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ADCS - AI/Data Oracle System The Agentic Data Coordination System (ADCS) is an example project that demonstrates how to build an AI agent capable of automatically trading memecoins. This project serves as a connectivity module and represents the next evolution in data infrastructure tailored specifically for AI Agents. Designed to revolutionize the future of Artificial Intelligence, ADCS builds an expansive data network that emphasizes rapid validation and ultra-low latency.

ADCS Folder Functionality

The adcs folder contains the core smart contracts and related code for the ADCS system. It includes:

  • Smart Contracts: Solidity contracts that define the core functionalities of the ADCS network, located in the src directory.
  • Deployment Scripts: Hardhat deployment scripts in the deploy directory, used to deploy contracts to various networks.
  • Libraries: Custom libraries such as ADCS.sol, Buffer.sol, and CBOR.sol in the libraries directory, which provide utilities for data encoding and decoding.
  • Interfaces: Interface definitions in the interfaces directory for interacting with external contracts.
  • Scripts: Helper scripts in the scripts directory for tasks like migrations and utilities.
  • Configuration Files: Configuration files like hardhat.config.ts, .eslintrc, .prettierrc, and package.json for setting up the development environment.
  • Type Definitions: Generated TypeScript typings in the typechain directory, facilitating type-safe contract interactions.
  • Tests: Test scripts located in the test directory to ensure the contracts function as expected.
  • Migration Data: Migration JSON files in the migration directory, detailing deployment configurations for different networks.

Core Contracts Explanation


Located at adcs/src/mock/MockTradeMemeCoin.sol, this is the main contract of the ADCS system. It implements an AI agent that automatically trades memecoins based on data fetched from the ADCS network.

Key Features:

  • Automated Trading: Executes trades of memecoins on Uniswap V3 based on signals received from the AI agent.
  • Data Requests: Uses the ADCS network to request data that determines whether to buy or sell a memecoin.
  • Memecoin Management: Allows adding new memecoins to trade and manages a list of available memecoins.
  • Integration with Uniswap V3: Utilizes Uniswap V3's ISwapRouter for executing trades.

Main Functions:

  • requestTradeMemeCoin: Initiates a data request to the ADCS network.
  • fulfillDataRequest: Called by the ADCS coordinator to fulfill the data request and trigger a trade.
  • tradeMemeCoin: Executes the buy or sell trade on Uniswap V3 based on the data received.
  • addMemeCoin: Adds a new memecoin to the list of tradable tokens.
  • setWethAmountForTrade: Sets the amount of WETH to use for trading.


An abstract contract that serves as the base for consumer contracts interacting with the ADCS coordinator. It initializes data requests and verifies the fulfillment.


Defines abstract contracts for fulfilling data requests of different data types. MockTradeMemeCoin.sol extends ADCSConsumerFulfillStringAndBool to handle responses containing a string (memecoin name) and a boolean (buy/sell signal).

Interfaces and Libraries

  • Interfaces (interfaces directory): Define the necessary interfaces for interacting with the ADCS coordinator and token contracts.
  • Libraries (libraries directory): Include utility libraries like ADCS.sol for building data requests and Buffer.sol for handling dynamic byte buffers.

Deployment Guide

Follow these steps to deploy the MockTradeMemeCoin.sol contract:


  • Node.js and NPM: Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed.
  • Hardhat: This project uses Hardhat for compiling and deploying contracts.
  • Environment Variables: Create an .env file based on .env.example with your deployment configurations.


  1. Install Dependencies

    Navigate to the adcs directory and install the required npm packages:

    cd adcs
    npm install   ```
  2. Configure Environment Variables

    Create a .env file in the adcs directory by copying .env.example:

    cp .env.example .env   ```
    Fill in the necessary environment variables in the `.env` file:
    BASE_PROVIDER=your_base_provider_url   ```
  3. Compile Contracts

    Compile the smart contracts using Hardhat:

    npx hardhat compile   ```
  4. Set Deployment Configuration

    Ensure that the deployment script adcs/deploy/memeTrade/deploy.ts is properly configured with the network and contract addresses. Check the migration JSON files in adcs/migration/{network}/tradeMeme/ and update them if necessary.

  5. Deploy the Contract

    Deploy MockTradeMemeCoin.sol to your desired network using Hardhat:

    npx hardhat deploy --network your_network_name --tags MockTradeMemeCoin   ```
    Replace `your_network_name` with the target network specified in `hardhat.config.ts` (e.g., `arbitrum`, `base`, `hardhat`).
  6. Verify Deployment

    After deployment, you can verify the contract on the block explorer (if supported):

    npx hardhat verify --network your_network_name deployed_contract_address constructor_arguments   ```
    Replace `deployed_contract_address` with the address of the deployed contract and `constructor_arguments` with any arguments passed to the constructor.
  7. Interact with the Contract

    • Add Memecoins: Use the addMemeCoin function to add memecoins that the contract can trade.
      await mockTradeMemeCoin.addMemeCoin("MEME", "0xMemecoinAddress", 18);     ```
    • Request Trade: Initiate a trade request using requestTradeMemeCoin by providing the appropriate jobId and callbackGasLimit.
      const requestId = await mockTradeMemeCoin.requestTradeMemeCoin(jobId, gasLimit);     ```
    • Fulfill Data Request: The ADCS coordinator will fulfill the data request by calling fulfillDataRequest, triggering the trade.
  8. Fund the Contract

    Ensure the contract has enough WETH for trading:

    • Wrap ETH to WETH: Send ETH to the WETH contract to receive WETH.
    • Transfer WETH to Contract: Transfer the required amount of WETH to the MockTradeMemeCoin contract.
  9. Test the Trading Functionality

    Verify that the contract can successfully trade memecoins by simulating data fulfillment or interacting with the ADCS network to provide real data.

Additional Information

For more detailed information about the contracts and their functionalities, refer to the comments within each contract file in the src directory. If you encounter any issues during deployment or execution, ensure that all dependencies are correctly installed and that your environment variables are properly configured.