All user accounts on OSG-Connect have a directory that is automatically web accessible. This directory is located at ~/data/public. To make a file or directory accessible, copy it to this directory or a subdirectory of this directory and give files permissions of 644 and directories permissions of 755. E.g. :
$ cd ~/osg-stash_http
$ cp random_words ~/data/public
$ chmod 644 ~/data/public/random_words
$ cp -a test_directory ~/data/public/test_directory
$ chmod 755 ~/data/public/test_directory
$ chmod 644 ~/data/public/test_directory/test_file
All the contents of the public directory are made available over HTTP. Go to to view the files and directory that you just made available in the previous section. You can also use wget to retrieve the files, e.g:
$ cd ~/osg-stash_http
$ mkdir tmp
$ cd tmp
$ wget --no-check-certificate