Core Features 2.1. Agent Lifecycle Management - Agent Creation and Initialization - State Management and Persistence - Graceful Shutdown and Recovery - Health Monitoring and Auto-healing
2.2. Swarm Orchestration - Dynamic Swarm Formation - Role-based Agent Organization - Task Distribution and Load Balancing - Consensus Mechanisms
2.3. Communication Patterns - P2P Direct Messaging - Pub/Sub Event System - Broadcast Communications - Message Queuing and Persistence
2.4. Resource Management - Compute Resource Sharing - Storage Allocation - Memory Management - Resource Discovery
2.5. Security & Access Control - Agent Authentication - Capability-based Security - Encryption for Data in Transit - Access Token Management
Getting Started 3.1. Installation 3.2. Quick Start - Create an Agent - Form a Swarm - Implement Communication
Advanced Usage 4.1. Custom Behaviors 4.2. Swarm Policies
- Decentralized agent coordination
- Fault-tolerant operations
- Efficient resource utilization
- Secure communication channels
- Cross-platform compatibility
Swarms serve as the fundamental building block for multi-agent systems, providing:
- Dynamic agent grouping
- Resource pooling
- Task distribution
- Collective decision-making
- Decentralization: Removes reliance on central controllers, enabling agents to operate independently.
- Resilience: Built-in fault tolerance ensures that agents can self-heal and adapt to failures.
- Cost Efficiency: Optimized resource sharing reduces operational costs by making efficient use of available assets.
- Security: Cryptographic verification mechanisms prevent unauthorized access and ensure trust among agents.
- Interoperability: Supports a wide range of applications, from cloud computing to IoT and AI systems.
Efficient Communication:
- Enable real-time messaging with minimal latency.
- Support direct, relayed, and broadcast communication models.
Resource Optimization:
- Facilitate the sharing of computing power, storage, and network bandwidth.
- Dynamic resource allocation to balance workload.
Security & Trust:
- Implement authentication, authorization, and encryption mechanisms.
- Provide reputation scoring to establish trust between agents.
- Seamless expansion to accommodate growing workloads and additional agents.
- Efficient task distribution within swarms of varying sizes.
- Allow agents to make independent decisions based on predefined logic.
- Self-monitoring and self-healing capabilities for improved reliability.
The Agent Swarm Protocol has applications in various industries, including but not limited to:
Cloud Resource Allocation:
- Dynamic management and scaling of cloud-based computing resources.
- Load balancing among agents based on demand.
Autonomous Fleet Coordination:
- Coordinated movement and decision-making for autonomous drones and vehicles.
- Real-time route optimization and collision avoidance.
Decentralized AI Training:
- Enabling distributed machine learning where agents contribute processing power.
- Secure data sharing while maintaining privacy compliance.
Supply Chain Automation:
- Optimizing logistics operations by tracking goods, predicting demands, and managing inventories.
- Adaptive response to real-time disruptions.
IoT Device Management:
- Efficient coordination and communication between smart devices in an IoT ecosystem.
- Automated responses to environmental changes.
import { Agent, AgentConfig } from '@rome-sdk/agents';
import { Swarm, SwarmConfig } from '@rome-sdk/swarm';
const config: AgentConfig = {
id: 'agent-001',
capabilities: ['compute', 'storage'],
resources: {
maxMemory: '1GB',
maxCPU: 2
const agent = new Agent(config);
await agent.initialize();
// ...existing state management code...
// ...existing graceful shutdown and recovery code...
// ...existing health monitoring and auto-healing code...
const swarmConfig: SwarmConfig = {
name: 'processing-swarm',
minAgents: 3,
maxAgents: 10,
consensusStrategy: 'raft'
const swarm = new Swarm(swarmConfig);
await swarm.addAgent(agent);
// ...existing role-based agent organization code...
const task = new Task({
id: 'task-001',
priority: 'HIGH',
timeout: '5m'
await swarm.distributeTask(task, {
strategy: 'round-robin',
retries: 3
// ...existing consensus mechanisms code...
// Subscribe to events
agent.on('message', async (message) => {
console.log('Received:', message);
// Send message to another agent
await agent.sendMessage('agent-002', {
payload: { taskId: 'task-001' }
// ...existing pub/sub event system code...
// ...existing broadcast communications code...
// ...existing message queuing and persistence code...
// Share resources
await agent.shareResource({
type: 'COMPUTE',
amount: '500MB',
target: 'agent-003',
duration: '30m'
// Monitor usage
agent.on('resource-usage', (metrics) => {
console.log('Current usage:', metrics);
// ...existing storage allocation code...
// ...existing memory management code...
// ...existing resource discovery code...
import { SecurityManager } from '@rome-sdk/core';
const security = new SecurityManager({
encryption: 'AES-256',
tokenValidity: '24h'
const token = await security.generateToken(agent.id);
// Grant capability
await agent.grantCapability('storage-access', {
target: 'agent-002',
duration: '1h',
permissions: ['read', 'write']
// Use capability
await agent.useCapability('storage-access', {
operation: 'write',
data: buffer
// ...existing encryption for data in transit code...
// ...existing access token management code...
npm install @rome-sdk/core @rome-sdk/agents @rome-sdk/swarm
import { Agent, AgentConfig } from '@rome-sdk/agents';
import { Swarm, SwarmConfig } from '@rome-sdk/swarm';
const config: AgentConfig = {
id: 'agent-001',
capabilities: ['compute', 'storage'],
resources: {
maxMemory: '1GB',
maxCPU: 2
const agent = new Agent(config);
await agent.initialize();
const swarmConfig: SwarmConfig = {
name: 'processing-swarm',
minAgents: 3,
maxAgents: 10,
consensusStrategy: 'raft'
const swarm = new Swarm(swarmConfig);
await swarm.addAgent(agent);
// Subscribe to events
agent.on('message', async (message) => {
console.log('Received:', message);
// Send message to another agent
await agent.sendMessage('agent-002', {
payload: { taskId: 'task-001' }
class CustomAgent extends Agent {
async onMessageReceived(message: Message) {
// Custom message handling
async onResourceRequest(request: ResourceRequest) {
// Custom resource handling
const policy = new SwarmPolicy({
scaling: {
minAgents: 5,
maxAgents: 20,
scalingFactor: 1.5
resourceLimits: {
maxMemoryPerAgent: '2GB',
maxCPUPerAgent: 4
security: {
requireEncryption: true,
tokenRefreshInterval: '6h'
await swarm.applyPolicy(policy);
- Initialize your swarm with different agent types:
import { Swarm, RAgent } from '@rome-sdk/core';
// Create different types of agents
const dataAgent = new RAgent({
type: 'RD',
capabilities: ['query', 'transform']
const computeAgent = new RAgent({
type: 'RC',
capabilities: ['execute', 'monitor']
// Create swarm with agents
const swarm = new Swarm({
name: 'processing-swarm',
agents: [dataAgent, computeAgent],
config: {
communicationPattern: 'mesh',
resourceSharing: true
- Define communication patterns:
// Setup pub/sub communication
pattern: 'pubsub',
topics: ['data-requests', 'compute-results']
// Subscribe to topics
dataAgent.subscribe('compute-results', async (message) => {
await dataAgent.processResults(message);
computeAgent.subscribe('data-requests', async (message) => {
const result = await computeAgent.processData(message.data);
await computeAgent.publish('compute-results', result);
- Implement direct messaging:
// Enable direct communication between agents
routes: [
{from: 'dataAgent', to: 'computeAgent'},
{from: 'computeAgent', to: 'dataAgent'}
- Configure resource sharing policies:
policy: {
cpu: {
maxSharedPercentage: 80,
priorityQueue: true
memory: {
maxSharedGB: 16,
reserveAmount: '4GB'
// Implement resource requests
type: 'cpu',
amount: '4cores',
duration: '10m'
- Set up task distribution patterns:
const taskManager = swarm.createTaskManager({
strategy: 'round-robin',
balancing: 'load-based',
retry: {
maxAttempts: 3,
backoff: 'exponential'
// Define and distribute tasks
const task = new Task({
type: 'data-processing',
priority: 'high',
dependencies: ['data-fetch', 'compute']
await taskManager.distribute(task);
- Data Processing Pipeline:
const dataPipeline = swarm.createPipeline({
name: 'data-processing',
stages: [
name: 'fetch',
agent: dataAgent,
action: 'fetchData'
name: 'process',
agent: computeAgent,
action: 'processData'
name: 'store',
agent: dataAgent,
action: 'storeResults'
// Execute pipeline
await dataPipeline.execute({
input: {
source: 'database-1',
query: 'SELECT * FROM users'
- Real-time Monitoring System:
const monitoringSystem = swarm.createMonitor({
agents: ['computeAgent', 'dataAgent'],
metrics: ['cpu', 'memory', 'tasks'],
interval: '1s',
alerts: {
cpu: {threshold: 90, action: 'scale'},
memory: {threshold: 85, action: 'cleanup'}
// Start monitoring
- Fault-Tolerant Job Processing:
const jobProcessor = swarm.createJobProcessor({
queue: 'high-priority',
workers: {
min: 2,
max: 5,
scaleOn: 'queue-size'
fallback: {
strategy: 'retry-with-backup',
maxAttempts: 3
// Submit jobs
await jobProcessor.submit({
type: 'data-analysis',
data: largeDataset,
timeout: '5m'
Detailed API documentation is available at: ...
Please read our Contributing Guide for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.