We offer training and tutorials for the scientists and researchers new to high throughput computing. As part of our training service we are offering an extended Software Carpentry workshop which augments instruction on basic Linux tools and programming with tutorials on using distributed high throughput computing workflows. These workshops are run by the OSG staff and instructors from Software Carpentry.
- RMACC, Boulder, August 15-17, 2017 (comming soon)
- PEARC17, New Orleans, July 9-13, 2017 (comming soon)
- Open Science Grid Mini-Workshop at University of Chicago, April 9th, 2015
- Joint Open Science Grid - Software Carpentry Workshop at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLAB), May 17-19, 2017
- Joint Open Science Grid - Software Carpentry Workshop at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, January 6-8, 2016
- Joint Open Science Grid - Software Carpentry Workshop at Duke University, October 27-29th 2015
- Joint Open Science Grid - Software Carpentry Workshop at IUPUI, Indianapolis. March 3-6th 2015
- Joint Open Science Grid - Software Carpentry Workshop at The University of Chicago, December 15-17th 2014