "buff-haste-note": "When making a full attack action, a hasted creature may make one extra attack with one natural or manufactured weapon. All modes of movement increase.", + "buff-haste": "Haste", + "buff-heroism": "Heroism", + "buff-initiative-title": "Bonus to initiative", + "buff-inspire-courage-note": "+@{b2_val} morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects.", + "buff-inspire-courage": "Inspire Courage", + "buff-inspire-greatness": "Inspire Greatness", + "buff-inspired-rage-note": "**Inspired Rage**, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.", + "buff-inspired-rage": "Inspired Rage", + "buff-intelligence-based-skills-penalty-title": "Penalty to intelligence based skills", + "buff-intelligence-based-skills-title": "Bonus to intelligence based skills", + "buff-intelligence-penalty-title": "Penalty to intelligence. For every 2 points of damage you take, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics", + "buff-intelligence-title": "Bonus to Intelligence ability score", + "buff-kinetic-blast-damage-title": "Bonus to kinetic blast damage", + "buff-kinetic-blast-title": "Bonus to kinetic blast attack", + "buff-mage-armor": "Mage Armor", + "buff-magearmor-note": "made of force, incorporeal creatures can't bypass it the way they do normal armor.", + "buff-magic-vestment": "Magic Vestment", + "buff-melee-title": "Bonus to all melee attack rolls", + "buff-melee2-title": "Bonus to 'Alt Melee' attack rolls only", + "buff-natural-title": "Enhancement to natural armor bonus to AC", + "buff-notes": "Buff Notes", + "buff-power-attack-damage-title": "Bonus to Melee damage. Damage multiplier is handled per Attack.", + "buff-power-attack-note": "Bonus to Melee damage. Penalty to Melee attack", + "buff-power-attack": "Power Attack", + "buff-prayer-debuff": "Prayer (Debuff)", + "buff-prayer": "Prayer", + "buff-rage-note": "A barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.", + "buff-rage-unchained": "Rage (Unchained)", + "buff-rage": "Rage", + "buff-ranged-title": "Bonus to all ranged attack rolls", + "buff-ranged2-title": "Bonus to 'Alt Ranged' attack rolls only", + "buff-reduce-person-note": "Reach decreased, height /2, weight /4.", + "buff-reduce-person": "Reduce Person", + "buff-reflex-title": "Bonus to reflex saving throws", + "buff-saves-title": "Bonus to saving throws", + "buff-shield-note": "Negates magic missile attacks directed at you. This bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks, since it is a force effect.", + "buff-shield-of-faith": "Shield of Faith", + "buff-shield-title": "Enhancement to shield bonus to AC", + "buff-shield": "Shield", + "buff-size-title": "Bonus to size, +1=one size larger, -1=one size smaller", + "buff-skill-checks-title": "Bonus to skill checks", + "buff-slow-note": "Also apply *Staggered* condition.", + "buff-slow": "Slow", + "buff-speed-title": "Bonus to speed", + "buff-spell-caster-level-title": "Bonus to spell caster level", + "buff-spell-dc-title": "Bonus to spell DC", + "buff-stardust-note": " @{b1_val} penalty to sight based perception checks", + "buff-stardust": "Stardust", + "buff-strength-based-skills-penalty-title": "Penalty to strength based skills", + "buff-strength-based-skills-title": "Bonus to strength based skills", + "buff-strength-penalty-title": "Penalty to strength. For every 2 points of damage you take, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics", + "buff-strength-title": "Bonus to Strength ability score", + "buff-temp-hp-title": "Temporary hit points", + "buff-touch-title": "Bonus to touch AC class only", + "buff-type-title": "Tab this row will appear under. Categorize buffs for user convenience.", + "buff-ward-note": "Lasts until the warded creature is hit or fails a saving throw", + "buff-ward": "Ward", + "buff-will-title": "Bonus to will saving throws", + "buff-wisdom-based-skills-penalty-title": "Penalty to wisdom based skills", + "buff-wisdom-based-skills-title": "Bonus to wisdom based skills", + "buff-wisdom-penalty-title": "Penalty to wisdom. For every 2 points of damage you take, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics", + "buff-wisdom-title": "Bonus to Wisdom ability score", + "buff": "Buff", + "buffs-conditions-edit-section": "Set and edit buffs and conditions", + "buffs-conditions-section": "Buffs and Conditions", + "buffs-conditions-status-section": "Buff and Condition status panels", + "buffs-migrated-title": "Buffs migrated to Buffs repeating section Cannot be remigrated", + "buffs-migrated": "Buffs", + "buffs-set": "Set Buffs", + "buffs-showsect-cmd": "Click to expand buff edit area", + "buffs": "Buffs", + "burn": "Burn", + "burrow-speed": "Burrow", + "menus-showsect-cmd": "Show chat ability command buttons", + "buttons": "Buttons", + "calculate-abbrv": "Calc", + "calculation-abbrv": "Calc", + "calculation": "Calculation", + "campaign": "Campaign", + "cannot-parse": "Cannot parse", + "cantrips": "Cantrips", + "caravan": "Caravan", + "carried-currency-title": "The amount of currency carried on the character that will contribute to total load", + "carried-currency": "Carried Currency", + "carried-default": "•Carried", + "carried-equipment": "Carried Equipment", + "carried-not-worn": "Carried (not worn)", + "carried-weight": "Carried Weight", + "carried": "Carried", + "cast-defensive-bonus-abbrv": "Cast Def Bonus", + "cast-defensive-bonus": "Concentration Bonus when casting defensively", + "cast-defensively-abbrv": "Cast Def", + "cast-defensively-check": "Cast Defensively Check", + "cast-defensively-difficulty-class-abbrv": "Cast Def DC", + "cast-defensively": "Cast Defensively", + "caster-class-level": "Spellcasting class and level", + "caster-level-abbrv": "CL", + "caster-level-basis-abbreviation": "CL basis", + "caster-level-basis-explanation": "Race/class basis defaults to total character level", + "caster-level-calculation": "Caster Lvl Calc", + "caster-level-check-abbrv": "CL Check", + "caster-level-check-abbrv2": "Casterlvl Chk", + "caster-level-check-notes": "Caster-level Check notes", + "caster-level-check": "Casterlevel Check", + "caster-level-miscellaneous-abbrv": "Cl misc", + "caster-level-miscellaneous-abbrv2": "Caster lvl misc", + "caster-level-modifier-abbrv": "CL Mod", + "caster-level": " Caster Level", + "casting-time-abbrv": "Cast Time", + "casting-time": "Casting Time", + "casting-type": "Casting Type: ", + "category": "Category", + "celestial": "Celestial", + "challenge-rating-abbrv": "CR", + "channeling": "Channeling", + "char-h-exp": "Expand Character Details", + "char": "Character Details", + "character-import-desc": "

Hero Lab XML Import

Used to import characters from Hero Lab via XML files
Method #1(preferred)
Step 1: Download and install Leigh M.'s Hero Lab Pathfinder Exporter plug-in for Hero Lab (Use link below. To install you must double-click the .hl file while Hero Lab is NOT running). Note: there have been reports of this plug-in causing the Mac OS X version of Hero Lab to crash when attempting to save using it; if you experience this, you will have to use the second method.
Step 2: From Hero Lab, open the File menu and choose 'Save Custom Output'.
Step 3: Select 'Roll20 Pathfinder' and 'Current Hero Only', then click Output.
Step 4: Open the HTM file in a plain-text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ and copy the entire contents.
Step 5: Paste the JSON into the text field directly below these instructions
Step 6: Click outside of the textarea to parse. If the import was successful, the textarea will clear with no errors.
Method #2
Step 1: Save the character as an XML file in Hero Lab (File -> Save Custom Output)
Step 2: Open the XML file in a plain-text editor. Copy and paste the contents into www.ConvertJSON.com (XML to JSON converter linked below). Paste into the left window labeled 'Xml Data', click 'Convert XML to JSON' to convert the the XML file to JSON, then copy the text from the right window.
Step 3: Paste the JSON into the text field directly below these instructions
Step 4: Click outside of the textarea to parse. If the import was successful, the textarea will clear with no errors.", + "character-import": "HeroLab Character Import", + "character-level-abbrv": "Character lvl", + "character-level": "Character Level", + "character-name": "Character Name", + "charged-magic": "Charged Magic Item", + "charged-magics": "Charged Magic Items", + "charged": "Charged", + "charges": "Charges", + "charisma-abbrv-default": "•CHA", + "charisma-abbrv": "CHA", + "charisma-calculation-abbrv": "CHA Calc", + "charisma-calculation-skills-abbrv": "Cha skills calc", + "charisma-penalized-title": "Charisma Penalized Penalties to ability scores only change the modifier, not the score itself For every 2 points of damage or penalty you take to an ability, apply a –1 penalty to relevant skills and statistics", + "charisma-penalized": "CHA Penalized", + "charisma-skills-abbrv": "CHA skills", + "charisma": "Charisma", + "check-calculation": "Check Calc", + "check": "Check", + "checks": "Checks", + "chest": "Chest", + "chocolate-brown": "Chocolate Brown", + "choose-background": "Choose Background:", + "circumstance": "Circumstance", + "class skill-bonus|armor-check-penalty|size-mod|condition-penalty-abbrv": "Cl/Ac/Sz/Co", + "class skill-bonus|armor-check-penalty|size-mod|condition-penalty": "Class Skill Bonus / Armor check penalty / Size mod / Condition penalty", + "class-0-default": "•0th Class", + "class-0-title": "Class 0: 1st class", + "class-0": "0th Class", + "class-1-title": "Class 1: 2nd class", + "class-1": "1st Class", + "class-2-title": "Class 2: 3rd class", + "class-2": "2nd Class", + "class-3-title": "Class 3: 4th class", + "class-3": "3rd Class", + "class-4-title": "Class 4: 5th class", + "class-4": "4th Class", + "class-5-title": "Class 5: 6th class", + "class-5": "5th Class", + "class-abilities": "Abilities", + "class-ability": "Class Ability", + "class-and-level": "Class(es) and levels", + "class-bonus": "Class Bonus", + "class-features": "Class Features", + "class-hd": "Class HD", + "class-hit-points-abbrv": "Class hp", + "class-hit-points": "Class Hit Points", + "class-information": "Class Information", + "class-level-abbrv": "CL", + "class-name": "Class Name", + "class-number-explanation": "Class number, this number used in dropdowns when selecting class (cannot create select by name)", + "class-number": "Class #", + "class-power-points-abbrv": "Class PP", + "class-race-information-abbrv": "Class and Race Information", + "class-race-xp": "Class, Race, Experience", + "class-race": "Class and Race", + "class-skill-abbrv": "CS", + "class-skill": "Class Skill", + "class-skills-migrated": "Class skill checkboxes", + "class": "Class", + "cleanup-old-attributes": "Cleanup old attributes", + "cleanup-old-spell-lists": "Cleanup old spell lists", + "climb": "Climb", + "close": "Close", + "column-cmd": "Split into two columns", + "combat-effects-migrated-title": "Attack and damage effects migrated to Buffs Cannot be remigrated", + "combat-effects-migrated": "Combat Effects", + "combat-gear": "Combat Gear", + "combat-maneuver-bonus-abbrv": "CMB", + "combat-maneuver-bonus-abbrv2": "Alt CMB", + "combat-maneuver-bonus-calculation-abbrv": "CMB calc", + "combat-maneuver-bonus-image": " CMB Image", + "combat-maneuver-bonus-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive CMB bonuses here", + "combat-maneuver-bonus-notes": " CMB Notes", + "combat-maneuver-bonus-only-abbrv": "CMB Only", + "combat-maneuver-defense-abbrv": "CMD", + "combat-maneuver-defense-calculation-abbrv": "CMD Calc", + "combat-maneuver-defense-ff-abbrv": "FF CMD", + "combat-maneuver-defense-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive CMD bonuses here", + "combat-maneuver-defense-notes": "CMD Notes", + "combat-maneuver-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive CMD bonuses here", + "combat-maneuver": "Combat Maneuver", + "combat-skills": "Combat Skills", + "combat": "Combat", + "comic-sans": " Comic Sans", + "common-buff-title": "Quickly add common buff/debuff.", + "common-buff": "Add a Common Buff", + "compact": "Compact", + "compact-mode": "Compact", + "compendium-drag-drop-compatible": " Compendium drag-n-drop compatible ", + "compendium-drag-n-drop-desc": "Drag items, spells, etc from the compendium to an empty row below to auto populate the information Compendium is at the italic i icon above the chat", + "competence": "Competence", + "components": "Components", + "composite-energy-blade": "Composite energy blade/whip", + "composite-energy-blast": "Composite energy blast", + "composite-physical-blade": "Composite physical blade/whip", + "composite-physical-blast": "Composite physical blast", + "composite": "Composite", + "concentration-abbrv": "Conc", + "concentration-bonus-desc": "Bonus to concentration rolls = caster level plus ability score", + "concentration-check-abbrv": "Concentration", + "concentration-check-notes": "Concentration Check notes", + "concentration-check": "Concentration Check", + "concentration-label": "Concentration", + "concentration-miscellaneous-abbrv": "Conc Misc", + "concentration-modifier-abbrv": "Conc Mod", + "concentration": " Concentration", + "condition-abbrv": "Cond", + "condition-bleed-title": "A creature takes the listed amount of damage at the beginning of its turn. Stopped by DC 15 Heal check or spell that cures hp damage.", + "condition-blinded-note": "–4 penalty on opposed Perception skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based on sight) automatically fail.", + "condition-blinded-speed": "Blind creatures must make a DC 10 Acrobatics skill check to move faster than half speed.", + "condition-blinded-title": "-2 penalty to Armor Class, loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), and takes a –4 penalty on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks and on opposed Perception skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based on sight) automatically fail.", + "condition-cowering-title": "-2 penalty to Armor Class and loses its Dexterity bonus", + "condition-dazed-title": "The creature is unable to act normally. A dazed creature can take no actions, but has no penalty to AC.", + "condition-dazzled-note": "-1 penalty on sight-based Perception checks", + "condition-dazzled-title": "-1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks", + "condition-dead-title": "You're dead...", + "condition-deafened-note": "-4 penalty on opposed Perception checks, automatically fails Perception checks based on sound", + "condition-deafened-spellonly": "Has a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components", + "condition-deafened-title": "-4 penalty on initiative rolls, -4 penalty on opposed Perception checks, automatically fails Perception checks based on sound, and has a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components", + "condition-description": "Modifiers due to conditions that affect this bonus", + "condition-disabled-title": "A disabled character may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions, but he can still take swift, immediate, and free actions). He moves at half speed. Performing any standard action (or any other action the GM deems strenuous, including some free actions such as casting a Quicken Spell spell) deals 1 point of damage after the completion of the act.", + "condition-drowning-title": "When the character finally fails her CON check, she begins to drown. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hp). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she drowns.", + "condition-dying-title": "A dying creature can take no actions. On the character’s next turn, after being reduced to negative hit points (but not dead), and on all subsequent turns, the character must make a DC 10 CON check to become stable. The character takes a penalty on this roll equal to his negative hit point total. A character that is stable does not need to make this check. A natural 20 on this check is an automatic success. If the character fails this check, he loses 1 hit point. If a dying creature has an amount of negative hit points equal to its CON score, it dies.", + "condition-energy-drained-title": "-1 penalty on all attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, combat maneuver defense, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks Additionally there is a 5 hp reduction to both current hp and maximum hp", + "condition-entangled-title": "-2 penalty on all attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity, moves at half speed, cannot run or charge", + "condition-exhausted-title": "-6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity, moves at half speed, cannot run or charge", + "condition-fascinated-title": "–4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks", + "condition-fatigued-title": "-2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity, cannot run or charge", + "condition-fear-title": "-2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks; if frightened must also flee; if panicked must also drop items and flee.", + "condition-flat-footed-title": "Flat-Footed: loses DEX bonus to AC and CMD (if any) and cannot make attacks of opportunity, unless he has the Combat Reflexes feat or Uncanny Dodge class ability", + "condition-grappled-cmb-note": "**+**[[2]] to grapple or escape a grapple.", + "condition-grappled-invisible-note": "If a grappled creature becomes invisible, through a spell or other ability, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus on its CMD to avoid being grappled", + "condition-grappled-spell-note": "A character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level), or lose the spell.", + "condition-grappled-title": "-2 penalty on all attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity, cannot move", + "condition-helpless-note": "Melee attacks against a helpless target get a +4 bonus", + "condition-helpless-title": "Set Dexterity to 0 (-5 DEX-mod), melee attacks against a helpless target get a +4 bonus", + "condition-incorporeal-title": "Creatures with the incorporeal condition do not have a physical body. Incorporeal creatures are immune to all nonmagical attack forms. Incorporeal creatures take half damage (50%) from magic weapons, spells, spell-like effects, and supernatural effects. Incorporeal creatures take full damage from other incorporeal creatures and effects, as well as all force effects.", + "condition-invisible-title": "+2 bonus on attack rolls against sighted opponents, and ignores its opponents' Dexterity bonuses to AC (if any)", + "condition-lose-dexterity-abbrv": " Lose DEX", + "condition-maximum-dexterity-abbrv": " Max DEX", + "condition-nauseated-title": "Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.", + "condition-nocharge-note": "Cannot run or charge", + "condition-paralyzed-note": "Helpless, but can take purely mental actions", + "condition-paralyzed-title": "Effective Dexterity and Strength scores of 0 and is helpless, but can take purely mental actions", + "condition-petrified-title": "A petrified character has been turned to stone and is considered unconscious.", + "condition-pinned-spell-note": "A pinned creature can take verbal and mental actions, but cannot cast any spells that require a somatic or material component.", + "condition-pinned-title": "Cannot move and is denied Dexterity bonus. Additional -4 penalty to Armor Class", + "condition-prone-note": "+4 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, –4 penalty to AC against melee attacks", + "condition-prone-title": "-4 penalty on melee attack rolls, gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, but takes a –4 penalty to AC against melee attacks", + "condition-sickened-title": "-2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks", + "condition-stable-title": "The character is no longer dying, but is still unconscious.", + "condition-staggered-title": "A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions. A creature with nonlethal damage exactly equal to its current hit points gains the staggered condition.", + "condition-stunned-title": "-2 penalty to Armor Class, and loses Dexterity bonus to AC (if any)", + "condition-suffocating-title": "When the character fails one of these CON checks, she begins to suffocate. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she suffocates.", + "condition-unconscious-title": "Unconscious creatures are knocked out and helpless. Unconsciousness can result from having negative hit points (but not more than the creature’s CON score), or from nonlethal damage in excess of current hit points.", + "condition": "Condition", + "conditions-list": "bleed,blinded,cowering,dazed,dazzled,dead,deafened,disabled,drowning,dying,energy-drained,entangled,exhausted,fascinated,fatigued,flat-footed,grappled,helpless,incorporeal,invisible,nauseated,paralyzed,petrified,pinned,prone,fear-any,sickened,stable,staggered,stunned,suffocating,unconscious", + "conditions-set": "Set Conditions", + "conditions-showsect-cmd": "Click to expand condition edit area", + "conditions": "Conditions", + "conduit": "Conduit", + "config-header-image-info": "Header images are iconic images that appear in the header of roll templates. All macros on the sheet include {{header_image=image attribute}}. Each roll template has a specific image attribute that works with the options below. i.e. The Spells roll template would use {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_spell}}} Attack images can be set from within each weapon's 'Options' section. Hover over the template names below to learn the specific image attributes. You can substitute images for any roll template by using the URL column below or using the syntax {{header_image=[name](url)}} Larger images will be resized to fit within a 100px box. For best results, try to keep header images under 32x32px.", + "config-roll-template-info1": "Roll templates use a combination of predetermined HTML, CSS, and macro-text to format the output of macros Roll templates included in the Pathfinder sheet: pf_spell, pf_attack, pf_defense, pf_generic, and pf_block", + "config-roll-template-info2": "Macro roll template syntax: &{template:roll template name} {{key=value}}", + "config-roll-template-info3": "Below is a list of each roll template along with it's defined properties(keys) Keys can only be used once within a macro A key that is not defined may still be included in the macro and will be displayed on a new row as determined by the roll template ie {{foo=foo}} Property values may consist of text, attributes, in-line rolls, images, hyperlinks, etc, or any combination of such values", + "config-roll-template-info4": "Each has a @{toggle_accessible_flag} , this makes the following string appear or not: {{accessible=true}} If accessible is set, then an alternate rolltemplate is used that does not uses divs or tables but only labels and spans, which some users may find easier to use This can also be set globally by checking \"use simple templates\"", + "config-roll-template-info5": "Use this syntax to customize output of rolls in the "macro-text" fields found on the sheet", + "config-roll-template-pf_ability": "Ability Roll Template (pf_ability)
Used for all Abilities(Class Features, Feats, Traits, etc) 2 column format except for the \"description\" property", + "config-roll-template-pf_attack": "Attack Roll Template (pf_attack)
Used for attacks 2 column format except for the \"description\" property (note: @{macro_options} is used by the sheet to enable the toggling of notes related to attacks and contains the properties for @{melee_notes}, @{ranged_notes}, @{cmb_notes}, and @{attack_notes})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", + "config-roll-template-pf_block": "Block Text Roll Template (pf_block)
Used for Inventory rolls Key/Property names are not shown in this template Best for long blocks of text\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", + "config-roll-template-pf_defense": "Defense Roll Template (pf_defense)
Used for Saving Throws (note: @{macro_options} is used by the sheet to enable the toggling of notes related to defense and contains the properties for @{dr_notes}, @{resistances_notes}, @{immunities_notes}, @{weaknesses_notes}, @{sr_notes}, @{armor_notes}, @{save_notes}, @{cmd_notes}, and @{defense-notes})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", + "config-roll-template-pf_generic": "Generic Roll Template (pf_generic)
Used for Ability checks, Initiative, Spell Failure Check, Skill Checks, Concentration Check, Caster Level Check 2 column format, except for righttext_X(1-10), lefttext_X(1-10), and the description keys\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", + "config-roll-template-pf_spell": "Spell Roll Template (pf_spell)
Used for all spell-based sheet rolls Primarily formatted to emulate a typical spell stat-block (note: @{spell_options} is used by the sheet to enable the toggling of spell attributes and contains ALL pf_spell specific properties)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", + "config-update-spell-macros-info1": "This is a mapping of old spell ids to new spell ids for use in upgrading macros", + "config-update-spell-macros-info2": "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tClick Modify for each spell level and WARNING: DELETE ALL the old spell lists to eliminate old redundant attributes and possibly speed up your sheet\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOnce you delete the below you will not be able to re-migrate the spells\n\t\t\t\t\t", + "configuration": "Configuration", + "confirm-critical-bonus-abbrv": "+Conf", + "confirm-critical-bonus": "Crit Confirmation Bonus", + "confirm-critical": "Crit Confirm", + "confirm-delete-ability": "Confirm deletion of all Abilities", + "confirm-delete-attack": "Confirm deletion of all Attacks", + "confirm-delete-buff": "Confirm deletion of all Buffs", + "confirm-delete-class-feature": "Confirm deletion of all Orig Class Features", + "confirm-delete-feat": "Confirm deletion of all Orig Feats", + "confirm-delete-item": "Confirm deletion of all Items", + "confirm-delete-mythic-ability": "Confirm deletion of all Mythic Abilities", + "confirm-delete-mythic-feat": "Confirm deletion of all Mythic Feats", + "confirm-delete-race-trait": "Confirm deletion of all Orig Racial Traits", + "confirm-delete-spell-like-abilities": "Confirm deletion of all Orig Spell-like Abilities", + "confirm-delete-spells": "Confirm deletion of all Spells", + "confirm-delete-trait": "Confirm deletion of all Orig Traits", + "consolidated-skills": "Consolidated Skills", + "consolidated": "Consolidated", + "constant": "Constant", + "constitution-abbrv-default": "•CON", + "constitution-abbrv": "CON", + "constitution-calculation-abbrv": "CON Calc", + "constitution-calculation-skills-abbrv": "Con skills calc", + "constitution-penalized-title": "Constitution Penalized Penalties to ability scores only change the modifier, not the score itself For every 2 points of damage or penalty you take to an ability, apply a –1 penalty to relevant skills and statistics", + "constitution-penalized": "CON Penalized", + "constitution-skills-abbrv": "CON skills", + "constitution": "Constitution", + "consumable-charge": "Consumable or Item with Charges or Uses", + "consumable": "Consumable", + "consumables": "Consumables", + "content": "Content", + "copper-pieces-abbrv": "CP", + "copper-pieces": "Copper pieces", + "copperplate": "Copperplate", + "copy-duplicate-attrs": "Copy duplicate fields", + "core-rules": "Core Rule Options", + "core": "Core", + "cowering": " Cowering", + "craft": "Craft", + "create-attack-entry": "Create a new attack based on this weapon", + "create-attack": "Create Atk", + "create-dual-wield": "Create dual wield attack using mainhand weapon and offhand weapon at right", + "create-macros": "Create Macros", + "create-spell-attack-entry": "Create a new attack based on this spell", + "create": "Create", + "crit-confirmation-bonus": "Critical confirmation bonus", + "critical-abbrv": "Crit", + "critical-bonus-abbrv": "+Crit", + "critical-confirm": "Crit Confirm", + "critical-damage": "Crit Damage", + "critical-title": "-3 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, as well as to AC and caster level", + "critical": " Critical ", + "cs-acrobatics": "Acrobatics", + "cs-athletics": "Athletics", + "cs-finesse": "Finesse", + "cs-influence": "Influence", + "cs-misc-skill": "Misc Skill", + "cs-nature": "Nature", + "cs-perception": "Perception", + "cs-performance": "Performance", + "cs-religion": "Religion", + "cs-society": "Society", + "cs-spellcraft": "Spellcraft", + "cs-stealth": "Stealth", + "cs-survival": "Survival", + "currency": "Currency", + "current-buffs": "Current Buffs", + "current-conditions": "Current Conditions", + "current-experience": "Current Experience", + "current-hit-points-abbrv": "Curr hp", + "current-hp-title": "Player adjustable hit tracking of current hit points remaining", + "current-load": "Current Load", + "current-power-points-abbrv": "Current PP", + "custom-attributes": "Custom attributes", + "custom-category-desc": "Custom category such as spell school or other user defined", + "custom-crit-confirmation-bonus": "Custom critical confirmation bonus for this attack", + "custom-level-abbrv": "Custom Lvl", + "custom-name": "Custom Name", + "custom-roll": "Custom Roll", + "custom-rolls": "Custom Rolls", + "custom-url-title": "Include a custom header image using the provided URL", + "custom-url": "Custom URL", + "custom": "Custom", + "cyan": "Cyan", + "d-hit-die": "hitdie", + "damage-abbrv": "Dmg", + "damage-ability": "Dmg Ability", + "damage-blade-abbrv": "Melee Dmg", + "damage-calculation-abbrv": "Melee Dmg Calc", + "damage-dice-affected-by-size": "Damage dice affected by size changes", + "damage-macro-desc": "Damage macro, must use brackets", + "damage-macro": "Damage Macro", + "damage-melee-abbrv": "Melee dmg", + "damage-melee-calculation-abbrv": "Melee dmg calc", + "damage-modifier-abbrv": "Dmg Mods", + "damage-modifiers": "Damage Modifiers", + "damage-multiplier-place": "15 etc", + "damage-multiplier-title": "Damage ability multiplier: .5, 1.5, 2, etc. Penalties are not multiplied.", + "damage-ranged-abbrv": "Rng dmg", + "damage-ranged-calculation-abbrv": "Ranged dmg calc", + "damage-reduction": "Damage Reduction", + "damage-resistance-abbrv": " DR", + "damage-resistance-title": "Damage Reduction: The amount of damage ignored and the type of weapon that negates the ability (eg 5/silver)", + "damage-type-abbrv": "Dmg Type", + "damage-type-or-description": "Dmg type / Description", + "damage-type-title": "Pierce Blunt Slash other", + "damage-type": "Damage Type", + "damage": "Damage", + "damnation": "Damnation", + "dark-azure": "Dark Azure", + "dark-blue": "Dark Blue", + "dark-brown": "Dark Brown", + "dark-cyan": "Dark Cyan", + "dark-green": "Dark Green", + "dark-grey": "Dark Grey", + "dark-olive": "Dark Olive", + "dark-orange": "Dark Orange", + "dark-pink": "Dark Pink", + "dark-purple": "Dark Purple", + "dark-red": "Dark Red", + "dark-teal": "Dark teal", + "dark-violet": "Dark Violet", + "dark-yellow": "Dark Yellow", + "dazed": " Dazed", + "dazzled": " Dazzled", + "dead": " Dead", + "deafened": " Deafened", + "death-threshold-title": "Death threshold calculation. Normally this is -@{CON}", + "death-threshold-total-title": "Point at which character death occurs.", + "death-threshold": "Death Threshold", + "debuff-title": "Negative buffs count as penalties", + "debuff": "Debuff", + "default-size": "Default Size", + "default": "Default", + "defense-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive defense bonuses here", + "defense-notes": "Defense Notes", + "defense-options": "Defense Options", + "defense-roll-template": "Defense Roll Template ", + "defense-statistics-abbrv": "Defense Stats", + "defense-statistics": "Defense Statistics", + "defense-values-grid": "Defense Values", + "defense": "DEFENSE", + "defenses": "Defenses", + "defensive-abilities": "Defensive Abilities", + "defensive-casting-bonus-abbrv": "Def Cast Bonus", + "defensive-info": "Defensive Info", + "defensively": "Defensively", + "deflect": "Deflect", + "deflection-calculation-abbrv": "Deflection calc", + "deflection": "Deflection", + "degenerate": "Degenerate", + "deity": "Deity", + "delete-ability-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Abilities, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-ability": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Abilities", + "delete-all-old-rows-are-you-sure": " WARNING: DELETE ALL buffs in old list, are you sure?", + "delete-all-rows-are-you-sure": " WARNING: DELETE ALL rows, are you sure?", + "delete-attack-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Attacks, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-attack": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Attacks", + "delete-buff-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Buffs, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-buff": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Buffs", + "delete-class-feature-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Orig Class Features, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-class-feature": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Orig Class Features", + "delete-feat-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Orig Feats, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-feat": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Orig Feats", + "delete-item-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Items, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-item": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Items", + "delete-mythic-ability-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Mythic Abilities, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-mythic-ability": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Mythic Abilities", + "delete-mythic-feat-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Mythic Feats, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-mythic-feat": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Mythic Feats", + "delete-old-buff-list": "WARNING: DELETE ALL buffs from the OLD list", + "delete-race-trait-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Orig Racial Traits, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-race-trait": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Orig Racial Traits", + "delete-spell-like-abilities-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Orig Spell-like Abilities, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-spell-like-abilities": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Orig Spell-like Abilities", + "delete-spells-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Spells, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-spells": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Spells", + "delete-trait-must-confirm-next-checkbox": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Orig Traits, must confirm action using next checkbox", + "delete-trait": "WARNING: DELETE ALL Orig Traits", + "description": "Description", + "details-age": "Age", + "details-deity": "Deity", + "details-height": "Height", + "details-homeland": "Homeland", + "details-languages": "Languages", + "details-occupation": "Occupation", + "details-weight": "Weight", + "devastating-infusion": "Devastating Infusion", + "dexterity-abbrv-default": "•DEX", + "dexterity-abbrv": "DEX", + "dexterity-calculation-abbrv": "DEX Calc", + "dexterity-calculation-skills-abbrv": "Dex skills calc", + "dexterity-penalized-title": "Dexterity Penalized Penalties to ability scores only change the modifier, not the score itself For every 2 points of damage or penalty you take to an ability, apply a –1 penalty to relevant skills and statistics", + "dexterity-penalized": "DEX Penalized", + "dexterity-skills-abbrv": "DEX skills", + "dexterity": "Dexterity", + "dice-abbrv": "d", + "dice": "Dice", + "die": "Die", + "difficulty-class-abbrv": "DC", + "difficulty-class-calculation-desc": "10 + Ability score modifier + DC basis level", + "difficulty-class-defensively-abbrv": "Def. DC", + "difficulty-class-effect-basis-desc": "Base for calculation of DC and effects, defaults to one half level / hit dice", + "difficulty-class-effect-basis": "DC Basis", + "difficulty-class-modifier-abbrv": "DC Mod", + "diplomacy": "Diplomacy", + "disable-calculations": "Disable Calculations", + "disable-device": "Disable Device", + "disabled-at": " Disabled at ", + "disabled-buffs": "Disabled Buffs", + "disabled-only": "Disabled", + "disabled-title": "Not unconscious until hp is under this value", + "disabled": " Disabled", + "disguise": "Disguise", + "display-advanced-macros-title": "Display Advanced fields to add to rolls These will add to any 1d20 roll Evaluated at roll-time, so queries may be used Each requires '0' as default, and [[]] around rolls", + "display-advanced-macros": " Display 'add-to-roll' rolltime fields", + "display-advanced-options-title": "Display extra fields for advanced customization, such as columns marked 'user defined'", + "display-advanced-options": " Display user defined and misc fields", + "display-both-whispers-title": "Display both sets of menu buttons at top of page: for PC-Whisper and NPC-Whisper", + "display-both-whispers": "Show both roll menu buttons for Monsters/NPCs", + "display-cmb-2": " Display Alt CMB attack type", + "display-macro-text-title": "Display macro fields for customizing roll template rolls", + "display-macro-text": " Display roll templates for customization", + "display-ranged-2": " Display Alt Ranged attack type", + "display-settings-config": "Toggle between settings and configuration or sheet view.", + "display-spells-known": "Click this to display spells known column", + "do-not-show-again": "Do not show again", + "do-not-touch": "Do not use this section unless instructed to by sheet developers", + "dodge-calculation-abbrv": "Dodge calc", + "dodge": "Dodge", + "domain-etc-type-example": "(Sub)Domain/School/Bloodline/Patron", + "domain-spells-explanation": "On hybrid that use a mix of prepared and spontaneous spells, this allows the domain checkbox to be used to indicate spontaneous spells that are always available Domain can be used for Mysteries, Spirit Magic, etc", + "domains": "Domains / SubDomains / Bloodlines / Patrons / Schools", + "double-charisma-abbrv": "2x CHA", + "double-constitution-abbrv": "2x CON", + "double-dexterity-abbrv": "2x DEX", + "double-intelligence-abbrv": "2x INT", + "double-strength-abbrv": "2x STR", + "double-wisdom-abbrv": "2x WIS", + "drag-push": "Drag & Push", + "drain": "Drain", + "drowning": " Drowning", + "dual-wield-beta": "Dual Wield", + "dual-wield-instructions": "Paste the Names (if unique) or Row ID For Macros of the mainhand and offhand weapons into the fields below. Set mainhand other values, then press Create.
When penalties, or the number of offhand attacks or damage change, update value here and press Update.", + "dual-wield": "Dual Wield", + "dungeoneering": "Dungeoneering", + "duration": "Duration", + "during-combat-place": "List all combat tactics here, including spell, feat, and magic item use", + "during-combat": "During Combat", + "dying": " Dying", + "ecology": "ECOLOGY", + "edge": "Edge", + "edit-mode-title": "Toggle Expanded mode(full editing) or Compact mode(important fields only)", + "edit-mode": "Edit", + "edit-time-custom-num-attributes": "Evaluate at edit time custom number attributes", + "effect": "Effect", + "effective-caster-level": "Effective Caster/character Level: use for effects, if Sp then for caster level checks and concentration", + "effective-spell-level": "Effective spell level: use for difficulty class and concentration checks", + "effects-target": "Effects/Target", + "enable-pfs-desc": "Sets hit points autocalc, prestige and fame points", + "enable-pfs": " Set to PFS config settings", + "enable-skill-check-query-title": "Skill Checks will include an option to Roll, Take 10, or Take 20", + "enable-take-10-or-20-options": "Use Take 10 or 20 or custom?", + "enabled-buffs": "Enabled Buffs", + "enabled-chkbox": "Enable", + "enabled-only": "Enabled", + "encumbered-abbrv": "Encum", + "encumbered-title": "Medium or heavy encumbrance penalties may limit speed and dexterity bonus to AC", + "encumbered": "Encumbered", + "encumbrance-above-title": "A character can lift as much as his maximum load over his head", + "encumbrance-based-on": "Encumbrance based on", + "encumbrance-drag-push-title": "A character can generally push or drag along the ground as much as five times his maximum load", + "encumbrance-heavy-title": "Over the medium load and up to this weight, the character is heavily encumbered. At this weight or greater the character is overloaded (loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per round (as a full-round action)).", + "encumbrance-light-title": "At this weight of carried equipment or less, the character is unencumbered", + "encumbrance-max-title": "At this weight or greater the character is immobilized", + "encumbrance-medium-title": "Over the light load and up to this weight, the character is moderately encumbered", + "encumbrance-misc-title": "Miscellaneous bonus to load values", + "encumbrance-multiplier-title": "The amount that load values will be multiplied", + "encumbrance-multiplier-total-title": "Total amount that load values will be multiplied", + "encumbrance-off-ground-title": "A character can lift as much as double his maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it", + "encumbrance-size-multiplier-title": "The amount that load values will be multiplied for size Number of legs are accounted for", + "encumbrance-source": "Encumbrance Source", + "encumbrance-str-bonus-title": "Bonus to Strength score for carrying capacity only", + "encumbrance": "Encumbrance", + "energy-drained": " Energy Drain", + "energy": "Energy", + "enforce-requires-training": "Unusable untrained not appear in menu?", + "engineering": "Engineering", + "enhance": "Enhance", + "enhancement-abbrv": "Enh", + "enhancement-bonus": "Enhancement Bonus", + "enhancement": "Enhancement", + "ensure-macros-uptodate": "Ensure macros are up to date", + "entangled": " Entangled", + "entropic": "Entropic", + "environment": "Environment", + "equation-macro-place": "#/Equation", + "equipment-abbrv": "Equip", + "equipment-list": "Equipment List", + "equipment-type-abbrv": "Equip Type", + "equipment": "Equipment", + "equipped-title": "Select which armor and shield are equipped", + "equipped": "Equipped", + "error-delete-row": "Error! You must delete this row before editing any items in this section", + "error-msg1": "Error! You must delete this row before editing any items in this section", + "escape-artist": "Escape Artist", + "every-rounds-abbrv": "Every n rnds", + "everyrounds": "Every", + "Ex": "Ex", + "exhausted": " Exhausted", + "expand-all": "Expand All", + "expand-cmd": "Lock or unlock all rows", + "expand-multiclass": "Expand to reveal more class rows", + "experience-and-hero-points": "Experience and Hero Points", + "experience-current-place": "Current Experience", + "experience-migrated": "Prestige/ Hero Pt flag", + "experience-next": "Next Level", + "experience-points-abbrv": "XP", + "experience-points": "Experience Points", + "extra-crit-abbrv": "Extra Crit Dmg", + "extra-critical-damage-title": "Extra Critical Damage", + "extra-critical-damage": "Extra Crit Dmg", + "extra-damage-condition": "Extra damage condition when dual wielding: Rake, Rend, etc", + "extra-damage-or-attack-modifiers": "Extra Damage or Attack Modifiers", + "extra-damage-section": "Extra Damage (not multiplied on crit)", + "extra-damage": "Extra Non-Crit Dmg", + "extra-ranks": "Extra ranks:", + "extraordinary-abbrv": "Ex", + "extraordinary-abilities-desc": "Extraordinary abilities are nonmagical They are, however, not something that just anyone can do or even learn to do without extensive training Effects or areas that suppress or negate magic have no effect on extraordinary abilities", + "extraordinary-abilities-menu": "Ex", + "extraordinary-abilities": "Extraordinary Abilities", + "eyes-details": "Eyes Details", + "eyes": "Eyes", + "faction-notes-place": "Fame, Prestige, and Faction Notes", + "faction-notes": "Faction Notes", + "faith": "Faith", + "fame": "Fame", + "family": "Family", + "fantasy": "Fantasy (Papyrus)", + "fascinated": " Fascinated", + "fatigued-conditions": " Fatigued Conditions", + "fatigued": " Fatigued", + "favored-class-abbrv": "FC:", + "favored-class-hit-points-abbrv": "FC hp", + "favored-class-hit-points-title": "Favored Class hp", + "favored-class-skill-abbrv": "FC Skill", + "favored-class-skill": "Favored Class Skill Ranks", + "favored-class": "Favored Class(es)", + "fear-any": " Shaken/Frightened/Panicked", + "fear": " Fear", + "feat-name": "Feat Name", + "feat-type": "Feat Type", + "feat": "Feat", + "feats-available": "Feats Available", + "feats-by-level": "Feats by Level", + "feats-calculation": "Feat Calculations", + "feats": "Feats", + "feature-list-default-values": "Features default values", + "feature-macros-v1": "Orig feature macros to v1", + "features": "Features", + "feet-abbrv": "ft", + "feet": "Feet", + "fiendish": "Fiendish", + "finesse": "Finesse", + "flat-footed-abbrv": "FF AC", + "flat-footed-armor-class-abbrv": "Flat-Footed", + "flat-footed-armor-class": "Flat-Footed Armor Class", + "flat-footed-combat-maneuver-defense-abbrv": "FF CMD", + "flat-footed-only-calculation-abbrv": "Flat-foot only calc", + "flat-footed-touch-abbrv": "FF Touch", + "flat-footed": " Flat-Footed", + "fly": "Fly", + "font-background": "Font / Background", + "font": "Font", + "footer-aria": "Help links and footer information", + "footer-info": "Created by Samuel Marino w/contributions by Vince, Chris Buchholz, Magik, James W | Last updated:", + "footnote-a": "(a) Evaluated at edit time. Must evaluate to number. No queries or rolls. Extended Expressions allowed. Must use ID number to refer to row value. Can refer to (a) expressions or number attributes only.", + "footnote-b": "(b) Evaluated at roll time. May output string or number. Queries and rolls allowed. Must put [[brackets]] around rolls. Can refer to (a),(b),(c) expressions.", + "footnote-c": "(c) Evaluated at roll time. Must evaluate to number. Queries and rolls allowed. [[Brackets]] automatically placed around expression. Can refer to (a) or (c) expressions or number attributes only (or (b) if it evaluates to a number).", + "footnote-d": "(d) The actual roll. Sent to chat. Evaluated at roll time. Can refer to any of above.", + "footnote-macro-info-title": "Types of macro-text fields used on the sheet.", + "footnote-macro-info": "Macro Field Info...", + "footnotes-aria": "Footnotes information", + "fortitude-abbrv": "Fort", + "fortitude-calculation-abbrv": "Fort Calc", + "fortitude-save": "Fortitude Save", + "fortitude": "Fortitude", + "four-legged-abbrv": "Quad", + "frequency-abbrv": "Freq", + "frequency-title": "Select how often this ability is available", + "frequency": "Frequency", + "full-caster-level-abbrv": "Lvl/HD", + "full-macro-place": "Macro/Query", + "full-macro": "Full Macro:", + "gear-not-used-place": "Gear not used in combat", + "gear-or-tool": "Gear or Tool", + "gear-tool": "Gear and tools", + "gear-used-place": "Gear used in combat", + "gear": "Gear", + "gender": "Gender", + "general": "General", + "generic-roll-template": "Generic Roll Template ", + "geography": "Geography", + "giant": "Giant", + "global": "Global", + "gold-pieces-abbrv": "GP", + "gold-pieces": "Gold pieces", + "gold": "Gold", + "graphpaper": "Graph-paper", + "grappled": " Grappled", + "grazed-title": "-1 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, as well as to AC and caster level", + "grazed": " Grazed ", + "green": "Green", + "grey": "Grey", + "grit": "Grit", + "gritty-title": "All wound penalties are doubled.", + "group-by-school-desc": "Group spells by school in spells menu", + "group-by-school": " Group by school", + "group-name": "Group by name for attackbook buttons", + "group": "Group", + "hair-details": "Hair Details", + "hair": "Hair", + "half-caster-level-abbrv-selected": "•½ Lvl", + "half-caster-level": "½ Caster Level", + "half-charisma-abbrv": "1/2 CHA", + "half-constitution-abbrv": "1/2 CON", + "half-dexterity-abbrv": "1/2 DEX", + "half-intelligence-abbrv": "1/2 INT", + "half-level-selected": "•½ Level", + "half-strength-abbrv": "1/2 STR", + "half-wisdom-abbrv": "1/2 WIS", + "handle-animal": "Handle Animal", + "hands": "Hands", + "hardness-abbrv": "Hard", + "hd-not-bab-title": "If checked use total HD not BAB for CMD", + "hd-not-bab": " Use Level/HD for CMD instead of BAB", + "head": "Head", + "headband": "Headband", + "header-image-default": "Include the default header image on roll templates.(NOTE: setting can be overridden by Simple roll templates which do not display header images.)", + "header-image-none": "Do not include a header image", + "header-image": "Header Image", + "heading-border-colors": "Heading background and border Color:", + "heal-conditions": "Heal Conditions", + "heal": "Heal", + "health-and-wounds": "Health and Wounds", + "healthy": " Healthy ", + "heavy-armor": "Heavy Armor", + "heavy": "Heavy", + "height": "Height", + "help-translate": "Help Translate", + "helpless": " Helpless", + "hero-points": "Hero Points", + "hex": "Hex", + "hexfreq": "Per 24 hrs per target", + "highest-mental-ability": "Highest mental ability", + "history": "History", + "hit-dice-abbrv": "# HD", + "hit-dice-desc": "Number of Hit Dice to roll", + "hit-die-abbrv": "HD", + "hit-die-desc": "Number of Sides of Hit Die", + "hit-die": "Hit Die", + "hit-point-adjustment-2-abbrv": "hp adj2", + "hit-point-misc-migrated": "Misc hp field", + "hit-points-abbrv": "hp", + "hit-points-ability-title": "The Ability Score that contributes a bonus/penalty to the overall character hit points by level", + "hit-points-adjustment-1-abbrv": "hp adj1", + "hit-points-adjustment-title": "Player configurable adjustment to maximum hit points by way of a formula", + "hit-points-class-title": "Hit Points due to Class Only", + "hit-points-due-to-hit-dice-abbrv": "Class/HD hp", + "hit-points-due-to-hit-dice-title": "Hit points due to class levels and hit dice", + "hit-points-modifier-2-title": "The value produced by the hp adj2 formula", + "hit-points-modifier-title": "The modifier that comes from the Ability Score chosen to adjust hit points per level", + "hit-points": "Hit Points", + "homeland": "Homeland", + "horror-adventures": "Horror Adventures", + "how-encumbrance-affects-speed": "How encumbrance affects speed", + "hybrid": "Hybrid", + "identification-abbrv": "ID", + "ignore-encumbrance": "Ignore Encumbrance", + "immune": " Immune", + "immunities-title": "Takes no damage from listed sources (eg acid, fire, paralysis)", + "immunities": " Immunities", + "improved-title": "Improved Dual Wield: check here if offhand attack gains iteratives", + "improved": "Improved", + "in-special-abilities-section": "In list under Special Abilities below", + "include-ability-notes": "Include Ability Notes in roll", + "include-attack-notes": "Include notes or images in attack rolls? Notes and image will be mapped to attack type", + "include-attack-totals": "Include Attack Totals?", + "include-attacks-?": "Include Attack?", + "include-carried-currency": "Include Carried Currency", + "include-eighth-attack": "Include an 8th attack?", + "include-fifth-attack": "Include a 5th attack?", + "include-fourth-attack": "Include a 4th attack?", + "include-info": "Include info?", + "include-information-title": "Include these additional attributes with saving throws?", + "include-information": "Include info?", + "include-link-abilities": " Include link to Ability Attacks", + "include-link-spells": " Include link to Spell Attacks", + "include-ninth-attack": "Include a 9th attack?", + "include-notes": "Include notes in roll", + "include-save-notes": "Include Save Notes in roll", + "include-second-attack": "Include a 2nd attack?", + "include-seventh-attack": "Include a 7th attack?", + "include-sixth-attack": "Include a 6th attack?", + "include-skill-notes": "Include Skill notes?", + "include-skill-totals": "Include Skill Totals?", + "include-spell-info": "Include these attributes with each spell roll?", + "include-third-attack": "Include a 3rd attack?", + "incorporeal": " Incorporeal", + "influence": "Influence", + "information-abbrv": "Info", + "inherent-abbrv": "Inhr", + "inherent-bonus": "Inherent Bonus", + "inherent": "Inherent", + "init-speed-full-macro": "Init and Speed Info Full Macro:", + "init-speed-info-abbrv": "Init & Speed Info", + "init-speed-info": "Initiative and Speed Info", + "init-speed-title": "%{init-speed-info} Post initiative and speed information.", + "initiative-abbrv-caps": "INIT", + "initiative-abbrv": "Init", + "initiative-and-speeds": "Initiative and Speeds", + "initiative-calculation-abbrv": "Init calc", + "initiative-notes-title": "Include initiative notes with roll", + "initiative-notes": " Initiative Notes", + "initiative": "Initiative", + "insert-macro-attack": "'Add to Attack' Macro:", + "insert-macro-damage": "'Add to Damage' Macro:", + "insight": "Insight", + "instru-a-0": "New sheets begin on the Configuration page Use the Settings button(config-show) to edit the sheet", + "instru-a-1": "Checkboxes with a label cause the section with same name (h2 or h3 header) to be revealed or hidden", + "instru-a-2": "Screenreader users please turn on reading of Title attributes A lot of information is still in the titles", + "instru-a-3": "Screenreader users should check expand all to ensure all content is visible to the reader It is the second checkbox on this page", + "intelligence-abbrv-default": "•INT", + "intelligence-abbrv": "INT", + "intelligence-calculation-abbrv": "INT Calc", + "intelligence-calculation-skills-abbrv": "Int skills calc", + "intelligence-penalized-title": "Intelligence Penalized Penalties to ability scores only change the modifier, not the score itself For every 2 points of damage or penalty you take to an ability, apply a –1 penalty to relevant skills and statistics", + "intelligence-penalized": "INT Penalized", + "intelligence-skills-abbrv": "INT skills", + "intelligence": "Intelligence", + "internal-buffer": "Internal Buffer", + "intimidate": "Intimidate", + "invalid": "Invalid", + "inventory": "Inventory", + "invisible": " Invisible", + "is-mythic": "Check if this row is Mythic", + "is-npc-check-caps": " THIS is an NPC OR MONSTER", + "is-npc-description": "Sheet is an NPC or Monster - exposes the NPC tab.", + "is-v1": "Is a V1 sheet", + "item-hit-points-abbrv": "hp", + "item-list-default-values": "Items Default Values", + "item-macros-current": "Equipment macros to current", + "item-name": "Item Name", + "item-tracking": "Item Tracking", + "item": "Item", + "itemcreation": "Item Creation", + "itemmastery": "Item Mastery", + "items": "Items", + "iterative-attacks-abbrv": "Iterative Atks", + "iterative-attacks-title": "Add additional attacks for this weapon", + "iterative-attacks": "Iterative Attacks", + "key-ability": "Key Ability", + "kinetic-blast-attack-damage-macros": "Kinetic Blast attack and damage macros", + "kinetic-blast-damage-abbrv": "Kinetic Blast Dmg", + "kinetic-blast": "Kinetic Blast", + "kinetic-energy-blade": "Energy blade/whip", + "kinetic-energy-blast": "Energy blast", + "kinetic-physical-blade": "Physical blade/whip", + "kinetic-physical-blast": "Physical blast", + "kinetic": "Kinetic", + "kineticist-burn": "Kineticist Burn", + "kineticist": "Kineticist", + "knowledge-arcana": "Knowledge (Arcana)", + "knowledge-dungeoneering": "Knowledge (Dungeoneering)", + "knowledge-engineering": "Knowledge (Engineering)", + "knowledge-geography": "Knowledge (Geography)", + "knowledge-history": "Knowledge (History)", + "knowledge-local": "Knowledge (Local)", + "knowledge-nature": "Knowledge (Nature)", + "knowledge-nobility": "Knowledge (Nobility)", + "knowledge-planes": "Knowledge (Planes)", + "knowledge-religion": "Knowledge (Religion)", + "knowledge": "Knowledge", + "known-or-special": "Known / Specialties", + "languages": "Languages", + "legs-title": "How many legs the character has Affects carrying capacity Check if it should use quadruped carrying capacity", + "legs": "Legs", + "level-0-spells": "Level 0 Spells", + "level-1-ordinal": "1st Level", + "level-1-spells": "Level 1 Spells", + "level-10-ordinal": "10th Level", + "level-2-ordinal": "2nd Level", + "level-2-spells": "Level 2 Spells", + "level-3-ordinal": "3rd Level", + "level-3-spells": "Level 3 Spells", + "level-4-ordinal": "4th Level", + "level-4-spells": "Level 4 Spells", + "level-5-ordinal": "5th Level", + "level-5-spells": "Level 5 Spells", + "level-6-ordinal": "6th Level", + "level-6-spells": "Level 6 Spells", + "level-7-ordinal": "7th Level", + "level-7-spells": "Level 7 Spells", + "level-8-ordinal": "8th Level", + "level-8-spells": "Level 8 Spells", + "level-9-ordinal": "9th Level", + "level-9-spells": "Level 9 Spells", + "level-abbrv": "Lvl", + "level-and-ability": "Level and Caster Ability", + "level-basis": "Level Basis", + "level-current": "Current Class Level", + "level-hit-dice-abbrv": "Level/HD", + "level-hit-dice": "Level and Hit Dice", + "level": "Level", + "lift-levels": "Lift Levels", + "lift-modifiers": "Lift Modifiers", + "lift": "Lift", + "light-armor": "Light Armor", + "light-brown": "Light Brown", + "light": "Light", + "linguistics": "Linguistics", + "link-hit-points-npc-to-pc": "Updating @{NPC-hp} with sheet open updates @{hp} and vice versa", + "link-hit-points-title": "Updating @{NPC-hp} with sheet open updates @{hp} and vice versa", + "linked-attacks": "Linked attacks", + "lists": "Lists", + "load-only": "Load only", + "loading": "Loading", + "loads-and-lift": "Loads and Lift", + "loads": "Loads", + "local": "Local", + "location": "Location", + "location0": "Item is Carried", + "location1": "Item is not Carried", + "location10": "Headband", + "location11": "Neck", + "location12": "Ring1", + "location13": "Ring2", + "location14": "Shield", + "location15": "Shoulders", + "location16": "Wrist", + "location2": "Armor", + "location3": "Belt", + "location4": "Body", + "location5": "Chest", + "location6": "Eyes", + "location7": "Feet", + "location8": "Hands", + "location9": "Head", + "long": "Long", + "lore": "Lore", + "lose-dexterity-title": "Lose Dexterity to AC", + "lucida": "Lucida Sans Unicode", + "luck": "Luck", + "macro-options": "Macro Options", + "macro-recalc-instructions": "If you are having problems with list or skill macros, uncheck the appropriate box below and hit the recalc button", + "macro-text-advanced": "'Add-to-roll' Macros", + "macro-text": "Macro Text", + "macro": "Macro", + "macros": "Macros", + "madness-and-effects": "Madnesses and effects", + "madnesses-and-effects": "Madnesses and effects", + "madnesses": "Madnesses:", + "magic-item": "Magic Item", + "magic": "Magic", + "mainhand-id": "Mainhand Id or Name", + "mainhand-penalty-abbrv": "M.H. Pen", + "mainhand-penalty": "Mainhand penalty when dual wielding", + "maneuverability": "Maneuverability", + "manifester-levels": "Manifester Levels", + "manual-recalc-after-parse": "Manual ↻ Recalc after Parse", + "manual-recalc-for-high-cr": "Check to manually hit recalc after parse is complete (Recommended for high CR creatures with many abilities)", + "masterwork-abbrv": "Mwk", + "masterwork": "Masterwork", + "max-hp-title": "Automatically calculated using Class hit points, Favored Class hit points (see Classes tab), Ability bonus/penalty & Level, misc mod, Drained condition and Mythic Adventures hit points (if enabled)", + "maximum-abbrv": "Max", + "maximum-ability-abbrv": "Max Ability Dmg", + "maximum-calculation-abbrv": "Max Calc", + "maximum-damage-ability-title": "Maximum damage ability applied (for Strength score, etc)", + "maximum-dexterity-bonus-abbrv": "Max DEX", + "maximum-dexterity-bonus-source-abbrv": "Max DEX Source", + "maximum-dexterity-title": "Maximum Dexterity to AC limited due to armor or encumbrance", + "maximum-encumbrance-title": "Maximum encumbrance: 2x heavy, immobilized", + "medium-abbrv-default": "•Medium", + "medium-abbrv": "Med", + "medium-armor": "Medium Armor", + "medium": "Medium", + "melee-attack-abbrv": "Melee Atk", + "melee-attack-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive Melee Attack bonuses here", + "melee-attack-notes": "Melee Attack Notes", + "melee-attack": "Melee Attack", + "melee-calculation": "Melee Atk Calc", + "melee-damage": "Melee damage", + "melee-image": " Melee Image", + "melee-notes": " Melee Notes", + "melee": "Melee", + "melee2-attack": "Alt Melee Attack", + "melee2-damage-abbrv": "Alt Melee dmg", + "melee2-damage": "Alt Melee damage", + "melee2": "Alt Melee", + "mental-modifiers-abbrv": "Mental", + "mental-modifiers-total": "Total of all 3 mental ability modifiers", + "menu-whisper": "Menu Whisper:", + "menus": "Menus", + "merge-buffs": "Copy old buffs list into new buffs list", + "merge-class-features": "Merge Orig Class Features into Abilities", + "merge-feats": "Merge Orig Feats into Abilities", + "merge-race-traits": "Merge Orig Racial Traits into Abilities", + "merge-slas": "Merge Orig Spell-like Abilities into Abilities", + "merge-traits": "Merge Orig Traits into Abilities", + "merge": "Merge", + "metamagic-title": "Click to show spell slot field to differentiate slot from spell level", + "metamagic": "Metamagic", + "migrations-completed": "Migrations Completed", + "migrations": "Migrations", + "minimize-all-cmd": "Minimize / Maximize all rows", + "minimize-cmd": "Minimize row", + "misc-skill-point-field": "Misc skill point field", + "misc-skill": "Misc Skill", + "misc-tracking": "Misc Tracking", + "miscellaneous-abbrv-default": "•Misc", + "miscellaneous-abbrv": "Misc", + "miscellaneous-attack-bonus-abbrv": "Misc Atk Bonus", + "miscellaneous-bonus-abbrv": "Misc Bonus", + "miscellaneous-bonus": "Miscellaneous Bonus", + "miscellaneous-damage-bonus-abbrv": "Misc Dmg Bonus", + "miscellaneous-macro-abbrv": "Misc Macro", + "miscellaneous-skill-abbrv": "Misc Skill", + "mode": "Mode", + "modifier-2-abbrv": "Mod2", + "modifier-abbrv": "Mod", + "monster-or-non-player-character-abbrv": "Monster/NPC", + "monster-or-non-player-character": "Sheet represents a Monster or NPC", + "monster-or-pc-indicator": "Monster or Player Character indicator", + "monster-race": "Monster Race", + "monster-racial-hit-dice-abbrv": "Racial HD and stats", + "monster-rule": "Monster Rule", + "monster-rules": "Traits/MRules", + "monster-template": "Monster Template", + "monster": "Monster", + "morale-place": "List here under what condition the creature flees combat, if any", + "morale": "Morale", + "more-info": "More info on the wiki.", + "mount": "Mount", + "move-adventure-to-background": "Move Adventure to Background", + "multiclass": "Multiclass", + "multiple-spellclasses": " Has multiple spellcasting classes", + "multiplier-abbrv": "Mult", + "multiplier": "Multiplier", + "mythic-abilities": "Mythic Abilities", + "mythic-ability-name": "Mythic Feature/Ability Name", + "mythic-bonus-hit-points-abbrv": "Bonus hp", + "mythic-bonus-hit-points-title": "Bonus hit points that are gained from each tier advancement: archmage: 3, champion: 5, guardian: 5, hierophant: 4, marshal: 4, or trickster: 4", + "mythic-feat-name": "Mythic Feat Name", + "mythic-feats": "Mythic Feats", + "mythic-hero-power": "Mythic Hero Information and Mythic Power", + "mythic-hit-points-title": "Bonus hp x Tier This is automatically added to Max hp", + "mythic-hit-points": "Total Mythic hp", + "mythic-information": "Mythic Information", + "mythic-paragon-title": "Has Mythic Paragon feat", + "mythic-paragon": " Mythic Paragon", + "mythic-path-features-and-abilities": "Mythic Path Features and Abilities", + "mythic-path-name": "Path Name", + "mythic-path-title": "Mythic Path: archmage, champion, guardian, hierophant, marshal, or trickster", + "mythic-path": "Mythic Path", + "mythic-power-avail-title": "How much mythic power you have available to use", + "mythic-power-current": "Current MP", + "mythic-power-max-title": "The maximum amount of mythic power you have", + "mythic-power-maximum": "Max MP", + "mythic-power-miscellaneous-title": "Any additional mythic power you gain from abilities or feats", + "mythic-power-tier": "Tier MP", + "mythic-power-tiers-title": "The amount of mythic power you gain from tiers", + "mythic-power": "Mythic Power", + "mythic-rating-abbrv": "MR", + "mythic-tier-title": "Mythic tier or rank Mythic tiers range from 1 to 10", + "mythic-tier": "Tier", + "mythic": "Mythic", + "name": "Name", + "natural-armor-abbrv": "Nat Armor", + "natural-armor": "Natural Armor", + "natural-attack-secondary": "Natural Attack (Secondary)", + "natural-attack": "Natural Attack", + "natural-calculation-abbrv": "Natural Armor calc", + "natural": "Natural", + "nature": "Nature", + "nauseated": " Nauseated", + "nav-main-desc": "Main menubar follows this element (it is not inside the menubar element) Menuitem 'all' displays all sections", + "neck": "Neck", + "negative-number": "Use a negative number to indicate the penalty", + "neither": " Neither", + "new-features": "New Features and Updates", + "new": "New", + "next-cast": "Next cast", + "next-level": "Next Level", + "No (Harmless)": "No (Harmless)", + "no-default": "•No", + "no-harmless": "No (Harmless)", + "no-skills-available": "None Available", + "no": "No", + "No": "No", + "nobility": "Nobility", + "non-lethal-abbrv": "NL", + "non-player-character-abbrv": "NPC", + "non-player-character-attacks-abbrv": "NPC Attacks", + "non-player-character-class-one-spells": "NPC Class 1 Spells", + "non-player-character-class-two-spells": "NPC Class 2 Spells", + "non-player-character-feats": "NPC Feats", + "non-proficient-armor-title": "Take the armor's (and/or shield's) armor check penalty on attack rolls as well as on all Dexterity- and Strength-based ability and skill checks", + "none-available": "None Available", + "none-default": "•None", + "none": "None", + "nonlethal-damage-title": "Player adjustable tracking of non-lethal damage Character is staggered if nonlethal damage >= current hp, field will outline in yellow", + "nonlethal-damage": "Nonlethal Damage", + "nonlethal": "Nonlethal", + "normal-size": "Normal Size", + "not-applicable-abbrv-default": "•N/A", + "not-applicable-abbrv": "N/A", + "not-applicable": "N/A", + "not-carried": "Not Carried", + "notes-and-custom-attributes": "Custom attributes", + "notes": "Notes", + "npc-abilities": "NPC Abilities", + "npc-ability-checks": "NPC Ability Checks", + "npc-ac-compendium-place": "Format: AC nn, touch nn, flat-footed nn (+n DEX, +n natural, +n size, +n dodge)", + "npc-adventure": "NPC Adventure", + "npc-all-saves": "NPC All Saves", + "npc-all-skills": "NPC All Skills", + "NPC-all": "NPC-All", + "npc-aura-compendium-place": "Format: flaming body, unholy aura (DC 26)", + "npc-background": "NPC Background", + "npc-combat-skills": "NPC Combat Skills", + "npc-consolidated": "NPC Consolidated", + "npc-defenses": "NPC Defenses", + "npc-experience-points-abbrv": "XP", + "npc-feats-text": "Feats", + "npc-hp-compendium-place": "Format: 13 (3d8) +n", + "npc-initiative-abbrv": "NPC Init", + "npc-initiative-compendium-example": "Format: Alignment Type (Subtype) +Init mod", + "npc-items": "NPC Items", + "npc-melee-attacks-text-place": "Melee attacks", + "npc-menus": "NPC Menus", + "npc-migrated": "NPC Settings", + "npc-ranged-attacks-text-place": "Ranged attacks", + "npc-senses-compendium-place": "Format: blindsense 20 ft, low-light vision; Perception + 20", + "npc-special-attacks-place": "List all special combat actions here", + "npc-spellike-abilities-text-place": "Spell like abilities", + "npc-spells-known-text-place": "Spells known", + "npc-spells-prepared-place": "Cleric Spells prepared", + "npc-statblock-header": "Monster statblock input section", + "npc-statblock-import": "Monster statblock import", + "npc-statblock-parse-instructions": "Drag a monster from the compendium here, or type in the statblock values below Then hit the parse button The parser will populate the sheet with the underlying stats and attacks", + "npc-statblock-textarea-instructions": "For multiline textareas, paste in exactly as appears in source Keep newlines in input", + "npc": "NPC", + "number-cast": "#Cast", + "number-extra-attacks-title": "Number of offhand attacks: 1 for Two Weapon Fighting, 2 = Improved, 3 = Greater", + "number-extra-attacks": "# O.H. Atks", + "number-fill-in-skills-show": "Number of craft, perform, profession skills to show:", + "number-hit-dice-abbrv": "# HD", + "number-misc-skills-show": "Number of Misc skills to show:", + "number-prepared-abbrv": "#Left", + "number-prepared-title": "Indicates the number of prepared spells remaining", + "number-prepared": "#Prep", + "number-used-title": "Indicates the number of times a spell has been cast today.", + "number-used": "#Used", + "number": "Number", + "occult-adventures": "Occult Adventures", + "occult-kineticist": "Occult (Kineticist)", + "occult-other": "Occult (Other)", + "occult": "Occult", + "occupation": "Occupation", + "off-ground": "Off Ground", + "offense": "OFFENSE", + "offhand-damage-multiplier-abbrv": "O.H. dmg mult", + "offhand-damage-multiplier": "Offhand strength(or whatever ability is used for damage of an offhand attack) damage multiplier. ie 1/2 default, 1 for Double Slice", + "offhand-id": "Offhand Id or Name", + "offhand-penalty-abbrv": "O.H. Pen", + "offhand-penalty": "Offhand penalty when dual wielding", + "old-school": "Old School, baby!", + "old": "Old", + "olive": "Olive", + "one-and-a-half-charisma-abbrv": "15x CHA", + "one-and-a-half-constitution-abbrv": "15x CON", + "one-and-a-half-dexterity-abbrv": "15x DEX", + "one-and-a-half-intelligence-abbrv": "15x INT", + "one-and-a-half-strength-abbrv": "15x STR", + "one-and-a-half-wisdom-abbrv": "15x WIS", + "opposed-combat-maneuver-bonus-abbrv": "CMB (Opposed)", + "opposition-school-example": "Cost double or prohibited", + "opposition": "Opposition", + "options-ability-title": "Show Ability Notes", + "options-attacks-accessible-title": "Use simple accessible template for attacks", + "options-attacks-attack-title": "Include Attack notes", + "options-attacks-cmb-image-title": "Include the CMB header image", + "options-attacks-cmb-title": "Include CMB notes", + "options-attacks-header-title": "Include a header image", + "options-attacks-include-link-abilities": "When creating an Ability-based attack, include a link to the ability in the weapon notes.", + "options-attacks-include-link-spells": "When creating a Spell-based attack, include a link to the spell in the weapon notes.", + "options-attacks-melee-image-title": "Include the Melee header image", + "options-attacks-melee-title": "Include Melee attack notes", + "options-attacks-ranged-image-title": "Include the Ranged header image", + "options-attacks-ranged-title": "Include Ranged attack notes", + "options-defenses-armor-title": "Show Armor Notes", + "options-defenses-cmd-title": "Show CMD Notes", + "options-defenses-def-title": "Show Defense Notes", + "options-defenses-defensive-abilities-title": "Show Defensive Abilities", + "options-defenses-dr-title": "Show Damage Reduction", + "options-defenses-immun-title": "Show Immunities", + "options-defenses-resis-title": "Show Spell Resistance", + "options-defenses-save-title": "Show Save Notes", + "options-defenses-weak-title": "Show Weaknesses", + "options-include-carried-currency-title": "Include Carried Currency in total weight carried by character.", + "options-spell-accessible-title": "Use simple accessible template for spells", + "options-spell-caster-level-chk-title": "Roll Caster Level Check", + "options-spell-caster-level-title": "Include Caster Level", + "options-spell-casting-time-title": "Include Casting Time", + "options-spell-comp-title": "Include Components", + "options-spell-concentration-chk-title": "Roll Concentration Check", + "options-spell-concentration-title": "Include Concentration", + "options-spell-damage-title": "Include Spell Damage", + "options-spell-damage": " Spell Damage", + "options-spell-dc-title": "Include DC", + "options-spell-desc-title": "Include Description", + "options-spell-duration-title": "Include Duration", + "options-spell-level-title": "Include Class/Level", + "options-spell-notes-title": "Include Spell Notes", + "options-spell-range-title": "Include Range", + "options-spell-save-title": "Include Saving Throw", + "options-spell-school-title": "Include School", + "options-spell-spell-penetration-chk-title": "Include Spell Penetration Check", + "options-spell-spellfail-chk-title": "Include Spell Failure Check", + "options-spell-sr-title": "Include Spell Resistance", + "options-spell-target-title": "Include Targets/Area", + "options-use-metrics-title": "Show auto-calculated totals for weight and distance as metric. This option DOES NOT convert user input for weight and distance. Ensure you have entered metric-based values.", + "options": "Options", + "orange": "Orange", + "organization": "Organization", + "original-abilities-menus": "Orig Abilities", + "original-class-features-list": "Orig Class Features", + "original-feats-list": "Orig Feats", + "original-racial-traits-list": "Orig Racial Traits", + "original-spell-like-abilities-list": "Orig Spell-Like Abilities", + "original-traits-list": "Orig Traits", + "other-1-abbrv": "Oth 1", + "other-1": "Other 1", + "other-2-abbrv": "Oth 2", + "other-2": "Other 2", + "other-currency-title": "The amount of currency not actively carried by the character", + "other-currency": "Currency Not Carried", + "other-gear": "Other Gear", + "other-items-2": "Other Items 2", + "other-items": "Other Items", + "other-magic-abbrv": "Magic", + "other-magic-items": "Other Magic Items", + "other-magic": "Other Magic", + "other-spells-per-day-title": "If Spells/Day represents prepared spells, use this to set total Spontaneous Spells/Day Or vice-versa", + "other": "Other", + "over-heavy-encumbrance-title": "A character can lift as much as double his maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it", + "over": "Over", + "overcome-spell-resistance-abbrv": "Overcome SR", + "overloaded-title": "While overloaded in this way, the character loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per round (as a full-round action)", + "overloaded": " Overloaded", + "pages": "Pages", + "panache": "Panache", + "paralyzed": " Paralyzed", + "parchment-1": "Parchment 1", + "parchment-2": "Parchment 2", + "parse": "Parse", + "path-number": "Path #", + "path": "Path", + "pathfinder-logo": "Pathfinder RPG Logo © Paizo", + "pathfinder-mythic-adventures": "Mythic Adventures", + "pathfinder-psionics": "Pathfinder Psionics", + "pathfinder-unchained": "Pathfinder Unchained", + "penalty": "Penalty", + "per-day-abbrv": "/day", + "per-month-abbrv": "/month", + "per-week-abbrv": "/week", + "perception": "Perception", + "perday": "Per day", + "perform": "Perform", + "performance": "Performance", + "perlevel": "Per Level", + "permanent-abbrv": "Perm", + "permanent": "Permanent", + "permonth": "Per month", + "personal": "Personal", + "perweek": "Per week", + "petrified": " Petrified", + "physical": "Physical", + "pick-highest": "Pick Highest", + "pierce-blunt-slash-abbrv": "P/B/S", + "piercing": "Piercing", + "pink": "Pink", + "pinned": " Pinned", + "planes": "Planes", + "platinum-pieces-abbrv": "PP", + "platinum-pieces": "Platinum pieces", + "player-character-abbrv": "PC", + "player-character": "Sheet represents a Player Character", + "player-name": "Player Name", + "points-per-day": "Points/Day", + "post-identification-abbrv": " Post ID", + "post-identification-number": " Post ID", + "post-identification-numbers": " Post IDs", + "post-identification": " Post ID", + "post-v1": "V 10", + "pounds-abbrv": "lbs", + "pounds-title": "Weight in pounds", + "power-attack-abbrv": "PowAttk", + "power-attack-damage": "Power Attack Dmg", + "power-point-reserve-abbrv": "PP Reserve", + "pre-v1": "Prev 10", + "precision-abbrv": "Extra Dmg", + "precision-damage-title": "Extra or Precision Damage (not added to critical damage)", + "precision-damage-type": "Extra Damage type", + "prepared-manual": "Prepared Manual Tracking", + "prepared-spells-explanation": "On prepared casters, spells with a positive number in uses are considered 'prepared', uses represents the number of times memorized and usable that are left", + "prepared": "Prepared", + "prestige-points": "Prestige Points", + "primary-attack": "Primary Attack", + "profane": "Profane", + "profession": "Profession", + "proficiency-abbrv": "Prof", + "proficiency-title": "Proficient with weapon or attack", + "proficiency": "Proficiency", + "prone": " Prone", + "psionic-ability-title": "The psionic class key ability modifier source", + "psionic-focus-title": "Is maintaining psionic focus", + "psionic-focus": " Psionic Focus", + "psionic-information": "Psionic Information", + "psionic-manifester-level-and-power-points": "Psionic Manifester Level and Power Points", + "psionic-manifester-levels-title": "The total adjusted manifester level", + "psionic-manifester-lvls-title": "The sum of the levels of psionic classes that have a key ability score selected on the right", + "psionic-manifester-miscellaneous-title": "Any miscellaneous modifiers to the manifester level", + "psionic-power-points-available-title": "How many power points you have available to use", + "psionic-power-points-bonus-title": "The amount of bonus power points you gain from manifester level and key ability modifier", + "psionic-power-points-class-title": "The amount of base bonus power points you gain from you class(es)", + "psionic-power-points-miscellaneous-title": "Any additional power points you gain from race, traits or feats", + "psionic-power-points-reserve-title": "Your power point reserve is equal to your base power points gained from your class, bonus power points from a high key ability score, and any additional bonus power points from sources such as your character race and feat selections", + "public-roll": "Roll: Public", + "public-rolls": "Public Rolls", + "purple": "Purple", + "quantity-abbrv": "Qty", + "questions-feedback": "Questions/Feedback?", + "quick-stats": "QUICK STATS", + "race-hd-default": "•Race only", + "race-hd-only": "HD Only", + "race-hd": "Race only", + "race-hit-points-abbrv": "Race hp", + "race-hit-points": "Race Hit Points", + "race": "Race", + "racial-bonus": "Racial", + "racial-modifiers": "Racial Modifiers", + "racial-trait-name": "Racial Trait Name", + "racial-traits": "Racial Traits", + "racialfeat": "Racial Feat", + "rake-rend-etc": "Condition - Rake, Rend, etc", + "range-custom-place": "Flat # or # /level", + "range-custom": "Custom #", + "range-in-feet-long": "Range (ft)", + "range-in-feet": "Range(′)", + "range-per-level-desc": "Number ( for 'Per Level' or 'Number'), or special range desc ('line' or 'cone')", + "range": "Range", + "ranged-attack-abbrv": "Rng Atk", + "ranged-attack-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive Ranged Attack bonuses here", + "ranged-attack-notes": "Ranged Attack Notes", + "ranged-attack": "Ranged Attack", + "ranged-calculation": "Rng Atk Calc", + "ranged-damage": "Ranged damage", + "ranged-image": " Ranged Image", + "ranged-notes": " Ranged Notes", + "ranged-touch-ray": "Ranged Touch / Ray", + "ranged-touch-ray2": "Alt Ranged Touch / Ray", + "ranged": "Ranged", + "ranged2-attack": "Alt Ranged Attack", + "ranged2-damage-abbrv": "Alt Ranged dmg", + "ranged2-damage": "Alt Ranged damage", + "ranged2": "Alt Ranged", + "rangeddmg-ability-buffs": "Damage and check buffs", + "ranks-remaining": "Ranks Remaining", + "ranks": "Ranks", + "reach-notes": "Reach Notes", + "reach-small": "Reach", + "reach": "Reach", + "recalculate-abbrv": "Recalc", + "recalculate-cmd": "Recalculate Sheet", + "recalculate-hit-points-title": "Recalculate hp and Temp hp and set current hp to max", + "recalculate-hit-points": "Recalculate hp and reset to max", + "recalculating": "Recalculating", + "red": "Red", + "reflex-abbrv": "Ref", + "reflex-calculation-abbrv": "Ref Calc", + "reflex-save": "Reflex Save", + "reflex": "Reflex", + "regional": "Regional", + "religion": "Religion", + "remove-giant": "Remove Giant", + "remove-young": "Remove Young", + "requires-training-abbrv": "RT", + "requires-training": "Requires Training", + "reset-hp": "Reset hp", + "resistance-abbrv": "Resist", + "resistance": " Resistance", + "resistances-title": "Ignores some damage of the indicated type each time it takes damage of that kind (eg acid 10)", + "resistances": "Resistances", + "resolute": "Resolute", + "ride": "Ride", + "ring-one": "Ring 1", + "ring-two": "Ring 2", + "roll-appearance": "Roll Appearance", + "roll-configuration": "Roll Configuration", + "roll-template-info": "Roll Template Info", + "roll-template": "Roll Template", + "roll-time-custom-attributes": "Evaluate at roll time custom attributes", + "roll-time-custom-num-attributes": "Evaluate at roll time custom number attributes", + "roll": "Roll", + "rolls": "Rolls", + "rounds": "Rounds", + "row-id-desc": "Row ID for macros under ID section of the row. Does not appear in compact Mode.", + "row-identification-for-macros": "Row ID for macros", + "rule-category": "Category of rule this falls under", + "rule-options": "Rule Options", + "rule": "Rule", + "run-multiplier-abbrv": "Run Mult", + "run": "Run", + "sacred": "Sacred", + "sanity-abbrv": "SAN", + "sanity-beta": "Sanity", + "sanity-damage": "Sanity Damage", + "sanity-edge": "Sanity Edge", + "sanity-npc-abbrv": "NPC SAN", + "sanity-save-custom-modifier": "Custom Will save mod for save vs sanity effects", + "sanity-save-modifier": "Will Mod", + "sanity-score": "Sanity Score", + "sanity-threshold": "Sanity Threshold", + "sanity": "Sanity", + "save-difficulty-class-misc-abbrv": "Save DC Misc", + "save-difficulty-class": "Save
DC", + "save-effect": "Save Effect", + "save-no-harmless": "No Harmless", + "save-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive Saving Throw bonuses here", + "save-notes": " Save Notes", + "save-yes-harmless": "Yes Harmless", + "save": "Save", + "saves": "Saves", + "saving-throw": " Saving Throw", + "saving-throws": "Saving Throws", + "school-etc": "School, etc", + "school": "School", + "score-miscellaneous-abbrv": "Score Misc", + "score": "Score", + "script": "Script", + "scroll-desc-title": "Scroll long descriptions in roll templates.", + "scroll-desc": "Scroll long Descriptions", + "secondary-hit-die-abbrv": "HDie2", + "see_text": "See Text", + "see-text": "See text", + "segoe": "Segoe UI Unicode", + "select-buffs": "Select Buffs", + "select-class-or-manual-default": "•Select Class from grid or enter other manually", + "select-one-default": "•Select One", + "select-spell-resistance-default": "•Select SR", + "sense-motive": "Sense Motive", + "senses": "Senses", + "set-armor": "Set Armor", + "set-as-armor": "Set armor values using this row", + "set-as-shield": "Set shield values using this row", + "set-buffs": "Set Buffs", + "set-on-equipment": "Set on Equipment page", + "set-sheet-color": "Set sheet color to rolltemplate color", + "set-shield": "Set Shield", + "settings": "Settings", + "sheet": "Sheet", + "sheet-font": "Sheet Font:", + "sheets-configuration": "Sheet Configuration", + "sheets-created-after-v1": "Sheet created at version 100 or later", + "sheets-guide": "KNOWN ISSUES / Wiki HOW TO Guide", + "shield-calculation-abbrv": "Shield calc", + "shield-default": "•Shield", + "shield-one": "Shield 1", + "shield-two": "Shield 2", + "shield": "Shield", + "short-description-abbrv": "Short Desc", + "short-description": "Short Description", + "shoulders": "Shoulders", + "show-all-conditions-desc": "Show conditions that do not have a numeric effect on sheet stats.", + "show-all-conditions": "Show All Conditions", + "show-announcements": "Check to reveal Announcements section", + "show-arcane-reservoir-title": "Show Arcane Reservoir in spell point field", + "show-graph-paper": "Show graphpaper background", + "show-in-menu-title": "Click to display a button for this row in the appropriate command menu", + "show-in-menu": "Show", + "show-more-fields": "Show more fields", + "show-old-announcements": "Check to reveal Old Announcements section", + "show-onetime-columns-title": "Show feat, race, trait, and class and requires training columns", + "show-onetime-columns": "Show onetime columns", + "show-onetime-fields": "Show more fields", + "show-onetime-item-fields-title": "Show item equipment type, hardness, item-hp, item-hp|max, and value", + "show-phrenic-spellpoint-pool-title": "Show Phrenic Pool or Mesmerist Tricks in spell point field", + "show-phrenic-spellpoint-pool": " Show Spell Points for Phrenic Pool or Mesmerist Tricks", + "show-skills": "Expand to show more custom skills", + "show-spellpoint-arcane-reservoir": " Show Spell Points for Arcane Reservoir", + "show-uses-spell-desc": "Show # spells used per day in spells menu", + "show-uses": " Show uses", + "showsect-cmd": "Click to expand", + "sickened": " Sickened", + "silver-pieces-abbrv": "SP", + "silver-pieces": "Silver pieces", + "simple-template": "Use Simple Template", + "size-calculation-abbrv": "Size calc", + "size-colossal": "Colossal", + "size-diminutive": "Diminutive", + "size-fine": "Fine", + "size-gargantuan": "Gargantuan", + "size-huge": "Huge", + "size-large": "Large", + "size-modifier-attack": "Attack Size Modifier", + "size-small": "Small", + "size-tiny": "Tiny", + "size": "Size", + "skill-bonus-macro": "Skill Bonus Macro", + "skill-calculation-speed": " Skill calc speed", + "skill-checks-abbrv": "Skll chk", + "skill-checks-calculation-abbrv": "Skill check calc", + "skill-checks": "Skill Checks", + "skill-macros-current": "Skill macros to current", + "skill-macros-migrated": "Skill Macros", + "skill-miscellaneous": "Skill Misc", + "skill-notes-place": "Put notes about context-sensitive Skill bonuses here", + "skill-notes": "Skill Notes", + "skill-options": "Skill Options", + "skill-rank-totals": "Skill Rank Totals", + "skill-ranks": "Skill Ranks", + "skill-size-modifier": "Skill", + "skill-size-title": "Size adjustment for skills Double for stealth", + "skill-take10-dropdown": "Skill take 10 dropdown", + "skill-untrained": "Skill is untrained", + "skill": "Skill", + "skills-list": "acrobatics,appraise,artistry,artistry-00,artistry-01,artistry-02,artistry-03,artistry-04,artistry-05,artistry-06,artistry-07,artistry-08,artistry-09,artistry-10,artistry-11,artistry-12,artistry-13,bluff,climb,craft,craft-00,craft-01,craft-02,craft-03,craft-04,craft-05,craft-06,craft-07,craft-08,craft-09,craft-10,craft-11,craft-12,craft-13,diplomacy,disable-device,disguise,escape-artist,fly,handle-animal,heal,intimidate,knowledge,knowledge-00,knowledge-01,knowledge-02,knowledge-03,knowledge-arcana,knowledge-dungeoneering,knowledge-engineering,knowledge-geography,knowledge-history,knowledge-local,knowledge-nature,knowledge-nobility,knowledge-planes,knowledge-religion,linguistics,lore,lore-00,lore-01,lore-02,lore-03,lore-04,lore-05,lore-06,lore-07,lore-08,lore-09,lore-10,lore-11,lore-12,lore-13,perception,perform,perform-00,perform-01,perform-02,perform-03,perform-04,perform-05,perform-06,perform-07,perform-08,perform-09,perform-10,perform-11,perform-12,perform-13,profession,profession-00,profession-01,profession-02,profession-03,profession-04,profession-05,profession-06,profession-07,profession-08,profession-09,profession-10,profession-11,profession-12,profession-13,ride,sense-motive,sleight-of-hand,spellcraft,stealth,survival,swim,use-magic-device,miscellaneous,miscellaneous-00,miscellaneous-01,miscellaneous-02,miscellaneous-03,miscellaneous-04,miscellaneous-05,miscellaneous-06,miscellaneous-07,miscellaneous-08,miscellaneous-09,miscellaneous-10,miscellaneous-11,miscellaneous-12,miscellaneous-13,cs-acrobatics,cs-athletics,cs-finesse,cs-influence,cs-nature,cs-perception,cs-performance,cs-religion,cs-society,cs-spellcraft,cs-stealth,cs-survival,cs-miscellaneous,cs-miscellaneous-00,cs-miscellaneous-01,cs-miscellaneous-02,cs-miscellaneous-03,cs-miscellaneous-04,cs-miscellaneous-05,cs-miscellaneous-06,cs-miscellaneous-07,cs-miscellaneous-08,cs-miscellaneous-09,cs-miscellaneous-10,cs-miscellaneous-11,cs-miscellaneous-12,cs-miscellaneous-13", + "skills-per-hit-die-abbrv": "Skill/HD", + "skills-per-hit-die": "Skill Ranks per hit die due to race", + "skills-per-level-abbrv": "Skills/Lvl", + "skills-per-level": "Skill Ranks per level", + "skills": "Skills", + "skin-details": "Skin Details", + "skin": "Skin", + "slashing": "Slashing", + "sleight-of-hand": "Sleight of Hand", + "slot": "Slot", + "slowed": "Slowed", + "social": "Social", + "society": "Society", + "song": "Song", + "source-ability-placeholder": "Linked ability ID", + "source-ability-title": "ID of the ability from the Abilities list that, when changed, updates this attack entry", + "source-ability": "Linked ability ID for", + "source-attack-placeholder": "Linked attack ID", + "source-attack-title": "ID of the attack from the Attacks list that, when changed, updates this attack entry", + "source-attack": "Linked attack ID", + "source-item-name": "Linked item name", + "source-item-placeholder": "Linked item ID", + "source-item-title": "ID of the item from the equipment list that, when changed, updates this attack entry", + "source-item": "Linked item ID for", + "source-mainhand": "Mainhand ID", + "source-name": "Source Name", + "source-offhand": "Offhand ID", + "source-spell-name": "Linked spell name", + "source-spell-placeholder": "Linked spell ID", + "source-spell-title": "ID of the spell from the Spells list that, when changed, updates this attack entry", + "source-spell": "Linked spell ID for", + "source-title": "Source of ability - class or race", + "source": "Source", + "Sp": "Sp", + "space-reach": "Space and Reach", + "space": "Space", + "special-abilities-abbrv": "Spec Abil", + "special-abilities-and-content-place": "Format: Special Abilities (newline) Ability Name (Ex): ability description (newline) description of monster", + "special-abilities-and-content": "Special Abilities and Content", + "special-abilities": "Special Abilities", + "special-ability-name": "Special Ability Name", + "special-attacks-abbrv": "Spec Atk", + "special-attacks": "Special Attacks", + "special-defense-notes": "Special Defenses and Notes", + "special-defense": "Special Defenses", + "special-qualities-abbrv": "SQ", + "special-qualities-place": "Special qualities moved to abilities list for monsters parsed after v100", + "special-qualities": "Special Qualities", + "special": "Special", + "speed-base-title": "The base speed for the character", + "speed-calculation-abbrv": "Speed calc", + "speed-halved": " Speed Halved", + "speed-multiplier-title": "Run Multiplier; (×4) if light, medium, or no armor. (×3) if heavy armor.", + "speed-notes": "Speed Notes", + "speed-run-title": "The maximum distance that the character can run in a straight line during your turn", + "speed-space-reach": "Speed, Space and Reach", + "speed-title": "The modified speed due to encumbrance", + "speed": "Speed", + "speeds": "Speeds", + "spell-casting-time-place": "Casting Time", + "spell-class-one": "Spell Class 1", + "spell-class-two": "Spell Class 2", + "spell-class-zero": "Spell Class 0", + "spell-components": "Components", + "spell-damage": "Spell Damage", + "spell-dc-0": "Spell DC Class 0", + "spell-dc-1": "Spell DC Class 1", + "spell-dc-2": "Spell DC Class 2", + "spell-domain-chk": "Domain", + "spell-duration": "Duration", + "spell-failure-chance": "vs Spell Failure Chance", + "spell-failure-chk": "Spell Failure Check", + "spell-failure": "Spell Fail", + "spell-level-abbrv": "Spell lvl", + "spell-level-miscellaneous-abbrv": "Spell lvl misc", + "spell-level-miscellaneous-desc": "Spell level and DC bonus", + "spell-level": "Spell Level", + "spell-like-abbrv": "Sp", + "spell-like-abilities-abbrv": "SLAs", + "spell-like-abilities-class-zero": "Spell Like Abilities Class 0", + "spell-like-abilities-default": "•Spell-like Abilities", + "spell-like-abilities-menu": "Sp", + "spell-like-abilities-option": "Spell Like Abilities", + "spell-like-abilities": "Spell-Like Abilities", + "spell-lists": "Spell List", + "spell-macros-current": "Spell macros to current", + "spell-migration": "Spell Migration", + "spell-mythic-chk": "Mythic", + "spell-name": "Spell Name", + "spell-penetration-abbrv-short": "SP", + "spell-penetration-abbrv": "Spell Pen", + "spell-penetration-bonus-abbrv": "Spell Pen Bonus", + "spell-penetration-bonus-label": "Bonus to caster level check for Spell Penetration", + "spell-penetration-check": "Spell Penetration Check", + "spell-penetration-modifier-abbrv": "Spell Pen Mod", + "spell-points-abbrv": "SP", + "spell-points": "Spell Points", + "spell-range": "Spell Range", + "spell-resist-bonus-abbrv": "SR Bonus", + "spell-resistance-abbrv": "SR", + "spell-resistance-abbrv2": "Spell Resist", + "spell-resistance-title": "Spell Resistance: Avoids the effects of spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it Caster Level check vs SR to negate resistance", + "spell-resistance": "Spell Resistance", + "spell-roll-options": "Spell Roll Options", + "spell-roll-template": "Spell Roll Template ", + "spell-school-place": "Spell School [descriptor]", + "spell-targets-area-effect": "Targets/ Area/ Effect", + "spell-tracking": "Spell Tracking", + "spell": "Spell", + "spellbook-only-prepared-spells": " Show only prepared spells in spellbook menu", + "spellbook": "Spellbook", + "spellcasting-ability": "Spellcasting Ability", + "spellcasting-classes": "Spellcasting Classes", + "spellclass-level-base": "Spellclass level, concentration, and base stats", + "spellclass-options": "SpellcasterOptions", + "spellcraft": "Spellcraft", + "spellpoints": "Spellpoints", + "spellranges-migrated": "Spell Ranges", + "spells-known": "Spells Known", + "spells-migrated-title": "Spells migrated If you have not deleted original spells you can remigrate To remigrate, WARNING: DELETE ALL spells on spells tab and uncheck, then press refresh", + "spells-migrated": "Spells", + "spells-notes": "Spells Notes", + "spells-per-day": "Spells/Day", + "spells-prepared": "Spells Prepared", + "spells-ranges": "Spell Ranges", + "spells": "Spells", + "sphere-power": "Spheres of Power", + "spontaneous-spells-known": "(Spontaneous) Spells Known", + "spontaneous": "Spontaneous", + "stable": " Stable", + "staggered": " Staggered", + "stare": "Stare", + "statistics-rolls-abbrv": "Stats rolls:", + "statistics-rolls-title": "Defense stats and other future stat blocks", + "statistics": "STATISTICS", + "stealth": "Stealth", + "story": "Story", + "strength-abbrv-default": "•STR", + "strength-abbrv": "STR", + "strength-bonus-abbrv": "STR Bonus", + "strength-calculation-abbrv": "STR Calc", + "strength-calculation-skills-abbrv": "Str skills calc", + "strength-penalized-title": "Strength Penalized Penalties to ability scores only change the modifier, not the score itself For every 2 points of damage or penalty you take to an ability, apply a –1 penalty to relevant skills and statistics", + "strength-penalized": "STR Penalized", + "strength-skills-abbrv": "STR skills", + "strength": "Strength", + "stunned": " Stunned", + "style": "Style", + "Su": "Su", + "suffocating": " Suffocating", + "sum-prepared-from-spells": "#Left", + "sum-uses-from-spells": "Sum of 'Uses' fields in spell rows", + "sum-uses-spells": "Spontaneous #Used", + "supernatural-abbrv": "Su", + "supernatural-abilities-menu": "Su", + "supernatural-abilities": "Supernatural Abilities", + "survival": "Survival", + "swim-speed": "Swim", + "swim": "Swim", + "synchronize-class": "Sync Class", + "tactics": "TACTICS", + "tahoma": "Tahoma", + "tan": "Tan", + "target": " Target", + "targets-area-effect": "Targets/Area/Effect", + "teal": "Teal", + "teamwork": "Teamwork", + "template": "Template", + "temporary-abbrv": "Temp", + "temporary-hit-points-abbrv": "Temp hp", + "temporary-hit-points-buff-title": "Temporary hit points that come from active Buffs (see Core tab)", + "temporary-hit-points-calculation-abbrv": "Temp hp Calc", + "temporary-hit-points-maximum-title": "Temporary hit points max if using as secondary pool", + "temporary-hit-points-miscellaneous-title": "Player configurable temporary hit points that add to the total Temp hp value", + "temporary-hit-points-title": "Current Temporary hit points", + "temporary-hp-calculations": "Temp hp calculations", + "temporary": "Temporary", + "threshold-miscellaneous-abbrv": "Threshold Misc", + "threshold": "Threshold", + "title": "Title/Nickname", + "toggle-background-skills": " Background Skills", + "toggle-buff": "When checked, this buff is active and will count towards the totals, which will then affect the rest of the sheet Also, only the visible/selected buffs will count towards the totals", + "toggle-consolidated-skills": " Consolidated Skills", + "toggle-endurance-feat": " Has Endurance Feat", + "toggle-gritty-mode": " Gritty Mode", + "toggle-horror-adventures-long": " Display/Enable Horror Adventures Character Sheet Items", + "toggle-horror-adventures": " Enable Horror Adventures", + "toggle-mythic-adventures": " Display/Enable Mythic Adventures Character Sheet Items", + "toggle-psionics": " Display/Enable Psionics Character Sheet Items", + "toggle-unchained-skills": " Display/Enable Unchained Skills", + "toggle-wound-threshold": " Display Wound Thresholds", + "total-background-skill-ranks": "Total Background Skill Ranks", + "total-feats": "Total Feats", + "total-listed": "Total spells", + "total-spells-manually": "Total spells manually", + "total-weight-title": "Total weight carried by character", + "total": "Total", + "totals": "Totals:", + "touch-armor-class-abbrv": "Touch", + "touch-armor-class-calculation-abbrv": "Touch Calc", + "touch-melee2": "Alt Touch (alt melee)", + "touch": "Touch", + "tower-shield": "Tower Shield", + "tower": "Tower", + "trait-name": "Trait Name", + "trait-type": "Trait Type", + "trait": "Trait", + "traits-and-racial-traits": "Traits and Racial Traits", + "traits": "Traits", + "treasure": "Treasure", + "two-legged-default": "•Biped", + "two-weapon": "Two Weapon", + "type-or-sub-type": "Type/(sub-type)", + "type": "Type", + "unarmed-strike": "Unarmed Strike", + "uncanny-dodge-desc": " Do not lose DEX when Flat-Footed", + "uncanny-dodge-title": "If checked, AC will not auto adjust when a condition is checked that causes loss of DEX to AC, except for immobilizing conditions", + "unconscious": " Unconscious", + "undead-title": "Creature is undead, uses Charisma for hit points, abilities, skills instead of Constitution", + "undead": "Undead", + "uniform-resource-locater-abbrv": "URL", + "unknownrange": "Unknown Range", + "unlock-defense-dropdowns-title": "If checked, CMD could use different ability in 2nd dropdown than AC uses For instance, DEX for AC and INT for CMD, instead of DEX or WIS for both", + "unlock-defense-dropdowns": "Allow AC and CMD to use different ability scores", + "untyped-default": "•Untyped", + "untyped": "Untyped", + "upcoming-changes": "Upcoming Changes", + "update-attack-entry": "Update associated attack", + "update-hp-when-max-changes-title": "When max hp changes, updates current hit points by same amount", + "update-hp-when-max-changes": " Update curr HP when max HP changes", + "update-spell-macros": "Update spell macros", + "update-to-latest": "Update all sheets to latest version", + "update-weapons": "Update existing dual wield attacks with new penalties or improved state", + "update": "Update", + "url-link": "URL will appear in chat", + "use-buff-bonus-stacking": " Use buff bonus types and stacking", + "use-class-features": " Use Separate Class Features List", + "use-dual-wield-beta": " Use Dual Wield", + "use-dwarf-encumbrance-title": "Use Dwarf encumbrance rules: base speed not lowered due to load or armor encumbrance", + "use-dwarf-encumbrance": " Uses dwarf encumbrance rules", + "use-feats": " Use Separate Feats List", + "use-header-images": "Use header images", + "use-hero-points": " Use Hero Points", + "use-kineticist-burn": " Use Kineticist Burn", + "use-magic-device": "Use Magic Device", + "use-metrics": " Use Metrics", + "use-prestige-fame": " Use Prestige and Fame Points", + "use-racial-traits": " Use Separate Racial Traits List", + "use-round-corners-on-simple-templates": " Round Corners on non-simple template", + "use-simple-template-attacks": " Use Attack Simple Template", + "use-simple-template-spells": " Use Spell Simple Template", + "use-simple-templates": " Use Other Simple Templates", + "use-size-abbrv": "Use sze", + "use-spell-like-abilities": " Use Separate spell-like ability List", + "use-traits": " Use Separate Traits List", + "used": "Used", + "user-defined": "User Defined", + "uses-attack-type": "Uses indicated attack type", + "uses-per-day": "Uses/Day", + "uses-spell-points-title": "Character uses spell points", + "uses-spell-points": " Uses Spell Points", + "uses-spells-migrated": "Uses Spells flag", + "uses-spells-title": "Character has spells", + "uses-spells": " Uses Spells", + "uses": "Uses", + "v1": "Post v1", + "value-abbrv": "Val", + "value": "Value", + "verdana": " Open Sans", + "version-abbrv": "Ver", + "version": "Version", + "versus-abbrv": "Vs", + "versus-armor-class": "vs AC", + "versus-combat-maneuver-bonus": "vs CMB", + "versus-combat-maneuver-defense": "vs CMD", + "versus-flat-footed-touch": "vs FF Touch", + "versus-flat-footed": "vs FF", + "versus-touch": "vs Touch", + "violet": "Violet", + "vision-details": "Vision Details", + "vision-senses": "Vision/Senses", + "vision-title": "@{vision} Low-light vision('see twice as far as normal in dim light'), Darkvision('see with no light source at all'), etc", + "vision": "Vision", + "weaknesses-title": "Adverse conditions may apply if applicable (eg sunlight powerlessness/staggered)", + "weaknesses": " Weaknesses", + "weapon-attributes": "Weapon Attributes", + "weapon-default": "•Weapon", + "weapon-notes": "Weapon Notes", + "weapon": "Weapon", + "weaponmastery": "Weapon Mastery", + "weapons": "Weapons", + "weight-abbrv": "Wt", + "weight": "Weight", + "whisper-character-rolls": "PC rolls:", + "whisper-gm": "Roll: GM", + "whisper-non-player-character-rolls": "NPC rolls:", + "whisper-rolls-title": "GM or Public", + "whisper-to-game-master": "Whisper GM", + "white": "White", + "willpower-abbrv": "Will", + "willpower-calculation-abbrv": "Will Calc", + "willpower-save-abbrv": "Will Save", + "willpower-save": "Will Save", + "willpower": "Will", + "wisdom-abbrv-default": "•WIS", + "wisdom-abbrv": "WIS", + "wisdom-calculation-abbrv": "WIS Calc", + "wisdom-calculation-skills-abbrv": "Wis skills calc", + "wisdom-penalized-title": "Wisdom Penalized Penalties to ability scores only change the modifier, not the score itself For every 2 points of damage or penalty you take to an ability, apply a –1 penalty to relevant skills and statistics", + "wisdom-penalized": "WIS Penalized", + "wisdom-skills-abbrv": "WIS skills", + "wisdom": "Wisdom", + "worn-armor": "Worn Armor", + "worn-equipment-hardness-title": "The hardness of the item that helps prevent it from taking hit point damage", + "worn-equipment-hp-max-title": "The maximum possible hit points of the item", + "worn-equipment-hp-title": "The current hit points of the item", + "worn-equipment-migrated": "Worn Equipment", + "worn-equipment-name-title": "Brief description of the item", + "worn-equipment-quantity-title": "Quantity or charges If the item has charges, this is how many remain", + "worn-equipment-short-desc-title": "Short description of the item, may include macro text which will print to chat", + "worn-equipment-slot-title": "Set carried/not-carried or location if item being worn or carried now", + "worn-equipment-title": "The equipment currently worn by the character", + "worn-equipment-value-title": "The value of the item measured in gold pieces", + "worn-equipment-weight-title": "The weight of the item", + "worn-equipment": "Worn Equipment", + "worn-item-name": "Worn Item Name", + "worn-items": "Worn Items", + "worn-shield": "Worn Shield", + "worn": "Worn", + "wound-threshold": "Wound Threshold", + "wounded-title": "-2 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, as well as to AC and caster level", + "wounded": " Wounded ", + "wrist": "Wrist", + "yellow": "Yellow", + "Yes (Harmless)": "Yes (Harmless)", + "yes-default": "•Yes", + "yes-harmless-object": "Yes (Harmless, Object)", + "yes-harmless": "Yes (Harmless)", + "yes-object": "Yes (Object)", + "yes-or-custom": "Yes or Custom", + "yes": "Yes", + "Yes": "Yes", + "young": "Young" +} \ No newline at end of file